Star Wars: The chosen angels...

By Witchofhope37265

382 22 7

I've spent my spiritual life with my family in Mortis, My sister of the light, my brother of the dark, And fa... More

Phantom Menace; Mission to Naboo
Phantom Menace; Jar Jar, the underwater city, and the core
Phantom Menace; Rescue and escape from Naboo
Phantom Menace; Tatooine


130 4 4
By Witchofhope37265

Third person's P.O.V:

It was a normal peaceful day in the small village in the secluded small island of Scarif. Not until it was suddenly attacked.

Battle droids of all kinds along Separatist ships landed and attacked innocent civilians, destroyed homes, and seem to be on the hunt for something, but no luck.

A woman was running in the forest from the droids chasing and shooting her. A Miraluka. While she holds a baby, about 6 months old, in her arms, crying in fear and grief after seeing the destruction of her home.

She's lost them for the moment, Though she had to keep her little girl safe and away from the danger.

She helped the baby relax by rocking her and humming a lullaby, as it made her sleepy and slept in her arms. She knew what she had to do, and whispered "Goodbye, my baby. I'll always love you." As she kissed her forehead.

And carefully hides her in a gaping yet small enough hole in a tree, tucking her in her blankets all nice and warm.

As the woman now runs off, getting the nearby droids attention, "There!" One of them shouted, as they were shooting and chasing her again, Not realizing she doesn't have her baby.

But she accepts her fate, knowing she's saved her baby, as the droids shot her, and dragged her back to the destroyed village, tasked to interrogate her for answers on the child. But she'll never do it, knowing she'll die by Grievous' claws and sabers.


Till a couple of hours, the Separatists left the village that is now in ruins, ash, and fire, leaving no one in it to live. Leaving Scarif. Not finding the only survivor.

Till about an hour later. Two ships with rings came after jumping from hyper space. In them, rides Jedi masters Kit Fisto, and Qui-gon Jinn.

Qui-gon looked distress at the news that the planet was attacked, but see nothing out of the ordinary on the planet. "I don't understand. We've received news Scarif was attacked, But I sense nothing here." He says in confusion.

"I am as confused as you, Master Qui-gon. Scarif is a neutral planet, Yet the Separatists attacked. But for what reason?" Master Kit asks himself, agreeing with Qui gon.

But then Master kit heard something, Looking at the planet. A melodious call of a girl. Master Qui-gon noticed, seeing his friend looking at the planet curiously, "Master Kit, What is it?" He asked, getting his attention.

"Didn't you hear that?" He questioned in confusion. "Hear what?" He asked back. "A voice, singing. Calling out to me." He says, as he looks back at the planet, feeling that it's there somewhere.

And he was right when he heard the melodic call, "There it is again! It's coming from there." He says, pointing to a tiny section of the planet. Qui-gon looked at it, curious as to what it is as he didn't hear it.

They now go detach their ships from their rings. As they flew off to investigate the call Master Kit's been hearing.

Till R6 beeps, getting his attention as he reports what he's detecting. "A village there was just destroyed?!" He asked in shock not knowing there was one in the little section they were about to investigate.

"This is bad. But, why would they attack here?" Qui-gon questions himself. "Well, we're about to find out soon." Master Kit answers as he now hears the call again, getting close. as he and Qui-gon now land their ships.

"Stay here, R6. and keep your radar on to keep watch for anything." Kit ordered his droid, as he and Qui-gon leave their ships and go into the forest, R6 beeps in agreement keeping his radar antennae out for anything.

"You find what's calling out to you, I'll find evidence if the Separatists truly attacked." Qui-gon suggests. Master Kit nods in agreement, and they split up. Kit in search of what calls to him, As Qui-gon goes to find the village, till he saw smoke rising not too far from where he is, as he goes there.

While on Master Kit's side, he steps on top a log, looking around to find where the voice is, "Where are you? Why do you call out to me?" He asks, though no one is near to hear him. Till he heard the melodic call again, instantly looking to the left, now running that way to follow it.

Master Qui-gon made it to where the smoke was coming from, only to be devastated by the destruction he sees on the entire village, all the stone and wooden houses burnt, smashed, and crushed. small fires, ash, and smoke everywhere along dead bodies of all kinds, lay dead on the ground. He was in disbelief of such destruction, but went there to look for anything that might've survived.

Master Kit was getting close, he could feel it through the force. Though he doesn't seem to be hearing the call. He tried doing the same, and listen carefully if it heard him. But what he hears instead is crying. He looks around stunned, trying to find where it's coming from. Till he notice a dent in a tree, sensing a lifeform in there, hearing the cries.

