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Por theGr33dy

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411 23 5
Por theGr33dy

At the Salvatore Boarding House Stefan was sleeping peacefully in the living room that is until his book fell from his lap to the floor. Opening his eyes he looked slightly dazed but picking up the book placed it on the table. However he sensed something suddenly. A weird feeling, like a presence in the house. Quiet noises followed it, making the vampire stand up and look around carefully but decided to call out to his brother in case he was up to something again.


He continued to look, and the further disturbance caught his attention until suddenly he was pushed down the ground by a powerful force, he looked alarmed until he recognised the blonde vampire on top of him baring her fangs.

"Lexi!?" the girl changed back her face and gave a warm and happy smile to Stefan:


"What are you doing here?"

"How could you even ask that?" asked Lexi and pulling up Stefan hugged him tightly.

"I missed you" smiled Stefan and hugged her back tightly, but once they separated Lexi looked at him with a big grin.

"Happy Birthday."

As the sun was coming up shortly they went up to Stefan rooms where they had a long conversation on things that have happened. Lexi was more interested in the recent ones, which was also a shock when she heard about the shootings.

"Stop. I don't know, some freak shot at me with wooden bullets. I bail in under sixty. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires?"

"I don't know who knows about us. That guy did. There could be others. Do me a favour, while you're here, please be careful."

"Why stay?" asked Lexi getting up from the bed but she turned excited as she faced Stefan. "I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the Garden. "Wanted dead or alive", it's our theme song. It'll be a blast."

"Do you think he would actually remember us? That was a pretty crazy weekend huh?"

"We can make him remember us. Come on! Let's go. I mean, what's keeping you here?"

"I told you, their names are Elena and Elio."

"Let's hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over" teased Lexi and she held up a photo of Katherine only for Stefan to snatch it away and take it back to its place.

"You didn't even know Katherine."

"Cause if I did I'd kick her ass... of course not with Sebastian around he was way too ancient to try on. Never understood his role in all of this... must have been Katherine. Little bitch. Speaking of... where's Damon?"

"Inflicting misery somewhere. You gonna be okay here alone? 'Cause I got some things I gotta take care of."

"It's not exactly like I can go anywhere. And you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings. I have a mood ring from '75! Trade ya?"

" Doesn't work that way and you know it."


"Hey Lex. I'm really glad that you came here."

"What are we doing for your birthday? It's not everyday a guy turns a hundred and sixty-two years old."

"Really?" groaned Stefan.

"Oh yeah."

Sheriff Forbes was questioning Elena, Elio, Stefan, Matt and Jeremy over Vicki's disappearance. It all seemed so confused and yet straightforward.

"Where did Vicki say she was going?"

"She didn't" answered Jeremy.

"Did she tell her brother where she was going?"

"No she didn't say anything to me" answered Matt the moment he got the question. "She told Jeremy to tell me that she was leaving town."

"Is there anyone I can talk to that may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town?"

"Stefan Salvatore may know. He came by the house to see her but she wouldn't talk to him."

"What was he doing there?"

"I was trying to help her, I knew that Elena and Elio were worried about their brother, he was dating Vicki and she had a drug problems, so I tried to help."

"So you got involved because the twins asked you to?"

"We asked Stefan to help" responded Elena while exchanging a look with Elio. "We thought that, by helping Vicki, he was helping our brother."

"What was her behaviour like those last few days before she left?"

"Up and down, very sketchy, like she was coming down from some major partying" recalled Matt thinking back on the events before Vicki's departure.

"Any signs of aggression or violence?"

"None that I remember."


"No" came the collective answer from everyone.

"So you believe Vicki really has left town?"




"I'll miss her but.... I think it's for the best" spoke Jeremy and once his hearing was done he left and waited for all the others to go through the same questions.

Stefan was waiting in front of the sheriff's office. Matt exited the building and walked past Stefan without saying a word or looking at him, however the boy felt inclined to  call after him.

"I was trying to help her Matt. That's all."

Matt however did not look back, he kept walking and left. Stefan looked after him until he heard the door open and saw Jeremy and Jenna exit, behind them Elena and Elio came. Elena noticing Stefan exchanged a look with Elio and for a moment they were looking at each other with challenging looks but then he gave up and addressed Jeremy and Jenna.

"Let's go gang, Elena will meet us at the car."

"Ok" agreed Jenna and the three of them walked away.

Stefan waited for a moment and once they were out of earshot looked at Elena with a concerned look.

"You okay?"

"I don't think the Sheriff suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know."

"Thank you."

"I can't do this Stefan. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that Vicki is never gonna come back. And they'll never know why. Around you people get hurt and people die. I can't I just... it's just too much..."

"Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it."

"No, Stefan you have to stay away from me."

Going back home Elena sat on the sofa while Jeremy collected his things and put them on the kitchen table which surprised Elio at first but remained silent. Seeing him study he got his bag out and handed something to Jeremy who looked surprised but taking the folder opened it and it was full of schedules and plans, study tips and cards.

"See if you find anything that helps."

"Thanks, I'm really behind."

"You'll get there. If you need anything let me know."

Walking away from the table he sat on the sofa and opening a book he continued reading his book until Jenna joined the twins and without looking at Elena commented.

"You're wallowing."

"So are you."

"My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped" pouted Jenna which made Elio lower the book and turn to her.

"Logan's a jerk, Jenna. Best to just forget about him."

"You didn't get a brush-off e-mail say: "I'm leaving town. See ya.""

"Wanna keep it down over there?" interrupted Jeremy making Jenna and Elena turn around in confusion while Elio leaned back and continued to read in silence.

"Why? What are you doing?" asked Jenna intrigued.


Both Jenna and Elena sat up a bit more and looking at Jeremy Elena was the first one to question her little brother.

"Since when do you do homework?"

