Angels of Chaos: Warriors of...

By TheAllAmericanNordic

343K 5.3K 7.2K

Archangel. that was his new name. he no longer went by what you know him as, because if you even mention that... More

chapter I: betrayal
chapter II: Chaos
Chapter II.25 Fotia
Chapter II.5: Warrior skills
Chapter III: Missions
A/N #1
Chapter V: CHB hasnt changed
Chapter VI: Annabeth
Chapter VII: capture the flag
Chapter VIII: Brotherhood
A/N: #2
Chapter IX: Beta
Chapter X: Fate and Legends
Chapter XI: Revealed?
A/N: #3
Chapter XII: Countermeasures
Chapter XIII: Olympus
Chapter XIV: 24 hours
Chapter XV: battle begin!
A/N: #4
Chapter IIX

Chapter IV: Return???

17.7K 298 939
By TheAllAmericanNordic

i'm going to start asking questions at the end of my chapters so :)

image has nothing to do with anything! its just cool. :P.

What's up everyone? BTW, i'm just going to start posting cool pics from PJO and HoO.

BTW: there is going to be a lot of view changes in this chapter.

i hope you all liked my last chapter, the last 2 parts were fun to write. *whispers* i still have arch's knife... shshshshshh!. Anyways enjoy this chapter and thank you for the 116 views! i only started this 4 days ago so thank you so much!!!!

i still would like to see some comments, i would appreciate it. luv you guys

you demigodishness and all


Chapter IV: Return???

700 chaos years since their arrival

Stargazer's pov:

"Alpha! give me back my katana!" i yelled, as i chased him through the living room. the others (besides Arch cause he wasn't there) were just watching and laughing.

I know i'm an archer and i don't major, or minor, at swordplay, but still, those katanas were special to us all. they were the first weapon father and mother gave us, after coming back.

Alpha took out his katana and held them both. "Hey look, i'm Arch!" he said as he ran around with our katanas,

suddenly Alpha stopped, i took that time to tackle him to the floor and grab my katana. he shot me a glare and jerked his head up. i saw Arch and Fo̱tiá standing in the doorway with a grim look on his face.

"What's up Arch?" Forge asked.

"I've got some bad news." he said with a sigh. "Chaos and Order have given us all a new mission,"

I thought this was weird 1) Arch never got nervous about missions. 2) Order and Chaos usually sent only about 3 or 4 of us on missions at a time. something was happening.

"Okay, Arch. where's the mission, and what are we doing?" i said.

"We're going to planet 87. planet earth." he said.

All Hades broke lose. Alpha and I started screaming curses and asking why we were going there, Angel and VIn, groaned and started complaining, Forge and Beauty sat there with their mouths hanging open. Gem just keep muttering something to herself.

"Okay, quiet down, you all need to know what we're doing." Arch said. "We're going to help someone with an upcoming war."

"Who?" Gem asked.

"Camp half-blood ...andcampjupiter" he said quietly.

All hades broke loose, once again. there was cursing, screaming, complaining, cursing, more screaming, more complaining, and cursing.

"Okay, Okay, quiet down, all of you!" Chaos said. everyone went dead quiet. "I know you all have mixed feelings toward Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, especially Archangel, but right now, the half bloods are about to fight a war. I have asked the Primordials if they know what is attacking them, they aren't sure. we have reason to believe that destruction has been whispering to to all the monsters in the underworld, and convinced them all to declare war with the half bloods. and when i say all of them... i mean ALL of them. millions and millions of monsters just declared war. i know you all have your mixed feeling toward CHB and CJ but you need to put them aside for now. its your duty to protect your old friends."

"Arch, what do you think of this? because if your okay with it, i'll follow you anywhere." Angel said "because you're braver than all of us, and if you can do it, we can too."

we all nodded in agreement. Angel was right. if Arch could return to the place he hated most and protect it... we all could, too.

Arch looked at Fo̱tiá and had a quick conversation with her. after a minute he looked up and said "I'll go, but not to protect them, we all know if CHB or CJ got destroyed it wouldn't be good for anyone. and we can't have them ruining what we have spent 700 years protecting." he smiled a mischievous smile. we all laughed.

