The Rider (Wednesday x Male R...

By MentalMarauder313

19.1K 633 514

"Every generation has one. Some damned soul cursed to ride the earth, collecting on the devil's deals. The le... More

Chapter 1: Lonsome Road
Chapter 2: Tension
Chapter 3: Emergence
Chapter 5: Acceptance
Chapter 6: Scorched

Chapter 4: Revelations

3.3K 113 114
By MentalMarauder313

Voting/poll option at the end of the chapter.

They all turned to the sheriff as he examined the chaos.

"Dad. They were harassing a customer, and she put them in their place." He told him.

The Sheriff stopped in front of the stone-faced Addams girl. Examining her top to bottom with a confused look. "This little thing took down three boys?" He questioned, before turning to his son. "Did you help her?" He asked. Wednesday looked on with an almost dull disdain at the prospect of needing help.

Tyler shook his head slightly. "Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved."

Wednesday decided to speak up. "They were sloppy, and uncoordinated. I didn't need help..." She paused as she contemplated her next words. "But Y/n did assist me." She tilted her head in his direction.

Y/n just grunted in response. "Hm, not really. I just kind of sat there and looked pretty." He joked slightly, before tilting his head down and groaning quietly. Wednesday could see his injury was starting to affect him more. But he continued to hide it.

The next moment Miss Weems rushed in as best she could when wearing high heels. She looked down at the weak and incapacitated boys before looking up and seeing Wednesday, Y/n, and the sheriff with his son. "Apologies Sheriff. These two slipped away from me." She wore a smile that fit her nature and attitude. Being as polite as possible to the Sheriff.

"I didn't slip anywhere. I walked." Y/n mumbled.

"Come along Addams, L/n, it's time for us to take our leave." She waved the two over. The two listened and began to follow.

But the Sheriff stopped them. "Wait a minute. Hang on." He told them. Y/n sighed as he placed his hand on his jacket where his wound was located. "You're an Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father."

They seemed more interested in the fact that they knew her father. "That man's wanted behind bars for murder."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. 'I know the man's a sinner, but I didn't see any mortal sin on him.' He himself.

"I'm guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Sheriff Galpin grunted.

Y/n craned his head over to the Goth Girl. 'Kind of a fucked up thing to say.' He paused. 'Who am I kidding she probably thinks it's a compliment.' He shook his head.

"I'm gonna keep my eye on you." The Sheriff warned as he raised his finger and pointed it at her. He then turned to examine the Biker. "And you, I've seen you from somewhere haven't I?" The Sheriff narrowed his eyes investigatively at him.

Y/n shook his head as he waved it off. Ready to take his leave. "Probably not." He grunted, trying to seem more relaxed despite the blood loss he was trying to hide.

Sheriff Galpin pursed his lips as he continued to think on it. That was when his son spoke. "Yeah, we did see him before dad." His eyes brightened in realization. "He was in that one channel remember? He did all those stunts with his dad."

Wednesday saw it again. Y/n's jaw clenched. One could chalk it up to pain, but not Wednesday... She knew better.

Sheriff nodded along with a small grin. "Yeah... Yeah that's right. Say, how's your old man doing?"

The veins popped up in Y/n's neck as his fist clenched. Wednesday noticed his distressed state made his reaction much more noticable.

"He's not around anymore. Passed away." Y/n spoke roughly.

Sheriff Galpin frowned slightly as he let out a small. 'Ah.' He pat Y/n's shoulder slightly before talking. "I'm sorry to hear that son."

Y/n regained his composure rather quickly as he shook his head. "No, don't worry about it." He replied.

"Real, shame. I was hoping to maybe get an autograph from you or your old man." The Sheriff continued.

Y/n grunted, before a small smile crept up on his face. "Sorry, already promised my first autograph to someone else."

Weems smiled as she decided to intervene. "Yes, well as fascinating as this whole ordeal has been, I'm afraid we must get going." She smiled as she guided Y/n and Wednesday out the door.


"Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar." Weems spoke up as she had her hands clutched around the steering wheel. Wednesday stared straight ahead and Y/n sat in the back seat, holding his gut and staring at the window as he tried to keep his cool. Wednesday was able to notice the color of his skin beginning to pale from the rear view mirror. Y/n looked at the trees as they passed and took in the sight of nature. Trying to take his mind off the draining feeling. His inhales were begining to get heavier. Weems looked over at Wednesday with a small smirk, like she was almost amused. "Wish I could say I was surprised."

Besides Y/n's constantly increasing curious behavior. Wednesday has other questions on her mind. "What did he mean about my father?" She questioned the principal.

Weems' eyebrows raised higher in response. "I have no idea, but a word of advice. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. Like you did with Y/n." Her voice had the firm grasp of authority, but the small, gracious smile remained.

Wednesday's eyes snapped towards Weems. Ready to reject her on the fact she called Y/n her friend...


She didn't...

"We're not friends... We're... Acquaintances." She corrected. Weems seemed genuinely surprised. She didn't think Wednesday would say something like that, but she viewed it as progress.

She glanced back briefly at the Biker. "Did you hear that Y/n? You two are acquaintances." She smiled.

Y/n only groaned slightly. "Don't know what that means." He mumbled. He heard the Rider growl quietly in his mind, almost tiredly, or disappointed.

Weems chuckled when she heard him. "Don't worry Y/n, we will work on your vocabulary. Rest assured." She told him. She narrowed her eyes as she looked ahead. Spotting some sort of traffic accident up ahead. "Oh dear, looks terrible." She pursed her lips nervously as her eyebrows slacked. As they got closer they saw that the pickup truck had collided with a semi. Two officers were out front in the scene, one was waving their SUV along. "I hope the driver's okay."

Wednesday kept her eyes trained on the scene. "He's dead... He broke his neck." The Goth Girl spoke in a monotone voice and emotionless eyes.

Weems looked over at the girl with a perplexed expression. "How can you tell from this angle?" As they got closer, they realized she was right. The driver's neck was bent at a ninety-degree angle. Wednesday reached into her jacket as she curled the necklace her mother gave her. She looked into the rear view mirror to see Y/n staring directly at her. But it felt like there was another pair of eyes looking at her through his. It sent a shiver down her spine, and it made her all the more curious about him.


Wednesday sits atop their dorm balcony, dressed in a black sweater and a black and white striped shirt. Playing the song as though she's practiced her whole life. Fluently, elegantly, and hauntingly beautiful. It all seems so second nature to her as she stares at the note pages with frightening attention. Each note it looming, lingering, and desperate.


Rowan walks down a spiral staircase with urgency. Pushing his glasses back up his nose as he makes contact with the cold engraved floor. He looks around seeing bookcase up on bookcase in an octoganal shaped room. He thrust his hand forward, and book came flying out one of the cases. He seized the book and opened it, turning the pages frantically until he landed on a specific one.

It almost looked like Wednesday standing off against a tall, ominous figure with their staff held firmly forward as they were both surrounded by flaming archways. Rowan tore off the page that showed Wednesday and stuffed it in his pocket before taking off.


Wednesday takes a slower, rythymatic approach to the next set of chords. Each one dragged on, as if begging to stay.


Tyler searched through a bunch of cases and files. Opening the lockers of his dad's organized lists until he found the file with the name: Gomez Addams. Written on it. In the department. Sheriff Galpin takes a big gulp of his soda can. Yanking on his collar and scratching himself as he stared at his board containing all possible clues and leads.


Wednesday begins to pick up rhythm again as the chords get more frantic and erratic. As if trying to catch up or escape.


In the courtyard Xavier is taken away as he looks up in the direction of the music. Entranced.


Wednesday drags each note on, as though they're stabbing away at the cello. The notes are painful and grim.