"I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so..."

Elena and Jenna shared surprised glances and they looked at Elio who just shrugged with a proud smile and continued to read.

"What do you think? Alien?" asked Elena her aunt who responded with he same energy.

"Some sort of replicant."

"He can hear you."

Elena seemed confused but then Jenna decided to get on with things and to leave Jeremy studying Elena went upstairs as well. Elio looked upstairs and he began thinking for a moment, but then he got up and going over to the phone dialled a number.

"Hi Miss Sheila, this is Elio... it's lovely to talk to you as well. Is Bonnie with you? ... Amazing. Would it be okay for me to come over for a bit? Just want to talk to her and... you of course... that's great, I'll be there shortly" hanging up the phone he looked into he kitchen and addressed Jeremy. "I'll be back shortly."


Going outside he got into his car and driving away stopped at Sheila Bennett's house, walking in there knocked on the door and the woman opening the door smiled at him knowingly.

"Hello my dear, it's great to see you again."

"And you Miss Sheila" smiled Elio and walked into he house with a smile on his face but that also made him realise something: of all times he went over Grams never once "invited" him in. "I see you're very careful with formal invitation."

"As we all should be" smiled the older woman and pointed towards the living room. "Bonnie is in there reading."

"Elio!" smiled Bonnie and closing the book got up to hug Elio, the two hugged for a moment but as they separated she looked slightly confused. "What's going on?"

"I was hoping you could come over at some point... Elena needs her best friend."

"What happened?"

"Oh you know. Usual. Boy troubles" smiled Elio. "I see you have that necklace after all."

"Yeah I decided to keep it" smiled Bonnie.

Elio reached for it and Bonnie was about to warn him when upon impact nothing happened.

Grams watched with great interest how the necklace allowed Elio to touch it, as it should have been impossible by anyone but a Bennett witch... unless there was a reason for it.

"I have this odd feeling I saw this before" explained Elio looking at it. "I can't tell you when which is weird..."

"Perhaps another life" smiled Grams and walking closer offered him tea. "Come and sit and tell us what you're here for. Cannot be just your sister."

" Yeah..." smiled Elio and taking the tea sat down next to Bonnie and looking at Sheila he began talking quietly. "I was hoping you could tell me about one of your ancestors... Emily Bennett?"

Bonnie looked shocked and while Sheila's eyes widened for a moment she smiled at Elio.

"Why the curiosity? We have many ancestors."

"She lived here in the 19th century around the time our town was founded. It's more of a curiosity for me because of the journal of my ancestor who lived here around the time she did. Jonathan Gilbert regarded Emily with grate respect... even in the days he was a little... off the racks."

"Are you here to confirm a theory Mr Gilbert?" asked Sheila politely but her smile was still warm. "You're a smart young man, but knowledge can be a powerful tool. It can be your downfall very easily."

"Trust me, I know" smiled Elio and he looked at Sheila who smiled and spoke gently.

"Then you know this, that there are secrets that are kept to be as such. This is the only way to protect ourselves. We will look after our own. Not be dragged down by the darkness."

"I understand" nodded Elio gently and slowly getting up put his teacup down. "And a secret will remain a secret until it's actually uttered. Don't worry miss Sheila, I'll be careful."

"What's going on?" asked Bonnie confused. "Are you two rehearsing something? I never heard you speak like that Elio."

"I like keeping you on your toes" winked Elio which earned a groan from Bonnie but smiling at her he decided to leave. "I hope you come around, Elena could use your help. It was lovely to see you Miss Sheila."

"Let me walk you out" offered Grams and walking to the door stood there for a moment but spoke gently to Elio. "Please be careful... if you know of Emily then also know this: she was powerful. And I have a feeling she has plans with you."

"Plans? What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure... but the fact you could touch her talisman means she is watching you. Be careful Elio, I sense a great storm coming. We better prepare for it."

Bonnie enter Elena's room only to see her best friend lying down in her bed with a sad look on her face.

"You up?"

"No" pouted Elena and pulling the blanket over her head turned away, which made Bonnie walk over and attempted to pull the covers off Elena's head. "No, no!"

"Why haven't you called me back?" snapped Bonnie as she finally got the blanket off.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you gonna stay in there forever?"


"Move over" smiled Bonnie and as Elena moved to the side she climbed in and looking at her with a worried look addressed her best friend gently. "I'm officially worried. What's going on?"

"I'm tired of thinking... of talking I—"

"Can I get a one-line version so I can at least pretend to be helpful?"

"Stefan and I broke up."

"I'm so sorry. Elio mentioned you have boy troubles, but I never thought... Are you okay? Right stupid question. I know I've been kind of MIA when you need me the most. I suck."

"You wanna make it up to me. Get my mind off of it."

"Just remember you asked for it" smiled Bonnie with a small mischievous smile and getting up closed the window and grabbed one of Elena's pillows.

She ripped it and emptied it of the feathers which made Elena look shocked and exclaimed immediately.


"Be patient" reassured Bonnie which made Elena sit back and wait. "I need to swear you to secrecy."

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff."

"Swear, because I'm not supposed to be showing you this."

"OK, I swear."

"There's no windows open, right?" asked Bonnie excitedly.


"There's no fan. No air conditioning."

"None. What are you doing?"

"Grams just showed me this. You're gonna love it. You ready?"

"Bonnie what's going on?"

Instead of answering Bonnie smiled and moving her hand levitated a feather in front of Elena. The girl gasped in excitement and just when she thought that was it, Bonnie levitated several more. Elena watched on with shock and amazement until Bonnie began to explain gently and quietly.

"It's true Elena. Everything my Grams told me. It's impossible and it's true. I'm a witch."

"I believe you" exclaimed Elena with a smile and looked at her best friend.

