On Thin Ice

By SashaBastien

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18+ only "The fewer people that know the truth the better. And if this all goes smoothly, you two will be ab... More

Introduction & Characters
1. Where It All Started
2. Glass Against My Skin
3. We've Got a Problem
4. You Can't Be Serious
5. An Obvious Answer?
6. Meeting You For the First Time
7. Sign Here Please
8. A Part Of The Family
9. An Absolute Train Wreck
10. Talk About a First Impression
11. War Strategies
12. Rough Adjustments
13. Knowing You, Knowing Me
14. This is My Wife
15. You Call That A Kiss?
16. Jaw Breaker
18. Backward Spiral
19. The Interview
20. Angel
21. Drunken Confessions
22. The Quad Salchow
23. Wedding Plans
24. Don't Want To Lay Down Without You
25. Golfing Games and Hidden Nicknames
26. Hidden Nicknames
27. Birthday Boy
28. Divorce and Hydrangeas
29. Codex
30. Halo
31. What Really Happened 3 Years Ago?
32. A Few of The Poems
33. Driving To Nowhere
34. Cheek to cheek โœจ
35. Surprise Encounter
36. Fines and The Perfect Dress
37. Our First Date
38. Not Exactly What You'd Think
39. Group Therapy
40. Not Good at Goodbyes
41. Melt โœจ
42. The First Game of the Season
43. A Stray Bullet
44. Marrying You

17. A Scream In The Night

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By SashaBastien

Søren's POV

Pain radiated through my jaw like a fucking headache.

I'd been hit by 200-pound defensive linemen before coming at me at full speed. I'd broken my nose twice and had too many facial bruises in the past to even count.

I never thought a punch from Pierre Noel would hurt as much as it did. And I never thought he had it in him.

I remember the warning he gave me the last time I saw him, but I didn't think he'd actually do it.

And I wasn't the only one in shock.

"I can't believe you Papí," Minnow exclaimed. She slammed the fridge door with her hip and carried an icepack wrapped in a cloth over to the breakfast table.

Mr. Noel sat opposite me, his hand resting on the table, skin red and already swelling. He started at me harshly, his eyes not wavering for one second.

I think the real reason why the blow hurt as much as it did was because it was from someone whom I had once looked at as a father figure. I'm pretty sure it was called a psychogenic response.

He hadn't broken anything, but my teeth slammed into my bottom lip on impact, and it started bleeding.

Whitney leaned against the kitchen counter with pique interest, while the older woman beside stood next to Mr. Noel, holding a frozen bag of peas on top of his hand.

He hissed as she applied pressure and she shushed him saying, "You wouldn't be in pain if you knew how to throw a punch." She snickered and immediately stopped when Minnow got within two feet of her.

The pain somehow intensified as Minnow came towards me, standing and aiming the ice pack on my jaw. My jaw tensed at the sudden cold and I winced.

Her brows drew together and she wore a frown. "Sorry," She said sincerely.

I was about to take the ice pack from her but she held my neck, holding my face still. Her gentle touch against my skin caused me to pause, sending heat through my body. And as she looked at me, I felt her genuine concern.

Then she turned her head, her body still very close to mine as she spoke. "Since when did we hit people huh?"

She didn't let him get a word in, instead argued even further. "I mean...what's gotten into you? You don't even kill bugs because you're afraid of hurting them and now you're hitting people?"

Mr. Noel looked away in shame like he was getting scolded by a parent.

"Papí...I know this isn't...I didn't want to tell you like this okay?" Her voice softened. "It happened...very suddenly and I just want this to work. You have to let things go."

"Let go?" He frowned, his eyes landing on me again. "How am I supposed to just let go of what he did?" Pointing at me with his good hand he said, "You broke my daughter's heart."

I felt a crack in my chest as his words hit me. This was worse than the punch.

"Wait, I'm so lost..." The older woman shook her head. "Who the hell are you?"

"Tatie Mona---"

"I don't remember you," She said, peering at me up and down. "And trust me, I would've."

