Astral | Rey Skywalker

By standwithcap

3.1K 123 4

In a galaxy far, far away, the legendary Han Solo and the renowned Leia Organa created a pair of twins, Ben a... More



326 11 0
By standwithcap

The remnants of the Jedi temple loom like haunting specters in the dimly lit chamber where Avalon now sits. Her body aches from the aftermath of the fierce duel with her brother, Ben. The pain in her muscles is nothing compared to the anguish that gnaws at her heart. She's alive, yes, but at what cost?

Leia Organa stands nearby, her gaze filled with a mixture of relief and sorrow. She had arrived in the nick of time to save her daughter from the brink of darkness, but she knows that Avalon's wounds run much deeper than the physical ones.

Avalon sits in silence, her knees pulled up to her chest, her pink lightsaber resting beside her. The room is filled with an oppressive silence, broken only by the distant echoes of crumbling stone. The air is heavy with the weight of what transpired here.

She should eat, she knows, and she should rest, but her body feels like an empty vessel, and sleep is a distant memory. Her mind is a tempest of thoughts, each more harrowing than the last. Her brother, once her closest confidant, had fallen into darkness, destroying everything they had known.

Leia crouches down beside Avalon, her hand reaching out to gently touch her daughter's trembling shoulder.

"Avalon," She says softly, "you're safe now. We'll find a way to bring him back. I promise."

Avalon doesn't respond, her eyes fixed on the shattered remains of the Jedi temple. It's a physical reflection of the turmoil inside her, a testament to the devastation caused by her brother's fall.

"I failed, Mom," Avalon finally whispers, her voice shaky, "I couldn't save him. I tried, but he's gone."

Leia's heart aches for her daughter, knowing the weight of the burden Avalon carries. She wraps her arms around Avalon, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

"You did everything you could," Leia says, her voice filled with empathy, "The pull of the dark side is strong, but we won't give up on him."

As they sit there, mother and daughter, in the ruins of what was once a place of hope and training, Avalon can't help but feel the immense loss. Her bond with Ben, once a source of strength and connection, is now a painful reminder of the chasm that separates them.

Days turn into nights, and still, Avalon can't find solace in sleep. Her nights are plagued by haunting dreams of her brother, his face twisted by anger and darkness. She wakes up in cold sweats, her heart pounding in her chest.

Leia watches over her daughter, her concern deepening with each passing day. She knows that Avalon is slipping further into despair, and she worries about the toll it's taking on her. She tries to coax Avalon into eating, but the food tastes like ashes in her mouth.

One evening, as the pale light of a distant moon filters through the shattered windows, Leia sits down beside Avalon once more. She can see the shadows under her daughter's eyes, the pallor of her skin.

"Avalon," Leia says gently, "you can't keep punishing yourself like this. You need to eat, you need to rest."

Avalon looks at her mother, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resignation.

"How can I rest?" She whispers, her voice filled with anguish, "Every time I close my eyes, I see him. I see what he's become."

Leia reaches out and takes Avalon's trembling hand.

"I know it's hard, sweetheart," She says softly, "But you can't give up on yourself. You have so much strength inside you, and you can use it to bring your brother back to the light."

Avalon's tears spill over, and she clings to her mother, as if seeking refuge from the storm that rages within her.

"I don't know if I have the strength," She admits, her voice barely audible.

Leia holds her daughter close, her heart breaking for the pain Avalon is enduring.

As the days pass, Avalon slowly begins to eat, her appetite returning, if only in small increments. She listens to her mother's words, finding a glimmer of hope in the darkness that has consumed her.

The nights grow longer and darker for Avalon as she continues to grapple with the aftermath of her brother's fall to the dark side. Each evening, she retreats to a small chamber within the makeshift base that Leia's Resistance allies have established. It's a room devoid of decoration or comfort, a reflection of the emptiness that has taken root within her.

The walls of the chamber seem to close in on her, suffocating her with the weight of her despair. The only source of light is a solitary flickering candle, casting eerie shadows that dance like ghosts around her.

Avalon sits on the floor, her knees drawn up to her chest, her pink lightsaber resting by her side. She gazes at the flame, mesmerized by its undulating dance, but it fails to dispel the darkness that consumes her from within.

She has been haunted by her brother's downfall, replaying their duel in her mind, the look of anger and hatred in his eyes as he struck her down. It's an image that she can't shake, a nightmare that replays itself each time she closes her eyes.

Desperation gnaws at her heart, and she longs for the one source of comfort that has eluded her—the presence of her grandfather, Anakin Skywalker. In her loneliest moments, she has turned to him, seeking guidance and solace from the only family member she never had the chance to know in life.

But tonight, as she reaches out with her feelings, trying to summon the presence of Anakin's Force ghost, there is only silence. The room remains empty, devoid of his spectral presence.

Tears well up in Avalon's eyes as a deep sense of abandonment washes over her. She had believed in the stories of her grandfather, the hero who had once been Darth Vader but had redeemed himself in the end. She had clung to the hope that he would be there for her when she needed him most.

"Why, grandpa?" She whispers, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the chamber, "Where are you when I need you the most?"

But there is no answer, no spectral figure to materialize and offer words of wisdom or comfort. Only the flickering candle flame continues its lonely vigil.

Avalon feels as if she's adrift in a sea of darkness, her lifeline to the past severed. She thought that her bond with her brother, Ben, had been her strongest connection, but now she realizes that her connection to her grandfather had been equally vital.

The absence of Anakin's presence weighs on her like an anchor, dragging her deeper into her despair. She wonders if he has abandoned her, just as Ben had.