"It's weird huh? After all these times joking about being psychic. I really am a witch. You don't think I'm a freak now, do you?"

"No of course not. Bonnie I just... don't understand though. If your Grams asked you to keep all this a secret, why did you tell me?"

"You're my best friend. I can't keep secrets from you!" responded Bonnie excitedly but that only made Elena feel even more guilty.

At the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan finally had time to properly catch up with Lexi. After returning from the Sheriff's office the two old best friends finally had nothing to worry about.

"So this Elena girl. She'll come around. I'm sure of it. Have you had sex yet?"

"No" denied Stefan immediately earning a tired sigh from Lexi.

"Sex always works. I mean you'll rock her world so hard with your vamp sex, she'll be yours forever."

"Yeah, but see, this isn't about sex or... or compulsion or any of our other tricks. She has to want to be with me on her own terms."

"Wow. That sounded all mature and grown-up."

"I'm not getting any older" teased Stefan only to earn an unimpressed look from the girl who opened up a suitcase and taking out a blood bag took a sip from it.

"Want some?"

"No. Thank you" refused Stefan and getting up walked away from her, standing at the door kept his distance and his disapproval was sitting right on his face.

"Relax I didn't kill anyone for it. This phlebotomist I went out with a few times, he's my supplier" argued Lexi however seeing Stefan's expression continued. "Oh don't judge, ok? Listen I tried the animal diet; lasted three weeks."

"It doesn't matter. Cause if I started again... I just don't know if..."

"You could stop."

"Lexi, I'd never judge you."

"I'm just jealous of your restraint. I have none. I delight in hedonism. Speaking of which, what are we doing tonight?"

"Funny you should ask" came the voice of Damon to which Lexi loudly let out an exasperated sigh while Stefan just rolled his eyes.

"Well I wasn't asking you."

"There's a party at the Grill. You'll love it. Banquettes. Tacky wait staff. All of Stefan's friends."

"Yeah, I don't want a Birthday party" disagreed Stefan quickly, the whole idea just sent chills down his spine.

"Well, It's not for you. It's a part-party. No one's gonna know it's your birthday. Caroline's throwing it."

"Damon, stay away from Caroline."

"We're friends it's cool. It's important for the town to see us out and about like normal folk. We need to blend" pushed Damon but the he looked at Lexi's stock of blood. "I prefer mine at 98.6."

Lexi did not comment on it just waited and the moment Damon left she turned to Stefan with her eyes full of excitement. 

"Let's go. Please?"

Stefan remained silent and after a loud sigh he just shook his head but agreed to it. Lexi squealed excitedly and dragging Stefan upstairs they both began to get ready. Lexi was first to shower while Stefan walked to his table and looking at the picture of Katherine stared at it for a bit until he slowly walked to the shelf and taking down a book opened it and opening it found another picture: the young boy had the brightest smile on his face yet remained serious enough for a portrait. His curly hair was somewhat organised, and his clothes indicated nobility. He kept looking at it but then as he looked at the bracelet on his hand let out a sigh and put it down next to Katherine's. Looking at the name he just spoke gently as he read it aloud.

"Sebastian Monroe..."

As the bathroom door opened he turned it downwards and looking at Lexi the girl gave him a big smile.

"I'm almost ready."

"I can't believe you actually think that we should go to this thing."

"It's not like I'm asking you to run outside midday without your ring. I mean, seriously, it's a party."

"A party that Damon wants us to go to, you know? So my question is why? I think he's up to something."

"Who cares? What can he possibly of all those people in a public place?"

"He knows how to keep a low profile, believe me."

"Okay so he'll behave. Come on. One day a year I get you, one day that you're not brooding and existing in your own head."

"It's my day. And that guy that jump naked in the Trevi fountain and got drunk on the torch of the statue of Liberty, that guy can take a break from all of his worrying for one night and go to a stupid party. So quit your whining " ordered Lexi and smacked Stefan's bum "and go get ready."

"Fine" gave in Stefan and clapped his hands together.

Unbeknownst to them Elena drove to the Boarding House, walking to the front door he knocked on it but to her surprise instead of it opening up a female voice rang through.

"It's open! Come on in" Elena looked confused but regardless she entered the house and walking in towards the living room searched for anyone present until she turned to the side and an unfamiliar person approached her.

Lexi walked towards her but the moment Elena turned to her she recognised her as Katherine and stopped in shock, she could not believe it.

"Oh my God! How... uh— wh— ...Who?"

"I'm Elena. Who are you?"

"Lexi, a friend of Stefan's."

"Is he here?"

"He's in the shower. Do you want to wait?"


"I'll tell him you stopped by."

"That's okay" responded Elena and left, still slightly in shock, the scene in front of her painted a picture that she did not expected. Stefan sleeping with someone else...

While she left and getting into her car went home, Lexi stormed upstairs ready to punch Stefan across the face.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I just met Elena" explained Lexi and picking up Katherine's picture held it up for Stefan. "You've some serious explaining to do."

"Alright... let's just get dressed and I can explain it..."

Lexi gave him the judgmental eyes but regardless they got dressed. While she was sitting on his bed putting make up on decided to comment once again.

"You have some serious emotional damage."

"No, it's not what you think. She's not Katherine."

"Then they're related, 'cause they can be twins."

"I don't know."

"You don't know or you didn't find out?"

"No. Maybe. I don't want to know. I have no desire to tie Elena to Katherine" Stefan saw Lexi's expression which made him roll his eyes and sigh. "Ok yes, yes the resemblance is what drew me in. But that's it. Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside but on the inside they are completely different."

"So Elena is not a raging bitch then, huh?"

"No. Elena is... Elena's warm and she's... she's kind, and she's caring, and she's selfless, and it's real. And honestly when I'm around her, I... I completely forget what I am."

"Oh my god! You're in love with her."

