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By functionalism

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Just a regular girl in the Jujutsu world. maki zenin x reader. More

before you start
The Beach
Ryomen Sukuna
United in Grief
Blood on the Walls
The Girl who Lived, Cried and Fought

A Privilege Not Earned

536 20 10
By functionalism

"So...who's this Y/n again?" A blonde woman asked, standing in a room full of doors, and her standing in the middle of it.

"A special grade, like you. She's wanted for instigating the incident going on in Shibuya, along with Gojo Satoru and Masamichi Yaga."

The blonde woman nodded and rested her hand on her hip, tapping it with her finger. "Ya want me to execute her?"

"Only if need be, just arrest her for now." The old voice said behind one of the many doors. She nodded again. "You know why I chose you, right, Tsukumo?"

"Yeah, with your lame ass excuse 'Okkotsu's overseas.' " She mocked with a sigh. The voice grunted. Then, the woman's eyebrow lifted. "Wait, I think I've heard of her. A Tokyo Jujutsu Tech second year, right? She participated in the exchange event, I think. I heard some talk about her completely annihilating the kids from Kyoto. I thought it was all bullshit!"

"I'm afraid it's true. Now, you know your task. Find and arrest special grade sorcerer Y/n L/n for instigating the Shibuya incident."




You thought it was a little late at night for the promotion to be going on. You had to argue with Yachi to let you go out and be there for Maki's promotion, along with the others. He agreed only if he went with you, so here the two of you are, standing on some bridge.

"Did you see the veil get set up?" Yachi asked as he was pacing back towards you. You nodded and looked up at the dome up top. "Yeah. It's too bad we don't have any information on it, though." You sighed. The Soul Piercer was sitting on your belt, and you were ready to whip it out and slice anything coming your way. Over the past few weeks, you've improved tremendously with the Force Technique, as well as your other technique, which you decided to name 'Prodigy.'

"There were multiple veils set up, actually." Yachi frowned. You turned and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Realy?"

"Yeah. 4, I think." He replied. You nodded with a faint hum, "That's interesting." You wondered where Maki was in all of this. You heard that 100 civilians had died already tonight. It made you anxious, worried that it could've been one of your friends.

"Have you heard anything about Gojo?" You asked. Yachi shook his head. "No, but he is here. Somewhere in the middle of all this." He answered. You nodded again.

"Remember that mission when we went to go see your father's body?" Ryo asked. You hummed in response. "Anddd remember when I told you to not get anyone else involved with it other than Yuji, Gojo, yourself, Yachi and Urosaki?"

What about it?

"Well...don't get mad, but I think this whole veil situation may have something to do with it. Just a thought."

You lifted your eyebrows and wrenched your eyes wider. Wait, why would this involve Gojo?

"Because he's the strongest. Do you remember what happened last year, with Geto?"


"Well, he was originally there for Rika's power. Why do you think that is?"

You shrugged your shoulders before frowning. But how does this have anything to do with Suguru Geto?

"It could be one of his minions doing it." He answered. A lightbulb went off over your head.

"Yachi, we need to get closer inside." You suggested walking closer to him. He looked at you with a confused expression. "Why?"

"This must have something to do with Gojo."

"And how do you know?"

"Long story. C'mon." You began walking off before being met with a blonde woman standing some distance away.

"Yo! Are you Y/n?" The woman asked. You parted your lips and lifted a brow. "If I said I am?"

She huffed. "Ah, jeez. I know this all must seem exciting," She waved her hands around. "But I've got some business with ya." She finished with a grin. You and Yachi looked at each other before looking back at her. "What kind of business?"

"Oh, y'know. Criminal business." She shrugged. Your eyes widened slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Can I be- like- really blunt with you?"

"If it gets you to spit it out."

"You're wanted, pal."

"Wanted?! How?! For what reason?!"

She cringed a bit and tensed up. "You don't know? Jeez.." She clicked her tongue. "Gojo Satoru's been sealed in the prison realm." She deadpanned. You and Yachi's expressions went into shock. Gojo, of all people? Wasn't he the strongest..?

"I know you're wondering, 'but he's the strongest!' Well, not anymore, since he's not on the planet right now. The strongest right now are you, me, Geto, and Okkotsu Yuta!" She chirped with another grin. You and Yachi continued staring. "But...how does that make me a criminal?"

"You're wanted for the instigation of the Shibuya incident," She twirled her finger around, pointing at the veil above your heads. You frowned. "But me?! How?!"

