The Blue Eyed King of Kuoh

By Tyrallius-3

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First story, criticism in most forms is appreciated and heard. I also have a love hate relationship with Gram... More

The Letter and Meeting the Family
New challenges and call to action
Eyes full of Kindness
Warnings, Revelations, and Confessions
Healing, a Ship sails, and Eyes full of Lust
A Neko, a Raven, and a Satan?
Party time and Angry Bird
New Burdens and Fond Farewells
New Resolve and Godly meeting
The Black Swordsman

Word is out! Preparing for the Engagement Party!

261 8 9
By Tyrallius-3

As the meeting between Rune and the four Satans was underway, a similar gathering could be found in the Gremory household composed of the elder Gremory couple, Rias, Akeno, Kuroka, and Shirone.

Sitting on one of the seats of her father's office round the discussion table she sighed in exasperation. "Are we sure he has to go alone on this journey of his father? I hate not being able to go with him to help." Akeno nodded in frustration beside her, while the Nekoshou siblings were still mostly in the dark regarding this supposed journey Rune has to go on.

Kuroka decides to intervene with a question of her own. "What is this journey of his anyway? Is it dangerous? And why does he have to go alone?" The smaller of the neko siblings nodded to the questioning. She may not have known the Gremory's and Rune for long, but she did like that he tended to spoil her with sweets and how he kept trying to make her smile when he was around. She was worried for him. 

Zeoticus and Venalana both nodded solemnly, before Zeoticus spoke up. "Right, you're still not truly aware of his situation. It's, complicated. Rune is a special existence, even among the supernatural world. He is to discover his heritage in order to grow further both as a man, and as a warrior. This journey would allow him to discover his heritage in relation to his mother, the ageless queen of her lands and peerless warrior."

The neko siblings eyes widened in surprise. Kuroka had made the comparison to Rune being a king in her own flustered and broken mind at the time, she did not think it was literal. Though, it oddly fit him if someone asked her. Shirone meanwhile had stars in her big golden eyes, which belied her stoic expression that only held a small smile. "He's a prince?!" They both asked.

The rest of the group chuckled slightly at their surprise, with Venalana having the same issue as Rune in trying to stop herself from hugging the cute younger neko to death, as Rias spoke up this time. "It came as a shock to Akeno and myself as well. And once we get married I'll be a real princess!" She squealed in childish delight. Causing two of the 3 young ladies in the room to not so subtly pout in irritation. Something Velanana was quick to notice.

The Gremory matriarch spoke up to remind Rias of an important fact, as well as get the ball rolling on her 'master' plan. "Don't forget sweetheart, Rune has to marry more than just one woman, and you know why. The second bride to be has already been chosen unfortunately. However, I have it on good authority that there 4 other ladies interested in him as of now. And that's not including his own arraigned marriage." 

Rias immediately started pouting in both jealousy and possessiveness. Causing the adults in the room to chuckle. However, Akeno held a smile at the reminder of his situation. Though she was still unsure if what she was feeling was romantic in nature, or simply admiration and boundless gratitude. She would wait and see. 

Kuroka however, was a strange mix of elated and incredibly jealous. She did NOT want to share HER king with any other harlots that may be after him. She was only now coming to appreciate the company of both Rias and Akeno as genuinely kind and friendly young ladies. And while forever grateful to the Gremory's for saving and housing them, she would not back down. Though she did wonder why he had to marry several women to begin with.

Poor little Shirone was looking around in confusion. While she may have been through a harrowing experience for the last 6 years of her life, she still had much to learn and time to mature. She is still only 10 after all. 

As they room calmed down, Shirone decided to make her own question known. "Why is he marrying so many people anyway?"

Rias sighs, and looks away with a pout, causing her parents and Akeno to chuckle at her attitude as Zeoticus spoke up. "There are some rather, complicated circumstances surrounding that decision. But the most important parts are this. Due to his familial circumstances, he has to have more than one romantic partner. And its also due to the aforementioned political issues we discussed earlier."

The younger neko remained confused, but nodded knowing that she would likely not get a full answer yet. 

Kuroka however, was not so easily convinced. She could read between the lines, and the subtle implications made in Zeoticus' statement worried her. "If that's the case, then why not send someone with him when he goes to learn of his heritage? He's clearly an important part of many people's lives, and seemingly more so in the future." She asked in concern and growing curiosity.

