Hotel of the hazbin crimson k...

By Theswankyseal

68K 1.1K 826

Y/N was an ordinary boy doing what he could to get by during a time of financial crisis. From mugging people... More

Bio and harem
Now thats entertainment!
One bizzare reunion.
A date with the radio demon
The three V's
One's passione
Updated bio
Updated harem
Members of passione
A message
Radio killed the video star
Scrambled eggs
Dad beat dad
Welcome to heaven
Hello Rosie!
The show must go on! (S1 Finale)
Exorc-stential crisis
A stream of success
Guardian angel
Snake in the grass
To take a stand
An uneasy alliance
Miss Morningstar
Ain't that niffty?


6.5K 84 87
By Theswankyseal

Y/N:........I was a normal person for most of my life.....I was just trying to get by like evreyone else.

The camera pans down to a run down apartment where a boy with H/C was inside his kitchen looking into an empty freezer.

Y/N: I didn't have much money my home town was going through some financial bullshit meaning evreything was stupid expensive while the pay you got was absolute dog shit.

????: Hey dipshit fetch me a beer from the store!

Y/N looks at a man sitting in a chair in the living room watching T.V.

Y/N: Also having a drunk for a dad didn't help with money neither.

Y/N rolls his eyes before closing the fridge. The scene changes to a clothing shop which Y/N walks into only to get thrown out minutes later.

Y/N: Believe me I tried getting a job but no one's interested in hiring some college dropout. So with an honest living off the table I had to look for more.......questionable ways of making money.

Y/N walks into an alley and puts on a mask and takes a gun from his pocket and waits until someone walked down the alley and held them at gunpoint.

Y/N: I'll say this right now I ain't no saint hell I'm the stark opposite.

A montage plays of Y/N doing multiple crimes ranging from mugging an old person on the street to giving a small gang a batch of drugs he took from a dealer he killed to blackmailing a charity worker for his charity's weakly earnings.

Y/N: I killed robbed lied and stole. I did whatever I could just to survive. Shit was tough and I thought it was only going to get tougher. That is until one day I met with a gang who had one helluva job for me.

The scene cuts to Y/N who was sitting in a bar with a group of people all dressed in fedoras and long coats.

Y/N: They were your usual three bit gang but thier boss was interested in some stupid artifact in the local museum and he was paying biiiiig bucks for someone to steal it for him.

The boss of the gang flashes a cheque in Y/N's face showing the amount it had to be 1 million.

Y/N: And I mean BIG bucks. Enough to ditch my old place and start all over. If I did this job I could finally get out of the slums and live the life that i deserved! Of course I couldn't refuse I took the job the moment I saw the cheque.

Y/N nods his head and stands up and leaves the bar. The camera pans to inside a museum at night Y/N looked through the bathroom window before picking the window lock and silently breaking in making sure to avoid bumping into any guards on patrol.

Y/N: Breaking in wasn't too hard and I had a picture of the artifact so I knew what I was looking for.

Y/N crept through the museum until he arrived at an exhibit which displayed all types of ancient weapons but he ignored them until he came across a bow with an golden arrow.

Y/N: It was an arrow didn't know why the guy wanted it hell he only wanted the arrow and nothing else. At first I thought nothing of it thought it was nothing important.......oh how wrong I was.

Y/N smashes the glass and goes to take the arrow when an alarm sounds putting the whole museum into lockdown.

Y/N: The case the arrow was in had an alarm the place was locked down and the cops were on the way I had to dissaper and fast. But as I went to grab the arrow suddenly without any warning....the damn thing flew straight at me and stabbed itself into my hand!

Y/N screams in pain as the arrow pierces his skin and sinks into his body.

Y/N: The pain......sweet fucking christ the pain! I never felt anything like it it was horrible! The deeper it went the worse the pain got!

The arrow reaches Y/N's heart causing him to faint but he wakes up minutes later.

Y/N: It got so bad I passed out because of the pain and when I woke up the police had already surrounded the museum.

Y/N tries to sneak out the way he came from only to be met with a squad of heavily armed cops.



Y/N: I was surrounded I began to panic and the police was getting closer to pulling the trigger.

Y/N looks around hoping thier was someway he could escape his predicament as the police got ready to take the shot.


Y/N: The police were about to open fire I closed my eyes bracing myself for the end and then.........


The police open fired but a figure suddenly appears infront of Y/N deflecting the shots protecting him from harm. The police were stunned and Y/N was confused he opened his eyes and was suprised to see a figure standing infront of him. The figure had red and silver skin with a smaller face just above his face sharing the same green coloured eyes.