"Dunno, all the higher ups told me was that you're wanted. Normally I don't do missions that involve curses, so when I was told to come to Tokyo, I was more than ready to decline. But when they told me it was for another person, and the payment, ohh boy."

You and Yachi looked back at each other. "But how did I instigate?! I didn't even know about this up until now!"

"Oh, man! You two are just in the dark aren't ya?! Suguru Geto's survival has been confirmed! He's the one who sealed Satoru Gojo!"

Your jaw dropped. " Geto?! Gojo killed him! And I beat him to a pulp last year! How is he still alive?!"

"No idea, it's the Jujutsu world, the last thing you should worry about is zombie sorcerers." She shrugged again then sighed. "Man, I really don't wanna arrest you! You seem like such a nice person!" She whined. "But, money is money. And that's a lot of money," She chuckled. A curse appeared behind her suddenly. Yachi got his katana out from it's place on his belt and held it steady in front of him.

You got out the Soul Piercer as well, but then you remembered: You are Ryo now. You can do everything he can!

With a huff, you immediately thought of a spikey ball, and felt a sting in the palm of your hand. You looked down and saw it sitting there. You quickly took it and threw it at the curse before the woman slapped it out of the way. It surprised you how fast she was.

"It ain't that easy to get rid of my shikigami, y'know!" The woman chirped, dashing towards you and Yachi. The curse followed on her tail. She brought her fist up to sock you in the jaw, but you caught it and twisted it. She let out a groan before you took your other first and punched her in the gut, sending her flying back.

The woman caught herself before she hit the wall and immediately dashed for you again. Another shikigami appeared behind her, and it was even faster than she was. You quickly unsheathed the Soul Piercer and sliced the shikigami. The woman watched in awe as the shikigami began fading away before her surprise was ruined when the bottom of your shoe landed on her cheek.

The impact sent her tumbling back towards the building, and this time she did hit the wall. She sat there, contemplating for a few seconds before she felt a pressure on her throat. She looked down and saw nothing, then looked up ahead and saw your arm extended and your hand cupping the air. She lifted a brow and felt herself being lifted up into the air.

You frowned right before Yachi pushed you out of the way to get you from in front of a shikigami heading towards you. He took his katana and held it in a defensive position. The shikigami wrapped itself around his blade before he took his hand and tried ripping it off.

The woman fell to the ground, which was only about 4 feet, and landed with a crouch before sprinting over to you and kicking you in the jaw. The impact sent you toppling onto your back as her foot landed on your stomach. She didn't press down hard, just lightly.

"And I thought this'd be hard." She commented with a chuckle, wiping off her nose which was bleeding. You frowned then huffed before letting a cursed pudge slip from your hands and grab the woman by the ankles and toss her some yards away.

Yachi threw his katana at the shikigami soaring towards you, stopping it at your feet. He looked at you as the shikigami began to fade away. "Go! I'll handle her, you get outta here!" He shouted. You nodded then scrambled up to collect the Soul Piercer and dash from the spot.

While running, you turned down an alleyway that showed people fighting. You figured that with all the twists and turns you took, and with Yachi holding her off, the woman would never find you.

You squinted and saw what looked like Nobara fighting some guy in a black toga. You looked just in time to watch him take his sword and slash Nobara in the leg.

"Hey!" You shouted, taking the Soul Piercer and sprinting towards him. He turned around just before the Soul Piercer was about to hit him which in defense, he blocked with his own sword. His strength was no match for yours, as you'd pushed hard enough to where his sword fell out of his hand and onto the ground. Your other hand swung to grab his, and you punched him in the face with the hand that was holding the Soul Piercer. The man tumbled back and fell on his ass right on the ground before you kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

You looked back at Nobara, then noticed Nitta-san lying on the ground too. You huffed, then looked at the first year, who looked to be in shock as she sat on her knees.

"You ok?" You asked as you walked towards her. She frowned then nodded. "I'm alright. He originally attacked Nitta-san, though." She answered, looking at her. You huffed with a nod, looking back at Nitta before the two of you heard the clacks of what sounded like church shoes.

"Nanamin?" You assumed, turning your head in the direction of the sounds. "Must be." Nobara answered.

A few moments later, like you guessed, Nanami appeared around the corner. He had the same look on his face as the last time you saw him: tired.

Nanami asked if the two of you were ok, to which you both said yes. After that, he acquainted the two of you to a bench, along with Nitta-san, where you could rest. And during that, Nanami explained the whole situation to you.

