Making the truth known

By Irish_Wolves

30.6K 1.1K 194

By: V. L. Crawford Published with permission This is a non-canon story. Harry lets the Wizarding World know... More

Can Hogwarts adapt
Changes are starting
More family
Uncomfortable Conversation
Harry plays his first prank
Learning isnt always fun
Didnt see that coming
Things continue to change
Harry Worries
The evil is behind us

classes begins

1.1K 50 2
By Irish_Wolves

Harry woke up early the next morning and as he lay there thinking he figured out the perfect way to handle the minor inconveniences for pulling off the new prank. He got up and hurried over to his desk, grabbing some parchment and a quill he hurriedly jotted down a quick note to the twins. That done he rummaged through his money bag for a couple of galleons. He didn't want the twins out for furnishing him pranking items, plus it would make him feel better about going to them if he needed something else in the future.

"Dobby." He called quietly.

He didn't want his dad hearing him and leading to more trouble for him and his pranking buddies. It felt really good to know that Drake and Neville liked the idea of pranking with him. He hoped Hermione would eventually come around and join in, but even if she didn't he knew he was making his own group of Marauders. They might have to think up a new name for themselves though.

"Master Harry called for Dobby, Sir?" The little elf asked excitedly as he popped in front of his young master.

"I sure did Dobby. I need you to do a couple things for me, but you can't tell my dad or I will get in trouble." Harry said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Dobby will keep Master Harry's secrets." Dobby promised while tugging on his ears.

"Dobby please don't punish yourself." Harry ordered gently. "Why are you punishing yourself anyway?"

"Dobby wants to keep Master Harry's secrets, but the house elf enslavement makes it so that an elf must tell the older Master if the child Master is doing something that could hurt the older Master's child." Dobby wailed unhappily thinking he was failing his Master Harry.

"That is okay Dobby. I promise I will never ask you to do that. I don't know all the rules, but if I do ask you to do something that goes against them please just tell me, as I don't want you to get in trouble or to punish yourself." Harry smiled reassuringly. "All I want you to do is take this note to the Weasley twins and give them these galleons. When they read it they will give you two items. I'm hoping you can put one of the items in Ron Weasley's bookbag and make it invisible until nine o'clock this morning, so he doesn't see it. Can you do that Dobby? It is important that he doesn't realize it is there. That won't break any of your house elf rules will it?"

Dobby was bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Dobby can do that Master Harry. That is not against the rules."

"Okay Dobby that is great. Please bring me the second item back as soon as possible." Harry was grinning from ear to ear. This really did make it so much better.

He wondered if Hermione didn't want to be part of their pranking group maybe Dobby would join in. Heck he may ask the others about having Dobby join anyway. He was pondering a name for their group as he started dressing for the day. He was just pulling on his uniform shirt when Dobby made his presence known again.

"Dobby has youse item Master Harry, Sir." He held it out to the young teen, but he was also trying to give him back the galleons. "The wheezys say that Master Harry should keep his money."

"Dobby, were you able to put the other one in Ron's bookbag?" Harry asked hopefully.

His head nodding like it would fall off Dobby answered him. "Yes Master Harry. Dobby will make it visible at nine."

"Thank you Dobby, you are the greatest elf ever." He praised the little guy.

"But I want you take that money back to them and tell them I said keep it, since I might need more things from them in the future, because they now have pranking competition."

"Dobby be doing that Master Harry, Sir." The tears shining in those big bulbous eyes as he popped away.

He pulled out the new schedule he was given last night and read it through, so he would know what books he would need for today.


8:30 - 9:20 History of Magic with Lupin and Slytherins

9:30 - 10:20 Potion with A. Tonks and Slytherins

10:30 - 12:00 Double Charms with Flitwick and the Ravenclaws.

!2:00 - 1:20 Lunch

1:30 - 2:20 Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and Slytherins

2:30 - 3:20 Herbology with Sprout and Hufflepuffs

3:30 - 4:20 Magical Studies with Burbage and all muggle raised third years ( Muggle Studies with for magical raised third years.)

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner


8:30 - 9:20 Arithmancy with R Black and all participating third years

9:30 - 10:20 SDS with Moody and Ravenclaw

10:30 - 12:00 Double Transfiguration with S Black and Hufflepuff

12:00 - 1:20 Lunch

1:30 - 2:20 Astronomy with Sinistra and Hufflepuff

2:30 - 3:20 Charms with Flitwick and Ravenclaws

3:30 - 4:20 Potions with A. Tonks and Slytherins

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner


8:30 - 9:20 Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and Slytherin

9:30 - 10:20 Herbology with Sprout and Hufflepuffs

10:30 - !2:00 Double SDS with Moody and Ravenclaw

12:00 - 1:20 Lunch

1:30 - 2:20 History of Magic with Lupin and Slytherins

2:30 - 3:20 Arithmancy with R Black and all participating third years

3:30 - 4:20 Transfiguration with S Black and Hufflepuffs

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner

10:00 - 10:50 Astronomy with Sinistra and all third years


8:30 - 9:20 Magical Studies with Burbage and all muggle raised third years (Muggle Studies with T Tonks for magical raised third years)

9:30 - 10:20 Charms with Flitwick and Ravenclaws

10:30 - 12:00 Double Potions with A. Tonks and Slytherins

12:00 - 1:20 Lunch

1:30 - 2:20 Transfiguration with S Black and Hufflepuffs

2:30 - 3:20 Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and Slytherins

3:30 - 4:20 Arithmancy with R Black and all participating third years

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner


8:30 - 9:20 Transfiguration with S Black and Hufflepuffs

9:30 - 10:20 SDS with Moody and Ravenclaws

10:30 - 12:00 Double Herbology with Sprout and the Hufflepuffs

12:00 - 1:20 Lunch

1:30 - 2:20 History of Magic with Lupin and Slytherins

2:30 - 3:20 Magical Studies with Burbage for all muggle raised third years (Muggle Studies with T Tonks for all magical raised third years)

3:30 - 4:20 Astronomy with Sinistra with Hufflepuffs

5:00 - 6:30 Dinner

Harry shoved his books for the day into his bookbag along with his pranking item. He was excited for his History of Magic class.

