Percy Jackson Sex Lives

By Couplefan

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The sex lives of Nico and Thalia, Jason and Piper, Percy and Annabeth, Hazel and Frank and Leo and Calypso on... More

Chapter 2: Hazel and Frank
Chapter 3: Leo and Calypso's little night session
Chapter 4: Percy and Annabeth's Sneak off
Chapter 6: Jason's horny....
Frazel + Percabeth
Jiper all day

Caleo energy

54.9K 136 62
By Couplefan

Leo POV:
Calypso had been below deck all day and I hadn't seen her, it was getting dark it was probably about 10 or 11 now. I was growing weary and couldn't stop thinking about her. I thought about kissing her and wrapping my arms around waist and pulling her tight, my fingers caressing that long blonde hair and those soft tanned cheeks. My thoughts started to get dirty and I realised I had a boner, I groaned audibly, sometimes I couldn't help but think about sex and stuff when I was up here alone. I heard wood creak, my eyes widened, "shit- 'Lypso?" I asked, "yeah, it's me" her soft voice said as she opens the door, I tried to turn away, "hey!" She said walking around to me, "uhm hi" I said covering my dick with my hands, her mouth screwed up as she watched me, a mischievous going in her eyes, "what are you doing?" She laughed, "I um-" I said, she yanked my hands away and I blushed, "urrrr" I said in embarrassment, "what's the big deal? We've done it before and I am your girlfriend" she said watching me with curiosity, "I dunno" I admitted. "How about I give you a hand?" She suggested, "with what, I've got the ship on autopilot and the radar's- ohhhh" I said with realisation, "ohhh" she mimicked me playfully, "so?" She asked putting her hand on her hip. She wore skinny jeans and a white shirt, it had some engine grease on it and she had a smudge on her nose but I think it made her even cuter. "Sure" I said. "Good because" she said walking over to the wall, she hit the wall hard with her elbow and a door opened, I never knew that was there, shocking seen's this's my ship. It was full with energy drinks, I needed one, she took one out and tossed it to me. "Where'd you get all these?" I asked popping it open, "for when we're- alone" she said, I understood I drained it and took another. Suddenly I felt jittery and hyper. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet obviously feeling the same. I stood up and pulled her close, she kissed with passion, my hands roamed around our bodies quickly not seeming to get Anouilh, I quickly removed her shirt and mine too, she seemed eager to get started too, she unzipped my trousers pulling them off too. I was turned on and wanted her. I put my arm behind her head kissing her hard, she stumbled back but I caught her, I kissed her with an undying hunger, I needed her, I was to be dirty and rough and she kissed me back harder. I removed her jeans fast and we walked back against a wall, I pressed against her kissing her and savouring her taste, she was sweet and fruity with a hint of salt. I removed her bra and felt her skin against mine, she shivered and moaned as her breast were pressed against my hard chest, she slid her hands down and hopped out her underwear, she grinned against my boxers, my dick tingled with anticipation, she flipped me over so my back was against the wall and she yanked them off, she quickly fell to her knees and took me in her mouth. She did it fast and it was over, she got back up and kissed me roughly again. I walked her backwards as we kissed, she moved into the control panel, whilst kissing her I slammed my fist on the button on the wall, stopping the control panel and I pushed her back, I leant down with her as she lay on they panel and I entered her. "Ugh!" She moaned, her legs spread wide, our bodies pressed against each other and I thrust in. The energy drink boosted me and I thrust hard and fast in her as we kissed, she bucked her hips and moaned loudly, her toes curled and she shut her eyes in bliss, her mouth hung open. I grunted as I thrust, "fuck CALYPSO" I screamed as she flung her hips into my dick, I went deeper. I frantically fucked her knocking off objects on the control panel with crashes. Calypso moaned in a high pitched breathless way as I screwed her over and over, I was so turned on and was able to go longer because of the drinks.
Frank POV:
I was chilling in my cabin, making out with Hazel when I heard a crash, I got off her, "what was that?" She asked, "I dunno" I said going to kiss her again, she put a hand on my chest stopping me, "what if it's a monster or Leo's in trouble?" She asked with worry, I sighed, "fine, I'll go check" I said getting up. I wanted to kiss her senseless but I humoured her. "I'll be right back and then we can carry on where we left off" I said with a smirk, I jogged upstairs onto deck. It was dark but I couldn't see any immediate danger. I heard moans and crashing coming from the engine room. I don't know why but I crept forward listening, there was crashes and bangs coming from inside. I quietly opened the door, I was sick at the sight. It was Leo bent over Calypso they were having sex. "Leo? Oh my gods" I said, he took his dick out quickly leaping off her. He looked at me in shock quickly grabbing his shirt to cover himself, "uh hey Frank how's it going?" He asked awkwardly, "I heard crashing from my room and wanted to check everything's ok..." I said slowly, "yeah, yeah everything's great" he said awkwardly, he seemed to be vibrating sort of as if he was very high on caffeine... "Ok good well uh, you two carry on and I'm going to go now" I squeaked nervously backing out as soon as I could shutting the door. I ran back to my room my face red. Hazel still lay on my bed,her shirt half off revealing her light brown stomach, her hair was still a mess and she was propped up on one arm. "So what was it?" She asked seeing my red face, "I'm scarred for life" I said sitting on my bed my head in my hands, "what was up there?" She asked sitting up, "Leo and Calypso" I said quietly, she understood, "well maybe this'll take your mind off things" she said pulling me back and kissing me roughly.

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