House Of Lies

By Quirkymind

1.7K 335 129

After a decade of marriage, a woman stumbles upon her husband's concealed dark secrets . As the secrets unrav... More

Character Sketch
Episode : 1
Episode : 2
Episode : 3
Episode : 4
Episode : 5
Episode: 6
Episode : 7
Episode : 8
Episode : 9
Episode : 10
Episode : 11
Episode : 12
Episode : 13
Episode : 14
Episode : 15
Episode : 16
Episode : 18
Episode : 19
Episode : 20
Episode : 21
Final Episode

Episode : 17

50 13 3
By Quirkymind

Tripura was intrigued by Anisha's call about the mysterious code found in the book. However, despite Anisha's explanation, Tripura couldn't decipher its meaning or purpose. The code remained a perplexing enigma, leaving Tripura curious and eager to delve deeper into its secrets.

Anisha's confusion deepened as Tripura mentioned her inability to arrange CCTV footage. With Kiara's concern for Tripura's safety and the looming threat of Karan finding out, Anisha found herself at a crossroads, unsure of the next steps to take in their quest to unravel the mystery. The urgency of the situation left Anisha feeling torn and uncertain about how to proceed

As Tripura made her way to the elevator, she unexpectedly encountered Mrs. Scott once more. They exchanged friendly greetings, and when Mrs. Scott learned that Tripura was leaving already, she kindly offered her a ride to the train station. Grateful for the gesture of kindness, Tripura accepted Mrs. Scott's offer, relieved to have a convenient and unexpected solution to her departure. The encounter added a touch of warmth and assistance to an otherwise perplexing day

After Tripura settled into Mrs. Scott's car, she noticed a dashcam installed inside. This discovery sparked an idea in her mind. Realizing that the dashcam might have captured some valuable footage, Tripura thought it could be a potential lead in unraveling the mystery. She decided to ask Mrs. Scott about the dashcam and whether it had recorded anything unusual or relevant recently. This newfound information filled Tripura with a sense of hope that they might finally make some progress in understanding the enigmatic situation.

As Tripura settled into Mrs. Scott's car, she noticed a dashcam installed inside. This discovery sparked an idea in her mind. Realizing that the dashcam might have captured some valuable footage, Tripura thought it could be a potential lead in unraveling the mystery. She decided to ask Mrs. Scott about the dashcam and whether it had recorded anything unusual or relevant recently. This newfound information filled Tripura with a sense of hope that they might finally make some progress in understanding the enigmatic situation.

As the car journey continued, Tripura wrestled with how to broach the subject of the dashcam footage with Mrs. Scott. Then, a subtle but effective approach came to her. She decided to engage Mrs. Scott in a conversation about recent events in the neighborhood and casually inquire if anything unusual had been captured by the dashcam. This way, Tripura hoped to learn more about the footage without raising suspicion, allowing her to gather potentially valuable information discreetly.

T :  You know, Mrs. Scott, I heard Karan mention something about his car recently. He seemed really concerned about some damage he noticed. I wonder if it happened around our neighborhood.

Mrs. Scott: (looking surprised) Oh, did he mention that? Yes, he was quite worried about it, but he couldn't figure out who might be responsible.

T : Well, you know, sometimes these things get captured on dashcams. It's amazing what technology can do. Would you mind if I took a look at your dashcam footage from the past month? Maybe we can help Karan identify what happened.

Mrs. Scott: Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Let's see if the dashcam picked up anything unusual.

In this way, Tripura tactfully broached the subject, showing genuine concern for Karan's situation and using that as a reason to request access to the dashcam footage. Mrs. Scott, after some surprise, agreed to help, setting the stage for potential discoveries in their quest for answers.

As Tripura watched the CCTV footage closely, her eyes fixated on the mysterious female figure walking around Karan's car. She felt a rush of anticipation as she recognized that this footage was from the exact date just before Avishka had gone missing. Her heart pounding, she urgently instructed Mrs. Scott to pause the video.Tripura leaned in, her eyes narrowing as she carefully studied the person in question. The figure appeared to be a woman, her features obscured by the low light of the evening.

Tripura strained to catch any distinctive details that might help her identify the individual or provide clues about what had transpired on that crucial day. The intensity of the moment hung in the air as Tripura examined the footage, hoping that this new lead might finally shed light on Avishka's disappearance.

T :  Mrs. Scott, this person in the footage, do you have any idea who she might be?

Mrs. Scott: Well, it's strange you ask. I've actually seen this girl a couple of times here . She seemed to be hanging around there  . And that night, when I was leaving the apartment locker area, I actually bumped into her.

T : You've seen her here before? That's definitely unusual. Do you know anything more about her, like her name or why she was there?

Mrs. Scott: (shaking her head) I'm afraid I don't know her name or much about her. She always struck me as a bit mysterious. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now that you mention it, it does seem rather odd.but i have asked once so she said one of her friend lives here

The conversation left Tripura even more puzzled and determined to unravel the mystery surrounding this mysterious woman who had been spotted both on dashcam footage and by Mrs. Scott near Karan's apartment.

T :  Mrs. Scott, do you think it would be possible for you to transfer this specific footage to me? I'd like to show it to Karan and see if he recognizes the person. It might help us get some answers.

Mrs. Scott: Of course, Tripura. I can transfer the footage to you. Let's get it to Karan and see if this mysterious person rings any bells for him.With Mrs. Scott's willingness to assist, Tripura was one step closer to uncovering the identity of the enigmatic woman captured on the dashcam footage and potentially finding crucial information regarding Avishka's disappearance.

After Mrs. Scott dropped her off at the train station, Tripura wasted no time and called Anisha, urging her to meet as soon as possible. Anisha arrived within half an hour, and the two friends huddled together, watching the dashcam footage intently. The video, unfortunately, wasn't crystal clear, leaving both of them struggling to recognize the mysterious woman. Frustration and anticipation filled the air as they suspected that this person could potentially be Avishka. The uncertainty gnawed at them, intensifying their determination to uncover the truth behind Avishka's disappearance, as they vowed to explore every possible lead and piece together the puzzling events surrounding that fateful evening.

Anisha graciously offered Tripura a place to stay for the night, knowing that their shared determination to solve the mystery required their combined efforts. As they sat in Anisha's living room, poring over the details of all the incidents they had discussed, Tripura suddenly had a flash of realization. She urgently asked Anisha to show her the book once again, the one that contained the mysterious code. With a sense of anticipation, Anisha retrieved the book, and together they turned their attention to the cryptic symbols, hoping that it might hold a clue to unravel the complex web of events surrounding Avishka's disappearance.

As Tripura carefully unfolded the origami bookmark hidden within the pages of the book, her heart raced with anticipation. Inside the neatly folded paper, she discovered a small handwritten note. The words on the note were brief but held significant promise. It was a message, perhaps left by Avishka, that read, "Follow the red door to the truth."Tripura's excitement and determination surged as she realized this was the breakthrough they needed. The cryptic message held the key to uncovering the secrets behind Avishka's disappearance. With this newfound clue in hand, Tripura and Anisha were more determined than ever to decipher its meaning and pursue the path it pointed them towards in their quest for answers.

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