Venalana decided to speak up this time, "Its due to no one related to any devil family being allowed to join him, this being one of the conditions set for his journey." 

Kuroka however, realized something important right then and there. "Wait a minute, I'm not affiliated to any major devil household, especially now that my previous...peerage, is dead and gone. I can go with him!"

Everyone else was surprised at her pointing out such a seemingly obvious loophole to the aforementioned condition. Rias however, was not sure what to think. 

While yes, having someone strong go with Rune would help keep him safe, and she knew Kuroka was strong given the few conversations they've had already and by simply feeling her abundant mana. But, she was not thrilled to leave Rune alone for goodness knows how long with someone that has already tried getting into his pants before. She began to gnaw on her fingernail in frustration.

The elder Gremory couple noticed this and chuckled a bit, before turning to Kuroka to address her statement. "We, admittedly did not think of that as a viable option, given that any devil not affiliated with a devil family tends to be of the more criminal sort. But you do raise a good point young one." Zeoticus spoke with a hint of appreciation in his tone, before Venalana spoke up next.

"This is not going to be an easy hike young lady. This will be a long and arduous venture fraught with danger, especially the challenges Rune must face during it. Do you know how to survive in the wilderness? How to hunt and forage for food? How to build shelters from your surroundings? How to orient yourself using the sun and the stars? How to sail? Sure, you're certainly strong for your age, but do you know how to use that power and how to survive? Because if you go with Rune, you must pull your own weight. You will NOT be a burden to him." She spoke with a stern tone, scaring the rest of the occupants in the room.

Kuroka, while intimidated by the Gremory matriarch's sudden shift in tone, would not back down. "I may now know the necessary skills to survive like he does, but I can learn. If I can provide help and safety during his journey, then I will do everything in my power to do so. I, at the very least, owe him this much after he saved my sister and I. And I refuse to sit here and not pay that debt back. I already planned on having him be my new and rightful master anyway. I will follow him wherever he goes whether he likes it or not." Kuroka said with both her golden and magenta eyes glowing in fierce determination. 

The occupants of the room were surprised at her bold and fierce statement. Zeoticus and Venalana smiled, Akeno was impressed, Rias was grumbling adorably but was also silently impressed, and Shirone was both amazed and worried for her older sister. It was the smallest occupant in the room that broke the silence first.

"But big sis, are you sure? Its dangerous. And I don't want you to leave me." Shirone hugged Kuroka tightly as her eyes stung with tears, causing the elder Neko to hug her tightly and pat her head reassuringly before responding, "I won't ever leave you my precious Shirone, and you know that your big sis is strong, you can't be rid of me that easily. Besides, with how much Rune has been spoiling you since he saved us you know that we'll always come back just to make sure you don't ever cry again."

Everyone smiled at the cute sibling moment, though unfortunately it couldn't last as Zeoticus spoke. "Well, unfortunately Rune being anyone's master via a peerage wouldn't be possible as far as we know. He isn't a devil, not even partially, and thus is unable to use the evil piece system like we do." Venalana stopped him from saying more by jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow causing him to momentarily lose his breath before she took over after noticing the dejected look in Kuroka's eyes.

"He may not be able to form a peerage like us normal devils would, but that doesn't stop him from accepting loyal followers as he grows. If you remember, our dear Rune is legitimate royalty, peerage or not. He will still be a king, and a king needs those he can trust and depend on during his rule. And a king would need strong and reliable queen's by his side right? Besides, it may be possible for him to form his own peerage in the future, one never knows what the future could truly bring." She said with a small wink towards Kuroka, causing the neko to smile at the thought once again.

Venalana continued to speak, "Now that being said, I believe it would be a good idea to discuss your upcoming training schedule for you to depart with Rune. Once Grayfia gets back from the meeting with Rune, we can go into further detail. But you will need to work hard and learn fast as time is working against you. I hope you're ready young lady, Grayfia is a harsh taskmaster. As I'm sure Rias and Akeno could tell you." She ended with a mischievous chuckle.

Rias and Akeno shivered a bit, remembering how difficult Grayfia's lessons could be, and how she would not tolerate failure without due reason. Kuroka became nervous seeing them shiver at the thought, but shook it off and smiled towards Venalana. "I will not fail."