Whitney snorted in the background, stuffing her mouth with soup.

"My name is Søren...I'm an old friend of Minnow's," I finally spoke.

"Friend?" Mr. Noel scoffed and murmured in Creole under his breath, looking away.

"Oh hush, Pierre." The woman--Tatie Mona patted him on the shoulder and turned back to her niece.

"Sweetheart, why don't I know him?"

Minnow inhaled and let out a soft sigh. "It was the year you were living in Dubai remember? You weren't home at all."

Aunt Mona's face remained perplexed like that couldn't be the answer. "Interesting..."


"So you mean to tell me...that after what he did...you're just bringing him back into your life...and you're getting married to this man?" Pierre looked as though he was begging for some semblance of an explanation. I could feel his blood pressure rising.

"I've...forgiven what happened back then...and things are different...we're together now."

It hurt even more knowing that she hadn't in fact forgiven me. We avoided the topic of what happened completely.

Then Whitney started loudly coughing, her hand patting against her chest. We all turned and looked at her and she slowly stopped coughing.

"Sweetie...you have to chew...it's not all liquid." Aunt Mona said with concern.

"Sorry," Whitney said with a smirk looking at Minnow and me. "Continue."

"You've got some nerve coming back here...taking my daughter...not even asking for my permission to marry her..." His voice was rising as he spoke. "You should be ashamed!"

"Papí! This isn't the olden days!" Minnow finally exploded. I could feel from the way she'd been tense beside me, holding onto my chin tightly that she was losing her temper. "And what I do...who I choose to marry...it's my choice." Her voice broke at the end of her sentence and I watched as her bottom lip wobbled and she clenched her jaw trying not to cry.

This was too much.

"Ahh...petit. Please don't cry," Mr. Noel softened, his face crumpled. "I don't want my baby crying."

Silence passed between them and I felt a seriousness pass within the room. Minnow exhaled and covered her eyes with her hands.

"I think everyone should just calm down a bit," Aunt Mona said softly. "Tensions are high...we're saying hurtful things we don't mean." She seemed like a mediator of sorts, calming down Mr. Noel.

Minnow sniffled and swallowed, uncovering her eyes.

I pulled Minnow's hand away from my face and stood up, placing the ice pack on the table. "Pierre...Mr.Noel. I know things between us ended...poorly. And I know you don't trust me...I wouldn't either. But I would never hurt Minnow again after what happened." I looked down at Minnow who stared at me with vulnerability in her eyes.

I reached for her hand and clutched it close to my side.

Staring back at her father I said, "I lost her once and I don't plan on doing that again. I want you to know that I love your daughter...I've never stopped loving her. And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm asking that you think about it, please. We're getting married in a few months and we both want you to be there."

Aunt Mona crooned and placed a hand on her chest. I could feel Whitney's stare from here. I was beginning to think that she was too perceptive.

Nothing that came out of my mouth was a lie. Not a single word.

I looked back at Minnow and she couldn't meet my gaze, instead stared at our held hands.

"Wait a minute did you just say a couple of months," Aunt Mona shrieked. It startled me for a moment. I'm guessing she was the loud one in the family. "There's so much to do. Minnow, how could you not tell me until now?"

"I...It happened so fast," She shrugged.

Aunt Mona threw the ice pack into Pierre's lap and seemed to move like waves in the ocean, her billowy dress flowing constantly. "There's so much to do!" She said again. She kissed Pierre on the cheek and gave Minnow a quick hug. "I have to go start working on your wedding gown!" She exclaimed, already heading for the back door.

"Tatie Mona you don't---"

"Nonsense!" She threw over her shoulder, he bangles chiming with every movement. "Time is of the essence darling." And then she disappeared into the night, the door slamming behind her.

"You know...who needs to watch movies to be entertained?" Whitney mused aloud, her eyes on her soup as she mixed her bowl. "Life is some much more interesting."

