His Warrior Princess

By Integra1127

7.6K 185 14

The tragic love story of Ser Harwin Strong and his Warrior Princess, Princess Visenya Targaryen, the younger... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen

Part Fourteen

305 11 1
By Integra1127

Warning: violent thoughts 


Rhaenyra and you stood at the food table; snacking (she seemed for interested in the food, whilst you were watching your father and uncle as they chatted along with Alicent.)

"It is good to see that they are on good terms again" you grin in remark.

"Hmmm...?" Rhaenyra turns her attention toward you.

"Father and Uncle" you sigh out in response.

Taking a look at them, Rhaenyra smiles dreamingly then.

"He looks rather well, does he not?"

Knowing exactly what she was referring to; you silently side-eye her. (She and Daemon had a different kind of closeness than you and him. It did not bother you at all, Targaryen's had been marrying blood relatives for years. Their affections for one another might not seem weird to you, but to the rest of the court, it might.)

Shrugging that thought off, you turn to a much more important matter then.

"Have you decided on a groom yet?"

"Urgh..." Rhaenyra groans in frustration, glaring at you then.

"Not you too, starting with this nonsense as well?"

"It is a reasonable question" you scowl at her reaction.

"No, I have not" Rhaenyra nonchalantly responds.

"Rhaenyra..." you scoff.

"What...?" she sheepishly shrugs you.

"They are all either too young, too old or too boring."

You physically cringe at her words.

"Was it that terrible?"

"Excruciatingly" she sighs out.

"My apologies for bringing the matter up then."

"No bother" Rhaenyra shrugs it off, changing the topic then with a head tilt.

"Shall we join them?"

"You go" you shake your head.

"Suit yourself" your sister replies, heading off toward them.

"All seems to be quite jolly" Harwin remarks once stood next to you.

"Quite so" you broadly smile up at him.

"Have you spoken to her?" an eager seeming Harwin enquires then.

"She has not chosen a groom and does not seem to be bothered one bit about the matter" you sigh in response.

Harwin lets out a frustrated sigh of his own.

"So, we must wait even longer."

You rest your head against his shoulder, entwining your fingers with his.

"I will speak to her later tonight. Mayhaps, I can convince her to see reason in finally making a decision."

"I pray to the Seven, you can..." Harwin exhales with a soft groan, gently squeezing your hand.

"I am not sure how much longer I can holdout on claiming you."

"You are the one that insists on waiting till we are married" you snarkily remark.

"Do not remind me" Harwin grumbles in response.

"It seems the tides have changed" you utter out, frowning at the look of displeasure your father was giving your sister.

Your frown deepens to a full-on scowl when seeing the disheartened look on your sister's face when walking away from the group.

"Do you think it has to do with her not having made a decision yet?" Harwin comments.

"Most possibly" you reply.

"You should go to her" Harwin encourages you.

You silently watch as Alicent looks toward Rhaenyra, then decides to go to her.

"Someone else seems to be already on that path."

"You disapprove?" Harwin remarks.

"Nay" you shake your head in response.

"It would do good in them mending their differences. They were once best friends after all."

"Shall we join the festivities then?" Harwin suggests.

"I believe, it is required..." you drawl out, and the two of you make your way to join the rest.


You sat silently, listening to the small council as they discussed the outcome from Daemon's victory at the Stepstones and what it all intitled.

Of how they now needed to fear, Lord Corlys' control over the sea lanes and of possible alliances he would make to further strengthen those claims.

Even going as far as saying it was being done for revenge after the King had spurned Lord Coryls' daughter to marry Alicent instead.

None of it truly bothered you and neither did it your sister, that was though till Otto 'the Weasel' voiced his opinion on your sister's marital status.

That the pressure for her to wed being even more dire now than ever to ensure the crowns dominance.

Not being able to voice your distain at the Leech, you send him a daggered glare instead. Your features dropping to one of sympathy for your sister when seeing the stoic look of dread on her face.

As much as you wished for her to marry, so that you and Harwin could finally wed as well, you also wanted her to be happy.


It was quite late in the evening as you sat under the weirwood heart tree, gazing up at the stars (Harwin was out on patrol, and you were quite bored by yourself.)

Deciding that it had been sufficient time for Rhaenyra to have mull over the small council meeting, you retreat from your station to go and see her.

Reaching your sister's chambers, you were greeted by Ser Criston.

"Is my sister in?" you enquire.

"She has just retired for the night, Princess" Criston replies with a head bow as you pass him.

"Rhae...?" you announce yourself entering her chambers but there was no response.

You frown whilst scanning the empty chamber.

Where in the Seven Hells could she have gone to? Not as if she could have disappeared in thin air.

You accidently kick something lying on the floor whilst searching her room, looking at your feet; there laid a piece of rolled up parchment.

Picking it up and opening it, you found what looked to be a diagram of Rhaenyra's chambers; indicating that there was a secret doorway that led from her bed chamber into a secret stairway.

There was only one person that could have left this note.

"What in the Seven Hells are you two up to now?" you utter out into the vacant room.

Going to the chamber door, you open it a bit.

