Her Magic

By stfubgirl

322 44 8

Avni Mathur a quite, asian girl, loves to live in her own world and being invisible. Until one of her class m... More



23 3 0
By stfubgirl

Avni's POV

I work up by the sound of vaccum cleaner. I'm tired. I waited for few minutes before leaving the bed with a long sigh. My head hurts. I looked at my phone screen. 12:53 p.m. I walked towards the bathroom after grabbing my clothes from my cupboard.

I entered bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. I look like shit. My hairs are all in different directions, knots were formed. My eyes were swollen maybe because I overslept. After peeing, I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I got dressed in my grey sweatpants and black hoodie. And walked towards kitchen.

A very warm sweet smell welcomed me. I saw Alex was vacuuming the living room while Leo was in the kitchen doing something near the stove. And on TV some good old music was playing. Something's bubbling inside me. Maybe this is what people call feeling of home. I feel happy.

"Good morning guys." I greeted. Alex murmured a ' morning ' and continued doing his work. He is such a clean freak. Leo on the other hand gave me one of his biggest smile and returned to what he was doing. I guess he is fine now or he is very good at pretending. I walked in the kitchen and saw Leo was making pancakes, blueberry pancakes to be more specific. My favourite.

"Go sit in the living room I'll bring the breakfast. If you can call it one because it's already afternoon." He laughed.

"When did you guys woke up?" I asked.

"Half an hour ago. Alex wanted to eat something and he said it was okay if I cook in your kitchen so I made some pancakes." He smiled.

"Alex don't like blueberries." I informed. He kept silent for a moment.

"You two are close. And yes I know he told me that and also said that your favourite are blueberries one. So I made both."

"Thanks." Then it was quite. So I walked back to living room and sat on the sofa. Alex joined me after few minutes.

"He is awesome. He has so many stories and all of them are interesting. He is so nice - oh wait, are you smiling!?" He asked.

"No, I'm not." I tried not to smile.

"Yeah, you're not." He stated sarcastically.

"Guys, breakfast is ready." Leo announced.

"Bro, you took forever making them." Alex complained.

"Yes, because my dear friends are picky eaters." Leo tried to scoffed but failed.

"I'm not your friend." I objected.

"Sure thing." Leo confirmed and Alex giggled. I'm can win this but I'm hungry.

"Nevermind, give me food." I said. As Leo served my pancakes with some chef like techniques. And placed the plate in front of me.

"Someone's getting princess treatment." Alex sighed.

"Fuck you." I stated towords him. I do not need princess treatment.

"Avni, do not curse." Leo demanded. "Or you will be punished."

"Will you fuck her?"Alex almost yelled.

"WHAT!?" Both I and Leo screamed at the same time.

"Uh hunn, just kidding." Alex said scratching the nape of his neck. I just stare at him for a solid second where he looks at everything but me. Leo, on the other hand was speechless, he just kept eating. Now there was an awkward silence until Leo broke it.

He looked at me and motioned me to come closer. I gave him a confused look but did as said.

Once I was close enough he wishpered, "Does Alex knows about your.. you know... magic?" I smirked.

"He can't see it like you do but he can see the impact." He nodded in reply.

"Anyone going to school today?" Alex asked as he took the last bite of his pancake. I looked at Leo as he looked at me.

"Well it's late, but we can still catch up the classes after break but I'm not going. What about you?" I asked Leo. He just shrugged and shook his head.

We all finished our breakfast so Alex cleaned the table, while I did the dishes and Leo cleaned the kitchen. As I was cleaning the pan, the front door opened.

I knew my parents came so I continued my work until it hit me.

Leo is here.

Leo is in my house and my parents doesn't know.


Before my parents could see me, I pulled Leo behind the counter with me. He just stayed there confused. His face was so close to mine and I couldn't think straight. That's when I noticed he was still in my father's clothes.

This is not gonna look good.

I heard Alex geeting my parents that when I stood up and cut his sentence before he gave information about something that my parents didn't need to know, at least not now.

"Hye mom and dad." I said with a smile.

"Hye honey." My mom smiled back, "you didn't told me Alex was coming over?" She added.

"Well I didn't knew myself." I shrugged.

"Now what does that me-" she was cut off by Alex.

"Oh nothing, aren't you tired? You should take some rest. Give me you bag and go take some sleep." He fake ordered my mom as he took her bags and placed them on the kitchen counter. My mother smiled and patted his head and walked towards her room. As he turned to my father he mimicked the same strict voice and said, "you too, mister." To which my father raised he eyebrow. " Please." Alex added with a grin. My dad chuckled and went to his room.

"Phew! Where's Leo?" Alex said looking around the kitchen.

"Behind the counter." I said walking around the counter. "Leo, came you go somewhere right now? I mean a friend's place or something because I'll need some time to explain my parents about your situation." I said as looking around to check if my parents come downstairs for something.

"I'll go to my home and I can't stay here forever. I think my parents will be normal now and I need to go to the hospital to check on Leon. Thanks for the help." He said with a warm smile but something was off about the smile something like it was not all true, but I can't do anything right now.

"Go back to your home-"


"Go back to you house and if something happens call me. Oh you don't have my number. Can you give me your number? I'll save it and give you a call." I said thinking if it was okay to ask for his number but I want to help him so I guess it's fine.

Then he took my phone and tapped his number as well as saved it.

The contact says ' ♌ '.

That's a wired way to save numbers. But kinda unique as well. Alex gave him some kind of bro hug and then I walked him to the door.

" Bye take care and call me if you need." I said as I sadly smiled because I know it's not good for him to see his parents but I can't do anything. With that I sighed and closed the door.

Hye beautiful people, big announcement!!
There's no scheduled time for me to publish new chapters. I write when I feel like because I know if I write a chapter unwilling it will come out as shit so sorry but I'll write when I feel like writing. I know my writing is not that great but c'mon I'm just a baby🥺. 
Okay, enough ranting for today. Did you liked the chapter? Do vote and comment your opinions.
Bye bye🤎. Have a good day😊.

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