Darkness Is The Only Light: M...

By Psycho_xbabyx

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**in which a criminal finds his interest in a young orphan and toxicity dances with possessiveness like waltz... More

Chapter 1 | The ones that got away
Author's note
Chapter 2 | The devil inside
Chapter 3 | I own you
Chapter 4 | The bonds that bind us
Chapter 5 | You can't fix me
Chapter 6 | Enough of your attitude!
Chapter 7 | Those days in the sun
Chapter 8 | You can't blame me darling
Chapter 9 | Now your mess is mine
Chapter 10 | One of them, one of five
Chapter 11 | His? I think not
Chapter 12 | The God from hell
Chapter 13 | It shouldn't be this way
Chapter 14 | Do not wander off
Chapter 15 | Good girl
Chapter 16 | Mistake
Chapter 17 | Whore
Chapter 18 | Right in the feels
Chapter 19 | Missed me little girl?
Chapter 20 | First time affection
Chapter 21 | Crossing the line
Chapter 22 | Mafia's morning
Chapter 23 | Feel better baby
Chapter 24 | Tired teardrops
Chapter 25 | Taking care of me
Chapter 26 | Broken?
Chapter 27 | Heated
Chapter 28 | A tiny feeling
Chapter 29 | His possesion
Chapter 30 | Messed up emotions
Chapter 31 | He'll make you cry
Chapter 32 | Fierce green eyes
Chapter 34 | New boss
Chapter 35 | Calling his name
Chapter 36 | Shot you down
Chapter 37 | I can't last long
Chapter 38 | If he only knew
Chapter 39 | Bad habit
Chapter 40 | Scars
Chapter 41 | Before I was God
Chapter 42 | On his lap
Chapter 43 | Puppy
Chapter 44 | Dancing in the sun
Chapter 45 | Daddy
Chapter 46 | Isn't it lovely? All alone
Chapter 47 | Little white dress
Chapter 48 | His baby, his
Chapter 49 | Dark desires
Chapter 50 | Lavender blue
Chapter 51 | Isn't it pretty? How affection dances with abuse
Chapter 52 | Like a loaded gun to my head

Chapter 33 | Kiss daddy goodbye

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By Psycho_xbabyx

Morning after that terrible nightmare and more terrible association with him in my room, Laura came to pay me a visit before her shift started, as she promised.

Thankfully I fell back asleep rather quickly last night and haven't seen him when I woke up. He was long gone. Thank God. He acted like a bit of an asshole honestly.. it's not my fault that those dreams make me scream and all on edge. It's not like I wanted for his guards to point their guns on me. Ugh, why did they even insist on telling him about it? Who'd understand..

Anyway enough about him.

So today was a good day, Laura brought us some different nail polish and some face masks as well. We had a girls day. It was absolutely what I needed. I can't be constantly kept at gunpoint with Demetrios. Being constantly under stress that even the bare sight of him is causing me.

Constantly figuring out how or what I feel. Ugh, it's so messed up. Expecially after he called me a whore and looked at me with that cold emotionless face. Not going to lie, that words did hurt me a bit. Althought they really shouldn't, he means nothing to me.

Except this fucked up sexual, erotic tension his god-carved presence is creating between us, there is nothing else.

He'a a murderer, a sadist and, most certainly, at least a confirmed sociopath.
A monster.

Anyway, Laura stayed with me for a few hours, she also brought me lunch to my room. After painting my nails in dark red colour we put on some face masks and of course had to gossip a little. It was mostly about Jane, but also some stuff about her boyfriend and maid duties. Uh, and definitely we cursed them murderers living in this house over and over again.

Then, unfortunately, at late afternoon she had to leave to work, leaving me back at being all alone in my room.

Deciding that it's time to wipe off the amazingly mosturizing second face mask that's currently still all over my face, I stand up from my bed-- oh, wait should I say Demetrios' bed.

I mentally vomit and roll my eyes.

Anyway, I head to the bathroom.

Leaning over my-- ehm, his sink, I clean up my face with cold water. Since it is rather late I decide that it's now time to finish off the girls day in style with taking a long hot shower, meanwhile washing my hair.

Stepping into the shower I let warm water pour over my sensetive skin. After taking my time doing all of my business I step out of the shower, wrapping my body in a big white towel, drying up my hair with a cotton t-shirt--> you all know how messy curls/waves can get right (crying on the inside).

Wrapping my hair into the t-shirt I step back to the sink and start brushing my teeth.

Few minutes later my business in the bathroom is nearly finished. Sliding the towel off my body I rub it through my skin for the last time and throw it into the laundry basket.

Naked, with only a shirt wrapped around my head, I walk back towards my bed and closet. Opening up the wooden closet doors I go through my pjyama drawer to find something suitable for sleeping. Although, per usual, I am trying to be fully dressed in this house, with little skin to show, but there is honestly nothing worse than being hot in bed. Nope. Not for me.

With that thought in my mind I pick up the only summer pjyama set I have. It's cute to die for though. It has koala on it wooh.

Stepping into the shorts I slide them up and adjust them around my waist then taking the top and put it on, readjusting my boobs a little as they get stuck in the process. Uh, proper meals are starting to show on my curves I guess. But no biggie, in fact I like myself a lot more like that, am not starved anymore thankfully.

Finished with dressing up for a night date with my bed I decide to let my damp curls loose. Unwrapping the t-shirt, I hang it over one of the hangers so it could dry when I hear a knock on the doors.

