Jaune: Fate

By Darkdecade97

32.3K 912 1.5K

Jaune Arc was both lucky and unlucky. He was able to arrive in Beacon for initiation. But he wasn't ready for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

4.1K 127 237
By Darkdecade97

Jaune and his Servants are in the elevator heading up to Ozpin's Office. Due to them being quite a lot in terms of numbers, the Servants opted to go into their Astral form, and only seven will stay with Jaune. The Seven Servants that are with Jaune in the elevator are Artoria, Karna, Arjuna, Medusa, Jeanne, Archer, and Cu.

Right now, Jaune can tell the Servants are being very cautious right now. This is due to them learning about the Headmaster watching them in the security cameras of the Academy, further stating he knows about them and may use Jaune's powers for his own personal gain. After all, they have dealt with so many Mages like him. A man who has ulterior motives and is a manipulator.

Archer: So. What's the plan once this elevator opens?

Artoria: All of us will draw our weapons towards the Headmaster. We need to know if he is planning to use our Master for his own ulterior motives.

Jaune: Uh, guys. Are you sure this is a good idea? Wouldn't want to threaten the Headmaster and get me expelled.

Gilgamesh: 'You are a fool, Mongrel. I can see it in his eyes. He is a man with many secrets, secrets that have been hidden in this world for centuries.'

Medusa: And with this information about us. He may plan to use it to whatever secrets he has. He has the eyes of a manipulator and a liar.

Archer: He won't fool us.

Jaune: But-

Jeanne: Trust us, Master. We'll handle this situation from here. It is our duty to protect our Master from harm and will do it without any hesitation.

Hearing what Jaune said, all that he could do was sigh in exasperation.

Jaune: Fine, just don't go overboard.

Cu: We'll see about that.

The doors of the Elevator open up, Jaune and his Servants were met with Ozpin sitting on his desk and alongside him is Goodwitch, who is standing on his right. Then in a matter of seconds, a large gust of wind hits Jaune in the face as he felt the breeze. He fixes himself to see all the Servants with him have their weapons aimed at Ozpin and Goodwitch.

Medusa throws the table away and has her Daggers aimed towards Ozpin's chest and neck, you can hear the sounds of the chain move when she dashed towards him. Artoria has Excalibur, with the blade being a mist, this is because of her skill, Invisible Air, she has it aimed by the right side of Ozpin's neck. Karna has his spear, Vasavi Shakti aimed at Ozpin's forehead with Arjuna aiming his Bow, Agni Gandiva at Goodwitch. With Cu also aiming at her with his Spear, Gáe Bolg, right at her chest and Archer behind her, equipped with his blades, Kanshou and Bakuya. He has it placed on Goodwitch's neck in an X formation.

Karna: Now then, Ozpin. We have some questions we wish to ask of you.

Ozpin is calmed of the situation, while Goodwitch is not. She was about to use her weapon to get the Servants off her. But sees Jeanne in front of her, holding her Crop. Jeanne was beside Jaune this whole time, making sure nothing will happen to him.

Jeanne: Sorry, you won't be needing this. I won't allow you to be a threat to my Master.

Artoria: Indeed, so tell us Ozpin. What uses do you have for our Master. Because it seems you saw and heard everything.

Just then, blue sparkles appear as Gilgamesh appears in front of everyone.

Gilgamesh: Yes, and quite frankly just by looking at you. You want to know about my Master's power. A power you have never seen before in Remnant. But let me tell you, this power is not to be trifled with and you have the means to use his power for your own personal agendas. One we will wholeheartedly refuse.

Ozpin: I understand that, but I mean no harm to Jaune Arc. All I wish to do is to discuss the new circumstances that have been bestowed upon him.

All of the Servants look towards Gilgamesh, Jeanne, and Jaune, wondering what they should do.

Gilgamesh: Let him go. Let us see what this Mongrel has to say.

The Servants glanced at each other for a second and discarded their weapons, but they didn't even bother bringing the table back in it's place. Since there were no seats, Jaune decided to stand in front of Ozpin, with his Servants behind him.

Jaune: So, Headmaster. What is it you wish to speak to me about? It's obviously my Summons, right?

Ozpin: Yes, to tell you the truth, Mr. Arc. I'm interested to know about your new ability due to the fact I felt an enormous amount of Magical Energy on your-how you call them, Servants.

Archer: Let me guess, something like this is rare or doesn't exist at all in Remnant?

Ozpin: Yes, no Semblance in Remnant can do something like this. This is only a factor relating to Magic.

