Fifty Darker Shades of Eraser...

By CrypticBeans

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A new saga of fifty chapters of straight smut! Enjoy! ❤️(Sequel to Fifty Shades of EraserMic) More

Record It?
Keep Me Warm
Let's Take A Bath!
Who's A Good Boy?
The Teacher's Pet
Keep Your Hands Off
Ride The Thigh
Sext Me?
On My Chest!
In the Night
Dress Up and Down
Garter Boldly!
Sway With Me?
Drink Every Drop
Rise With The Sun
Turn It On!
Sit Like A Queen!
Leave Your Mark!
Wrap Me Up!
Make A Mess!
Empty Me
On The Line!
At Your Service
Leather Bound
A Sneaky Touch
Blind Me!
Take A Nip!
Double It
Clutch My Beads!
A Featherlight Touch
Pump It Up
A New Look
Keep Quiet
Cup It!
Suck It Up!
Just A Toy
Get Off Of My Chest!
Show A Lil Love!

Under Foot

227 4 0
By CrypticBeans

Hizashi was an adventurous person. He, like his husband, was willing to try something at least once before making a decision on whether he liked it or not. He liked to explore new things more readily than his husband. Understandable given how reserved his husband used to be. But that's what he liked about it. He liked to pick up a new idea or a new theory to bring home to his husband. To chatter away about it only to find himself in a debate with his husband. If anything, he could agree with Shouta's philosophy.

How did he know he didn't like something if he never tried it? That the worst thing he could do was not consider it. It was always in regard to smaller things in their life. Incorporating a new ingredient in a meal or a new pair of shoes different from his boots. Red over blue. Green over purple. It was always easy to sort through and try something new with Shouta. And given he'd always had a natural, overwhelming curiosity it merely made trying new things far easier for him. To go into a situation, open minded was easy.

It was always his goal. He'd never know more beyond surface level if that was all he judged. If that was all he saw. For God knows he's been in plenty of situations with his husband that panned out that way. To side eye something new at surface level before diving in to find it was far more complex than he realized. An example would be his husband's niche for pet play. His own interest in omorashi. While he had been far from taken aback to turn around that afternoon to his husband's pet play for the first time.

However, he couldn't say the same for Shouta. His husband had always brushed it off as no big deal but he knew that omorashi wasn't for his husband. Was something he judged on a surface level through it but once it was over? It had opened the doorway to bring up if he ever wanted it. Even BDSM could be viewed in that lighting. Something to judge on surface level and brand as dungeons, chains, whips and hidden agendas. That it was abuse that was hidden by the submissive saying it was good.

It was a world that was heavily judged by those that didn't understand it. Didn't want to try it. And he could accept that much. He knew trying it for the first time that it could go awful. It could go the absolute wrong way. He could even understand the stigmas around BDSM as a whole but he knew the reality of it. He loved it. It was something he had judged at a surface level for years. He'd always side eyed it with an interest when Nemuri first told him she was starting to get into it during their high school years.

He'd thought it was a phase given her hero costume but no. Oh no, she was serious about it. Offered him countless times to take him to a dungeon or to even show him a Wikipedia page to glance over. When he had pushed it off, she had given up easily with a dismal that had changed little between them. But now? Now he was in it, and he was in it deep with Shouta holding his hand the entire way. It never hurts to try new things. It never hurts to consider it. And that was a mentality he'd always been glad he had.

After all, it made their first challenge together easier. Simplistic. It was something that had been reinforced into reality for his husband to understand nothing he did would make him judge it. Judge him. There was a thing that they could do that would make him judge his husband. Nothing he could do that would make his husband judge him. To merely call something weird because it never meant they pointed those fingers at one another. Never saw the other in an awful light because of something they wanted.

And that was a mentality he was glad he shared with Shouta. Given how his husband's mother and stepfather were, he had to admit he was surprised by the personality Shouta had. The mentality he had to accept things either in depth or at face value. Always open minded. It was awing. He'd always been grateful for that trait between them. Something he hoped would press into Eri as she aged when it came to the world around her. With a future significant other. It was something that not everyone had.

