๐๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐˜ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐˜; ๐ฆ๐š๐ค...

By functionalism

48.8K 1.4K 1.3K

Just a regular girl in the Jujutsu world. maki zenin x reader. More

before you start
The Beach
A Privilege Not Earned
United in Grief
Blood on the Walls
The Girl who Lived, Cried and Fought

Ryomen Sukuna

933 34 8
By functionalism

"Do you have any idea what you're getting into."

Ryo asked as you leaned your head against the car window. You chuckled and nodded your head in response.

Currently, you were on your way to Sugisawa Third High School, in Sendai, Miyagi to retrieve Ryomen Sukuna's finger. Gojo decided it'd be best if a stronger sorcerer went with Megumi, who was originally assigned to the mission himself, in case anything happened to him.

Relax. If something happens, we'll be fine. I've got you, and I've also gotten better at fighting.

It's true. Nowadays, Maki's having a much harder time trying to keep up with you. She's gotten jealous of you over the last few months, but you just found it cute. Every time the two of you would head to the dining hall after training, she'd just walk on the opposite end of the hall while mumbling strings of curses under her breath, and you'd just giggle.

"Are you ready?" You asked, looking over at Megumi sitting next to you. He lifted his head up from the window and looked at you with a nod. "I wonder who we're gonna meet." He said in his usual quiet tone.

"Well, we're bound to meet some people while we're there." You chuckled before turning back to the window.






"It should beeee....here." You said, stopping in front of some box on the school campus. Megumi rushed over to the door and opened it, but nothing was there.

"Huh?!" He exclaimed, closing it and opening it again. You lifted a brow before frowning. "It's not there?" You questioned starkly. He shook his head, "No." He answered. You sighed before pushing your hand up to your forehead. "Call Gojo."

He huffed before pulling out his phone and dialing Gojo's number.


"Gojo, we've gotta problem."

"Oh yeah? What kinda problem?"

"Sukuna's finger is missing kinda problem."

"Whaddya mean it's not there? Have you closed it and opened it again?"

"I already did that."

Gojo chuckled over the phone. "Really? That's hilarious. No coming back until you get that finger, got it? That goes for Y/n, too. Tell her that."

Megumi looked at you before you nodded. "She heard it."

"Great! I'll see you guys later! Have fuuunnn!" He hung up. Megumi frowned before shoving his phone back in his pocket. "I swear I'm gonna punch him some day."

"So obviously someone took it." You commented. Megumi nodded before closing the door. "But how the hell are we gonna find out who?" He questioned. You hummed while tapping your chin before a lightbulb went on over your head. "Cursed objects such as Ryomen Sukuna's finger leave behind trails of cursed energy like snails do with slime. If we had a tracker, we could find it in no time." You explained with a grin before huffing exasperatedly. "But, we don't have one. So we'll just have to stick around and look for it again tomorrow, it's getting late." You said while yawning.

"Yeah. Should we find a hotel?" He suggested before you nodded in response and motioned for him to follow you.

"Tch, who would have the mind to take Ryomen Sukuna's finger?" You mumbled to yourself. "Why? What would they gain from it?" You continued talking to yourself.

"Nothing but problems." Megumi commented. You turned to him and chuckled nervously, "Sorry. That's just me thinking out loud." You said before turning back around.

"....If only we could figure out what time of day it was taken, we could easily set up a meeting with all the students who were outside for p.e when it was taken and ask if they had it." You said before looking both ways and crossing the street to get back in Nitta-san's car.

"Why're you both empty handed?" She questioned while you and Megumi got in. "It wasn't there." You and him said in unison, and her jaw dropped. "What?! Whaddya mean it wasn't there?!"

"We mean, that it wasn't in the cabin when Megumi opened the door." You explained sternly with a frown. "Huhhh?! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to take Sukuna's finger?!"

You and Megumi both shrugged. "I dunno, but we have to find out soon, preferably tomorrow." You said before leaning against the window before Nitta-san sighed and turned the car on.