"Yeah. Yeah, I am... but if we are being completely honest there is one more thing I need to tell you in case he turns up."

"Who turns up?" asked Lexi confused and looking at Stefan watched him walk to the table and hand her a picture. "That's not possible.... Sebastian died, the whole community was shook by it."

"I know. The person I'm talking about is Elena's twin brother. Elio."

"They also look alike?"

"Not just look alike" sighed Stefan. "Elio is..." began Stefan however he stopped as a familiar voice rang through the house.


"... is here" finished Stefan and began walking but this time around Lexi went with him.

As he got downstairs he found Elio standing in the parlour looking around with a gift bag in his hand. Turning around a big smile appeared on his face and Stefan noticed that he was also ready to go out.

"Elio, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't talk to you earlier and after my sister's visit I thought it's best if I come around" explained Elio and walked closer to Stefan and handed him the bag. "Happy Birthday Stef."

"Oh... thank you..." responded Stefan shocked and taking the bag looked into it but as Elio looked up he noticed a girl stand behind Stefan, she looked at him with shock and sadness.

"Hi, I'm Elio... you must be towel girl" teased Elio with a  warm smile which made Lexi swallow a tear and forcing herself smiled at the boy.

"I like this one Stefan; I'm surprised we are only meeting. I'm Lexi."

"Hi" walking closer Elio gave her a quick hug but Lexi was taken back as the sensation ran through her.

"You're Elena's twin brother, right?" asked Lexi immediately and once Elio let go of her he just nodded with a  bright smile.

"Correct. I'll admit she was quick to jump to conclusions... I was hoping that you'd step by Stefan and... maybe explain it to her?"

"Yeah... Absolutely."

"I was also hoping that you and you as well Lexi, would come to the Grill tonight? Caroline is throwing a party and I thought we could celebrate your birthday Stefan but not tell people either."

"I really, really like this one!" exclaimed Lexi. "How do you feel about Bon Jovi?"

"Love the man" announced Elio without hesitation. "I never had the chance to see him perform live but if I could...."

"Maybe I steal this one for the weekend" teased Lexi.

"You are going to see him?" asked Elio surprised but then he thought for a moment and looking at Stefan addressed him. "You two go way back, right?"

"Correct" smiled Stefan and pulled the gift bag closer.

"That explains how you can do that so easily. Sorry about the hug I only suspected that you're vampire but wasn't sure."

"Don't worry about it" smiled Lexi. "I see you know as well."

"Yeah" smiled Elio. "Not the easiest of secrets but we are managing. Anyway, is that a yes for tonight?"

"Count on it" reassured Lexi wrapping an arm around Stefan. "Once the sun is down, we will be there."

"Great" smiled Elio and turning to Stefan looked at him gently. "Happy birthday Stefan... not everyday someone turns a 162."

Lexi began laughing as Elio left and once the door closed she turned to Stefan but did not say a  word, watched him take out a little box and opening it up it was a drawing and a medal that made Stefan speechless. Lexi walked closer and looking at it the picture was of Stefan Elio and Elena all of them with a happy smile on.

"He is talented" commented Lexi. "He even managed to imagine what your happy face looks like."

"Lexi" sighed Stefan but Lexi just laughed for a bit but then turned to her best friend.

"I get it... unlike with Elena... it felt like I was talking to Sebastian. Care to explain?"

"I don't know" sighed Stefan. "Katherine and Sebastian weren't blood related. But Elena and Elio are... can we just... uh, not talk about this? It's my birthday after all."

"Got it" reassured Lexi and the two of them returned to get ready.

At the Mystic Grill Caroline looked around with a proud face watching the amount of people present and how everyone seemed to have a good time. She observed for a little longer but as she noticed Damon at the bar she rushed toward him.

"Amazing party right?"

"Glad you thought of it."

"Well, are you having a good time?"

"Do you have my crystal?"

"No" responded Caroline confused to which Damon just gave her a look before continuing with a condescending tone.

"Then I'm not having a good time" noticing Lexi enter the Grill he got up and left Caroline to go over to her. "Where's my brother?"

"He said he'd meet me here."

"Buy you a— "began Damon however Lexi walked away from him without a word.

At the Gilbert residence Elio was rapidly getting ready when they heard knocks on the front door, Elio looked out for a moment and called to Elena.

"Can you open the door? I'm still getting ready."

"Yeah, on it" smiled Elena and walking downstairs opened the door only to find Stefan on the porch.


"What are you doing here?"

"Lexi said that you came by and you seemed upset."

"Right. The girl in the towel."

"The towel?... Oh no no no no not like that, she's not exactly a girl—Lexi's just 350 years old."

"You mean she's a..."

"And she's my oldest friend. Nothing romantic. Ever."

"Oh, okay, well... she kept staring at me. It was weird."

"Yeah well I've talked about you a lot so... I guess she felt like she knew you. So why'd you come by?"

"I-uh... it was a mistake."

"Elena talk to me."

"I can't. Stefan I can't, and that's the problem. I'm keeping all these secrets from everyone. I can't even tell my best friend. Do you know how hard that is? It's like I need to talk to someone but the only person I can talk to is you my twin brother who is just as deep in it as I am and... you."

"I want you to know that I will always be here for you. You can come to me about anything okay?"

"Well, thank you for coming by."

"Hey, do you need a ride to the grill tonight?" asked Stefan changing the subject.

"Are you going to Caroline's party?"

"Lexi's dragging me and... it's my birthday. Elio invited us to celebrate it so..."

"Really? Wow- um, happy birthday then."

"Thank you."

"Actually I— I think I'm gonna stay in tonight."

"Well have a... have a good night."

"Stefan!" came the voice of Elio which made them turn to him as he walked down the stairs. "Could you give me a ride?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"I'll be out in a second!" promised the boy and Stefan just nodded but walked off the porch which made Elena gave Elio a questioning look. "Which one turns your gears? Me going or the fact I knew it's his birthday?"

