Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptat...

By cathcath0610

22.6K 1K 313

I am not a talkative type of person, I am always serious, I am mysterious and that is the best way. They don'... More

Year AZ
Orangely Rude
50:50 Smile
Wolves I
Wolves II
Torn Between
Hope Vs. Decisions
The Start...
Sky Battle Ground 1.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.1
Sky Battle Ground 2.2
Sky Battle Ground 2.3
Sky Battle Ground 2.4
Sky Battle Ground 2.5
Courage to Speak
Sky Battle Ground 3.0
I Can't
White Lights
Nightmare or Dream
Blue Eyed Cat
Project Gold
Within the Walls
Honest Feelings
For Now
The Villain
I am a Manoban
Live Free

Devilish Princess

216 13 2
By cathcath0610

An embrace so tight, a feeling of uncertainty haunted her, and a stroke of fear knocked down on her. The blood dripping down on her head was nothing but at that very moment, Irene felt everything to her. She felt confused as to why she held Irene in her arms so tight that the pieces of her wouldn't break nor fall. Finally, she found her voice that sums up her feelings.

Lisa: Don't you ever make me worry again...

Irene's arms were already wrapped around her, gripping tight on Lisa's shirt, and sobbing on her chest. She was that close to danger and if it wasn't for Lisa, she knew she would be dead by now. Irene could feel Lisa's tight embrace that refused to let go of her, her shivering of fear became stable and those words she heard, words that felt real, felt sincere, made her ease up and feel safe the most. In between her sobs, she spoke.

Irene: Lis--- thank---

But Lisa cut her off.

Lisa: Shh... It's okay Irene... She broke her embrace and quickly held Irene's face with both of her hands

Lisa was trying to see if Irene was injured, checking Irene's head to see if there would be any signs of scratches visible. Indeed, her heart was pounding a fast beat.

She locked her gaze on Irene's piercing blue eyes and another flash of images came to her. What she saw was the sky covered with leaves, the sound of howling wolves, and an image of her climbing down a certain tree. But her hand suddenly stopped by another. It was none other but Irene, how her tears of concern mirrored her face.


Lisa: I have to do this Irene... I'll meet you back at camp...

Irene: Promise me...

Lisa: I promise... (she smiled)


When Lisa reached the ground, she looked up to where Irene was and gestured to Irene not to make a sound. Eyes of concern looking down on her and the very eyes and emotion she is currently seeing. She couldn't speak for a moment, it seemed she had lost her words, stunned she was. In that span of seconds, Lisa realized that she had made a promise, a promise never to a stranger was made. She gave those words to the girl in front of her, feeling she was everything to her.

Irene: Lisa... hey...

Lisa was snapped back to reality when she heard a gentle and soft voice of Irene.

Lisa: Uhm... Irene-----

???: Irene!!!!

A man screamed with such a high pitch. It was Irene's father, Commander Bae came rushing in, and in an instant, Lisa distanced herself from Irene. She quickly stood up and took a step back to give way to Commander Bae.

Commander Bae: Irene!!! Are you okay?... Are you hurt? He said with such concern as he embraces his daughter

Irene: I—I'm okay dad...

It wasn't just Commander Bae who came rushing in towards Irene, her friends also came rushing in. Indeed, they are all worried for their friend, they thought she in a glimpse of danger was killing them. Seulgi sighed in relief that Irene is safe, she places her gaze on Lisa who was just standing beside Irene, and Commander Bae acted cool with blood dripping down her head. She took her steps forward towards Lisa.

Seulgi: Bro... thank you... for saving Irene... we should get that head of yours checked by the medic.

And for the first time, Seulgi thanked Lisa and showed concern for her, all the hate she felt for Lisa years before really did fade. She was more understanding and accepting.

Lisa as hard-headed as a f*cking rock just shrugged off Seulgi's offer and just fix her suit and tie. She was about to walk away when Irene noticed her and tried to call her name.