"Wow, I never thought I would be excited for History class." He muttered under his breath as he left his room to meet his dad, so they could head to breakfast.

"Good morning Harry." Helga Hufflepuff called out as he entered the sitting room.

"Morning Grandma, Grandmother, Grandfather and Granddad." Harry grinned happily while looking around. "Isn't my Dad up yet?"

"Yes he is. He went into his office for a minute he said." Granddad Godric informed him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did Granddad."

"You look happy this morning." Salazar was giving him an appraising look. It was almost like he knew the boy had something planned. "I wouldn't think you would be this happy with classes finally starting up."

"Classes may be starting, but my grounding has finally ended." He pointed out ruefully. "Don't get me wrong I love having a real home, but I'm going stir crazy being confined here."

A voice came from behind him. "Remember that and maybe you won't have to be confined for a while. I don't think your Captain would appreciate me very much if you missed any more practices." Sirius pulled his son close for a hug.

Laughing Harry couldn't help agreeing. "You are probably right. But I really appreciate you taking the blame for that. You really are great for doing that Dad."

"Hey a Dad does what he can to make his kid's life a little easier." He pretended to strut.

"Oh Merlin, Harry don't give your Dad a big head. It won't fit through the door if you do." Rowena was shaking her head in fond exasperation.

"Oi, you know you love me Grandmother." Sirius fake pouted.

Laughter rang out in the Gryffindor quarters as the two headed out to start the first real day of Harry's third year. They ran into Regulus and Draco waiting at the top of the third floor stairs.

"Did you forget your way to the Great Hall, Reg?" Sirius teased when they drew level.

"Yes that is it Siri." He rolled his eyes at his big brother. "No Draco wanted to wait for Harry."

"Cool Drake." Harry slung his arm around the taller boy's shoulders and pulled him along. "I knew you would miss me. We haven't seen each other for hours now."

Draco tried to remove the arm clutching him close." You know you're a git, right?"

"Yes but you wouldn't have me any other way." Harry smirked.

Their fathers were following along watching the interactions fondly. "You know I have to say it. You really have made such a difference in all of our lives." Regulus said around a lump in his throat. "And I'm not talking about the changes at Hogwarts, as much I am the changes you have made for us as a family. Those two boys have such a brighter future because you are back Siri, and I for one am humbled by how much you have accomplished in such a short time."

"I didn't do that much Reg. It's nothing that any father wouldn't do to give his kid a happy childhood." Sirius really didn't think he had done anything out of the ordinary.

Regulus decided to let the subject drop as he saw how uncomfortable the other man was getting. But he knew that Sirius had done more than he even realized. He had seen the way the two boys in front of him had been the last two years. It wasn't just that they had been enemies, but more that they never seemed to really laugh and show true happiness as they were now. They were far enough ahead that he couldn't hear what they were saying, but you could tell they were joking around and having fun. And it wasn't just him seeing the change in the boys. Everybody they passed was literally gawking at the two teens, but they didn't even seem to notice or care.

Right before the two boys entered the doors to the Great Hall Harry turned around. "Dad is it okay if Draco has breakfast with me at the Gryffindor table this morning?"

"I don't see any problem with it Pup as long as there is no fighting because of it." He said sternly.

"We're not going to cause any trouble Dad, promise."

"I'll behave Uncle Sirius." Draco smirked when he saw the smile the name brought on.

"Go on then, but I'll be watching." He warned having seen that smirk and knew he had been played by his nephew.

"Thanks." They both called over their shoulders as they hurried towards the Gryffindor table.

Many eyes rose in wonderment when Draco joined Harry when he sat at the table. Ron Weasley was glaring at the two in disgust. How could Harry let that git sit with him? He was Harry's best friend and everybody knew it. Sure the Boy-Who-Lived had a burr up his arse at the moment, but it wouldn't be long before he was back begging Ron to forgive him, and of course Ron being the bigger man would only make him grovel for a little bit before relenting and letting the friendless boy hang with him again. But Harry better know the longer he hung with Malfoy the longer he would make him grovel. He was playing the scene in his mind as he stuffed food into his mouth.

Neville looked bemusedly at the two boys who sat down next to him. Well Harry say next to him while Draco sat next to Harry. He still couldn't believe he actually thought of the boy who tormented him for the last two years as Draco. But he was learning that the Slytherin really was fun to be around. He had a great sense of humor even though he seemed to hide it behind a mask. It also seemed that the more he hung around with Harry the nicer he became.

"What's going on? I can tell that you have something on your mind." He shook his head at the not so successful innocent looks the two were sporting. He couldn't believe how much they looked like each other.

"What makes you think we are up to something Nev? We are the epitome of innocence." Harry sighed sadly.

"Yes Longbottom, you are doing us an injustice. How can you accuse us of being up to something?" Draco was sporting a put upon look.

The Weasley twins were watching the two in amazement. They never expected one to act like that let alone both of them. Was the world coming to an end? Were they going to be outclassed by these third years? They knew Harry and company were planning a prank, and now they were even able to act so innocent and outraged on cue.

Harry leant closer to Neville and whispered in his ear. "It's all set up. You just need to do your part as he is leaving class. I will do the hard part."

Draco leaned towards Harry. "No I will as they will suspect you. I will sit near him and take care of that part of the prank."

Harry stared at his new cousin in disbelief. "You know that if Dad finds out we disrespected Lupin you will be in trouble, right?" The words were said under his breath so only Draco and Neville heard.