"Both, I think. Why didn't you tell me it was his birthday?"

"I thought you knew being his girlfriend and all" teased Elio playfully. "Caroline got all his details on the first day of school so... it was kinda impossible for me not to know. You gotta work on your priorities Lena."

"I know but with everything that happened..."

"I understand" smiled Elio and hugged his sister. "If you change your mind, do join us. Might be good for you to see Stefan when he is with Lexi... she is fun to be around you know!"

"You met Lexi?"

"I'm a busy person Elena" winked Elio and began to walk out. "Hope to see ya later!"

Elio closed the door after him and walking to Stefan smiled at him which made Elio roll his eyes then speak gently.

"Not a word, I know you heard everything."

"Well, it's hard not to. Me being a vampire and all."

"Alright smart-ass" teased Elio. "You get a pass since it's your birthday."

At the Mystic Grill people having fun and it seemed the night was going to be a blast. With everything Damon has been telling her, the moment Caroline saw Bonnie, the blonde approached the Bennett with a smile.

"Bonnie I've been looking for you. I'm totally sorry to do this I know it's so Indian giver and I know we're not even supposed to say that anymore but I need my crystal back."

"Why? You said you hated it."

"Then I saw it on you and I realize how great it is, and I've got three outfits I can coordinate it with so..."

"I can't give it back to you."

"Well, I didn't want to tell you this but I'm your friend, when you wear it makes you look fat. There I said it, but it's because I'm your friend so..."

"I'm sorry Caroline, I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Bonnie it's mine."

"I thought you said it was Damon's."

"It is."

"So he's the one who really wants it back."

"No. Maybe, just..." began Caroline and tried to snatch the crystal off of Bonnie but the moment her hand made contact with it the pendant shocked her. "Are you wearing polyester?"

"You were really gonna pull it from my neck. What the hell is wrong with you?" asked Bonnie and walked away from her which made Caroline groan in frustration.

Just then Stefan and Elio entered the Grill, Matt walked past them which made the vampire call after him immediately hoping to clear things up.

"Matt, just hear me out please. I was just trying to help Vicki. I went through something similar once, I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. It's not the first time she's run off. Turns out Vicki's just like our mother; I can't count on either of them. Thanks for trying."

Matt walked away and Stefan turned to Elio who let out a sigh and leaning closer spoke into his ear.

"Matt's mum does this a lot, she is currently off with her newest boyfriend somewhere and left Matt and Vicki alone. "

"That's tough..."

"Yeah" agreed Elio. "Now come on, I think I found Lexi."

Grabbing Stefan's hand dragged him across the room, not realising the few looks that they received, among them was Stefan who seemed to be caught off guard. Damon saw this as well and he seemed to get a little furious, but his mind was set on another mission in that moment so decided to turn away from them and approached Caroline.

"Where is it?"

"Bonnie won't give it to me."

"So rip it off her neck."

"I tried. It shocked me."

"Damn it! Why does it do that? I need that crystal."

"Why are you being like this? I'm so good to you and I'd do anything. It's just some stupid necklace."

"No, you are the only stupid thing here. And shallow. And useless."

Caroline looked sad and broken, looking around she wasn't sure what to do. She saw Elio on the dance floor with Lexi and Stefan and while Elio and Lexi was dancing Stefan not so much. But for some reason that scene just made her heart clench and turning away walked to another part of the Grill.

"Okay, I'm gonna need a little more foot movement" spoke Lexi looking at Stefan.

"Yeah, not really interested in making a fool out of myself."

"Come on, you're not that bad!" encouraged Elio to which Stefan just smiled and leaning closer addressed the two.

"Do me a favour. Tell me if you see Damon with his camera phone."

"Right" nodded Lexi.

"If I see Damon I might do a little more than that" sassed Elio to which Lexi's eyes filled with excitement.

"Disliking Damon! Another beautiful sentiment to bond over. Come on, spill."

"It's nothing that serious..."

"Hold on, give me a second" spoke Lexi and rushed away to the bar leaving Stefan and Elio by themselves.

Elio gave the vampire  bright smile which only made Stefan smile even more. Stefan couldn't explain but Elio's smile was addictive, and he couldn't stop himself from smiling at it.

"Why don't we snatch a pool table?" offered Elio immediately which made Stefan let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you... dancing isn't my favourite."

"Yeah I did get that... but one of these days you'll have to show some iconic moves."

"What do you mean?" asked Stefan as they approached a free pool table.

"We do have decade dances at school, you'll have to join us on them for sure."

"Are these mandatory?"

"Me and Caroline are the ones organising it. You'll get special invitation" teased Elio and stuck his tongue out but then pointed at the pool table. "Now I am inclined to say that any vampire tricks are prohibited against me."

"Don't worry you get a handicap" winked Stefan playfully which made Elio squint his eyes but Lexi finally arrived levelling the playing field.

"Me and Elio are a pair, we can easily whoop your butt."

"I like her" announced Elio and took a shot glass from her. "Such a shame we don't get to see you more often."

"You see, perks of a vampire: you can go anywhere" smiled Lexi and clinked his glass with Elio, once they both down the shot the blonde leaned closer. "So tell me, what is the latest crime of Damon Salvatore that had your little angelic face frown."

"Damn" exclaimed Elio with a smile and turned to Stefan. "Little miss charmer over here playing big games Stef!"

"Careful Lexi, Elio isn't the best at holding his liquor."

"So rude..." commented Elio with a smile. "Just wait till it's no longer your birthday. Anyway... back to you Lexi."


"You see that guy over there? Blonde, skinny, cute features?"

"Oh yes. The one with the blue top?"

"Yup, I used to date him... we were together for a while."

