Dramatic Love

By BillioBerry

859 77 808

It was a seemingly normal school life for Sarah. She had good friends, decent grades... and a crush. Duh. How... More

01} Great (?) News!
02} A Little too Close. (Or just being clumsy!)
03} I Just Got a Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-O~
04} A Little Change of Plans...
05} Party, Partice, Partay
06} Advice
07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.
08} A Friendly Confession
09} Petty Rehearsals
10} Argument
11} Midnight Scores
12} Cooking Mania
13} Detectives for a Day
14} Visits and Gifts
15} Enchanted Night
16} Unexpected Encounter
17} Lovesick
18} A Hidden Love Story
19} Invitations
21} Desolate
22} Pool Craze I
23} Pool Craze II
24} Comfy Bed
25} Imperceptibly

20} Disputes

28 2 50
By BillioBerry

It was Thursday now. Isabelle's party was getting closer by the minute, and everyone couldn't stop talking about it.

"Isabelle's party is going to be lit!"

"Are you going to Isabelle's party?"

"I heard a lot of boys are going to be at Isabelle's pool party. I should wear something sexy."

Sarah, Bella, and Maya were right now in their math class. Mr. Tavoc was pretty boring about the class again, so everyone sat in there like zombies bored out of their minds.

Sarah was peacefully taking notes at her desk. She suddenly felt her back being tapped on by a pen. Turning in her seat, Sarah faced Maya, who was tapping her shoulder.

"What?" Sarah whispered.

"What's the answer to number 4???" Maya asked. Maya's hand was furiously fidgeting with her pencil, and the girl seemed anxious but wearing a nervous smile. An unusual state for Maya to be in.

"Figure it out!!!" Sarah whispered-yelled. Sarah turned back to face her notes, grabbing her pen to write in them once again.

Yet again, she felt the pen tapping on her back. She turned and faced Maya, the girl having that same anxious face still with that nervous smile.

"What?!" Sarah whispered in a louder tone.

"The answer to.. 5?" Maya asked nervously.

"You know you'll get in trouble if I help you. Ask Mr. Tavoc instead!" Sarah replied before turning back to her work. She yanked her pen and wrote down her notes hurriedly now as she missed some stuff on the board.

Once AGAIN, Sarah feels pen tapping on her back. She thrashed her head towards Maya. The girl looked at her innocently yet anxiously yet again.

"WHAT?" Sarah whispered in the loudest tone, trying her best not to let her voice project too loudly in the classroom.

"Okay, I'm sorry for pestering you for so long," Maya apologized whilst whispering. "I actually have something to tell you, but I'm nervous since I'm telling you in class with MR.TAVOC." She explained in a stern voice.

"What happened?" Sarah asked.

"It's Kyle. He asked me to tell you to meet him at the back of the school when school's over. He said it was like, REALLY important..." Maya explained, Sarah nodding.

"Thanks for letting me know, I guess-"

"SARAH AND MAYA," Mr. Tavoc's voice pierced through the girls' convo. Sarah turned in her seat to see the male teacher towering above her and Maya's desk. "I see you guys have something more important than my math lesson today. PLEASE, share with the class on what it is you're talking about," Mr. Tavoc finished in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, urm- u-uh.." Sarah stammered.

"..." Maya didn't bother to say a thing.

The whole class stared at the 2 girls.

"Just what I thought! Once you get the spotlight, you're both all of a sudden too scared to say a thing. You 2 will be staying after class." Mr. Tavoc declared, the class going 'OoOo~' as the man walked back to the front. Both girls blushed in embarrassment, them both sticking to taking notes instead of chitchating now.


30 minutes later

The bell had rang for lunch, everyone excitedly running out of their classes, ready to be free. Everyone except Sarah and Maya.

The 2 girls headed to Mr. Tavoc's desk, where the teacher was taping away on his laptop. Once the teacher finally noticed the presence of the 2, he repositioned his office chair to face the girls.

"Girls, the talking in class has been going on for a while now, like do you guys not enjoy my lessons anymore?" Mr. Tavoc started.