She looked up and realized we were all looking at her and she blushed, chuckling awkwardly. "I thought that was in my head...ignore me."

Pierre stood up and at his tall height, we were eye to eye. He uncomfortably shifted and looked at our combined hands. "Well...umm..."

I could feel Minnow holding her breath beside me, anxiety seeping through her. Though she did what she wanted, her father's approval meant everything to her.

And suddenly it did to me to. I wanted her to be happy. And her Dad not supporting this or being there on her wedding day was not gonna bode well.

I didn't have to guess to know her mom was most likely MIA.

"Søren," He started, crossing his arms. "I don't exactly have a lot of faith in you at the moment and I really wished you hadn't come back like this...but um..."

He sighed. "If my daughter wishes to marry you...I will be by her side." He sounded pained just trying to say that.

"And...?" Minnow added.

They both exchanged looked and she raised her eyebrows at him.

"And I apologize for hitting you in the face. I don't usually...I shouldn't have done something so impulsive."

Minnow relaxed beside me.

"I understand sir." I nodded my head. "Thank you."

Minnow kissed her dad goodbye and whispered something to Whitney before stepping out into the night. She held the container of soup her Father had given to her and headed to the car quietly.

"See you next week, Mr. Pierre!" Whitney said, heading down the driveway to her Toyota.

"Have a good night Whitney."

I nodded silently at him and stepped down onto the front porch.

"Søren ," I heard him from behind me. "I wanted to say something to you privately."

"Sir?" I turned back to him. The darkness of the night shadowed his face, leaving a glare against his glasses.

"I don't know what your intentions are..." he said firmly, his eyes narrowing. I swallowed. "...but if you hurt her again..." He angled his face to one side shaking his head.

Feeling bold, I took a step towards him and in a low voice I asked, "Why does she think I never came back?"

His face transformed, his sneer gone. And then I realized by the guilty look in his eyes, that something was up.

"You didn't tell her did you?" I revealed. I knew it. The way Minnow talked about how things happened, it never made sense. "It all makes sense now. She seems to think that I never came back to apologize. I came here every week for a month...and you never told her." I could feel a chill rush through me.

All those times I came to the house, he'd answer the door and told me that Minnow never wanted to see me. The last time he threatened to punch me if I ever came back again.

"You lied..."

"She's my daughter..." He explained. Shaking his head he said, "You didn't see how broken up she was about everything. I couldn't let you come back if I knew it could make things worse."

My mind raced with all of those memories. I went to the rink looking for Minnow hoping to find her at practice with Brodie. I had just given up by the time I realized she had already moved to Colorado to start her season. After that I just gave up. I figured she was done with me.

But maybe if she knew that I came back...I never stopped coming back.

"Mr. Noel, she has to know the truth..." I insisted. "I know I messed up, but this whole time she thought I never cared."

He scratched at his beard and pushed his glasses up his nose. "Mwen konnen...I know." Looking away he seemed to think it over. "Just let me tell her. She's going to want to know everything. It should come from me."

I nodded quietly and we both seemed to reach a stalemate. At least he wasn't threatening me.

It was hard to see someone I'd grown to love and appreciate look at me with such disappointment. He was the closest I'd gotten to having a father in so many years. And I couldn't even blame him for hating me. If I had a daughter and someone had done what I did, I'd be protective too. I did exactly what Minnow's mom had been doing to her since she was younger. I left when she needed me.

He closed the door as I walked down the porch, heading to my car.

Once I got inside, Minnow shifted, quickly wiping her eyes and looking out the window.

"I'm sorry," I said turning on the car. "I know that's not how you wanted things to go."

She shrugged. "It's whatever. You sounded convincing so now we have to just get through a couple of months of playing nice and then the wedding." She buckled up and I pulled out her phone, her eyes not looking at me once. "These next 8 months need to fly by."

I ignored the way her words sunk into the pit of my stomach. Just after we'd seemingly made progress, we were back to this. Being here tonight seemed to be bringing back so many memories.

