Love Between Psychopaths/ Got...

By JesseLikeAFox

1.4K 27 10

The older brother of Oswald, Sebastian is proud of his achievements, and when he pairs up with his brother, t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 26

12 0 0
By JesseLikeAFox

Next Day

Sebastian's Outfit

At the GCPD

Jim was talking to Captain Barnes his suspicions about Theo Galavan being behind the events that had occurred in the past weeks. "The breakout at Arkham. The massacre at the G.C.P.D. The gala. The arsons. It was Galavan. He's behind everything." Jim said to the captain. "And you have proof of this?" Nathaniel asks him. "I have Penguin, Gilzean and my brother." Jim said to him. "Both criminals. Both in the wind but your brother who I don't trust." Nathaniel said to him looking at Sebastian who was standing next to Harvey. "Given the circumstances under which I obtained the information, I think it's safe to say they were telling the truth." Jim said to him. "Maybe they are." Nathaniel said to him. "But you have no legal evidence, no proof, not a single, hard lead to go on. You bring in Galavan with what you have now, and he'll just laugh at you." Nathaniel said to Jim. "He won't laugh long." Sebastian said to him making Nathaniel look at him. "What, are you gonna rough him up a little? A little lawless thuggery? Is that your plan?" Nathaniel asks Sebastian while standing up. "Sounds like something I can do." Sebastian said to him. "You want to arrest Galavan?" Nathaniel asks Jim while looking at him. "You do the police work and you bring me back some real proof." Nathaniel said to Jim then he looks at Sebastian. "And if you step out of line, I will put you back into Arkham myself." Nathaniel said to Sebastian before the three leave the office.

Sebastian walks over to Jim's table that he shares with Jim as Sal walks over to him. "How did it go in here?" Sal asks him while Sebastian leans on the table. "What do you think?" Sebastian said to him as he looks at a picture of Jerome. "Are you up for some coffee?" Sal asks him making Sebastian look at him. "I don't think you should be around me, I have a past that will be coming back to me sooner or later." Sebastian said to him before Sal can say anything they hear yelling from an officer. "Suspect! Put your hands where I can see 'em! Right there!" An officer yelled making Sebastian turn to see Barbara. "Hi, Jim. Long time no see." Barbara said to Jim.

Later Jim visited Barbara in the interrogation room attempting to see what information he could get out of her about Galavan, while Detective Bullock, Leslie, Sebastian and Captain Barnes watched them from the other side of the glass. Jim tries to convince Barbara of wanting to offer his help, though when it fails, he kisses her and seeing that he still had feelings for her, Barbara tells him that if accompanied her to a surprise she had for him, she would answer anything he wanted. When Gordon leaves the room, Barbara walks to glass to Leslie's position to mock her.

In Barnes' office

The group was in the office after Jim talk to Barbara. "What is she playing at?" Nathaniel asks himself. "Not sure, sir. I suggest we play along and find out. I'll go see this thing she wants to show me." Jim said to the. "Jim, she's mentally ill." Leslie said to Jim. "Like hell! She's sharp as a nail. This is a trap." Harvey said to Jim. "Yeah. Either way, it's too risky." Nathaniel said to Jim. "What choice do we have, huh? She won't talk." Jim said to them making Sebastian look at him. "And kissing her didn't work out, did it?" Sebastian said to him with a smile. "That was a judgment call." Jim said to him. "Judgment? Really?" Leslie asks him. "I am feeling the smell of jealous." Sebastian said to them with a smile. "Let's focus on the issue at hand." Nathaniel said to them. "It's my official opinion as Chief Medical Examiner that Miss Kean is seriously mentally ill and should be in a hospital getting treatment." Leslie said to them. "Yes. Tomorrow. Look. I suggest we play along, let her think she's in control. I can still work on her inside the car. Maybe I can find out something useful. She's our only link to Galavan. It's worth the risk." Jim said to them. "All right. Do it." Nathaniel said to them making the three men walk out of the office.