"Ijichi-san's ok?!" Nobara shouted, her echo rang through the hallway. Nanami nodded while you looked around, obviously confused, but didn't say anything. Nanami was kneeling down in front of you and Nobara, with Nitta-san leaning against your shoulder.

"I did what I did. And don't forget, he was once training to be a Jujutsu sorcerer as well." Nanami commented. You and Nobara nodded.

Nanami looked at you after a moment had passed. "Have you encountered anyone before you saw Kugisaki?"

You nodded. "Some random woman came for me, said I'm wanted as a criminal."

"You are. You're wanted for the instigation of the Shibuya incident, which is the Gojo situation. You're aware that he's been sealed, correct?"

You nodded again. "What I have to do with this, I have no idea."

"After a mission a few months ago, you told Gojo about what you'd come up with, and that got sent up to the higher ups. Tonight, when the veils got set up and the prison realm was spotted, the higher ups immediately went to the information that was sent up and found you as a suspect. So now you're the number one target aside from Gojo."

You huffed at Nanami's not-so-brief summary. Nanami looked back at Nobara. "Anyways, it seems that your group is unaware of the Gojo situation?" He asked. Nobara nodded. "We headed straight indoors, that's probably why we couldn't hear anything." Nitta-san answered. Nobara nodded again. "The fact that he's still hanging on even after he's been sealed is so like Gojo!" She commented with a very faint smile.

"..Anyways, you two please wait here for rescue. I'll be joining the Zen'in group, where I hope Y/n would accompany me, and heading down to 85F. Nanami announced. You looked at him. "Zen'in group?"

"It's Maki's assessment group. I was paired with her originally, but we got separated." Nobara answered. You nodded and looked back at Nanami. "Sure."

He hummed in response. "Alright, follow me, please." He said then began making his way to your destination. Just as you began walking after him, Nobara stopped you, tugging your wrist.

"Keep us safe, senpai." She said as she pulled you into a hug. You smiled slightly then hugged her back. "You can count on it, Kugisaki."

After that, you finally made your way out with Nanami.





After a short walk and a small conversation about the whole event, you and Nanami finally made it to 85F, where you found Maki standing next to some...guy.

You smiled as you picked up your pace down the stairs. Maki heard the clacks of Nanami's shoes and turned to look at him, only to be met with your grinning face.

"Y/n?" She questioned as you stood right in front of her. You nodded, and hugged her as tight as you possibly could. She lightly chuckled and hugged you back.

"I'm sorry your promotion had to turn out like this." You pouted as you let go. She hummed, "It's ok. There's nothing you could've done anyways."

You cringed a bit and bit the inside of your cheek. "Well...that's not what the higher ups think.." You mumbled sheepishly, fidgeting with your hands. Maki lifted a brow and stared at you. "What do you mean?"

"She means she's wanted for the instigation of the Shibuya incident, which is what happened to Gojo, him being sealed. When higher ups got word of it, they immediately found Y/n as a suspect." Nanami explained. The old man that was standing next to him huffed as he rubbed his mustache.

"Serves him right, that Gojo." He grunted, still twisting mustache. You rolled your eyes then looked back at Nanami.

The four of you walked down a flight of stairs, talking about what would happen now that Gojo's sealed. Nanami said that with Gojo being sealed, a lot of criminals would come out from the shadows now that his presence isn't here. You suggested that it would lead to a slow downfall for the Jujutsu world.

"Satoru Gojo really is sealed? I can hardly believe it," The old man chuckled, who stated his name was Naobito. You rolled your eyes again before Nanami answered. "That's correct. However, even if he is just a fake, Geto seems to be involved. We can safely assume he's been the cause of the mystery." Nanami left out the fact that you as well are involved. He didn't want to pressure you too much, since you'd only just found out about it less than an hour ago.

"I for one wouldn't mind letting things be and bearing witness to the decline of the Gojo family." Naobito chuckled, twisting his mustache again.

"Go home if you're not gonna help." Maki mumbled, scoffing and rolling her eyes.

"Go home? I'd say that's more you, Maki. Am I right, First Grade sorcerer Kento Nanami, and special grade sorcerer Y/n L/n?"

You huffed as Naobito brazenly called out your grade. He made it clear that you're the strongest, and you didn't like the idea of being called out on it. It made you think you sounded like a cocky brat, boasting about your grade in the Jujutsu world.

"I'd like to find myself more useful than a drunk." Maki shot back, glaring at Naobito. He blew a raspberry at her before Nanami turned to him. "You've been drinking..?"