"Can we go back to your house now? It's late and I'm tired."

I switched gears and slowly pulled out. My house...not ours.

Minnow's POV

I skipped dinner despite Søren's insistence that I should have some soup.

But my appetite was gone and I quickly went to bed. I had skipped dinner before, this wasn't anything new.

And my mind was spinning for so long as I wrestled with sleep.

Then I saw it. Outside my window, I saw the flashing of lights. I quickly got up and crouched by the sill watching as a taxi cab stopped in front of the mailbox. I looked over at the alarm clock and it was past midnight. Søren was probably asleep.

I watched as a shadowy figure made its way up the lawn. My whole body froze as I recognized the person's height and the way they walked. My breathing became shallow as I gripped the windowsill.

"No..." I croaked. I shook my head. "No...no no."

The person stopped, their eyes looking up towards my window. And the porch light illuminated his face. It was Brodie. He was here.

I stumbled backward, my knees knocking against the hardwood floor. I crawled backward on the carpet, my breath loud and raspy. "NO...no no no."

My whole body shuddered as tears slipped down my cheeks.

He found me. All because of that article. He found Søren's house. There was nowhere to escape.

Oh my gosh.

I had to tell Søren.

I heard the sound of footsteps against the floorboard and that's when I officially lost it. I screamed, my voice, a shrill in the dark. And I couldn't stop screaming.

Søren's POV

I was in the bathroom, about to turn off the light when I heard it.

The sound of a scream woke my whole body up within seconds. My heart dropped in my chest as I moved quickly.

I heard barking and both dogs scrambled upstairs, already in the hallway. The screaming didn't stop, it was getting louder.

I ripped open Minnow's door and found her on the bed, her eyes shut tight, and her mouth open as she screamed again.

I nearly stumbled at the terror running through her. My heart pounded as I made my way to her side of the bed. "Minnow...Minnow!"

She was dreaming. Having a nightmare.

"He's here....he's here..." She shuttered, finally stopping. I placed my hands on her shoulders, trying to snap her out of it. She flinched. Dink launched himself on the bed nuzzling his nose against her side. Sam made circles around my legs, barking anxiously.

"Minnow! It's me," I reassured. "It's Søren."

She shook her head, still seeming to be in some kind of trance. I gripped her carefully and leaned in close. "It's just a nightmare. It's not real. It's not real. I'm here."

Her eyes slowly opened and tears fell down her cheeks. "He's o-outside..." She was gasping for breath. Then her eyes focused on me, her expression confused and tired.

"You were having a bad dream," I said softly. Sam finally stopped barking and I sat down on the edge of the bed.

She trembled in my arms and I suddenly remembered what she just said. "Who's outside?"

She looked over my shoulder and pointed towards the window. "There."

I was quick to get up, letting her go and standing at the bay window. It was completely dark outside aside from the small porch light. There wasn't a soul out there.

"Come here," I gestured. She noticed Dink at her side and instead of shrinking away, she patted his head softly before slowly getting off the bed.

"See look," I reassured her. "There's no one out there."

She was wiping her cheeks, staring out the window, embarrassment seeping into her features. "I-I..." She swallowed, blinking quickly.

"You're safe here," I whispered, looking down at her.

Minnow scratched at her neck and looked up at me, the moonlight illuminating her dark skin. Despite the fear on her face and the fatigue, I was struck by how beautiful she looked.

She seemed to blink away a thought and turned, looking at Sam, who stood by her feet yawning. I was surprised she wasn't freaked out by them.

I whistled over towards the bed and Dink, dropped down to the hardwood floor, trotting out of the room.

"Sam," I said softly, pointing towards the door. He hesitated, looking up at Minnow for a moment longer before slowly exiting.

"I'm sorry," Minnow croaked, her hands pressing to her cheeks for a moment. "I woke you up and it was just a bad dream."

I stayed silent as I surveyed her. She didn't seem surprised that she had imagined someone outside. It was just like what Rylo had described. She had said He's here that time too.