Who could be at this hour? Lightly frowning I walk over to the entrance, pushing on the knob I slowly open them.

My eyes landing on a tall man, formally dressed standing in front of me. My eyes flicking up as I'm done analysing his body they land on his face and I manage to recognize him. It's Alexei, he was there when that very unfortunate party by the pool occured a big while ago.

Light chuckle escaping his lips causes for realization of how I look hitting me and heat immediately rises up my cheeks. You know, wearing a sleepy koala over my chest, my boobs taut in this top, bottom way too short to be showing myself off like that, wet hair and staring at him with confussion across my fce, probably looking like a small idiot.

"Come with me" his voice is heard above me.

I react, my heart already pounding faster. I have to leave? Where to?

I weakly nod, stepping aside I quickly put on the black flip flops I have near by and leave through the doors, joining him on the hallway. His figure leading the way I follow, but let myself walk a few steps behind him. Oh, I feel so naked. I just hope we won't run into any more men lurking around this mansion on our way.

Wait, where are we going exactly?

"Where are we going?" Soft voice leaves my mouth as I fasten my step and am now walking only one step behind him.

"Boss's office" the words strike me and I already swallow. Must I see Dimitri really every goddamn day? Usually even more times per day.

Reaching the elevator we step inside. Placing myself near the wall I try to keep myself calm. I have no idea what to expect. What does he even want from me at this hour?

Perhaps he'd like to call me a whore some more and shame me. Sounds like him.

Elevator dings as its doors open at top floor and Alexei leads the way past the reception desk, further down the big hallway.

Stopping after few more steps "you know the way right" he says and leaves me standing there alone.

I know the way too well.

Taking a deep breath I continue my way to the final double doors, lightly squeezing my hand into fist I gently knock two times.

I don't hear any answer, but when I am summoned there usually isn't one as he is clearly expecting me. Lightly pushing down on the knob I open the doors just a little, so I could really only peak through.

My eyes taking in a small part of his desk, but the hole is too small to see if he's there or not. Realizing that if he's, by any chance, staring at the doors as he must've heard the knock, then I must look like an idiot peaking through like that. With that thought I push, opening the doors wider.

My eyes sweep through the office, quickly taking in his big figure sitting behind his desk. Dressed into his classy black suit he looks like he's pretty busy. His eyes are pointed down on some white papers on his desk, weilding a black pen between his long fingers, it doesn't seem like he even noticed me coming inside.

I let myself observe his figure for a moment longer, but should I now let him know that I'm here? Well, he looks pretty caught up in work and what, if that papers are really important? But, on the other hand, he was the one who called me here.

Am about to slightly cough to gain his attention when I hear his deep voice filling up all the space between us.

"I find staring a bit rude, little girl" his mouth move. Oh, shit, obviously he did notice me coming in.

Pushing his head back as I remain quiet, his dark green eyes meet mine and the eye contact alone is enough to make me really nervous. "Don't you?" slightly frowning at me.

"Uh-- yes" I confess, slightly bowing my head. He does it to me all the time, I do find it rude. But am not going to start this debate now.

Gentle hum vibrating through his lips before I notice his eyes scanning me up and down, clearly enjoying my apperance. Embarrassement overflows me and heat rises up to my cheeks. Standing in his office, dressed in a short PJ set that is really only suited for bed and not to be wandering around in it is surely making me want to kick myself.

Small evil smirk grows on his soft lips as he eyes me up and down again.

Yes, it is koala.

Cute, right?

"I woke you?" He questions me with a little tease in tone as he must've noticed how embarrassed I am. Glancing down to his rolex "is it past your bedtime yet?"

I don't know when he thinks my bedtime is, but it is pretty inappropriate from him to call me at this late hour.

"Um" I lightly cough "n-no you didn't wake me, I was just going to bed." I respond, moving my sweaty palms together I start playing with my fingers.

Ignoring my answer "you've been under shower?"

I nod "yes" as my damp curls make it pretty obvious.

He nods, looking at me for another moment before getting his attention back on that papers "take a seat" he commands me "I'll join you in a moment"

I do as told, glancing over to the minibar area I walk over there, sitting down on one of the black sofas surrounding the coffee table.

I keep my thighs tightly pressed together as I'm sitting down, those shorts don't really help reducing down the nervousness. My hands resting on my bare thighs I play with my fingers for a minute more or so, my look always pointed downwards.

Then I hear his chair moving, my heart fastening its beat. Glancing up towards his desk I see him standing up, making his way around the big desk, walking over to bar area. To me. Ugh.

He walks past the sofa, headed to the bar counter. Soon I hear some glasses lightly clattering and as he turns around I notice his tattooed knuckles being wrapped around a crystal glass filled with vodka.

Leaning his back against the counter I feel his gaze on me long before he finally puts the glass to his mouth, taking a sip.

Look who's staring now.

I bow beneath the tenison of his gaze, glancing over the office so my appearance wouldn't make it so obvious that I'm on edge already.

The sound of his heavy footsteps forces me to look back his way, paying attention to his doing again. He walks closer to the sofas, his posture reflecting so much confidence he looks very intimidating, but God, unfortunately so sexy as well.

Putting the glass on the coffee table he then tugs onto his black suit jacket, sliding it off his body he hangs it over one of the armchairs. Now standing in only his black tee I see his defined arms and chest, his muscles tense beneath the fabric. He could easily just take the shirt off and set them free. Just a thought.

Cali stop it.

