Silver Stag

By AneesaBadu

229K 8.8K 533

Aelinor Baratheon stands out in her family. She doesn't have the golden hair and green eyes of her mother and... More

Eldest Daughter
News Arrives At Winterfell
Arrival At Winterfell
Welcoming Banquet
The King's Hunt
Broken Lord
Journey To The Capital & Assassination Attempts
Trouble On The Kingsroad
Arrival & First Small Council
Secret Visit To Kings Landing
Tourney Preparations & Questions
The Hand's Tourney
The Vale of Arryn
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing
The Vale of Arryn Pt. 2
Trouble Brewing In King's Landing Pt. 2
In The Riverlands
You Win Or You Die
The King Is Dead & Plots Begin
Imprisoned & Calling The Banners
Bronn & Tyrion
Winterfell Gathers Its Banners
Stark Camp
Last True Knight & Pleas
Visit To The Twins
Sept of Baelor
I Tried To Warn You
King Joffrey's Nameday
Robb Stark
Bastard Massacre & Goodbye Ser Lorch
Trouble With The City Watch
Treating With Renly
Dinners & Ploys
Battles & Responses
Winterfell Is Lost
Goodbye Sister & Kings Landing Riot
Harrenhal Pt. 2
Nightmares & Flowering
Responses & Attempted Escapes
Preparing For Stannis
Robb & Talisa
Battle Of The Blackwater
Blackwater Aftermath & New Alliances
Talks & Dining With Tyrells
Stark Forces Arrive At Harrenhal & News From Riverrun
Tyrion's New Responsibilities
Tyrell's In The Capital
Marriage Preparation & A Possible Betrothal
Intercepting Betrothals & Forming New Ones
Flea Bottom Fun
New Friends & Conversation With The King
Wedding Of A Wolf & Lion
News; Both Good And Bad
Aelinor's Wedding
First Born
Meeting A Prince Of Dorne
Training & Pre Wedding Banquet
Purple Wedding
Death Of A King
Imprisoned Imp
Leaving The Capital
New King & Tyrion's Trial
Unlikely Ally
The Mountain And The Viper
Surprise After Surprise
The Death Of A Hand
Dangers Of Prophecy
The Fury Of Dorne
The Wedding Of The New King
Faith Militant & Goodbye Ser Ashford
Pirates & Plans
Goodbye Husband
Queenmaker Setbacks
Release My Granddaughter
Arrival In Dorne & Feast
Queen Of Thorns
Plan Backfires
Water Gardens
Imprisoned Queen Mother
Walk Of Atonement
For The Watch
Heir Arrested
Dilly Dilly
Return From Dorne
Lord Commander
Arise Lord Commander
Trekking To The Wall
Reunions At The Wall
Siblings & Plans
Battle Preparation
The Time Has Come
Gathering Allies
Arrival & Riverrun Battle
Battle Of The Bastards
The Great Sept
Deja Vu
Valyrian Wedding
Battle Aftermath
Northern Plans
In The Capital
Imp In The Capital
True Parentage & Dragon Queen
Rally In The Capital
Letters From The Capital & Ignored Advice
Bastard Of Winterfell
Hostages In The Capital
Lost Allies
Last Stark Returns
No Matter The Cost
The Spoils Of War
Battle Of The Goldroad Aftermath
Parley Requests
Dornish Returns
Return To The North & Plans
The Essence Of Surprise
Beyond The Wall
Invitation To King's Landing
Dragon Assist
Dragonpit Summit
Attempted Alliances
Mockingbird In The Capital
Attempts On Dragonstone
Heritage Reveal
Dragonstone Response
King's Landing Scouting
To The North
Arrival In The North
Return To Winterfell
Bonding Attempts & New Discoveries
Night King Origins
Strategies For The Undead
Letters In Dorne
Isle Of Faces
Fears And Voices
Warging And Dangerous Discoveries
Any Means Necessary
Tables Have Turned
Second Artifact
Fragile Alliance
Golden Company
A Second Lannister In Winterfell
Dornish Mission
Find My Daughter
Southern Reinforcements In Winterfell
Conversations Before Battle
Battle Of Winterfell
Meetings In The Capital
Trial By Combat
Preparations For Final Stand
They're Here
Within Sight
Downfall Of The Mockingbird
Second Wave
Victory At Any Cost
Azor Ahai: Promised Prince
Final Stand
Final Artifact
Bye Bye Mockingbird
Author Note

High Sparrow

759 36 0
By AneesaBadu

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Small Council Chamber]

Cersei and Qyburn entered the room, taking the open seats on the small council. Cersei sat at the head of the table.