Later there were new crop of Strike Force members geared up to shadow Jim, Sebastian, Harvey, and Barbara. "Meet the new crop of Strike Force members. We're throwing them in the deep end, but they're ready. They'll be shadowing you in a TAC SUV. I'll be monitoring from here. Now, the second I don't like something, I'm pulling the plug. Agreed?" Nathaniel asks them making everyone nod but Jim who was looking at Leslie. "Gordon?" Nathaniel said making Jim look at him. "Agreed." Jim said to him and he walks away from the group. Sebastian walks over to Jim who was getting his gun ready. "You are too wrapped up in this thing emotionally." Sebastian said to him making Jim look at him. "You are getting sucked into this mind game that Barbara is playing." Sebastian said to him making Jim walk over to him. "I need your support because of this. Since you are more familiar with Barbara's current situation than I am, please stand by me because I am aware that nobody else in this room is. Therefore do you have my back?" Jim asks him making Sebastian think about it for a second before answering. "To the end." Sebastian said to him. "We're moving out!" Harvey yelled as he walks to the exit holding Barbara. Sebastian walks over to them and he garbs Barbara's arm. "Ow, I can see why he liked you." Barbara said to him. "Don't even push me." Sebastian said to her as he takes her to the exit. "Hey, Lee. You don't mind if I borrow him for a little while, do ya?" Barbara said to Lee as she gets push out of the building while she chuckles. Outside the GCPD, Jim, Sebastian and Harvey escorted Barbara to the car. "You good?" Jim asks Harvey who nods. "Anything that makes Captain Barnes' tight ass nervous, I'm all for." Harvey said to him as he walks over on the other side of the car. "Watch your head." Jim said to Barbara while Sebastian pushes her into the backseat of the car. Jim sits in the front of the car with Harvey while Sebastian sits in the back with Barbara. "So, you want to tell us where we're going?" Jim asks her. "Head downtown." Barbara said to him making Harvey start the car and they head downtown.

As they drove downtown, Barbara looks over at Sebastian who was giving her a look. "What? You mad at me?" Barbara asks him with a smile but Sebastian doesn't talk to her making Barbara turn to Jim. "Hey, Jim. Cheer up." Barbara said to Jim who looks at her. "Where's your spirit of adventure?" Barbara asks him with a smile then she looks away from him. "Next right." Barbara said looking at the road making Harvey turn right. "I know it's a trap. And Galavan's using you like a puppet. It is Galavan who's behind all this, right?" Jim asks her. "Mmm, mmm, mmm." Barbara hums with a smile. "He's a psychopath, Barbara. He's using you. He's laughing at you. And when he's done with you, you're just a loose end. He'll kill you." Jim said to her. "You really don't like this Galavan guy, do you?" Barbara asks Jim. "She's not talking, Jim. We need to turn this car around. Now." Harvey said to Jim. "Just give me a little more time." Jim said to him. "You calling him the psychopath when there is one in this car." Barbara said then she looks at Sebastian who was staring at her. "I can see it in his eyes, he wants to end my life right now." Barbara said to Jim while staring at Sebastian who leans over to her ear. "You are so lucky that they are in the car otherwise I would have slash your throat." Sebastian whisper to her in a deep voice.

While venturing downtown, Sebastian was looking out the window while holding his gun. "Barbara, listen to me." Jim calls her making Barbara look at him. "Are you listening? You have a lifetime ahead of you. Don't throw it away on madness." Jim said to her making Barbara nod a little. "And maybe you can get a new start like my brother." Jim said to her making Barbara look at Sebastian. "I heard that Sebastian is your brother, I didn't see that coming but you learn new things everyday." Barbara said to them making Sebastian look at her.

"Gordon. Bullock. Come in."

Barnes radios in making Harvey pick the radio up. "Go ahead, Captain." Harvey radios in back. 

"I don't like this. You're boxed in. There's lots of cover. High vantage points all around." 

Barnes said to them. "Perfect spot for an ambush." Sebastian said to himself.

"Yeah, I gotta pull you out."

Barnes said to them. "You turn around, you get nothing." Barbara said to Jim making Jim look at her then Sebastian. "Not yet." Jim said to Harvey.

"You hear me? I'm pulling you out."

Barnes said to them. "What was that, Captain? You're breaking up." Harvey said to him. 

"Bullock! I swear to God, if you disobey--"

Harvey turns off the radio making Jim smile at him. "Barbara, think hard. Don't throw away your life." Jim said to her. "What life? You and me, we had a life. We had real love. You asked me to marry you. I booked a church. I bought a damn wedding dress. Jim, fool that I am, I still love you, even now. And I know you still have feelings for me, 'cause you said so." Barbara said to him making Sebastian pull Barbara back. "We can talk about our feelings later. There's more at stake here." Jim said to her. "I love you, Jim. And I think, deep down, you still love me." Barbara said to Jim making him turn to her. "Oh, for God's sakes, Barbara..." Jim said then suddenly a truck rammed the patrol car then there was gunshots going off.

