Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

97.3K 4.7K 4.7K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
It's Always Something
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
She's Gone
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
There's Always Some Truth
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
Caught Cheating
It's Time
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match

House Party

1.1K 58 39
By Uniquelywritten86

Fatima: Babe wake up the midwife will be here in about 2 hours 

Zac: Damn why she coming so early 

Fatima: Because we got the house party later remember 

Zac: Ugh (fighting the pillow)

Fatima: Can you go on a little walk with me around the neighborhood I feel tight and I want to see if that will help relieve some of the pain

Zac: First you wake me up early and now you want to go on a walk. You lucky I love you woman

Fatima: The closer I get to the due date I want to keep moving so Zaya will come out smooth no problems.

Zac: Are you scared 

Fatima: Yeah a little you know anything can go wrong and especially with black women 

Zac: Everything will be fine and if something does go wrong which it will not there is a hospital five minutes away 

Fatima: I just want Zaya to come out healthy and me too. The shit that women go through while pregnant is mind blowing women are the shit period we're top tier

Zac: You're right the fact that women's body can even grown a little human inside them is beyond amazing. I am truly grateful for you and I don't take anything for granted. I know it's not easy by far but I am here with you every step of the way. 

Fatima: Thank you baby now come on 

Zac: Coming boss 

Early morning runs were the best the weather was perfect and not to many people were out so you got to run in peace.

Fatima started doing a light jog 

Zac: What you doing 

Fatima: jogging 

Zac: No ma'am you said walk, we are not trying to jog Zaya out of you 

Fatima: Zac I can do a light jog 

Zac: Long as you don't start running , you know my lungs ain't the same since the last time we went running 

Fatima: For you to be so fit and use to play sports you suck at running 

Zac: Aye these are old man lungs now daddy lungs 

They both started laughing 

They were almost back home when Zac heard someone calling his name

Zac looked around like who the hell calling my name 

It's me Troy from barber school 

Zac finally recalling who it is 

Zac: What's up bro it's been minute 

Troy: I know I ain't seen you in years

Zac: Yeah I just been around trying to stay out of trouble 

Troy: You live around here

Zac: Yeah just moved over here with my fiancé, babe come here

Fatima this is Troy , Troy this my fiancé Fatima

Fatima: Hello nice to meet you 

Troy: Nice to meet you as well and congratulations 

Fatima: Thank you 

Troy: Zac done finally settled down and started a family he was a mess back in barber school but to see him in this stage now is amazing 

Zac: Hey don't be telling all my business I was still young and dumb 

Troy: Naw it's all good I see we both done grew up my wife just had her baby not to long ago.

Zac: That's whats up congratulations to you as well 

Troy: Well I ain't going to hold you we should link up 

Zac: Sure take down my number I will hit you up 

Troy: Alright beat ya'll take care 

Fatima: He seems nice

Zac: Yeah Troy is hella cool and hilarious we started barber school together. He's the only that actually kept me on track and pushed me to finish so I could have something going for myself after going to prison.

Fatima: Why didn't you stick with it 

Zac: It wasn't my passion 

Fatima: I can understand that once I have Zaya I am going to stop working at the law firm. I have been finally getting all my thing lined up for my own business.

Zac: That's good 

Fatima: I was scared at first but I know God didn't bring me this far to start fearing now. My business is going to flourish and take off

Zac: It most definitely will be you are bomb at what you do. I think it's time you don't want to be stuck as Andy's assistant when you are just as great as her or even better. Nothing against Andi 

Fatima: Yeah Andi has taught me a lot over the years and now it's finally time to spread my wings and start my own plus we already got the office space that I haven't put to use yet.

Zac: Yeah that we still paying the bill on

Fatima: We making money though I rented it out to this hairstylist until I am ready to use it 

Zac: Okay smart 

Fatima: See it's not a total lost

Zac: Did the jog help 

Fatima: Yeah it surely did now lets shower and get ready for this appt.

The midwife got to the house early so she could set up everything. Fatima was excited to check on babygirl. She's been real active lately 

Holly: Good Morning Fatima and Zac how are things going I see you all got moved in okay 

Fatima: Things are going great I was a little tight this morning but we went  for a jog and that helped 

Holly: Okay good dad have you been giving the massages as needed 

Zac: Yes I have that and more

Fatima: Really Zac

Zac: What I hear that helps the baby to stay active while in the belly

Holly: You are exactly right. Okay lets check for the baby's heart beat 

They heard the little thumps on the monitor 

Holly: Heart beat is great right now she will probably be about 8lbs

Zac: That's huge 

Holly: Yeah that just means she's been nurtured well in mommies stomach 

Fatima: Well I was a huge baby 

Zac: No me I was a crack baby 

Holly: Oh I'm sorry 

Zac: It's all good look at me now 

Fatima just shook her head Zac always made light of his childhood. 