"Well, to be honest, yes-"

"Okay, okay, my classes can be boring. But it's disrespectful to interrupt me in the middle of my teaching. You know grade 9 math won't be as smooth-sailing as this, so you guys should really savor the moment. At the end of the day, I'm trying to help you guys pass my class, not trying to be mean all the time." Mr. Tavoc explained, the girls listening.

"We know Mr. Tavoc, and we promise to be more respectful in class," Sarah apologized.

"Thank you for your time!" Maya added, the 2 girls slowly walking away and heading for the exit.

"Heh, now who said you guys would leave unpunished, hmm?" Mr. Tavoc stated, the girls freezing in their steps and slowly turning back around to face the man.

"Come in after school to wipe down all the desks," Mr. Tavoc finished.

"But Mr. Tavoc! Please, let us do it another day, maybe during now at lunch, but NOT THE END OF THE DAY!!!" Sarah pleaded, but the teacher showed to no avail.

"This is the, I don't know, 20th time I've told you guys to stop talking during my lessons. It's about time I made sure the message came clear to you both," Mr. Tavoc explained, Sarah and Maya groaning. "Now you're excused," the teacher concluded, turning in his office chair to face his laptop.

Sarah sulked in her posture as her and Maya left the class. Maya sighed.

"Looks like Kyle will have to wait," Maya chuckled.

"That's what makes me more mad, ugh!" Sarah whined, doing her lock combo so she can have access to her locker.

"I'm sure it won't be too bad, we'll just wipe everything up, and you'll go meet with him easy-peasy!" Maya exclaimed, trying to cheer Sarah up.

"Oh, you make it seem so easy, Maya. Did you see how many desks are in that class? Oh, and don't get me started on how much Alex draws on his desk!" Sarah complained, Maya laughing a bit.

"Don't worry, Sarah, you'll make it to him in the end," Maya reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder. Sarah smiled at her.


It was finally the end of the day. Students are free from school and running away from the building. Everyone except Sarah and Maya. (This line again 😭)

They were now in Mr. Tavoc's room both holding spray bottles and cloths. The teacher was preparing to make his leave as he packed up.

"Oh, and make sure to wipe down my desk, too, alright?" Mr. Tavoc added, the girls nodded.

"Thank you, girls! You're both lifesavers for the caretakers right now," Mr. Tavoc finished as he left the class, leaving the 2 girls.

The girls both look around at the wide range of desks that need to be cleaned.

Maya sighed. "Let's get this done and over with."

And just like that, the 2 were off wiping down desks. However, after Sarah finished wiping just 10 desks, the complaints came.

"Oh, there's no way we'll finish this on time!" The girl cried, "Kyle's been out there for at least 5 minutes now and were not even close to finish-"

"Sarah, go." Maya says, interrupting Sarah.

"W-what? No Maya, I can't leave you to clean all by yourself. I know I've been sounding like a b!tch about all this and complaining a lot, but I'm not going to leave you behind and make you do all this work!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Sarah, Kyle is expecting you soon, so unless you don't hurry your butt to him, he'll leave. It's something important and I just know you cannot miss this. I'll finish up soon anyway, so please just go." Maya explained, Sarah smiling remorsefully, tears could weld up in her eyes even.

"Maya, what would I do without you?" Sarah said, gathering her stuff together.

"Probably cry on the floor because you had to clean these desk alone," Maya finished, the girls both laughing.

"Thank you!" Sarah shouted, running out of the classroom as Maya cleaned the last few desks.

(These time skips are killing me. I just want this to get to the fun part already! 😭)

Sarah was outside the school heading towards the back of it. She was hurriedly walking since she was pretty much already late, and plus the school was quite long, so she had a while to go.

The closer she got to the back of the school, the more the questions in Sarah's mind increased. What did Kyle want from her? Was it something bad? Good? Why couldn't he tell her during lunch? Or was it that private it had to be done outside of school? The questions kept coming and coming, all until she reached the back of the school.

