A Cinderella Demon Tale: Suku...

By quinneleong

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In the demon palace's gloom, Sukuna, a lord with a grim mission, battles endless boredom. A summoning table's... More

Chapter 1: The Demon King's Boredom
Chapter 2: The Cursed Cinderella
Chapter 3: The Demon's Curiosity
Chapter 4: A Demon's Curiosity Deepens
Chapter 5: A Demon's Benevolence
Chapter 6: The Demon's Beautiful Markings
Chapter 7: The Demon's Bubble
Chapter 8: A Demon Receives Soup
Chapter 9: The Demon and The Rat
Chapter 10: Beneath the Demon's Rage
Chapter 11: The Demon's and Cinderella's Outing
Chapter 13: The Demon Lost in Thought
Chapter 14: Schemes and The Prince
Chapter 15: The Invitation
Chapter 16: Threads of Fate
Chapter 17: Connecting the Threads

Chapter 12: The Demon and Intoxicating Revelations

811 36 93
By quinneleong

Author's Note: Ahhh!! Finally had time to write, thank you everyone for the supportive compliments and patience! Can't wait to start writing more regularly again!!

The atmosphere inside the tavern enveloped Cinderella in a wave of warmth. As she navigated the lively crowd, the collective heat of joyous revelers pressed upon her from all sides. Bodies swayed and twirled on the wooden floor, which, under the influence of an evening's merriment, had grown sticky, bearing the remnants of spilled alcohol intermingled with sweat, saliva, and the residue of other bodily excretions.

The townsfolk, with their hearts aflame, harmonized in song, clapping in unison and stomping their feet with fervor. Their voices resonated with the infectious rhythms, echoing through the raucous tavern. Amid this lively mixture of sounds, Cinderella could feel her own body beginning to surrender to the allure of the intoxicating brews that flowed freely.

Drawn toward the center of the bustling establishment, Cinderella found herself amid a swirling dance of jubilant souls. A delighted giggle bubbled from her lips as she twirled, her fingers gracefully entwined with the hem of her dress. Her attire flowed with an effortless elegance, mirroring the fluidity of her movements. A radiant smile adorned her face as she surrendered to the vibrant surroundings, allowing the music to guide her steps.

Unbeknownst to Cinderella, Sukuna had made his secretive entrance into the tavern. Pushing open the creaking wooden doors, he was met with a sensory barrage. The amalgamation of alcohol and sweat reached out to assail his senses, causing his nose to scrunch in mild discomfort. Resigned to the necessity of enduring the atmosphere, he began scanning the energetic crowd, his sharp eyes searching for a particular figure.

Making his way to the bar, Sukuna decided that fortifying himself with a drink was imperative to survive this rumbustious atmosphere. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a coin sailing toward the bartender, who deftly caught it. Leaning casually against the bar, he observed the ongoing revelry, his gaze unwavering in its quest. A drink was slid across the bar to him, and he accepted it, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the dance floor.

Amid the tumultuous crowd, Cinderella stood as a beacon of radiance, a lighthouse amidst the swirling tempest of dancers. The crowd seemed to part, as if by divine design, creating a clear line of sight to the vivacious Cinderella. Her presence seemed to defy the cacophonous music that surrounded her, and Sukuna couldn't help but imagine the joyful laughter that undoubtedly accompanied her spirited dance.

She twirled with grace, her dress trailing in a mesmerizing choreography of fabric and form. A toss of her dress in one direction, a graceful kick of her foot, and a timely spin in perfect harmony with the music. She danced in joyous communion with those around her, linking arms and spiraling round and round like a living carousel.

Sukuna, a silent observer, continued to savor his drink as he watched Cinderella. It was a side of her he had never expected to see – so full of life and vitality. A sharp contrast to her confinement within the mansion's walls. As he sipped the bitter elixir, a sense of unexpected enjoyment began to creep over him. He mulled over his options – should he wait quietly in the shadows or orchestrate a chance encounter? The desire to be close to her in this moment of revelry tugged at his thoughts, beckoning him to decide his course of action.

Amidst the whirlwind of dancers, Cinderella continues to dance joyously in the music that permeated the air. The lively tune that enveloped the tavern signaled a crowd favorite, causing the room to erupt in joyous cheers. The infectious energy spurred everyone to find a partner, uniting strangers in a harmonious dance.

A bright smile adorned Cinderella's lips as she marveled at the wondrous connection forged by the shared music. Lost in her thoughts, she was taken by surprise when a stranger approached her. His suave demeanor was evident as he extended a hand, inviting her to join him in the dance. Cinderella offered a polite smile and accepted his offer, allowing the dashing man to guide her to the center of the floor.