Gilgamesh: Oh? So Magic does exist in this world, not akin to Magecraft from what we are hearing. Tell me Ozpin, is this form of Magic in Remnant a secret to all?

Then another Servant appears in front of them, it was Tamamo-no-Mae.

Tamamo: Goldie is right.

Gilgamesh: Don't call me that, Fox.

Tamamo: I felt a small Magical presence inside this Academy, and the same can be said for you, Ozpin.

Artoria: If we are to tell you of our secret. You should do the same. What are you hiding in Remnant that our Master should know? And what are your agendas with us? Speak the truth or else we won't reveal to you our secret.

Cu: And if you try anything. Well, you really wouldn't want to fight a Servant.

Goodwitch: I beg to differ.

Archer: Oh, you are going to eat those words soon.

Seeing no other options, Ozpin could only sigh as he gives in to their demands.

Ozpin: Fine then. Have it your way.

Goodwitch: Ozpin, you can't be serious?! We don't know what these people plan to do once you tell them!!

Medusa: Foolish Mortal, you claim not to trust us that easily. When it should be us that should be weary of you and the Headmaster's actions.

Jeanne: Indeed, we don't mean any harm whatsoever. But judging by your actions, you do mean us harm.

Gilgamesh: And if you even dare try to provoke or attack us. I will bury you in this room in an instant!

As multiple yellow portals appear around Ozpin's Office. Ozpin can see weapons slowly emerging from the portal and are aimed right for him and Goodwitch.

Ozpin: Glynda, I will do it because I have a feeling, Mr. Arc and his Servants have a way to kill her.

Goodwitch: I highly doubt that, Ozpin.

Ozpin: It doesn't matter, I will tell them about the secrets of Remnant

From there, Ozpin told Jaune and his Servants about Salem, his Reincarnation, his True Name being known as Ozma, the Four Maidens, the Four Relics, the Brother Gods, everything.

Gilgamesh: I see. I am not impressed.

Archer: Yeah, I've seen better. This Salem is nothing more than Child's play to us.

Cu: Yeah, not even a challenge.

Hearing what the Servants said, Ozpin's jaw just dropped. They don't consider a Salem a threat? Just what kind of power do these Servants have?!

Ozpin: What? You-you don't consider a threat?

Cu: Of course not. I mean I have this at my disposal.

As Cu shows off Gáe Bolg, by twirling the spear around. Ozpin can feel the amount of Magical Energy inside of that and the feeling wants him to run.

Cu: Let's just say this weapon has killed Gods before and even if you try to dodge. This weapon will find it's way to it's targets, breaking all matters of reason.

Archer: The same can be said for this guy.

Archer can be seen gesturing towards Gilgamesh, who huffs in annoyance at the thought of Salem even considering being a threat to them.

Gilgamesh: Please. I have over a dozen weapons at my disposal that can easily rid of this Salem. She may think she is a God, but I'll show her what it means to be one.

Medusa: Indeed, she would have been nothing but an Ant in the Greek Pantheon. 

Ozpin doesn't know what a Greek Pantheon is, and decides to ask the more important questions.

Ozpin: Now that I have told my secret. I believe it is your turn.

All the Servants looked at each other, with Jaune voicing out his opinion regarding the situation.

Jaune: I mean, the Headmaster told us his secret. I believe we should do the same.

Artoria: Very well, we made an agreement after all. It is time we tell you about our origins.

And from there, the Servants told Ozpin about Mages, True Magic, Magecraft, Masters, Servants, Throne of Heroes, Command Seals, the Mage Association, the Church, and especially the Holy Grail War. They told him everything, and his response, dead silence, silence at the thought of Salem getting her hands at a Servant. It would be chaos and he knows it.

Gilgamesh: Don't worry, Ozpin. I believe the person who gave our Master this power, won't allow Salem to acquire a Servant.

Archer: Unless Alaya says so.

Ozpin: I see. Well, I believe there is no more reason to question you and your Servants, Mr. Arc. I now officially welcome you to Beacon.

Goodwitch: Wait, you can't be serious, Ozpin! To allow this power to be on the hands of someone like him!?

Karna: What do you mean by that?

Karna growls, the same can be said for the Servants in the room. Gilgamesh rolls his eyes in annoyance, already feeling this woman will be a problem to them and his Master.

Goodwitch: What I mean is Jaune Arc came here with falsified transcripts!! He should not be given this power! We should take it away from him and give it to someone far more capable than him.

Charlemagne: Really now? Because in our eyes, our Master, Jaune Arc. Has already proven to us he is a worthy Master.