"I shall be staying the remainder of the night with my sister in her chambers if anyone should look for me" you inform Ser Criston.

"As you wish, Princess" Criston bows.

Hastily taking the path of the map, you reach the exit of the Red Keep too late as you watched your sister and uncle slip into the streets of King's Landing.

You knew Rhaenyra would be safe with Daemon, yet something compelled you to follow.

Thank the Seven, you were still dressed in your training garments and the hooded black cloak from being outside earlier.

Swiftly pulling the hood up to cover your hair and face, you followed the two from a distance; eye's silently scrutinizing everything around you, with a hand grip tightly around the hilt of The Dragon's Eye hidden under your cloak.

You did your best to catch up with them, yet the crowd kept getting in the way of reaching them. Finally, you spot them standing and watching a street play of some sort. As you were about to confront the two, you stopped in your tracks when the realization; that the subject of the play was revolved around your family.

From the disapproving sound of the crowd at the mention of your sister being the heir to the Iron Throne, you decide to hold your station as not to reveal neither of your identities.

You silently stood seething in a corner as they mocked your sister.

Insolent fools!!! If you had still been part of the City Watch, then the entire stage would have been destroyed, along with the mummers by now!

You had heard quite enough of their shitty show by then, yet the next words that were spoken were what truly awoke the full force of your anger.

"So which heir might that chair bear? Who would it be? The brother? The daughter? Or the little princeling of three?

You found yourself seeing red as they continued to mock your sister and uncle. Someone suddenly yells from the crowd, snapping you from your murderous thoughts then.

"What of the other Princess?!"

"Oh, let us not speak of that one!" the mummer remarks in pretend fright as the crowd chuckled.

"The legacy of her name alone should put fear in us all at the outcome if she ever sat on the throne!"

You could not contain the arched brow of interest you had then as the crowd softly mutter out in feared agreement amongst themselves.

As it should! I would burn this entire city to the ground, with you all in it!

You were snapped back to reality when Rhaenyra and Daemon moved away from the crowd.

They seemed to be behaving themselves and you knew she would be safe with Daemon by her side.

With that thought in mind, you decide to head back to the Keep, but your plans were instantly foiled by the cry of protest from a street vendor and the sight of Rhaenyra running away from him into the crowd, a much more laxed Daemon hot on her heels.

Rhaenyra... you silently shake your head, following after them as best you could.

They both took a turn at the first corner as you attempt to catch up to them, just as you were about to take the turn yourself; you ran face first into solid armored chest.

A large hand quickly grabs your arm.

"And where might you be going...?" a very familiar voice speaks up.

"Harwin...?" you respond, slightly lifting the hood of your cloak to take a better look at his face.

"Vi...?" a surprised Harwin tips his head down to look at your face. Pulling your hood back down over your face, he hastily scans around to see if anyone had noticed you. Satisfied that no one had, he hastily drags you into the alley that he had come out of.

"What in the Seven are you doing here?" Harwin scowls at you in disbelief.

"Rhaenyra snuck out; I was following her" you explain to him.

"I ran into her and your uncle a moment ago" Harwin remarks with a nod.

"What are you doing out here on your own though? It is dangerous. What if someone had recognized you?"

"I am well disguised..." you roll your eyes at him in response, parting your cloak to show your weapon strapped to your waist.

"And I have The Dragon's Eye with me as always."

"That is irrelevant" a displeased Harwin glares down at you.

"It is dangerous for a woman to be out here late at night be herself, let alone a princess."

"I am no ordinary princess!" you scoff in response.

"It does not matter!" Harwin growls out, his grip on you tightening in frustration.

"What if someone else besides me had caught you?!"

"I am quite capable of protecting myself" you drawl out in annoyance.

"Regardless, you are still mine to protect!" Harwin pulls you flushed against his chest with growl.

You were about to open your mouth in retort when someone was heard coming down the alley. Harwin hastily pushes you behind him, doing his best to conceal your presence.

"What are you hiding behind your back, soldier?" a very familiar voice calls out to Harwin.

"Nothing" Harwin calmly responds.

"I find it hard in believing that" the person replies, stepping closer toward him.

Saving Harwin from possible discipline from his superior; you step out from behind, slightly lifting your hood to show your face.

"Pleasure to see you again, Captain..."

"Princess...?" the captain stares at you wide-eyed.

"It has been a long time since we last saw one another, has it not?" you smile in response.

"It has, Princess" he nods smiling at you.

"Although might I ask; what are you doing here by yourself?"

"I was in the mood for a midnight stroll" you cheeringly remark, hooking your arm into Harwin's then.

"Ser Harwin here, had offered to escort me..."

"Well then, I shall not keep you any longer then, Princess..." the captain smiles, satisfied that you were well protected. Nodding to Harwin then in approval.

"As you were, Strong."

"Aye, Ser" Harwin nods in agreement.

"Mayhaps, you would like to join us later at the tavern after patrol, Princess?" the captain suggests to you before walking away.

"For old times' sake? It would be wonderful to chat about the good days when you and your uncle were in command."

"That be wonderful..." you smile broadly at his suggestion, and he nods in agreement; leaving you and Harwin to continue. 

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