After the dramatic reveal of where his destination lied, the 4 Satans finished their meeting and wished Rune luck on his travels. Serafall however...

"It's too soon! I need to spend at least 3 nights with you before you leave! You haven't come to see me in soooo loooong! You owe me Rune-Chan!" Serafall wrapped her slender arms around Rune's waist and crushed him in a powerful hug as he struggled to breathe. Sirzechs laughing with no restraint at the boy's 'misery' as Grayfia sighed in exasperation before prying her off of Rune once again.

"Lady Leviathan, things still need to be prepared before he leaves. You can see him again at the engagement party next month." At her words Rune looked confused while Serafall pouted indignantly that her 'Rune' time would be getting interrupted again. When a small smirk slowly grew on her now mischievous looking facial expression.

"Fine then, I'll wait until the party. You better be ready Rune-Chan! You're mine after the party!" As Serafall said this, she hopped down from Grayfia's grip, seemingly teleported back to Rune's side and gave him a kiss in the cheek before stepping away with a giggle and finally teleporting to her home. Leaving the poor boy with a goofy smile on his face with reddening cheeks highlighting the sparkle of Serafall's chosen lip-gloss.

Grayfia shook her head and was about to wipe Rune's cheek with a handkerchief when Sirzechs stopped her. "One second my darling Grayfia, we must hurry home now, I'm sure Mother and Father are waiting for our swift return and we must not delay anymore." Grayfia blushed as usual when Sirzechs spoke to her that way, before nodding and teleporting them back to the Gremory estate. 

Rune's red cheek still had the sparkling mark of Serafall's kiss visible for all to see.

The living room at the Gremory estate shone a light red as Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Rune finally made it back from the long meeting with the 4 Satans. They noticed that no one was in the living room when one of the maids walked up to the small group with a message. 

"Greetings my Lord Sirzechs, Lady Grayfia, Lord Rune. Lord and Lady Gremory are in Lord Gremory's office with everyone else at the moment, and requested you please join them upon your return." She bowed and walked back to her station now that the messaged has been passed. 

The group nodded lightly and quickly made their way towards Zeoticus' office where Sirzechs insisted that Rune be the one to knock on the door. 

Rune, confused as to why it mattered simply shrugged and knocked on the office door. Completely missing the huge grin plastered on Sirzechs' face. 

As the door opened, Grayfia finally noticed what her husband was planning, but was too late to stop it. 

Rune was immediately enveloped in a tight hug by both Rias and Kuroka this time. Both girls glaring at each other for 'getting in the way'. Rune simply chuckled and hugged them both. "I missed you all too, thanks for the warm welcome." He turned his head to smile at Rias when both her and Kuroka noticed a strange sparkle on Rune's cheek.

The other occupants in the room also noticed that lip shaped sparkle and narrowed their eyes at Rune. Venalana however, already knew what was going on, and she merely smiled in smug satisfaction that her prediction was correct, again. 

After a small moment of silence, Rias grabbed him by the face and moved closer to inspect his cheek. Rune was confused for a moment, before he felt something from Rias. She was PISSED. She moved his face once more and stared right into his eyes, terrifying the poor young man, before feeling another intense flood of emotion from Kuroka still holding onto his waist tightly.

"What, were you doing dearest fiancé of mine?" Rias asked in an incredibly cold and terrifying tone of voice, causing Rune to become pale. "Who were you seeing that left this little 'gift' for you huh?" Rias continued as she slowly increased the pressure of her grip on Rune's face, squishing it slightly.

Rune's knees began to shake as he looked at a smirking Sirzechs and put the pieces together. He desperately looked to his side to see Grayfia's eyes shining dangerously in her husband's direction before a loud smack and thump were heard. Everyone turned to see an angry Grayfia standing over Sirzechs as he lay in a newly made crater the size of his head.

Grayfia then stepped forward to save her nephew once again. "Lady Rias, this was not Rune's doing or design. If you look closer, you can tell whom the culprit is and realize that this was out of anyone's control.

Rias' blazing eyes cooled slightly before looking much closer at the lip-gloss staining Rune's cheek. She then realized that it was still emanating a slight chill before finally realizing what Grayfia was talking about.

" dare she try to weasel into MY territory?!" Rias held Rune's face tightly as she continued her long string of complaints and promises of pain to Serafall next they met. Poor Rune was being strung along and ragdolled by her movements whilst everyone else chuckled and gave the poor boy looks of pity. 