"And now you're not?"

"No, after what happened to my parents everything just lost its course, and a relationship wasn't something I needed or could maintain. So we broke up. But a while ago during Halloween... we both had a little too much to drink and kind of... made out."

"You are bad!" laughed Lexi. "So how come you're not with him now?"

"Damon made him forget we made out."

"Ah that jealous little punk" sighed Lexi. "Do you want to make out with him again?"

"No, but I'm not happy Damon took that from me. Wasn't his call."

"Got it. Well I'm sure you'll find someone better."

"Someone did predict for me that I'll meet someone from my past with a great shadow so I kinda thought it had to be an ex... Apart from that I have no idea who could it be."

Stefan looked up and exchanging a knowing look with Lexi the girl was quick to ease it all up.

"Well maybe you had a lover in a past life that you're destined to meet with again. You never know."

"If only it was that easy" laughed Elio and turned to the table. "Mind if I break?"

"I'll get more shots!" announced Lexi with a  happy smile and left Elio alone with Stefan. 

They were playing and Stefan seemed to relax, when Lexi came back they had another shot together and continued to play, Lexi helping Elio when he seemed to be losing , but that only earned a laugh from Stefan.

Elena arrived not long after and seeing her twin with Stefan and Lexi made her a little envious but then she noticed something else: Stefan having a great time with Lexi. The sight of that made her smile and keep an eye on them. Even Elio was loose and laughing like nothing really threatened their lives. He was just like... before the accident. She looked at them with a  fond smile until someone approached her and hearing his voice she came back to reality quickly. 

"Stefan smiles. Alert the media."

"You haven't given him a lot of reasons to be happy lately."

"Oh, you're right. Poor Stefan persecuted throughout eternity by his depraved brother; does it get tiring being so righteous?"

"It flares up in the presence of psychopaths" countered Elena and began to walk away to which Damon called after her.

"Ouch! Well, consider this psychopath's feelings get hurt."

Elena stopped for a moment as her curiosity was peaked. Jeremy's behaviour was exactly like Elio predicted way before but still, for it to change from one day to another seemed rather unrealistic to her.

"What did you do to my brother?"

"I'm gonna need a less vague question."

"When you did what you did to Jeremy's memory of Vicki, what else did you do to him?"

"You asked me to take away his memory of fangs and all the bad stuff. You wanted me to take away his suffering."

"But he's acting different. He seems okay with everything and a little too okay. I mean he's studying; he's not doing drugs; he's not drinking; are you sure you didn't do something else?"

"Elena, I took away the suffering" repeated Damon but with a tone that it finally made sense to her, and everything Elio was talking about.

Without all the pain and suffering Jeremy felt, he no longer took solace in alcohol or drugs...  only focused on his future and himself.

After their latest exchange Bonnie felt down, even if Grams said to keep the necklace she felt bad and wanted to explain it all to Caroline. Looking for the blonde she managed to run into her.


"Don't talk to me."

"Don't do that, let me explain."

"What is there to explain Bonnie? You got what you wanted... and something that doesn't even belong to you by the way and, I get called a shallow, useless waste of space."

"Who said that to you?"

"Who do you think?"

"You know that not true. Don't let him treat you like that."

"As opposed to how my best friend treats me" scoffed Caroline and walked away from Bonnie leaving her alone and in her thoughts.

Looking around she soon noticed Elio and wanted to approach him but seeing how he was still  laughing with Stefan she stopped herself.

Lexi was at the bar to order more shots for themselves, feeling nostalgic with Elio present and she couldn't explain why... yes she met Sebastian centuries before but she hasn't seen him for over 280 years.  Yet the sensation felt the same.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she was finally able to order, looking at the barman just smiled.

"Three shots of tequila" looking to the side she noticed Elena which made her smile and turn back to the barman. "Make it four."

"I think now is a good time for me to see some ID."

"No you don't" responded Lexi easily and began compelling the barman who suddenly shook himself.

"That'll be—"

"Free!" announced Lexi to which the barman smiled hazily but nodded.

"On the house."

"Thanks!" grinned Lexi and turning away left with the shots and immediately went over to Elena.

Arriving to the table she was standing at she looked at her with a smile and decided to break the ice.

"The famous Elena."

"Towel girl" sassed Elena harmlessly to which Lexi just thought for a moment but the responded with a smile.

"I've been called worse. Here" offering Elena one of the tequila shots she took it but seemed a little surprised.

"I didn't know that you guys could drink."

"Oh yeah, it helps curb the cravings, but makes for a lot of lushy vamps."

"You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. He always seem so..."

"Uptight?" offered Lexi easily.


"Yeah" agreed Lexi with a smile and took her own shot.

"But not with you."

"Well that the benefit of knowing someone for over a hundred years. You can just be yourself."

"Yeah, he can't be himself with me. I mean look how close he is with Elio..."

" Well not yet. The first step was him telling you. The rest comes with time. Elio just... he is going with the flow at the moment we were all starting before you. At the moment the two of them are on the same length. You will get there."

"You seem so sure."

"The love of my life was human. He went through, what I imagine you're going through: denial, anger, et cetera. But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all" she then looked down at the tequila at Elena's hand and indicated to it. "Are you going to drink that?"

"Go for it" smiled Elena to which Lexi took it and downing the shot smiled. "I'm scared."

"But you're here... 'cause you're crazy about him. I get it okay? I mean what's not to love" asked Lexi and the two of them looked over at Stefan again. "Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away."

"Hey Lexi. It was really nice meeting you."

Elena laughed as Lexi drank the other tequila then watched her return to the pool table where Elio and Stefan were still playing. Handing the last shot to Elio the boy smiled and took it without hesitation, however seeing Stefan's look Lexi shrugged easily.

"Yep, I drank yours, sorry."