Y/N: You can bet your ass I was confused and so were the cops because while I could see him they couldn't.

Cop: What the hell was that?! What deflected our shots?

Cop: It doesn't matter reload and open fire!

Y/N: What the hell are you?

The figure looks towards Y/N giving him a blank expression before turning back to the police.

Y/N: All it did was just stare before it attacked the cops and let me tell you it was a goddamn massacre.

The figure gets behind the sargent with supersonic speed and plunges its fist through his chest. The other cops look on in terror as thier superior was brutally killed without any warning they turned thier guns away from Y/N and towards the figure who was still invisible to them. The figure rushes to two officers and grabs them by the neck snapping them with ease before getting behind another and cleaving his head off with a single strike.



Y/N: Seeing that the cops were distracted I took my chance and ran for it but I got spotted by a lone officer.

Cop: Oh no you don't!

The cops fires at Y/N but the figure appears infront of Y/N and deflects the shots back to the officer.

Y/N was suprised but continued to run when he came across a junction  Then he suddenly got an vision which showed him getting hit by a cop car. Y/N shook it off and turned the corner and crossed the street but suddenly a cop car comes racing towards Y/N but the figure once again appears infront of Y/N and slams his fist into the hood of the car the force of the impact caused the driver to slam his head into the window splitting his head wide open dreching the window in blood. Y/N continues to run until he finds an old house and kicks the door down and ducks into the abandoned house and closes the window blinds.

Y/N: Yeah shit was crazy to say the least things went from stealing some shiny arrow to massacring the entire police force with something that you've never seen before.

The figure reappears next to Y/N who stared in wonder.

Y/N: I've never seen anything like you before what are you?......did that arrow summon you or something?

The figure gave Y/N a small nod.

Y/N: Now I understood why that guy wanted the arrow so bad. I now knew what made it so special. The arrow had given me the power to summon this thing whenever I wanted. I was it's master it was bound to me that's why it protected me from the cops.

Y/N looks at the figure before giving it a wicked smile. The scene changes to Y/N inside a bathroom activating epitaph.

Y/N: At first I didn't understand what this thing could do but it didn't take long for me to clock on. And this was when I realised that I hit the fucking jackpot!

The scene changes to a robbery at a bank Y/N walks out with a large bag of cash and laughs as the police ordered him to stand down.

Y/N: Once I got the hang of king crimsons power hell.....I was unstoppable! Yeah I called this thing king crimson the name suited my new partner in crime.


Y/N: Oh I've got a better idea officer.......King crimson!

Y/N activates King crimson and erases times just as the cops fired. He walked past the bullets getting behind the cops once the erasure was over Y/N pulled out his gun and shot the first cop and king crimson grabbed the second by the head and crushed his skull in. Y/N laughed and smiled at king crimson who shared the same devilish grin.

Y/N: The cops couldn't do shit against us anything they did we had already seen it coming and no matter what they did we were always ten steps ahead of them.

Y/N hides behind a wall as a cop car speeds by and laughs as he had epitaph activated.

Y/N: It didn't take long for us to rise up in the criminal world. We were taking down whole gangs with our bare hands we were faster then the eye could see no one could touch us we had it all!

Y/N is seen smoking weed and drinking liquor while king crimson was counting a large wad of cash.

Y/N: The money the power the drugs the infamy!............I let it all get to my head.

The scene changes to show Y/N walking in an empty street smoking another joint when he suddenly feels an unbearable pain coming from his chest and drops to the floor. Y/N breathing becomes rigid and panic sets in but king crimson couldn't do anything to help his master.....not this time.

Y/N: All that drinking and smoking came back to bite me in the ass.....heh yeah that's what killed me I didn't go out with a bang no glory no honour nope.....I died from an overdose alone on the street.......a pathetic way to go.

Y/N falls limp and king crimson vanishes. The camera pans into the ground and shows a city with a red sky. The city was filled with skyscrapers nightclubs megamalls and strip clubs all type of things for sinners to indulge in.

The camera pans to show Y/N who was walking through the city talking to himself.

Y/N: And thats how I found myself in hell. Gotta admit though hell looking much better then it did in those bibles. I mean I've already seen God knows how many strip clubs and I've seen atleast 4 people getting mugged.......I love this place already. But let's not get ahead of ourselves first I need a job and second I need a place to stay. I've got no home and no money to my name maybe I could rent a shitty apartment or something.........