Akeno was surprisingly the first to step forward and place a hand on Rias' shoulder in an effort to calm her down. "Um, Rias, maybe you should let Rune go? He's not looking too well." She said whilst pointing to a ghostly pale Rune with small swirls in his eyes.

Rias snapped out of her anger and hugged him tightly to her bosom and apologized quickly. Causing them all to chuckle once more before walking in and taking their spots around the office.

There, they explained what was discussed in the meeting with the 4 Satans, their plans moving forward, and the surprise of Kuroka wanting to aid Rune on his journey. 

Rune tried denying her help at first, not wanting to separate her from her sister or put her in danger. But Kuroka insisted, and she was backed by Venalana, Zeoticus, Sirzechs, and even Akeno. None of them wanted Rune to go alone. 

Though it wasn't until Rias told Rune to take Kuroka with him, albeit reluctantly, that Rune finally agreed. Causing Kuroka to jump the poor boy with a mischievous smile on her face as she hugged him tightly. This almost caused a fight between herself and Rias, but the adults were able to calm them down, and Shirone was able to barely pry her older sister off of a red faced Rune.

That was when Rune remembered an important detail from earlier and looked at Grayfia. "Auntie Fia, what was it you said earlier today about an engagement party? I had forgotten to ask due to...reasons..." He finished with a small tint of red in his cheeks that Rias didn't miss, making her wrap her arms around him possessively. 

Venalana was the one to respond however, "Ah, I must have forgotten to mention it to you before you left. Yes, there will be a large engagement party for you and my little Rias to announce the engagement publicly.  I already have most of it planned out so no need to worry dear, it will be perfect!" She finished with an excited giggle.

Rias and Rune flushed red at the thought of a party solely to announce their engagement, and while Rias was excited, Rune was in thought. "I'm assuming a simple announcement is not the only reason for this party correct? Though it would be nice if it was just for us." He sighed whilst shaking his head.

Rias was confused for a moment, before it clicked and she also sighed, though she kept her small smile regardless. Zeoticus spoke up this time, "As much as we would love for this party to only celebrate this happy occasion, you're correct Rune. Not only will devil council representatives be there, but several other prominent devil families. The Bael, the Stiri, the Astaroth, the Glasya-Labolas, the Agares, and the Phenex to name a few."

Both Rune and Rias were happy to hear that Sairaorg, Sona, and Seekvaira were coming. But were not all that happy to hear about the others as Rune spoke up. "Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas always causes trouble wherever he goes. Spoiled brat that one. Diodorah Astaroth always leaves a bad taste in my mouth, he's a good actor, but there is something seriously wrong in his head. And Riser Phenex, a brat happy to take pride in achievements that don't belong to him and self-proclaimed immortal. We're going to need help keeping them all in line." He sighed in annoyance before he continued.

"Zephyrdor, Sairaorg and myself can keep him in line with minimal issue when he throws his tantrums. However, Diodorah is not to be trusted. There is something incredibly dark about him that I can't stand. And after everything we found, something tells me he's up to something. Regardless, the Phenex will be the biggest pain I'd say. Riser will no doubt bring his peerage to show off and cause trouble, but I've yet to meet Ravel personally, so I can't say anything about her as I don't trust rumors."

Rias nodded with Rune's statement as Sirzechs spoke up. "I'm curious as to what you mean by your comments on Diodorah, but we can speak of them at a later date. In the meantime, we need to discuss the date of the party, as well as the training for young Kuroka here. You'll be leaving only a few days after the party, so we must have everything prepared ahead of time and ensure no stone is left unturned." Venalana nodded before she spoke up.

"Sirzechs is right, we already have most of the party handled, but there is one thing I'll need Rune's help with to ensure it goes perfectly. And should both Kuroka and little Shirone attend, you both must hide your Nekoushou traits to ensure that you don't attract unnecessary attention from other devil families. Especially if certain aspects of Riser's and Zephyrdor's personalities are indeed true. We'll add Diodorah to that list as well due to Rune's warning just in case." Venalana finished with a stern look towards everyone else, ensuring that they understood.

