Told You So

By A_stronot

1.1K 115 32

After taking in children Leigh-Anne finally sees the damage her childhood has caused. It's only when she real... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
🚧Impromptu Interactive Part?🚧
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

75 6 1
By A_stronot

"Next, who are you here for?"

"Jade, grade nine"

"Can I see your ID please?"

"Put your hand in Mommy's pocket" Jesy let go of Leigh-Anne's hand and stuck her hand in her pocket.

"You're not authorized to pick her up." Leigh-Anne wasn't on the list to pick Jade up because she never did. But, since she and Perrie had that talk she was trying to be more involved, that meant picking her up from school.

"She's my kid"

"Last name doesn't match and you're not on the list, what is your relation?"

"I'm her mother."

"I can't let you go to her. Mother is listed as-"

"Perrie Edwards, that's my Wife. Does this happen to straight couples as well?"

"No ma'am, I can assure you that I wasn't mistreating you because of your-"

"Stop making a scene. This is my workplace. Jade, Mommy's here" Perrie turned to her class. Although they were in highschool they were to be dismissed to a parent since there was a spike in crimes on the school campus from kidnappings to shootings.

"Mommy!" Jade ran up to Leigh-Anne hugging her. She had a pretty long day and she was happy to see Leigh-Anne since she usually went home with Perrie.

"Jesy's crying" Jade told Leigh-Anne but she was busy talking to Perrie.

"What's wrong?" She asked Jesy who crossed her arms with an agitated whine.

"What's wrong?"

"I want ring pop!"

"No one has ring pops. Mama said no candy before dinner anyways"

"No she didn't!"

"Yes she did"

"Shut up Jade!"

"Hey, what did I tell you about talking to your sissy like that?"

"But mama her lied."

"Don't speak to her like that, do you understand me?" Jesy began to cry, pulling on Leigh-Anne's pocket trying to get her ring pop out. Leigh-Anne mistook it as her wanting to be picked up. She set her on her hip.

"Okay, I love you, see you when you get home" Leigh-Anne tried to kiss Perrie and she was curved.

"I love you too baby but I'm at work."


"No PDA. I love you bubbas"

"No PDA. I'm aT wOrK!" Leigh-Anne mocked.

"Hope work keeps you warm tonight. Won't be me" Perrie shook her head waving at her kids.

"Bye mama" Jade waved while Jesy continued to thrash around in Leigh-Anne's arms.

"Come, let's go home and make dinner for mama."

Leigh-Anne buckled Jesy into the car seat and let Jade sit in the front. Which Perrie usually didn't allow.

"Put your seatbelt on"


"It's alright how was your day?" Jade tried to answer but covered her ears when Jesy began screaming.

"Hey, cut it out" Leigh-Anne turned around at the red light.

"What's the problem?" Jesy ignored Leigh-Anne crying and kicking Jade's seat. 

"Stop Jesy!"

"Jesy, stop it!!"


"What?" She sniffled, wiping her running nose with the back of her hand.

"Don't what me. It's yes"


"Stop kicking the seat. If you do it again you're going to clean this entire car, do you understand?"

"I want my mama!!"

"You were just fine now you want to start acting out, why?"

"She wants her ring pop" Jade said, taking out her book.

"Where's your ring pop, bubba?"

"In your pocket"

"You didn't give me your ring pop"

"I put it" She whined making Leigh-Anne glance down at her sweatpants pocket. She could see the outline of the candy.

"It's dirty now. I don't know why you put it in there."

"Noooo, Nooo I want it!"

"It's dirty I said." Leigh-Anne rolled down her window and tossed it.

"That's enough now. Stop crying."

"I want m-mama" She sniffled sadly.

"You'll see her when she comes home. Now, when we get home you two need to take a shower, then come down and work on homework, yes?"

"Yes" Jade mumbled, not wanting to lose the line she was reading while Jesy nodded.




"What's a . . . Literary Device?"

"Something you use to read"

"Nooo, this" Jade laughed before pointing to the bold words in the instructions. Leigh-Anne walked over reading the paper. She wasn't the brightest, which she's learned to accept a long time ago.

"You have to ask Mama when she comes home, okay? I don't know"

"How don't you know?"

"I don't know everything, especially this stupidity that they teach in schools."

"Did you go to highschool, mommy?"

"Something like that"

"You dropped out?" Leigh-Anne nodded, walking back into the kitchen to finish dinner.


"Mind your business, kid"

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright. I just wasn't good at school and it hurt my head. Now please don't ask anymore questions."


"Try your math or science homework"

"I did it in class"

"All of it?" Jade nodded, taking her binder out.

"I believe you, just keep your English homework out for mama to help you."

"How's it going bubba?" Leigh-Anne asked Jesy who had her head down on the island.

"Jes?" She saw that Jesy was fast asleep, drooling over her folder. She took the paper scribbling the answers making sure it wasn't legible so her teachers didn't know she didn't do it.

"Go lay on the sofa" Jesy got up and walked over to the sofa laying down and going back to sleep.

"Can we have dessert today? We didn't fight"

"Yes you can have dessert. Where's your lunch bag? Can you grab Jesys too, please" Jade nodded, bringing their bags in the kitchen. Leigh-Anne's washed out their containers and canteens before filling it with food she just made.

"Can I have an extra snack?"


"My friend Rachel doesn't have any snacks and her stomach is always grumbling."

"Well, you're not responsible for feeding Rachel. Right?"

"No, but when I was hungry she gave me her snack" Leigh-Anne sighed but put Two of everything in Jades bag.



"Do you think I can have a party for my birthday, if I'm good?"

"I'll see because your birthday is quite late and everyone will be on Christmas break"

"My birthday isn't on Christmas"

"I know, it's the day after. But you won't be in school until the new year."


"I'll see what I can do, okay?"

"Okay. I've never had a birthday party before so I really want one please."

"Never?" Jade shook her head. No one had ever even told her happy birthday except her grandma. But it's not like she could afford a birthday cake or gifts.

"Mama and I will make sure we celebrate your birthday, okay?"

"Uh huh."

Leigh-Anne fed the girls and put them to bed since Perrie was taking so long for some reason. She called her but her phone went straight to voice-mail.

"Hey baby."

"What took you so long?"

"I got on the bus"


"Somebody hit my car"

"While you were in it?"

"No, it was parked. You know these idiots can't drive." Perrie put her bag down and took her shoes off sitting at the table.

"Did you eat already?"

"No. Only the girls."

"Come eat with me"

"I'm not hungry"

"You didn't even eat today"

"I had an orange."

"That's not food babe. What's going on? Did something happen?"


"Then why haven't you eaten?"

"I didn't have time."

"You have time now, sit and eat" Perrie pushed her plate over to Leigh-Anne, making herself a plate.

The two sat in silence enjoying each other's presence.

"How was your day, I missed you"

"I missed you too. I miss you everyday. But, it's a lot. It's a struggle but I'm trying to make it work with the babies."

"You're not trying, you are. You were on time picking them up, they showered, ate and finished homework all before I got home. That's more than enough babe. Good job"

"Thank you. I'm trying"

"I see and you're doing well."

"Okay, so can you stay home with me tomorrow, please"

Perrie shook her head.

"Please. I get bored at home"

"I'll call during my free periods, okay?"


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