Destructive Love (#1)

By lil417

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"Don't try to follow me, better yet don't even cross my path. Wherever I go, destruction follows." Anurag Kh... More

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Spreading Love
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Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love
Spreading Love


371 46 16
By lil417


I knew that I was dreaming more like a painful memory that was being played in my mind. It was so vivid it almost felt like I was experiencing the pain and the anguish all over again. I tried to push it away or switch my thoughts but it wasn't working at all.

Everything has been going well for the past few weeks. I have been more focused and haven't gone back to the underground matches since the last time I was there.

The nightmares had reduced but now I think it's back again to haunt me. They have been recurring for the past three days. I shivered as the feeling of dread ran down my blood. It had been a long since I had felt this way.

The memories of the first time I saw the monster side of my father flashed in my head. Aarav and I were only six years old.

It was a Saturday morning and the best day of the week because we had a holiday. Aarav and I got to spend a lot of time together playing with the other kids in our locality. But Ma never let us do that until we completed our homework. So we quickly finished our homework and grabbed our bats to play with the other kids.

Before leaving the house we informed our Papa. He grunted and drank something brown from a glass. He waved his hand as if he were shooing us away. Papa used to never be like that, but ever since he started drinking that brown liquid, he constantly yelled at Ma and us. I miss my old Papa who used to play with us and help us all the time.

I decided to shrug it off for now and play. Aarav and I played until it was almost one in the afternoon. That's when everyone started going back to their houses to eat lunch.

We entered the house with wide grins on our faces but what we saw was enough to kill the smiles for the rest of our lives.

Papa slapped Ma, and she stumbled against the table and fell. Aarav immediately held my hand tightly. Her lips were bleeding and she was sobbing loudly.

"Give me the money you bitch. Do you think you can argue with me? Who do you think you are? Give it to me right now!"

He had yelled at her before but this was the first time he was hitting Ma. I was scared. Ma shook her head and stood up. She wobbled a bit but managed to stand up.

Aarav and I immediately ran to her and hugged her. She held us tightly and let out another sob.

"I have saved it for our kid's school fees Palesh please don't do this."

"I don't fucking care about educating these ungrateful brats. Just give me the money Komal or get ready to face the consequences."

When Ma shook her head, Papa, no that was not Papa he was a monster. He growled and slapped her again. I couldn't bear to see this anymore. I felt anger, why was he hurting my Ma? What did she do?

I screamed and in a fit of rage started punching him but the next second he grabbed my arms and threw me on the floor.

"You brat, I will teach you a lesson now! How dare you lift a finger at me! I'm going to break your arm. Then we'll see how you can hit me."

He was about to grab me when Aarav and Ma appeared before me. Ma joined her hands before him and begged him not to hurt me. She told him where the money was that was enough for Papa to leave me. But not before he slapped me hard.

I fell on the floor as everything turned black. I could hear Ma and Aarav calling for me. I couldn't open my eyes. My ears rang and I tasted something metallic in my mouth. I was terrified.


I gasped and opened my eyes. My shirt was completely soaked. The fear, anguish, and pain I felt as a six-year-old coursed through my body. The feeling of helplessness and dread hit me like a ton of bricks.

I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to get my breathing back to normal. I drank a glass of water and discarded the shirt on the floor. That fucking bastard! The scars on my back although healed prickled slightly. Another memory flashed in my mind. This always happens after a nightmare. A bitter reminder that he's still alive and not punished.

He shouldn't be alive! I once again felt anger and I wanted to destroy something. My hands were itching to text Max. I wanted to check if there were any underground matches. I wanted to destroy something but those matches weren't the way.

I have been progressing so well. I cannot go back to square one. Especially now that I'm so close to playing in the Olympics. Aarav's words rang in my ear. "You are better than this Anurag."

I went to my training room and practiced. My mind was still racing with all the memories. I punched the bag hard until my senses and mind were numb. I could feel the sweat rolling down my body along with the tension.

I checked my phone to see that it was almost three in the morning. I decided to take a quick shower and take a nap for a few hours. Today was our weekly family dinner. I grabbed my phone once again. I debated if I should send the text or not but I finally made up my mind and shot a quick text. "I want you to find someone for me." I fell asleep, and at last, there were no dreams.


I heaved a breath and kept the tub of ice creams that I had ordered a few minutes back in the freezer. I checked my phone for the 100th time today, there was still no reply. Mom fluttered around the house. She was excited as she had invited a guest and also had a special announcement to make.

I'm always happy to see them happy but today my head hurt. Between her chirpy voice and Sana's along with Aarav's annoying teasing the throbbing in my head only intensified.

I squeezed my brows between my fingers trying to reduce my headache. "Are you okay?" Aarav asked. I rubbed my eyes for a second and nodded.

"I'm fine," I said curtly. He frowned at me and shook his head.

"Anurag, you had another nightmare didn't you?" I was about to protest but he shook his head.