His bulky figure then sits down on the sofa, the one that is directly across from me. Looking over to me our eyes right away accidently meet and I quickly look aside to avoid it, redness coming to my face again.

Hearing a deep chuckle vibrating from his wide chest I swallow down the pooled saliva.

"Are you cold or just so excited to see me, little girl?" His deep voice is heard from in front of me.

Huh? Excited to see him?

I look back at him, slighly frowning as I have no idea what is he applying to. "Uh?" I mumble.

Slightly rising up his black eyebrow a teasy smirk appears on his face and his chest lets out another chuckle.

Uh? Seriously what is so funny?

I still don't get it, looking at him with even more cluelessness placed across my face.

His face turning back to emotionless his hand slightly moves, his index finger pointing on my chest "your nipples are hard"


Immediately looking down I see that he's talking the truth and my nipples are seen through my top. My throat urging out a gasp, embarrassed and startled I quickly cross my arms over my chest, hugging myself to cover up my titties "s-sorry" I usher out.

His body moves with another chuckle as he's clearly very enjoying himself with my embarrassment. Taking the crystal glass back into his hand he takes another sip, the gold ring on his middle finger almost impossible to ignore.

Urge to get to the bottom of why must I be here, why does he need me at this hour is screaming inside me, but still I don't dare to break it to him. Rather I just wait that he'll explain it to me himself.

Leaning back against the backrest, his dark eyes demand my attention before he speaks "does this seem familiar?" he asks, his hand showing on the position of our sitting figures.

I frown, blinking a couple of times. Why would he ask me that?

Sure we've been in this situation before. Most precisely, that evening when he arranged my selling to that American. We've been sitting exactly the way we are now. Well, the only difference is that this time I'm not forced to sit on Bradford's lap. Chill runs down my spine as I remember that night and all that's happened. I don't like to remember that day.

"Uh" I mumble as I finally push back those memories "I guess" rubbing my palms together.

Chuckle escaping his mouth he continues with staring directly at me "you guess?" teasingly rising his eyebrow "at this very spot I was discussing your price with Bradford" he tells me, his index finger showing on our position again "do you remember, little girl?" he questions me, traumaric memories trying to come forward "it was right here where you were begging me with your teary eyes and he didn't like it."

I protest as my mind refuses to listen and his words cause the memories to come rushing in. I relieve the moment.

Sitting on that man's lap I hear him groan while moving his fingers from my thigh up past my private parts, to my belly and sliding it over my cleavage. I let out a whimper. I don't want him to touch me.

Again I look towards the boss of russian mafia for help. Do something, anything. Please.

But he doesn't do anything, not even bothering with this situation.

Next thing I know that man grabs my jaw, forcing me to turn my head and look at him. Pain strikes through me and I whimper. My eyes meet his, there is way too little space between our faces.

"I said don't look at him!" He half shouts into my face.

"I-I won't, I won't!" I cry out.

Groaning I quickly shake it off, not letting this images in my mind to continue.

"I see you remember" his deep voice gains my attention again and my eyes shoot up to his. His hand moves up, pointing to the office doors "right over there I cut off your poor attempt of escape"

No, please stop.

"Plea-" I try, but my soft voice is ran over by his deep one.

"There it was where you begged me to kill you"

My eyes stuck onto office doors another wave of memories takes over.


Next thing I know I let out a whimper as my back is hit against the hard wall. "Oh, oww!"

Soon I realize that I'm trapped between the wall and the boss of Russian mafia. Each of his muscular arms is placed on the wall on each side of my head. As I look up I see a very angry pair of dark eyes staring down at me.

"Did you seriously think that you could escape? I was wondering the time you would break, but couldn't imagine such a lame try."

"You can't give me to him." I whisper, my eyes watering again.

"I can." He asures me. "And I will."

"No." I beg. "No, you can't! He will rape me, please!" I cry out shaking my head.

"That's enough!" His deep voice commands roughly before his hands grab me.

"No!" I scream out loud, tears streaming down my cheeks. My fists start punching on his stone hard chest. "He'll rape me!"

Next moment I feel his big hand wrapped around my neck, hitting me back against the wall.

"I suggest you don't piss me off!" He roars, his hand pressing on my neck just enough to keep me from twisting and punching.

"Please." I beg again, this time more calmly. "I-I won't survive that." I sob.

His eyes are still staring down at me, his hand around my neck making sure I don't run away. "I don't care."

"Th-Then kill me." I stutter.

Shaking my head I once again fight to get rid of the vision. Barely I stop my relieving.

Before gathering myself enough so my mouth could open his voice fills the room again.

"Do you remember where I stood when you ran to me?" He asks, his face emotionless and cold, swirling that glass of vodka in his hand. I'm here freaking out and he's completely unbothered. "Do you?" He asks again, forcing me to call up that memory.

Looking aside to the bar counter I finally please him "o-over there" I mumble trying so hard not to relieve it, but pretty soon the memory of his tall figure flashes through my mind and it all comes back to me again.

And there he stands. His cruel eyes staring at this situation, hard look pressed on his face. His body position alone telling me that the only one who can protect me right now is him. Then he gives me a warning look, shaking his head.

It's too late for that.

The doors are too far away, he's not.

"I'll have you killed!" Edgar roars, lashing towards me.

I take an action, swiftly I slide past the old rapist, pushing him off my way. I run like crazy, gasping for air untill I reach his figure.

I take one last push, jumping in the air towards his body. I fall directly into his arms, on my luck he catches me.
I don't waste any time, before he could push me away from him I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him as tightly as I can.