"Thank you" smiled Stefan which surprised Elio but simply keeping an eye on them pretended to play.

"You weren't supposed to be listening. I was feeling epic, whatever."

Stefan looked over at Elena and seeing his face Elio smiled brightly but then his eye caught someone looking at him.

"Guys?" asked Elio but not turning away, which made Lexi notice who he was looking at. "I'll be back in a bit..."

"You sure about that?" asked Lexi curiously, but Elio just gave her a significant look then as he indicated to Stefan Lexi gave him a thumbs up.

Walking over to Dan Elio had a smile on his face and the moment he got there he downed his shot then looked Dan in the eye.

"Hi Dan."

"Hi... I did not think you'd come over..."

"Well, I had a few shots.... And I couldn't not notice you staring at me. What's up?"

"It's so awkward and it makes me feel horrible..." whispered Dan and pulled Elio away from the others Dan came with. "Everyone has been telling me that you and I made out at the Halloween party... but I can't remember at all. Was I that drunk, or people are playing with me?"

Elio looked a little surprised he thought they were more careful but then grabbing Dan's hand pulled him to the side and walking into the toilet got away from paying eyes. As they got in there he took a deep breath and decided to be somewhat honest about that night.

"We were drunk and yes, we... did make out."

"Oh man" sighed Dan annoyingly. "I wanted to do that for a long time and when it happens, I'm too drunk to remember. Screw Tyler and his cider! This is ridiculous!"

Elio smiled at him and remained silent but Dan turned to him and looking serious began to approach him which made the Gilbert boy back all the way to the wall of the cubicles but as he got there he looked worried.

"I'm sorry Elio... you're not the only one who had drinks... and the idea of us making out has been haunting me for a while now... but I just have to know."

"Dan this has to stop..."

"I know... but you're just something I feel addicted to. I do my best to move on but..."

"We have to stop meeting like this" came the smug voice of Damon which made Elio groan and gently bang his head against the door behind him.

"What do you want Damon?" asked Elio and gently pushing Dan away turned towards the vampire.

"Maybe somewhere a bit more... sanitary."

"Fine" walking out of there Elio stopped and turned back however Damon did not follow him.

His eyes widened and wanted to rush back in when Dan walked out and walking past Elio his eyes seemed a bit hazed, the moment Damon came out with a smug look Elio immediately questioned him.

"What did you do?"

"Just helping the locals, don't worry about it. Oh and your little blonde friend seems to be a little out of it."

Turning around she saw Caroline at the bar looking drunk. Immediately rushed there and stopping next to her looked at the barman who was about to hand another drink to the girl but Eliop's look stopped him in the movement.

"Caroline, are you okay?"

"Elio" slurred the girl and turning to him hugged the boy immediately. "Don't you worry about me... You go have fun."

"Caroline, you're drunk."

"It's fine, I'll... I'll go and talk to Matt. You were enjoying yourself which is nice... but I don't need help."

"At least let me help you to Matt."

"Fiiine" dragged the girl and getting up Elio quickly caught her gently squeezing her asked quietly.

"What did he say to you?"

"What do you mean?" pretended Caroline but hugged Elio regardless.

"You're a bad sober liar, so you can imagine how bad you are now."

"I'll tell you tomorrow... don't want to harsh your buzz... okay?"

"Deal" smiled Elio and as they continued to walk Caroline let go of him and approaching Matt she slipped for a moment but caught herself.

Elio looked worried but it seemed Matt was on top of things.

"Oh hey!"

"I slim---I'm slipped. I slipped."

"Hammered, huh?"

"Well... a very nice but not handsome bartender was very kind to me tonight. Unlike the rest of the global universe. Are those curly fries?"

"Coffee for the drunk girl" asked Matt his friend who just nodded and getting up went to the bar, while Caroline sat down next to Matt. "Bad night huh?"

"Baddest. Am I shallow?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"I don't mean to be. I wanna be deep. I wanna be, like... the abyss deep. Elio sees right through me and knows me better than anyone but that makes it harder for me to just... you know..."

"No offense, Care, but deep's really not your scene."

"That's true. I'm shallow, I am worst than shallow, I'm a kiddie pool!"

"You're not a kiddie pool" reassured Matt. "Where is Elio?"

"I told him to let me be" slurred Caroline. "He was finally having a god time like he used to and... didn't want to bother him. So yeah... I sent away my best friend... Can I just go home?"

"I'll take you come on. You're okay" offered Matt and as they slid out of the seats he picked her up bridal style and began walking out. "She's still alright; Hold still, Hold still."

Elio kept his eyes on Caroline but seeing Matt take her out he seemed relieved and turning to the side noticed Elena approach Stefan with a smile.


"Hey, you came."

"I couldn't miss your hundredth and... whatever birthday."

"Very classy sis" sighed Elio but then slowly approached them and seeing Stefan's questioning look he tilted his head. "What?"

"Is everything alright? Did Damon..."

"No Damon talk Stefan" interrupted Elio with a bright smile. "We will worry about him tomorrow."

"Got it."

"Where is Lexi?" asked Elio and noticing the blonde vampire walked to her and the two began to talk, Stefan and Elena looked at them with a smile but then the two continued with their own conversation.

Matt got outside carrying Caroline but his life flashed before his eyes seeing all the police presence not to mention Caroline's mum standing right there. The moment Liz noticed them she rushed there worried.

"What happened is she okay?"

"Like you care" slurred Caroline nonchalantly which made Liz give her a disapproving look but then looked at Matt.

"She's drunk?"

"As a skunk."

"Are they serving you in there?" questioned Liz getting angrier to which Matt was quick to try and settle things down.

"I'll take her home. It's on my way. I haven't been drinking."

"I would appreciate that, Matt, thank you" thanked the sheriff but then turned her attention to her daughter. "You and I will discuss this later."

