In Another Life || Cedric Dig...

Oleh --MerLynn

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**PREQUEL to Another Love || Edward Cullen** In another life, I would have been the one he chose. I would be... Lebih Banyak

02. Life Line
03. Goblet Of Fire
04. I Need You
05. Chocolate Frogs
06. Amortentia
07. Badges, Roses, & Friendship
08. The Golden Egg
09. Better Luck Next Time
10. Get A Clue
11. Happily Never After
12. Bittersweet
13. Stupid Cupid
14. Brackium Emendo
15. Hakuna Matata
16. The Confession & Eyes Of Honey
17. Let Me Go
18. The Maze
19. Hero
20. Just The Beginning

01. Pinky Promise

95 6 10
Oleh --MerLynn

Our laughter echoed throughout the forest, mingling in the air and washing over me. I looked up into the bright grey eyes of my best friend and felt myself getting lost in them. It seemed to be happening more and more as of late.

His eyes danced with joy as he stared down at me. "Alright. Let's make a vow," he breathed out with a crooked smile.

My brows furrowed. "A vow?"

His smile grew. He stopped walking abruptly, causing me to do the same.

"To promise that we'll stay best friends forever. No matter what." His voice was serious, but his eyes still danced.

Best friends. Forever. My chest felt heavy but I nodded in agreement. "Of course, Ced."

I lifted my hand and held out my pinky, earning a confused look from him. I chuckled nervously as I explained, "It's a pinky promise. It's something the muggles do."

Given that I was a Muggle-born, I knew all-too-well the ways of the muggle world- Something that Cedric, being a Pureblood, knew little about.

At my explanation, his grey eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh! Great! How do we-?"

I offered him a soft smile as I explained, "We simply join pinkies and make a promise."

"That's it?" He questioned with an airy laugh.

I nodded. "Yeah. Easy enough, right?"

He was quick to hook his pinky around mine. My heart was beating a mile a minute at his closeness. I felt a blush spreading to my cheeks, causing me to clear my throat nervously.

"I promise.. to always be by your side. We will stick together. No matter what," I breathed out the words a bit shakily.

The emotion swimming in his eyes caused a lump to form in my throat. "You're my best friend. I'll love you forever."

The sincerity in his voice washed over me and caused my heart to stutter. I knew what he meant when he said that he loved me. It wasn't in a romantic way. Not even close. He had made that abundantly clear. Cedric Diggory didn't see me as anything more than a friend. He never has and he never will.

"I promise," he spoke in a low, heartfelt voice.

"Aye! What are you two love birds doing on this fine afternoon?" Fred's voice washed over the both of us.

I quickly dropped my hand to my side and stepped away from Cedric, blushing like a mad woman at what Fred was insinuating. My best friend chuckled, clearly unfazed by the teasing. George beamed at me and draped his arm around my shoulder in a casual manner. I thought nothing of it. Aside from Cedric, the Weasley twins were my closest friends.

"Why do you call us that, Fred? You know we're just friends. You're maddening," I said with a tight-lipped smile.

"Yeah, Fred. Besides, Ellie is mine," George teased as he planted a kiss on my cheek before bursting out in laughter.

His twin was quick to join in on the fun. "No, George. You're mistaken. She's mine!" Fred grinned from ear to ear before he kissed my other cheek.

My face was as red as a tomato at this point. Cedric threw his head back and laughed whole-heartedly. His laughter was literally music to my ears. I pulled my lower lip between my teeth as I studied his smiling face. His eyes were bright and dancing. His smile highlighted his features, making him appear to almost glow against the golden sunlight that was filtering through the trees. He was.. beautiful. Breathtaking.

"Now, it's your turn, Cedric," George grinned mischievously and gestured towards me. "Go on then. Kiss her."

I narrowed my eyes at the red-headed boys as I felt my face heating up once again. Cedric smirked at the both of them, causing butterflies to flutter about in my stomach.

"I don't think Cho would be too happy about that," Cedric responded after a moment, raising his brows at the twins.

My heart fell to my stomach at the mention of his girlfriend. I forced a smile at my friends and shook George's arm off of me, giving him a playful slap on his shoulder in the process.