"One more thing, you can't reveal your identities to either camp, or its gods. we can't have people asking why you're alive, until we are ready to explain. so, for now your hoods are to be kept on." Chaos explained. "You'll be leaving in a week, so good luck." and with that Chaos left the room.

after chaos was long gone Vin, Angel, and Gem asked excitingly "do you think chaos will let us go as 8 year olds?"

Alpha replied "i don't see why not. it will help conceal your identities. so, yeah." then, he grinned.

they all yelled "YES!" and transformed into their 8 year old forms. and ran around.

(BTW i gave Vin, Gem, and Angel the ability to shape shift their ages so if they wanted they could look, 7, 98, 14, etc. although they usually stay in their 17 year old forms, so they look more professional to the army.

Also, Vin took it as his job to become a trouble maker and a trickster to replace Travis and Connor after everyone was depressed after the 1st 5 months of being alive. [losing loved ones, saying good-bye to friends, etc])

I noticed Arch crack a smile as his immature friends played around. I admitted they all had their immature times, it's what made them all friends.

the only problem with Angel, Vin, and Gem turning into 8 year olds, was they acted like they had drank 9 cups of strong coffee in 2 minutes. good thing it only lasted for 20 minutes and then they went back to their normal.

She smiled, it would be very interesting, going back to the place they had all learned to despise.

Piper's pov:

i laid on Jason's chest has we watched the sunset from the beach at CHB. Jason put his arm around me and smiled. i smiled back.we were both excited that Frank and Hazel were coming to visit tomorrow.

"Hey, isn't your birthday coming up?" i asked Jason.

"Yeah, why?" he asked.

"Do you think perce will come back this year?" i asked half heartily. 7 years ago, our good friend Percy Jackson was killed, but then his body disappeared and his soul never made it to the underworld. The gods believe that a powerful force took his body and somehow revived him somewhere in the US. for 7 years now we have been sending out small search parties to see if we could find him. but no luck, this didn't seem like perce. if he was alive why was he staying away from CHB?

Annabeth took it hard when she found out Percy was dead, she almost flipped when she found out Percy could be alive. The rest of the 7 and I (+ nico, thalia, reyna, and some others) have been on many quest looking for our friend. but it's been 7 years. we didn't know what to do anymore. Hazel and Nico would have told us if they found his soul in the underworld, but still... nothing.

Perseus Jackson disappeared off the face of the earth, and we didn't know when we would see him again.

Archangel's pov:

Alpha and i stood in the portal room talking to Order.

"You'll be fine boys. i know you hate CHB-..." she said.

"that's an understatement" Alpha said and looked at me.

"Alpha, we just need to forget our history with our new allies, and complete the mission at hand. just like with planet 238." i said.

We had been at war with planet 238 for a couple of years, before they surrendered under the rein of a new leader, who Chaos and Order were very fond of. then 10 years later, the new peaceful planet was the target of a galactic attack. we stepped in and helped them, despite our many years of war with them.

"Yeah okay, fine. i'm just glad your okay with this Arch." Alpha replied.

we heard the door open and everyone (+Chaos) walked in. Angel, Vin, and Gem were still in there 8 year old forms, they've been that way for the entire week (not without getting strange looks from the rest of the army).

"Okay, we're going to open a portal to planet 87, good luck, contact us if destruction shows himself." Order told us "you're going into the throne room of the gods."

we all walked through the portal. to what would be the start of a dreadful war.

Angel's pov:

I loved being an 8 year old.1)around adults, the older kids got the chores. 2) when you were dueling, it looked like a college kid just got beat by an 8 year old.

i was thinking this as we walked through the portal to the gods' throne room. when i came into view, i wanted to hate it, but i couldn't. i had never been here, even when i was alive. it was beautiful. polished marble, bright blue skies just outside, etc. (i don't feel like explaining :P).

"Who are you?" a loud voice boomed. there were about 11 flashes of light and all the gods/goddesses sat on their thrones looking at us. i saw Hera tell Hermes something and he flashed out. shortly after he returned with a couple of demigods. i didn't recognize any of the 11 besides Connor, Travis, and Nico, i gulped. i wanted to run up and hug my brother after so long, but i resisted the urge because that would blow my cover.

the demigods sat in front of what looked like their parents thrones. Chaos cleared his throat after what seemed like an hour of awkward silence.