"I know." Draco helped himself to some eggs. "We aren't going to get caught. Now pass me the bacon, please as I'm hungry and we don't have much time. And put that thing in my bookbag." He slid it closer to Harry.

They took their time getting to History class, as they wanted Ron to have a seat first so they could sit in the best places to pull this off without a hitch. Draco went to the other side of the room he sat two seats behind and a seat over from Ron. Harry, Neville and Hermione sat close to the back as well but near the door. They needed Neville close to the door for his part of the plan.

When everyone was in their seats Remus Lupin looked over the class. He would never have thought he could actually be a Professor. He knew that Dumbledore had originally hired him, but it was with the knowledge he was going to have to hide he was a werewolf. But thanks to Sirius all of these students knew he was one, and he was still allowed to teach.

"I'm Professor Lupin as you all know. I know you have been taught Goblin rebellions but we are going to be studying more than that." He walked around and wrote on the blackboard. "We are going to start off with 'Merlin Ambrosius, or Myrddin Emrys'. He was the first known wizard. That does not mean he was the first wizard, just the first one we know about. Can anybody tell me something about Merlin?"

Hermione's hand was in the air. "He is as well known in the muggle world as he is in the magical world. Only the muggles think he was a myth."

Remus turned to write her answer on the board. His hand skidded across the blackboard leaving behind a long line of chalk when a bang was heard behind him. He turned around to find a beautiful rainbow of colors shooting all over the room from zooming firework. The original bang had made many scream in fright, while the rest were watching the light show with interest.

"Calm down everybody." He ordered as he sent a freezing spell at the firework. The spell did the trick, but he noticed that the room was a mess. It seems that many had thrown or knocked their books, parchment, quills or ink bottles when the startling noise happened. It took five minutes to get the room back ready for class to resume. He was pleased to see that his cub was helping people retrieve their belongings. It made him proud to see how helpful he was.

When he got near the boy, the teen said remorsefully. "It really is a shame somebody had to be so mean as to ruin your first class. I'm sorry that happened to you, Professor."

"Thank you, Harry." He said this quietly but added louder. "I will find out who did this and they will be punished for it. But if everyone will take their seats when can finish our lesson."

The class went on with no more interruptions, but when they were leaving at the end Neville tripped and fell against Ron Weasley. He clutched at the redhead's bookbag trying to save himself from falling. It ripped down the side and everything inside of it spilled on the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ron. I'll buy you a new bookbag." He apologized sorrowfully.

Dean and Seamus bent down to help Ron and Neville pick up the fallen items when Dean exclaimed. "Oi, what is this?"

Remus, who had been trying to make sure both boys were fine while repairing the bag, turned at the exclamation. "What is the problem Dean?"

Dean glanced nervously at Ron. He hadn't meant to get the other boy in trouble. He tried to hide the item behind his back. "It is nothing Sir."

But Remus hadn't been a Marauder for nothing. He could tell when somebody was hiding something. He held out his hand. "Give it here please Dean."

"I'm sorry Ron." Dean groaned while handing the firework to the Professor.

"That's not mine." Ron denied vehemently. "Why are you saying it is?"

"It fell out of your bag mate." Seamus defended his friend. "I saw it."

"Mister Weasley, please stay behind so we can set up your two detentions and you have also lost ten points from Gryffindor." Remus said sternly.

When Harry, Draco and Neville were nearing the Potions classroom they couldn't help sniggering at the success of their prank. They caused mischief in Remus's first class and Ron got the blame. A job well done. This was a much better outcome for their prank than the last one.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Hermione demanded furiously. She looked at them suspiciously. "Did you guys have anything to do with that whole mess?"

Harry was the one that answered. "What if we did? It isn't like you are innocent of mischief being caused in class." He lowered his voice as they were getting close to their destination. "I remember somebody asking me to cause a commotion in class, so she could actually steal from the Professor." He said coldly.

He knew that if he didn't make her realize that she wasn't so sweet and innocent she might get them all in trouble, and he wasn't letting that happen. He had did what she asked last year when she wanted to break rules, but if he wanted to have some fun she always got a holier than thou attitude and he was sick of it. He turned and entered the classroom leaving her standing there in shock.

He was sitting with Drake and Neville when she finally entered the room. She sat down in an empty seat behind their table. All through the class she kept watching the three boys in front of her. Why were things so strange? It was supposed to be her, Harry and Ron that were friends, but now it looked like Harry, Neville and Draco, and she couldn't help wanting her best friends back. She knew she could still be friends with Ron, but she wasn't stupid that friendship had always been one-sided. Ron only hung out with her because she was Harry's friend, and so she could help him with his homework.

Harry was shocked at how well potion class went and not just for him, but Neville too. When they were cleaning up at the end of the lesson Draco told them that Harry had probably scored and Exceeds Expectations, and it would have been an Outstanding if he had only given his potion about six more stirs. He also told Neville that his was an Acceptable potion at the least. Neville was happy to hear the news, because normally he never got higher than a Poor. He had just been happy that he was able to finish until Draco told him about what he believed his grade would be.

Harry and Neville were sitting at the lunch table after having been to a double Charms class. Fred and George sat on each side of Harry squeezing Hermione and Neville out of their way in the process.

"Harrikins, we heard the most amazing story today." Fred grinned wickedly.

"Yes, it was about somebody causing chaos in Professor Lupin's class." George added with a knowing smile.

"Could you please tell us the details?" Fred implored.

"We want to make sure we heard it right." George explained.

"Sure guys. Somebody set a firework off in the History of Magic class this morning. And when we were leaving Neville accidently tripped and fell against your brother. He tried to save himself from falling and in the process ripped Ron's bag. A firework fell out and I believe Professor Lupin gave him two detentions and removed ten points for disturbing his class." Harry informed them with an innocent air.

"Well, well, well who would have thought Ronniekins had it in him?" George smirked as he looked at his younger brother.