Y/n stumbled through the bathroom. Finally unzipping his jacket and letting it fall. His lower shirt was completely stained red with his blood, as well as his pants. He dropped onto his knees with a groan before falling down onto his hands. "Hurry the hell up!" He growled as he twisted his body and slumped down onto his back. He pulled up his shirt as he looked down at the gash still leaking blood. Y/n panted as he felt himself drained of his blood and energy.

"It's in the contract." The Rider hummed, although it didn't seem all to happy to see Y/n in such a way.

Y/n just groaned as he writhed in pain. "I've suffered enough! Please! Heal me damnit!" He grit his teeth.

The Rider hummed again. "Okay."

The wound began to heat up and Y/n began to writhe even more as the pain became unbearable. The wound was set aflame as it cauterized itself. Y/n shit his eyes tightly as he flailed on the ground, doing his best to stay quiet.


Wednesday began to play more elegantly, taking her time to make sure each note was precise, and played with a dark, but peaceful melody.


Ms. Weems took a moment to stop typing on her laptop as she rested against her chair and swung around. Sighing contently as she listened to Wednesday play.


Her notes began to rise higher and higher as she concluded her piece. She took a moment to breathe it all in. Thing sat atop the notes holder. He signed but Wednesday just pursed her lips. "No I don't really feel better. There's just something off about this place, and that's not just because it's a school." She exhaled through her nose deeply. The revolving window opened as Y/n came through, wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, sighing as he swept a hand through his hair and came up to the balcony railing. Just staring. He turned to his right and saw the severed hand looking in his direction.

Y/n could only chuckle at it. "I'm not gonna ask." He smirked lightly.

"It's probably best you don't." Wednesday replied.

"That was really nice by the way... The uh, the song I mean." Y/n clarified as he kept his gaze at the view ahead.

Wednesday kept her eyes trained on him as she noticed his now relaxed demeanor. "How's the hole in your abdomen?" She raised and eyebrow at him, noticing that he changed his shirt.

Y/n just nodded with a small smile. "Peachy." Was all he said.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes on him. "Show me." She ordered.

Y/n craned his head over to her as he raised an eyebrow. "What?" In a moments notice the Goth Girl stood up and walked over to the biker, she snatched the bottom of hist shirt before lifting it up, surprising hi. "Uhh, What are you doing?" He asked.

Wednesday almost seemed surprised. It was like he was never stabbed in the first place. There was no trace. She allowed her gaze to linger covertly on his abdomen for moment longer before allowing his shirt to fall. "I knew there was more to you that meets the eye. Ever since you showed up I knew something was different about you... You aren't a normie." She deduced.

Y/n flattened his shirt out as he backed up a step. "Maybe a little warning next time?" He spoke up.

"Why did you allow the others to believe that you're a normie. What're you hiding Y/n L/n? How is it that you're able to completely heal such an injury in a matter of hours?" She got closer and closer as Y/n sighed.

"I was always a fast healer." He sarcastically remarked, which only furthered irritated Wednesday.

She narrowed in on him until they were inches apart. He could feel her breath on his face and her eyes trying to burrow into his eyes and peer into his non-existent soul. "Why did you lie to principal Weems about being unaware of the supernatural? Why lie about being a normie?"

Y/n just held his finger up lazily. "Alright well to be fair, I didn't know shit about werewolves and all that other stuff." 'Haven't killed any yet.' "Besides, I'm not like the rest of the other kids in this place, I wasn't born with powers and I didn't develop them as I grew up." He crossed his arms, Wednesday didn't feel like relenting however.

She remained inches away from his face. "Then how did you get your powers?" She questioned. That's when she saw it again. The second pair of eyes looking through Y/n's, the kind that acted like a warning, telling her she was going too far.

"What's it matter?" Y/n frowned. "My business is my business alone." He told her. They heard the revolving door window open again and Wednesday suddenly backed away from the Biker boy, seeming stoic as always. Enid stepped in, wearing a knit blue, orange, and white oversized sweater and a flower skirt, noticing the cello sitting on the balcony.

"How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" She asked with deep confusion written on her face.

Wednesday glances at Thing as she gestures to him. "I had an extra hand." She states, quite literally. Thing waves towards Enid, who leans back with surprise.

"Woah." Was all she could breathe out. "Where's the rest of him?"

Wednesday began to tidy up her instrument and setup. "It's one of the great Addams family mysteries." Thing proceeds to drop from the swivel that held the book and began to crawl away. Enid shuffled back as he got closer but eventually Thing took his leave. How's began to fill the night sky, Werewolves. Y/n and Enid looked off into the night, watching the moon and listening to the distant howls. "Why aren't you wolfing out?" Wednesday inquired.

Enid pursed her lips as she developed a frown. She looked at the moon again before looking at her and extending her claws. "Because I can't. This is all I got." She softly spoke with a twinge of sadness and disappointment. Her claws retracted before she fidgeted with her hands and leaned against the stone rail. "My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist." She told them. Y/n stepped forward as he set his hands on the rail to her left. "I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it?" She chuckled, but she didn't feel any ounce of humor in it. Wednesday set her Cello down as she stood up and began walking over.

"Yeah, she says there's a chance I may never... You know." She refrains from saying it out loud, as though it might somehow make it true.

Wednesday examined her thoughtfully. "What happens then?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

Enid looked out. "I'd become a lone wolf." She spoke faintly. Y/n pursed his lips as he just listened into the conversation, feeling the cold, rough, stone against his fingertips.

Wednesday looked away as she contemplated the situation. "Sounds perfect." She concluded.

But Enid couldn't help but feel as though that was the furthest from the truth. "Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over. I could be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate." She listed as she sounded more dreadful with each word.

"I'm failing to see the problem here." Wednesday stared.

Enid seemed to get more frustrated with Wednesday's lack of understanding. "I could die alone!"

"We all die alone, Enid." Wednesday spoke with finality.

Y/n groaned and he finally spoke. "Enid." The saddened girl turned to look at him, and Y/n mulled over his next set of words, not wanting to mess up. "Look." He sighed. "Life, is the most... Unpredictable thing we could ever... experience." He spoke up, trying to find the right words. "There's not a lot of things that are a hundred percent in life. Because the truth is, anything is possible." He told her, and it seemed like Enid was following along, much to his relief.

"If you're family would abandon you... just because you didn't turn out the way they thought you would, well, then... they're not really your family in the first place you know? Family sticks by each other, and accepts each other. They don't leave when things get tough." He told her, Enid slowly began to nod along. "The truth is... Real family is the one who sticks by you no matter what, they don't have to be related by blood. B-but they care enough, to always stick around and spend time with you." Y/n dropped his hands, he looked... distant for a moment. Enid seemed to appreciate his words but, she looked at him with an almost, sympathetic gaze?

Y/n seemed even more uncertain about his next set of words. An unusual sight to see him an in. "And about the mate thing, you know." He cleared his throat. "There's someone for everyone in this world, don't get so caught up trying to rush into a relationship or trying to change who you are just to try and find someone. The right person, will love you, and cherish you, regardless of your flaws or imperfections. Everyone in this world is imperfect Enid. The right one won't care because you can't turn into a werewolf. They'll love you for the kind of person you are, for the way... That you make them feel." Y/n, managed to develop a small, genuine smile as he finished talking, his nerves began to build up, hoping he didn't say anything wrong, but when he looked at her, the Biker only saw Enid's small smile. She stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug, catching him unprepared.

He slowly brought his arms forward and hugged her back. Slightly awkwardly albeit, but Y/n hugged her back nonetheless. A sight that Wednesday eyed precisely. A sharp look in her eyes. Enid pulled back as she sniffled quietly. "Thank you Y/n." She smiled with red eyes."

Y/n nodded slowly. "Yeah, yeah no problem." Y/n felt his breath begin to pick up as Enid slowly raised her hand forward, wrapping it around Y/n's hand. Her skin was soft, smooth, and it encompassed his warmly, laying directly on top his hand as his rested on the stone rail. Wednesday twitched.

