For Peace

By RedzDragon

145 9 0

When Shepard decided to stop being part of the world and to undergo cryosleep, she knew that she never wanted... More

Beatrice Shepard
Beatrice Shepard
Beatrice Shepard
Mixed POV
Beatrice Shepard
Beatrice Shepard
3rd POV

Dr. Chakwas

42 1 0
By RedzDragon

"Dr. Chakwas," Miranda, the assistant called out trying to catch up to the doctor. "Doctor."

"What is it, Miranda?" she asked continuing her pace.

"Admiral Hackett is on vid com," Miranda replied almost running to catch up. "He wants to speak to you."

"Of course he does," she mumbled heading to her office. "I'm assuming it has something like the explorer vessel being attacked by an alien spacecraft?"

"Yes," Miranda replied. "It's all over the news, the explorer vessel was shot down by an enemy force. Apparently, only one starship was able to escape and make it back."

"Naval Command likes to panic for no reason," Dr. Chakwas muttered as the pulled up the big screen for the vid com.

"Shall I leave?" Miranda asked as the call was patched in.

"Stay," the doctor replied. "I get the feeling we are about to wake up Shepard from a well-deserved nap."

"Yes, ma'am," Miranda replied stepping back a bit to avoid being seen on screen.

"Admiral Hackett," Dr. Chakwas greeted as his face popped in. "What can I do for you?"

"Dr. Chakwas," he greeted in return. "I assume you heard the news?"

"I have," she replied.

The Admiral cleared his throat before continuing.

"Naval Command is not happy with how everything went down," he said. "We encounter an alien life form and we get attacked without warning."

"They already sent out another force to the relay," he continued. "They are hoping that this time the encounter will be different."

"Is there a reason you called me?" Dr. Chakwas asked, hoping he would get to the point.

"Naval Command has approved for Shepard to be awoken from cryosleep," the Admiral said. "They want to prepare for the worst just in case this alien becomes hostile."

"Shepard has been asleep for 20 years," Dr. Chakwas said. "Her implants are out of date. I'm assuming you want her ready as soon as possible?"

"Yes," the Admiral replied. "How soon can you get her upgraded?"

"A week at most," the Doctor replied, ignoring Miranda's almost outburst. "It's hard to say how long it will take for the new upgrades to be synced with her programming."

"I'll let Naval Command to expect Shepard to be awake and fully functioning in two weeks," Admiral Hackett said before signing off.

"Dr. Chakwas," Miranda said as soon as the Admiral had ended the call. "What are you playing at? Shepard could be ready in a few days."

"Miranda," the doctor said turning to face her. "Have you considered the possibility that Shepard won't cooperate?"

Miranda stayed silent, she hadn't considered that possibility.

"The last time Shepard was woken up she helped in the discovery of the Prothean ruins on Mars," Dr. Chakwas said. "She lost a lot of good people trying to get the artifact back to Earth."

"It may be 20 years for some of us but for her," the doctor continued. "To her, it's like everything happened yesterday. She may need time to grieve properly and she may also refuse."

"Come," Dr. Chakwas said grabbing the datapad on Shepard. "Let's wake Shepard and ask her if she wants to help win a war against an alien life force."

"Yes, ma'am," Miranda replied following her.


Three hours later, Miranda waited patiently as Dr. Chakwas spoke to the famous Shepard about the current situation. Miranda had never met anyone remotely similar to the woman. Shepard looked like she was still 25 years old after being in cryosleep for 20 years. She could only wonder how many times before that had Shepard been put to sleep and waken again just for the sake of helping Naval Command.

Miranda had heard about the famous Shepard but little was known about her. Dr. Chakwas had mentioned her several times during the last 5 years but it was all talk. This was the first time Miranda had actually seen Shepard.

From what Miranda could tell, Shepard was not someone who did things without reason. The woman before her had long silver hair with blue eyes and fair skin. She had a body that could stop a truck.