Leia, ever vigilant and concerned for her daughter's well-being, senses Avalon's anguish. She enters the chamber, her heart heavy with worry, and finds her daughter sitting in the dim light, tears streaking her cheeks.

"Avalon," Leia says gently, crouching down beside her, "what's wrong?"

Avalon turns to her mother, her eyes filled with a mixture of grief and frustration.

"He's not here, Mom," She whispers, "I needed him, and he's not here."

Leia understands the depth of Avalon's pain. She knows that Anakin Skywalker's presence had been a source of strength and guidance for her daughter. She places a comforting hand on Avalon's shoulder.

"Sometimes, the Force works in mysterious ways," Leia says softly, "Your connection to your grandfather is strong, but it may not always be when you expect it. You have the strength within you to face this darkness. And you have me."

Avalon leans into her mother's embrace, finding a measure of comfort in her presence. But the absence of her grandfather's guidance continues to haunt her. She wonders if she's truly strong enough to face the challenges that lie ahead.

As the candle flame flickers in the corner of the chamber, casting dancing shadows that seem to echo the turmoil within Avalon's soul, she clings to the hope that one day, her grandfather will return to her, offering the wisdom and support she so desperately needs.

But for now, she must find the strength to navigate the darkness on her own, relying on the love and support of her mother and the unwavering belief that the light can still shine through even the darkest of nights.

As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, Leia's unwavering love and support become a lifeline for Avalon. The wounds inflicted by her brother's fall to the dark side still fester within her, but with each passing day, she begins to find the strength to carry the weight of her pain.

Leia, ever the resilient and devoted mother, is there by her daughter's side through it all. She helps Avalon navigate the storm of emotions that rages within her, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. And slowly, as the galaxy outside continues to churn with conflict, a fragile sense of healing begins to take root within Avalon's heart.

One evening, as the remnants of twilight paint the sky with hues of pink and orange, Leia enters Avalon's chamber, carrying a sense of purpose in her stride. She can see the slight improvement in her daughter's demeanor, a glimmer of the vibrant spirit that had been temporarily dimmed by darkness.

"Avalon," Leia says, her voice gentle but filled with determination, "I think it's time for a change of scenery."

Avalon looks up from where she's been sitting, her eyes still carrying the weight of her sorrow.

"A change of scenery?" She echoes, curiosity piqued.

Leia offers a soft smile.

"Yes, sweetheart. I know you've been cooped up in this chamber for far too long. The galaxy is vast, and there's beauty to be found even in the midst of chaos. Come with me."

With a mixture of reluctance and curiosity, Avalon follows her mother as they leave the chamber. The Resistance base is bustling with activity, and the air is filled with a sense of purpose. Despite the ongoing battles and strife, there's a determination among the Resistance fighters to stand against the encroaching darkness.

Leia leads Avalon to a secluded spot of the base, where a blanket has been spread out on the floor. The night sky stretches out above them, adorned with a tapestry of stars that twinkle like diamonds.

They settle down on the blanket, side by side, and Avalon gazes up at the night sky. The stars shimmer above her, and for a moment, she's transported away from the troubles that have plagued her.

Leia watches her daughter with a mother's keen eye, and she can't help but notice the way the starlight reflects in Avalon's eyes. It's a familiar sight, one that had always drawn Han Solo's attention.

"You know," Leia says softly, her voice tinged with nostalgia, "your father used to say you had the stars in your eyes."

Avalon turns to her mother, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"He did, didn't he?" She replies, her voice carrying a touch of warmth, "He always saw the beauty in everything... even in me."

Leia nods, her gaze fixed on the night sky.

"He loved you both so much," She says, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and affection, "And he believed in you, just as I do."

Avalon's eyes glisten with unshed tears, and she reaches out to take her mother's hand.

"I miss him," She admits, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leia squeezes her daughter's hand, offering silent understanding.

"I miss him too," She says as she smiles gently, her eyes reflecting the same stars that had once twinkled in Avalon's, "Your father saw something special in you, something that shone brighter than any star in the galaxy. He saw the light within you."

Tears well up in Avalon's eyes, and she blinks them away, trying to hide her vulnerability.

"But now, it feels like the light has gone out. Ben... he's lost, and I couldn't save him."

Leia reaches out and takes her daughter's hand, squeezing it gently.

"We're going to find a way to save your brother. I believe in you, just as your father did."

Avalon's voice trembles as she speaks, her vulnerability laid bare.

"I'm so scared, Mom. Scared of losing him, scared of what he's become, scared that I'm not strong enough."

Leia turns onto her side to face her daughter, her eyes filled with a fierce determination.

"Strength isn't just about power, Avalon. It's about love, compassion, and the willingness to keep fighting, even when the galaxy seems darkest. You have those qualities, and they make you stronger than you realize."

Avalon meets her mother's gaze, and for the first time in weeks, a glimmer of hope appears in her eyes. It's a fragile ember in the darkness, but it's there.

Leia continues, her voice filled with a mother's love and wisdom.

"Your father always saw the best in you, and so do I. You have 'stars in your eyes,' and those stars are a reflection of the light within you. No matter how dim they may seem right now, they will shine again."

As they lie side by side, mother and daughter, under the canvas of stars that have witnessed their joys and sorrows, Avalon begins to believe in the possibility of hope. She knows that the road ahead is fraught with challenges, but with her mother by her side and the memory of her father's unwavering belief in her, she dares to hope that one day, the light will return to her eyes, and the stars will shine brightly once more.

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