Y/N was woken up from his thoughts as he heard the sound of screaming coming from an alley up ahead.

Y/N: What the hell was that?

Y/N runs over to the alley and peaks from the courner and saw three large demons who had cornered a lone girl at the end of the alley.

Demon 1: Come on babe let's have ourselves a good time!

Girl: N-no please stay back.

Demon 2: Awww she think she has a say in this.

Demon 3: As if let's just fuck her already......I'm getting hungry.

Girl: Vaggie.....someone......please help me.

Y/N: Oh I don't think so.

Y/N walks behind the demons and whistles getting thier attention.

Y/N: Hey leave that girl alone!

Demon 2: Or what?!

Demon 3: Yeah what are you gonna do tough guy?

Y/N: (Smirks) I'm so glad you asked......King crimson!

King crimson appears next to Y/N scaring the demons.

Demon 1: What the hell is that thing?!

Demon 2: Doesn't matter we can take it that freak doesn't look so tough!

The demons charge at Y/N who smirks and unleashes King crimson who batters the trio with a barrage of punches.

The demons are beaten to a bloody pulp thier bodies were mauled beyond recognition as king crimson withdraws it attack and kicks them to the side.

Y/N: Pathetic all bark and no bite.

Y/N steps over the three bodies and helps up the girl they harrased who hugged Y/N.

Girl: Thank you so much thank you thank you thank you!

Y/N: Hey don't mention it I couldn't just let those three rape you could I? Nothing boils my blood more then people who treat women as mere objects.

Girl: Thank you for saving me I'm in your debt! Urgh I should've listened to vaggie and stayed at the hotel.

Y/N: What we're you doing in an alley anyway?

Girl: Oh I was trying to stick some posters around town I hoped it would help my business but all I've done is run into trouble.

Y/N: A business? Your a manager?

Girl: Well yeah I'm the founder of the happy hotel!

Y/N: The......what?

Girl: That happy hotel! A place where demons and sinners go to rehabilitate themselves!

Y/N: And by any chance are you looking for any employees?

Girl: We could use some extra help....(gasp) Would you like to work for me?

Y/N: Well I need a place to stay and a paycheck so I'll take what I can get.

Girl: Yaaaaaay a new employee! I can tell you and me are going to be great freinds!

Y/N: Well what are we waiting for? Let's see this hotel of yours.

Charlie: Okay follow me.......oh I haven't even told you my name yet hehe. I'm Charlie it's nice to meet you.

Y/N: Y/N.

Charlie: And what's that.....things name?

Y/N: Oh him?

Y/N points to king crimson.

Y/N: I call him king crimson.

Charlie guides Y/N back to hotel and Y/N takes a good moment to look at the establishment.

Charlie: Here we are the happy hotel! So what do you think?

Y/N: It's sure is something because I mean look at this!

Charlie: We're only just getting on our feet pretty soon we'll have hundreds of sinners coming here ready to redeem themselves!

Y/N: if you say so. (She's quite optimistic....maybe too optimistic.)

Y/N and Charlie enter the building where they are greeted by a girl wearing a white dress a red bow and had a red cross on her eye.

Charlie: Vaggie!

Charlie pulls Vaggie into a hug.

Vaggie: There you are I was getting worried about you. What took you so long?

Charlie: Had a bit of trouble with some demons but Y/N stopped them from harming me!

Vaggie: Who.....him?

Vaggie points at Y/N earning a smile from Charlie.

Charlie: Yeah this is Y/N our new employee he's gonna help us put the hotel on the map.

Y/N: Sup. (Waves)

Vaggie walks upto Y/N and stares into his soul.

Vaggie: Charlie may trust you but you've got a long way to go before I can compañera. (Buddy)

Y/N: Read you loud and clear las mejillas dulces. (Sweetchecks)

Vaggie: Beuna. (Good)

Vaggie walks away and Charlie walks upto Y/N.

Charlie: Sorry Vaggie's just abit cold towards new people but she'll soften up to you.

Y/N: i hope so.

Charlie: Anyway here's your key seeing that you need somewhere to live I figured you could have a spare room.

Y/N: Oh please sweetheart your too kind.

Charlie: It's the least I can do for the man that saved me.

Y/N winks at Charlie and enters his room and drops onto the bed.

Y/N: Ahhhh I'm gonna clock out. Can't wait to see what this world throws at me tomorrow.

Y/N closes his eyes and falls asleep letting sleep overcome him.

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