Jade Green Eyes

By Vamp_princess2019

449 11 0

First and foremost, I do not own this story I found it on Wattpad before it was deleted. I found it again on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

82 2 0
By Vamp_princess2019


Jade Green Eyes

by Jendra

"You obviously decided to stick with it." Draco murmured.

Harry nodded. "Jeri introduced me to some friends of hers and they convinced me to do it for a week, non-stop. I found out that I really liked it. I love the way the clothes feel on me. I love the way they make me feel. And I'm much happier as Jade Lilith Jameson than I've ever been as Harry James Potter."

"What are you going to do when school starts?" Draco asked.

Harry sighed. "Put my dresses and make up away until next summer, I guess. Going to school as a girl would pretty much ruin it as a disguise. I'll live. It's been six months, surely they'll get over it soon."

Draco just sneered.

"Yeah, I know." Then Harry shook his head, and that bright smile appeared again. That smile that Draco had already seen more times today than in the entire year that they had been friends. "But right now, no one but you knows who I am. I can go anywhere, do anything. I'm free."

"What about those Muggles you live with? What do they think of this?"

"Like promised, they haven't seen me since summer began. I still sleep in the spare room, but it's secure so that they can't get in, I just fly up to the window and let myself in, then back out again the next morning. I find a cafe to eat in then spend most of the day at the Muggle library, or come down here to the bookstore. Now that I don't have to worry about Voldemort anymore, I'm trying to find something that really interests me. It's time to start thinking about what I'm going to do when I graduate, so I've been learning lots."

"Figure anything out?" Draco got up and held out his arm automatically, as he would to any lady of his acquaintance. He didn't even realize what he'd done until Harry started laughing. He started to lower it, but Harry grabbed hold before he could, and the two of them walked out, arm in arm.

"Not really. There's a lot more to magic than I ever guessed, even after the extra lessons Severus gave us last year."

"What about Quidditch?"

Harry shook his head. "I enjoy it because I love to fly and I enjoy competing, but I don't want it to be my life. I could no more live without flying than you can, but using my wings is even more enjoyable, don't you agree?"

Draco laughed as they wandered down the street. "You know I do. There's absolutely nothing like being up there at the mercy of the air currents. No magic, no thought, just pure flight, the wind catching under your wings, taking you up, ever higher until the atmosphere can no longer hold your weight."

Harry had a far away look in his eyes and a gentle smile on his face. "Sometimes I'd dream of just flying off. It didn't matter where, just... away. And never coming back."

"I haven't seen you out flying for a while." Draco questioned subtly.

Harry shook his head, his eyes now filled with regret. "After that last incident, I found myself with another dream. I dreamed I flew up as high as I could... and then let myself fall."

Draco's eyes went wide in disbelief. He grabbed Harry's hand off his arm and dragged him into a nearby alcove. Once there, he pushed the other boy up against the side of the alley. "You what?" he whispered, only his years of training in not making a scene kept his voice from rising. "Are you telling me you thought about killing yourself?"

"Is there a problem here?" Lucius smooth voice inserted itself between them once again.

"Not at all, Father. I'm simply waiting for an answer to my question." Draco's voice, eyes and demeanor were still completely fixed on the girlish boy in front of him.

"You asked why I stopped flying, I told you. Obviously it never got beyond thoughts because I handled it." Harry's voice was sharp. He did not want to get into this here.

"Has it ever gone beyond thoughts?" Draco was still completely intent on him, his silver eyes holding his friend's jade green ones. When Harry's eyes dropped away, the blonde haired boy cursed sibilantly. He grabbed Harry's chin, ignoring his father's word of warning, and forced it up until their eyes met once more. "Was it *Him* or *them*?"

Harry sighed, mournfully. "Both," he whispered. "Last summer."

"That's it. You're coming home with us." Draco's voice was hard and commanding. He didn't even bother to ask his father's permission.

"Draco! I'm fine!" His voice softened as he saw the worry in the silver gray eyes watching him. "I really am."

Lucius watched the two in front of him with confusion hidden behind his well controlled face. For his son to be so worried about this girl meant she was important to him. Yet why hadn't he ever heard of her? And what were they talking about?

"Draco, if she doesn't want to come with us, you can't make her. Besides, what about her family? Won't they be worried about her?" the older man asked, trying to get through to his son. Draco, however, seemed to be ignoring his training as a Malfoy and allowing emotion to have free reign.

Draco glared at his father, a glare obviously learned from a certain potions professor. "Weren't you listening, Father? She just admitted that her family was part of the reason she tried to kill herself last year! And she's admitted that she thought about it not too long ago!"

"Draco!" Harry screeched. He couldn't believe what his friend had just said. Draco had no right telling *anyone* else about that. Especially not his father! The only good thing was that he'd used the female pronouns when talking about him. He'd planned on having a little fun with Lucius before telling him who he was.