Enid sniffled softly again as she spoke. "Do you think you'll ever find someone Y/n?" Her voice was faint, but graceful. The question froze him completely.






No, you won't.



There's no one.



Because you only have one path.



One way.

Y/n knew the answer to her question. But if he answered truthfully, he'd only diminish the hope he just tried to give her. So he lied. "Maybe... maybe one day." His smile was small, but hopeless. Wednesday felt as though he wasn't being truthful with his response, as if he was still hiding. Enid tried to calm her sniffling as she wiped her eyes with her other hand.

"Why are you crying?" Wednesday questioned in her usual, emotionless tone.

Enid shook her head softly. "I don't know, I guess I'm just upset." She gripped Y/n's hand s little tighter as she felt herself growing somewhat calmer. "Why? Don't you cry? Or are you above that too?" She jabbed. Still unhappy with Wednesday's previous comments.

But Wednesday did not attempt to prod back. "It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion Nero out for his afternoon stroll." Wednesday began to think back on the day vividly.


The sun shine brightly as a woman walked her dog past a small ice cream corner store. Nearing the corner was a small, dark-haired Wednesday, a little dark spot on a sunny day, strolling down the sidewalk with Nero on a leash. "We were ambushed." Wednesday continued. "They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet." A few boys got off of their bikes as they approached the much smaller girl. "Two of them held me down, and forced me to watch..." Nero tried to crawl away, but two bikes approached rapidly, Nero reared his claws in a defensive manner, but, there was nothing he could do. Little Wednesday felt her heart shatter.


Little flakes of snow descended towards the ground as most of the sky was covered by dark, brooding clouds, only a few rays of light peered through. Wednesday sat in front of Nero's grave, holding a little black flower as tears glided down her face.
"It was snowing when I buried what was left of him." Present Wednesday paused as she thought about her long gone companion. "I cried my little black heart out." Young Wednesday placed the flower within Nero's stone carved tail. Sitting on the floor as she stared solemnly. "But tears don't fix anything."


"So I vowed to never do it again." Wednesday promised as she stared off at the peaceful, dimly lit, scenery. Enid turned her head to the Goth Girl, who held a small look of mourning.

Enid had stopped sniffling, her demeanor much more peaceful. "Your secret's safe with me." She smiled lightly as she still kept her hand over Y/n's. Wednesday felt another anomaly developing within her. "Still think you're weird as shit though."

Wednesday stared her in the eyes. "The feeling is incredibly mutual."

The air grew silent as they just enveloped themselves in the environment. Enid proceeded to turn over to Y/n. "What about you Y/n? Have you ever cried before?" Y/n's eyes widened to an extent, not expecting the question.

He looked between Enid and Wednesday as they stared at him inquisitively, awaiting his answer. "Uhh, yeah. Whenever I watched Paddington 2." He joked lightly, a small giggle came out of Enid, Wednesday didn't look amused in the slightest. And when he saw them continue to stare at him, they realized they wanted an actual answer. Y/n shifted slightly.

Wednesday raised an eyebrow as she saw through him immediately. "What? Does your masculine ideology inhibit you from showing any signs of vulnerability?" She prodded, stone faced.

But Y/n only smirked in response. "You know, one of these days. I might just actually understand the words that come out of your mouth." He told her. And much to Y/n's bewilderment, he could've sworn he saw a smirk tug at her lips. He looked at the two as they still waited for an actual answer. A sight escaped his lips. "Look, yeah... I have cried, but, I just don't talk about it." He spoke truthfully. He felt Enid tighten her grip around his hand comfortingly. "Sometimes the past... Needs to stay where it is. The past."

Enid felt her nerves tighten as she looked up at him. "Did... Your dad ever make you cry?" She spoke timidly, cautiously, and regretted it instantly as Y/n writhed his hand away from hers.

He looked at her with wide, alert, and uncertain eyes. "What are you talking about?" He said quickly, sharply. Wednesday examined his behavior carefully. Enid felt the guilt build as she wished she didn't bring it up in the first place, that she could just go back to holding his hand.

She stopped leaning against the railing as she stood up, pondering her next set of words. "Look, promise me you won't freak out okay?" She held her hands out assuringly. Y/n narrowed his eyes at her, but he didn't say anything. "I got something to show you."


They were back in their room as Enid sat down at her desk. Wednesday and Y/n stood behind her, the Biker boy with his arms crossed. "When we get newbies I like to take a deep dive and see if they have any cool info online about them for my blog." She typed away at her keyboard as she spoke quickly. "And I was totally amazed when I found out that you performed motorcycle stunts at a circus." She looked up at him briefly, putting on a small smile before going back to typing. "So I started watching all of the videos of you performing stunts with your dad, which you did amazing by the way." She ranted as she fangirled just a tad. "But then I found this one video, a-a-and I saw something..." She pulled up a video online, a circus event of him riding a ramp through three flaming hoops.

The video was recorded on someone's phone, and the quality wasn't amazing, but it was all recognizeable. After Y/n went through the three hoops the crowd cheered wildly. Enid smiled slightly as she saw it, then looked back at Y/n holding that smile. He formed one of his own as he looked at her, but it was nowhere near as bright as hers. Enid's smile finished as she looked at the video. "Around here." She pointed. Both Y/n and his father took off, soaring off the ramp through the air, the father landed, then Y/n did, but his wasn't as smooth. Y/n lost balance as he fell off his motorbike, he'd fallen right over it and the back wheel slammed against his helmet, cracking the visor.

A plethora of gasps errupted from the video and Enid cringed when she saw. "Freaks me out every time" She scrunched her face. Y/n eventually pushed himself back up as he removed the helmet and smile at the crowd, which began to cheer again. Another event began to take place as they quickly switched out the motorcycle equipment. "Right here." Enid squeaked. She pointed towards the corner as Y/n and Wednesday watched.

While an Elephant rode around the main floor, Y/n and his father were off to the side, hidden and tucked away from the crowd but the phone had them in frame, only really identifiable from their daredevil outfits. The Father was making frantic movements as Y/n spoke back, unable to be heard as the crowd was much louder. Suddenly the Father raised his fist and struck Y/n across the face. Enid jolted, feeling disgusted as she saw it again. Wednesday narrowed her eyes as it all made sense, his reactions whenever his father was brought up. Y/n tightened his fists until his knuckles turned white.

The Y/n in the video stood back up holding his face and the Father grabbed him by the crop of his outfit before harshly pulling him away. Enid paused the video as she timidly turned to look at Y/n, Wednesday analyzed him too. A vein on his forehead bulged as the ones on his neck became more noticable, his eyes were distant as his nose twitched.

Y/n stared at the video, trapped in his own mind.

"Goddamnit kid! How many times have we spent practicing that just for you to fuck it all up!"

"I'm sorry dad! The chain locked up!-"

"I don't want to hear your fucking excuses shitstain! You had one job! One fucking job and you can't even do that!"

"Dad I'm sorry! I'll take a look at the chain!-"

"Shut up..."

"I-I'll fix it I p-prom-"

"I said shut the fuck up!"

A slap echoed throughout Y/n's eardrums as his eyes snapped closed and opened just as fast. He exhaled and inhaled through his nostrils quickly... and suddenly, he composed himself again. That was the most disturbed they had ever seen Y/n. And, they couldn't help but feel pity in some way.

Even Wednesday felt like justice needed to be served. And she felt herself fortunate enough to have a father who didn't lay his hands on her with such ill intentions as Y/n's father did to him.

"Y/n?" Enid softly called him.

