A Cinderella Demon Tale: Suku...

By quinneleong

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In the demon palace's gloom, Sukuna, a lord with a grim mission, battles endless boredom. A summoning table's... More

Chapter 1: The Demon King's Boredom
Chapter 2: The Cursed Cinderella
Chapter 3: The Demon's Curiosity
Chapter 4: A Demon's Curiosity Deepens
Chapter 5: A Demon's Benevolence
Chapter 6: The Demon's Beautiful Markings
Chapter 7: The Demon's Bubble
Chapter 8: A Demon Receives Soup
Chapter 9: The Demon and The Rat
Chapter 10: Beneath the Demon's Rage
Chapter 11: The Demon's and Cinderella's Outing
Chapter 12: The Demon and Intoxicating Revelations
Chapter 13: The Demon Lost in Thought
Chapter 15: The Invitation
Chapter 16: Threads of Fate
Chapter 17: Connecting the Threads

Chapter 14: Schemes and The Prince

536 24 23
By quinneleong

Author's Note: Hellooo!! Excited to post two chapters back to back! Hopefully I'll finish the next chapter tonight to post as well ahhh!! Thank you guys again for voting and commenting it means so much!! ♥♥ I was also finally able to upload Tik Tok's again without it being taken down yay!

Sukuna entered the Stepmother's room to find her engrossed in paperwork. She acknowledged his presence with a faint smile, laying down her feather pen before approaching the room's grand windows. With her hands behind her back, she began, "Mighty Lord Sukuna, the ball draws near, and we haven't officially received our invitation. I'm concerned that our family's reputation may not have been salvaged in time to secure an invitation. Therefore, our agreement remains unfulfilled, and I require more power," her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

While the stepmother was well aware that the invitations had yet to be sent out, was growing confident in her control over Sukuna. Bolstered by her manipulation of the situation, she began to feel less afraid of him. She acted as though she possessed the demon's power under her command. Sukuna, who had been deliberately prolonging their deal to keep an eye on Cinderella and sort out his ever-shifting emotions, sighed audibly. The noise caught the stepmother's attention, causing her to turn around and face Sukuna. However, her gaze was met with a piercing, cold glare from him. Her blatant demands and greed had pushed him to the brink of annoyance beyond belief.

"What do you want me to do, then?" he asked, his curiosity barely masking his irritation.

The stepmother, momentarily relieved by Sukuna's apparent indifference, approached him to speak, but their conversation was interrupted by the sudden entry of Cinderella. Her head hung low, she politely addressed the stepmother, "Good evening, Stepmother. You summoned me?"

Upon seeing Sukuna, Cinderella couldn't fully gauge his expression, so she quickly redirected her gaze toward the stepmother, her demeanor one of deference and embarrassment.

The stepmother, irritated by the interruption, said, "Excuse me," to Sukuna before turning her attention to Cinderella. Without warning, she slapped Cinderella fiercely, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. "First off, how dare you interrupt my meeting, you ignorant brat," the stepmother berated her. She then seized Cinderella by her hair, continuing her tirade, "Second of all, I was informed that you were sluggish in your chores today. Do you think you have a place in this household without proper work? I must not see this again if you value your position here. You should consider yourself fortunate that we even allow you to stay."

She knelt down to Cinderella's level, her voice dripping with malice as she whispered, "After all, let's not forget what you are." Her hand clawed at Cinderella's shoulder, causing her to flinch. "A murderer."

Cinderella felt tears welling up in her eyes as her heart sank. She stole another quick glance at Sukuna, her ears burning with embarrassment as she desperately wished he wouldn't witness her in such a discomposed state. Sukuna, seething with anger, clenched his fists so tightly that his nails drew blood. He yearned to intervene, yet the weight of the consequences held him back. He understood that stepping in could amplify the spotlight on Cinderella and potentially exacerbate her predicament. Her reputation, already marred by the alleged conflict surrounding her father's death, hung by a thread, and any harm he caused to the Stepmother would further tarnish her name. These thoughts shackled Sukuna in inaction, and the anguish of bearing witness to this unfolding drama gnawed at him relentlessly.

He exchanged a meaningful, apologetic look with Cinderella before turning his gaze away. Cinderella's heart ached at his silent apology, and she hurriedly got up, her sobs escaping her trembling lips. She curtsied hastily before rushing out of the room.

The Stepmother, her malevolent satisfaction still lingering from the cruel game she played with Cinderella, now focused her attention squarely on Sukuna. She approached him with the same regal poise that had fooled so many into believing her benevolence.

"I have a task for you, dear Sukuna," she began, extending a scroll toward him. The parchment was adorned with the intricate insignias of two noble houses and contained detailed information about their wealth, influence, and weaknesses. "These are the two houses," she continued, "that I require you to eliminate."

Sukuna accepted the scroll, his crimson eyes flicking over its contents as he considered the task at hand. His gaze rose to meet the Stepmother's, and she couldn't help but smile at the darkness that swirled within those depths.

"They should pose no threat to you," she assured him, her confidence unwavering. She paused for a moment, letting the implications of her next words hang in the air. "Unless you'd prefer a different approach," she suggested with a sly grin. "I could arrange a contract marriage between my youngest daughter and one of the heirs of these houses. That would unite their families, and once we have their wealth and family name under our control, you could have their souls as well as part of the bargain."

The Stepmother's cunning plan, designed to maximize her gains and power, was presented with eloquence and precision. She watched Sukuna carefully, eager to see his reaction to this new twist in their dark alliance.

As the Stepmother watched Sukuna's reaction, she noticed the subtle shift in his demeanor. His crimson eyes, filled with an unsettling darkness, seemed to convey a deep-seated anger. She felt a tinge of unease creeping into her thoughts as she recognized that her suggestion might have touched a nerve.