When she got there, she saw Kyle leaning against the wall, looking out at the distance with his hands in his pockets. His side profile looked quite extraordinary. Kyle's sharp jawline was quite a beautiful sight to see. His wavy Korean hair swayed with the wind, the wind doing an amazing job. There were many trees at the back of the school, making it look like a thick forest back here. Because of this, barely any sunshine shone back here as it was scattered in small squares and dots. The sunlight that did shine through complimented Kyle's dark eyes, making them look hazelnut. It was a handsome sight to see. Sarah stood there, just watching it all.

Kyle glanced at the side, finally noticing Sarah's presence and how she was watching from afar.

"Heh, took you long enough to get here," Kyle exclaimed, smiling.

"Sorry," Sarah started, walking towards Kyle, "Mr. Tavoc made me and Maya stay in to clean the desks," She finished, standing in front of Kyle.

"Doesn't Mr. Tavoc have, like, 100 desks or something?" Kyle asked hyperbolic.

"OF COURSE HE DOES," Sarah replied sarcastically, the 2 then laughing.

"Anyways, why did you want me to come here?" Sarah asked. She noticed how Kyle face went a bit pale, and he clenched his fists a bit. Boy was nervous.

"Uh, how do I explain this," Kyle muttered, putting his head down in embarrassment. Sarah chuckled a bit.

"It's okay, Kyle, take your time," Sarah reassured, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Kyle sighed, looking at Sarah straight in the eye.

"Sarah," He started, Sarah listening, "You are probably the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life," He went, whispering the last bit in embarrassment as he placed a hand behind his head. Kyles face flushed with red. Sarah face is covered with blush, too. She looked at the boy shocked.

"Ever since you moved here back in grade 6, I couldn't help but admire everything you do. You're so smart, yet fun at the same time. You can be chill, then burst into a crazy girl," Sarah laughed at that part, "You cherish your friends, yet make sure no one is left out, too. Your values are just what I look for a person in my life, but since you most likely didn't like me then, I just watched you from afar, hoping you'd notice me." Kyle confessed, Sarah feeling her heart brighten up from the loving words.

"So, I just want to let you know, it's okay if you say no to this as I will not care, alright?" Kyle stated, Sarah nodding.

"What do you want to ask?" Sarah asked.

"W-will you be my.... girlfriend?" Kyle asked, Sarah surprised by the question. Kyle wants to date her?! A boy is in love with her?!?!??!

Kyle noticed Sarah's hesitation, and his smile turned a bit worried.

"I know we still have to get to know each other, b-but I'm sure it'll be fine since we've been good acquaintances for a while now-"

"Sure, Kyle," Sarah finished, interrupting Kyle and having him process what she said.

"Wait, really?" Kyle asked, shocked.

"Yes, Kyle!" Sarah answered, but the boy was yet to be convinced.

Sarah sighed, coming close to Kyle. "I'll prove it to you, then." She said.

Sarah pinned Kyle onto the wall, leaving her right hand on the wall to prevent him from escaping. Kyle gasped quietly.

"I haven't kissed anyone before," Kyle whispered under his breath.

"Then we'll make your first one worth it," Sarah replied.

Sarah used her left hand to hold onto Kyle's jawline. She traced it down until she touched his chin, resting it there. Sarah came in, the 2 closing their eyes as their lips connected. Kyle hands wrapped around Sarah's waist, bringing her in closer. They kissed passionately, both melting into the kiss. When they lost air, they pulled apart. They didn't pull back too far, as their noses still touched. The air around their mouth circulated, brushing against both people's lips. Kyle kept eye contact with Sarah, her smiling at him.

"I forgot to tell you that I've also never had my first kiss," Sarah stated, Kyle eyebrows going up a bit.

"Really? You seem so professional," Kyle exclaimed surprised.

"Heh, that's just the amazing power of reading fanfics.." Sarah replies, Kyle chuckling.

He then brought Sarah in for another kiss, this one more deeper rather than sweet. Kyle nibbled a bit on Sarah's bottom lip, awaiting for the girl to part her lips. Sarah realized Kyle's demand and parted her lips slowly. Kyle slipped his tongue in, the 2 let their tongues dance around like desolate swans. The kiss now turned into a sloppy make-out session, pulling away for a short distance to catch a breath before going in again. Kyle used his arm around Sarah's waist to bring the girl in even closer, one of Sarah's legs falling between Kyle's legs.