But to take steps to better their sex life or change it ever so slightly was exciting. Exhilarating. It had him discovering things about himself he would have never thought of in other settings. Previous times. They'd probably have never known Shouta was into urethral sounding. Liked it when he dressed up in feminine clothing. Wore the subtle makeup look now and again. So many other things they would never have known they liked had they never gone down this road. So many things that would have gone unsaid.

Suppressed. It made him overwhelmingly happy that they had started something that allowed them to try new things sexually. Things that, typically, others wouldn't enjoy. Would balk at. It was always a preference, but he had to be grateful that he and Shouta had never been vanilla with their sex life. That was made abundantly clear in the first few years of their relationship when they began to be proactive with sex. And even now with what he knew? Well, it made it very thrilling to dive into newer things to explore together.

And in recent times he knew he fucking loves it. Especially when he'd never been happier about his assumptions in his life. On Monday morning following their thigh riding, Shouta had seemed more content than he'd seen him be in weeks. He always loved the feeling of fingers trailing up and down his back in the mornings when he'd flop onto his husband's chest. The feeling of fingers tugging then combing through his hair gently. Working out knots that might have been formed in the night from his tossing and turning.

Even if his husband had a rats nest after a night's sleep. He always loved the lazier conversations through sign language first thing in the morning. When Shouta would answer in kind while a hand slid along his back in a soothing circuit. Something he returned by tucking his face into Shouta's throat. A few minutes stolen in the mornings when the sun had yet to rise with its blinding light reflecting off of the snow. It was his best way of waking. Something he missed in the nights his husband spent away at the dorms.

And he had felt that contentment over the wriggling restlessness in his stomach. It had been a calming routine between them for Monday surprisingly. Tuesday morning had been their usual routine. Getting their kids out the door when he'd stop to pick up a hot coffee that he'd hand over to Shouta at the front doors. Chattering away with the man as he leaned against his podium when they ended up his classroom. And it was that afternoon - much to his delight - he'd been dragged away to his husband's dorm room.

It had been painfully exciting when he was laying out on that twin mattress with his husband hovering over him. Pinning him down to it. Laying over his chest with full lips coming down on his own was always a delight. It was a repeated scenario Wednesday afternoon yet that time had been better. It was so much better when Shouta pulled at his hero costume to be discarded on the floor of his dorm room. To have his erogenous zones targeted wickedly with sweeping caresses from those rough hands.

That deep voice lowering itself to a purr in his ear. Saying those lewd things to him until he was harder than anything. Worked up again as hands and lips attacked his skin until he was reaching an orgasm that knocked him off of his damn feet. Left him breathless under the force of it. It was by far the best hour he spent before he had to head home on shaking legs. And God fucking knows, Shouta was glowing with that confidence. Ever since Sunday night when Shouta got him off the first time it had clung to his husband.

A smug confidence that glowed in those dark eyes again when he'd gotten him off Wednesday. It was hot. There was nothing he loved more than a confident Shouta. Prideful. It had his heart pounding to see how the man's confidence went through the roof. An emotion that was overly abundant when Nemuri watched their interactions with her wide eyes. Her mouth dropping with a rapt fascination before the corners of her mouth twitched into an open-mouthed smirk. Absolutely delighted by their interactions as of late.

She'd nudge at him as she caught up to him in the halls trying to poke and jab the answers out of him. Always with that sparkle in her wide eyes when he refused to fess up. It was a back and forth that grew louder with each passing comment until Shouta was snapping for them to quiet down. There was something good about it all that had him giggling with Nemuri later on in the staff room. Off to the side before quieting when Shouta walked in. He'd been told to apologize to poor Yagi who was made awkward from it all.