"More for us," the twins said in sync before they placed another kiss on either side of my cheek, causing me to laugh in amusement.

As if on cue, Cho Chang seemed to appear out of thin air. She was the epitome of beauty. Her olive skin was flawless. Her dark hair hung down her back, looking like black silk against her jumper. She was effortlessly beautiful and I couldn't help but envy her for it. Her chestnut eyes lit up when she saw Cedric before she threw herself in his arms and planted a kiss firmly on his lips which he was more than eager to return. I had to avert my eyes from the public display of affection as a sharp pang pierced through my chest. A lump formed in my throat when they pulled away and stared longingly into each other's eyes.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and started playing with my grandmother's ring that I always wore on my right finger. It was given to me when she passed away a year ago and I only ever took it off to clean it.

George and Fred scrunched up their faces and made fake gagging noises as the couple made googly eyes at one another.

"Get a room you two. Geez," George teased.

"Seriously," Fred grumbled, flashing me a small smile which I returned half-heartedly.

"I'm going to uh.. go study. I'll see you guys later." I avoided Cedric's curious gaze as I spun around on my heels and started heading towards the school, desperate to escape.


News spread that Hogwarts would be hosting the Twiwizard tournament and the school was buzzing with excitement. You could feel it in the air. I walked into the Great Hall for breakfast and my eyes immediately landed on Cedric. A smile tugged on my lips at the sight of him. Before my foot could even hit the ground to head in his direction, Cho sat down beside him. My smile fell instantly as she leaned her head on his shoulder and he kissed her forehead.

Fred and George appeared on either side of me and followed my gaze before giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Come sit with us for a change," Fred suggested.

George nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Sit with us, Ellie."

My brows knitted together as I cast another longing look towards my best friend who had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend.

"But I always sit with Cedric," I mumbled, hanging my head.

The twins shared a look between themselves before hooking their arms through mine and leading me to the Gryffindor table.

"I think it's time for a change. Don't you, George?" Fred asked his brother who was quick to agree.

"Indeed. Sit with us, darling. It will be fun." George flashed me a kind smile.

I found myself nodding. "Okay. You're right. Change is good."

George sat down beside me while Fred claimed the empty seat directly across from me. Throughout breakfast, the twins were able to take my mind off of Cedric. I found myself laughing at their silly jokes. Occasionally, my eyes would trail in Cedric's direction. A handful of times, we actually made eye contact.

My roommate, Natalie, caught my eye from the Hufflepuff table and gave me a sympathetic smile. She rolled her eyes at Cedric before taking a sip of her drink. Natalie was well aware of my infatuation with my best friend, and she knew the difficult time I was having adjusting to the fact that he actually had a girlfriend.

Towards the end of breakfast, Cedric quirked a brow at me, wearing a puzzled expression. I simply averted my gaze, choosing to focus on my two friends who were very obviously trying to cheer me up.


"Elliana! Wait up!" The sound of Cedric's voice washed over as I made my way to Potions class, which I just so happened to share with him.

He was the only person that called me by my actual name. Everyone else called me Ellie or Elle. But not Cedric.

I spun around and was greeted with his flushed face. He was breathing heavily due to running to catch up to me. I pressed my lips into a thin line as I struggled not to get entranced by his grey eyes.

"Yes, Cedric?" I asked softly, clutching my textbook to my chest.

He blinked rapidly. "I, uh. I missed you during breakfast."

I nodded and shifted my weight awkwardly. "Did you?" I struggled to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

He smiled tenderly at me and I was nearly undone. My knees turned to jello under his gaze.

"Of course I did. That was the first time we've ever not sat together," he stated, tilting his head to the side as if he was confused.

My hold on the textbook tightened. "Was it?" I feigned ignorance, despite being very much aware of the fact.

He looked at me incredulously. "Yeah, it was. Is there any reason in particular as to why you didn't sit with me? Did I do something to upset you?"

I shook my head fervently and nibbled on my lower lip. "No, Ced. You didn't do anything. Honest."

Except fall in love with Cho Chang and unknowingly break my heart in the process. But that was hardly his fault. He gave me a disbelieving look.

"Then why did you sit with the Weasley twins instead of me?"