"Can't wait."

Liz watched Matt leave with Caroline but once they were gone she turned to her officers and instructed them immediately.

"Don't let anybody else leave."

Inside the bar Lexi and Elio were talking and every now and then Lexi glanced at Damon which made Elio turn as well, looking at the raven haired vampire asked quietly.

"Are you suspicious about him?"

"I'm always suspicious" sighed Lexi. "But his presence here is bringing up questions. Normally he would have left by now. But now he is staying and I have a feeling it has something to do with you and your sister."

"Us? Why?" asked Elio surprised but Lexi suddenly realised what she said and shook her head.

"No specific reason. If I had to pick one you two are making Stefan happy and Damon isn't one to let him be. By the way I saw him go after you and your little ex to the toilet. What did he want?"

"Not sure but he told me that Caroline... my best friend was in a state so I walked out but he did not came after me, rather Dan walked out after and he looked completely unbothered by my presence which just didn't make sense then. And as you can guess..."

"Damon isn't the one to give explanation. Got it. Right, there is a way... I'll have to bribe him a little. Once I find out more I'll let you know."

"Right just... text me " offered Elio and put his hand out.

Lexi gave him her phone while Elio gave her his and after they exchanged numbers Elio nodded and Lexi picked up two shots and approached Damon at the bar.

"All right, the shots are a bribe. I need you to answer a question. What are you really doing in Mystic Falls?"

"Have you tried The Brittle. It wins award."

"Cut the crap."

"Okay, I have a diabolical master plan."

"What is it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be very diabolical, now would it?"

Elio kept his eyes on them but something was bugging him and for some reason he decided to turn around only to see Liz walk in with a  girl.

His thoughts accelerated suddenly but his body could not keep up with it. By the time he realised what was happening  he could see Liz inject Lexi with a needly rendering her weak and powerless.

"What are you doing?!" asked Damon pretending to be innocent and unaware of Lexi's vampire origin.

"Thank you for the vervain; now if you'll excuse me."

They picked up Lexi and began to drag her out, but before Elio could have moved he realised something: if he tried to defend her, Liz and the others would have brand him and possibly his family to be sympathisers and took him out too. Looking at Stefan they exchanged a look and seeing the panic on his face Elio rushed to him for comfort.

"Stefan how did this happen?"

"I don't know... " admitted the vampire and they moved to the door but as they approached the officers Stefan addressed them in an attempt to leave the building. "Excuse me, sorry."

"Can't go out this way."

Outside, the officers and Sheriff were taking Lexi to the police car when suddenly she threw the officers off. Sheriff Forbes turned around in a slight panic and shot her with wooden bullets, but Lexi was too strong. The blonde just smirked and continued to walk closer despite the repeated shots until all of a sudden Damon appeared out of nowhere and shoved a stake in her heart.

It was in that moment when Stefan arrived with the twins and instantly he pulled them back and out of sight from the scene.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Stefan and Elio moved to peak as well and seeing Lexi's defeated face his eyes filled with water uncontrollably but did not let out a peep.

"Why?" asked Lexi painfully looking at Damon who just whispered back.

"It's part of the plan."

Lexi fell to the ground dead as her body turned completely grey while Damon turned to the Sheriff feigning worry.

"You okay?"

"Thank you" nodded Liz in return then indicated towards the car. "Get her in the car quickly."

"All right."

Liz left Damon there to take care of Lexi's body and walking into the Grill immediately went for the barman, arresting him for serving the drinks to her daughter and potentially other underage students.

"Lady, I checked everyone's IDs."

"Yeah, apparently you didn't."

As they got outside she gave the barman to one of her officers and walking to Damon addressed him.

"Pretty handy with that stake."

"It just... reflex. I guess the adrenaline kicked in."

"This nightmare is finally over."

"Yeah call a lucky break with that witness, without her you wouldn't have been able to ID the vampire."

"We're lucky. Well thank you again."

"You're welcome."

Seeing all of this Stefan began walking away in anger and horror which made Elio and Elena rush after him and grabbing his arm stopped him in his steps.

"Stefan stop" begged Elio which made Stefan turn to him.

Looking at his face Elio could sense and see all the anger and despair that washed through him, holding onto Stefan's hand stronger tried tor eassure him. For a moment Stefan began to feel some of his feelings ease which alarmed him and snatching his hands from him immediately his anger returned.

"He killed her! He killed Zach; he killed Tanner; he turned Vicki; I have to kill him!"

"No, you can't do that!" called Elena after him as Stefan began to walk away again, but hearing this he stopped and turned back to her.

"Why are you trying to save him?! Elena he's never gonna change! Don't you see that?! He's never gonna change!"

"I'm not trying to save him, I'm trying to save you! You have no idea what this will do to you, please Stefan."

"Everywhere I've been, pain and death follow; Damon follows me. No more."

"Stefan please. Please just- just talk to me. Let me be here for you. Talk to me."

"No. You were right to stay away from me" announced Stefan and left abruptly leaving the twins alone and Elena immediately went to Elio and hugging him the older boy just looked after Stefan with a worried face.

Stefan was angry and it was clear. But Elio knew that no matter how much your siblings hurt you, deep down you would break if you killed them for it. But was it the same with vampires?

Back at the Salvatore Boarding House Damon was having a drink inside casually when Stefan arrived.

"Told you I'd take care of it" smiled Damon but suddenly Stefan appeared in front of him and attacked him.

They struggled for a while until Stefan's anger won over and finally pinned Damon against the wall.

"Come on, I did this for you. To get them off our trail."

"You never do anything for anyone but yourself" declared Stefan and shoved a stake into Damon, just missing his heart.

"You missed!" exclaimed Damon both painfully and shocked.

"No. You saved my life. I'm sparing yours. We're even.And now we're done."

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