"Why didn't you call me?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"No point in disturbing you. I handled it just fine." I replied and leaned against the counter.

"Anurag you are my brother, my family. Why would your call be a disturbance to me? When will you let me be there for you? How many times have you come and been with me whenever I had a nightmare? It's what we do. Just promise me that next time you have a nightmare you'll call me."

I nodded but Aarav did not seem satisfied with my response. "I need words, Anurag". I grunted."I promise," I muttered and he nodded satisfied with my response.

"You don't have to carry everything on your own. I'm here to share the burden." He squeezed my shoulder and left me alone with my thoughts.

"Okay, all of you come to the living room right now! Your Dad and I have an announcement to make!"

I frowned and went to the living room. I sat beside Sana who smiled at me and held my arm. I smiled and ruffled her hair. Aarav pouted, Sana laughed and hugged him as well.

"Thank you cupcake!" He chirped, I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Mom.

"Shall I tell them?" Mom asked Dad. He smiled and nodded. Mom squealed and clapped her hands together. Sana is exactly like her.

"So kids remember your Dad and I have been planning to build a hospital? We have been trying for a few years now and we have finally got the approval for it! We are being backed by the Sharma Foundation. The owner of Delta Technologies is helping us at every step. We're finally doing it!"

Aarav immediately stood up and hugged Mom and Dad. Sana followed him, I stood up and gave a quick hug to Mom and Dad.

"I'm happy for you guys and also proud of you both. Congratulations!"I stated. It had been their dream for a long time. I'm glad that they could fulfill it.

Mom smiled at me, her eyes were glistening with tears. "Thank you, Anurag!"

"There's something that your Dad and I wanted to ask you and Aarav." I glanced at Aarav who looked equally curious to know what they wanted to ask us.

"Sure Mom, what is it?" I asked and sat back on the couch.

"We want to name the hospital after your Ma. I wanted to know if you and Aarav are okay with that."

Ma's happy face flashed before my eyes. She was a kind person with a big heart, always willing to help anyone who came to her for a favor.

I glanced at Aarav who had a look of melancholy on his face. He looked at me and nodded.

"Aarav and I are fine with that Mom. She would have been honored that you chose her name for the hospital."

Mom sniffled and nodded she patted our heads. "Anurag Bhai your Ma was lovely I saw one picture of her with you and Aarav Bhai."

I smiled and nodded. Sana knew that Aarav and I were adopted. Mom and Dad had told her when she was old enough to understand. What amazed me was how understanding she was, it didn't make any difference to her that we were adopted. Instead, she ran to us and gave us both two big hugs.

"Okay, so to celebrate this I have called a special guest. It's Gopal Sharma's daughter. She is the one who's helping us with everything and taking care of things from their side."

Mom went on to tell us about how she was in touch with her mother a few years back but unfortunately, the project didn't start then because Geetha Sharma had passed away. I felt a twinge in my chest.

"What's her name?" Aarav asked while we helped her set up the dining table before she could answer the doorbell rang. "Ha, your turn! Go open the door!" Aarav said and sat on the chair.

"Ass!" I sneered. Mom glared at me. "He started it! I answered the door last time!" I said.

Mom shook her head with an amused look on her face. "Language Anurag and go open the door. Be the mature one like I know you are."

Aarav gasped and whined. I grunted, I guess we are going to meet Miss Sharma. I opened the door to find Priyanka standing there with an astonished expression on her face. Well, she's not the only one who's surprised.

"Anurag? What are you doing here?" She asked me and clutched the bag that she had in her hands tightly.

I was about to ask her the same question but I was pushed aside slightly by my little sister Sana.

"Priyanka Di!!! What are you doing here? I'm so happy to see you here. Mommy look, Priyanka Di is here. Remember I told you about her." Sana screamed. The next second Mom showed up, she frowned at Sana. She must be wondering how Sana knew Priyanka.

"Oh, Priyanka good to see you here. Come in, come in!" She ushered her inside. I followed them to the living room.

Aarav and Dad joined us in the living room. Aarav frowned and raised his brows at me when he noticed Priyanka's presence in the room.

"Hi Red! What are you doing here?" Aarav asked.

Mom frowned at Aarav's nickname for Priyanka and so did I. "Do the three of you know her?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Mommy! Remember the picture that I asked you to take a print off ?" Mom nodded. "Priyanka Di clicked that picture Mommy and it's her friend Nyra Di who teaches me painting. Both of them live in the same apartment as Aarav Bhai and Anurag Bhai." Sana chirped excitedly clapping her hands together.

"Oh wow, what a small world. I didn't know you took pictures, Priyanka." Mom said and passed a glass of juice to her.

Priyanka shrugged her shoulders and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "It's something I do for fun." I frowned, it was at this moment I realized that I didn't know anything about her. I knew that she took pictures and assumed that she was a photographer but that's far from the truth. It's bothering me that I do not know anything about her. I don't like this.

