part 1- little maybank

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i just put out a new one called abused that's pretty similar but mostly jj and john b. i also put out a few others if ur interested:)

jj maybank would travel across the world for his friends, but for his sister he would go even farther.

when jj was 7, his mother left him. she left in the middle of the night with a suitcase in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other. she was tired of luke's abuse and decided to get out while she could, only she left her two children to fend for themselves.

riley was 5 when she left, but it was like she didn't exist when when she was around. jj was the one who changed her diapers, made sure she ate, got to bed on time and was dressed in the morning. their mother was mentally checked out long before she decided to run away from her problems for good.

now that they were older, rylie had become more independent. jj was pretty sure she she owned a gun before he did but he never asked about it. she was stubborn and never listened to anyone who was trying to "protect" her. she felt like people were trying to make her weak when they did that and she hated it. that includes being alone with luke maybank, even though jj has told her countless times to just leave the house when he's not there to protect her.

she had gotten in trouble so much at school that they just gave up on her. maybe it was partially due to her last name's reputation. she was suspended 2 times for fighting someone and was giving detention regularly for mouthing off in class and getting caught being high.

the girls on obx weren't the biggest fan of her because she was known for sleeping around too. jj was torn between being proud of his sister and also being worried that she's just a little bit too much like him.


the 5 pogues were hanging out at the chateau prepping for hurricane Agatha. by prepping i mean putting drinks in the fridge and rolling blunts for later. "race ya" jj nudged his sister while attempting to roll one faster than her.
"ya gotta do better than that" jj scoffed "i even gave you a head start" he laughed. before he knew it rylie shoved him off the couch and onto the ground.

to this, he responded by swinging her legs out from under her resulting in a massive crash onto the floor boards. rylie then wrestled him into a head lock but he quickly got out of it by flinging her onto her back and pinning her hands to her sides. "you don't wanna know what i'm gonna do next" he smirked. rylies eyes widened knowing instantly he was going to tickle her. "no!" he shouted before being mercilessly attacked by her brother.

john b heard the crashing and wrestling so he walked into see what was happening, causing him to join in on rylie. "guys stop STOP i'll do anything please" she laughed as they continued. "say jj maybank is the best brother in the entire world" jj teased "and that's john b routelage is the second best brother you've ever had" jb chimed in. "anything but that you assholes" rylie hissed.

jj and jb looked at each other before continuing to torture the poor girl. "ok ok fine- jj is the best brother in the entire world a-and john b is the second best brother i've ever had!" she squealed as the let go of her. "awww you really mean that" john b put his hand over his heart and started fake crying into jjs shoulder. "such a sweetheart ryles" jj laughed, going to touch her face before she slapped it away. "put that thing close to me again and i'll bite it off" she huffed flipping them off.

jj grabbed her middle finger and twisted it until her arm was bent in a way it shouldn't be. rylie stayed true to her word and bit his arm for him to let go "you are actually feral- who raised you" jj asked before wiping her spit off of him "you did asshole" she laughed.

jj would never actually physically hurt his sister, but they fought reluctantly and liked to wrestle around here and there. they were both tough so they could handle it. plus the abuse from luke maybank was a lot on its own, they didn't need to add to each others pain- unless it was playful.

rylie walked to the porch outside and flopped on one of the chairs next to kie who was trying to convince pope to stay the night. "pleaseee pope what if something happens and we need you" kie pleaded "like what" pope laughed "i don't know, but something" she added. "if you can convince my parents i'll stay" he caved, giving kie his phone. she walked away with it into the back yard for all of 5 minutes before returning with a positive answer from his mother. "what can i say parents love me" she victoriously smiled handing the phone back to pope.

they spent the rest of the night partying like they were gonna die tomorrow.

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