Uncomfortable. However, after he had done so he'd gotten the pleasure of seeing his husband's face flushing red. A brilliant color at the playful wave and cheeky wink from Nemuri that he'd returned to the woman without thinking. When Yagi had tried questioning Shouta on his way out as they left. For all the confidence in the world, it was always adorable to see that flustered annoyance coming to the surface. He couldn't believe how three little piercings could create such confidence between the both of them.

A pride he hadn't felt in forever when it came to getting his husband off with his hands. His mouth. And he knew that Shouta was far more delighted in being able to do so without hand jobs or blowjobs. God knows he could easily agree that it had to be a much bigger confidence boost to achieve that alone. His husband deserved to walk around with that cocky attitude of his. Deserved to be confident after all of those moments they'd been twisted up together. It was addicting to have his husband return that pleasure.

To touch and tease him until he was squirming with his husband with those ringing whines. Gasping at the ruthless tactics his husband used on him. It was a new normal between them that he was so, so glad they'd finally found. A new normal to act as a balm until he got that green light at his next appointment with his doctor. With the piercer at his appointment where he'd get his newest idea fleshed out. Until then he'd happily continue like this. If anything, it had him excited to find new things to use on his husband.

Something that didn't require penetrative sex and something he could feasibly do outside of hand jobs, blowjobs. Eating out his husband and fingering him. Using toys. It led to him glancing over their list Thursday night when his husband had been on patrol that night. Foot jobs were never something he'd have considered. Shouta, in the past, had never failed to express his wariness towards the whole idea of them. He could understand that reluctance as it was easy to see how feet could be off-putting.

Weird even. But foot jobs were something he was willing to put that time into learning about. And so, after tucking away their list into the pillowcase, he'd opened his laptop to dive down that rabbit hole. Clicking on the links he came across in regard to it as he read the articles. Scanning over them until he was clicking on the next one. Sinking deeper into that rabbit hole with each article clicked on. Opening a document, he began to highlight and write down notes on certain articles. Ideas and suggestions from each one.

It hadn't been surprising when one hour slipped by him. Then another. It had been lost sinking deeper into that rabbit hole he was digging deeper. Falling further down until he was giving in to watching a few videos on the private browser he was using. He knew there was nothing wrong with it. In fact, he'd been riveted by the videos he'd watched. As fascinated as he could be by a foot job but the thought of putting it into practice? Into doing it on his husband? It had given him that flash of heat under his skin.

Excitement fluttering in his stomach when he opened his email. Working out a quick email to the sex therapist they had frequented last year during their last challenge. It was after this that he happily threw himself into making a list on his laptop. Writing down notes, techniques suggested by blogs, and questions of his own. Reading all he could until he felt that throbbing behind his eyes. In his temples. He'd snapped his laptop shut to turn in for the night with that excitement thrumming under his skin.

He had an idea.

And it would all come down to the execution on his part and how he worded it to his husband without him cringing. Finding it disgusting. For he'd happily be willing to try something like this with his husband. Something that, quite frankly, had flickered across his mind once or twice. Had planted a seed that night. Left him with mounting questions that he was desperate to write down. It wasn't until that next morning with Shouta cuddled against his back with his cheek against his shoulder did he feel that energy.

That hope. He had tried to take care with untangling himself from Shouta without him waking. In lifting the arm wrapped securely around his waist so he could slip out of bed without disturbing him. And it worked. Friday mornings always felt bright. Exciting with the aspect of the weekend stretching out before them even if the snow storm coming in had other ideas. He'd sat out in their small dining room with his laptop to check his email. To write down the questions that were running around and around in his groggy mind.

Much to his delight, there was an email waiting for him from their sex therapist in his inbox. It was faster than he expected given he wasn't a consistent client but the fact she had reached out so fast? It made him hopeful. After choosing an appointment time for later that afternoon, he'd thrown himself into getting breakfast ready. Getting himself ready for the day as he shook Shouta awake. Handing him a coffee after his husband shuffled out of their bathroom and he'd finished squirming his way into his hero outfit.

