Alex book thing

By EnergyAddicts

17.6K 1.2K 284

I am Alex. I am 21 at the moment. I speak sarcasm fluently. I have a strong opinion on many things. I have... More

Introduction I guess
Rant 1: stupid, ignorant people.
Alex book thing
Rant 2: sayings/phrases that make no sense.
Rayne's 17th birthday: how well do I know this motherfucker?
Regrets, realizations & lessons
But I have to.
The Vegetarian Challenge
This is life.
Hashtag forever alone
Alex talks: same-sex marriage California
Rambling and shit.
Answering some questions.
January 19th '14
Ending up as a male prostitute.
Rant 4 (?): trusting people
an introduction I guess part II
Alex' personal advice.
The person I am.
Rant 5: the problem pyramid.
My teenage years.
Mason Finn Stone
Rant 6: modern society and its fake people
All of my (biggest) mistakes.
Answering some things.
A massive, depressing sinkhole.
Why I hate being an adult
Rant 7: stigmas

Rant 3: clothing

750 49 15
By EnergyAddicts

So yeah, the rants are back! I'm in a terrible mood, so I decided it would be a great time to write another "why I like animals more than humanity" part.

This rant will be, if you haven't seen the title yet because you're dumb and can't read, which would be special since you're probably reading this, about clothing.

No, I'm not gay. I'm just annoyed. Very annoyed by how stupid everyone can be all the time. I seriously know people who's job it is to be "non stop annoying". And believe me, they perfectly succeed at it.

So here's the deal, I wear a lot of black. Kyran wears a lot of black, Rayne wears a lot of black and Matt is an idiot and wears every color that ever existed (at the same time).

I like band merch, because I like music. I like music a lot. So why can't I fucking put on a shirt of my favorite band without being called "emo"?

I really fucking hate it when people start label me. I'm not an "emo", I'm not a "rebel" and I'm definetely not a "nerd".

It annoyes me to fucking death that everyone who wears black, band merch and has tattoos is automatically clasified as emo.

I'm sure you don't even fucking know what emo means, so you better shut your fucking mouth because I take one of my band merch shirts, tie them into a rope and hang you to my ceiling.

How do people expect me to have respect for them, when they call me an "emo" for wearing black clothes? My hair is fucking almost black and nothing fucking looks good on me ever, except for jeans and dark shit. Are you seriously going to act like my stylist? Because I'll fucking shove your make-up brush down your throat if you try to tell me what I can't wear.

You know, I really don't give a fuck about what I wear, unless it's my band shirts. My band shirts mean something to me, so touch them without my permission and I'll chop of your head and let Matt play soccer with it. So yeah, I will wear those shirts no matter what the fuck you say, because your opinion honestly doesn't mean a shit to me.

What does mean a shit to me is the fact that people are so fucking stupid, that they feel the need to push every single person on earth into a box.

"Oh you like band merch and wear black clothing? You must be an emo."

"Oh you like like studying and get good grades? You must be a nerd."

"Oh you smoke and drink every weekend? You must be a rebel."

"Oh you like to lit things on fire? You must be a pyromaniac." (alright, that last one is possibly true.)

Nothing gives you the right to call me an emo because of what I wear and what I decided to put on my body. Nobody should ever be called anything, unless they give you permission. Never fucking ever.

You don't have the right. You just don't. And if you think you do, you deserve to be used as toilet paper for The Hulks ass.

If you've ever called anyone emo for no reason, get your fucking mind right.

If you wear band merch and black stuff and get called emo for that, punch the people in the face. They deserve it.

Cause after all I think you're awesome for being whoever the fuck you want to be.

Stay different ✌

- Alex

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