I hear terrible growl coming from behind and I know that Edgar is pissed as hell which makes me tremble.

"Cali, let go." I hear Dimitri's voice above me, following by slight pushes on my shoulders.

I shake my head. Burying my face into his chest completely. Don't let him take me, please. "N-no." I whimper into his chest.

"Cali." He repeats with his warning tone. "I said move." Then the pushes become stronger. I wrap my arms around him even tighter, using all of my strengh to remain as I am.

"P-Please" I beg, sniffing into his black button down "don't push me away."

My throat tightening I let out a groan as I feel my eyes slowly starting to tear up. I don't want to remember any of this. That was truly a terrible, terrible day.

"Mm" the chest of a mob boss vibrating with a mumble as he observes my reactions "quite a mess you made that day" he says, putting an empty glass down on the coffee table "a mess I then took as mine" his cold eyes sending a chill down my spine.

His expression makes me gulp. I just want him to stop talking about that day.

His eyes staring directly at mine with a deadly hold, making it impossible to look away. "It was here where negotiations went south and he was stupid enough to make a threat against something of mine" he reminds me "here I declared war."

My chest tightens as a ball gets stuck in my throat and my eyes start to tear up again. It seems like a lifetime ago that Bradford threatened me and Dimitri starting a war with him, but still I can't help but to feel so emotional about it. It was all my fault and man's threats really scared me.

Doesn't matter how hard I try, my mind refuses to listen and another wave of past mistakes comes rushing in.

"Don't look at her." I hear Dimitri snap with a tone that brutal it makes me flinch. "This is between you and me."

"The hell it is." He responds, still staring at me. "Don't you fucking think for a moment that you've escaped me" he growls towards me "there is nowhere that you'll be safe from me. No matter where you hide, I will come and I will make you pay in the worst ways your childish mind can imagine."

Next moment I see Dimitri towering over him again, his muscular hand lashes foward, pushing onto his chest, making Edgar stumbling backwards. "I said back off!" He roars at him.
Next moment Dimitri's hands grab Edgar's suit, lifting him up on his level, gritting his teeth at him. "She's mine" he growls "you come at her, you come at me."

Then he lets him go, Edgar stumbles backwards again.
"Now you want a war?" His russian accent snaps. "Congratulations, you got yourself a war."

My throat urging out a whimper I rub my hand through my eyes, cutting off the flashback. My chest starts tightening again, my body slightly shuddering.

I don't want to relieve this anymore. I have enough.

"P-please" I stutter pleading, with trouble my eyes glance over to his figure "why do we have to talk about that? Why suddenly bring it up?"

Hearing his deep sigh above he then slowly leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees. With his fingers interwined and with the gesture of leaning down he looks like he's about to talk to a small child as his eyes lock with mine, not letting me look away.

"Because now the time has come for me to finish what we started that day" he explains, his steady cold voice echoing through the office.

I find my facial features frowning, confussion running through me. Obviously he has to tell me a bit more, which must be clearly visible on my face as well.

Staring at me for another second the tension between us surely starts rising. At least I can feel it rise. His dark green eyes holding a hint of a warning, as always, before his mouth open "I'm leaving England for a while Cali" he tells me, his words coming as an complete shock "but before I leave we have some matters to discuss"

Huh? What matters? And where is he going? To USA? For how long?

Does this mean that the war with Americans is coming to an end?

"W-well" my body tensing up, I twist on my sofa, trying to make myself comfortable as he is leaned forward, his position making me nervous. Flickering my eyes up to his "what matters?"

His face playfully frowning if that makes sense "there are obviously some good girl rules that we should go through before I leave" he assures me.

Good girl rules?

"Oh" I realize even though I don't really have much clue of what rules he has in mind "when are you leaving?" I dare to ask.


Could it be? Will I really be left alone without his possesivness for a while? Will I finally have time to think this all through? God knows I need it.

My heart skips a beat even thought I am not entirely sure whether this is a good thing or not. Sure I'll be relieved not to be around him for a while, but the thought of a mob war occuring surely sends fear in my bones. Even though it will happen far away from me.

"So" his voice pulls me back and immediately I get my focus back on him "the rules" he says, leaning forward one more time "when I'm gone you're not allowed to leave your room except when participating a meal" staring down at me I once again feel like I'm just a kid being scolded by an adult "you go down to eat only when other maids are as well, eating scheadule is familiar to you. Aside from that you will stay in your room, no wandering around, no 'practicing walking' through the hallways, no provoking attention, nothing. You understand what I told you?" His eyes demanding an answer.

That was a little unnecessary, but well, I expected nothing less from him. He is very possesive when he's around, why should he be any different when he's not?

I confirm it with a nod "I understand" responding softly.

"Good. I don't have to go through the part that you're not allowed to touch any other man, correct? Let alone let any of them inside your room again" his mouth letting out a low growl, his eyes darkening, some warning definitely running through them as his territoriality comes forward.

Does he really think that it's in my interest to touch other men? Goddamn..

His cruel look and the change of tone makes me gulp and quickly I nod in confirmation, don't want to risk getting him mad "c-correct"

He slightly nods in response before shooting himself up on his feet, his tall figure towering over me in all his mob boss glory. Putting his index finger up he then motions me to come to him.

Nervous about it, but I obey and slowly stand up on my feet. As you can imagine it doesn't help with the height difference. I bow my head before his presence, somehow his posture standing in front of me is forcing me to submit. To surrender.