"You're the Hand of the King?" Her uncle, Kevan Lannister, asked.

"No, Uncle. Clearly it would not be appropriate for a woman to assume that role. I'm merely advising my son until he comes of age and chooses a Hand for himself."

"Your Grace, I would be willing to serve provisionally as the King's Hand until he becomes old enough-" Mace Tyrell began to suggest.

"You're a good man, Lord Tyrell, but I don't imagine you'll have the time. In addition to being Master of Ships, the king has appointed you Master of Coin."

She would much rather have named Aurane Waters as Master of Ships. Though he was a bastard, his family were legendary sailors. Mace Tyrell is an oaf.

Besides, he was a young man, only twenty-and-two. A welcome sight amongst all the wrinkled, balding and greybeards that currently sat the council.

He had been captured at the Battle Of The Blackwater, but quickly swore obeisance to Joffrey. After which, she had kicked Lancel from her bed and replaced him with the young bastard.

But, the Small Council was already resistant to her sitting among them as a voice for their young King.

No doubt, they would strike down installing a bastard of House Velaryon to an important title such as Master of Ships.

"Oh, Your Grace."

"He called your experience and wisdom in financial matters unparalleled. He said he would be honored to have you represent the crown's interests in the same."

"The honor is all mine, Your Grace."

"Your Grace, in the past on several occasions, a Grand Maester has served as the King's Hand." Maestar Pycelle inserted.

"The King has named Qyburn the new Master of Whisperers."

"Your Grace, him? This man? This embarrassment to the Citadel? Your Grace, what qualifications can he possibly have for this post?"

"The qualification of loyalty, Grand Maester. That's far more than the eunuch ever had. Far more than many ever have."

"I must say I cannot see-" Maestar Pycelle began.

"Uncle Kevan, in light of your position as commander of the Lannister armies, it would please the king if you would serve as his Master of War. No man living better deserves the title." Cersei cut him off.

"That is kind of you to say. I would like to hear it from the king himself." Kevan responded.

"The king is very busy at this moment."

"He should be here, learning what it means to rule. His sister is here more often and she is only a cupbearer."

This caused Aelinor to roll her eyes. No wonder she was not overly fond of Lannister relatives. Their pride was on a level of its own.

"He is learning. On this occasion, in his capacity as ruler, he's asked me to speak on his behalf."

"I returned to the capital to pay my respects to my brother. And to you. And to serve the king. I did not return to the capital to serve as your puppet. To watch you stack the small council with sycophants." He looked to Qyburn. "Sending your own brother away so he wouldn't be-"

"My brother has left the capital to lead a sensitive diplomatic mission."

"What mission?"

"That is not your concern as Master of War."

"I do not recognize your authority to dictate what is and is not my concern. You are the Queen Mother. Nothing more." Kevan rose from his seat.

"You would abandon your king in his time of need?"

"If he wants to send for me, I will be waiting for him. At Casterly Rock."

He exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Shortly after, the meeting was called to an end.

[King's Landing - Brothel]

The High Septon knelt in the center of a room. Seven prostitutes, dressed as each of the new gods, circled around him. Olyvar stood behind the High Septon, wearing a fake beard and holding a scale. The prostitutes giggled as the High Septon eyed them all.

"You have served us well, my son." Olyvar stated.

"Thank you, Father." The High Septon responded.

"Which of the Seven will you worship today?"

"The Maiden."

"Where is the Maiden?"

"And the Stranger."

Olyvar leaned forward. "Two is extra, you realize?"

"Yes, yes."

Olyvar snapped his fingers. He and five of the prostitutes stepped aside. The two dressed as the Maiden and the Stranger remained and approached the High Septon, who smiled.

Suddenly, some men led by Lancel Lannister barged into the room. The High Septon gasped and turned around.

"What are you doing? This establishment belong to Lord Petyr Baelish. You can't -" Olyvar began.

The men forced the High Septon to his feet. One of the men ripped off Olyvar’s fake beard, knocked him to the ground, and began kicking him. The prostitutes ran out of the room.