Y/n inhaled. "My father was a lot of things... But a dad wasn't one of them." He muttered quietly. "Like I said, sometimes the past has to stay that way." He saw the looks they gave him, or mainly Enid, and it only made him feel more awkward. "I'm gonna go for a walk, I'll catch you guys later." He began to back away as he put in his jacket and stepped out, Enid thought about stopping them, but they didn't. Instead they just watched him leave.

Wednesday felt like there was something that could be done, but she also needed to keep moving forward with her plans. "Enid..." She called her, the Wolf Girl turned to her with an uncertain gaze. "I could use... a favor. One that could clear up some room in your dorm. You just need to show me how to use your computer."


Wednesday had sent Thing out to make contact with Tyler, and after a moment's notice, Enid's computer began to ring. Wednesday sat down as Enid was laying on her bed, fidgeting with her hands as she thought about everything that happened. Wednesday took a moment to search for the right key and pressed it, seeing a very confused Tyler on the other side, his eyes flicking over to Thing.

"That's Thing." Wednesday announced as Tyler slowly nodded, still confused.

Tyler glanced at Thing before narrowing his eyes. "Is he, like, your pet?" The very next second, Thing flipped himself onto his stubby wrist, and proceeded to flip Galpin the middle finger.

"He's sensitive." Wednesday informed him from the other side.

Tyler exhaled before speaking to her. "Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but this is.. next level." He commented. "So, what happened to not wanting to be slave to technology?"

"Desperate times." Wednesday replied. "Are you still willing to help me escape?"

Tyler slowly smiled at her. "After what happened at the Weathervane today, I figured they'd have you in solitary."

"There's the Harvest Festival this weekend. Attendence is mandatory." She announced. "If you're still willing to drive me to the train station, I can make it worth your while." She told him.

This time Enid's head perked up. "You're looking for a ride? You could ask Y/n." She spoke up.

Wednesday turned around sharply as she eyed her with a raised brow. "Elaborate." She requested.

Enid sat up and leaned forward, a tad bit nervous. "W-well. He still has his motorcycle. You knew that right? You could just ask him to give you a ride. Weems trusts him enough to ride there." She continued.

Wednesday thought on it. 'It would give me some more time to understand him before I leave.' Her eyes flickered up to her. "Very well. I will ask him once he returns." Tyler narrowed his eyes as he listened. Wednesday turned back to the computer screen. "It may seem that I have my plan covered. I'll ask Y/n, if he agrees then I'll no longer need your assistance, if he doesn't then I'll check back with you. Goodbye Tyler." She said.

"W-wait hold on a-." Tyler spoke up but Wednesday hung up the next second.

The Goth Girl turned to Enid. "I suppose we'll just have to wait for him." And that's exactly what they did.


A couple waited inside of a hotel room. Anxious and freaked out. The woman sat on the bed with the covers over her. "Do you think he followed us?" She asked biting her nails.

The guy sighed as held the back of his head. "No, no way. After we kicked him out the car there's no way he could've followed us." He closed the curtains and checked out the doors peep hole.

"I told you we shouldn't have given him a ride Andrew!" She exclaimed in a hushed tone.

Andrew nodded along. "I know, I know. I just didn't think the guy would be a fucking psycho." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Look, we'll try and get some rest, and then we'll go even further tomorrow okay?" He said, laying his hand on his girlfriend's leg. She nodded slowly, unsurely. The man stood up and turned off the light. Leaving the room dimly lit and very hard to see. The man got in bed with his girlfriend, holding her close. They cuddled up to each other as the woman spoke next.

"Can you at least turn the TV on? I don't want it to be too dark." She asked him. And the man nodded in understanding.

He began to reach for the remote. "Yeah, sure thing." He turned it on and set the remote down, but as he did so the door knob began to jiggle. The girl jolted as they snapped to look at it. The doorknob shook more and more violently until a thud came from the other side. "You think you could just leave me on the side of the road?" The dark, sinister whisper came from the other side. They got up from the bed immediately as they looked for anything they could use as a weapon. Suddenly the door snapped open as the lock broke and a man wearing a dark brown jacket with a buzzed head stepped through. A wicked grin on his face as he looked at the two.

The couple got close together as they watched the man take a step closer. The couple began to yell and scream, hoping someone would hear their prayers in this old, worn down, quiet motel.

And someone did.

An unholy roar echoed throughout the motel, leaving anyone else who was inside, too afraid to step out. All three of them turned to look outside the door, the man's smirked faded instantly as the couple grew even more afraid. They heard the sounds of bootsept hitting against the concrete floor. Suddenly, a bright, hot light began to illuminate the doorway. The man stepped back as a demonic hum creeped up, followed by a chuckle. The man felt his soul drop into his gut when he saw the figure that stopped right in front of the doorway.

"You...... Sinner."

The room was bright and they felt themselves scorched by the heat. The couple was paralyzed by the figure as the man lost all train of thought, he took another step back as the figure began to advance. "No w-wait." The Rider picked the man up by his throat and lifted him. "God no! P-please! Don't hurt me!" The man began to sob as he tried to pry the Rider's fingers off of him.

"He can't save you now."

The Rider wrapped his other hand around his throat as the flames crawled up his arms and onto the man's face. He began to scream and flail wildly as he felt his flesh disintegrate and flake off. His blood-curdling squeals sent constant shivers down the couples as they watched on in horror, as the man's skin turned dark and charred.

"To hell with you."

The man's screams died in an instant, as did the flames consuming him. But the stench of his charred body remained. The Rider dropped the body as the couple jolted, wide eyed at the figure before them.

"You're safe now."

The Rider hummed before turning and making way for the door.

"T-thank you." The woman wasn't sure if she should feel relieved, or she should pass out, but she thanked him nonetheless, the boyfriend nodded frantically. The Rider looked over his shoulder at them, humming before exiting the room. The only sounds the couple could hear after that was the sound of a motorcycle engine roaring until it got further and further away.

Sheriff Galpin thought he'd seen it all, but he's in for a rude awakening.


Enid was still curled up on her bed, looking aimlessly on her phone while Wednesday typed away on her typewriter. The door opened as Y/n stepped in. His hair was damp from a shower he took and he didn't have his jacket with him. They instantly turned to look at him. He went over to his corner of the room and started rummaging around in his duffle bag. Enid sat up as she watched him. "Hey Y/n?" She asked. Y/n stopped and looked up at her.

"Yeah?" He spoke thoughtfully.

Enid fidgeted with her hands. "I'm sorry about bringing it up. I didn't mean to hurt you or anyt-." She started but was cut off.

"Enid." Y/n smiled softly. "It's fine, don't worry about it. I promise." He chuckled slightly, almost as though he didn't even relive the video. He turned back to rummaging through his bag.

Enid smiled brightly, but she still seemed slightly anxious. "A-and we're okay?" She wondered with slightly rosy cheeks. Y/n turned back to her and nodded.

"Yeah, of course." He replied softly.

"Y/n..." Wednesday spoke from right behind him. Y/n smirked, wondering if this was another attempt to get the jump on him. He looked up at her before standing up, now looking down at her.

"Yeah Storm Cloud?" He crossed his arms. Enid narrowed her eyes at the nickname and Wednesday's stare grew much sharper.

She leaned closer ever so slightly. "I told you that if you called me that again you'd lose your tongue." She examined him, noticing his much more laid-back demeanor.

Y/n only kept his smirk as he shrugged. "Guess I'll have to sleep with one eye open. What was it that you wanted anyways?" He asked her.

Wednesday pursed her lips, realizing it would be unfortunate timing to ask something of him after just threatening him. But he seemed in a better mood and she needed to have her plan set. "I need a ride to the train station during the Harvest Festival. Enid told me you have a motorcycle. I'm looking to acquire your services. I'll pay you for your time." She informed him.

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "This is about your escape from Nevermore right? Like the time you were trying to get out when we were at the Weathervane?" He asked as he shifted in place.