"Not eeeeven one siiiip!" Naobito slurred, twisting his mustache still before hiccuping. You rolled your eyes.

"As far as cursed energy and techniques go, I agree with Naobito." Nanami replied sheepishly. You side eyed him.

"That old fart? Are you kidding? That's laughable."

You snickered at Ryo's comment.

The four of you reached the bottom of another stairwell, and found a curse floating around. The curse was standing behind one of the support beams in front of the four of you, hiding behind it.


"Yeah I see it."

Maki readied up her staff, but Nanami was already on it. "Leave it to me," He got in front of her and started for the curse.

"You should like, totally do it for them." Ryo commented. You rolled your eyes and ignored him.

"No, I'm serious. I have a feeling that's not an ordinary curse."

What, do you think it'll turn into a unicorn?

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

You chuckled at his reaction. In the blink of an eye, Nanami was still walking by the time Naobito had already gotten to the curse that you swore was in 3D just a second ago, which he was holding in a picture frame. The three of you stared in shock as he held it up triumphantly.

"You three...are a little too slow." He grinned before he punched a hole in the frame, sending the now 3D curse bouncing against the floor and hitting another support beam.

"Did you see what happened?" Maki asked. You and Nanami both shook your head no. "I think it was his cursed technique." You suggested. Nanami nodded after you, "Even then, that was too fast."

The curse let out some crocodile tears for a few moments, then barfed out a bunch of skeletons. You watched with wide eyes as you threw up in your mouth, then spit it out to the side.

"That's so disgusting!" You groaned, wiping the corner of your mouth while Maki pat your back. Naobito questioned something, but you didn't bother to pay attention to it. The curse started rambling about something, but you didn't pay attention to that either. All you really heard was 'how dare you kill hanami.'

The curse lifted itself in the air, and it split in half. In the middle came out a beam. An evolved curse was floating in the air.

You huffed as you pulled out the Soul Piercer, holding it in a defensive position.

"No wonder you were so weak," Naobito rolled up his sleeves.

"You were just a cursed womb."

The curse took a ball of water and exploded it around the subway. It was beginning to flood the entire subway, and Maki took her spear and stuck it into the support beam behind her then crouched up on it. She then reached her hand out and helped you up.

"Are you sure this'll hold the both of us?!" You shouted. It was so loud in there that you couldn't hear yourself think. "I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't!"

You huffed before looking at the two men down there. You thought it was stupid that you, a special grade sorcerer, were letting two grown men who were a grade lower than you defend you and Maki.

Once the water began to clear up, you leaped off her spear and sprinted for the curse with the Soul Piercer.

You were already gone by the time Maki had something to protest about. The actual weight of the Soul Piercer felt like a feather right now, since your main goal now was to protect Maki and yourself. The curse was mere inches away from you when you swung, making a huge gash on it. The curse let out a huge groan, and swung it's arm to slap you out of the way. You let your arm drop and raised your other arm and used the Force Technique to stop it midway, and tighten a grip on the curse's arm.

Using the Force, you manipulated it into throwing the curse by the hand into the wall, making a large indent and several cracks on it. Maki ran up and took her spear to slash at the curse, which it dodged effortlessly and grabbed onto the blade instead.

Under the impression that it would rip the spear from Maki's grip and use it against her, you lifted your hand up and let a small purple cursed bubble float from your hand, and fly straight at it at an incredible speed. As soon as it hit the curse, you dashed for it, pushed Maki out of the way, and drove the Soul Piercer straight through what looked like the curse's torso.

Naobito was just in time to slap the curse and trap it in a frame. Nanami came from behind and tried slashing it. It still stood up against the four of you.

"Tch, not even two first grades and a special grade and exorcise you, huh?" Naobito clicked his tongue. "What a turbulent time we live in." He complained.

"..If those two hadn't used their techniques, I would've died! Damn it! That's so embarrassing!" Maki scowled to herself. You chuckled and pat her on the back. "Don't feel bad yet. We still gotta exorcise this curse." You reassured her. She looked at you and gave you a soft smile.

And then before you knew it, the two of you were on a beach.

"What the hell?!" You yelled as your ass hit the sand. You heard Nanami scoff, and you looked over to find him shaking his head. "It's just an Innate Domain. We'll be fine." He said. You huffed then thought for a moment..

'While in an Innate Domain, the user is given infinite cursed energy for a maximum of 9 minutes.'

Your eyes lit up at the idea of infinite cursed energy. You figured 9 minutes would be plenty of time to get you all out of here.