Draco looked into furious jade eyes and paled. He, more than almost anyone, knew exactly what Potter was capable of, and he'd just made him very, very mad. Then he gathered up his courage and glared right back. He was right in this instance. Harry was his best friend, one of only three people that he truly trusted. He was *not* going to let this go. Harry was going to be where he could keep an eye on him, and that was that. His glare turned into an evil grin as he suddenly had a thought.

With a twinkle in his storm gray eyes he leaned forward and whispered in the other boy's ear. "This way you get to spend a lot of time with my dad."

Lucius watched intently as the black haired girl calmed down with whatever words his son had spoken. Once sure that she had herself under control, he spoke. "My son is correct. If your home life is that bad, you're better off elsewhere."

"Mr. Malfoy, I'm fine, truly. Things were bad, yes, but that was then. I've learned how to deal with it, and it's not something you need to worry about."

Lucius' eyes got, if possible, even more intent and a frown came to his face. "Give me your arms."


"Now child." Lucius' voice was commanding and Harry found himself trying to contain a shiver. What that voice could do to him. He suddenly realized that his hands were within the older man's grasp. Obviously what his voice could do to him was make him do whatever he said. Oh, the possibilities. He shivered again.

The elder Malfoy carefully perused the limbs within his hands. He didn't understand why he was reacting this way, this was a *girl*. And one his son's age as well. His body didn't seem to care and he had to take extra care to make sure it was not seen. His son would not understand.

"What are you looking for, Mr. Malfoy?" Harry's voice hitched, as those warm large hands kept control of his own. He knew he was far from fragile, years of being on a broom, not to mention all the house work he had done, had made sure his hands were much stronger than most would suspect, but they *felt* fragile being held so carefully by the older man.

"You said that you have learned to *deal* with it. I'm just making sure that *dealing* with it does not involve harming yourself."

Harry nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, Mr. Malfoy, I'm not cutting myself or anything. Self-mutilation is not my thing."

"Hmm," was all Lucius answered. He didn't seem to realize he was still holding the other's hands. Draco, however, did see, just as he'd seen Harry's reactions to his father touching him in the first place. What he'd said to Harry about a possibility of him and Lucius getting together was seeming more likely. He knew he should have minded. After all, Harry was his age. It would make his father almost a pedophile. Then he shook that thought away. No, Harry wasn't young, not where it counted, and if they got together, age would have nothing to do with it. Harry really needed someone to take care of him, someone who didn't see the savior of the wizarding world. As for his father, he had a lot of love to give and only Draco currently around to receive it. His mother had certainly never cared for anything about his father except his name and fortune. Arranged marriages sucked. He was so glad his father had already said he wouldn't force Draco into one.

He cleared his throat loudly and grinned as they quickly dropped each other's hands. "So? Can she come with us, or not?"

Harry shook his head. "I've already told you it's not necessary. I can take care of myself. Besides I'm supposed to spend at least enough time at *their* place that I'm still shown as living there. They are still my guardians, unfortunately."

"Let me deal with that," Lucius said darkly. "Do you need anything from there?"

Harry shook his head and held up the pouch on his belt. "I found a hold-all in my vault. I don't leave anything important over there anymore. Even if I've got barriers up to keep them out, I still don't trust them around my stuff."

"Probably a good thing. Do you need anything else from here?"

Harry thought for a moment. "I could probably use some more books."

Draco laughed. "We're going to the Manor. You didn't think that perhaps we had a library there?"

Harry blushed. "I didn't think about it."

"Let's go then."

The next two days passed easily and, to Draco, almost surreally. Harry was an almost perfect girl from looks to mannerisms. That wasn't something that could be learned in simply three weeks, was it? Lucius was confused as well; the girl Jade sometimes seemed to be shyly flirting with him, even though he'd made his disinterest clear. He should have been disinterested. He'd not been interested in a lover of the female variety without the help of a potion since he'd learned what fun boys were. The fact that this young girl could stir his body was something he still did not understand.

Harry knocked on Draco's door. "Come in," Draco called.

"Hey, Drake, I've got a problem."

"Well, come tell your big brother all about it. Does it have anything to do with my father?"

"Actually, no. It's my clothes."

Draco looked at him, surprised. "What about them?" He looked over the textured blue sweater and blue and green broomstick skirt his friend was wearing. "They look fine to me."

"Well of course they look fine, I've got good taste. The problem is I'd been borrowing clothes from Jeri and her friends. I didn't want to buy more than three sets at the beginning in case I didn't decide to stick with it. Since all three are mix and match, it was fine. However, living here, I don't feel right wearing the same clothes twice in a week."

"So... what do you need?" Draco didn't understand.

