Broken Pieces

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"Are you ok Bucky?", Steve asks his boyfriend, "Missed you on breakfast and our morning run".

He'd stayed in their room, having barely even reacted to Steve earlier that day. "I'm fine" Bucky monotones, "just tired".

Steve sighs, "Bucky, don't do this. We promised to talk to each other, that we wouldn't drown in our own emotions". He sits next to the other on their bed. Staring intently at Bucky as he finishes his plea.

Bucky looks down at his feet, a slow breath escaping him. "It's the kid".

"Yeah... I miss him too Buck", Steve lays his hand on buck's shoulder, him turning to face the Captain. "Talk to me". Bucky slides down on the bed, back on the mattress facing the roof, Steve copying the action next to him. "He was there for me Steve, the first time we talked he was there for me, to pull me out of my spiral".

Steve grabs Bucky's hand, the latter side glancing his boyfriend before continuing. "He's the reason I'm an avenger now, he's the reason we're together, he's even the reason we have this very promise". Buck digs his fingers into his palm, Steve noticing this frustration as the man continues through his next point. "Now he's blocked us, and he's probably on his own spiral and there's nothing I can do. I hate being powerless Steve, I hate it".

He growls passively, his rage clear as Steve scooches closer, snuggling gently. "Why?".

The room remains silent, Bucky's slow heavy breaths the only discernible sound preparing his reply. "HYDRA. They gave me super strength, a vibranium arm, and they trained me in so many horrible skills I wish I never had", his rage grows through his monologue, the room returning to deep breaths as he stops to cool.

"But in spite of it all, I have never felt so powerless. I had no choice, no autonomy, no control of my own destiny Steve". They stare into each other's eyes, the soldiers usually reserved eyes dropping their defences, only now showing the mountains of pain behind them.

Steve's heart breaks. "That's why you were so invested in becoming an avenger". He voices his realisation, a small cry of pain along with it, Bucky nodding in confirmation. "That's why you hate pity, makes you feel like a lost cause, powerless to improve".

"Yeah", Bucky whispers, the weakness in his eyes spreading to his voice. "So now that the kid's in trouble, and I can't help....", he trails off, the thought silencing him.

"Makes you feel impotent, helpless".

Bucky nods as he sits up, Steve alongside him as he digs through his pocket. "And it's not just about him blocking us, or movie night, it's this", He passes a satin string bag to Steve, who opens it as quick as he can.

"Pfft", he cracks into historical laughter at its contents, elation mildly reflected by Bucky. "Really Bucky? Really?", Steve deadpans once his laughing fit ends. Bucky shrugs. "It was the kid's idea, and I thought they would match your army ones", he explains, a subtle smirk peaking out.

"But dog tags, really? Did it need to be bone shaped?", Bucky chuckles at Steve's question, "Uh, yeah". He replies as if the answer was obvious.

"And Steeb? S-t-e-e-b?". Buck lifts his hands in defence, "Hey, that was the kid's idea, not mine". Bucky then pulls Steve by the collar of his shirt, closing the gap between then until their faces were an inch apart. "Besides, good golden retrievers get presents", he growls, adding a mocking bark at the end that earns him a blush and an eye roll.

The soldier pulls away letting Steve look over and fidget with the tag. "And the address? Is that-".

"The alley where we met", Bucky answers before Steve has the chance to ask. "It's where I found my favourite stray". Steve doesn't even react at the dog joke, much more touched by the gesture as he pulls Barnes by his collar. "You don't just get to do something hopelessly romantic and tease me without giving me a kiss". Steve rectifies that mistake.

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