Everyone nodded before heading off to have lunch together. The sounds of a delightful family dinner floated through the air of the Gremory estate as they all enjoyed their meals and each others company, even Shirone slowly began opening up a bit more as she saw her older sister clinging to Rune's arm and bickering with Rias once again. This is the first time she's ever truly been able to experience something akin to a family dinner, and she couldn't help her eyes slowly streaming with tears as she held her small smile. 

The others were quick to notice her state, making Kuroka rush to her little sister's side and hug her tightly whilst trying to figure out what was wrong. But seeing the small smile on Shirone's face, Kuroka understood, and simply held her trembling little sister in her arms. 

Akeno was the next to realize what was happening, before she too grew a small smile. Knowing that she had this exact same moment not long ago. Then they all heard a small and trembling voice speaking from within Kuroka's embrace. 

"T-thank you...for saving us. For giving us a h-home. Thank you s-so much." Shirone couldn't continue speaking as she simply continued to cry. 

Everyone on the table was touched by the sincerity in her shaky voice. Sirzechs wrapped an arm around his wife, Venalana dried her tears and laid her head on her husband's shoulder. Zeoticus hugged his wife and smiled warmly at the scene. Akeno had to dry her own tears at the lovely moment as Rias hugged her for comfort with a warm smile whilst drying her own tears. 

Rune stepped forward and pulled both Nekoshou siblings into a large and warm hug. Knowing that sometimes a comforting presence is needed more than words.

After a few minutes, the small neko fell asleep in her big sister's arms, a small smile visible in her usually stoic face. Causing Kuroka to kiss her little sister's forehead with a smile and quietly carried her to their room to lay her down.

Once the atmosphere calmed down a bit, they all went their separate ways for the night. Knowing that the next few weeks would be hectic for all of them. 

As the days passed, Rune was being kept busy as he was helping with Kuroka's survival training, spoiling little Shirone rotten, deepening his bond with Akeno, and of course spending time with Rias whom clinged to his side every chance she had with a big smile. 

It was during these days that the Nekoshou sisters came to a decision as well. They both approached Rias and explained that they wanted little Shirone to join her peerage. This naturally came as a bit of a shock to Rias, but with the approving gazes of both Akeno and Rune she agreed. 

"Now Shirone, why not take a new name to signify this new chapter in your life?" Kuroka asked her little sister. Shirone was a bit shocked at first, but admittedly liked the idea, as she wanted to distance herself from the horrible memories as much as she could. When Rias came up with an idea. 

And thus, Koneko Toujou, newly born rook of Rias Gremory was born. 

Everyone decided to throw a small party in celebration of her joining and the start of a new chapter in her life. Akeno made tea for everyone, Rias hard ordered pastries and deserts from her favorite shop in the Gremory domain.

Kuroka had gotten help from Rias and Akeno to get a few gifts for her little sister in the form of new clothes and a beautiful new white Kimono with a light blue skirt and black Obi tied around her waist with small golden cat paw print design.

Rune decided to spoil the little neko with all types of chocolates from all over the world, as well as giving both Nekoshou sisters an enchanted bracelet in opposite colors. 

The newly renamed Koneko received a bracelet consisting of black beads with a white bead as the centerpiece, while Kuroka received a white bead bracelet with a black bead as the centerpiece. 

"These bracelets are enchanted to connect with the other. When activated, not only will they help you find each other should the need arise by becoming hotter when nearby and colder when far away, they also have a function to detect when the other is in danger. The bracelets will glow red when the wearer is in danger. This, along with the function to help find each other, will always allow you both to be connected." Rune finished with a big smile. 

The Nekoshou sisters were shocked before both tackling him in a big hug as thanks. Rune laughed boisterously and hugged them back, making everyone smile at the sweet moment. 

As one more gift, Rias decided to take a step forward in truly befriending Kuroka and had a custom made Kimono for her. 

It consisted of a dual layer Kimono with a black exterior and a red interior, wrapped in a yellow Obi with large golden beads attached to it, and an ornate headband reminiscent of a feudal era Geisha accessory.  

Kuroka was stunned at such a beautiful gift, and hugged Rias gratefully. "Rias isn't all that bad after all eh?" She thought to herself.

After the festivities, a few more days passed in relative peace as they continued preparing for the engagement party and Rune's journey. Rias was looking for Rune, as the engagement party was only 1 week away, she was getting nervous and wanted to cuddle to get her mind off it. After what felt like forever she finally heard Rune's voice in one of the Gremory dressing rooms they use when tailors come to fit their formal clothing.