When the three of you got to a hotel and got a room, Nitta-san offered to sleep on the floor so you and Megumi could get some sleep. You and him both reluctantly took the offer and got into your separate beds.

"I'm lucky to have someone as smart as you to help me out with this mission, senpai." Megumi commented before you got under the sheets. You looked over at him and smiled before getting comfortable.

"Night, L/n-senpai." He said before reaching over for the lamp.









After many hours of tossing and turning on the wildly uncomfortable bed, the sun finally made it's debut and shined through the curtains to blind you directly in the eye.

"Tch, what else would I expect from Sendai?" You mumbled, getting up to go to the bathroom and throw on your uniform. When you walked out, Megumi was already in his and Nitta-san was waiting for you.

"Did you sleep alright?" You asked while Megumi took note of the slight eye bags underneath your eyes. He nodded, "Yeah. You?" He asked before you gave him a knowing look. He quietly chuckled before Nitta-san got out the bathroom and the 3 of you left the hotel in just a few minutes.

"So you said you're gonna hang around the school and wait for a cursed energy presence?" Nitta-san asked as you and Megumi got out of the car. You nodded, "If it's strong, then that's how we know. We'll stop to ask whoever it is and tell them to hand it over, simple as that." You explained before grinning and tapping the car and walking off with Megumi.

"I'm hoping your plan's gonna work. I don't wanna look stupid in public." He mumbled before you and him went on the crosswalk. "What, don't have faith in my plan?" You asked, sending him a nice smirk. He huffed before shaking his head, "I just don't wanna embarrass myself.

You and him got onto the campus just a few seconds later, and decided that you would linger around by that cabin, since it was by the field where people would go to hang out before class started.

"We look like losers." Megumi grumbled as he leaned against the fence. You chuckled and knit your eyebrows together, "What makes you say that, Megumi?"

"Our uniforms alone make us look stupid." He started, looking down at himself. You chuckled once again, "I wasn't too accustomed to them when I first started going to Jujutsu Tech." You replied. He looked at you, "What was it like? In your first year?" He asked. You took a moment to huff and gather up a summary of the crazy events of last year.

"Well..it was a little chaotic, to say the least." You nervously chuckled. "You don't have to answer, L/n-senpai." Megumi cut you off. You looked at him and smiled. "Alright. It would've taken me forever to explain it to you if I did answer, and I'm sure an earful from your upperclassman at 7 in the morning is not exactly what you're looking forward to." You hummed before leaning back against the fence.

After about 30 minutes of weird silence, a few people started to arrive on school campus, but they didn't see you and Megumi.

For the next few hours, you and Megumi sat there, waiting for something to happen. Eventually the two of you got hungry, so you offered to walk down the street to some ramen stand. When you got back, Megumi was gone already so you had to make the trek around the school to look for him.

With a sigh, you took off your uniform jacket and left on the undershirt and set down both boxes of ramen before beginning your walk around the school. He didn't even leave a note, which is what pissed you off. You were only gone for about 15 minutes, couldn't he have waited a few seconds longer?

"Oi oi oi! Megumi!" You exclaimed, power walking towards him standing at some field. He turned to you, "What is it, L/n-senpai?"

"Drop the senpai. We don't need honorifics to know we respect each other. That's besides the point! What the hell's all this?!" You shouted, making Megumi turn away stiffly. "I decided to go check out the place on my own. I figured that you'd find me in no time once you got back, evidently." He replied before you huffed. You glanced over and saw some kid with pink hair throw a ball all the way across the field and hit a part of the soccer goal on that side. You watched the whole thing with a surprised expression.

"No way...that had zero cursed energy whatsoever!" You pointed out. Megumi nodded, "Yeah. I wonder if he's like Zen'in-senpai." He added before you began to walk off.

"I heard someone died here, at this school." You started before looking up and seeing a curse crawl up some pole. "Really?"

"Yeah. People sweeped it under the rug since it was caused by ticks. But that's just for normal people, they don't know that it gave birth to cursed spirits here." You replied, shuffling your hands in the pockets of your skirt. You frowned, "I'm gonna have to ask Gojo if I can get an outfit change request. This skirt's getting on my nerves, and the shorts underneath have gotten a little uncomfortable." You said. "I know that's what Maki did with her uniform last year."