Wednesday nodded stifly. "Correct, and as I've already said, I'll make it worth your while. Do we have a deal?" She looked into his eyes as Y/n slowly nodded.

"Yeah, we got a deal. And don't worry about paying me. It's cool." He told her as he crouched back down and dug into his dufflebag once more.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes at the unexpected answer. "Why?" She questioned.

She as Y/n just shrugged again. "That's what friends do for each other I guess. They don't need payment." A moment later he pulled out a walkman as he smiled at it. He put in the earbuds as he set in the cassette and allowed the song to play in his ears.


It was the time of the festival. Y/n had his leather jacket on. Wednesday was wearing the same attire she had when playing the cello, but Enid had a darker pink jacket on accompanied by a much lighter pink scarf. They saw Tyler talking to his father up ahead. "What's he doing here? I thought you didn't need him after all." Enid questioned.

Wednesday wondered the same as well. "I'm also uncertain as to why he showed up." She narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe he just wanted to come to the festival?" Y/n shrugged.

Wednesday tilted her head. "It's plausible, but unlikely." She contemplated. "I trust that I can handle myself." Tyler and his father seemed to be having some kind of argument.

Enid turned to look at the both of them. "Well, good luck and safe travels!" She smiled. She opened her arms towards Wednesday and stepped forward, however the Goth Girl stepped back. "Right, still not a hugger. Got it." She smirked it off before turning to Y/n, arms still open. His smirk dropped slightly as he wasn't prepared for the next action. Wednesday was about to push him along but before anyone had the chance to blink Enid immediately wrapped Y/n in a hug.

He chuckled a bit, realizing that this wasn't something he was going to get used too. He brought his arms up and hugged her back. She held him like that for a moment, chin on his shoulder. Then she pulled back, a half-grin with a confused look. "Your jacket smells a little smokey."

Y/n narrowed his eyes as he raised his arm and gave his jacket a sniff. "Huh, yeah. When I went out for a walk I saw in one of the main lobby areas at the school. I stuck around it awhile, must've been from there." He chuckled slightly.

Enid nodded along, aware of the fireplace he was talking about. "Well, I think it kinda suits you." Her smile grew brighter.

Y/n's grin grew a little as Wednesday watched carefully. "Thanks." Enid nodded as she waved and left to go enjoy her night of festivities. Y/n turned to Wednesday as he scanned around briefly. "Hey look, I'm gonna go move my bike, make sure it's in a good spot, away from the parking lot. That way no one bothers us when we head out." He told her. "Just keep yourself busy for a bit."

Wednesday nodded in confirmation as they both went there seperste ways. Wednesday eyed Weems sitting at a bench table, who was doing the same to her.


Y/n walked until the noises from the festival began to die down slightly. He looked around, seeing as this was a good spot, he brought his hand up and placed his index finger and thumb in his mouth before letting out a sharp whistle. Moments later the engine of his chopper began to pick up, his ride coming in through the trees and stopping right in front of him, with a small growl from the exhaust. Y/n smirked at it and turned around.

And there the Devil stood. Y/n's senses went haywire but he stood his ground and remained composed. Mephisto had his calm, develish grin. "Such a fine night, isn't it?" He asked the biker, who stared him dead in the eyes. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, it is always such a pleasure to watch you work." He smiled as he stepped closer. "You always make me so... proud." He growled at the end, keeping that wicked grin. "It makes me that much more confident in your abilities to handle this next task."

Y/n kept his eyes trained on him. "What task?" He questioned. Mephistopheles tapped his cane as he looked at Y/n.

"There's someone here I need taken care of. Blackheart, find him, kill him, send him back to Hell." He placed his right hand over his left as they rested on the cane.

Y/n slowly nodded. "I'll take care of it." He spoke, barely above a whisper.

Mephisto hummed in satisfaction. "I know you will, you two are the best deals I ever made." He grinned, referring to both Y/n and the Rider. "Before I leave, I wanted to check up on you. How's everything working out for you Y/n?" He asked in a low tone.

Y/n narrowed his eyes. 'What's he getting at?'

'I don't know.'

Y/n leaned back slightly. "Fine, why do you ask?"

He smiled at the response. "I just like to check in on you from time to time. It's okay to... indulge a little Y/n." He chuckled at the end, only further disturbing the Biker. He stepped closer as he placed his hand on Y/n's left shoulder. "I've seen you talking to those two girls. Maybe you'll get close to one of them?" Mephisto smiled as he whispered in his ear. Then he moved behind him as he traveled to his right ear. "Or maybe you'll get close to both?" Mephisto hummed in his ear as Y/n tightened his jaw.

He felt his face twitch as a shiver shot straight down his spine. "I'm not getting close to either of them." He replied sharply.

"Oh? And why not?" Mephisto asked as he began to massage Y/n's shoulders slightly. Still standing behind him.

Y/n clenched his fist as a vein bulged on his forehead. "Because I have a job to do." He spoke roughly, hoarsely.

Mephistopheles hummed as he let go of Y/n's shoulders. "All work, no play. Well, I'll be off now. And I'll be watching, Y/n. I know you'll make me proud." His voice deepened at the end.

A gust of wind swept past Y/n and when he turned around, there was nothing there but his bike.


Wednesday walked over to one of the dart booths set up at the festival. Plenty of pandas hung up. She began to robotically pick up and throw the darts in rapid succession. Quickly popping the balloons one after another.

"Geez, you get any better at this and you'll be taking home a whole pack." Xavier walked up as he leaned against the counter.

Wednesday didn't make any attempt to look at him as she continued to keep throwing darts. "Pandas don't travel in packs, they prefer their solitude." She informed him.

Xavier nodded with a small, awkward smile. "All right, subtle hit taken."

Wednesday eyed him. "You should know I'm waiting for someone."

Xavier looked at her as she mentioned it. "Oh yeah? Who's the lucky guy?... Or girl?" Xavier asker her.

Wednesday stopped throwing the darts as she turned to the Artist. "What's it matter to you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." A voice spoke slowly and somewhat awkwardly. Xavier looked to his right to see Tyler standing right behind Wednesday, who was very aware of his presence. Xavier looked between the two.

"He's not the one I'm waiting on." Wednesday clarified quickly. Then narrowed her eyes confusingly at her own hastiness to clear things up.

Another voice piped up, catching there attention. "Hey, Storm Cloud." Y/n walked in holding two stuffed animals and a bag of popcorn. Wednesday glared at him for his use of the nickname, but didn't say anything. "I figured I'd at least play a couple of the games before we headed out. The games are mostly rigged, but growing up in a circus, you learn a thing or two." Y/n chuckled, he looked at the two boys staring at him and he just nodded. "Sup guys?" He smiled at them before looking back at Wednesday. "I won a couple stuffed animals for you and Enid, thought I'd get you a going away present. I didn't really find anything that looked menacing but I did get you this cool bat instead." He held it up with a grin.

"Your sentiment is noted, but I don't have any need for it." Wednesday denied at first but Y/n still held it up.

He chuckled lightly. "Hey, take this thing off my hands. You don't need to keep it. Torture it, turn it into a voodoo doll, or take off the head and stuff a bunch of bombs into the thing, do whatever it is you do with stuffed animals." He kept it in front of her.

'Planting explosives inside of a stuffed animal is a fascinating concept I hadn't thought about.' She exhaled slightly as she took it from his hand, her fingers grazing against his slightly. "Very well. I'll hold on to it." She accepted the gift.

"Hey guys! How's everything going here?!" Enid stopped by, bringing her bubbly personality along with her.

They all turned to look at her. Xavier scoffed softly before turning and taking his leave. Y/n smiled at her. "Pretty good Enid. How's it going with you?" He asked.

