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in where yibo is a dance teacher and zhan is an english teacher there is a rumour going around that they look... More

0.5 (intro)


1K 57 8


we reached our house, i went to help zhan get off the car

We got inside the house once I opened it

"OK baby, I think you should rest ok?" I said about to leave but felt zhans hand on mine

"Please don't leave, I don't want to be here alone" he said in a really weak voice

I nodded and got him water, he stood up and I sat down so he could sit on me

"How are you feeling?" I asked him

He nodded and started showing me his phone

"Um there is this account about us" he said again in a weak voice but it sounded better

"Where?" I asked kissing the top of his head

"On instagram, gong jun told me" he said, in a soft voice

He then got on to instagram

Yizhan: they look cute together

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I looked at it, I can feel zhan looking at me, I looked at him back

He scrolled down once again

Yizhan: saw my favourite teacher

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Junjun: when was this?

Yizhan: idk, I don't remember

Minmin: they would make a cute couple

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He looked at me even more worried, I took his phone since he was really weak at the moment and the phone was about to fall off his hands

I scrolled even more and that made picture made me forget to breath

Yizhan: made this edit once I saw it in real life

3hours ago
Comments: 4000,124 likes: 1.5M

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Minmin: where did you see it?

Haikuan: no way

Zhoucheng: so it's real

Junjun: stalker

Yizhan: I'm not a stalker

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I looked at zhan then the phone

"I think it's time we reveal the relationship" I said turning off zhans phone

"I think so as well, we've been hiding this relationship for a whole 3years and I think it's time we reveal it" zhan said

I nodded and kissed the top of his forehead once again

I can feel zhan about to fall asleep, when he was fast asleep I carried him to our room and laid him in the bed

I then went to have a shower, it's a really warm day so I want to wear something that's comfy


When I was done with showering I went to our closet and picked a comfy outfit

When I was done, I went to the kitchen to make some food, yes zhan taught me how to cook

A few minutes I was done with the cooking and cleaning the kitchen, now I'm going to check up on zhan

When I went up stairs, I did t find zhan anywhere, I predicted that he is in the bathroom and my prediction was right when I heard the water go on

I was in the shower because I thought that it would power me up a little

When I got out I saw yibo going down stairs, I went to our closet and picked an outfit

I made my way down stairs and found yibo has already set the food

I went to a chair, he looked at me, I started arranging the plates

"DO you want to reveal it tomorrow?" He said, all I could do is just nod

He started eating and I followed

"Yibobo, can we go shopping?" I asked him, he looked at me

"For what hon" he asked and I just looked arround

"For some fruits since we finished them and other things, please yibo summer is coming and I get hot easily" I said

"First time you say that, your always cold, but ok, when we finish eating then we will go, ok?" He said

I nodded happily


when he nodded happily, i felt my heart melt

when we were done eating and cleaning everything, we made our way outside

"where do you want to go first?" i asked, he looked at his phone first

"can we go to shop for actual things at the super market?" he said and i nodded

we got in the car, i looked at the time 4:58PM

i drove the car while zhan was navigating me where to drive to

"ok, ok, i know where to go, im not dumb zhan" i said stopping at the supermarket

we got out of the car, i grabbed on to zhans waist

"lets get inside" he said going to drag the trolly

we went inside the market, he started grabbing some apples and tangerines

we went over to the freezer sections

he grabbed a few fishes and some meat, he never forgot any pork

i was the one holding the trolly and he is the one shopping

he then grabbed some ice cream while we were there

we finally got out of the market

"did we really need this much?" i aske and he nodded, we returned back home exhausted

"yibobo im so tired" he said and i nodded "same" i said


we finished all the things and i want to rest, i went up to zhan who was watching tv while eating a tangerine

"what are you watching?" i asked

"im watching snake king" he said, i went up to him

i sat in between his legs and i wrapped his hands arround my neck

"it looks like a very scary movie, with the king cobra" i said worried about him knowing about his fear of snakes

"its ok" he said as i was inbetween his legs watching snake king


we watched until it was night time, we already ate when we were watching the movie

now we just prepared to go to sleep

"are you going to shower again?" i asked zhan who got up

"nope im not, im going to wear my pyjamas" he said

"ok lets go" i said turning off the tv and holding his hands

we went up stairs and started getting ready

l went to our bed once i putted my pyjamas on

he came in the blanket not long ago

we cuddled in the blanket, i didnt last a second and went to sleep


i looked at my yibo as he slept, i cant believe tomorrow me and him are going to be exposing our relationship

i touched his cheeks "i love you so much bobo" i said as i shifted to sleep

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