Harvey was unconscious while Jim was disoriented. Jim sees Mercenaries then appeared to confront the strike force. Jim turns around to see Sebastian was unconscious too that's when he sees that Barbara was gone. Jim looks around to see Barbara staring at him from outside of the car making Jim pulls out his gun and he points at at her. "You gonna shoot me, Jim?" Barbara asks him making the question echo in Jim's head then Tabitha arrived to inject a tranquilizer in Jim.

Later Jim awakens in the cathedral tied to a wheelchair, across from Father Callahan who was also tied to a chair. "Hey, Jim." Jim hears someone making him turn to see Sebastian in a chair tied to it. "Where are we?" Jim asks him. "The Cathedral." Sebastian said to him while Jim looks around. "While did Barbara take you?" Jim asks him. "Something about finally being apart of the family." Sebastian said to him then the two hear someone humming the bridal chorus. Sebastian and Jim turn to see Barbara walking over to them dressed as a bride holding a shotgun, ready to begin the ceremony. "I know. Can you believe it still fits?" Barbara asks Jim who looks over at Sebastian. "And you think your lover was crazy." Jim said to him making Sebastian give him a look as Barbara walks over to Jim. "Do you remember when we first visited this place? How excited I was to get married here?" Barbara asks Jim while she circles Jim. "How long do you think you have before the G.C.P.D. finds us?" Jim asks her. "So typical. I'm talking about us, and your head is in work." Barbara said to him. "There is no us. What is all this?" Jim asks her. "Well, this is my wedding dress. The tailor still had it in storage. I mean, can you believe the luck? Or fate." Barbara said to him then she points her gun at the Father. "That's Father Callahan. You remember him, of course." Barbara said to him then she points her gun at the people. "And these bozos..." Barbara said as she points the gun at the other people. "Who knows? But you can't have a wedding without witnesses. That's the law." Barbara said to him making Jim give her a look. "Barbara..." Jim said to her. "Jim, please don't act all surprised and aggrieved. You knew from the start that this was a trap. But you thought, Hey, let the bad guys take their best shot. I'm Jim Gordon. I'll find a way to win." Barbara said to him then she chuckles. "Or die." Barbara said to him then she gets in Jim's face. "It's option B, baby. Your fondest wish come true." Barbara said to him. "I don't want to die." Jim said to her while not looking at her. "Oh...Hey. Sure you do. Aren't you tired of hiding your true self? Tired of lying to yourself? To Lee?" Barbara asks him while Sebastian looks at her. "I don't lie to Lee." Jim said to her. "Really? Let's ask her." Barbara said to him then a masked Tabitha then entered the cathedral wheeling in Leslie who was also tied to a wheelchair. "Lee!" Jim calls her as Tabitha stops the wheelchair next to Jim before walking away. "Hey, girlfriend." Barbara said to Lee as she walks over to Lee. "We really need to talk about this bad boy." Barbara said to her then she walks over to Sebastian. "Enjoying the show?" Barbara asks him making Sebastian laugh a little. "You wish." Sebastian said to her as Barbara gets in Sebastian's face. "I know you are playing an act, you know a little show for the Jim and the GCPD but I know you are dying to kill someone." Barbara said to him making Sebastian gives her a stare. " it because what happened to him?" Barbara asks him making Sebastian start breathing heavily. "You remember his face before he died?" Barbara whisper to him making Sebastian headbutt kicking her back. "That will hurt." Sebastian said to her while laughing at her. Barbara hits Sebastian in the head with the shotgun. "Barbara!" Jim yelled as Barbara starts humming. "You okay, Sebastian?" Jim asks him. "Yep, hurts like hell but I am very fine." Sebastian said to him. "So, Lee, how do you think your relationship with Jim is going?" Barbara asks Lee while kneeing down to her. "This doesn't concern