I wonder if other people feel the need to do it as well. Well, I know that all the maids do, some of his men as well.

"I know I told you that it's rude to stare, little girl" his husky voice is heard from above "but I find your lack of eye contact a bit impolite as well"

Swallowing down the saliva and the ball stuck in my throat I gather the courage, my eyes blink up to meet his "s-sorry" I usher out in low voice.

With one step closer he erases practically all the space between our bodies, now standing right in front of me, his head directly above.

I can't help myself, but to bow my head again, staring at the ground.

Two fingers below my chin send tingling sensation through my skin and heat immeaditely rises up to my cheeks as my head is led to be tilted backwards, my eyes meeting his.

"Nonetheless, I find my little girl very cute when she submits to me" his seductive voice hushes through his lips. His eyes staring down at me with a lustful gaze as the sexy fresh scent of his cologne starts filling my nosetrils. Dazed with his pull my heart goes wild as I see him slowly licking his bottom lip, being so intimidatingly sexy.

Cali, no.

I fight the pull he has on me the best I can. I should use my anger and disappointment towards him, can't let him do those things.

He called me a whore. I didn't just forget that. And he finds me cute when I submit? That's a pretty low blow when he knows what men's presence does to me, how much I don't like when they tower over me. He knows for how long the men in my life have been abusing me, how I always had to surrender and submit before them, how I had to be soft and obediend.. like a puppet.

How much trauma it left in my mind.

My submisson might be funny for him, but the reason for it is surely far from amusing to me. Trauma always remains, no matter how hard I wish to forget it.

Shooting my eyes back up to lock with his I feel my body tingling with anger, my fists clentching together as I see the expression he's wearing while staring down at me.

Like he owns me.

...and he does.

It makes me even more upset so I don't care about concequences of my words "didn't you mean 'when your little whore submits to you'?" I hiss, rising my eyebrow "because that's all I am to you, right? A whore, a bought good, a toy. Something you can take advantage of and then so quickly throw away, like it never even existed. Something completely disposable-- uh!"

Letting out a startled whimper, feeling pressure on my body as his figure lashes forward and in a moment I am pinned against the wall with him towering over me.

It makes fear surround me. I am trapped.

Trying to avoid his eyes I don't succed as his hand is wrapped around my jaw like a snake, holding me in place, making sure I don't stand a chance of looking away. Although his grip is not painfull it still makes panic overflowing my body as I know that there is no way out anymore and that he can do with me exactly what he pleases. It makes me shudder.

Unfortunately he notices how scared I am "what is it little girl?" he teases, rising his eyebrow "nothing more to say?" provoking as he clearly knows what his deadly hold does to me.

Remaining silent he clearly enjoys my lack of words or, as he puts it, lack of attitude. "Since the cat clearly got your little tongue perhaps it's time for me to talk now, hm?" his breath on my face sending goosebumps down my body "you want to know why I called you a whore?" he questions "my whore" emphasizing the word "because, little girl, I am intending to fuck you as one"

My heart drops as my chest tightens from unknown fucked up excitement and heat rises up to my cheeks again. Although I absolutely hate him calling me that and am still very mad, I just can't understand this twisted desires lately.

Leaning down closer to me my body becomes alert, my nerves on the very edge. He pins his figure against my body and for a moment I can barely breathe. Mentally of course. He is way too close. "I know you don't have a clue about it as you've never done it before, little girl" he tells me, seductively licking his bottom lip and for a sheer moment I wonder how good it'd feel if he kissed me right now "but trust me when I tell you.. there is no such thing as gentle or slow when fucking" I gulp, my body going crazy.

Like all this wouldn't already be too much, he presses his stone hard body harder against me, making my knees soft and week, my body shaking in excitement. I'd surely just fall down if he hand't trapped me so hard.

"I'm intending on fucking you deep, hard and senseless, making you feel me for days, little girl" with no doubt I just put tomato to shame, my heart beating so crazy I feel like it's going to burst, my mind already trying to image how it'd be like "and by the look in your eyes I know" deep voice vibrating between us as he then brushes his lips down my left cheek, making me shudder again "...you'd want it rough and hard, exactly the way I can give it to you"

I gulp, swallowing down the pooled saliva. This is too much. This erotic tension he created is way too much.

Why am I thinking about this? About what he just told me? Why am I imagining- Cali no.

But still, no matter how much I try to fight it right now, my curiousity doesn't leave me alone. I want to know more. I need to know more.

Hipotetically of course. I'm not saying that I'm actually considering it. No way. Never.

Besides, I'm not that stupid. I know what'd happen after he was done with fucking the life out of me. He'd throw me away.

My throat tightening I force up a cough to gather myself as his lustful gaze is making it hard to breathe "ehm-- a-and, uh, after you would--" can't believe I'm actually going there, but I'm trying to prove a point here as well "fuck me rough and h-hard, what happens then?"

Playful smirk finding its way on his lips, probably as a result of my stuttering while speaking about the matter "then I do it again" he assures me deeply, seems satisfied that I'm asking him about it "and again, and again" he hushes out, blowing his fresh breath on my lips "for hours"

My breathing becoming heavier I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from panting, pulling it inside my mouth.

His eyes darken again, lust sparkling in them as they get stuck on my lips "then I'd let you rest for a while" he continues "then do it all over again. And again"

I release the lip, barely holding myself together.

Groan sipping out of him, his hand moves on my jaw, squeezing higher, pursing my lips, forcing a soft moan out of me.

