jjs little sister

By bellabrown509

37.1K 338 42

jj maybank has a little sister. she's only 2 years younger than him, but they're exactly alike. she has the s... More

part 1- little maybank
part 3- shitty fathers
part 4- sex is my favorite drug
part 5- kegger
part 6- flashbacks
part 7- breakdown
part 8- nightmares
part 9- numb
part 10- fathers hit
part 11- waves

part 2- nothing like breaking the law

3.6K 33 5
By bellabrown509

pope was the first to wake up from the tangled mess he called his friends. jj was on the floor with one of his arms on a chair, kie had starfished in the middle of the bed, john b was hovering on the end of the pull out horizontally, and rylie had her head on john b's leg and the rest of her body tangled between kies. pope took a picture of everyone's slumbered state, happy he never got that wasted.

pope, being the mother of the group made everyone bagels and cereal for when the woke up. the power was out and it was the best he could do. "i've never been more hungover in my life" jj chirped from the floor. he was the last to wake up. "everything hurts" kie moaned biting into her bagel.

last night they decided to go surfing in the middle of the hurricane. they were only tipsy when they went out but it still took a toll on their bodies. "i think i'm gonna-" and with that rylie sprinted to the closest door and threw up in the front yard.
"10 bucks says she does it again in the next 5min" jb placed a bet with jj. they listen closely, waiting for her to make a noise. on the 6th minute she was hurling again which caused jb and jj to argue over the $10.


"i said $75" "no you said $50, i only have $50" "give me the 50 plus 20 minutes with your daughter" luke maybank and an old friend of her were arguing in the kitchen over how much luke owed him.

"what no are you crazy?" luke replied "i'll make it $35 and 30 with her" the friend bargained "deal" luke shook his hand. this was the first time luke let a man touch his daughter as some form of payment. rylie was 8.

the boys arguing over money caused the memory reappear. when she vomited again she couldn't tell if it was because of her hangover or the thought of what happened that night. she shook her thoughts away and walked back inside.

"you ok?" kie asked "better now" rylie said sipping on some water. "we should probably go see if dad needs help at home" jj. spoke playing with his cereal. rylie sighed but agreed to go with him.
"dad are you here?" jj called, entering the house. it was empty but still a mess on the inside and outside. the siblings began clearing the branches that had fallen last night, and took off the boards covering the windows. rylie looked at the pile of dishes in the sink and took it upon herself to straighten up at least a little bit.

after about 3.5 hours of working, the took a break in jjs room. it smelled of weed, salt and cologne which rylie found comforting.

"i'm bored jage" she complained "wanna watch a movie?" he suggested "powers out stupid" she rolled her eyes. "wanna go steal something?" he offered. rylies eyes lit up "absolutely" she smiled. they rode jjs bike to the laundromat first and waiting until some idiot walked away from the dryer or their basket. it was like going to the mall but free. they're second location was the convenient store closer to figure 8 with "the good shit" as jj liked to call it. they masterfully took several candy bars, bottles of liquor and a bag of takis.

the third place they ended up at honestly wasn't even a location. they were just walking down the sidewalk and "accidentally" bumped into someone and dropped his wallet without noticing. the guy had about $100 on him and a couple gift cards that they swiped.

"god i love stealing" rylie stealing hopping on the back of her brothers bike "you're too much like me" jj rolled his eyes and started driving back to their house.

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