Master Qui-gon searches around the destroyed village, only to find nothing but the dead. Till he found something, or in other words, someone. Looked to be a Miraluka by her blindfold on her face, dead on the ground with four stab wounds of what appears to be from lightsabers. He was heartbroken at such a sight. Till he heard something mechanical coming.

Master Kit walks to the tree, moving some vines away, and sees a baby girl, crying in the hole of the tree. He could feel her heartbreak and grief, Feeling sympathy for her.

He carefully takes her in his arms, out of the tree. and hold her comfortably, "You poor thing." He says, saddened by the memories he just saw in the baby's mind.

She started to calm down, then felt Master Kit's hand wiping her tears away, She may be a Miraluka, Having no eyeballs, and with her swamp green blindfold on. But the baby can clearly see through the force, somehow seeing color and all.

She sees Master Kit, and smiles, making grabby hands, giggling. Having a connection.

He realizes this, and smiles at the cute gesture. Till their time was cut short as he heard noises of machinery, trees being knock down, blaster fire, and lightsaber deflecting and waving, coming towards him.

He quickly and carefully put the baby Miraluka back in the tree to hide her. "Stay here, little one. I'll be right back." He assures her as he runs off, but now see a spider droid with a small group of battle droids has come, while trying to blast at Master Qui-gon.

He ignites his green lightsaber running over to help him, as the baby Miraluka girl peaks from her hiding spot, seeing the battle.

Then one of the droids asked the one next to him "Uh, what are we here for again?" Then the other one smacked him, "Focus, you idiot! We're here searching for a baby child!" He shouted angerly.

However, the Jedi masters heard him, "They're after a child!?" Master Kit gasped in disbelief, and feel a bit of anger for the separatists for hunting the baby he found all alone.

"Oops." The droid mumbled, "You and your big mouth!" The other droid scolded insultingly. Until Master Qui-gon cuts both their heads off.

The baby girl saw, seeing the droids were funny, she couldn't hold it as she laughs loudly and happily, till a powerful pull was pulsing, the spider droid shaking from the pulse, feeling it's legs shaking and coming apart.

The Jedi masters were confused, But they took the advantage and finished the spider droid off.

Then they heard yelping from the last two battle droids, now seeing them tangled by big and strong vines, lifting them up and then smashed them together, and dropping the now crushed droids.

Master Qui-gon was really confused, till he heard the child's laughter again, Now seeing Master Kit run over to the tree, and picked the baby up from her hiding spot as she giggles.

"Oh, You silly little rascal. So you were the cause of that, weren't you?" He smiled, as he looks at the now destroyed spider droid.

"Master Kit, Who is this little one?" Master Qui-gon asked, leaning to the baby girl in Master Kit's arms, as she giggles noticing him.

"I found her hiding in this tree. and... It seem she's the only survivor of the village. Whoever was calling me must've wanted me to find her." Master Kit explains as the baby grabs his finger, having him smile.

"It seems so. Yet, I've discovered another Miraluka in the destroyed village, a woman, and she was killed. Stabbed by what appears to be lightsabers on her body." Master Qui-gon reveals, saddened by the sight.

Till the baby started crying, hearing such news "Oh dear. General Grievous must be the cause. and she must be the little one's mother if she's crying with such sadness." Master Kit says, with saddened eyes on the crying baby, sensing her heartbreak and grief getting worse.

"But I don't understand why they would go after the child. General Grievous would never go on a hunt for a baby youngling like this." Master Qui-gon thought, "Neither do I. But if he still is, We must get this little one out of here, if they are to return for her." Master Kit suggests, looking at the crying baby, as the blanket around her now tilts, showing some of her hair that is mostly silver but noticed only a second of opal like color till it was gone.

And the baby cries louder, sensing something, as R6 contacted Master Kit on his wrist comm, warning him of an incoming signal. "A separatist ship!? That was fast. But we must hurry!" Master Kit quickly exclaims.

They quickly run to their ships, and hop on and start flying, trying to avoid the now appeared ship and sent droids firing at them.

As the baby was still crying, Master Kit tried to calm her down, "Sshhh, It's okay, Little one. Don't worry, You're safe with us. We'll get you out of here. I promise." He reassures her.

She starts to calm down, looking at him as she stops crying. Then they made it to their rings, making a quick escape to hyper space, on their way back to Coruscant.

The baby looks from the window, in awe of the beautiful lights of hyper space, squealing happily as she reaches her hands out to reach the pretty lights. Master Qui-gon notices, "Master Kit, is she... truly seeing hyper space?" he asks in disbelief.

"It seems so, The force is very strong with her. If it weren't for her, we would've been shot down by either one of those droids." He says, looking at the happy baby on her lap with a smile, as his arm holds her gently and caringly.