"How often do you get these nightmares?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

She crawled back into bed, pulling her knees to her chest. It was then that I had taken notice of the oversized sleep shirt she was wearing and how it exposed her legs. She pulled the blankets up to cover herself.

"I don't know..." She dismissed, sounding far away.

I inched to the edge of her bed, lowering my arms. "How often?"

She shrugged, looking at the comforter. "Most nights."

I was struck by this. Almost every night? How come I didn't ever hear anything?

I swallowed.

"You can go back to bed. I'm okay."

I knew I wasn't going to sleep, though. This would keep me up. I had so many questions and she wasn't going to give me any answers.

"I'll wait here until you fall asleep again," I promised.

She shook her head slowly, lowering herself to her bed and her head on her pillow. She gripped the pillow, her eyes staring at the wall.

Worry gripped me in a way that I couldn't explain. Like water was filling my lungs.

"I'll wait," I said softly.

She didn't say anything so I sat down by the bay window, watching her carefully. She looked at me briefly before closing her eyes.

I watched as her breathing began to slow. Looking out the window, I stared out into the night wondering who she saw. Who was she so afraid of?


I didn't sleep a wink last night. I stayed up watching Minnow and the sunrise.

And eventually, I sat on the small chair in her room, my large frame crouching uncomfortably. I fell asleep for maybe a few hours before waking to take the dogs out.

She had slept through the night so that was good. But I still needed answers.

But maybe it was just stress from dealing with her Dad last night. Which only reminded me that I hadn't called my mom yet.

I was a kylling. Chicken.

My sister Lillie had already texted me this morning asking so many questions.

"Er du gal?" (Are you insane?)

"Hvordan fikk du Minnow til å tilgi deg?" (How did you get Minnow to forgive you?)

"Mamma kommer til å miste dritten!" (Mom's gonna lose her shit!)

"Kan jeg være brudepike?" (Can I be a bridesmaid?)

I had to bribe her into keeping her mouth shut for a bit longer.

Eventually, I'd have to tell my mom and she'd probably plan a trip to the States right away.

I needed to figure out what was going on with Minnow. And since she wasn't budging, I had to be a bit more...resourceful.

And my resource came in a 6ft, brown-haired, snarky package. Callum was too eager, and bored by his corporate job. Instead of looking up information about Minnow, I asked him to see if there was anyone stalking her. Find who this person she was so afraid of.

And I had ordered Rylo to be on her official detail, everywhere she went. She was scared for a reason, regardless if there was someone at the window last night.

And my next plan was to talk to Whitney. She seemed like she would know what was going on. Something told me she paid attention to the small things.

I also remembered that Minnow mentioned in passing the bakery where Whitney worked. So I decided to stop by.

And I knew I was doing a lot. I told myself I was just going to get through the next few months impartially, ignoring the old tension between us. Minnow didn't want me in her business and she made that clear enough. But I couldn't help but feel like I needed to do something.

Maybe I was trying to make up for what I did in the past or maybe I was falling back into old feelings. I just wanted to make sure she was okay in some capacity.

And because I didn't want Whitney to become suspicious of me, I brought the guys with me.

"Dude, you're telling me you let a 50-something-year-old man cross you like that?" Justin laughed, his whole body shaking in his chair. We all sat in the corner of the bakery, at a small pastel pink table.

It smelled like sweets and sugar, the aroma of warm baked goods making my stomach rubble. There was soft jazz music playing as patrons came in and out for something to eat. The bakery also sold coffee so the place filled with students doing homework and those who worked from home, on calls, and working.

"I wasn't going hit him back. That wouldn't help things." I clipped. I woke up with a bruise on my jaw and a headache.

Noah was too busy stuffing his face with chocolate croissants to comment. Kane only smirked at me, a plate of homemade salad in front of him as he ate. It looked too healthy even for me, the scent of tofu filling my nose. I swear the man ate like a rabbit.

"What did you do to make him so angry?" Kane questioned.