"Wait, you can do that?" Megumi asked, and you nodded. "Yeah, you can. Before you start going to Jujutsu Tech, they give you a uniform that can be personally adjusted to your fitting. I.e, a hoodie, scarf, you name it." You answered before a kid ran past you and Megumi, and that's when you felt that massive cursed energy presence. It was that same pink haired kid from earlier.

"Huh...?" You questioned before turning around. He was already about 30 feet away from you by the time you fully turned to face him. "What the- hey!" Megumi shouted before attempting to run after him.

"Tch, what is he? A car?" You mumbled before walking back to your spot from this morning and picked up your jacket.

"We'll just have to ask Nitta-san if she has anything that can pick up cursed energy trails." You said before crossing the street after looking both ways. "Which one would we know to follow?"

"Trails with huge splotches of cursed energy or one thick trail." You answered before wiping sweat off the back of your neck. "Damn..last time I was sweating like this was when I was fighting Geto." You commented. Megumi looked at you.

"Was that fight any difficult? I know, since you're a special grade, that fights must be easy for you." He asked. You raised your eyebrows before turning to him. "No, no no! That was not the case at all last year! I came to Jujutsu Tech as breakable as a twig! Although, thanks to Maki-san, I've gotten a lot better at fighting. It used to be a rarity that anybody would beat her in sparring. Now, she's having trouble with me all the time. I kinda feel bad for it..but ya gotta grow somehow." You said before looking at him once again. "Sorry for that run-on." You said nervously before facing the front.

Megumi just huffed, "You sure talk about Zen'in-senpai a lot." He commented. Your face began to heat up just a little bit, "Sorry if that makes you a little uncomfortable." You replied with a nervous grin. "It's alright. You two are....dating..right?" He said stiffly. "What? Not fond of the idea of two girls dating?"

"N...No, it's not like that. I'm just not used to it." Megumi stammered. You chuckled, "It's alright. Toge, Panda and Gojo would not stop teasing us about it for the first few weeks."

You and Megumi kept on talking for the rest of the day, sometimes about the mission. Sometimes about each other's opinions on the school. On occasion you and him would check on Nitta-san to see if she has that tracker yet.

When night time rolled around, you and Megumi followed the trail to some hospital where you found the pink haired boy from earlier standing at the front desk.

"Hey, are you Yuji Itadori?" You asked, walking up to him with Megumi next to you. He nodded slowly, "Yeah?-"

"I'm Y/n L/n, that's Megumi. Don't worry about where we're from. You don't know it. We have something to discuss with you,"

"Well..I'm kinda in mourning, so-"

"Sorry, but that's not a priority. This is urgent," You said before pulling out your phone and showing him a picture of Ryomen Sukuna's finger wrapped in a ton of old paper. "This cursed object you have is highly dangerous, please hand it over to us so we can safely store it away." You said as firmly and as nicely as possible. He scratched his head.

"Cursed object?"

"Yeah, have you seen it before?" You asked before he looked at your phone and grinning.

"Oh yeah! I picked it up!"

You let out a small gasp and widened your eyes, "You what?"

"I don't really care about it, though my senpai's are interested in it. Why's it dangerous?" He asked.

"The number of mysterious deaths and disappearances reach 10,000 annually. Majority of them are caused by spirits known as 'curses.' "


"Spirits formed from fear, regret, shame, sadness, anger, all that fun stuff can very easily gather around schools and hospitals or places that have negative emotions on them from memories of humanity. Many schools keep things called 'exorcism' curses. The one you took is a commonly known one in the Jujutsu world."

"Jujutsu world?"

"I'll explain later. The one you have is extremely dangerous, so please hand it over before someone dies." You said firmly, holding your hand out for him to place the object in.

"Again, I don't really care a whole lot about it, but I think you'll have to go through my senpai's to get to it." Itadori said while tossing you and Megumi the container.

You slid open the top, "It's empty."