"You have profaned our faith. The faith of our fathers and forefathers." Lancel recited.

"I am the High Septon of the -"

Lancel grabbed his neck. "You are a sinner. And you shall be punished."

The men dragged the High Septon out of the room. He was forced out into the street naked, and began walking. He tried to cover his penis with his hands, but one of the men hit him with a stick. People gather on the sides of the street to watch, and began chanting.

"Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!"


"Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner! Sinner!"

"Shame on you!"

"Sinner! Sinner!"

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Small Council Chamber]

The next day, another meeting was being held. Again, Aelinor was present in her role as cupbearer.

She had spent some time with Aegar; playing with him, singing to him, watching him.

Then the wetnurse arrived and he was fed. Aelinor held him a little while longer, until he had fallen asleep.

Placing him in his bassinet, she kissed him on his forehead before making her way to the Small Council.

She was glad he was such a good babe. He hardly cried. Only when he was hungry, needed to be changed, or simply wanted his mother's comfort.

Mace opened the door for the High Septon who approached the table. In better light, it was clear that his face was heavily bruised. Mace closed the door and walked over.

The High Septon addressed each of the members present, but was stuck when he arrived at Qyburn.

"Your Grace, Princess, Grandmaester, Lord Tyrell, uh…"

"It doesn't matter." Qyburn told him.

"As the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven I give voice to the will of the Gods and am their foremost servant in this world. An insult to me is an insult to the Gods. An assault on my person, is an assault on our very religion."

"You were assaulted?" Cersei asked.

"I was, by those fanatics who call themselves ‘sparrows’. They humiliated me, they they beat me, they left me naked and bleeding on the cobblestones. I am lucky to be alive."

"I heard this all began in Littlefinger's brothel." Qyburn informed them all.

"High Septon, this is a rather shocking thing to hear." Mace said.

"I tend to both the highest born, and the lowliest amongst us. Even prostitutes may earn the mercy of the Mother."

"So you were administering to the needs of these devout prostitutes?" Qyburn asked.

"A man's private affairs ought to stay private" Pycelle protested, though Aelinor knew it was likely due to his own sordid history with women, in the Keep, and out.

"What do you want from us, High Septon?" Cersei asked.

"Justice! I ask that you protect our Faith by arresting these criminals and throwing them in the black cells. I ask that you execute their leader, this so-called High Sparrow. He's a threat to everything we hold sacred. If he goes unpunished-"

"And where do I find this man? This High Sparrow?"

"Mother?" Aelinor interjected. "Surely you cannot be serious?"

Her mother didn't respond, which, to Aelinor, meant she had already made up her mind.

[Streets Of King's Landing]

A soldier helped Cersei out of her carriage. She began walking forward. Ser Meryn stood ahead of her.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Your Grace." He said.

"Nonsense, Ser Meryn. These are deeply religious people." She approached a man who stood at the bottom of some stairs. "Where can I find the High Sparrow?"

The man pointed up the stairs, which was crowded with people. Cersei and Ser Meryn ascended them.

She was receiving a lot of attention. By her outfit, it was clear she was well off. Not only that, the ones who recognized her were surprised to see the former Queen among them. She had nevr shown an interest in them.

"Seven blessings." A man greeted.

Cersei covered her nose. At the top of the stairs was a large room. She watched as many people ate at tables.

"Thank you."

"Just a little more..."

"Thank you ever so for the soup!"

In the center of the room, an old man was giving soup to people in line.

Cersei approached him. "A young man said I would find the High Sparrow back here. Where is he?"

"High Sparrow? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Like Lord Duckling, or King Turtle." The man laughed. "So, it's meant to. We're often stuck with the names our enemies give to us." He prepared soup for the next person in line. "The notion that we are all equal in the eyes of Seven doesn't sit well with some, so they belittle me.

"Seven blessings to you." The woman said as he handed her the soup.

"Seven blessings to you, my dear." He returned. "It's only a name, quite an easy burden to wear. Far easier than hers." Again, he prepared soup for the next person in line.

"Why no shoes?" Cersei asked.

"Because I gave them away to someone who needed them more. We all do that. It stops us from forgetting what we really are."

"Is that why you came to King's Landing? To remind everyone?"