"It happened a long time ago," I brushed past the question. "I haven't seen him since and he's not the biggest fan of me marrying his daughter."

Justin and Noah shared a look that I didn't quite understand. The roommates were always speaking in their own language sometimes.

"Bro, why didn't we just meet up on the ice or something? Since when did we come to bakeries?" Justin asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "Not that I'm complaining, the espresso is fucking good."

My attention zeroed in on the employees-only door that flipped open. Whitney came out, wearing an apron and carrying a tray of cookies. She was listening to music with her headphones, smiling to herself as she placed individual cookies into the display tray.

"I wanted to talk about my bachelor party," I said, coming up with whatever I could on the spot. "I want you guys to organize it. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

Justin and Noah shared a grin and fist-pumped excitedly. Kane simply nodded his head, a small smile on his face.

"Fuck yes!" Justin said, pulling out his phone. "I was worried you'd want to do something boring like go to the library or some shit."

I gave him a look, blinking at him.

"So this means we're gonna be groomsmen?" Noah's face brightened as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Yeah. I was hoping you guys would be up there with me." Everything I said was true despite the whole fake marriage part. I wanted them all to be there to support me.

"I'm honored," Kane said calmly, squeezing my shoulder for a moment.

"Wait, can I be your best man?" Noah intruded, his brows raised high, a wide smile on his face.

"Dude, you can't just ask that," Justin corrected him. "He has to ask you. Plus why would he choose you? You'd probably lose the ring before they'd get down the aisle. And..." He turned to look at me. "Søren would only pick someone trustworthy. A man with honor and humility. Someone who's one of his best friends."

"Sorry man. Callum's my best man," I said with a smirk.

Noah frowned and Justin shrugged. "I tried."

"No fair," Noah whined with his deep voice. "He's got like a 20-year advantage on us."

"Dude it's fine," Justin said to him. "He's got more responsibilities anyway."

The first time I had introduced the guys to Callum I was worried that they'd hate each other or something. He was more of a scholarly type and a loner by nature.

But they actually got along well, making our weekly poker games and outings together seamless.

"Dude, what do you want to do for your party? You thinkin' traveling abroad, Vegas, strippers, shooting range...?"

I could barely keep up with Justin's words, my eyes flying over to Whitney. She was leaning against the counter, her eyes on her phone.

I needed to speak to her before she got busy with a customer.

"I don't have a preference," I said getting up. "Do whatever sounds fun. I'm going to get something to eat."

And as I made my way over, I heard Justin say, "He does not know what he just signed up for." The amusement in his tone was not lost on me.

I made my way to the display counter and tapped on the glass lightly, getting Whitney's attention.

"What can I get for y--" Her eyes lifted and she blinked in surprise. "Oh....um...hi?"

"Hi," I smiled innocently. "I'll take two bear claws please."

She stared at me for a long moment, a grin spreading on her face. "Okay?"

Whitney was quick to add two bear claws into a to-go bag and type the transaction into the register. I handed her my card and she peered at me, her gaze calculating.

"Thank you," I said as she handed me the bag and my card.

"So..." She crossed her arms. "Is the bear claw like metaphor for something or...?"


"You clearly want something," She tipped her head to the side. "It's why you came here with your friends right? You didn't think I seriously wouldn't notice a group of 6-foot guys all the corner talking, right?"

I sincerely hoped my cheeks didn't give anything away. I could feel them warming.

"There are like 3 bakeries closer to your house than this one," she squinted at me. "So I have to assume you came here for more than just the ambiance."

"Do you always think people have an ulterior motive?" I asked honestly.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise and straightened her head. "No, I just think people are never as honest as they say they are. And you...well I think you have something you want to ask me. So spill."

I pursed my lips and tapped the glass twice, thinking for a moment.

"Oh come on...you came all this way. The least I can do is help you out."

"Has Minnow ever...has she ever had nightmares? Like really vivid ones where she wakes up screaming and all freaked out."