Their dance was a captivating blend of waltz and swing, a mesmerizing ebb and flow of movement. He led her close, then with a graceful push, sent her spinning. With each pull and spin, Cinderella found herself further entranced, the room's warm embrace and the effects of the alcohol cocooning her in bliss. She laughed with each twirl, surrendering to the intoxicating rhythm.

Sukuna, from his vantage point, observed the unfolding dance. His gaze, once again drawn to Cinderella, noted the mysterious man leading her in a dance that seemed to captivate her entirely. An unsettling feeling churned in his stomach, his fists clenching involuntarily around his wooden mug. The sight both fascinated and perturbed him.

As the music came to an end, Cinderella attempted to excuse herself, yearning to resume her solitary dance amidst the crowd. But the stranger had other intentions. He tightened his grip on her wrist, refusing to release her. Panic gripped Cinderella as she slurred her words due to the influence of alcohol. "I jush wanna dance alone," she giggled, trying to retract her hand, unaware of the sinister intentions oozing from the man.

"Darling, we were having a great time, I insist you stay," the man said while tightening his grip around Cinderella's wrist. She panicked further, struggling to pull away more forcefully now. "Shir, please let me go," she tried to state sternly, despite her slurred words. The man, however, was unrelenting, pulling her closer and gripping her waist tightly in an attempt to make her dance with him.

Cinderella pressed her hands against his chest, attempting once again to push away, her gaze fixed on the man's face. She noticed distinctive markings on his skin, a star under his right eye and a teardrop under his left. "Perhaps he is a jester?" Cinderella thought to herself, her fear mounting as the situation grew increasingly sinister.

As she contemplated his intentions, the man introduced himself with a name that dripped with ill intent – "The name's Hisoka." Cinderella's heart raced, fearing the worst. Hisoka's advances showed no signs of stopping as he placed his fingers under her chin bringing her face close to his, and she reluctantly closed her eyes, bracing herself for a potential kiss.

But the dreaded moment never came to pass. Instead, her eyes fluttered open to witness a sudden blur of motion and the unmistakable sound of a fist connecting with Hisoka's face. The force sent him hurtling across the tavern, leaving chaos in his wake. Panic rippled through the crowd as they hastily retreated, unwilling to get caught up in the brewing conflict.

Cinderella, her legs trembling, crumpled to the floor. Fear surged through her as she contemplated her own vulnerability in the midst of the turmoil. Several tense moments passed before she looked up and saw a familiar silhouette towering over her. Clad in the recognizable butler attire, it was none other than Sukuna.

"Sukuna?" Cinderella's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and relief as she called out to her unexpected savior.

Sukuna had been a silent observer of the entire confrontation between Cinderella and Hisoka, his emotions simmering beneath a controlled surface. He had chosen the precise moment to intervene, watching the unsettling scene unfold with a clenched fist crushing the wooden mug, his drink spilling and forgotten. A storm of anger churned within him as he traversed the crowded tavern, parting the revelers in his deterred path.

As he approached Cinderella and Hisoka, his gaze locked on the predatory man who had dared to threaten her. Sukuna's breathing grew heavy, his every step a testament to his growing fury. Hisoka's actions had awakened a dangerous rage within him, one he was seldom inclined to unleash.

When he witnessed Hisoka seizing Cinderella's face, Sukuna's restraint snapped, and he threw a fierce punch without hesitation. The impact sent Hisoka hurtling through the air, crashing into a table with a loud thud. It was a strike that few mortals could endure unscathed, but Hisoka, to Sukuna's surprise, seemed unfazed, even amused.

Hisoka's unsettling smile sent a shiver down Sukuna's spine. The man licked his lips, his gaze locked with Sukuna's, his taunting words cutting through the tension. "That was quite a hit, I can tell you're powerful; however, you're not at your full strength. What a shame."

Sukuna's fist clenched, his resolve to confront the insolent man burning with intensity. He was about to make his move when he felt a delicate hand wrap around his arm. Glancing down, he saw Cinderella, her weight leaning against him, her voice slurred as she pleaded with him not to engage further.

His attention wavered between the retreating Hisoka and the vulnerable Cinderella by his side. A disgruntled sound escaped him, and he made the choice to prioritize her safety over vengeance. With a begrudging nod, he acquiesced, understanding the precariousness of their situation.