"I understand why Naval Command wants me awake," Shepard said leaning back against the chair. "But why would I be interested in participating in a war?"

"I don't do war," she continued. "I'm an infiltrator."

"We don't know what they want from you," Dr. Chakwas replied. "Admiral Hackett received orders for you to be awakened."

"They want me upgraded?" Shepard asked like she already knew the answer to the question.

"Naturally," Dr. Chakwas replied. "They want you ready as soon as possible; two weeks."

"Of course they do," She replied. "I'm their free-range mercenary. A gun for hire with no ties to the Alliance."

"Yes," the doctor replied. "This facility has no ties to the Alliance and we are supposedly working independently for ourselves."

"What are they willing to exchange for my help?" Shepard asked. "More funding? Better equipment?"

"Those details haven't been provided to us just yet," Dr. Chakwas replied. "Right now all they want is for you to be ready."

Shepard sighed heavily, before speaking, "I better get heavily compensated, being awakened this soon is a breach of my contract."

"Miranda will handle the negotiations," Dr. Chakwas said tilting her head in her direction. "She will make sure you get the better deal."

"I hope so," the woman replied giving Miranda a once over. "So when do I get my upgrades?"

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about," Dr. Chakwas said activating a damping signal.

"Something illegal?" Shepard asked, tilting her head at the doctor.

"Dr. Chakwas we shouldn't-" Miranda began catching on to Dr. Chakwas's plan.

"We developed some new technology," the doctor began. "It's against anything the Alliance has ever stood for."

"What technology could that possibly be?" Shepard asked interested.

"We have an AI," Dr. Chakwas said. "He's housed in this facility away from the Alliance reach."

"An AI?" Shepard asked skeptical. "We were years away from anything like that."

"It's been 20 years," Miranda replied. "Technology and funding have advanced what we were capable of."

"What do you plan to do with this AI?" Shepard asked. "Are we destroying the Alliance or......?"

"If you're willing we need you to house him," Dr. Chakwas replied. "He's meant to be housed with a human companion. Together the pair can achieve some amazing things."

"He?" Shepard asked. "How do you know it's a he?"

"His name is S.A.M," Dr. Chakwas continued. "We don't have anyone with the capability to house him so we haven't been able to use his help. The only choice we have is you."

"You're the only one that can survive the connection," Miranda inputted. "Your biotics make you unique."

"I may be a natural biotic but that doesn't mean I use those powers," Shepard replied. "Last time I checked biotics were seen as freaks."

"Times have changed," Miranda explained. "We have new technology that helps people control their biotic powers."

"Is it reversible?" Shepard asked looking at Dr. Chakwas.

"Yes," she lied. "We can remove the connection with S.A.M. This partnership is only temporary."

"Do what you have to," Shepard replied taking a deep breath. "My life has always been in Monarch's hands."

"We can start as soon as you've eaten something," Dr. Chakwas replied standing up. "I'll get you some menus and have someone pick up the orders."

Miranda followed Dr. Chakwas as she left Shepard alone in her room to recover a bit.

"Get the surgery room ready," the doctor ordered as she headed to her office. "We'll start as soon as Shepard is ready."

"Was it necessary to lie?" Miranda asked making sure Shepard couldn't hear them.

"I didn't lie," Dr. Chakwas said. "I can remove the connection."

"That doesn't mean-" Miranda began.

"Shouldn't you be prepping the surgery room?" Dr. Chakwas asked.

"We should wait longer," Miranda said. "We can't use anesthetics if she's eaten."

"Won't need them," she replied. "Anesthetics don't work on Shepard; instead we'll numb the areas surrounding the implants. It shouldn't take long."

"Yes, doctor," Miranda replied, beginning to question the doctor's sanity.

Every operation she had ever done required the usage of anesthetics but to think they were going to upgrade Shepard while she was awake was unheard of. Then again, it was one of the reasons why she had wanted to work with Dr. Chakwas; she was the best in her field. She only hoped that her methods wouldn't kill Shepard in the long run.

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