"He is probably the one that has done all those mischievous things we have been punished for." Fred added with a fake sob.

"We always knew somebody else was doing them." wailed George heartbrokenly.

"But we were always blamed and punished for the crimes." Both boys pretended to cry into Harry's shoulders.

Ron was glaring furiously, as everybody around Harry and the twins were laughing uproariously. He couldn't believe his own brothers were fawning over Harry. They should be giving him the cold shoulder for how he was treating their baby brother. And he was furious that somehow he got detention for something he didn't do. But of course he couldn't worry about that now there was food to eat.

The Gryffindor third years headed out of the castle for their first Care of Magical Creatures class. Harry was happy when Draco caught up with him on his way to the same class. He noticed that three other Slytherins were close behind him.

"Are you going to introduce us to your friends Cousin? Or are you going to be rude and just act like a git?" Harry teased.

"Well maybe I want to act like a git. Or in other words, like my new cousin." He taunted back causing Neville to laugh at Harry's face.

Blaise Zabini stepped forward elbowing Draco aside and holding his hand out. "Blaise Zabini and that is Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass." He added pointing to each girl in turn.

"Harry Potter-Black." Harry shook his hand, "Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger. How are you, guys liking the changes so far?"

Daphne Greengrass, the Slytherin Ice Queen answered effusively. "They are great. I have never been happier to be at Hogwarts as I am now. It is more like what I expected when we first came. I can honestly say within two days of getting here in first year I was horribly disappointed in the school."

Tracey laughed at the Gryffindors' gobsmacked expressions at hearing the way her friend was talking. "Don't mind her she is just excited that she got to spend two hours talking to Salazar Slytherin's portrait last night."

The beauty of Slytherin stuck her tongue out at her friend. "He is such a nice man, and we had a beautiful conversation. You are just jealous." She claimed snootily.

"Yes that is it. It's not like he wouldn't speak to me too." Tracey rolled her eyes.

Trying to defuse the situation Harry spoke up. "Grandfather's great and he has a wicked sense of humor. You should hear him teasing Grandad Grodric. Those two are definitely fun to be around."

The Slytherins stared at Harry in awe. "You actually call them Grandfather and Granddad?" sputtered Tracey. "Wouldn't that be disrespectful?"

"Umm... that was what they asked me to call them." Harry explained while blushing.

"What do you call Lady Ravenclaw and Lady Hufflepuff?" Blaise wondered aloud.

"Grandmother and Grandma," The even redder teen answered.

Draco seeing how uncomfortable Harry was feeling tried to take some of the pressure off. "They all told me that I could call them that as well. And that is even more amazing because only Grandmother Rowena is actually related to me."

Harry gave the other boy a grateful smile as everybody turned towards him. He was coming to really appreciate Drake more with each day. He never tried to tell him what to do like Hermione did or try to talk him out of studying like Ron had. He really had a good feeling about his friendship with the Slytherin. Harry then turned to look at Neville. He was another one Harry was glad to be able to call his friend now. Both of these boys seemed to accept Harry for himself, not because he was the Boy-Who-Lived or because they wanted to change him to how they wanted him to act.

Yes, he still liked Hermione and wasn't going to give up on her. She meant too much to him for that, but he was truly hoping that she would try and accept him like he was. The same way he always tried to accept her the way she was even if the way she acted hurt his feelings more often than not. Her way of rubbing their faces in how smart she was or telling them off like she was their mother had always hurt, but because he truly cared for her he took it. He just wished she would see that he was worth it to take his flaws too without always making him feel bad about them.

When the group of students got to Hagrid's they saw him coming out of the Forbidden Forest. Harry felt an uncomfortable pang as he saw that. Please don't let him be teaching us some dangerous creature was the thought running through his mind. Dad would definitely not take that well, and Harry didn't want to see his big friend's feelings hurt.

"Okay gather 'round." Hagrid called out with brought the students closer together. "Today I have a special treat for you since this is my first class and all."

Hermione raised her hand. Harry couldn't see why she had a question or answer yet, but he wasn't surprised to see her hand in the air. It was just so Hermione.

"Hermione, did you need something?" Hagrid's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion.

"What about our essays? Don't you want us to turn them in now?"

Harry could not help looking at Neville and rolling his eyes. 'Oh Hermione,'

He thought fondly.

Hagrid smiled as he said. "I'll collect 'em later. Let me get the animals for now."

He disappeared back the way he had come and a few minutes later he was back leading the strangest creatures Harry had ever seen. They were a horse in the back but the front part of their bodies looked like a giant eagle. Feathers blended into horsehair in a way that made it look natural. The more he stared at them had him realizing they were beautiful, if you got past the strangeness of them being part bird/part horse.

Hagrid started his lesson by saying. "The first thing you got to know about hippogriffs is that they are proud creatures. You never want to insult a hippogriff because they won't take it well. And those talons hurt a lot. Now who wants to meet Buckbeak here?"

Harry stepped forward when he saw the big man's downcast eyes when he realized that nobody was going to volunteer. And before he knew it he was flying on the back of that amazing animal. It wasn't as fun as riding a broom with the way the wings beat against his legs, but he was in the air and he hadn't been since the morning before he left Godric's Retreat. He truly felt he could spend three fourths of his time in the air if his dad would let him.

The rest of the class decided to participate when they saw that Harry was perfectly fine after his experience with the unusual animals. Harry was watching Draco flying on one that was all black that Hagrid said was named Stormwing. He was also keeping an eye on Ron as he was with Seamus and Dean near Buckbeak. He moved closer as he had a funny feeling the tactless boy was going to say something stupid.

Ron was closest to Buckbeak, while the other two boys were near Ron, but not actually close to the hippogriff. That was when the idiot stated in a sneering voice. "Why would anybody want to actually fly on a dumb hippogriff when they could fly on a broom instead?"