I sighed heavily and stared down at the floor. What could I say? The truth, perhaps? No. Of course not. Not the entire truth anyway. My stomach churned anxiously as I looked back up at him, locking with his stormy grey eyes once again.

"The truth?" I spoke around the lump in my throat.

He nodded once. His eyes were swimming with emotion. "Please," he breathed out.

I exhaled loudly and adjusted the book in my arms, hugging it tightly against my chest as if it was my anchor.

"I guess I just wanted to give you and Cho some space. She doesn't like me hanging around you so much, you know. I don't want to cause trouble for you, Ced," I explained a bit timidly, my cheeks blushing furiously.

His lips parted slightly as he processed my words. When he did, he reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. He leaned down so he could be closer to my level and stared into my eyes with the force of a thousand suns. My throat went dry due to his proximity and the surge of emotions that was coursing through me.

"Elliana, you are my best friend. Nothing will change that. You will always be my best friend. Cho understands how important you are to me. My relationship with her will not interfere with our friendship. I assure you." His voice was soft; his eyes danced.

I could have sworn I felt a piece of my heart break off in my chest. I watched as the mangled piece fell to the ground where it shattered into dust. I felt my eyes well up with tears and all I could do was pray that they wouldn't fall. Cedric must have noticed the tears swimming in my eyes, for he pulled me into a hug.

His arms wrapped around me were the only thing holding me together. He was so warm and comforting. Cedric was always warm. He was like my own personal sun, lighting up the room with his laughter and smile, unknowingly warming my heart every time he spared me a passing glance. But I was just his friend. His best friend. Somehow, that made it even worse. He was so close, yet so far. He was just out of my reach. And that's how it would always be.

After a moment, he released me. When he did, I instantly felt cold. I blinked, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay.

I cleared my throat and whispered, "We better get to class."

His jaw was clenched when he nodded.

As Cedric and I walked into Potions, Professor Snape gestured for us to take our seats. Most of the seats were already filled. There was an empty seat next to Trevor Lockhart, a friendly Gryffindor half-blood that many girls seemed to fancy. He had tousled dark brown hair and the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. He was an exceptionally good-looking guy. I had never formally spoken to the boy, so I was surprised when he offered me a dazzling smile and patted the empty seat next to him.

Cedric's eyes widened; as did mine. I hesitantly walked over to him and tucked a stray curl behind my ear.

"Elliana, isn't it? Elliana Kingsley." Trevor beamed at me.

My mouth fell open. All I could do was nod. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Cedric watching the interaction with curious eyes.

"Well, I'd be honored if you'd be my Potions partner." His voice was smooth and full of confidence.

I found myself smiling at the attractive boy, feeling slightly giddy at the newfound attention. Usually, boys tended to shy away from me and I was never sure why. Granted, I wasn't the most beautiful girl in school, but I certainly wasn't ugly. I had light blonde hair that hung down my back in waves and light green eyes that I was always told were quite beautiful. Still, boys seemed to avoid me like the plague. Aside from Cedric and the twins, of course.

"I'd like that," I said to Trevor before sitting down next to him at the table.

Cedric was still standing in the center of the aisle. His eyes narrowed in my direction before he shot a glare at Trevor. My brows furrowed in confusion. Trevor was quick to return his glare in full force. Cedric sat down in the empty chair behind me. I could feel him staring at the back of my head.

Fred Weasley sauntered into the room with a mischievous grin. This was one of the only classes that he and his brother didn't share apparently. He slithered into the empty seat beside Cedric as Trevor walked to the front of the classroom to speak to Professor Snape.

"Wow, that's odd. I figured you two would be partnered up for sure," I heard Fred whisper to Cedric.

"Lockhart asked her to be his partner," Cedric responded in a harsh whisper. "She practically melted when he spoke to her."

I spun around to face the both of them. "I did not melt," I stated with a frown.

Cedric's frown matched my own. Fred snickered quietly.

"Yes, you did, Elliana," Cedric responded stiffly.

"I did not!" I found myself growing defensive. "Don't listen to him, Fred."

This earned another snicker from my red-headed friend. "Well, which is it? Did you or did you not melt, Ellie?"