"I need to go shopping. That means I need to leave the Manor grounds. So I need either the Floo opened or a portkey. Unless, of course, you don't want me to come back."

Draco grabbed a pillow and whacked his friend across his head. That was the only answer truly necessary. "Just opening the Floo wouldn't work, the Manor is warded so that only a person with Malfoy blood or accompanying the Master of the Manor can enter. Just like he's the only one who can Apparate to or from the grounds of the Manor itself."

"So I have to talk to your father about getting a portkey?" That wasn't a problem.

"Actually..." Draco smirked cunningly. "If you do it right, you might be able to get him to take you. And I know just the thing." He ran off.

It was almost fifteen minutes later that he returned. He was grinning wildly and Harry started to worry. "I used to explore all over the Manor when I was a kid, remind me to show you around all the fun places later. Anyway, I remembered that I had seen this in one of the rooms down by the pool."

Harry perked up. "You have a pool? Where you can go swimming?"

"Of course we do. I'll show it to you, I promise. But later." He held up his prize and Harry looked at it, wide eyed.

"You want me to wear that?" he squeaked.

*That* was an almost scandalously short kimono style robe. It was in deep, emerald green with silver snakes patterned upon it. In large scale on the back and in smaller scale on the front left was the Malfoy family crest.

"Look, it's perfect," Draco urged. "It's short enough you can show off your legs, which are shaped well for either gender, but it's long enough that nothing *but* your legs show. And there's nothing wrong with showing off your legs, now is there?"

Harry still stared at the robe, but shook his head slightly to answer the question. "I guess not."

"I know not. Go down for dinner wearing that. Tell Father that you got the clothes you wore today dirty and had forgotten to give the others to the house elves, so you didn't have anything to wear. He will be *begging* you to let him take you shopping before very long, I guarantee."

"I thought he didn't care for girls, you know, that way."

"He doesn't," Draco agreed easily. "But he's responding too you. I don't know if he subconsciously knows you're a boy, or and I think it's more likely, subconsciously knows you're Harry. I do know it's confusing him though."

"Maybe I should tell him then. I do have boy clothes after all."

Draco shook his head immediately. "Are you having fun?"

Harry smiled. "Yeah, I am."

"Are you hurting anyone?"

Harry looked at him. "I don't really see how I could be."

"Are you happy?"


"Those are the important ones. You might be confusing my father, but you're also stimulating him, I mean mentally, get those pervert ideas out of your head. You're having fun, and I firmly believe he is too, even if he'd never admit it. You are going to have to tell him sometime, but not yet. You'll know when the time comes."

"When? Ten minutes after he finds out for himself?"

"Hey, if that's the right time, then that's the right time." Draco and Harry smirked at each other in perfect accord. "Now, about this robe..."

Five minutes later, Harry came back into the room, voice first. "I will get you for this, Draco Torian Malfoy."

Draco looked up, expecting to be amused. He wasn't. "Oh... dear... Salazar... I knew you'd look good, but I had no freaking idea," he breathed out in an almost worshipful tone. "If I didn't know you were really a guy, I'd be asking for your hand in marriage right now... or at least for the password to your bedroom." He got up and walked around the suddenly blushing boy, looking at him from all angles.

The kimono was short, very short, stopping at almost the very top of his upper thighs. For such a petite person, in this get up his legs seemed to go on forever, well muscled and tanned, sleek and supple. Technically the part the kimono actually covered was well covered; long sleeved, with just a bit of neck showing where it overlapped and closed. However, the silk caressed the body it covered, lovingly showing off every curve. For fake curves, those certainly looked real. The silk almost seemed to move on its own and it took a closer look to realize that instead of being the fabric moving, it was the snakes patterned on it. They crawled very slowly across and around the garment, sometimes twining around each other, sometimes just passing by. The sash was tied off to one side and trailed down the right side, the tassels flirting with his knee as he walked.

Draco looked his best friend up and down once more before frowning. Something was missing. He looked down at Harry's bare feet. High heeled shoes would have looked very good with that outfit, giving even more definition to those legs. However, that would kind of ruin the whole, didn't have anything to wear, innocent little me image they were trying for. Sandals might be okay... he tried to remember if there was a pair of those Japanese style sandals around. He thought there might be. And... yes, polish, at least on the toes would be good too.

Leaving Harry still standing in the middle of the room, he pulled a rope to summon a house elf. One came quickly. "How may Topie help the young master and young mistress?"

"Find a pair of sandals to go with Jade's outfit," Draco ordered. "And a jar of that special nail polish my mother had."

"Yes, Master Draco, Topie be doing that," the house-elf disappeared quickly.

It seemed like only seconds later the elf was back with the requested items. Before he could put the sandals on, Draco sat him down and handed him the polish. "This is a special compound my mom spent a lot on. It will automatically be the best color to go with what you're wearing. In fact, if you change clothes, the polish will change too."