It happened in slow motion Buckbeak reared up on his hind legs, talons from his front legs slashing down through the air as Harry shoved Ron hard out of the way before falling on the redhead. Hagrid, Hermione, Neville and quite a few others ran to the two boys' side. Ron moaning and complaining drew all of their attention. This meant that nobody was paying the slightest interest in Harry as he slowly stood up. That was why nobody saw the black haired boy bite his lip to keep his own moans of pain from coming out. It took everything he had not to clutch at his shoulder and chest.

He walked away a little and turned his back on the others. His wand in hand he muttered a low Reparo at his robe to mend the three slashes from Buckbeak's talons. Hagrid had been right those things bloody hurt like hell. But he couldn't say anything, because he didn't want to ruin Hagrid's class anymore than that idiot Ron already had.

Harry jerked his head up as he heard hooves land hard on the ground in front of him. Draco slowly got down but thankfully his eyes were on where all the Gryffindors, but Harry was surrounding a moaning Ron.

"What did the idiot do?" Draco sneered, because he couldn't believe Granger was kneeling by the weasel's side acting all concerned for him.

"He insulted Buckbeak, so I had to knock him out of the way. He is complaining that I hurt him shoving him so hard." Harry explained holding in his own grimace of pain, as he turned to watch Ron act like a baby. So the idiot landed on the ground a little hard, instead of complaining about how rough Harry was the boy should be thanking him because from where he had been standing those talons would have slashed his face at the very least if Harry hadn't saved him.

Harry didn't notice Daphne Greengrass staring at him in a contemplative way. She had noticed him pointing his wand at his himself even if she hadn't heard what he had said. She was trying to figure out why he did that but no answer came to mind.

Draco snorted in disgust when he saw Harry's best friend help that traitorous weasel up and tell Hagrid she would make sure he got to the hospital wing. He watched them walk away together with the sodding idiot leaning on Granger all the while moaning how much pain he was in. Draco was furious at her for helping the boy who had betrayed Harry's trust, but a hard gleam came in his eyes when he saw her turn and glare at Harry, as if he had done something wrong. And people tried to say she was intelligent.

"Ignore her." Draco consoled when he saw the glimpse of pain that glare caused his cousin. "You saved the idiot and she and the weasel seem to have forgotten that."

"Thanks Drake but it doesn't matter." Harry waved it off. He knew what Hermione was like after all.

Hagrid walked over to Harry beaming proudly. "Twenty points to Gryffindor for saving a fellow student Harry. I'm proud of you, and I know your Dad will be too."

"Thanks Hagrid. I just didn't want Ron ruining your first class." Harry smiled in gratitude.

"You're a good kid Harry." Hagrid said feeling touched that the boy had wanted to help him. "Everybody hand in your essays and then class dismissed." He called louder.

Harry and Neville headed off to Herbology with the Hufflepuffs while Draco headed back to the castle for Astronomy with the Ravenclaws. Harry was grateful that he had Neville to help him in the greenhouse, because the longer the class went on the more he had to bite his lip to keep from crying out from the pain in his shoulder. Hermione never showed up at all for the class, and he wondered if that meant she was still in the infirmary with Ron.

He was wishing with everything in him this day was over as he headed back to the castle for the last class of the day. He felt bad for thinking that because Magical Studies was one class he had been looking forward too, since his dad had told him he was going to start it up.

He was sitting next to Dean when Hermione finally rushed into the room. She was looking furious as she took a seat across from Harry. He thought she was mad at him still for knocking Ron down. Had he hurt him without meaning too?

Dean must have thought the same thing. "Hermione is Ron okay?"

"He is fine." she waved the question off as if it wasn't important. "Madam Pomphrey fixed him right up. He had a bruised shoulder. But he was still complaining about pain, even after she healed it and gave him a pain potion. She kept him there for an hour for observation."

"If that is the case why are you so mad?" Harry asked with a frown. It was hard for him to concentrate, as he was feeling lightheaded for some reason.

"Your Dad." She snapped angrily.

Harry took on a frightening look. "What about him?" His voice had a hard edge to it. He didn't appreciate anybody using that tone when they spoke about his dad.

Hermione couldn't answer though as the Professor called the class to order. Harry was not happy that he wasn't getting an answer of why his friend was disrespecting his dad that way, but as it was getting harder and harder to concentrate he couldn't keep his anger going. The Professor's voice kept going in and out like a badly tuned radio. All he wanted to do was get this class over with and go back to his room and lie down. It took Dean calling his name three times before Harry heard him.

"Harry, are you okay?" Dean looked worried. "I've told you three times that class is over."

"I'm sorry Dean. I'm fine just a little tired." He stood up putting his book back in his bag before slinging it over his good shoulder. The bookbag swung around and knocked hard against the bad shoulder. It took all of his self- control not to scream out in agony. He must have paled because Dean looked even more concerned now.

"Harry, are you sure? You look like you are about to pass out."

"I'm fine Dean." He assured him when he could open his mouth without screaming. "I'm going to the tower now. See you later." He called over his shoulder as he left the classroom.

Hermione was standing there tapping her foot impatiently waiting for him. "What took you so long?" She demanded bossily.

"Hermione I'm not up to this right now. I will talk to you later." He sighed in annoyance, as he walked away.

She ran to catch up to him."Where are you going?"

"To my room to start on my essay for Charms," He answered without slowing down. He was afraid if he didn't get there fast he would fall over. He was pushing himself so nobody would realize that he had gotten hurt in Hagrid's class. He was sure if he could lie down for a little bit he would be fine. He was used to his injuries healing themselves at the Dursleys after all.

"But Harry I want to talk to you." She protested indignantly.

"We'll talk later Hermione. Right now I have something to do," His face showing a relieved look when he saw the red door ahead.