Rushing about to get Eri her pink backpack while also giving her the buns she requested for her hairstyle of the day. Washing out Hitoshi's thermos only to fill it with coffee while his husband rushed to get the cats situated for the day. From there it had been easy to lose himself in lesson plans. Assignments and gathering papers of homework from his students. It was only in a quiet moment of a test he'd given his students that he'd been able to check his email. Finding the confirmation for his appointment.

It had his stomach fluttering with that tight twist of excitement. It was only when he met with Shouta at lunch that he decided to break to his husband just what he wanted to try. To give him all the facts that he had gathered in his rabbit hole deep dive. While skeptical, perhaps taken aback, the black-haired man had agreed to sit down for that afternoon appointment. He knew his husband was trying not to judge it at face value. Was trying not to refuse out right after shooting out those rapid questions he expected.

Sharp, fast questions that he'd been ready to give the answers back too. Just like any other time. In that hour they had before Eri came home due to an after school activity, he'd been excited. With Shouta tucked to his side as they sat down for that appointment, he'd been able to fire off his questions. Trying to ask as much as he could once the therapist had given his husband the plain idea of a foot job. What it would entail. And from there it had been far too easy to get answers for his questions he'd written down.

Getting additional tips that he wasn't afraid of writing down. Loving that blush and scowl aimed his way by his husband when he was roped inevitably into the conversation by the therapist. To contribute even if he didn't know much about it. To lay everything out as extensively as they could had been amazingly productive. When their call ended, he'd not gotten a stunned sentence. Not a disgusted glance as he would have thought he'd get in the past. Instead, his husband had merely questioned when he wanted to do it.

How. And it'd been far too easy to come up with an idea. A date had been something they both hadn't been on in quite a while. It was only when he suggested it to his husband that he got a sparkle in that gaze. The small smile that had his heart fluttering. There simply hadn't been enough time Friday night to explain anything more other than that they'd be going out for lunch on Sunday. Brunch even if they had too. All that mattered was Shouta was comfortable with it. That he wasn't doing it just to satisfy him.

There was a low hum next to him that had his eyes darting away from the mirror before him. Broke him out of his thoughts as he fought the urge to blink. The pencil in his grip pressed against the corner of his eye when his lips twitched at the sight of his husband standing in the doorway. Leaning against it with his left foot crossed over the right only to balance on the ball of it. There was a sparkle to that gaze he couldn't quite identify. Not with the view he had or the position he had against the sinks counter.

But it had a smile curling over his lips. He brought his gave back to the mirror before him to finish the soft little flick of the liner. A soft brown that went hand in hand with the shimmering rose-gold eyeshadow he had chosen. A new palette that Nemuri had pressed into his hands that day as a late Christmas present. Very late but the woman had merely pushed it into his hand. Insisting he take it regardless. He had happily accepted it when he'd looked at the soft browns and pinks of it. The sparkling rose gold that caught his eye.

While Nemuri had already gotten him a nude lipstick set, he certainly wasn't going to object to a late Christmas present. Even if he didn't quite get it but he found himself liking the shades within it. By the time he'd left the U.A building, he'd been planning out several softer looks. Nudes that he knew he could get away with wearing around the house. More often than not did Eri sat on the counter or toilet next to him with her wide eyes locked onto him. Watching him with an awed glow to her red eyes as she gawked up at him.

It was only when he offered to give her blush did she jump to stand on top of the closed toilet seat. It was always a cherished, adorable moment with his daughter. Leaning forward on his toes, the edge of the sink dug into his stomach as he tipped his head. Trying to get every angle he could think of possible to evaluate his eyeliner. He wasn't about to scrub it off a third time because he messed up or had a shaky hand. He'd be standing before the mirror all night long. Humming quietly, he stepped away from the sink.

Dropping down onto his heels when he felt that relief in his aching toes after holding that position for God knows how long. Capping his eyeliner, he placed it down on the counter with a light click when he plucked up the nude shade. Unscrewing the cap, he pulled the wand free from the tub when he glanced out of the corner of his eye. There was a look of rapt fascination to his husband's face as those dark eyes watched the movement of his lipstick. He looked back to the mirror as he swept it across his lower lip carefully.