Zeus's eyes widened. "Lord Chaos..." everyone in the room bowed when they found out who he was. i smirked, if only they knew that he hated it when people bowed to him.

my father cleared his throat again, telling everyone to rise. "I have brought my elite team of soldiers to help you in an upcoming war-..." he started.

all hades broke loose .

the demigods were saying, what war, we aren't having a war, why are we going to war, etc... the gods were saying the same, yet louder.

"SILENCE!!!" but this time it wasn't Chaos that got their attention... it was me "IF YOU WERE SMART YOU WOULD LET CHAOS EXPLAIN BEFORE JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS!"

everyone was silent after that. although, many of them didn't seem happy about being shut up by an 8 year old. but we had info they needed, we had the upper hand.

"continue, lord Chaos." Hera finally said.

"Destruction has been whispering to your monsters, succeeding in convincing them to declare war. we're talking about millions, of millions, of monsters. this is my Elite squad of soldiers , sent here to help you in this fight. i suggest you do not try to annoy them, they are here for your campers. on another note, they will not be revealing their identities to anyone anytime soon. is that clear?"

everyone nodded.

"Well, have fun, introduce yourselves, and try not to kill anyone." Chaos said to us with a smile. and he teleported back to Alphador.

"Well, he told us to introduce ourselves, so I'll go first." Arch said. "My name is Archangel. i am the commander of this squad, as well as the entire army.i am the 4th most powerful person in the universe. i am the successor to the skia fotia,the shadow fire,and the prince of the universe." he said in chill, mellow voice. i saw all the god's jaws drop open after hearing how powerful Arch was.

Fo̱tiá nugged him.he smiled "and this is my companion Fo̱tiá, the shadow lord."

Alpha stepped forward. he said "I am Alpha, Commander Archangel's 2nd in command, and the 5th most powerful person in the universe."

i stepped forward "I am Angel, a swords master and a healer for this squad."

"I am Stargazer. i am an archer and a navigator."

"My name is Forge. i am Beauty's husband, i specialize in trapping metalworks, and Blacksmith."

"I am beauty, wife of Forge (she smiled as she said that <3), i use many differant weapons and am a healer."

"I am Gem. i major in both healing and navigating."

finally Vin stepped forward and said. "I am Vin, my focus is healing, but i am also an archer."

it was obvious that they we impressed (mainly because 3 of us look like we are 8 years old).

finally Arch spoke up. "we will be heading to CHB now." as he spoke we all shadow traveled to our new home. CHB D:!!!

Nico's pov: (BTW he's my favorite character <3)

something was weird with these new soldiers. when we were teleported to the throne room, i felt death, and from the look on my father's face, i'm sure felt it to.

on a different note, i looked at the half-blood here, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Annabeth, Piper, Connor, Travis, Thalia, and Logan. they all had the same confused looks i had. i sighed, i guess we had to go to CHB and explain all this.

just has i was thinking this Zeus stood up and said. "We must go to CHB and explain the situation at hand, Hermes, Bring the half-bloods with you."

and with that we all flashed out to CHB.

3rd person's pov:

As the gods and few demigods flashed into CHB, many campers were alarmed to see their greatest heroes (*cough* cough*+logan*cough*cough*) standing in front of them. they all bowed respectively. Zeus told them to rise and said "Half-Bloods... we have been informed that a new threat has shown itself. Lord Chaos, Creator of the universe, has sent his elite squad to help us in the war. do not attack them when they enter camp territory!"

the half-bloods started talking to each other after Zeus and the other gods left. "what war?" "what are we facing?" "what's going on?" "is Camp Jupiter going to help us?" "Do they even know about the war?"

there were so many questions that everyone wanted answered. they were so into talking and asking questions that nobody noticed the 8 shadows, silently watching them argue.

Author's note:

hey, i know this chapter is all over they place but i had so much i needed to say, in so many different pov's to do it in.

here are my questions that i'm asking you:

What are you? roman or greek? (or Egyptian :D)

Who's your parent?

Who's your favorite character?

anyways, sorry about the short chapter, ill update soon

Please comment! i'd appreciate it :D

your demigodishness and all


I feel so bad, its terrible 2447 words, wahhhhhhhhhh.


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