Hermione had stopped to glare at him not realizing that he was that close to his quarters having never asked where it was. To her utter amazement Harry didn't stop to ask her why she was mad but walked up to the door and spoke to low for her to hear. He walked in without a backward glance as he shut the door.

"Hello Sweetheart." Helga called out when she saw Harry walk in.

"Hi Grandma. Hi everybody." He responded while he walked towards his room.

"Is everything alright Harry?" Granddad Godric asked with a puzzled expression.

"I just need the loo Granddad." He yelled back as he opened his door. Not wanting to have lied to the man he threw his bag on his desk and went to get a wet cloth for his head. He was feeling hot for some reason. It was probably because of how fast he walked to get here he thought.

He was lying down on his bed after kicking his shoes off. He put the cool cloth on his head and closed his eyes. Within minutes he was sound asleep.

Meanwhile Hermione made her way to Gryffindor tower and she was furious that Harry hadn't stopped and talked to her like she wanted. When she climbed through the portrait hole she saw Neville talking to Dean and Seamus. She was surprised to see Neville glaring at her angrily. Now what had she done to make him take exception with her? Deciding she would find out she walked up to the group.

"Why are you looking at me like that Neville?" She demanded in a huff.

"Dean was just telling me how you made Harry angry in Magical Studies with the tone you used when speaking of his Dad." He declared vehemently. "I take it me telling you that Harry seemed very protective of the man didn't really register with you. Dean says he felt Harry's whole body tauten next to him with your attitude."

"I had a right to be mad at the man for what he did." She defended herself aggressively.

"What could he have done that was so bad that you had to make Harry that angry at you?" Neville threw back in her face.

"I don't want to talk about it." She sniffed. "You will just take the man's side probably."

"Fine, don't talk about that but then please explain the way you acted in Care of Magical Creatures class instead." He almost dared her.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Really? You walked off with the boy who betrayed your best friend and dared to glare hatefully at Harry as you left." Neville taunted in a mean fashion. He didn't care how he came off to Hermione right now, because he could still see the hurt look in Harry's eyes at her actions.

"Harry hurt Ron." She exclaimed outraged. "He knocked him down."

Neville gave a Snape-worthy sneer as he replied. "Yes, he knocked him down, but if you had bothered to ask he would have explained why I'm sure. Dean and Seamus who were the closest to Ron when it happened said the reason Harry did was because Ron had insulted Buckbeak. Harry knocked Ron down seconds before Buckbeak's talons would have ripped viciously through Ron's face. Dean also explained that you said all Ron had wrong with him was a bruise that Madam Pomphrey fixed immediately, so excuse me if I think Harry knocking Ron down was the better option and not deserving of your actions towards Harry."

"I didn't know that." Hermione said meekly before adding in a stronger voice. "Ron was my friend, so I felt I had to help him."

Neville threw back his head in howled in laughter until tears were streaming down his face. Hermione looked angry not knowing why he was laughing, while everybody in the room was now staring where the four were standing. The twins hurried over to find out what was so funny.

"Neville, old man, please share the joke." George requested.

"We could always use a good laugh, mate." Fred added.

Gasping for breath Neville got out. "Hermione actually thought Ron was her friend." He was clutching his stomach as he spoke. "Even though anybody with half a brain could see that he only hung around her because of Harry and so she would do most of his homework." By the time he was finished everyone that heard his words were also laughing.

Hermione was furious as she stormed away towards the girls dorms. Yes, she knew it was true but she didn't like admitting it to herself. She threw herself face down on her bed and kicked her heels in frustration. It seemed that Neville truly thought Hermione was a bad friend to Harry.

Did Harry feel that way too? Was that why he wouldn't even talk to her earlier? How was she going to fix this mess? She couldn't lose Harry's friendship. He really was the only one except her parents that ever showed they cared for her. She laid there on her bed vowing to become a better friend to the boy who had jumped on the back of troll to save her life. His friendship meant too much for her to lose it now. Plus she couldn't help remembering how lonely she was before the boy had become her friend.

After Hermione had stomped off Neville decided to head to dinner in hopes of talking to Harry. He was disappointed to see the other boy wasn't there yet though. He sat down and started eating his dinner. Twenty minutes later Draco walked in and joined the Slytherin table. When after another ten minutes Harry still wasn't there Neville pushed his plate away and headed over to talk to the boy who had been his enemy until a few days ago. It was hard to admit even to himself that he was starting to see the Slytherin as his friend.

"Hey Longbottom, what are you doing over here?" Draco asked but it was not in a mean way to the shock of most of the Slytherins.

"Black, I was wondering if you have seen Harry since classes ended for the day?" Neville's voice was amicable too. The gaping Slytherins thought the world ending right now wouldn't have been as surprising as this turn of events.

"No I haven't." Draco frowned when he saw the look on the Gryffindor's face. "Why are you asking Neville?" Draco's concern making his mask drop, for once.

"Well according to Dean not only was Harry made upset over something during Magical Studies, but when class was over he thought Harry was going to pass out at one moment he went so pale." Neville tried to explain his worry. "He then hurried off to his quarters almost ignoring Hermione in the process."

Draco studied the other boy's face for a minute before standing up and heading towards the staff table. Neville was right on his heels when he stopped in front of Sirius Black.

"Uncle Sirius is Harry alright?" He interrupted the other man's conversation with Lupin.

Sirius started to rebuke the boy for his manners, when the words that he had spoken sunk in. "What do you mean is Harry alright?" His head turned automatically towards the Gryffindor table searching for the familiar black head. To his shock he saw he wasn't there.

"Nobody has seen him since the end of classes when he went to your quarters Sir." Neville explained. "He has seemed to be upset since the incident in Care of Magical Creatures class."

"What incident in class?" Sirius demanded turning towards Hagrid with a hard look.

But it was Neville who answered as he knew he had the most information, since Draco was in the air and Hagrid had his back to Ron and Buckbeak at the time. Dean had a first hand experience and he had given Neville the facts.