"That was a beautiful picture thank you for capturing that beautiful moment." Mom said. Priyanka smiled and nodded.

"Wait so you are the daughter of Gopal Sharma? Owner of one of the leading software companies in the country?" Aarav asked her excitedly.

"Yes, I am," Priyanka answered letting out a nervous laugh. This is unusual, I have never seen her this jittery. She must be surprised to see all of us here. I'm still surprised too.

She's rich, I have read about Gopal Sharma's net worth, with that kind of money she could be living a lavish life yet she chose to rent an apartment and live a sober one. She's the one helping Mom and Dad build the hospital. I mentally made all the conclusions in my head. I'm intrigued by her.

Sana went on about how Priyanka and she met for the first time. Then about her painting classes. I leaned against the wall that was a few feet away from the couch. Aarav was seated on the recliner that was on the opposite side. Mom and Dad were seated on the couch along with Sana and Priyanka.

"Oh before I forget, I bought you guys some custard. Could you please tell me where the refrigerator is? I'll keep it there."

"Oh, so sweet of you to bring this Priyanka. Sana sweetheart why don't you take that keep it in the refrigerator." Sana nodded and grabbed the cover from her hand.

Conversation flowed in the room and I chose to keep quiet. I kept glancing at her. She was wearing a simple kurta and yet looked gorgeous and vibrant as ever. I shook my head and closed my eyes for a moment.

Why am I staring at her and making all these observations? I need to stop these thoughts! I don't want to run into her but the universe seems to have other plans. I had seen her the day before yesterday at the grocery store. I smiled when I remembered our conversation. I heaved a sigh, the more I tried to ignore her the more she appeared before me.

I opened my eyes to find her gazing at me. Her eyes widened immediately and she averted her gaze. I couldn't help but smile at that, I quickly straightened my posture when I found Aarav walking towards me with a smirk on his face. I groaned internally. He's going to annoy me now.

"Well well, it seems like you and Priyanka keep bumping into each other everywhere. It's almost like fate. I think you should ask her out on a date."

"Aarav shut up! Also, I can say the same about you and Nyra. Why haven't you asked her out yet?" He frowned and gulped. Now it was my turn to smirk. If he thought I did not know then he had another thing coming his way.

He cleared his throat and scratched his forehead. Something he did every time he was nervous. "How do you know that?"

"I have great observation skills." He scoffed at me.

"Oh shut it! Anyway, this isn't about me. I'm waiting for the right time with Nyra. We're not talking about me! We're talking about you and Priyanka. It's destiny that you two keep bumping into each other. Besides don't even deny that you like her. Don't think that I didn't see the way you were looking at her just now."

I'm annoyed now. "Shut up Aarav. I wasn't staring at her in any way. I was looking casually, at everyone." I stressed the word, everyone. I thought he would shut up but instead, he laughed. I elbowed his stomach and he grunted.

"Aarav, Anurag come on let's have lunch." Mom stood up and walked towards the dining room that was adjacent to the living room and right opposite the kitchen.

Priyanka laughed as she was dragged by Sana towards the dining table. "I'm sitting next to her and Mommy! Girls on one side and boys on the other side!" She declared and held on to her arm.

"Aww cupcake! You forgot about your brothers the moment your friend showed up." Aarav pouted and placed his palm against his chest.

I shook my head at his overdramatic gestures and took a seat next to Dad who patted my arm and laughed.

"Just for today Aarav Bhai! I'll sit next to you for the rest of the week." Aarav pouted. Mom chuckled and served us her famous biryani.

"I promise Aarav Bhai!" Sana said with the sweetest smile on her face.

"Okay, Cupcake only because you asked so nicely." Priyanka laughed at their antics. Mom and Dad shook their heads. This was something that happened almost every other day.

We continued eating while Sana chattered about how her week was at school. She made sure that Priyanka's attention was on her at all times.

"Anurag why don't you show Priyanka around while the rest of us clean up here," Mom stated casually. Priyanka's eyes widened, while Aarav had a teasing smile on his face.

"Go on! Show her the garden too."

I nodded and glanced at Priyanka. I stood up and walked out of the dining room she followed my queue. I opened the backdoor and she gasped at the sight before her.

I couldn't help but look at her face. The wind blew across her face, and the serene smile gracing her features enhanced her beauty.

"It's so beautiful here." She whispered and sighed contently.

"Yes, it is," I replied while I stared at her. Priyanka tilted her head to look at me I immediately looked away. At that moment I realized that I was completely fucked.

A/N: Ahh they meet again! The way they are stealing glances is making my heart go haywire.

Get ready for more scenes between Priyanka and Anurag! I promise I'll make all the waiting worth it!

Who do you think Anurag texted?

Hope you guys liked this chapter! If you did please do vote and comment! I would love to know what you guys think!

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