part 7- breakdown

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3 days later happen to be when jj maybank was going through rylies room, and found this crumpled piece of paper.

john b, kie, pope and rylie were watching a movie at the chateau when jj stormed in. "what happened to you" jb laughed throwing a piece of popcorn at his best friend. jj was seeing red and grabbed rylies wrist, dragging her over john b's entire body and off the couch, dragging her into john b's room.

"God jj what the fuck" rylie hissed, retrieving her wrist. "you hurt yourself" he stayed. it was less of a question and more of an assertion. "wh-what?" she stuttered. jj held up the shitty piece of pepper he found and rylie went pale and her eyes grew wider. "where did you get that" she shrieked, trying to grab the paper out of her brothers hands.

"answer my fucking question. do you fucking hurt yourself" he shouted loud enough for the others to hear. "no, no i don't" rylie lied "show me" jj growled "what no i don't even-" "i said show me rylie" jj sternly shouted. rylie refused to give into his demands. "last fucking chance rylie, i said fucking show me" he called out once more.
"i'm not gonna show you anything are you crazy?" she snapped trying to walked out the bedroom door.

she was stopped by a full body force of her brother who now had her pinned on the floor. he reached for her wrists and shoved her bracelets aside, revealing an abundance of cuts up and down her wrist. rylie knew there was nothing she could do to ease the situation. jj stared at her wrist and then back to her before her examined the other side. it was mostly burn marks but the knot in jjs stomach grew with each injury he saw.

rylie thrashed her arms around, begging him to stop looking and to get off, but after what he read on the paper he was going for her legs next. he pulled the bottom of her shorts up so that he could see higher up on her leg. rylie was thrashing her legs with her entire body's force while he was trying to look at what she did to herself. "jj get off me please" she shouted, tears forming in her eyes. "i-i want you to stop" she cried. it didn't stop him from holding her other leg down and seeing the mix of fresh cuts and burns on her thigh.

rylie let out the most heartbreaking scream while trying to get jj off of her. "why- why would you" jj started to ask before he was shoved off of her. she found a corner of the room and sat in it, curling up like a ball. "rylie talk to me" he coaxed "what happened" "nothing happened! i just started doing it" she shouted, fighting back tears.

jj didn't believe her, but he was getting no where with her in this mental state, and he hardly ever saw her cry. "come here" he told her, bringing her to his lap. she sobbed on his chest while he rubbed her back and her hair. "i'm not mad at you" he whispered. she had fallen asleep and no way in hell was jj getting off that floor.

"get off of me! get off me! please just leave!" rylie screamed. this was one of the only times luke allowed multiple people to have their fun with her at the same time.

there was 3 people she was with, no matter how hard she tried to fight it was useless. she was a little girl against 3 fully grown men.

"please it hurts" she cried. one of the men was holding her arms down while the other two had their way with her. "god don't you ever shut up?" one of them snarled. they were in some shed near the edge of the island. "let me go, please" rylie cried. she earned a punch in the face as a result, causing her to leave with a busted lip dripping down her body. "god just kill me" she muttered in agony.

12 hours later she tried to drown herself in the bathtub, but when jj found her she told him she just fell asleep. she also received a beating for making the water bill skyrocket, as well as ruining the floor boards in the bathroom.

"jj can i come in" jb knocked "yea just be quiet" he whispered to his friend. john b walked in and saw rylie asleep in jjs arms, clasping his shirt like her life depended on it. "is she ok?" jb asked. "i don't know man" jj replied, blinking back his tears of rage.

"i mean how could i be so stupid, why didn't i notice" he bashed himself. "it's not your fault, and she's still here dude, so at least you caught it when you did" jb breathed. "i don't know what to do" jj admitted "about what?" "everything. i don't know how to get her to stop, how to get her through high school, get us out of that house, how to step up, how to make her step up, i just- i just don't know if i can make it happen" jj sighed on the brink of a breakdown. "you can't make anything happen with rylie, you can try your best and make things right for you and hopefully she'll follow your lead" "well what if she doesn't, and how do i even het there in the first place" "she will, and i don't know but i know you'll figure it out" john b assured.

jj smiled at his friend and rested his chin on his sisters head. "what if i made the wrong choice, like she has way more potential than i do but i taught her how to be tough instead of protecting her all the time. what if i screwed her up so bad she just-" jjs breathing started getting heavy

"you didn't fuck her up jj, someone had to teach her how to stick up for herself and i've seen you protect her even when she doesn't want it. you're a good brother" jb reassured. jj pulled himself together, but letting any tears actually fall.

"you good?" jb asked "never better" jj replied, shoving down any form of emotions he had previously let escape.

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