She held her hands up as she grew more excited. "It's been amazing! They have a lot of really cool stuff here, I was with a couple other friends, we played that water gun game and few others but I haven't won anything so far. I was gonna go hit up the photo booth right now but I saw you guys so I had to stop by." She smiled widely.

Y/n chuckled a bit as he witnessed her giddy nature. "That's great, me and Wednesday were about to carry on. Oh, I got a couple stuffed animals for you guys too." He said holding up an orange cat.

Enid gasped as she stared at it. "Is that Garfield!?" She exclaimed.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, I saw him and I knew I had to get him." He held it out towards her.

Enid happily took it as she got a good look at the stuffed animal. "Garfield was one of my favorite shows when I was younger. Thank you Y/n." She smiled as she leaned in and wrapped him in another hug. Her arms around his neck as she stood on her tip toes to hug him.

Y/n hugged her back slowly. "Yeah, no problem."

Wednesday had turned to Tyler, who stood around awkwardly. "What're you doing here?" She questioned the boy.

"Uh, well, I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay... I wanted to see you off before you left." He chuckled dryly at the end. Wednesday hummed.

Enid had pulled back from the hug with Garfield in her hands. "I gotta get going, thank you for the gift Y/n. I really appreciate it." She smiled gracefully as she stared into his eyes. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Y/n nodded slowly. "Sure thing." Wednesday had watched their interaction with that similar unusual feeling brewing up. Enid had waved before she started walking off. Y/n waved back before turning to Wednesday. "We ready to go?"

Wednesday looked up at him. "Not yet. I have some dead weight I need to lose first." She said as she threw the last dart, then stared off into the distance. Y/n followed her eyesight until it landed on Ms. Weems eating a cheeseburger on the bench.

"I've got something I need to give you before you go." Tyler spoke up.

Wednesday sighed slightly as she turned to him. "Meet us at the parking lot when the fireworks start." She told him. Tyler nodded as he broke off from the two. The man working the concession came up with the stuffed panda that Wednesday won. However, she spoke to the man instead of accepting it. "You see that sad, lonely woman over there?" She asked him, nudging her head in Weems' direction, the man nodded when he spotted her. Wednesday slipped him some money. "Distract her for us." The man nodded with a small smirk as he took it.

Weems took another bite of her burger as the man from the concession stopped by with the stuffed panda. Weems smiled as the man placed the large panda on the table, but when she looked back to see the kids, they were nowhere in sight. She lowered her burger as she looked around. 

Y/n and Wednesday made it to the parking lot as Tyler approached them. Y/n wiped his nose as he got there, he couldn't help but feel like the stench of sin billowed when he arrived at the carnival, and strangely enough, he couldn't pinpoint the location either. "Hey uhm, before you leave, I wanted you to have this. It's your dad's police file from when he went to Nevermore. I think it's why my dad hates him so much." He told her as he handed the file over to Wednesday. When he noticed her focused gaze on the file he spoke up. "Is everything okay?" He asked with concern lacing his voice.

Wednesday looked up in uncertainty. "I'm not accustomed to people engaging with me. Most see me coming and cross the street."

"I don't think you're scary, you're just kinda..." He paused for a moment as he thought about the right word. "Kooky." He grinned.

Wednesday held the file closer to her chest. "I prefer spooky." She replied, then turned to Y/n who had his arms crossed with his signature grin etched onto his face. "What do you think?" She asked, strangely enough.

Y/n raised his eyebrows at the unexpected question but kept his smirk as he answered. "Wednesday, you're in every nightmare I have." He joked, and again, he could've sworn he saw another smirk tug at Wednesday's lips.

"That might be the most flattering thing you've said since we met." She stated, a ghost of a smirk on her lips. Y/n was once again caught off guard, and Tyler stared at him with a glint in his eyes. That's when Y/n sniffed, he smelled it.

Intentions. Dark intentions. It felt like it was coming from multiple directions, leaving Y/n on edge. "Come on, the train leaves in an hour, we're burning moonlight." She told them as she took hold of Y/n's sleeve and started pulling him along.

"Something's not right." Y/n said with an air of uneasiness. At the end of the cars, the three boys who were dressed up as pilgrims stepped out with baseball bats, staring at them. Tyler looked at them uncertainly. Y/n leaned down and whispered in Wednesday's ears. "We don't have the time. Let's go, my ride's this way." It was Y/n's turn to grab her sleeve as the three of them turned and booked it away from their assailants. Y/n dropped his popcorn as they took off.

As they ran side by side, Wednesday allowed her hand to fall into Y/n's. The three of them continued to run, getting lost in the crowd until they finally made it a safe distance away. Tyler turned around, trying to see if the teens were still on their tails. Y/n caught his breath for a moment before something caught his eyes. "Hey... Are those Rowan's glasses?" Wednesday turned to see what he was talking about and sure enough, spotted the glasses laying on one of the tables, she walked forwards, setting the file down as she stuffed the plush animal in her sweater pocket, her head swiveled every which way, but there was no sign of Rowan. She picked them up, and Y/n saw Wednesday's face shoot straight up as she started falling backwards. "Wednesday!" He called her as he rushed up and caught her before she fell, catching Tyler's attention as well. A number of visions clouded Wednesday's mind, Y/n saw her eyes moving erratically before she snapped out of it and focused her eyes on Y/n.

She stood back up holding him. "Y/n we need to make it the train station now." She ushered.

"Wait what's going on?" Tyler stepped in.

Y/n narrowed his eyes, not understanding. "What? Wednesday what's wrong?" He asked her.

But Wednesday continued to press him. "Y/n, Rowan's at the train station and he's going to die. We need to head there now!"

Y/n's eyes widened but he nodded. "Okay, let's go." He replied, Wednesday took her file back before grabbing Y/n's hand and running off.

Tyler watched them start rushing off and called after them. "Wednesday wait!" But they didn't listen.

Off in the distance, Xavier watched on with curious eyes.


A man holding a lantern was walking through the train station. It was much quieter this night, no one else around. He wore overalls and a trucker hat, which he adjusted. Looking ahead he spotted a group of four people walking in his direction. Once he realized they were walking towards him he decided to speak up. "Uh-huh. Hey, is there anything I can help you boys with?" He got quieter and quieter as he continued speaking once he saw the strange outfits and dark bearings.

Blackheart tilted his head as he stared the man down. "There was a cemetery here." He spoke, his voice sounded as though a second version of it echoed with his own.

The man grew anxious as he looked at the shady individuals. "Uh, yeah. A long time ago." He said. "They moved them."

Blackheart hummed disappointedly. "Where?" He demanded to know.

"I-I-I don't know." He replied, eyeing the man who was constantly drenched.

Blackheart stepped closer. "Who would?" He questioned with a piercing gaze.

The man grew increasingly worried as they surrounded him. The unnerving chuckling of Abigor caught his attention. "Saint Michael's Church. They're in charge of the whole thing." He told them before gulping. "Look, I really don't think you guys should be here."

"They're always telling me that." Blackheart groaned, and the next moment the man's skin began to blacken and decay as his eyes sunk in. Dead before he even knew what was happening.

He turned his face the next second as if he was listening in. "Someone's coming."


Y/n and Wednesday rode out into the woods as Y/n gripped the handlebars. The engine roared as they took off through the woods and eventually making it onto the road. "What's Rowan doing at the train station?" He asked Wednesday, who had his arms wrapped around Y/n's waist.

"I'm uncertain, but something's about to attack him there, and it won't end well, we have to move quickly." She told him.

Y/n cracked his neck. "Time to get this baby moving." He began to soar past the speed limit as the wind blew right against them. He heard Wednesday speak up again.

"Enid was right, your jacket does smell like smoke, and it does suit you." She said oddly.

Y/n chuckled lightly. "Thank you." He told her. However, due to Wednesday's highly trained senses, she picked up another scent within that smoke, one she couldn't fully single out. Unfortunately, with the engine wailing in her ears, and the wind whipping in her face she wouldn't be able to make out what it was. So she resorted to just holding onto him. "Hey Wednesday?"