"stop doing that" growling so coldly a chill runs down my spine.

So I'm not allowed to bite my lower lip?

His tone is filled with warning, but also cointaining just enough desire in it, for me to want to do it again. Just to see his reaction. See what will he would do about it.

Perhaps some other time. It'd not be a good idea to do it now.

I can't respond as he's holding me too tightly, a rush of excitement running through my private area. Fuck. Why is his lust so attractive? Why do I kind of want him to want me? It's so wrong.. so fucked up.

His eyes for a moment glancing back up to mine as I'm still trapped in his hold, but almost immediately he shoots them back down, taking in my plump lips.

He will kiss me. I know it.

Strange thing is that I'm eagerly waiting for him to do it. My eyes wander to his lips as well, imagining how beyond good they'd feel against mine.

Realizing I was most certainly right as his face comes flying down towards me. Just as our lips would crash together-


Knocking is followed by the sound of knob moving and his office doors open.

He stops mid attempt, his head turning aside, his eyes shooting towards the doors.

"I apologize for bothering, but the thing you asked for, boss" a male voice says, I try to glance over to see who it is for myself, but for some reason Dimitri still holds me still, with my lips pursing out "it is arranged. Will you make an attendance?"

Letting out a slight groan he is most certainly not pleased with this interruption. But, nonetheless, he nods at the man "I'm coming"

Hearing the doors shut his head moves forward again, staring back down at me "we're not finished here yet" he tells me, his tone colder than I anticipated, perhaps a little mad.

Then finally he lets go of me, stepping away "wait here" he commands me and walks to the doors, leaving his office.

Letting out a large breath I was holding I run my hand through my hair, leaning my back against the wall.

Oh, it's not over yet? Just as I was relieved as I was pretty sure he will send me back into my room now that he is busy. I guess not.

My eyes sweeping through his huge office I can't believe that he actually left me here alone. I could easily go through all the stuff on his desk and inside all those closets.

But, well, I'm most certainly not intending on doing that. If he caught me going through his shit, my head would probably roll.

Taking a deep breath I rub my palms through my face, trying to get rid of the redness as I'm sure that I look something close to a shrimp.

I take a walk around the office, observing the whole place. Soon my legs take me closer to his desk, the one where he works, not the huge long one he holds for meetings on the other side.

I approach it, glancing over some documents, laptop and other stuff he has on it. Taking in the big black leather chair behind it I can't help, but to wonder how it feels like to sit on it.

To sit on the place he is sitting. To have all the power in the world in your hands.

Perhaps I could try for just a second.

No. I really couldn't... could I?

Glancing over to the closed office doors to make sure it's safe, I hear nothing but pure silence.

Ugh, I'm so curious.

Kay, just for a moment, placing myself behind his desk I sit down on his leather chair. Immediately I drown into it, the leather surrounding me and I realize that this chair is way too big for me. I must look like a child sitting on it. It is pretty comfy though.

Pushing myself closer to the desk, I struggle with my height as I really couldn't work like this, I can barely see past the desk.

But, well, I don't have to actually pretend to work, I just want to see how it's like to be him. Swinging my legs on the desk, I lean back against the backrest.

"I don't give a fuck if he was a minute late" I imitate Dimitri's deep voice and russian accent, pretending that I am him "he disappointed me, bring me his head" swinging my hand like I'm dismissing the men.

I hold it for a while but pretty soon I chuckle out loud. Oh, God, I must look so stupid.
Deciding that I should rather stop messing around, I take my legs off the desk, sitting normally again.

Despite of looking like a kid in this too big of a chair I realize that I was right.

It does feel like I own the world.

But well.. I still can't even imagine owning living people. Like he owns me.

Sighing I suddenly don't feel so good anymore, it's not funny pretending to be him anylonger. I stand up from his chair, walking away from his desk.

Glancing over to the big glass wall I can't help myself but to observe the view. Yellow lights are illuminating the whole garden, I can see a lot of stone paths through it and the beginning of a faraway lake as well.

Tapping on the glass with my index finger, my dark red nail creating a small sound. What I'd give for just one walk through the garden.

Looking up, the sky shines with bright white stars and the moon is almost full.

The whole view.. it looks like freedom.

Sighing loudly as sadness fills my chest. Why can't I ever go out? Why can I barely leave my room? Why is this mansion just another cage?

Thinking about the man who calls all the shots I start feeling so beyond mad at myself. He almost kissed me earlier. AND I WOULD LET HIM DO IT.

Even though he is the reason I can't go outside I became completely dazed with his touch. Even though he tries to manipulate me into giving myself to him for weeks now... I'm so stupid sometimes.

Sometimes I really just can't help myself around him. Because he really is so cold and scary most of the time and I know that he doesn't really care about me... but then there are some tiny moments when he is different, when he is nice and gentle and even a little caring towards me.

I just don't know what to think anymore. I want to believe that those short moments of him being more than just a cruel mob boss are real, but.. there are really so few of them.

He might as well be faking them. I can never read him. Can never know what goes through his mind... anyways, those gentle moments I mentioned earlier, they didn't come forward for quite some time now so they might as well weren't real I guess... perhaps he only pretended because I was hurt.

"Enjoying the view?" Hearing a deep sound vibrating next to my right ear I jump in fright, almost experiencing a heart attack.

He is here. How come I didn't hear him coming inside?

My heart racing like crazy, I gasp then start panting, pinning my palm over my chest.