"Cool," Harry grinned. He didn't much care for putting on polish that really only went with one outfit so he usually didn't wear any, but he did know how to put it on.

Draco suddenly turned away, blushing himself. "Umm... Harry?"

"Yeah?" Harry asked, distracted by painting his toenails.

"Could you maybe... not sit like that in that robe. Please?" Draco's voice was muffled.

Harry looked up surprised. What did Draco mean by that? Looking down at himself, he understood and blushed brighter than a Weasley's hair. Sitting as he was and where Draco was, he'd just given his friend a straight look up his skirt. Luckily his underwear, while still feminine, managed to hide *everything* being specially designed to do just that. He squeaked and turned around, tucking one leg underneath him with the other folded up so he could work on his toes. Suddenly he laughed.

"What is it?" Draco checked quickly to make sure the other boy was decent. Yes, he knew it was a boy, but still! His *father* would have gotten aroused by that, and he didn't like girls! Draco made sure to keep his body turned away... at least until the evidence went away.

"Hmm? Oh, it's just the polish had been going on mostly looking like silver glitter, but when I blushed, it turned red. I just thought it was funny. This dries almost immediately too, doesn't it?"

"I think so. I never paid too much attention to it." Draco admitted.

Harry's head turned, one jade green eye peeking through a curtain of black hair and Draco had to have a long talk with his body once again. Maybe this had been a bad idea. He looked again. A really bad idea.

Harry put on the sandals and they were ready

Lucius walked into the small dining room they used when it was only family at the Manor. He was surprised to find that he was the first one there. Considering he had two teenagers living with him, they were far more likely to be waiting impatiently for him than the other way around. Five minutes later, the elder Malfoy was about to send a house elf after the delinquent teens when the door opened.

Draco hid his grin. Lucius didn't show much on his face, but the very fact they'd been in here for more than a minute without a word having been spoken, said quite a lot to the blond boy. Especially since his eyes hadn't moved off of Harry's legs until he sat down. Finally his father gathered himself up.

"A little inappropriate for dinner, don't you think?" he asked dryly.

"Yes, sir," Harry agreed quietly. "But the clothes I wore today became dirty and I didn't have any others. Draco found this for me to wear."

Lucius raised an eyebrow at his son, but Draco just grinned lasciviously at his father. "I think she looks good," he said mock defensively.

"Obviously, we need to have a talk about your taste in clothes," Lucius pointed out.

Harry pouted. "Are you saying I'm ugly in this?"

Lucius almost panicked. "Not at all, Jade. It looks very nice on you, it's simply not correct for a dinner table."

Harry wouldn't be appeased and his chin started to tremble. "It's because of my legs, right? I've got ugly legs."

Panicking was starting to look like a good option. "You're legs are fine! Gorgeous in fact!"

"Then... are you saying that I look like a slut?" Harry's voice actually broke. He was proud of that.

"No, No!" Lucius looked desperately for a way to get himself out of the situation he'd gotten himself into. "I didn't mean anything of the sort. Just... couldn't you have worn something else?"

"But... but I don't have anything else," Harry lowered his head so his hair covered his face and his shoulder's shook just the slightest amount.

"I'll take you shopping tomorrow, okay? There's a whole section of clothing shops connected to Diagon Alley you might never have seen."

Harry's green eyes peeked through his hair. "Most of my clothes are Muggle, though."

"If we can't find you something you like in the wizarding world, we'll go there, okay?" Lucius sighed, it looked like he'd managed to get through it.

"And... you like my legs?" Harry asked, just to make sure.

"Of course, they're tanned, toned, muscular... very nice indeed." He really shouldn't have relaxed his mouth when he relaxed the rest of him. But Jade was smiling... smirking really. He looked over at his son, Draco was smirking at him as well. He'd been played. And by a pair of teenagers! He was so proud. "And of course, Draco can come with us so we can educate him on good taste. Right, Jade?"

"Oh, of course," Jade grinned evilly at Draco's suddenly despairing expression.

By the end of dinner, plans had been set in motion for the next day. Almost. "What about dress robes?" Draco asked as they were finishing desert.

Harry looked at him. "Why would I need dress robes? It's too early to get my school stuff, and I still have the dress robes from last year."

"Actually I was thinking of the End of Summer Ball at the Ministry. You should still be here by then, I would think. And since we're Malfoys we're expected to go. After all, no party would be a true party without Malfoys."

"I don't know, I'm not a very good dancer," Harry tried to prevaricate.

"That's okay, Father can teach you."

Lucius raised an eyebrow at being volunteered for something without his permission. Draco just grinned at him before going over to help Jade out of her chair. He didn't hear what Draco whispered to her, but she suddenly blushed wildly. He watched, intently, as they walked out of the room. It was, after all, a very nice view.

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