Ozpin and Goodwitch look to see the rest of Jaune's Servants appearing in front of them. Ozpin sweats and hopes Goodwitch doesn't do something stupid over a piece of paper.

Karl: You lack intuition. From what he saw in this Academy, nobody is worthy of being a Master. They will solely use us for their own personal gain, while Jaune won't.

Scáthach: Jaune, what is the reason you falsified your transcripts?

Jaune: To be a Hero like the stories my Grandfather told me. I wanted to honor their legacy, but my family prohibited it because I was weak. They didn't even give me a chance to even train, when I asked my relatives who are eager to train me, my Family prevented it from pushing any further.

Cu: Why do they keep refusing to train you?

Jaune: They wanted me to a live simpler life while the rest of my family are Warriors.

Jeanne felt a connection hearing Jaune's story. It sounds similar to hers, throwing her life away and joining a better cause that was given to her.

Jeanne: I understand how you feel, Jaune. For I did the same as well, I was given a purpose and left my home, the life I was suppose to live, to achieve what was given to me.

Scáthach: Quite frankly, your Family is nothing but fools. I see potential in you, Master. Something your family fails to see.

Ozpin: I shared the same sentiments as well. I saw Mr. Arc has the potential to be something even greater and I believe with all of you on the helm, you can help him with his journey.

Artoria: Yes, we can make a Knight out of him in no time.

Gawain: Indeed, we Knights never trained when we were children, only when that life was given to us. We learned on our own and had help along the way, it was a long journey but we got there.

Charlemagne: Indeed, everyone has the potential to be something greater. You just need to find it and awaken it.

Goodwitch: I won't stand it! He has no skills whatsoever and I don't care if he has the means to fuse with you! I won't allow it!!

Gilgamesh: You are nothing but a fool who is willing to remove a potential Warrior that can be great with the help a Teacher's guidance!! Don't make me laugh, Mongrel!! You are nothing but a Faker!!

Iskander: Indeed! A weak warrior can be a strong one with the proper guidance and teaching! You, Ma'am! Don't portray any of those ideals or virtues a teacher should have!!

Scáthach: Ozpin. Since I don't want this woman teaching my Master. I and the other Servants will be the ones to do it. But I will be his main Teacher

Jaune sees Scáthach turning towards him and gives off a smile. That smile may have turned Jaune on a bit, but he has feeling that smile is going to give him death and pain for some reason.

Cu places his hand on Jaune's shoulder, knowing the shitstorm that will arise soon.

Cu: Good luck, kid. You're gonna need it.

Jaune: Wait, what is that suppose to mean?!

Ozpin: Very well then, I approve. But he will still have to attend other Classes. I will give you a free period to teach him.

Goodwitch: Ozpin!?

Scáthach: Good, we'll prove to you that our Master is a far more capable Warrior than what you think.

Scáthach gives Goodwitch a smug look, while Goodwitch glares at Scáthach.

Ozpin: Oh, before you leave. Here is your new Dorm Room.

As Ozpin throws Jaune a keycard.

Ozpin: Since you are in possession of-I counted 26 Servants. I decided to give you a much larger room in the Acadmey. It is three floors with over a dozen rooms, your Team has already made it in the Dorms. I hope it will be to your liking.

Gilgamesh: I hope it will, Ozpin or we'll have problems.

Scáthach: And make sure to keep your Secretary in line. We wouldn't a death in this Academy would we?

She decided to threaten them by showing off Gáe Bolg Alternative, scaring the daylights out of Ozpin as Scáthach gives him and Goodwitch a sinister smile.

Ozpin: Of course. I understand

Scáthach nods and goes to Astral form as the Servants that originally came here with Jaune, went inside the Elevator.

Goodwitch: I need to report this to James and have Mr. Arc arrested immediately. We can not allow him to have this power. It should belong to a better candidate.

Ozpin: You will do no such thing, Glynda. Jaune Arc is our ally and I refuse to allow him to become our enemy because of his Transcripts. May I remind you, Qrow and Raven did the same as well, papers don't mean anything, Glynda and never will once you're out there in the field.

Goodwitch: But-

Ozpin: No buts. This is my final decision, do not make an enemy out of him or else Beacon would be nothing but dust. He is our only key on defeating Salem and I want to ensure it stays that way. Plus, his Servants don't even like the Students in this Academy, so I highly doubt they would want to serve another Master.

Ozpin turns his chair around and faces the view from his Tower.