Sukuna's chest tightened at the mere thought of Cinderella being wedded to a loathsome nobleman, her life marred by a loveless and cruel marriage. The idea repulsed him to the core. In that moment, he couldn't fathom subjecting Cinderella to such a fate. If he had to choose between taking her soul and allowing her to suffer, the former seemed a far kinder act.

Without hesitation, Sukuna moved closer to the Stepmother, his imposing figure towering over her as he spoke with unwavering conviction. "No," he declared firmly, his voice carrying the weight of his resolve. "I will eradicate both houses, and you shall have their wealth. Our discussion ends here."

His words left no room for negotiation or further debate. Sukuna had made his stance clear, and he would not allow Cinderella to be subjected to the Stepmother's twisted plans. The air in the room grew heavy with tension as the Stepmother absorbed the finality of Sukuna's decision, realizing that she could not sway him on this matter.

With those words, he briskly left the room, leaving the stepmother slightly bewildered by his rejection of the opportunity to collect more souls. As she fanned herself thoughtfully, she contemplated her next moves, particularly how to handle the impending arrival of the invitations.

Elsewhere, in the opulent white palace, a king and a prince sat in plush, velvety chairs. Before them lay a polished wooden table adorned with extravagant meals, their aromas alone revealing their exorbitant cost. As a servant meticulously poured tea into their cups, she bowed and exited the room, the echo of the double doors signaling their privacy.

The older man, gazing out the window that offered a view of the entire kingdom, sighed deeply. "My son," he began, his voice tinged with melancholy, "I believe it is time for you to seek a wife. Since your mother's passing, I've worried about your future. I'm growing old and weary, and it's imperative that you prepare for your ascent to the throne. For my sake, I need assurance that you'll have an heir capable of ruling the kingdom when we are no longer here."

"Yes, Father," Prince Charming replied, his attention seemingly focused on cutting his meat, though a sly smirk concealed his true emotions. He had long harbored ambitions of being king. While the nation was relatively small, it was renowned for its opulent jewels, making it one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Prince Charming, deep in thought, chuckled softly as he contemplated the possibilities that awaited him as a king. He'd always considered his father a foolish leader, overly generous as long as his coffers overflowed. Prince Charming, on the other hand, craved more: more land, more power, more riches. The kingdom alone could not satisfy his insatiable greed.

The king, hearing the faint laughter, adopted a stern tone. "This is a serious matter. It also implies that you must cease your playboy antics. You cannot afford another love scandal that tarnishes your reputation. How would other nations' rulers perceive you during diplomatic negotiations?"

Prince Charming, a man often praised for his dashing good looks and charismatic charm, found himself growing increasingly weary of the same lecture he had heard countless times before. His reputation as a renowned flirt and womanizer was well-known throughout the kingdom, and he had a penchant for both engaging in playful sparring with knights and winning over the hearts of women with his silver tongue.

But one incident had left a bitter taste in his mouth, a girl named Josephine who had dared to reject his advances. In his wounded pride and simmering anger, he had pursued her relentlessly, not expecting her to take such bold action as to tarnish his name by spreading the story of what the Prince had done to her.

As the controversy surrounding his actions grew, Prince Charming was forced to concoct a web of lies to cover up his misdeeds. He couldn't help but smirk with a hint of malevolence as he recalled the falsehoods he had spun to salvage his reputation. "She practically begged for my attention, and I couldn't resist," he retorted in a tone that dripped with malice. "Be grateful that I skillfully twisted the narrative to suggest she was after our wealth, power, and status."

His words were laced with deception and cunning, a testament to his ability to manipulate the truth to his advantage.

The king sighed, a blend of exhaustion and annoyance creeping into his demeanor. He placed his fork down and took a sip of his tea. "Very well. But as the crown prince, you must take the initiative to show our people that you are in search of a queen. You're aware of the grand ball we announced months ago. It's your opportunity to find a suitable wife. Ladies from our kingdom and neighboring realms have been invited. I trust you will be prudent and considerate of the kingdom's best interests. I'll send out the official invitations this afternoon," the king declared.

Prince Charming sighed once more, biding his time until he ascended to the throne and could strip his father of power. Clenching his utensils tightly, he forced a smile and replied, "Of course, Your Majesty. I always have the kingdom's best interests at heart. I will ensure to choose a lady who will be beloved by the people." His smile was as artificial as his words, a response he had mastered to end these discussions amicably. He couldn't risk jeopardizing his position any further.

With that, the king concluded his meal, ringing a bell to summon the servants to clear the table. As he rose to leave, he left Prince Charming to his thoughts. The prince idealized a woman who would align with his ambitions of conquering more lands, care little for foreign politics, possess a captivating beauty, and be subservient to his absolute command. He had no desire for a woman with determination and ambition.

His thoughts were disrupted when he noticed a maid collecting his dishes. With an evil grin, he seized her wrist and drew her close. "You're a beautiful one, aren't you?" he purred, his voice sending chills down her spine. His hand traced up her arm, his intent unmistakable. "Come to my chambers when you're done."

The maid shifted uncomfortably under his touch, avoiding his gaze. The prince, sensing her hesitation, stood up, bringing his face inches from hers. He placed his fingers under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Surely you're not defying the prince, are you?" he asked coldly. The maid trembled, and the prince continued, "That would be treason, wouldn't it?" The maid nodded, her fear palpable.

"Good, you understand. I'll see you in my chambers later," he declared with a cruel laugh, reveling in the power he wielded over others. No one was beyond his reach, and the sensation of importance and dominance intoxicated him. He walked away, leaving the room with a smug expression, fully aware that he would eventually be king and could indulge his every desire.

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