Irene: Lis--- ouch...

When Irene tried to stand up, she forgot that she just twisted her ankle when Ji-eun push her hard on the ground not no mention the scratches on her knees. Lisa was about to rush over to Irene, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw her commander. Good thing that her father was just beside her and was able to catch her.

Nayeon: Besh... take it easy... we need to get that check... wait I will call the medic. She radios in for an ambulance to get Irene to check and for Lisa as well.

Commander Bae: Thank you Nayeon, you too Lisa, I think you need medical attention.

Commander Yang: No need Commander Bae, we can take care of her. Well, that was an interesting turn of events. Interesting but not impressive. Well, my team is impressive, that's a fact. We shall leave first then. Have a wonderful event. He smiled at them

Another vehicle was already deployed as the transformation for Commander Yang and his men. When Commander Yang and two of his men turn their back each one of them saw Ji-eun smiling devilishly like she was successful in hurting Irene and taunting her that she can hurt her, even more, Lisa saw this, she was about to follow Ji-eun to talk some sense to her after all Irene is not Ji-eun's subject but hers to sum it up, Ji-eun has no right to touch Irene but her tracks were ceased when she heard Irene's voice again.

Irene: Lisa... please have that look at... She said with concern

Lisa: I--I wil--- She suddenly stutter

Commander Yang: Lalisa!!! He called Lisa with an authoritative voice

Lisa: I have to go.

Lisa didn't look at them at all, she quickly changes her gaze to her Commander and started to walk as the well-disciplined soldier she is. When no sight of them was seen the medical crew quickly came to aid.

Commander Bae: He still has great control over her... we just need to break that control.

Seulgi: I think sir it is slowly breaking and I think doubt is now playing in her mind.

Irene: What makes you say that, Seul?

They escorted Irene to the ambulance as Commander Bae wanted to be sure of Irene's condition.

at what Lisa's saying.

"Huh? What is she saying? Maybe she is the one who has head trauma? I do not forget something..." Irene said to herself

Lisa: Tsk! Tsk! You already forget, we need to get that head of yours checked, wait I will call the nurse.

Lisa's tone of voice was serious and all of them were confused about her action before Lisa could take a step outside the room, she was actually dead serious about calling the nurse to further assess Irene's head, how Irene quickly stood up from the edge of the bed and called out her name.

Irene: Lisa what are you--- ouch...

Seulgi: Irene... take it easy...

Bo-gum: Are you okay? Wait... you should take a sit first...

Bo-gum assists Irene to sit on the bed again but Lisa grabs Irene's hand to him.

Bo-gum: Hey!

Lisa: Will you shut up, you are noisy. She gave Bo-gum a murderous look

Because of shock, Bo-gum becomes quiet. Lisa looks back at Irene.

Lisa: Even if you forget, we will still continue. Dinner, remember? She smirks

Irene: Uhm, dinner... bu-but... Lis uhm...

As Irene was now turning to a shade of red. Everyone in the room thought Lisa I devilishly charming.

Bo-gum: Are you blind? Can't you see that Irene's ankle is injured? And you still ask for dinner? Are you st*pid? She is still confined here in the hospital!

Lisa: I already took care of that. She showed a piece of paper in her hand, smiling

Bo-gum immediately took it and read it aloud.

Bo-gum: Hospital discharge papers for Irene Ba—ho-how?! You can't do that!

"This piece of sh*t is getting on my nerves! I would really like to place a bullet in her head if Irene is not in front of me" Lisa said to herself.

Lisa: Apparently, I can. She looks at Bo-gum dead serious

Irene: I'm sorry Lis... Uhm... because... I can't walk straight at all... so, uhm... about dinner----- OH MY GOSH!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN! LISA!!

Lisa just carried Irene on her shoulders in a fireman's carry style.

Lisa: I'm not taking a no for an answer.

Seulgi: Bro! What do you think you are doing?