"Yes?" She replied loud enough for him to hear.

"I just wanted to say, well it was pretty cool meeting you. I hope you do alright when you're outta here." He wished her as he kept driving.

Wednesday paused as he processed what he said. "Y/n, I find you to be... well... the most tolerable person I've met, and somehow the most intolerable." She spoke. Y/n chuckled at the statement. "And about the way I treated you previously, at fencing class, and at the infirmary. It was, unprecedented." She said.

Y/n's head perked up as he glanced over his shoulder slightly. "Was that your way of apologizing to me for insulting my intelligence?" He smirked, before the realization dawned on him. "Wait a minute, was that why you were nicer to me at the Weathervane?" He heard no response, and now he knew his answer.

"Y/n." The way Wednesday heard his name sounded threatening. But Y/n just brushed it off with a small chuckle.

"It's cool. Don't worry about it." He replied, and they left it at that.

"Y/n." The Rider called out to him.

Y/n went silent as he continued to drive. "Yeah Rider?"

"Be careful how you act around them. If Mephistopheles saw how you gave the girls those gifts earlier, he might try to use them as leverage later on." The Rider warned.

Y/n clenched his jaw as he thought about the Rider's words. "Yeah, you're right. Hopefully it won't matter. Wednesday's leaving and after I do this job for Mephistopheles we're long gone into the next town."

"You don't always have to leave." The Rider hummed.

Y/n had just pursed his lips. "Come on, you know this better than anyone. There is no settling down for us Rider, no happy ending. It's either this or Hell, and neither of us want to go back." The air felt silent despite how loud it actually was, and the Rider made no further comments.

As they got closer to their destination Y/n felt hotter and hotter and the sinking feeling in his stomach grew. Once they had made it to the train station and stepped off the chopper Y/n dropped to his knees as he felt his insides burn. He held his gut and grit his teeth as he screeched in pain. He heard the Rider go crazy inside of his mind.

"Y/n? Y/n! What's happening?!" He saw Wednesday kneel down in front of him as she held his shoulder.

Y/n groaned as he felt his skull heat up, he pushed back against the Rider, desperately not trying to turn in front of Wednesday. "I'll be okay! Go find Rowan! I'll catch up!" He said through gritted teeth.

"What about you?" She asked, feeling a flicker of genuine concern.

Y/n's face tightened in extreme pain. "I'll be okay go!" He dropped to his hands as Wednesday reluctantly listened. He gasped and wheezed as he desperately held the Rider back, his roars rocking his skull. "Rider what the hell are you doing?"

Y/n felt every inch of his body light up as he yelled out in pain. The Rider roared throughout his mind. "Blackheart is here! He must be sent back to Hell!" Y/n's eyes shot open as his eyes grew a fiery red. He roared out in agony, his voice mixing with the Rider's.


As Wednesday moved throughout the train station she caught sight of something that was beyond her understanding. The booth attendant's body laid against the counter, their face completely unrecognizable as their skin had withered away into a shriveled corpse. It only compelled Wednesday to move quicker and find Rowan. And eventually he did. He stood alone on the gravely close by the railway tracks. "Rowan! I need to talk to you." She called him.

The Outcast turned around, a dark glint in his eyes. "What? What're you doing here? Are you following me?" He asked as he took a step back.

Wednesday stepped forward with urgency. "Rowan, I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger." She told him, and the very next moment Rowan burst out laughing. Wednesday narrowed her eyes.

"I think you got it backwards." He smirked, and suddenly Wednesday was thrown back and slammed against the wall. She gasped out in pain as she was held in place by an unseen force. Rowan held his arm out with a sickening look on his face. "You're the one in danger."

Wednesday couldn't understand his actions. "Rowan what are you doing?"

"Saving everyone from you." Rowan stated. "I have to kill you." His voice trembled. 

Wednesday had an epiphany as she went wide-eyed. "The gargoyle, that was you?" She questioned him.

Rowan nodded. "Yeah, it was."

"It's always the quiet ones." Wednesday muttered, before a page flew out of Rowan's pocket and towards Wednesday.

Once it reached her the page unfolded, revealing its contents. "That girl in the picture, that's you." He told her.

Yet Wednesday felt appalled. "You want to kill because of some picture?"

"That picture was drawn by mother, 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore." Rowan had an edge to his shaky voice. "She was a powerful seer... Told me about it before she died."

"Rowan, put me down." Wednesday said. But she was pushed back into the wall.

Rowan grit his teeth as his hand shook. "No! My mother told me it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore!" He tightened his fist and Wednesday felt her bones compress. She grunted in pain.

"Rowan!" She gasped, then her eyes grew wide as she felt her heart beat. "Rowan!"

But he didn't listen, and it would cost him his life. As Rowan was lifted into the air and slammed into the ground. He wailed in pain before those screams turned to fear as he saw the large, lanky, brown monster with large, bulbous eyes and jagged teeth. It roared down upon him as it's claws dug into his abdomen, tearing him apart from the inside, killing him as he screamed, the monster shredded him as his screams quickly subsided and his body went limp. The monster turned around and made eye contact with Wednesday, then it ran away immediately.

Wednesday sat there, catching her breath as she couldn't believe the events she just witnessed. However, it didn't end there. The sound of clapping filled the station followed by chuckling as a man in a black overcoat stepped out with a large smile on his face. "I think I'm gonna like it here." He chuckled darkly as he stopped clapping. His eyes turned to the Goth Girl on the ground who narrowed his eyes. "Yes, this place is perfect. And you, won't be around to see what this place becomes." He grinned, Wednesday quickly got up, and a fiery, earshattering roar echoed throughout the station. However Wednesday recognized that voice.

They both turned to see Y/n walking closer to them, from within one of the archways, he stumbled as he yelled and screamed out in pain, but what caught Wednesday's attention the most was the fact that his boots had caught on fire. Steam rose from his hands and his head as his screams grew louder. Y/n left flaming boot prints with every step he took, he held his head as yelled out in unbelievable pain. His eyes grew bright red as flakes of skin began to burn off. Every nerve in his body screamed out in agony and his skull itched.

He began to pull at his skin, tearing off his own flesh on his skull. "ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! RAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHA!!!!!!!!!" The voice of the Rider mixed with his own as Y/n ripped off his skin, blood ran down hisnface but instantly evaporated as flames encompassed his hands and head. Eventually the pain began to subside as Y/n felt his skull tingle, the torment turned to pleasure as he laughed more and more. A bright ball of flames enveloped his head leaving the others unable to see underneath the fire.

Wednesday felt like her heart was beating a thousand miles an hour, whether it was out of fear or excitement she really couldn't tell. The flames became transparent and Y/n was no longer left. Staring at them now was the Rider. And it shocked Wednesday to her core.

She couldn't believe it. The legends were real. And it was Y/n L/n.

Y/n L/n was the Devil's Bounty Hunter.

Y/n L/n was the Flaming Crusader.

Y/n L/n was Hell's Enforcer.




Y/n L/n is the Ghost Rider. Spirit of Vengeance. Wednesday froze with a mixture of thoughts running through her mind.

The flaming skull growled as Blackheart smiled at him. "You looking for someone?" He smirked.

The Rider raised his hand as he tightened his fist, pointing his boney finger at the demon. "Back to Hell."

Blackheart tilted his head as he pursed his lips. "I have a feeling we aren't going to have a meaningful conversation now are we?" He held his arms out as the Rider began his advance.

"You're crawling back to your hole." The Rider growled as the flames around his skull danced around.