Her face sobered, her grin gone within seconds. She twisted her lips, crossing her arms. "Not when she was living with me. But...I mean I wouldn't know, I'm a deep sleeper."

This surprised me greatly. "I was under the impression that you two talked about everything."

"Yeah well she's never mentioned nightmares," She said plainly.

Now I was confused. How did they live together and she never once noticed?

I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm confused."

She didn't say anything, just waited for me to keep speaking. She was doing that thing again. Watching, surveying, and calculating. It was almost like she was waiting for me to give her a signal. A sign of some sort.

"A while ago she had a panic attack on the ice," I started. "Did she tell you about that?"

"Yeah, she mentioned something like that." She moved out of the way as her coworker passed behind her.

"Did she also mention that she was saying something about...he's here?" I lowered my voice and leaned in, my tone growing serious. "Well she said the same thing last night....she said it in her sleep."

I was waiting for it...the clarity to wash over her face. But she remained emotionless.

"And I'm assuming you already know this," I thought aloud. "You know about the nightmares and the way she's always stressed about the small stuff. You seem very perceptive Whitney. You've noticed how she barely eats and how it's effecting her diabetes."

"And I know you also have the diabetes too." She blinked at me with surprise. "I notice your CGM device a few weeks ago."

"She asked for security and you know why. And whatever it is, she told you not to tell me."

Whitney's eyes widened slightly as she stared at me.

"You're not the only one who's perceptive," I said lowly, try not draw attention to this conversation. "And I know something's going on."

She slowly dropped her arms. "Wow, you are not what I expected."

"In all fairness, I have no idea what big thing happened that caused you guys to stop talking but...you're way more honest than I thought."

I was surprised Minnow hadn't told her what happened considering how close they seemed. She was so angry with me that I figured she'd tell anyone who'd listen.

"All your missing is the S on your chest honestly," she quipped, her grin coming back. She reached behind her to grab a to-go order. Moving to the side she handed it to the old woman whom I hadn't realized was standing behind me this whole time.

She thanked her and went on her way.

"All I'm going to say is Minnow is safe with you...she trusts you despite the fact that she may not act like it." She pulled her small curls away from her face. "And the best thing is just to be there for her in the meantime."

"You used the word safe," I zeroed in on the word.

"Because she is," she shrugged.

"But that's a very specific word." I needed to know more. "You could've said content...but you used the word safe on purpose. It almost insinuates that she wasn't safe before she started living with me."

She visibly swallowed, her tall frame shrinking back a bit. "You sure hockey is your calling? I'd think about detective work if I were you."

"Whitney," I said with so much meaning.

She gave me a a look of sympathy. "Talk to her."

"She's not telling me anything."

"Just talk to her," She said again. "Sometimes it's not about what someone tells you but rather what they're not saying."

She pulled out a rag and wiped down the counter in between us.

"And don't think I didn't notice you little speech last night," she smirked. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "You said you were madly in love with her for years a little too confidently."

"I have to maintain a story," I tried to act casual about it.


Well that was cryptic. Something told me that this was all I was going to get out of her.

"Hey, can I get another cafe latte to—" Justin appeared beside me but seemed lost for words. I waited for him to finish, Whitney did too.

He was staring straight at her, his lips slightly part and his pupils dilated. I'd never seen him like this before.

"Dude," I placed a hand on his shoulder and that seemed to bring him back.

"You want a latte to go?" Whitney said, taking the plate and coffee cup from him.

He nodded, strangely quiet.

"I'll be right back."

She went over to the coffee machine.

"What's wrong with you?" I whispered nudging his shoulder. "Are you wired on the coffee or something?"

"Who...who is that?"

I followed his gaze, noting how he was still staring at Whitney for some reason.

"Minnow's best friend."

"Interesting." His brows lifted, a grin on his lips, and then it clicked.

"Don't even think about it."

A/N: that was a lot and a long chapter. But I hope you guys are getting more background and the story is making more sense. I'll be back soon xoxo Sasha.

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