Ozpin: I want this Shadow War to end, Glynda and Jaune Arc is our way of winning.

Beacon Academy: Team JNPR Dorm

Jaune was able to reach the Dorm Room. What shocked him the most was the pathway is not leading to the Dorms for the other Students, but a whole other level outside of the Academy.

Jaune: Damn, Ozpin really provided us with a bigger house.

Nero: Ah, a Mansion built for an Emperor! Come on, my Praetor! Let us head inside and bast the beauty of this structure! UmU!

Jaune can hear a sigh of annoyance and tiredness from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: 'I hope the stupid Dragon doesn't show up here. I already have to deal with the color swap'

They opened the doors of the Dorm and were met with Nora rushing towards Jaune.

Nora: Jaune! I can't believe the Headmaster allowed us to be in this Dorm and it's because of you! I mean, look how big this place is!! This is awesome!!

The Servants went on their daily routines and possibly find a room for themselves, the likes being Gilgamesh and Nero of course, with Elizabeth being dragged to this against her will. Jaune sees Pyrrha and Ren walking up to him.

Ren: I take it the reason why the Headmaster gave us this Dorm is because of your Summons?

Jaune: Yes, and it seems the Servants are picking their rooms as we speak. I take it you have done yours already?

Pyrrha: No, we have not, Jaune. We decided to wait for you and decide who gets who.

Nora: And this place is huge! There are so many bedrooms! Bathrooms! We even have a balcony on the third floor! This place is like a Castle!

Ren: We also have a big kitchen that's stocked up with food. A living room here and I believe a lounge in the second floor.

Jaune: It seems the Headmaster went all out. The Students will probably feel jealous of this.

Artoria: Don't worry, Master. If they try anything, the Students will have to go through us.

Jeanne: Indeed.

Nora: So, Jaune. Who are these people with you? The Headmaster said they are your Semblance!!

Ren: Yes, I heard him say that during the announcement of the Teams. I wonder how a Semblance like this is possible?

Before Jaune was about to create some lie about the Servants. Artoria interrupts him, before he could say anything.

Artoria: I believe that conversation should come at another time. For now, it is best we settle in the Dorm and ready ourselves for tomorrow. From what I was told, it is the first day of Class and I expect you all to be ready in the morning.

Jaune: Artoria's right, let's unpack our things and turn in for the night. We have a big day tomorrow and I don't want to be late for it.

Team (J)NPR nods and went off their separate ways. When Jaune saw they are out of earshot, he spoke to Artoria and Jeanne.

Jaune: So when will we tell them about this whole Servant and Master thing?

Jeanne: When the time is right, Master. We only just met them, you need to form a bond with your Team before we can tell them the truth.

Artoria: The Headmaster is an exception as he was close to knowing of our secret or is eager to know by any means necessary. Us telling him, got him off our backs and will no doubt help us deal with certain problems in the future.

Jaune: 'My Family will be one of them'

Jeanne: Now come, Master. We'll help you get settled in and prepare for tomorrow.

Jaune nods as both he and the two Servants get settled in the Dorms. On the way to the room, they hear a faint crash that echoed around the house.

Nero: UmU! How dare you drop it! That was a priceless statue of my liking!!

Elizabeth: Forget it! If you want to place it in an area you want! Do it yourself!!

Gilgamesh: Ah, I forgot! Saber, would you join me in bed tonight?! I promise you, I will give your the greatest pleasures known to mankind!!

All that was heard in the Dorm was a large crashing sound as Gilgamesh got sucker punched by Artoria.

Jaune and Jeanne could only sigh at this

Drake: Why is there no Alcohol here!! Wait, there is!!

Archer can be seen in his habitat as usual, the Kitchen. As he is getting ready to cook breakfast for tomorrow.

Cu: Oy, Nomiya!! Come on, gimme something to snack on! You're Bar Shop, right?! Come on, Bar-Miya!

Archer: Don't call me that, you Dog!!

Robin: Or we can just call him, Head Chef or Cooking Mama.

Archer: Why do you only remember me as someone who can cook?!


Yeah, the night will be very long with these kinds of antics.

Beacon Academy: Classroom

Port: Monsters! Deeeemons...Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

Right now, it's Grimm Studies and Jaune isn't really liking what is happening in Class, the same can be said for everyone else and his Servants.

Artoria: 'This man is not teaching us anything relating to the Grimm. He is merely boasting about his stories'

Archer: 'Or over exaggerating it to the fullest. What a joke'

Jaune can see as Port continues talking, majority of the Students aren't listening to him and doing their own thing. Ruby being one of them as he can see her Teammate, Weiss, is getting angry and frustrated by her actions.