"That's not good. You need to find out where that finger is before those kids do something with it." Ryo added, and you nodded.

"You're saying we've been tracking leftovers?! What the hell?!" Megumi exclaimed roughly.

"I think they said they were gonna open it tonight if you were wondering."

You looked Itadori dead in the eyes. " What? "



You dropped the box and dashed out the hospital and ran straight in the direction of the school.

"Y/n, wait up!" Megumi yelled after you before catching up. "We can't let them open that finger!" You said, mentally noting that that statement didn't make any sense.



When you and Megumi got to the school, you and him were followed by Itadori just a few seconds later.

"Over here! It's a shortcut!" He called before waving you guys over. You and Megumi exchanged looks before following Itadori and his shortcut.

"Why would you let your senpais take it?!" Megumi questioned, clearly out of breath.

"I already told you, I don't really care about it! So I just let them have it!"

"Calm down, Megumi. He didn't know what it was." You chimed in. Megumi grunted before speeding up.

"How did you even come across it?" You asked, looking at Itadori. "It was just on the ground one day, and I'm in a club that goes over supernatural stuff, so I thought it'd be something cool to look over!"

You huffed, "So somebody was already messing with it prior to him picking it up." You concluded. Megumi nodded, "It'd be great to find out who, but that's not an issue right now." He added.

"Is the object that easy to reveal?" Itadori asked.

"No. People with cursed energy can't do it. Not usually." You answered before stopping in front of the entrance.

"Where are they?"

"Fourth floor!"

"Alright, you stay here!" You ordered, but before you and Megumi could dash into the building, "Wait! I'm coming too! Even though I just met you, you're my friends! I can't just leave you alone!"

"That's very nice of you, but there's nothing you as a normal human can do. Stay here." You demanded before turning back and ran after Megumi.

Reaching the third floor, you and Megumi stopped at the top of the staircase when you heard a curse's voice.

"Grbhfa...what time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch."

Not the time, Ryo.

You made a katana on your own and ran for the curse. "Wait, Y/n!"

"You go look for them! I got this curse!" You yelled before taking your katana and slicing the curse right in half before using the walls (and Maki's training) for support to leap and dig your katana straight into the curse's head. A thousand dark ashes went off before you.

"A little help here!" You heard Megumi yell, and you immediately dash in the direction of his voice.

"Ryo! Cluster bomb!"

The cluster bomb in your hand went off as soon as it hit the curse behind Megumi. The bomb went straight into the curse and exploded the curse into pieces, sending Megumi flying towards you. You barely caught him before helping him stand up on his own then getting up to exorcise all the other curses in the hallway.

"Tch, it's gotta be somewhere around here." You mumbled before wiping curse residue off your face and looking over to find a girl hiding behind some corner.

"Hey, are you ok?" You asked as you walked over to kneel in front of her. She shook her head shakily before looking past you. You turned around to find a man standing in front of a curse, his head looked damaged and you noted that you'd have to get him to a hospital, just in case he's still alive.

"Tch-" you didn't have time to take your katana and block the curse's attack, it'd already sent you flying across the hall. "What the fuck?!"

You frowned before you took your katana and ran straight for the curse at such a speed that you went right through it. A human shaped hole sat in the middle of the curse before healing itself back up.

"Huh?! What the hell?!" You questioned before Megumi turned the corner and summoned his demon dogs, "Gyokuken!"

The curse quickly ran for the girl before attempting to eat her alive, sinking her into the blue flesh. You tried getting up, but your leg wouldn't let you. You looked down and saw a dark blue gash on it.

"Ryo, can you take care of that?"


The dark blue gash soon turned dark purple, watching Ryo do his work. A few seconds later, you heard a crash and you looked up to find Itadori jumping through the window and kicking the curse. The girl and the finger were both sent flying out of the curse before Itadori grabbed both of them and jumped off the curse.

"Alright. Your leg's done." Ryo said before you quickly got up with that katana to run across the hall and slice the curse in half.

"Your dogs can go ahead and eat it. I'm too lazy to deal with that." You said to Megumi before he motioned for them to eat it.