Trying to avoid smudging around it and ruining the lip liner he'd traced on. It was a calming night. He'd played around with his palettes earlier with the softer blues and purples. Pink and red lipsticks that had earned him that same rapt fascination on his husband's face. Watching spots of color bloom over his cheeks when he'd changed into a different outfit to go with each look. It had been three separate ones with this being the fourth. This one had been easier to focus on perfecting than the others had been.

He pressed his lips together lightly before he dipped the wand into the tube again. Lifting it up again to fill in his upper lip. He was careful with the sweeps he gave before he was capping his lipstick with the top screwed into place. Pressing his lips together in a light rub before grabbing his tissues as he placed down the lipstick tube. He brought the tissues up as he parted his lips only to mouth at the tissue leaving behind soft beige smudges. And he had to admit he liked how made up his face was no matter how subtle.

It had been so long since he'd touched his palettes and lipsticks he kept tucked behind the mirror. In the drawer beneath the counter. He crumbled up the tissues that he then tossed into the trashcan when he glanced at the mirror once more. Then he turned to his husband who was staring at him with that fascination. Riveted to the sight of him with a surprising intensity to that awe. It was as if he had swallowed fire rather than put on lipstick. That sparkle shone in dark eyes as they flicked over his face.

And then his husband was pushing off the doorframe. The brush of his feet was loud over the bathroom tiles as he smiled at his husband's approach. Stretching his hands out, he brushed his fingers over Shouta's waist. Pressing his palms against it as the sweater bunched beneath his hands as he slid them against the curve of it. It had his heart skipping when he cleared his throat lightly as he squeezed at Shouta much like the hands resting on his shoulders. Sliding back to lock against the nape of his neck.

A pull that resulted in him stepping closer. Not that he minded one bit about that. He liked to be as close as he could to his husband. Shouta was always so warm. He hummed softly when hands shifted to scratch lightly at the nape of his neck as those dark eyes flicked over him. Oh, his husband looked absolutely smitten. And it had his heart jumping crazily in his chest as he held the black-haired man close to him. It was a look he couldn't help but wonder if he'd aimed at Shouta without possibly knowing it.

"What do you think? I like it a lot better than the other looks so far. Though that means for Valentine's Day I'd have to dress accordingly, wouldn't it? Nothing bold and flashy." A low hum was his answer when he curled his arms around his husband. Felt the hands on the back of his neck unlocking to curl arms around his shoulders. "Though I think it's fitting, wouldn't it? It's too cold for me to break out any dresses or skirts. These aren't exactly thick stockings to keep me warm, but I can live with that."

"You know no matter what you wear, you'll look good in it. Just like you're make up. You know you'll always look beautiful." It had his stomach fluttering at the compliment when fingers tugged lightly at his hair. Twirling it between fingers when he smiled at the spots of color on his husband's cheeks when he slid his hands over his lower back. "But I think you look better with natural colors, Zashi. There's no need to be flashy all the time. And sometimes it's better to blend in with everyone rather than stand out."

"You're not wrong about that, baby! But I like to look nice with you and look good whether it's with makeup or without makeup!" The gentle tugs on his hair sent tingles down his back as he leaned in to press his lips to Shouta's pink cheek. Arms tightened around his shoulders with a quiet murmur from his husband. Indistinguishable against his cheek when he got a kiss back. Soft. "So, do you like it then? I know you said that the gold one is nice, but I think softer could be the way to go."

"It definitely is, Zashi. I-I think that the rose gold makes your eyes stand out, honestly. Makes them glow." He couldn't help the widening of his smile when he pressed a few more kisses to his cheek. The stubble covering it scratching at him as he moved downwards to his jaw. "I like it. I think it's a really pretty color on you, Zashi, and I-I think you should go with more colors like it that make your eyes pop like that."