He hums into my damp hair "easy there, little girl" I hear him say into my ear which makes goosebumps run down my skin. Coming closer I then feel the warmth of his tall body pressed against my back.

Oh, God. He is too close again.

My look stuck on the view I'm trying my best to keep myself calm, but I don't think that it's working so well.

His hand gently slumps onto my bare thigh then drags up to my hip. I jump again and mentally kick myself for that.

His breath on my ear and cheek sending shivers down my spine it gets harder to breathe again. "Do I scare you, little girl?"

He knows he does.

"Uh-- y-yes" I admit weakly.

His rough hand gliding over the skin on my neck before tugging onto my hair, sweeping them over my left shoulder, revealing my right side. "Mm, fuck" he curses into my ear "I love it" he groans out, his breath on my neck.

He's crazy. He enjoys that I fear him? What the hell?

His hand returning to my hip it then slides over my tummy. Taking an action I pin my fingers into his tough skin, trying to pry it away from my body.

"Stop" hearing his growl at my ear, causing for a struggled whimper to leave my mouth as I immediately move my hand away. I want to kick myself for that again.

His teeth nibble on my shoulder, making me yelp, trying to squirm away. Trapping me against his body a struggled whine slips out of me.

His lips brushing through the spot he bit earlier, heat splashes through my body "you're so responsive to my touch" he groans lowly, dragging his hand to my hip again he gives me a harsh squeeze, I jump again, gasping "so fragile in my arms" his wet lips sweeping over a certain spot on my neck making me pant out "so goddamn innocent for Daddy"

I gulp, the pull of his words making me dizzy. I never imagined he likes my fear towards him that much. This is just wrong... and he needs to stop calling himself that. Seriously!

His fingers slumping onto my shoulders, in a moment I am swiftly turned around, now staring right at his wide chest.

Stepping forward he forces me to move backwards, submitting before his much bigger body. He carries onto moving forwards until I feel my back pinned against the glass.

Uh-oh, I don't want to be trapped again. It makes me pretty freaked out when I have nowhere to run. Avoiding his eyes, I shoot myself to the left, trying to slide past him and escape.


Loud slam making me flinch. His big arm lashing forward he slams his palm against the glass, trapping me between the wall and him "baby, don't run" his commands echoes above.

I gulp, feeling my chest tensing up, my whole body on edge. I'm not planning on letting him do with me whatever he wishes, that's why I'm even more freaked out as I know that my disobediance will make him really mad. As always.

"Mm, so sexy with all that fear in your eyes, little girl" he groans out, but I still don't meet his eyes, not even close to looking up.

Please, why does he always have to treat me like his prey? Or a toy for that matter..

"Since I'll be gone for quite some time, cleaning up the mess you indirectly started, I think I deserve a little something from my little girl before I leave, don't you think?" not being able to react to his words, I feel large hands cupping my entire face and his body pinned hardly against mine as I am forced to stare up into the dark, cruel eyes of my kidnapper.

I will literally pass out of all this tension.

"Don't you?" Repeating himself, now louder.

I shake, struggling to answer "uh- well, I--" bitting down on my lip.

His thumb instantly rubbing through my mouth he makes me release the bottom lip, his eyes stuck on them with a lustful glare. Slowly shaking his head side to side
"my, my am I going to miss those lips" carrying onto shaking his head.

My body lits up from his words and as his eyes meet mine I cannot possibly breathe for a while.

Slowly his head starts leaning down, approaching mine as his hands on my face pull me up towards him, making me step on my tip toes. I freeze up in his hold.

Carrying onto leaning down, his lips soon so close I can sense the gentle tingling of his breath. My mind panics as my body refuses to listen and there is a big part of me that wants him to kiss me.

But I still have some spine left.

Last moment swiftly turning my head aside, my lips lightly brushing over his as I was almost too late, but I manage to escape from the kiss.

Hearing a deep growl sipping out of his mouth as my head remains turned aside, my eyes stuck on the faraway wall. I don't look at him, of course don't have the guts to do it, but I can feel him becoming pretty mad about me moving away.

His rough hand sliding down from my cheek wraps around my entire jaw, squeezing just hard enough for my throat to urge out a scared whimper as the hand pressures me back in place.

An angry pair of dark green eyes staring down at me I start panting, perhaps moving away wasn't such a good idea.

"Don't push it, little girl" he snaps down at me, making my eyes widen in worry, paying attention "just because I'm leaving in a while doesn't mean that I can't beat your little ass black and blue before I go" barking in warning I see his jaw tensing up, some veins on his ink covered neck stepping out.

I shake beneath his murderous glare.

Oh, God, what was I thinking??? STUPID.

"So I suggest you drop that attitude before you get hurt, little girl, yes?" scolding me harshly.

Gulping I decide to obey him as I really don't want for him to hurt me and the look he's throwing my way is, unfortunately, more than enough to make me submit. I give in.

Blinking a couple of times I weakly nod, my body turning limp in his harsh hold. I turn soft and obediend.. just the way he wants me to be.

My submisson pretty quickly makes him loosen the grip around my jaw as well, now holding me just enough to keep me in place. His thumb rubs through my lips, parting them for a moment as a satisfied smirk crawls on his face "that's better now, isn't it?" he teases above, his eyes devouring mine "now be a good girl and give daddy a nice kiss goodbye" he commands, his tone full of lust which uncontrollably makes my body quiver in excitement. Even though I fear him.