Cedric quirked a brow, still frowning. I felt heat rush to my face. There was no denying my blush. Despite myself, I found myself laughing along with Fred.

"Okay. Maybe I did. But just a little," I admitted sheepishly, causing Fred to practically roll with laughter.

Cedric wasn't amused in the slightest. His face was solemn as he looked between the two of us. Fred opened his mouth- no doubt to tease me, but I spoke before he could.

"Can you blame me? I'm not exactly used to guys talking to me, you know. Well, aside from you guys and George," I told them, nibbling on my lower lip in an anxious manner.

Fred beamed at me. "So, you think he's cute, huh?"

Cedric's brows flew up his forehead, awaiting my answer as curiously as Fred. Before I could respond, Trevor sat down beside me. I gave Fred a stern look, warning him not to tease me in front of Trevor.

"So, Elliana. I hear you're quite the whiz with potions," my blue-eyed partner said with a grin.

I blinked rapidly and cleared my throat. "Um, I guess so. And you can call me Ellie. Or Elle. I mean, you can call me whatever you want."

His smile transformed into a smirk. "Oh, yeah? Can I call you my date this weekend to Hogsmeade?"

I heard someone behind me gasp, but I wasn't sure if it was Fred or Cedric. My cheeks instantly started burning. I had never been on a date before. Somehow, I found myself nodding.

"I-I.. Yeah. That'd be.. great." I sounded like a complete idiot. No wonder guys avoided me.

Trevor flashed me a smile that would make any girl go weak in the knees. He and Cedric were neck and neck for the title of Hogwarts Heartthrob and I could see why.

It was about time I start putting myself out there. I had been head-over-heels for Cedric since the first year. It was about time I give someone a chance.

"Sweet. I'm looking forward to it," he practically purred.

I could feel Cedric burning a hole in the back of my head with his eyes. Professor Snape started the lesson, putting an end to everyone's chatter. I stole a quick glance behind me and locked eyes with Fred who pointed at Trevor and gave me a big thumbs up with a smile. I returned his smile before looking at Cedric. My best friend met my gaze, but his face was completely stoic; his eyes were void of all emotion.

The class seemed to drone on for hours. Finally, we were dismissed. Trevor flashed me another smile before he followed his friends into the hallway. I spun around to face Cedric and Fred who were wearing very different expressions.

"Elle has a cruuuush," Fred teased in a a sing-song voice. "Oh, I can't wait to tell George!"

I playfully slapped his arm. "I do not."

"You sure about that?" Cedric asked with a frown.

Oh, I have a crush all right. But it's not on Trevor. At least not yet anyway. Surprisingly, I did find myself smiling at the thought of him though. Perhaps I would develop a crush on him? After spending years crushing on my best friend, it was about time that I find a new object of my affection; perhaps one that would return those feelings?

"I mean, he is cute. If this weekend goes well, who knows what might happen?" I said with a hopeful smile before I latched my arm around Fred's.

Cedric's brows flew up his forehead as if he was surprised by my answer. He followed behind Fred and I as we walked out of the classroom.

"I can't believe it. Ellie is finally growing up," Fred smiled down at me.

"My first date. Can you guys believe it? Someone finally asked me out! I always wondered why none of the guys showed me any interest.." I trailed off, my brows furrowing in thought.

Fred shrugged. "Maybe because you're always hanging out with us? They probably thought one of us was dating you."

He gestured over his shoulder towards Cedric who appeared deep in thought himself. Fred leaned in towards me and whispered so he couldn't hear, "And by us, I mean Cedric."

Apparently, Fred wasn't as quiet as he thought. Cedric darted to the other side of me and scowled at our red-headed friend.

"What do you mean by that, Fred?" Cedric's voice was low and firm; he was clearly tense.

Fred gave him an incredulous look, as if the answer was obvious.

"Oh, come on, Ced. For years, everyone thought you two were together. The rumors were only recently dispelled when you got with Cho. That's why all of the guys have a newfound interest in our little Ellie here." Fred winked at me and I blushed.

Cedric's jaw hit the floor.

"All of the guys?" I asked in disbelief, not buying it for a minute.