Robin: 'Oh my, it seems the little Ice Queen is getting annoyed with Red'

Cu: 'Yup'

Scáthach: 'Master. This subject is a complete waste of time. Us Servants can provide you better info regarding the Grimm, I will "persuade" Ozpin, to make this subject a free period for us, so we can train you'

Karl: 'Indeed, I will join you in "persuading" the good ole Headmaster'

Karna: 'I as well"

Arjuna: 'Seconded'

Their thoughts were interrupted when Port shouted out to the Class.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

But before anyone was about to raise their hand, aka Weiss. One of Jaune's Servants appears out of nowhere and volunteers Jaune without his approval at all.

Robin: He does!!

Said Servants was Robin, who shouted out loud and pointed his finger towards Jaune. Who looked surprised by Robin's action.

Port: Well, then, let's find out! Step forward, and face your opponent!

Both Master and Servant see Port gesturing at the glowing red eyes surrounded by shadow shaking the cage that traps it. Seeing this, Robin has a better idea to show the Student's of his Master's powers.

Robin: Wouldn't it be better if you bring in more Grimm for my Master to face. I want him to say, use my power to eliminate these Grimm and show everyone here on what he is capable of.

Port: I see. I saw the footage from Initiation and I'm  quite interested to see more of it. I approve of your request! Do you mind helping me out with bringing them in?

Robin: Sure.

Before Robin went off with Port, Jaune grabs him by his arm.

Jaune: What are you doing? You want to bring in more Grimm?

Robin: It will be interesting. Don't worry, Master. I'll have your back.

He watches Robin leave and gave out a sigh, Jaune glances at the Students sitting on the seats and sees Weiss glaring at him for taking her chance of proving herself to her Team and leader.


After around 10 minutes, both Port and Robin brought out 10 cages to the Classroom. All the Students were shocked at the amount they brought, even Jaune's Team. But Pyrrha has faith considering she remembers the display during Initiation.

Ren: That's a lot of cages. Are you sure Jaune is capable enough to take all of them out?

Pyrrha: With his Semblance, he can.

Nora: Yeah, and I can't wait to see what Fearless Leader can do! Him fusing with his Summons was awesome!!

Hearing what Nora said, Weiss got very annoyed by Jaune's Semblance. The fact that he can summon so easily, while she can't infuriates her to the core.

Robin: We all set, Teach?

Port: We are.

Robin nods and heads towards Jaune, who looks very unprepared by this. But a few words of encouragement from Robin, motivated him.

Robin: Don't worry, Master. Once we fused together, I will let you take it from here. After all, we share the same mind, so you'll know what to do.

Jaune nods and whips out the Class Card, which is of the Archer Class.

Jaune: Install: Archer.

Like what happened with Charlemagne, Robin gets engulfed with misty gold sparkles as they fly towards Jaune. A bright light erupts like before as Master and Servant fuse with one another, Jaune Arc is now using the power of Robin Hood. 

Jaune/Robin prepare themselves as Port readies the cages to be released. By doing so, he whips out his weapon, Blowhard, to open the cage.

Port: Alright! Let the match.....begin!!

Port opens the cage using his weapon, him and Robin placed a mechanism that opens all the cages at the same time and it did. It reveals the Grimm to be a pack of Boarbatusks.

Robin: 'I take it you got this, Master?'

Jaune: 'I do'

The first Boarbatusk charges straight towards Jaune/Robin. He waits for the Grimm to come close and delivers a flying kick towards the Boarbatusk, a green slash line was seen as the Grimm got sent flying to it's brethren.

From there, Jaune/Robin delivers a series of fast kicks towards the Boarbatusk, he was so fast you couldn't see where he was kicking, all they saw were green curvy slash lines and a blur. The kicks sent the Boarbatusks crashing to the ground as they disappear into ash. When he lands, Jaune/Robin equips his weapon, a crossbow named Yew Bow.

Some of the Students snicker to themselves when they saw the weapon. What is a puny little arrow going to do against a pack of Boarbatusk?

Weiss: 'Does he actually think a crossbow will be good enough to kill these Grimm? If it had Dust capabilities it will work, but from what I'm seeing, that weapon does not have that feature whatsoever'

Ruby: 'I wonder if that crossbow can turn into a sword?'