While they made out, Sarah felt a weird pang in her chest. Was this the right thing for her to do? The goal was to be with Benjamin at the end, but now here she was, kissing the absolute heck out of Kyle. She anyway knew she had to put Benjamin aside now. He was taken, and it was clear he was not going to date her anyways, right??? But Sarah felt happy now, she has someone who could hug her and give her sweet morning kisses, Benjamin isn't here to do that now, right?

The 2 pulled away from the kiss, Kyle smiling excitedly like a small child while Sarah chuckled at him.

"Oh, Sarah, you do not get how much I love you right now," Kyle said happily, before bringing Sarah into a tight hug, Sarah happily hugging him back.

While hugging, Sarah glanced to the side a bit, her smile disappearing as she saw someone she totally did not want to face right now.

It was Benjamin.

He ran away when he noticed Sarah saw him.

"Sh!t," Sarah muttered under her breath. "Kyle, I have to go," Sarah hurriedly said.

"Already?" Kyle asked, a bit saddened.

"I'll be back, don't worry," Sarah reassured, leaving a small peck on Kyle's cheek before running after Benjamin.

Kyle watched as his now-girlfriend left. He smiled neverless, placing a hand on the area where Sarah had pecked him.

Meanwhile, Sarah was chasing Benjamin down, and boy was he fast.

"Benjamin! Benjamin, wait!" Sarah shouted, chasing Benjamin at top speed.

Finally, the boy slowed down before stopping on the spot. Sarah slowed her pace and stopped too, panting a bit.

"B-benjamin," Sarah started in a rapsy voice.

"Sarah," Benjamin intertwined, "You should be back with your boyfriend right now, I mean, Kyle is your boyfriend, right?" Benjamin asks, facing Sarah.

"Well, yeah," Sarah replied, "But why does it make you upset?" Sarah asked, noticing the thin sheet of tears on Benajmin's eyes.

"Why does that matter to you!" Benjamin snapped, "You should be back with your dude. He's waiting for you," Benjamin finished, slowly walking away.

"Benjamin!" Sarah yelled, the boy turning around. "You... you still like me, don't you?" Sarah muttered, Benjamin not answering. "I knew it, you liar! Saying you "moved on" when secretly you're still crushing." Sarah continued.

"Why does that even matter to you, anyways? At least now you're taken and won't have to worry about me anymore," Benjamin shouted back.

"What about Isabelle?!!" Sarah yelled, Benjamin remaining silent.

"You should be focusing on her! You decided to date her after all, not me, right? She should be the one that matters to you, not me!" Sarah snapped, Benjamin remaining silent.

A/N: This is a very goofy argument

The 2 remained quiet after, Sarah noticing a sly tear falling down Benjamin face as he looked down, followed by a sniff.

"Sarah," Benjamin started, Sarah looking at him, "We shouldn't be friends anymore," He finished, Sarah's anger changing to her being sad.

"Benjamin.." Sarah started, but scraped that sentence in the end. "Fine, it's what's best anyways," Sarah finished, crossing her arms and looking away from Benjamin.

Benjamin then threw the water bottle he was holding in his arms at the ground in front of Sarah. Sarah picked it up, realizing it was her water bottle that she left behind in the school.

"How did you-"

Benjamin turned around and walked away, Sarah unable to finish her sentence. Sarah looked up and watched him leave, her heart cracking a bit. She had officially lost her chance at being together with Benjamin, but does that even matter now? She had Kyle now, Benjamin had Isabelle. They both had people to be happy with, so this shouldn't sadden anyone anymore. Right? (The number of times I've used "Right?" In this book-)

Sarah snapped from her thinking, running back to Kyle, remembering the boy was waiting for her.


The bell had rung for the end of the day. The hallways were immediately filled with students, chatter, and fun.

Among those students, Brandy and Benjamin were talking.

"Well, Isabelle's party is the day after tomorrow. Did you get anything to wear?" Brandy asked.