"Everyone? I have a hard enough job reminding myself. Oh, I tell them no one's special. And they think I'm special for telling them so."

Cersei smiled. "Perhaps they're right."

"It would be comforting to believe that, wouldn't it? The Gods sent you here to tempt me? I hope not. I had assumed you'd only come here to arrest me. For that incident with the High Septon."

"An unacceptable way to treat the chosen representative of the Gods in this world, wouldn't you say?"

"Hypocrisy is a boil. Lancing is nevr pleasant. Although, they could have been more careful with the blade."

"The High Septon came to speak to me today. He doesn't want me to arrest you, he wants me to execute you." Cersei informed the man.

"I wouldn't presume to know your thoughts on the matter."

Cersei thought for a moment. "My thoughts on the matter align with your own. The High Septon's behaviour was corrosive, as was his attitude. Having a man like that reside in the Sept eats away the Faith from the inside. So now he resides in the Red Keep's dungeons instead." The High Sparrow looked up at her surprised. "The Faith and the Crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. If one collapses, so does the other. We must do everything necessary to protect one another."

Thus was the beginning of what Cersei believed would be a mutually beneficial partnership.

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Aelinor's Chambers]

Aelinor sat in her chambers, playing with her son.

He had grown a lot. He was now six monhs old. His brown hair had grown slightly and was now forming little curls, much like his father. His birth father.

She pretended to nibble on his feet, causing him to release giggles.

There was a knock on the door.

Without looking up, she called, "Come in."

"Princess." It was Dyanna.

"Dyanna?" She noticed an uneasy look on her handmaiden's face. "What is it?

"I'm sorry Princess, but it's about your mother."

"What about my mother?"

"My spies followed her during her visit to the High Sparrow. It would appear she is trying to form an alliance with him."

"An alliance? For what?"

Though, Aelinor had a pretty good idea.

"Something about protecting one another."

Aelinor looked up at her. "Very well. If that is all, I must speak with my mother."

"Of course Princess. Do you wish to have her summoned?"

"Yes, please. And, thank you Dyanna. You have been truly loyal to me from the day we met in the streets of King's Landing."

"You gave me a better life than I could have hoped for. There is no need to thank me for well deserved loyalty."

"Still, thank you."

Dyanna bowed and exited, off to search for Cersei.

If the rumours about the High Sparrow were true, Aelinor knew her mother would come to regret this 'alliance'.

Not much time had passed before she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal her mother.

"You wished to see me?" She looked at Aegar who had turned to see the new person that entered the room. "Hello my darling grandson."

"Yes, mother. I wished to see you. What is this I hear about you forming an alliance with the High Sparrow?"

Cersei turned her attention back to her daughter, eyebrows furrowed. "Where did you hear that?"

"It doesn't matter. Is it true? Did you meet with the High Sparrow in an attempt to form an alliance?"

"You wouldn't ask me if you didn't already know the answer. So, yes."

"What are you thinking? The man is insane. Did you not see what his followers did to the former High Septon?"

"Of course I saw. But, with people like this, you throw them a bone, and they become inclined to owe you a favour or two."

"Please tell me you don't intend to use him to take down Margaery and the Tyrells."

Her mother didn't answer.

"Mother. This 'High Sparrow' is a fanatic who surrounds himself with followers who are blindly devoted to the Faith. Maegor Targaryen did not put down the Faith Militant and save his family only for you to rearm them, all so you can regain control over your son and punish his wife."

"I will do what needs to be done."

"You do understand that if you go against Loras, you would be putting myself and my child at risk."

"I would not let it go that far as to allow my remaining children and only grandchild to be harmed."

"Yet you give this man an army and military power to exact his laws in the name of the Faith Of The Seven."

"Yes, I did."

"There's a reason other rulers would not give this man such power. You're risking another uprising."

"I'm a Lannister, a lion. Should he try to stage a coup or uprising, I will ensure he understands our unofficial House words."

"I truly hope this decision does not come back to bite us. Especially if this is another fear based move motivated by that damn prophecy. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone with my son."

She returned her attention to her son who was staring up at her, ignoring her mother as she stood and made her way to the door.

"Everything I do is for my children," her mother said before exiting.

Aelinor had no doubt about it. If there was even a sliver of herself that allowed her to feel love, it was for her children.

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