Jaune/Robin gets into a kneeling position and fires off three green arrows at the Boarbatusks. The Boarbatusks explode into green energy when the arrow hits them. Jaune/Robin slams Yew Bow on the floor and fires on it, beanstalks appear, bursting from the ground and wrap around all the Boarbatusks. He fires off an arrow that causes a shockwave when it was launched. The arrow flies towards the Boarbatusk, causing a huge explosion that takes all of them out in an instant.

Jaune/Robin: Now that's how you do it.

Port went off by clapping at Jaune/Robin's display of fighting prowess.

Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntsmen-in-training! I know I want to see more of your skills, Mr. Arc. But I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

All of the Students head out to the Hallways with Jaune and Robin unfusing together, the Servant walks with him heading to the next class, where he was met again with Weiss demanding answers about his power.

Weiss: You! How did you that with a measly crossbow!? From what I saw in your crossbow, there was no Dust features in it at all! And how did you even create those vines or plants that burst out of the ground?! No Dust I know can do such a thing!!

Ruby: Yeah, and can I see your crossbow?! I want to see if I can add some of your parts to my Crescent Rose! Or do you want me to add a sword to it?!

Pyrrha: I don't think Jaune's Summons will tell you anything since they are very secretive about it. Even Jaune himself isn't letting anyone know more of his Semblance.

Blake: Why?

Pyrrha: It's their secret to tell. Even if we are his Teammates, they are entitled to their own secrets they wish not to disclose. I'm sure you can understand that.

Blake nods, knowing she ain't letting anyone know of her secret.

Robin: First off, my skills and abilities are a trademark secret, Ice Queen. As for you, I'm not letting you look at my weapon nor will I let you put a sword in it.

Ruby felt sad hearing Robin's response to her question as Yang approaches him and grabs Robin by the collar.

Yang: What if I make you?


Yang was sent flying when Robin punched her in the face, she crashed in the wall, causing a crater to form.

Robin: Don't ever threaten me ever again or else I will shoot an arrow right between your eyes.

Jaune: Take it easy, Robin. I think she meant it as a joke.....maybe, I'm not sure.

Robin just shrugs, not caring at all for Yang as Jaune and his Team went off to the next class as Team RWB(Y) gets Yang off the wall since she got stuck to it.

Beacon Combat Arena

It is now time for Combat Class as everyone is all seated down in their seats. Jaune is with his Team as he is joined by his Servants, which are Charlemagne, Astolfo, Artoria, Jeanne, Cu, Scáthach, and Drake. Some of the Students took glances at some of the Female Servants, we all know who they are.

Goodwitch: Alright, Students. I welcome you all to Combat Class. From here on out, we will test your skills against one another in the heat of combat! Now then, it's time for the first set of combatants to fight in the Arena.

She brought out her Scroll and picks the Students who will be fighting for this match. Everyone looks to the screen to see who was chosen, it was Jaune Arc vs. Team CRDL.

Goodwitch: The match will be Jaune Arc vs. Team CRDL.

Jaune's Team weren't happy about this, since it's four against 1, while the Servants scowl and glare at Goodwitch. They know why she did that.

Pyrrha: This is unfair! Jaune is facing off against four of them!

Nora: Yeah! Do you think the Professor wants to test his skills against an entire Team?!

Ren: Maybe. Since we've seen his Summons are very powerful. So maybe she wants to test him against a large group of opponents. He was able to beat the pack of Boarbatusks with ease.

Meanwhile, Jaune and his Servants whisper to each other regarding the outcome that was presented to them.

Scáthach: It seems the Professor wants to test our might.

Drake: Yup! And here I thought she will have Master face off the entire Class.

Cu: Please, one Anti-army Noble Phantasm is enough to take them out and this entire Academy in one fatal attack.

Artoria: But still, she is doing whatever it takes to sabotage us, just because Jaune falsified his transcripts for good reason.

Charlemagne: Yes. There was no doubt others have done the same, but for more evil intentions.

Jeanne: Her pride is getting the better of her. Ozpin informed me she is known as the Strongest Huntress in Vale. No doubt her ego and pride will be shattered at the thought of someone who she deems weak became stronger than her.

Astolfo: Ha! She will never reach our level!!

Scáthach: Indeed. But if she wishes to fight any of us. I will be the one to volunteer, I will show her what it means to face a true Warrior.

Cu: She's screwed the minute that fight starts.

Jaune: I hate to break up the conversation. But who do you want me to fuse with in this fight? Cause I have a couple of ideas, but I want yours.

The Servants all looked at each other, to see who will be the one to face Team CRDL, then Scáthach gave out a sinister smile.

Scáthach: Master, I believe I know which Servant to use to show this Fake, who she is messing with.