Leaning down to me I am sure he will smack his lips on mine right away and am most surprised as he puts his index finger up, swinging it side to side in front of my face "and no bitting this time, okay" he scolds me like a little child with moving his finger like that "or I'll be forced to return the favor" giving out a warning.

Not waiting for my response he kisses me hungrily, rubbing his soft lips against mine.

I let out a coo, taken back by the kiss as it becomes so passionate and intense right away. My heart flutters and the butterflies I start feeling in my stomach make me most confused. Kissing me again his teeth nibble onto my bottom lip, sucking it inside his mouth as his hands cup my entire face, making sure I cannot possibly run away.

The taste of his lips is amazing and pretty soon, despite me trying to fight against it, I melt into his grip, letting him have his way with me. Parting my lips with his tongue he then slides it inside my mouth, exploring every inch as his lips make sure the kiss stay as intense as it was at the beggining. He is an amazing kisser, no doubt.

I kiss him back, sweeping my tongue over his lip, for a moment feeling a tiny cut that remained from my teeth crashing down on it two days ago. Sensing slight vibrations I know that he groaned against my lips, his tongue gently licking mine, the kiss turning even hotter.

Changing sides he kisses me from another angle, his hands groping onto my body, keeping me close as his figure presses tightly against mine, pinning me against the glass.

My hands running up his stone hard chest they find a collar of his suit, pushing my fingers between his skin and the collar, I tug onto it. Our figures panting heavily as we're devouring eachother's lips, him still being the dominating one I then sense a hard thing pressed on my tummy.

Confused for a moment, but it doesn't take me long to realize what it is.

OMG. Is that... oh jeez.

I lightly jump in his grip, heat with no doubt rising up my cheeks along with nervousness and I let out a surprised whimper against his lips.

Breaking our kiss apart he tilts his head backwards, slightly panting as he stares down at me.

Swallowing down the nervousness, curiousity gets the best of me and I look down towards that hard thing on my tummy.

My eyeballs almost falling out I barely restrain myself from coughing in surprise as my eyes take in a large tent on his black slacks.

Oh, my-- GODDAMN.

Our kissing made him hard? So I'm not the only one that finds kissing so erotic?

Bitting my lips close not to make a sound I can physically feel my entire face becoming red, my virgin body definitely not used to a sight like that.

Cautiously I glance back at his face with a flushed cheeks meanwhile batting my eyelashes for a few times as I need to blink to calm myself down.

His eyes widening at my sight before his eyebrows furrow for a moment, possessivness flashing through his eyes and a lustful groan blares through his mouth "fuck, don't look at me like that" growling down at me before smashing his lips on mine again.

Wait, now I can't even look at him from under my lashes?

The kiss taking my breath away as his hands start dragging up and down my body, possessively grabbing onto me. Slamming my body against his I again feel his hard member on my tummy as his hand grabs onto my asscheek, squeezing harshly, making me coo against his lips.

My private part beats in pleasure for a second, the way he's kissing me taking my breath away. Feeling my legs shaking from the passion of our kissing before sensing his hands running over my butt "fuck, baby" groaning between possessive kisses then grabbing beneath my asscheeks and so effortlessly taking me up in his arms.

Making me wrap my legs around his torso his hips push forward and I can feel his crotch pinning against my coochie, his mouth stop devouring mine.

Pleasure beats through my private area although fear overflows my body and worriness can be clearly visible across my face.

Why are we in sex position again?

"D-dimitri no-" my voice stuttering, my palms pushing onto his chest I try to make him release me as I'm not ready to be doing this yet.

His hips pushing forward again, cut off my attempts as his hardness slams hard onto my spread area. Ecstasy rises up in my kitty I feel a moan building up at the back of my mouth, the nerves in my heated body soon urging it out, making me moan out loud.

"Oh, little girl likes it?" He teases from in front of me, his hot breath making electricity run down my body.

Am about to try and pleade him to put me back down again as he makes a circle with his hips, then slamming them forward again, pinning my area harder against the glass.

Grabbing onto his shoulders for support I can't believe how good it feels when his crotch rubs through a certain spot down there and I can't stop another moan "oh m-my God" I pant out in pleasure.

Snatching my jaw I flinch in unexpectedness as he forces me to stare right as his face inches away from mine "I am your God" claiming me loudly, his territorial eyes stare down at me with a most serious look.

Oh, Jezus Christ what is all this?

Panting in nervousness my body alert as somewhat of en cocky smirk finds its way on his lips. Pushing his hips forward again, his hardness rubbing over my coochie pleasure beats through it again and I can only whine and pout at him. He pushes foward again, now harder, moving the hand that was holding my jaw away he straightens his arm, leaning his spread palm against the glass a little above my head.

Pressing his forehead against mine as he slams his member against me again, groaning an inch away from my lips, we start to breathe the same air "this is to remind you" slamming against me again, like he was fucking me with our clothes on "who you fucking belong to while I'm gone" he growls territorialy against my lips before giving them one last pretty harsh kiss.

Pulling backwards he then finally slowly puts me back down on the ground. Having almost no clue of what just happened, but I can feel that I became pretty wet down there.


Panting out I blink up to his face to check out his mood exactly when his hand purses my lips again making me gently whimper, keeping my focus on his face above "be good while I'm gone, little girl" he commands me "when I come back I'll show you more of what you've been missing."





I told you this one will be more exciting... hm and waaay longer as well.

That was some proper goodbye, right? Absolutely.

As always I'd appreaciate some votes.

Thanks, byee xx

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