Fred nodded with a jolly smile. "All of the single ones anyway. Trevor isn't the first guy to take notice. He was just the first one with enough guts to actually ask you out."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling at that. A wave of confidence rocked through me. That's when it hit me- Trevor Lockhart, one of the hottest guys in Hogwarts, asked me on a date. I was so unprepared! A startled gasp flew through my lips, earning confused glances from both of my friends.

"Omg! I'm going on a date! Can you guys believe it?!" I asked excitedly, my eyes widening with joy.

Fred chuckled. Cedric said nothing; he simply stared straight ahead.

"I can," Fred laughed, ruffling my hair in a playful manner.

I removed my arm from Fred's and jumped in front of the both of them, walking backwards so I could see their faces.

"My first date! What am I going to wear?!" My brain started sifting through clothing options in my mind, but I was coming up blank.

"We have all week to figure that out. We will figure it out," Fred assured me. "Right, Ced?" He shot him a stern look.

Cedric ignored Fred's comment as he continued staring straight ahead with a blank expression. Fred elbowed him in the arm, causing his head to swivel in our direction.

"Right, Ced?" Fred tried again, his brows raised.

Cedric's face scrunched up in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?"

Clearly, he hadn't been paying attention. Fred shook his head and sighed. I pursed my lips, wondering what was going on with my best friend. Something was obviously on his mind. George rounded the corner; Fred high-tailed it towards his twin, leaving Cedric and I to ourselves. I fell in step with him and tilted my head to stare at his forlorn face.

"What's on your mind?" I asked him.

His piercing grey eyes locked with mine. I struggled to ignore the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach.

He cleared his throat before he spoke, "Oh, um. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

My mouth pulled down in a frown as I took note of the 'v' between his eyes. I knew this boy like the back of my hand, so I knew that the 'v' only appeared when he was stressed.

"Tell me, Ced," I said in a soft voice.

He exhaled loudly, his shoulders slumping forward. "It's just..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair before continuing, "You know nothing about this Lockhart guy. I've heard some not so good stuff about him."

At this, I quirked a brow. "Like what?"

His eyes held me captive as he spoke, "He... gets around. He's not looking for anything serious, Elliana. He doesn't have good intentions."

His voice was laced with concern which caused my heart to lurch in longing.

"I appreciate your concern, Cedric." I smiled up at him, feeling my heart swell in my chest. "But it's just one date. I'm not looking to marry the guy, you know." I chuckled dryly at the thought.

He didn't find my comment amusing in the slightest. His frown never left his face. I surprised him by wrapping my arm around him and leaning against his shoulder. He stiffened at the contact before relaxing and resting his head on top of mine.

"Thank you for looking out for me," I breathed out with a smile. "But I'll be fine. If he turns out to be a huge jerk, I just won't go another date with him. It's no big deal."

He was quick to pull away from me when Cho Chang appeared. She was standing with a couple of her friends and shooting daggers at me which I chose to ignore. Cedric's frown turned into a full-blown scowl as he stared down at me.

"If he tries anything, I'll kill him, Elliana." His voice was low and threatening; his eyes were narrowed into slits.

I breathed out a laugh. "Death would be far too easy. I'm sure Fred and George could think of something far worse," I teased.

His eyes flashed. "I'm serious. You tell me if he does anything. Promise me."

I chewed on my lower lip anxiously, confused by his sudden change in demeanor.

"I- I promise," I whispered, my lips pulling down at the corners.

He closed his eyes for a moment and took several slow, deep breaths. When his eyes fluttered open, he seemed to be back to usual happy-go-lucky self.

He flashed me a crooked smile before he spoke, "Great. I'll see you later."

Before I could respond, he was already jogging over to Cho. He wrapped her up in his arms and spun her around in the middle of the hallway, causing a delighted giggle to escape her lips. My heart clenched at the sight.


I doubt anyone will actually read this story.. At least not until it's finished and I start working on the 'bigger' which will then lead to the 'BIGGER' story. Buttttt, if there's anyone out there that is currently reading this story as it's being written, I promise it gets better! 😅 I'm honestly trying to get this story written as quickly as possible, so I can start on the actual story that I'm DYING to write!! 🥰

Normally, I'm into writing 'smutty' stories, so this is a bit different for me. 😆

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