"I have, like, a lot of bathing suits, so I might go wearing something tropical?" Benjamin said skeptical.

"Eh, whatever impresses your girl then," Brandy replied, "Hey, how's you and Isabelle anyways?" Brandy asked, Benjamin staying a bit quiet at the question.

"It isn't going as well as I hoped. She's still mad at me for canceling our date that was supposed to be on Sunday," Benjamin answered.

"How the tables have turned. She doesn't bother canceling the dates you prepare, but when you cancel a date she prepares, she's mad," Brandy says, laughing a bit as Benjamin slaps his arm playfully.

"It doesn't matter anyway. I'm planning on getting her a gift for the party, but I'm not exactly sure what," Benajmin adds, Brandy listening.

"Should I get her flowers? A new dress? Maybe small jewelry like a bracelet or ring?" Benjamjn listed.

"Buy her options 1 and 3, that girl probably has, like, 500 dresses with the amount of times she goes shopping," Brandy dramatically said, Benjamin laughing.

"Aye, looks who's giving me love advice now?" Benjamin said, Brandy smiling shyly.


"Benjamin!" Maya called to the boy, Brandy and him turning their heads at the girl.

"Hey, babe!" Brandy said to his girlfriend.

"Oh, hi Brandy!" The girl said, the couple placing a peck on each other lips. Benjamin rolled his eyes for third- wheeling.

"Anyways, Benjamin, would you mind giving Sarah her water bottle? She left it behind in the class," Maya asked, holding up the metal bottle.

"Oh, sure!" Bemjamin exclaimed immediately, grabbing the water bottle.

"Yeah, sorry for letting you do it. I just remembered I have a tennis meet today and now I'm going to be late!" Maya explained.

"It's no biggie really, just, where is she?" Benjamin asked.

"She's at the back of the school outside, so you have quite the walk to do," Maya instructed.

"Okay, guess I better get going then!" Benajmin exclaimed, walking towards the exit of the school.

"Thanks, Benjamin!" Maya shouted at him.


Benajmin exited the school and was now heading towards the back of the school. Curse the school for not making any exits that were closer to the back because the walk was long and took a while to get to the back.

Since it would take a little while, Benjamin decided to distract himself a bit. He inspected Sarah's water bottle. It looked nice since she had added stickers all over it. There was even a sticker with an adorable puppy on it.

The water bottle distracted him so well that it didn't prepare him for the scene Benjamjn was about to witness. When he realized he reached the back of the school, he turned his head to see Sarah and Kyle both making out heavily with each other. Kyle pinned on the wall, Sarah madly caressing his jawline, the 2 just kissing each other so lovingly and sweetly.

The scene almost made him drop the water bottle in his hands. Benjamin's heart shattered, and his throat went dry. He wanted to scream but he couldn't, he wanted to cry but he couldn't. He just couldn't do anything but stare at the scene.

The couple finished kissing now, Kyle saying something to Sarah before hugging her.

That's what I'm supposed do Benjamin said in his head, a thin sheet of tears appearing in his eyes.

Sarah glanced to the side, noticing Benjamin presence. Benjamin eyes widened when Sarah noticed him.

Out of shock, Benjamin quickly ran away.  He just couldn't stand to face Sarah after that, but of course, Sarah was quick to follow him.

They argued and argued until Benjamin said something he knew he was deeply gonna regret.

"Sarah, we shouldn't be friends anymore."

After that he turned and walked away.

He needed to do that. He deserved to do that. He honestly deserved everything he just witnessed. Sarah was right. He was a liar, a terrible boyfriend, and just a chaotic person in general. He never sorted his feelings with Sarah in the first place and became too attached. Now, here he is walking away heartbroken. He anyway needed this. It was time he set things on the right path. He's been a
sh!tty boyfriend to Isabelle right now and a problematic best friend for the others. If he wanted to fix those, it was time he had taken some action now. That being to unfriend Sarah. It was a terrible action, but things were going to get worse if he didn't do it now.

It was time he did things right.


Baby steps to a chaotic set of chapters~✨️
(Don't ask about the emoji choice-)

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