"Ron insulted a hippogriff in class, even after Hagrid warned us to insult one would be dangerous. Harry saw it and knocked him out of the way right before the hippogriff could slash Ron's face open. Hermione walked off with Ron to the hospital wing, but she seemed to blame Harry for what happened. I don't know if he is upset with Hermione or it is something else. He didn't seem the same in Herbology. and Dean told me he thought Harry was going to pass out at the end of Magical Studies." He finished as he watched Lord Black turn towards Gryffindor's portrait.

"Granddad is Harry still in the tower?"

A couple of seconds later the man answered. "Yes. He came in and said he didn't have time to talk, as he was headed to the loo. He hasn't come back from his room since."

Sirius stood up at once. "I'll let you know how he is boys." He was walking towards the doors as he was speaking.

The man could not hide his worry as he hurried towards the tower. Why hadn't his Pup come to him if he was upset? All he could think about was how he had found his son crying into his pillow after he found out about Ron's betrayal. Was that what was going on now?

He entered the tower and headed straight to Harry's room. He knocked but got no answer. When he walked in he saw Harry asleep on his bed, but the poor kid was flushed and tossing and turning. He was moaning in his sleep. Sirius rushed forward when he realized his child was sick. A gut clenching pain hit him hard. He had never seen Harry sick even as a baby. When he put his hand on Harry's head, after removing the washcloth that was falling off of his forehead, he almost pulled his hand back in shock with the heat his child was giving off.


"Master Sirius is calling for Dobby?" But the little elf's eyes grew bigger than normal when he saw his precious Master Harry lying on the bed moaning in what was obviously pain. "Master Harry is sick?"

"Yes Dobby. Please get Andromeda immediately." He ordered brusquely.

Dobby popped away and was back almost instantly with a sputtering Andromeda Tonks.

"Siri, what is going on? Your elf popped into the Great Hall, grabbed my hand and popped me here without a word." She was talking to Sirius's back not yet seeing the sick teen on the bed.

He turned towards her fear evident in his eyes. "Harry is sick, Andi. Help him please." He begged.

"What?" She pushed him aside and saw her nephew thrashing on the bed in pain and with a high fever. She pulled out her wand and ran a diagnostic. She was just retrieving the paper with the results when the bedroom door burst open as Regulus,Ted, Remus and Draco all hurried into the room pure fear on their faces.

Regulus had known immediately with Dobby grabbing Andi like he had without a word meant something was really wrong. Draco had been talking to him at the time, so when he jumped up and exclaimed. "Something is wrong with Harry as he rushed from the room the other three followed at a run. Regulus had never traveled from the Great Hall to the fourth floor so fast in his life. He could swear he only touched every fourth stair, and the moving staircases lined up perfectly for their progress to the tower. His eyes immediately landed on his nephew and his fear became even worse. What was wrong with his nephew? And why had nobody noticed anything? How bad would he be before they found him, if Neville hadn't gone to Draco, and the both of them to Sirius?

Sirius croaky voice penetrated his thoughts. "What is wrong with him Andi?"

Andi looked at the parchment in shock. She instantly looked up and waved her wand over Harry making his clothes except for his underpants disappear.

Everybody in the room gasped in surprise when the saw the three long slashes from Harry's left shoulder until about eight inches down his chest. One look at the seeping and bleeding gashes told all present that they were infected.

"Why didn't somebody tell me my son was hurt?" Sirius rounded on his nephew since he was the only one in the room in the class at the time.

Draco looked at Harry sadly. "I didn't know. I was flying when it happened, and he never said a word before I had to go to a different class." He looked into his Uncle's eyes. "I'm sorry Uncle Sirius if I had known I would've told you. This is just another one of those times he wouldn't let anybody see he was hurt."

Sirius took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Draco that I snapped at you. This isn't your fault. I know that. I've just never seen Harry sick before."

"It's okay Sir. I know how you feel. I wish I would have known, so I could have talked him into getting help." Draco assured the man.

"It's not your fault Draco. It is those bloody muggles fault for making him, believe that he isn't important. I was hoping I was getting him out of that, but I guess it will take more than a month for it to sink in." Sirius sighed helplessly while looking at his child. How could he convince him that he was as important as everybody else? It broke his heart to know his Baby had been hurt this badly and never said a word. He never came to him for help. He had thought he had shown Harry that he was there for him no matter what.

"How bad is he, Andi?" He finally got past the lump in his throat.

"He is a very sick boy." Andromeda told him with no preamble. "I'm sure you know that if a hippogriff wound is treated within the first hour it is a simple thing to fix. But the thing is if the wound is left unattended for longer than that something in those talons will cause infection to set in at a fast pace. By the looks of things it has been around three hours or more since he was hurt. He has definitely had the infection set in. That is what is causing the high fever and the seeping green pus from the wound."

Sirius gulped as he walked around the bed and sat on the other side carding his hand through his Pup's hair before he asked. "He will be okay won't he?" He never took his eyes off of the flushed face of his precious child.

"Yes but he will be sick for a few days Sirius. I need to get him to the hospital wing." She was looking grave when she said this, so Sirius really didn't feel reassured.

"Couldn't you treat him here?" Draco piped up. The others all looked at him at the question. "I just know that he hates the hospital wing, even when we weren't friends that much was obvious."

"I need the potions and other things handy that can only really be found in the hospital wing. Plus as he will be in bed for a few days I will need Madam Pomphrey to be on hand while I'm teaching." She added trying to forestall any suggestion from Sirius that he would have the things she needed brought here. A hospital room was the better option for taking care of somebody as sick as Harry was.

Sirius stood up wrapping the top blanket around Harry before lifting him into his arms. He frowned, thinking even with the Nutrient potions and regular meals he was still too light, and he knew him being sick would just make it worse. He carried him out into the sitting room only to be stopped by four voices talking at once.