Nayeon: Hey Lisa! Put Irene down!!!

Lisa: I'm taking her out for dinner, this was already planned earlier, I made an effort to be here and take her out, think wisely if you want to stop me. She smiled at them

They look at each other, battling it out if they will stop Lisa or not. What they saw earlier displayed Lisa's capacity in battle. She is deadly, precise, and merciless. They were all in doubt about stopping her.

Nayeon: I-it is just a dinner Lisa, right? Uhm, you will bring her back... right? She asked nervously

Lisa: Of course. So I guess that's a yes then, Nayeon. She smiled


Nayeon: Yes...

Irene: BESH!!!!!

Nayeon: What? She said that she will bring you back here... hehe... and besides we all agree.

Irene: Lisa put me down!!! One!!! She slaps Lisa's back

Bo-gum: Hey! I don't agree! Put Irene down!

Lisa: Hmmmm... let me think... I think I'll stand with my answer. NO.

When she released the word no, Lisa immediately run with Irene on her shoulders, like a snatcher that snatches the bag or wallet of a person. Bo-gum ran after to stop her, Lisa fasten her run, and almost all the nurses and doctors runs after them when they notice the noise that Bo-gum made.

Bo-gum: HEY!!! Stop her! Lisa put Irene down!!!

Lisa already planned how to outsmart the f*cking tamarind following them. Still running, Lisa saw a nurse standing with a clipboard in her hand staring at them from afar, when Lisa was about to approach her, she gave the pretty nurse a wink, of course, the nurse was stunned even more and she even blush. She stopped in front of the pretty nurse, while Bo-gum was running towards them in the distance.

Lisa: Hi!

Pretty nurse: Uhm... h—hi... She blushed

Lisa: Mind helping me out? She charmingly smiled

Irene who was at Lisa's shoulder saw everything, she wanted to clasp Lisa's hair for flirting with a nurse right in front of her.

"What the f*ck!!! Flirting in front of me? Did she forget that she is carrying me? Get ready for me later Manoban!! And this one, she has the guts to blush! Excuse me, can't you see I am on her shoulders?!" Irene said angrily to herself

Bo-gum: Hey SNAKE!!! Stop and put Irene down!!! He said while panting

Bo-gum running, panting, almost completely out of breath, Lisa was just too fast for her, like a lightning speed fast for her. She was about to reach Lisa and Irene when they stop their tracks for a few seconds, just an inch when suddenly, Lisa just grab the pretty nurse in front of her and push the nurse in Bo-gum's direction. Bo-gum had no choice but to catch the nurse that Lisa pushed, and both fell hard down on the ground. With his back against the cold hospital floor, he slowly stood up and how disappointed he was that she just lost Lisa and Irene, she just got outsmarted by the person she calls a snake. A very devious snake.

Bo-gum: F*CK!!! Where are they?! F*CK!!!


Lisa: Irene stop!? We will fall because of what you are doing!

Irene: I don't care!!! Put me down! Flirt! Flirt!! She slaps Lisa's shoulder

Lisa: Flirt?! Wait!!! What are you saying? We are now near, will you behave?!


The two were at the staircase of the hospital and heading up to the rooftop and Lisa is having a hard time carrying Irene since she kept on hitting her and kicking her feet. When she couldn't take it anymore and they were already in front of the rooftop door, Lisa slowly let Irene off her shoulder.

Lisa: I am not a fli---


Lisa: WHY DID YOU SLAP ME?! She's holding onto her left cheek

Yeah, a thunderous slap was just delivered to Lisa.

Irene: It serves you right!!! Bring me back to my room!!!

Irene is just upset. More like jealous that Lisa just flirted with the nurse back there not because Lisa just snatched her away from her room.

Lisa: We had an agreement! So, whether you like it or not, our dinner will continue!

Irene: Bring me back to my room! Manoban, one!