"I want to ask what you're doing here," Megumi started. "But good job."

"Why so haughty?" Itadori asked before looking to the left. "What's that eating the curse?"

"His pet puppies! Aren't they just adorable?" You said before patting the demon dog on the head.

"You're my upperclassman, shouldn't you be more mature about this?" Megumi questioned, turning to you. You stopped petting the demon dog before getting up.

"Anyways, you can see them?"


"You're not...scared?" You questioned. Itadori shook his head, "I was scared at first, but not anymore! But did you know? Humans really can die." Itadori trailed off. You and Megumi lifted a brow. "Huh..?"

"What's with this kid?"

You ignored Ryo and looked back at Megumi. "It's probably cuz we're in a place like this." You concluded. "What's the deal about this finger? Besides it being an object or whatever."

"That finger is one of the strongest, if not the strongest cursed objects in the Jujutsu world. We don't need it falling into the wrong hands and them eating it-"

"Eat it?! Why would you wanna eat it?!"

"You'd do it to gain power. It's really dangerous, now hand it over." Megumi demanded.

"Alright, alright!"

"WATCH OUT!" You yelled before pushing both Itadori and Megumi out the way when the curse suddenly appeared from the ceiling. The curse reached for you first, and you took your katana to quickly slice it's arm off then ran to the side and joined with Itadori.

"Huh? Shouldn't you be with Fushiguro?"

"You're the one with that finger, so therefore that makes you my top priority as of right now." You said while blocking him with your arm.

"Nue!" Megumi tried summoning his next Shikigami, but he was interrupted by being thrown into the wall. He lost his focus, and his demon dogs began to melt away and turn into wax.

All three of you were kicked out onto some breezeway and landed roughly on the ground. You counted yourself lucky that you didn't lose Ryo's katana while you grabbed it to run towards the curse and slice it's other arm off.

I'm gonna need you to make this katana into a tennis racket and then make me a good ol' spikey tennis ball.

"What's that gonna do?"

Just do it.

The katana in your hand melted into the tennis racket and you felt a quick, sharp pain in the palm of your hand before looking down and seeing the spike ball. You grinned before adding cursed energy into it and tossing up the ball before swatting it with the racket.

You kept on playing a game of chicken, swatting the spike ball against the curse so that whatever end the ball interacted with the curse's flesh, an indent would be made on the exact opposite side until it eventually exploded into a thousand ashes from how much cursed energy was being put into it.

Your arm began to tire before you gave it one last swat before catching the ball with your bare hand, earning a groan of pain from you.

Itadori quickly pounced onto the curse and held it's mouth open by standing on it, with Sukuna's finger dangling by his teeth.

"Itadori...Itadori what are you doing?! It's dangerous enough to have it in your hand!" You yelled before giving the ball another toss and swatting it against the curse. The curse groaned in pain, and Itadori wobbled a bit.

"Ugh...gross! It's breath stinks! " Itadori grunted before tossing up the finger.

"You mentioned only curses can defeat other curses right?!" You didn't recall ever telling him that, so you figured it must've been Megumi.

"Well, I've got my own troublesome curse!" He yelled before taking the finger and swallowing it whole.

Your heart stopped. The spike ball flew right past you as you stood still and dropped the racket. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of your head while you watched with a horrified look on your face.


"YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU EAT IT?!" You shouted before forcing Ryo to make another spike ball (with a sigh from him) and went back to swatting at the curse.

"Damn it...Jujutsu regulations demand he should be exorcised!" You yelled before swatting the curse one more time, and it exploded into a thousand ashes, but not from you. Itadori, now having a bunch of marks on him, jumped up from the curse and landed on the railing in front of him after exorcising the curse.


"Oh jeez...this really is the worst! A one in a million worst chance outcome!" You cursed before mentally forcing Ryo to mold that racket back into a katana.

"A cursed spirit's flesh is so boring! Where are the people? The women?! The children?! - Wait- why do I feel a familiar presence?"

You frowned before Ryo sighed.

"It's been a long time, Sukuna."

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