Artoria has an idea on who the Servant, Scáthach is recommending Jaune to use and knows the opposing Team will get a brutal beatdown.

In the Arena, Team CRDL is all ready with their armor and weapons. They can see at the end of the Arena, Jaune stepping out with only his Student Uniform. Cardin gave out a laugh, seeing Jaune not in his Battle Gear.

Cardin: Kinda cocky to come out in your School Uniform. Don't come crying when you lose, Jauney-Boy.

Jaune: Oh, I already have my armor. It's called my Semblance.

He whips out the Class Card, which is now of the Berserker Class.

Jaune: Install: Berserker.

Since the Servant is not in the room, the process will only be Jaune being engulfed by a bright light. But this time it wasn't, it was a large black mist that engulfs Jaune's entire body. After a few seconds of it, the mist explodes, sending a huge gust of wind in the arena that pushes Team CRDL back a few feet. They look and see Jaune has fused with his Servant, Lancelot (Berserker).

Jaune/Lancelot gave a screeching roar that send shivers down everyone's spines, even Cardin and his Team. But Cardin didn't want to show Jaune that he is afraid and he is going to beat him one way or another.

Goodwitch: Fighters. Are you ready?!

Cardin and his Team nod, while this is Jaune/Lancelot's response.

Jaune/Lancelot: RRRAAAGGGHHHH!!!

Goodwitch had her eye twitch at that and will deal with him later.

Goodwitch: And....begin!!

Cardin starts off the attack by charging at Jaune/Lancelot, who just stands there doing nothing. Cardin smirks thinking Jaune/Lancelot is being cocky and gets into position, Cardin proceeds to swing his Mace towards Jaune/Lancelot and when it made contact with his armor. Jaune/Lancelot didn't budge at all. 

Cardin's eyes were wide eyed, seeing how his attack didn't do anything to Jaune/Lancelot nor move him an inch. Seeing this display, all that Jaune/Lancelot could do was laugh. Which made Cardin pissed as he went for another attack, but Jaune/Lancelot catches the Mace, holding it tight.

Cardin: Hey! Let go, you freak!!

Jaune/Lancelot did let go, but Cardin was met a punch to the face, the attack sent him hurling back towards his Team as they crash to the floor.

That one attack sent Cardin to the yellow as everyone was shocked by the power of just one punch, even Goodwitch herself was speechless. Just how powerful are these Servants to be able to do this much damage?!

They all turn to Jaune/Lancelot who seems to be acting very maniacally in the Arena. A small explosion of mist erupts, as Jaune/Lancelot let's out a piercing scream. All around his body, red energy seems to be emanating out of it. With the wires floating around him, another burst of mist and red energy explodes.

Team CRDL are scared shitless seeing Jaune/Lancelot. They watch as he sprints to Cardin's Mace, grabbing it, everyone notices when Jaune/Lancelot grabbed Cardin's weapon, it turned black with red markings all around it.

Blake: Wait, what's just happened? What did he do to Cardin's weapon?

Artoria: It is an ability that Berserker has in his skills, it allows him to use any weapon he touches and it will serve as his own. In short, once he is in possession of an object that can be considered a weapon, the power of the weapon will be equal to him.

Team RWBY and (J)NPR are shocked by this, they watch as Jaune/Lancelot sprints to Team CRDL, Cardin ordered his Team to attack him and they followed.

The minute Jaune/Lancelot delivers a strike using Cardin's Mace, it sent Dove flying. The hit from the Mace broke parts of his armor off as he crashes to the ground. Jaune/Lancelot blocks an attack from Russel, the Berserker Servant wasn't fazed at all by the attack and delivers a slash that forces Russel back and was immediately with the Mace, sending him out of the Arena and crashes to the wall, an explosion of dust and rubble erupts.

Jaune/Lancelot: RRRAAAGGGHHHHH!!!

He charges at Sky, Sky went in for the attack and failed badly when Jaune/Lancelot hits Sky's sword with his Mace, sending it flying out of the Arena. Jaune/Lancelot grabs Sky in the neck, throwing him in the air. He looks up and waits for Sky to reach his area and jumps to the air, slamming the Mace on Sky's chest, sending him crashing to the ground in an explosion of dust and rubble.

The Students look and see a giant spider crack under Sky as his Aura has been reduced into nothing. Jaune/Lancelot lands in the floor, hearing Dove charging at him from behind. He turns around and throws Cardin's Mace like a boomerang at Doce as it sends him out of the Arena and crashing to the wall, again.