"I could get us out of here." You started as you got up from the sand, dusting yourself off. Nanami looked at you. "Well then, get on it." He said. A few moments later, a bunch of shikigami that looked like piranhas appeared out of nowhere. One of them came flying straight for Maki, so you took the Soul Piercer and cut it right in half before it got to her.

Another one came flying for you, and you used the Force to crumple it up into a paper ball and cast it back out into the Domain water.

"Naobito, don't worry about your anti-domain technique. We have a Force Technique user." Nanami announced with you and Maki trudging behind him. Naobito lifted a brow. "Is that so? Is it that pipsqueak?" Naobito looked at you. Nanami nodded in response. "Well then use that technique and squash that damn curse!"

Right after, a bigger shikigami came straight for the four of you. Nanami and Naobito got ready, but you'd already shot out another purple blob straight at it. The shikigami blasted to pieces and fell into the water right in front of Nanami and Naobito.

You looked around and saw the main curse in the water, and it looked to be meditating. In a time and place like this?! You thought as you took the Soul Piercer and slashed another shikigami. Then, a giant swarm of shikigami formed out of the water. It looked like a tsunami of shikigami.

"SPECIAL GRADE L/N!" Naobito shouted from the water. He and Nanami were standing right in front of the swarm, ready to attempt to defeat the whole thing. Right as you looked at him, the swarm threw Naobito into the tree's behind the beach. Nanami got attacked by a shikigami right after.

"NANAMIN!" You yelled as he broke free. The shikigami swarm started heading towards you, and you used the Force to lift yourself up and strike right through it.

You manipulated the Force to bring you right back to the swarm, and cut a skilled hole through the swarm, leaving a purple trail of cursed energy behind you. Once you landed on the sand, you twirled back around on your heel and threw the Soul Piercer like a boomerang, sending it twirling around the entire swarm and exorcizing every shikigami in there.

The curse then ran straight towards Maki and kicked her into the trees. "You're the weakest here-" You cut it off by shooting a blob at it. The blob made a hole in what looked like the curse's stomach. It let out a long groan as you looked and saw a Maki-shaped hole in the trees.

"Damn you!" The curse yelled, running straight for you. It stopped right in front of you and lifted it's arm to punch you in the face. You lifted your arm as well and used the Force to freeze it in its place.

You manipulated the Force into throwing the curse back some meters. Right after, you heard a voice come from the trees.

"If you're gonna call me weak...then you'd better kill me in one hit, you damn octopus!" Maki came out from behind the trees, still holding her spear. You looked at her before noticing another presence of cursed energy.

"Domain Expansion..Chimera Shadow Garden!"

You and Maki looked over to see that Megumi had entered the domain. 'Oi, Megumi!" Maki shouted. A black puddle formed right next to her, and she dropped her spear into it before picking up playful cloud.

"Y'know, Megumi. You really are such a cocky brat." Maki grumbled before taking playful cloud and running into the water. You caught the Soul Piercer just in time to join Maki and Megumi.

Soon after you joined Megumi and Maki, Nanami appeared before the three of you. You all looked at him, mangled and injured.

"Nanamin, you're ok?!" You questioned before he nodded. "What about the other two?"

"Ino had to withdraw and Itadori's on his own." Megumi answered. You gave Megumi a side eye. "So that means you left him alone?"

"It's not like he's weak, he can protect himself." He grunted in response, then Nanami huffed. "You three, don't worry. I'll protect you. Just please focus on your domain." He said before you and him turned to face the curse. Out of nowhere, Naobito appeared suddenly and went straight for the curse. Truth be told, you thought he died.

Naobito trapped the curse in a frame, and smashed it with his left arm. Meanwhile Maki was straining to handle the other side of the curse with playful cloud.

To help Maki, you took the Soul Piercer, swung it in your hand, and dashed for the curse. You raised your blade and cut the curse's arm off, letting it fall and splash in the water. After a few moments, you two heard a loud voice from a distance.

"You two!" Nanami shouted, "Assemble!" As soon as he finished, all of you ran for Nanami and away from the curse.

A hole formed itself in the black puddles of Megumi's domain, and out climbed a man in a sweater with greasy jet black hair and a scar on his lip. All of you stared at him, clearly confused.

Who even is this guy..?

"GET OUT OF THERE!" You felt a tingle in your body, and it tugged you away from the crowd. You watched as the strange man gripped playful cloud and completely ripped it from Maki's grasp. Your jaw dropped as the man took it and began sharpening it.