A loud piercing whistle from Godric Gryffindor shut the others up. "Sirius, what is wrong with my Grandson?" He demanded in a voice that showed why the others considered him the leader of their group.

"He got slashed by a hippogriff Granddad trying to keep another boy from being hurt, but he didn't say anything to anybody, so the wounds have been left unattended for hours." He was trying not to show how worried he was for his Pup.

"But Hippogriff talons have a kind of poison in it that if not treated right away will make you very sick." Rowena's aghast expression showing her deep fear and love for her grandson.

"Where are you taking him?" Helga sniffled into a lacy handkerchief.

"The hospital wing." Andromeda informed her while trying to get Sirius moving again.

"No!" Salazar roared. "You will take him to the sixth floor of this tower and treat him there." His expression said he wouldn't stand for any nonsense to his orders.

"He needs to be in a hospital room." Andromeda argued anyway.

Godric gave Salazar a look that said let me handle it, as the other man had opened his mouth to berate the woman. "The sixth floor of this tower is a hospital for our families. We all had our own rooms there. Helga turned hers into rooms for any of our personal friends to use if they needed it. It has everything you need to cure my Grandson. Plus the room will adapt so Sirius can stay with him as long as he needs too. The rooms are magically able to give the occupants what they need in such trying times. Helga and I have a portrait there, so we can also watch over him."

"Sal and I will be joining that portrait as well, so we can see for ourselves that he is being tended to as needed." Rowena stated firmly.

"But what about when Sirius and I need to be in classes?" Andi argued knowing Harry would need somebody close at least for the next twenty-four hours.

"I will not be leaving my son until I know he is fully on the road to recovery." Sirius glared at her for even suggesting such a thing. He turned and headed towards the inside stairway.

"Sirius the password is health for that door." Godric called after him.

"But what about your classes?" Remus inquired following along behind his friend.

"Minerva can take them, or I will cancel them until I know my Pup is going to be fine." He was climbing the steps to the special hospital. He really didn't care about anything at the moment except the sick child in his arms.

Draco who was following behind couldn't help glancing at his new father as they climbed the stairs. Would he feel and act the same way if it was him that was sick? He knew neither of his other parents had ever acted that way. His Father would act like Draco had gotten sick just to inconvenience him. And his Mother would stay away, because she said she couldn't stand being around sick people. His Dad turned and saw him staring at that moment and gave him a reassuring smile as comfort. This made Draco believe that the man would truly be acting the same way as Harry's dad was if the situation was different. He couldn't help smiling back at the man who was giving him a chance at a better life.

Regulus reached around Sirius to open the door after the older man said 'health'. The door had the words Family Infirmary on it. When they walked in they saw four doors off of a hallway. They were red, green, yellow, and blue respectfully. Sirius walked towards the red door as Regulus again turned the knob. The room looked like no hospital room Regulus had ever seen.

There was a full bed in the middle of the room. It had a Gryffindor red and gold striped comforter on it. There were three comfortable armchairs on each side of the bed all in gold material. The room had two doors leading off of it besides the one they just came through. One of them was open and he could just make out it was the bathroom, while the other one had the words Medical Supplies written on it. The painting on the wall had four armchairs that matched the ones in the room. Godric and Helga were already sitting in two, when all of a sudden Salazar and Rowena joined them and took the other two chairs. The looks on their faces stating quite clearly they were intending to sit there until they knew their grandchild was fine.

Sirius very gently laid his very ill child in the middle of the bed before sitting beside him on the bed. He immediately started carding his hand through the black tresses wishing with all of his heart that his Baby would open his eyes and look at him for at least a minute, so he could tell him how much he loved him. Was he never going to be able to keep his child safe?

Andromeda rushed to the door for medical supplies and breathed a sigh of relief, when she saw potions on the shelves under a stasis charm and they were in pristine condition. She grabbed a handful and hurried to her nephew's side. She went to the side opposite to where Sirius was sitting, because she knew if she tried to get him to move he would hex her into the next century.

"What are you giving him Andi?" Ted asked his wife, as he sat in a chair behind her.

Remus sat in a chair on the same side but left the middle one open, so Andromeda could sit by her husband. Regulus took the seat closest to the door on the side of the bed where Sirius sat with Draco right next to him. That way Sirius could take the chair closest to Harry, if he ever moved from the bed. All of them were looking at not only the boy with concern but his father as well. By the shaking of his shoulders they knew he was silently crying, as he watched Andy pour potions down his child's throat.

"I have blood replenishing, pain, a fever reducer, an oral infection fighting one and one to actually put in the wound to fight infection." She explained as she poured the oral ones into her nephew while having Sirius rub his throat so he would swallow them.

When she had given him all of the potions that needed to be ingested, she pour the last one on the three wounds. They smoked and bubbled as the potion went to work on the infection that was in the gashes. She then wiped all three wounds with a clean damp cloth before casting a spell that wrapped bandages all around Harry's shoulder and chest. She couldn't heal the wounds until she knew the infection was all out of his body. It would be at least forty- eight hours, but probably closer to seventy-two, before she could heal the open wounds. She would have to give him blood replenishing potions every six hours until she could heal them. Thankfully the wrapping would slow the bleeding down some. She looked concerned at the young teen. She knew even with the potions in his system he was one very sick child.

She laid a hand on Sirius's shoulder. "I'll make him well for you Sirius."

"Thanks Andi," His raspy voice answered. Nobody commented on the man's silent tears running down his face, as he looked at his sleeping child with pain-filled eyes.

Andromeda took the seat between her husband and Remus, and they all sat there quietly watching the very sick body of the Boy-Who-Lived try to fight off the infection that had invaded his body. Four portrait subjects and six actual people sat there silently begging the child to open his eyes, and let them know he was going to be okay. But he slept on not knowing that his family was at his bedside waiting from him to wake up.

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