The tavern had fallen into an uneasy hush, all eyes trained on Sukuna and Cinderella, which only served to escalate their discomfort. Sukuna knew he couldn't afford to reveal Cinderella's identity beneath the scarf, not with the risk of repeating the townspeople's cruel taunts. Determined to protect her, he scooped her into his arms with a graceful ease, princess-style, and headed towards the tavern's back garden.

The cool, fresh air greeted them as they left the tavern behind, and Sukuna sensed the whispers of concern fading as the music resumed inside. He made his way to the garden, a serene outdoor haven decorated with a vibrant array of flowers and lanterns that cast enchanting patterns of light.

The garden's beauty was illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns, which imbued the surroundings with a magical allure. Sukuna carefully placed Cinderella on a bench, her expression a mixture of embarrassment and vulnerability. Her wiggling in his arms earlier hadn't gone unnoticed, and he couldn't resist a gentle tease.

"Comfortable, Ella?" Sukuna's voice was a soothing murmur as he leaned closer to her ear. Cinderella, still slightly flustered, peeked through her hands, her words tumbling out in a rush, "Yesh, I mean I appreshiate the help Shukuna but I must beveryheavyrightnowsoyoucanletmedown."

Sukuna couldn't help but smile at her earnestness. "Alright, Ella, I'm going to put you down now." He lowered her gently onto the bench, and despite her momentary pout, she seemed relieved to be seated. The garden around them remained a breathtaking sight, its beauty enhancing the sense of magic and serenity in the air.

Cinderella's words tumbled forth with a slight slur, her tipsy state making her fidget with her skirt as she attempted to express her gratitude. Sukuna remained silent for a moment, his piercing gaze fixed on her. He then gently lifted her chin, his fingers warm and tender against her skin. Cinderella felt herself drawn into his gaze, her heart fluttering, and her eyes closing as she braced for his touch. Cinderella once feared this situation from the mysterious man, but when Sukuna replicated the same actions she couldn't help but welcome it eagerly.

Instead of a kiss, Sukuna's touch was accompanied by the sensation of a cloth brushing against her cheek, then her chin, then her hands. Confusion danced across her features as she opened her eyes to see him carefully wiping her down. "Shukuma?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity.

Sukuna continued his ministrations, explaining, "Don't mind me, I'm just wiping the germs off of you." His fingers traced over her delicate hands, holding them gently in his own. Cinderella watched in awe as he cleaned her hands, his brows furrowing slightly. He seemed lost in thought, and the tension in his grip was noticeable.

As Sukuna's focus remained on her hands, Cinderella, still under the influence of alcohol, let her fingers interlock with his. It was a bold move, one spurred by the warmth of the moment and the odd sense of comfort she found in his presence. Sukuna tensed up, unsure how to react to this unexpected gesture. He was acutely aware of the sensation of her fingers against his, her delicate touch tugging at something deep within him.

Cinderella broke the silence, suggesting a walk around the garden. Sukuna nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from their intertwined hands. As they strolled through the garden, he marveled at the beauty around them, though most of his senses were concentrated on the softness of her hand and the warmth it exuded.

All of Sukuna's senses seemed to converge on the sensation of their interlocked hands, rendering everything else around him a distant blur. The chill in the air, the lingering anger from the tavern, and even the breathtaking scenery of the garden all faded into the background. He remained transfixed on their joined hands, uncertain of how tightly he should hold on, a fear of inadvertently harming Cinderella lurking in his mind.

His thoughts swirled as he wondered whether the flustered feeling he experienced stemmed from the remnants of alcohol in his system. Sukuna entertained that possibility, even though he knew he had crushed the remainder of his drink upon witnessing Cinderella being grabbed. In search of reassurance, he gently tightened his grip, a silent affirmation that this was indeed real. When he felt the gentle response from Cinderella's hand, the softness of her touch meeting his, he knew that it was all the confirmation he needed.

Cinderella, too, felt the squeeze and turned back to see Sukuna somewhat spaced out. A warm smile spread across her face as she returned the gesture, her heart swelled with a sense of security. In this moment, she felt protected and cherished, and the world around them seemed to fade away. Maybe it was the influence of the alcohol, but she couldn't help but wish that time would freeze, allowing her to savor every moment spent with Sukuna in the enchanting garden for hours on end.

Cinderella's giggle snapped Sukuna back to reality, prompting him to inquire, "What's so amusing?" She continued to giggle before explaining, "You shwere my hero again. That's twice you've saved me, Sukuma."