Getting closer she heard Rune's voice clearer, along with her mother Venalana's and Grayfia's voices. 

"I must say Lord Rune, you should wear a suit more often. You look so dashing." Grayfia could be heard saying, pride evident in her voice. Rias then heard her mother's voice, "Oh I fully agree with you Grayfia. He looks so handsome doesn't he? Can't wait to see my Rias' reaction when she sees him!" She chuckled mischievously, knowing that Rias was just behind the door.

Rias then heard Rune's voice and she couldn't help but blush with a sweet smile at his words. "I mean, if I can look half as good in a suit as Rias does in her daily outfit then I must look great!" He laughed, causing both Grayfia and Venalana to smile warmly. They both enjoyed seeing Rune and Rias so in love. 

Rias could barely keep her excited squeal as she heard his compliment, but her curiosity finally won her over and she decided to peek and see what Rune was wearing. 

Venalana smirked when she noticed the door gently creak open slightly and had Rune do a slow spin to ensure that everything was looking as they wished. Rune did in fact do the spin, and they all suddenly heard a squeak, followed by a gushing sound, and finally a thump on the floor.

Turning around, Rune rushed over to the passed out Rias and desperately attempted to stifle her bleeding nose before bringing her into the room with Grayfia and Venalana. 

Grayfia shook her head in amusement whilst Venalana was giggling with no shame whatsoever before speaking up. "Well Rune, it seems that Rias likes the suit. That makes this one the winner I would say." She chuckled mirthfully once again, with Grayfia nodding in agreement, though still disappointed with Rias for her behavior. 

The following day, Rune was once again doing is daily training when he suddenly felt a set of eyes watching him. He looked around but couldn't see anyone. Suspicious, he continued training but kept his eyes on his surroundings this time. 

After a few minutes he felt eyes on him once again, but this time he noticed two pairs of eyes on him. Soft magenta eyes and a pair of curious heterochromatic gold and magenta eyes hiding behind a pillar watching him train. Rune sighed knowing who was watching him now, and decided to simply finish his routine and ask them about it later.

After his training he just walked inside and went to take a shower in his room. As he was taking his sweaty clothes off he felt the same pairs of eyes watching from above him. Some strange liquid dropped on his shoulder, causing him to slowly look up.

There, he found both Akeno and Kuroka watching every movement he made. He then noticed that the liquid that dropped onto his shoulder had two sources, and one of them smelled oddly sweet. Rune looked closer and his face became redder when he saw that that Akeno was drooling, but Kuroka was not, the liquid she dropped came from another source, and Rune screamed.

After being appropriately scolded by Grayfia and Rias, with a laughing Venalana in the background, Akeno and Kuroka knew they needed to be more discrete in the future. And thus they made a pact, work together to discover the secrets Rune hides behind closed doors. And to share any pictures they happened to take as well. 

The next day, saw most of the girls go out dress shopping for the engagement party. Leaving Rune, Kuroka, and Koneko at home alone. 

Rune did what he did best, and proceeded to try spoiling Koneko like he normally does. Something the small white haired Neko appreciated greatly. However, she had issues showing that appreciation. So she asked her older sister for help. 

It was an inevitable disaster.

Rias, Venalana, Grayfia, and Akeno walked into their home only to find Rune passed out on the living room floor, Kuroka laying on the couch in tears and mad laughter. And poor Koneko, confused and trying to wake Rune up.

As Rias rushed forward to check on Rune, she noticed he had a tear in his eye and a big smile on his face. This confused the young heiress and she looked to Kuroka for an explanation. 

After regaining her breath, Kuroka happily explained that Koneko wanted to somehow show her appreciation to Rune for everything he's done for them. Her way of doing so? She showed him a big smile and went "Nya~" as cutely as she could. Making his heart basically explode.

The day before the party, Akeno had asked for Rune to meet her in the kitchen for a surprise. Now knowing Akeno, Rune was a bit concerned about what the surprised would entail, but he went to the kitchen expecting her usual shenanigans. 

And he was right. As soon as he walked in he noticed she was wearing only a slightly modest maid outfit with a skirt reaching her mid thigh, a generous window to show her cleavage, short sleeves and a small white bow on her collar. 