Holly: Okay we got 4 weeks left and baby girl will be here. As we get closer to the date I will be coming 3 times a week just to make sure we don't have any changes. We will have a backup plan just in case we always want to be prepared

Fatima: What are the chances everything will be fine

Holly: That is really hard to tell every delivery its different but you have been doing so good so I think you will be just fine

Fatima: Thank you 

Holly: You're welcome. Make sure the room is together and the bag is packed now that you're in the final month your daughter can come any day now

Zac: Thank you so much

Holly: Okay you both enjoy the rest of your day and call me if you have any questions or concerns

Will do, Zac walked Holly out.

Zac: I can't believe we have fours weeks left I can't wait to hold her

Fatima: I know I remember when I told you

Zac: Don't remind me I could have lost both of you 

Fatima: I know but God saw fit to keep us here longer 

Zac: And I am thankful for that

Fatima: You should invite your friend Troy over later to the house warming 

Zac: You sure 

Fatima: You said he's cool 

Zac: Yeah but I haven't seen him in a while

Fatima: Just invite him you need some more male friends all you got is Tony and some go your gym buddies. This house about to be two against one

Zac: I'm gone put my foot down, I'm the man of this house 

Fatima: You're the man but I am the boss

Zac: You right 

Zac called Troy and invited him and his wife over later.

Fatima and Zac ran a couple errands to get ready for the party tonight 

While they were in the store they ran into Deja they tried to hurry up and turn around before.

Deja: Hey Neighbor, ya'll miss me 

Both Fatima and Zac said no at the same time

Deja: Damn it's like that? I know I was the neighbor from hell but I miss ya'll

Fatima: Sure you do

Deja: I can admit I should have been a better tenant because where I'm at now I be thinking they having a shoot out everyday. All you hear is gun shots 

I be ducking like this 

Deja was bobbing and ducking like it was an actual shoot out 

Zac: I guess you get what you pay for 

Deja: I mean you right do you got any other properties for rent

Fatima: No he don't 

Deja: Damn well congrats on the baby can I come to the baby shower 

Fatima: Bye Deja we ain't friends 

Deja: You so mean I hope that baby don't come out mean like you that's okay she gone come out saying Deja since you so mean to me. 

Fatima didn't pay her any mind she kept walking 

Deja: Bye Zac 

Deja waved seductively 

Zac didn't even look back or say bye. He knew to keep walking.

They finally made it back home in time to set up before people started showing up. 

Tony and Ebony showed up first, then Gabby and the baby showed up. Andi came in bearing lots of gifts.

Troy and his wife came in after Andi.

Zac introduced everyone to Troy and his wife.

Fatima: We want to thank everyone for being able to come over and see our new home. We moved just in time because babygirl is on the way and we are ready. I'm definitely ready.

The food is ready everyone help yourself and make yourself comfortable. The men hurried up and grabbed their food and went to the man cave to watch football. 

Zac: Let me have my Godson so he can go watch football with the guys he don't need to hear ya'll women gossip.

Gabby: Don't be like that ya'll know ya'll gossip too.

Gabby handed Zac the bottle all the women watched as Zac made sure he was holding Grayson head right he walked away smiling

Andi: He's going to be a great dad I can tell already 

Fatima: Yeah he's too excited. Kia Troy said you just had a baby how did delivery go.

Kia: It went well I had an at home birth

Fatima: Oh really that's what I am doing too, I'm just nervous that something may go wrong

Kia: Trust me I was the same way but long as you remain calm everything will go smoothly. If I have another one I will definitely do it again, it's an amazing experience for you and your husband.

Fatima: I can't wait 

Andi: I got stuff being shipped here for the baby since you said you didn't want a babyshower

Fatima: I really only have a month to go and I practically went overboard and brought a lot of stuff myself.

Kia: I did the same thing but I can say we made good use of everything so far

Fatima: See you get me, so whatever ya'll get her will be a blessing

Andi: Well just be prepared because I am spoiling her.

Fatima: Just not to much pink

Ebony: Oh we know pink is not your color 

It was nice being around other mothers I was loving our small circle of friends who became family. We can all come together and have a good time without drama. 

We walked everyone out 

Sue Mae was of course in her yard being nosey per usual 

Zac: Aye Troy have you had issues with that old lady across the street

Troy: Who hasn't she all be all over the housing addition in everybody business

Troy leaned over and whispered in Zac's ear

Be careful man she may be old but her ass done caused a lot of divorces in the neighborhood 

Zac: Eww what the fuck 

Troy: They say she old but she can still pull them 

Zac: She better keep her old ass over there cause there won't be no divorce over this way we gone have two funerals cause Fatima gone kill both of us.

Troy: Yeah she look like she don't play

Zac: Not at all, Alright man it was really nice catching up with you we will definitely hang out soon 

Troy: For sure hit we up next time you hit the gym

Zac: Bet 

Fatima: I see you had a good time 

Zac: I did, how did you like Kia

Fatima: She seems really sweet and she was giving me a lot of mommy tips

Zac: Ya'll about to start a mommy and me club

Fatima: Maybe maybe not 

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