Sukuna chuckled softly, though his voice held a darker undertone as he responded, "That's the first time I've been called a hero. Don't you remember what the townspeople called me? I'm a monster." His words cast a shadow over the moment, but Cinderella wasn't having it. She stopped and turned to face him, poking his well-defined chest with her free hand.

"How dare you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with determination. "Don't call yourshelf that," she insisted, poking him again and stepping closer until they were inches apart. Her words caught Sukuna off guard, and he allowed himself to indulge in the playful exchange.

"What are you going to do about it if I call myself a monster?" Sukuna teased, leaning closer to her. "Perhaps I like it." Cinderella pouted and slightly stomped her foot, expressing her displeasure. "Then... You're a nice monshter," she countered, her uncertainty giving her words a touch of vulnerability.

Sukuna couldn't help but smirk at her response. "I've never seen a nice monster before, Ella," he cooed playfully, reveling in the warmth of their conversation.

Cinderella continued to share her thoughts, her rambling becoming endearing as she tried to express herself. "That's because people just think that a monster is alshways bad. But people are bad too... doesn't that make them just as much as a monster too? I don't know," she rambled, her words flowing like a gentle stream.

"Well, monsters are supposed to be ugly and ferocious, right?" she continued, her words growing softer. "Then you definitely wouldn't be, because you're sho handsome," she admitted, her gaze meeting his. Sukuna's eyes widened slightly, surprised by the unexpected compliment. He leaned closer to her, closing the distance between them as a sly grin spread across his face.

"Oh? So you think I'm handsome, huh?" Sukuna inquires.

As Cinderella complimented Sukuna, her flustered words spilled out in a rush. She brought her hand up to her ear, feeling the warmth from his proximity. "You're a handhsome monshter... no, you're not a monster. Then just handsome," she stammered, her face clearly flustered.

Sukuna couldn't help but find her adorable as he responded with a playful tone, "Hmm, I think you're the first person to call me handsome." Cinderella, however, seemed genuinely surprised by this revelation.

"What! How can dat be! Look at you!" Cinderella exclaimed, her eyes running up and down his body before she paused mid-sentence. "Not to mention your mushcl—"

She halted, realizing her boldness, but Sukuna wasn't about to let her off the hook. "Not to mention?" he inquired, his voice filled with teasing amusement. "By all means, continue."

Cinderella avoided his gaze and looked at the surrounding flowers. An idea crossed her mind, "Look at these flowers sho pretty I think we have them–", Sukuna interrupted her with a soft, "Ella," drawing her attention back to him. Their eyes locked, and her cheeks reddened.

"I–" Cinderella began, her words faltering. "I am impressed by your fighting skillshs," she covered, earning a faint frown from Sukuna. He wanted her honesty, and her boldness from the consumed alcohol had intrigued him. He yearned to witness more of the intoxicated Cinderella and the unfiltered words that would flow forth.

"Was that really it? Come on now, Ella, don't lie to me," Sukuna urged, his voice gentle and seductive. He lifted their interlocked hands to his mouth, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to the top of her hand. Cinderella shivered, her stomach aflutter as she struggled to form coherent sentences.

"Uh, I mean... your mushels! They were really attractive! I've never seen a man like you before!" Cinderella finally exclaimed, her hands shooting up to cover her face as she squealed in embarrassment.

Sukuna couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar sensation welling up within him. It was a mix of heat and electricity, an uneasiness that was strangely exhilarating. His heart raced, but it wasn't the same as the adrenaline of a fight; it was a sensation he couldn't fully grasp. A wide smile spread across his face as he found himself inexplicably drawn to her.

Before he could stop himself, he pried Cinderella's hands away from her face, his crimson eyes locked onto her flushed features. She looked enchanting with her porcelain skin painted in a feverish blush. Sukuna needed to know more, to explore this feeling further.

"Do tell me how I am like a man you've never seen before," Sukuna requested, his eyes locked onto hers, captivated by her words and her presence.

Cinderella was reaching her limit, the alcohol and Sukuna's endearing actions overwhelming her senses. She couldn't resist the urge any longer, grabbing his face with both hands and blurting out her feelings. "I have never met a gentleman I fancied so much before, and I'm not sure if I ever will! I don't know!" With that heartfelt confession, Cinderella's eyelids grew heavy, and she began to sway.

Sukuna immediately noticed her fading consciousness and reacted swiftly. He swept her off her feet before her knees could buckle, holding her close to his chest. Cinderella drifted into sleep, lulled by the soothing rhythm of his rapidly beating heart. Sukuna gazed down at her, brushing her hair aside as he made his way back to the mansion, unable to stop smiling the entire way.

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