Rune's face turned red and sighed at Akeno's antics. "Akeno, why did you call me here? And why are you wearing that?" 

Akeno giggled a bit and guided Rune to a bar chair by one of the kitchen islands and handed him a small menu. "I've been practicing my cooking, and I'm finally comfortable enough with it to show it off. And I want you to be my customer." She ended with a sly wink. 

Knowing Akeno, Rune simply nodded and looked at the small menu and saw that the only items listed were all his favorite foods and drinks. He couldn't help but smile at how observant and thoughtful Akeno is. "Very thoughtful of you Akeno, why don't you surprise me? I have a feeling I'll enjoy whatever you pick for me." Rune handed the menu back to her with a warm smile.

Akeno couldn't help but internally turn into mush at the simple compliment and warm smile, before nodding and walking towards the stove to begin cooking. 

After a few minutes the delicious smell of some classic human Italian food reached Rune's nose, and he knew immediately what she was making. 

Finally, once completed she plated the dish and delivered it to Rune and stood by him to see his reaction. 

Rune damn near began to drool when he saw a beautiful plate of Chicken Alfredo Akeno had made for him. "Dear Satan! Akeno this looks and smells amazing!" Akeno giggled and her smile widened at the compliment. She spoke up then, "Then hurry up and eat you silly boy. I made it just for you." 

He didn't need another word and took his first bite. He froze, his eyes began sparkling, and tears stung the corners of his eyes. 

Akeno was about to ask if something was wrong, before she stopped when Rune began to dig into the meal with incredible gusto. Every bite of the meal was gone within seconds.

Akeno was shocked, Rune finally snapped out of it and was embarrassed. And after a brief period of awkward silence, Akeno began to giggle madly, a beautiful sound that Rune couldn't help but enjoy as he began to laugh alongside her. 

Finally the day of the Engagement Party arrived. The guests were making their way into the ballroom, with the prominent devil families names being announced by a butler as they walked through the main entrance.

Rias was pacing back and forth behind the rather ornate red curtain they were waiting behind to be called into the ballroom and allow the underworld to officially see herself and Rune as engaged. 

Rune noticed her pacing and chuckled a bit, pulling her gently by the waist and into a hug. "Calm down ya silly strawberry. Everything will be ok." Rias melted into the warmth of his hug almost instantly, wanting her worries to simply wash away in his arms.

"I'm still worried Rune. You have to fight for me by announcing our engagement. I'm terrified someone will do something stupid and hurt you. Or they find some sort of lame excuse to break this engagement off and take you away from me. I-" Rias was interrupted with a gentle kiss in the lips.

Rune chuckled seeing how Rias still blushed with such an innocent act. "Rias, there is no one in this underworld or above that will ever stop me from being at your side. I will always continue to get stronger in order to stay with you. And I will do my best to not get hurt, but, if I do, it'll be more than worth it for you. No one is taking me from you, or you from me, understand?"

Rias' blush intensified, before she smiled and nodded slowly. She gently laid her head against Rune's chest for a minute and just listened to his heartbeat, and finally calmed down. 

"There, feel better Rias?" Rune asked with a gentle smile. Rias simply nodded with her own small smile and stood beside Rune, wrapping her arm around his. "Thank you, Rune. I'm ready now." 

Rune nodded and looked forward to the curtain while waiting for their queue. 

They heard their names announced, and the crimson curtain opened, shrouding them in a bright light as they took their first steps into their future together.

A/N: Welp, here we are again everyone. I'm very sorry its taking so long to update this book. But it may continue as slow updates for a while until I'm able to certain things handled.

Regardless, this chapter came about due to my forgetting that aristocrats, and nobility of all sorts tend to announce important engagements with rather large parties. So, here we are.

Bonus, certain character interactions that wouldn't have happened until way later will begin here.

Now I know that this is by no means the best thing ever. But I do hope you've all enjoyed it so far. I'm doing my best to improve as time goes on, but it's difficult with so little engagement from comments.

To those that have commented and do enjoy this story so far, thank you so much for sticking by me for so long. I WILL be finishing this story, no need to worry about that. I have NO plans whatsoever to stop writing this, so here's to many more to come!

That being said, I hope you all have a fantastic week, and that you've all enjoyed. 

See you all in the next chapter boyos!

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