However Blackheart shook his head. "I don't think so." Abigor rushed out from behind him, flying into the Rider and throwing him into loose, hanging chains. They wrapped around his skeletal neck as Blackheart chuckled, but it don't hold him long as the Spirit of Vengeance quickly took home of the chains and yanked them down, letting him land on his feet. The Rider wrapped the chains around his hands and set them ablaze as Blackheart's smirk turned sour.

The Ghost Rider advanced again, making it halfway until his boot got trapped within a puddle. The Rider looked down to see a demon staring up at him as it held his leg. The Rider roared as his boot errupted into flames, scolding the water demon, forcing him to let go. But before he could continue his advance, a truck horn blared out and the Rider looked to his left to see a semi truck slam into him, crashing him against a stationary cargo train box. Sparks errupted, but no noise came from the Rider.

The door to the semi swung open as Gressil stepped out. "Guess he ain't so tough after all." He smirked.

Blackheart shook his head. "That was disappointing."

Wednesday had watched on in disbelief. She had just witnessed the Ghost Rider, and not only did she witness him lose, she witnessed Y/n die. And when she turned to the demons, who were already looking at her, she got to her feet and darted away as fast as she could. Blackheart turned to Gressil. "Deal with her." He spoke as him and the other two demons began to take their leave.

That just left Gressil and Wednesday. The Goth Girl had went down the same archway Y/n showed up through, hoping she could find his bike but as she neared a corner the rock demon was already waiting for her. Wednesday skidded to a halt and dodged the demon's attempt to grab her as she fell back. She quickly kicked Gressil in the groin as he keeled over holding his junk. "You little bitch!" He growled, he quickly charged forward but Wednesday slithered to his delivered a harsh kick to the side of his knee, dropping him down onto it. The demon quickly moved his left hand in to try and grab onto her but Wednesday quickly evaded it and took hold of the demon's pinky before snapping it.

Gressil groaned as he stood back up and finally caught Wednesday by the jaw before lifting her up and slamming her into the wall. "You thought you could get away from me?" He had a vile grin as he looked her up and down. "It's a shame I gotta kill you. You're real pretty." Wednesday felt her skin crawl as she tried to recoil from his grasp. "Hey, you know what they say, hate the sin, not the sinner." His grip tightened on her as she grunted and attempted to put away at his fingers.

"I hate both." Gressil turned to his right, where he saw the Rider instantly drive his chain-wrapped fist into his face, forcing him to release Wednesday as he was sent flying through the air. He brought his hand up to his face as it seared with pain. He saw the Ghost Rider advancing on him and quickly stood back up before delivering a wide left swing at the Rider, only for the Bounty Hunter to take a step back making him miss completely. The Rider sent his fist into Gressil's ribs, then bolted him into the ground before grabbing his jacket, lifting him up and slamming him through a wall. The demon coughed and wheezed and suddenly felt his arms and ribs tighten as the chains wrapped around his body.

Gressil groaned in agony as the chains continued to construct him, the Rider held him in place as he turned to look at Wednesday watching on. He raised his right hand as he pointed towards her. "Your soul craves vengeance. Take it." He growled as he lowered his hand into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade, the blade extended as the blade itself began to morph, it grew longer as a steel skeletal arm wrapped the handle, skulls engraved on each side of it. The blade grew hotter and hotter, Wednesday cautiously stood up, slowly reaching for the blade, wondering if the flames from the Rider's hands would burn her, but they acted less aggressively and flowed much more calmly, the flames turned blue, and when Wednesday grabbed the blade, she felt warm.

She took it out of his hand before looking down at the struggling demon. "Wait! Wait! Don't do this! Don't you fucking do this!" The demon pleaded, but those pleads fell on deaf ears.

"You made your bed, now it's time to lie in it." Wednesday told him as she would go on to torture the demon unedlessly, gouging out his eyes, searing his flesh and carving into his as he began to cry and beg. And Wednesday finally finished delivering penance, getting vengeance for the actions Gressil had made up on her. She stepped back as she saw the whimpering demon, completely blind and bloodied.

The Rider growled in satisfaction. "To Hell with you." The chains began to heat up as Gressil released an ear-piercing scream. The demon turned to stone with increased heat, and with the yank of his chain, Gressil broke apart into hundreds of pieces as Wednesday watched. She heard the growl of an engine as she saw his Hellchopper drive itself closer, astonishing her even more. The Rider grunted and groaned as it stumbled closer to the bike, the chains slithered around his chest as the one hooked up to his black jeans still remained. The Rider's flames turned to smoke as he dropped down to his hands and knees.

The Rider began to yell out, and eventually Y/n's voice mixed in with those roars. Wednesday stepped closer and closer as she watched Y/n's skin form back as the smoke covered his head, they both let out one final screech as the smoke completely dissipated, leaving Y/n back in control. He huffed and heaved with tired, labored breaths. His body felt heavy and as he turned around to see Wednesday looking down at him Y/n fell backwards, crawling away from her as anxiety crept into his system.

Wednesday had looked into his eyes, and that's when she saw it. He wasn't the Spirit of Vengeance, he wasn't the tough biker boy. He was that scared little carnival kid who was afraid someone would see him for what he really was.

A monster. Afraid that another person would end up leaving him.

Y/n's eyes were wide as he continued to crawl back towards his bike but Wednesday called out to him. "Wait! Y/n wait I'm not afraid!" She spoke out, and the statement had stopped Y/n in his tracks. "I know what you are... and I'm not scared. It's okay Y/n." In a rare moment, the emotionaless, unforgiving, stoic Goth Girl comforted Y/n. "It's okay, I promise."

Wednesday held her hands out to Y/n. "I'm right here, It's okay." She spoke softly. Y/n stared at her hand for a moment.

And then he slowly reached out. They had taken each other's hands.

"It's okay Y/n."


[Word count: 12,720+]

[Hey, this took a while to get out there. I'm sorry for the long wait. It's pretty late so I'll go over some Grammer mistakes tomorrow. And my Wattpad still crashes like a motherfucker. I checked the help page and they're talking about it but there's still no real update about when it's going to be fixed and I'm kinda tired of dealing with it all the time. Especially when making longer chapters. Because each time, for whatever reason I'm in a different tab, it kicks me out and says Wattpad has stopped working so I have to scroll all the way back to work on it again and it does that each time.

But anyways I finally got this chapter out for you guys. Fourth chapter and it's still only the first episode! That's crazy. Anyways let me know what you guys think! Is there anything that's lacking? Is there anything that could be better? Are there any parts you liked? Any parts you thought were better or worse? Any characters you think I can be writing any better? Give me any feedback you got.

Do you all prefer longer chapters or shorter chapters?

Oh and one more thing. Love interests.

So I feel like I'm kinda half-assing this story, there's a couple parts I haven't thought all the way through yet, and one of them is the love interest. I can never decide that shit. So I'm putting it up to a vote. Who would you like to be the love interest?

Wednesday Addams?


Enid Sinclair?



(Now keep in mind. Having both as an option will not be a common occurrence. I'm also having this as an option for this story because I'm bad at making decisions, and also because this story's weird enough to where it makes slightly more sense to have something like that happen as opposed to having multiple love interests in other books like a Stranger things story, I feel like it doesn't really make sense in those kinds of stories but it makes an okay amount of sense in this one, because the Wednesday show is filled with a bunch of weird shit, and my story is weird too. I also haven't really written something like that before, but to be fair I haven't been really written much before in general besides my other book. I'm still kinda new to this and I don't know how natural I could make a situation like that happen. But it's an option for those of you who want it and if it is picked I'll throw shit at all wall until I can find a natural way to make it happen.)

But enough of that.

And as always, I really appreciate you all reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. You all have a real good night or day. Take care of yourselves. And thank you all for the support too! Over 1k reads in this story and over 6,000 on my Stranger Things story, you all are great! Thank you, peace, have a good one!]

[Edited a few more Grammer mistakes.]

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