The Mace falls in front of Cardin as he picks it up, he watches as the black paint and red lines around it disappear. He looks at his Mace then back at Jaune/Lancelot who is standing there, staring at him. From there, a huge gust of mist appears around Jaune/Lancelot's right arm as it forms into Lancelot's Sword, Arondight

Ruby: Meh, sword looks very old and basic, the color is horrible, the chains are unnecessary. The weapon could use a gun, probably a rifle or a shotgun. It looks better that way.

Yang smiles and ruffles Ruby's hair at her love for weapons as Ruby smiles back. She was still upset that Jaune's Summons didn't allow them to see their weapons, she hopes this one will.

Although, if they refuse. Yang will just force them to hand them over.

Artoria scowls at Ruby for even thinking a weapon of the Round Table is mediocre to her just because it doesn't have a gun in it or how she heard the Huntsmen call them, basic and old.

Artoria: 'If she says bad comments about Gilgamesh's Gates of Babylon. I don't think there will be anything left of her corpse'

Cardin stands tall, seeing Jaune/Lancelot standing menacingly at him, armed with Arondight, a few growls can be heard from him. Then it happened, Cardin gasps as Jaune/Lancelot charges at him.

Jaune/Lancelot: AAAARRGGGHHHH!!!

Jaune/Lancelot begins his attack by doing an upward sword strike that sends Cardin's arms up in the air with his Mace almost flying off. Jaune/Lancelot proceeds to deliver more swipes and strikes at Cardin, who is struggling from the consecutive attacks. 

Jaune: 'Lancelot, we're done playing around. Let's finish this.'

Lancelot: 'AAARUUGHHH!!'

A kick sent Cardin flying to the edge of the Arena, he was about to get up but sees Jaune/Lancelot sprinting towards him. Jaune/Lancelot jumps to the air, a cloud of dust erupts as he went upwards, he spins in the air, before releasing a downwards slash towards Cardin.

A curvy slash line of purple and dark blue erupts as Jaune/Lancelot slashes it down towards Cardin. An explosion of energy bursts out as well as a shockwave and mist surrounding the blast zone.


All the Students look to see Cardin knocked out, with his armor broken into pieces. They look towards Goodwitch, who is gritting her teeth in anger at Jaune winning this match. She thought pinning him against four Students would defeat him. Unfortunately, she did not hear about what happened in Grimm Studies. Goodwitch notices the looks and announces the winner, begrudgingly.

Goodwitch: The winner of this match is......Jaune Arc..

Jaune's Team cheer at his win, while the Servants gave him a thumbs up.

Goodwitch: You did well, Mr. Arc. I expected you to lose against four Students. Apparently I was wrong to think that, maybe next time I should have the 2nd years fight you.

Jaune/Lancelot: AAARGGHH!!

Goodwitch: Speaking of which, I will have to give you detention for talking to me in such a manner.

Jaune/Lancelot: AARRGGHHH?!?!

Artoria: That won't be necessary.

Everyone watches as the Servants jumped down and gathered around Jaune/Lancelot.

Artoria: The reason for my Master to act like this, is when he is fused with Berserker, he has a skill called Madness Enchantment. This skill prevents Berserker to speak normally and can only resort to grunts, roars, or screams. So when Master is fused with him, this is how he can communicate.

Goodwitch: I see. Fine then, I'll remove the detention I gave to Mr. Arc. But make sure to control that rabid animal, I don't want him making a mess of sorts here.

Lancelot, who was still fused with Jaune, was about to charge at Goodwitch for saying that, but was luckily stopped by Jaune, who prevented him to move. Good thing, he didn't unfuse with Lancelot or else things will get ugly.

Cu: Tch, and she calls herself a Professor.

Drake: Tell me about it.

Scáthach approaches Jaune/Lancelot and whispers something to him.

Scáthach: You put the fear and intimidation in the Students. But you need to show them you mean business. If she leaks your transcripts, you need to show everyone here you are not going to hesitate to kill them if they try anything.

She steps back as Jaune/Lancelot faces the Students, giving a glare that could kill.

Jaune/Lancelot: AAAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!

Jaune/Lancelot gave out a scream that echos out to the hallways as he looks to the Students. They all see him give a glare from the opening on his helmet as it glows red, the mist still engulfing his entire body. That stare sends shivers down their spines. Almost like it's telling them, "If you mess with me, I'll send you to an early grave".

The Students now have a new fear placed in them, and it ain't Grimm. No, it's Jaune Arc and his Servants.

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