They've made it to Coruscant, and were now on their way to the temple. as they go, they were met with Master Qui-gon's padawan, Obi-wan Kenobi.

"Master! Master Kit! You're back! What happened out there?" He asks, seeing the Jedi masters safe, and concerned yet curious on what happened on Scarif.

As Master Kit's Padawan, Nahdar Vebb, came and noticed them as well. Then he noticed the baby girl in his master's arms, "Master, Who's this little one?" He asked as he leans down to look at her, She notices him and giggled, touching his nose.

He was surprised and chuckled, feeling the baby's happiness, along his master and the others. "I found this little one on Scarif. And I'm afraid she's the only survivor of her village. Attacked by the separatists." Master Kit explains.

"Yet we sense she is very strong with the force, which could be why they have gone after her." Master Qui-gon added. "So, You're to discuss with the council about this and keep her safe?" Obi-wan guesses, earning a nod 'yes' from his master.

Nahdar gentle takes the baby girl's hand off his nose and smiles, "Well, best not keep them waiting. I'm sure we'll help her in anyway we can." He says, as he looks at the baby girl with a caring smile as she giggles.

Master Kit was proud of the kindness his padawan was showing to the child, and then the Jedi masters were on their way to the council room. There sit most of the Jedi masters, Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, and others that're only blue holograms.

They noticed the two Jedi's return with their Padawans with them, along the baby guest in Master Kit's arms.

"Master Kit, Who is the youngling?" Master Mace asked, looking at the baby curiously, yet shows no emotion. The baby noticed him, and till her head curiously, yet a sense of concern for him. Mace felt it, but gave her a reassuring smile he's okay. And that helped her be at ease.

"She's a survivor of Scarif. Her whole village, along all the civilians were killed by the Separatists. They came for her. While we were fighting off what remains of the battle droids. The force reacted strongly within her when she thought the droids were funny." Master Qui-gon revealed, yet smiling at the droid battle part, looking at the baby who laughed.

"She saved our lives as her positive laughter made the force disassemble the spider droid. It was unlike anything we've ever seen." Master Kit smiled, as he looks at the child, smiling at him.

Yoda chuckled, "Clueless yet funny, the battle droids are. Caring yet strong, the youngling is." He smiles, as the baby chuckles with him.

Obi-wan and Nahdar smile at the baby's positivity spreading in the atmosphere, even, mostly, all of the council felt it.

"Hm, What you say is true, Master Kit and Qui-gon. Yet I now see that general Grievous, the Jedi hunter, was there. I could see it through the youngling's memory." Shaak Ti says, frowning sadly at the fate she has seen of the baby's village, the people, and her mother's sacrifice.

The baby heard, and was almost about to cry. However, Master Kit hugs her close, comforting the child, The council seemed surprised by his caring affection for the child, "If I may. perhaps I could adopt her, and have her as another padawan." He asks, as he gently strokes the baby's head.

Everyone was surprised by his request, "But, Master! Won't that be against the code?" Nahdar asked in confused concern, not just for his master, but for the child as well.

"Yes, that's true." Master Mace nods to Nahdar's question, but looks at the girl closely. "However, I sense this girl has a pure and balanced soul. Though she's too young, she's held on for this long." He adds.

"Connect to each other, you have with the child, Master Kit. Sever it, we cannot. Adopt her, you shall. Reached into our hearts, the pure girl has." Yoda smiled in agreement. Master Kit and his friends were happy, along his padawan. "But curious, I am. On what name, should the child have?" Yoda asks, as he looks at the baby girl.

The child heard, and was trying to pull on her blanket wrapped around her. Master Kit and other seemed confused, Till Obi-wan now realized what she's doing, "I think she wants to show us something on her blanket somewhere." He says, earning the baby happy chuckle.

Master Kit understood, and helped get the blanket off, showing her baby sized green robe dress on her, as he holds the blanket, now seeing what appears to be writing on the blanket. "Something is thread written on it." He says as he passes it to Qui-gon, he takes it and reads it.

"What does it say, Master Qui-gon?" Master Plo asked. "It's a very ancient language, but I think I know what it says. 'Brielle'." He answers, looking at the child, as she laughs happily and claps her hands.

"Brielle..." Master Kit repeated, getting the girl's attention with a smile. "It's a wonderful name." He smiles, stroking her head. His and Qui-gon's padawans walk over to him, and smile at the baby, "Welcome home, Little Brielle." Obi-wan smiled, as Nahdar did as well.


And so, the child Brielle now has been given a wonderful and inner peaceful life, with her father, his padawan, and all of the Jedi Council.

As Brielle Fisto.

For her journey, as the found chosen one, The Protector, has just begun. and in her heart, in search of her Knight.

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