Lisa became quiet, Irene just called her Manoban which got her confused, and her headache was not just an ordinary ache, it somehow gave Lisa a painful shock that sent bolts all over her body. It was already odd to her that the pain still lingered on her body.

Lisa: I—I'm no—not a Ma-Manoban...

Irene just realized what she called Lisa, she forgot for a moment that Lisa does not remember at all that she's Commander Manoban's daughter. Instilled in Lisa's mind that she's a Yang not a Manoban.

Irene: Uhm... Lisa... uhm...

Lisa: Argh... She softly let out a whimper

Irene immediately went to Lisa to check on her, She heard the soft cry of pain from her, and she saw how Lisa was holding her head like it was hurting. Even though she is having a hard time walking she still does that, her anger and jealousy are gone and turn into a worry.

Irene: Lisa, are you okay?... She asked with concern

Irene placed her right hand on Lisa's cheek and tried to let Lisa look at her, Irene noticed that Lisa had a cut on her lips, which she distinctly remembered that she hadn't hit at all during the attack earlier during the attack, but it seemed the cut on her lips is still fresh. It seems she was punched in the face but she dodged the punch, who punched her?

Irene: What happened to your lip? She brushes her thumb on the cut on Lisa's lip

Lisa: It's nothing... She pulled away

Finally, the pain subsided from Lisa's body, she felt a bit of relief but although puzzled why her mind and body reacted that way when Irene mentioned the surname Manoban. There is only one person she knows that is holding that name and that is Argos Manoban.

"Manoban... Argos Manoban... him... Am I a Ma-Manoban? No, I can't be... I am a Yang!... I—I don't understand... I am so confused..." Lisa said and asked herself.

Irene: Are you alright?

Awakened by Irene's voice, Lisa just smiled at her and masked her current emotions.

Lisa: Yeah, let's go out... I know you are hungry... I will bring you back to your room after... don't worry. She smiled and offered her hand to Irene.

Irene hesitated but eventually accepted Lisa's hand. Lisa opened the rooftop door and escorted Irene slowly outside. Irene's eyes grew in amusement seeing that a piece of cloth was placed on the ground and a few paper bags beside it. As they came near, Lisa guided Irene to sit down and when she did, she grabbed the paper bag and sat beside her.

Irene: Did you prepare this? She smiled

Lisa: Who else do you think? She smiles widely

Irene: I don't know... maybe Bo-gum and you just stole his setup. She smirks

Lisa: The hell?! That id*ot?! I am the one who did this! He didn't even realize that the discharge papers were fake, do you think he can do this? Don't make me laugh---- OUCH!!!

Irene pinched Lisa's waist.

Lisa: Why? You're a sadist! Did you know that?

Irene: Because you fool us, I thought the discharge papers were true... devilish princess. She murmured her last words

Lisa: I'm not that insensitive Irene. She became busy taking out the food inside the paper bag

Irene: Just merciless... She whispered

But Lisa heard it loud and clear, she placed the paper bag down on the cement floor and faced Irene.

Lisa: I just did my job. It was in the agreement that if any harm shall come to our commander, we are ordered to advance. There was nothing wrong with what we did. She said coldly

Anger had finally burst out from Irene, she could not control it anymore, what she was seeing was Lisa without her own freedom, built to follow orders and no will to call her own. Just a monster.

Irene: Did you ever try to stop and think... think about what you are fighting for?! What do you stand for?! Because the Lisa I knew wanted freedom, she stood by for what was right! Who gave her word to live for me! Who was never ordered to make me fall for her! Who will never use me! She said angrily

Lisa: Then the Lisa you know is dead!!!

How Lisa's words struck deep on Irene's chest. Those words were hurtful, Irene wanted to cry although a tear had already escaped her eyes but she quickly wiped her tears away and looked straight into Lisa's eyes as if saying she had enough of her games, had enough of the devilish princess in front of her. With all her courage and might, she took a deep breath and spoke.

Irene: Then she is dead.

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