What...there was no cursed energy behind that! Did she just lose in a battle of strength?! Maki?!

Maki slid across the puddle and caught herself before she could fall. "There's no use, the hole's closed and I doubt the Domain will let us open another one that easy." Nanami announced, Naobito just stared at the strange man with a look of shock on his face.

"...Toji?!" He shouted. All you saw was flashes of the strange man going around the curse with playful cloud.

"Oi, old geezer. Who the hell is that?" Maki questioned. Naobito huffed, "A ghost."

Right after, the strange man took playful cloud and stabbed the curse right there. In a flash, all of you stood back in the station where you previously were.

"What in the..." You trailed off, shaking the sand out of your hair. Afterwards, you looked around and saw Maki barely holding herself up. Her hair was a bit messy, and her left sleeve had been partially torn off. Your clothes were only wet, so you looked like you'd barely been touched, and that the most that happened to you was that you tripped in the water.

Suddenly, another curse, a shorter one, one that looked like it had a volcano at the top of it's head, appeared before all of you. It had what looked like a fireball in its hand, and its first target was Nanami, setting him on fire.

"NANAMIN!" Your scream echoed through the whole station as his body fell to the floor immediately. The curse looked around, and it seemed to be heading in Maki's direction...while she was standing right next to you.

Maki was quick to push you out of the way, letting herself get caught on fire. You could only watch as that same tingle from earlier dragged you away from the scene. You'll never forget her screams and yelps of pain, her body dropping to the floor. You wanted so badly to end the tingling and absolutely destroy the curse for doing that, but you couldn't, and you'll never understand why, let alone forgive yourself for that.


The curse was faster than you as it began heading in your direction. The tingling stopped as soon as you watched specs of purple dust, almost forming a human, detached itself from you.

"Sorry, Y/n." Ryo said softly as the specs of dust formed a hand, cupping your cheek. "I had fun. I guess this is the end," He continued. Time seemed to slow down at Ryo's will.

"Goodbye, Y/n."

The curse caught the specs on fire, cursed energy pushing you further and further away from the curse. You could only watch, once a hand tugged on your sleeve and began dragging you away from the scene.

"No.." You mumbled out, your lips trembling.


You broke free from the hand's grip, which was Yachi's, and ran for the curse with the Soul Piercer gripped tight in your hand. The curse looked at you like it was confused right after it had caught Naobito on fire right before you took the Soul Piercer and slashed it right in half.

The two sides of the curse stood still before you began dicing it into pieces, turning it into ash. Your arms were tired by now; hell, your everything was tired. You were so tired you could sleep like a log for three days. Between finding out that you're a criminal, and watching both Ryo and Maki- your closest pals- die in front of you, you were about ready to give up. Your limbs were sore, and needed to be iced and rubbed after this. Dirt and sand had been caked on your skin, and your lungs felt like they were on fire.

Tears were streaming down your cheeks by now as you dropped to your knees and hunched your back, hands clutching the floor.

"Why me..?" You questioned, your voice cracked and might as well be broken already. You could barely get words out past the lump in your throat. A hole deep inside your chest caved itself and grew bigger with each passing second. All the memories of you and Ryo, you and Maki, they all were being sucked into that abyss, like light getting sucked into a blackhole.

"WHY ME?! HUH?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE ME WHO YOU CHOSE?!" You were talking to Ryo, even though you knew he couldn't hear you. He was already too far gone, his presence could no longer be felt.

"Y/n, I know you're grieving, but we have to get out of here. It's not safe-"

"DO YOU THINK I CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME?!" You yelled, your voice bouncing off the walls of the subway. Yachi swallowed the lump in his throat and reached down to pat your back.

"Ever since we saw my father's body, my life's been going downhill." In a way, it has been. Down a very steep hill that you weren't ready for. You weren't ready to face the fact that you wouldn't hear Ryo's voice in your head anymore. You want to ignore that. The silence was only a reminder that he's gone. You weren't ready to face the fact you wouldn't have someone like Maki to turn to, only Yachi.

Maki was the only one to give you the comfort that was right for you. The only one to hold you, to tell you it was ok and made you actually believe it, to show you love.

And it's gone.

You'd lost your heart, your mind, and your soul. The only thing left for you was the reminder that being happy was a privilege.

A privilege not earned.

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Jujutsu Kaisen drabbles and one-shots. All feature a female reader. Some will be suitable for work and some will contain mature and graphic themes. I...
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25.3K 559 25
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