Lee. Let her go and let my brother. This is between you and me." Jim said to her making Barbara stand up. "Oh...This is about all of us. She deserves to know exactly who you are." Barbara said to him. "I know who he is." Lee said to her making Barbara look at her. "Oh, how could you, when he doesn't even know? He is incapable of being honest with himself. Let alone anyone else." Barbara said to her. "What about you?" Sebastian asks her making Barbara look at him. "This entire day has been a lie. You were never gonna give up proof on Galavan." Sebastian said to her. "Who?" Barbara asks him. "You know who." Sebastian said to her. "Oh! You want some honesty? Fine." Barbara said to him and she looks at Jim. "Mayor James is alive and well at a stash house on China Docks. Hmm. See? Honesty. Now, you." Barbara said to Jim. "Who put him there?" Jim asks her but Barbara doesn't answer him. "Who put him there?" Jim asks her again. "Boring, Jim!" Barbara yelled at him then she looks at Lee. "The Jim Gordon you know is an act. He's like an addict who thinks he can dabble in darkness as long as nobody sees the needle marks." Barbara said to her. "Everyone has an act." Lee said to her. "Did he tell you how he got reinstated at the G.C.P.D.?" Barbara asks her. "He killed a man for Penguin." Lee said to her making Barbara look at Jim. "Wow! Very good, Jim. You did tell her." Barbara said to him with a smile. "We don't have secrets between us." Lee said to her. "Mmm-hmm." Barbara said to her while looking at her as she stands infront of Jim and Lee. "He's done a lot of things that he's not proud of. Everyone has." Lee said to her making Barbara. "But you love him anyway? Is that right? Despite all his faults." Barbara said to her while Sebastian thinks about Jerome. "Yes, I do." Lee said to her while she looks over at Jim making Barbara grab her head and she makes her look at her. "Cute little do-gooder Dr. Lee. Hmm? In love with a cruel, cold, death-obsessed sadist." Barbara said to her. "That's not Jim." Lee said to her making Barbara chuckle as she pulls out a knife from behind her dress. "Do you think you know him better than I do? Hmm? I love him, too, you know. I know him better than you do." Barbara said to her while Sebastian can see Jim trying to cut his hands free. "Okay, Barbara, I hear you. You love him, we both love him. That's okay--" Lee said to her while her breath was trembling. "But I love him more!" Barbara said to her while Sebastian tries to get his hands free. "Okay, listen, Barbara. I know that now. Please..." Lee said to her. "I'm gonna prove that I love him more. I am going to carve your pretty face off your skull. And then you will both understand what true love is." Barbara said to her. "Okay, there's just one more thing." Lee said to her. "What?" Barbara asks her. "Your dress." Lee said making Barbara step back. "I love your dress. I just want to know where you got it." Lee said to her. "Hmm. Oh, um..." Barbara said thinking about how to say it suddenly Jim and Sebastian breaks free from the ropes that was holding them. Jim then grabs the shotgun and points it at Barbara. "Drop the knife!" Jim yelled at her. "There he is. My little monster." Barbara said to him. "Don't make me kill you." Jim said to her. "Make you? Jim, you long to kill me. Do it, Jim. Do me." Barbara said to him as Sebastian hears police sirens. "Don't take another step!" Jim yelled at her as Barbara hears the police cars. "Kill him!" Barbara yelled as she runs away while two guys with mask walk into the room. Jim successfully subdues the two lackeys, but is forced to take refuge behind one of their corpses when Tabitha arrives shooting at him. Sebastian then grabs the gun of the underling he had shot, and shoots Tabitha in the shoulder causing her to flee then Harvey and several Strike Force members enter. "Go get her!" Jim orders them making them chasing down Tabitha. Jim then begins to free Leslie from her bondage while Sebastian looks around and he sees Barbara. "Jim." Sebastian calls him making Jim look up to see her. 

Sebastian and Jim chases Barbara to the top of the building where they see her standing here. "It's over." Jim said to her. "Not yet." Barbara said to him then she lunges at him with a knife. In the ensuing struggle, Barbara goes through a stained glass window and is saved from falling thanks to Jim. "Hold on. Hold on." Jim said to her while Sebastian walks over to the window. "Sorry, baby. I've been kind of a bad date, huh? I love you, baby." Barbara said to him then she releases her hand from his grip, falling to the ground. Jim stands up and he runs out of the room leaving Sebastian in the room. Sebastian leans a little and he sees Barbara on the ground not moving making him laugh uncontrollably. 

Later Barbara was taking away. "Some hedges and bushes broke her fall. She's got half a dozen broken bones and a concussion. She's critical." Lee said to Jim while Sebastian watch them from afar. "Are you okay?" Lee asks Jim. "Yeah." Jim said to her. "Not now, but when this is over, we need to talk." Lee said to him. "I know." Jim said to her and Lee walks away. Sebastian walks over to Jim who was rubbing his eyes. "You okay?" Sebastian asks him making Jim look at him. "Yeah, are you? It looks like Barbara get over your skin." Jim said to him. "Nothing I can't handle." Sebastian said to him as Barnes walks over to them. "Tell me you got something from her." Barnes said to them. "She didn't give up Galavan, but she did say Mayor James is alive, stashed in a safe house on China Docks." Jim said to him. "All mobile units, China Docks, right now!" Banes orders all mobile units to China Docks. Jim, Sebastian, Harvey, and Barnes got into a patrol car headed there as well.

Once at China Docks,  the G.C.P.D breaks in. "G.C.P.D.!" Jim yelled but nothing and the group walks deeper into the building, then the group finds Mayor James, who had a box over his head. "Help." Mayor James said to them making Jim walk over to him. "What is wrong with these people?" Harvey asks himself. "Help me!" Mayor James said to them. "Mayor James?" Jim asks him. "Help me, please." James said to them making Jim open the box. "Who did this to you?" Jim asks him. "Who do you think?!" James yelled at him. "Hello, James." Sebastian said making James look over at him and he jumps when he sees him. "You!" James yelled as Sebastian walks over to him. "Now, play nice or I will have to cut your tongue out." Sebastian said to him making Jim hold Sebastian's back. "Sebastian." Jim said to him. "Right, sorry. I'm just having some fun." Sebastian said to him. "It was Theo Galavan." James said to them.

Later At Theo's Penthouse

Sebastian was holding two knifes as he slowly walks over to two guys and he stabs both of them in the neck killing them. Blood hits Sebastian's face making him smile as Jim walks over to him. "I didn't say you can kill them." Jim said to him as the GCPD walks over. "My bad." Sebastian said to him as Jim pulls out some tissues and hands it to Sebastian. "Move in." Jim said to the GCPD who walks into the building.

"Alfred, get Bruce away from him, now!" Jim yelled as he walks into the room with his group. "Detective Gordon?" Bruce said as Alfred grabs him while Theo threw the envelope with the Wayne's killer in the fire. "You're under arrest!" Jim said to Theo as Jim walks closer to him. "Surprised to see me?" Jim asks Theo before Sebastian punches Theo in the face making his nose bleed. "May I ask what the charge is?" Theo asks them. "The kidnapping and torture of Aubrey James. Cuff him." Jim said to Harvey who walks over to Theo cuffs him. "Get him out of here." Jim said to them and the GCPD leaves the room. "No! No!" Sebastian hears Bruce yelled making Sebastian turns to see Bruce at the fire. "Tell me who killed them! Please! I'll do anything." Bruce yelled in devastated. "Sometimes it is better not to know." Sebastian said to him making Bruce look at him with tears in his eyes. "And saying you will do anything to get what you what." Sebastian said to him as he walks over to him. "Will end up killing you in the end." Sebastian said to him. "I know who you are..." Bruce said to him. "That's a good thing, you know how I ended up don't let this thing you looking for kill you on the inside." Sebastian said to him before he walks out of the room leaving Bruce.

Outside, Sebastian watch as Theo gets push to a police car, Theo looks at Sebastian who gives him a smile before Harvey puts Theo in the car. Sebastian was about to walk over to Jim until his phone buzz making him look at his phone to see it was Edward texting him to come over.

Later That Night At Edward's Apartment

Sebastian knocks on Edward's front door and the door opens right away. "What do you want now?" Sebastian asks him making Edward grabs Sebastian's shirt and he pulls him into his apartment. "Hey!" Sebastian yelled pulling away from Edward. "I don't play that way." Sebastian said to him. "Look!" Edward yelled pointing to his bed making Sebastian turn to the bed to see an injured Oswald. "I find him." Edward said to him as Sebastian walks over to the bed. "I haven't been him in days." Sebastian said to himself while staring at Oswald. Oswald was out cold in front of Sebastian, he can kill Oswald right now if he wanted to but he doesn't do it even if he wants too. "When he wakes up, we can ask him why he was alone." Edward said to Sebastian as he closes the door. "Plans like a plan." Sebastian said to him with a smile, he can't wait to hear what Oswald has to say.

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