He squeezed his arms around Shouta's waist when he felt a few pecks of those full lips against his cheek before he was out of reach. Humming softly, he tugged gently at his husband into a light sway that had his husband humming back softly at him. "Then that means I should aim for red undertones, copper, bronze, purple or silver, huh? Or are you trying to say that you like pink on me, baby?"

"Maybe I am." Arms tightened around his shoulders when he felt fingers tugging gently at his hair again. He could catch the faint scent of Shouta's cologne from the day that had a distinctly smoky scent. Bourbon if he remembered the name of it was but it always had him eager to get a lungful. Especially when Shouta was freshly showered with his vanilla scented soaps. "So, can I ask you something? Are you really serious about the foot job?"

"That's technically two questions, baby!" He got a low hum when he chuckled softly when he pressed another kiss to his husband's jaw. "But the answer to your question would be yes, I am serious about it. I know you think it's gross to do it bare footed, but I have a solution for it! But I know it might not be what you want but I do want to do it! Who knows, I might just let you do it to me when I get cleared!"

"I don't know about that being it'd be far too soon for that kind of rubbing." A sigh left his husband yet there was a light tremble to it. Arms were wrapped tightly around him when he slid his hands up along his back causing him to arch forward against him slightly with another shuddering breath leaving him. Faster than that soft sigh of his. "I don't want to make a-a mess out of your feet is all. It's gross to-to get it all over your feet like that and it'd be a pain in the ass to clean. But I can't say I don't want to try."

"You sure, baby? If it really makes you squeamish then it doesn't need to happen! I merely thought it'd be something to use between us, you know? Because fingering and eating you out is going to get old. So are the toys and head I've been giving you and you know it. But that doesn't mean it's our only option either!" Sliding his hands down his back, he dipped his head down to press a kiss below his jaw earning him a shiver. "I thought what the hell, you know? Why not try something new?"

"I-Is that going to be your line of thinking for everything you choose going forward, Zashi?" There was a playful lilt to his husband's voice when arms gave him another squeezed that kept him held tightly to his swaying husband. He had not a problem as he swept his hands up and down his back. A slow circuit that had his husband fidgeting against him. "I've always said it, haven't I? It may be fucking weird but I'm willing to try. Nothing will kill me if I try something different, is there?"

"No, nothing will but I want you to do it for the right reasons." How can he be so warm? Shouta was a damn space heater. It was always sweltering under the blankets from his body heat, and he'd spent many naps in his husband's sleeping bag to know it wasn't just him providing that heat. And yet those feet of his always remained frigid. "I mean, I kind of have a game plan about all of it to make it easier, you know? Not quite a scene but I was thinking of maybe touching on it?"

"Zashi, can't you just say that you're a dirty, perverted man who wants his husband to call him Daddy?" He couldn't stop the laugh that burst out of him after he pressed a kiss to the side of his husband's neck. Feeling that head tilting to the side slightly as if to offer it up when an identical laugh left his husband. Ringing off of the walls when he slid his hands towards his lower back to knead at it. "But it's fine. Let's try it, yeah? Now that I know how to get you off it feels even. Not one sided anymore."

"Just because I wasn't doing anything with you before never meant it was one sided, baby, you know that? Just because I wasn't getting off with you at first doesn't mean I ever felt left out." Kissing the warmth of his neck had his husband's breath hitching when he stopped at the collar line. Loose from years of stretching. "If this makes you squeamish at any point, however, you just tell me, okay? Tell me rather than suffering through it and we can do something else."

"I know, Zashi. So, does that mean you want to do it now? I mean, I have a few reports to finish but I don't mind taking a bit to fool around with you if that's what you want?" It was posed as a question, yet he could hear the statement behind it. The resolution to it when arms were tightening around his shoulders. Fingers weaving into his hair allowed for nails to scratch lightly over his scalp. "Even if it's feet shit, I don't mind trying it. So long as you feel good with me too, yeah?"

"Yeah! You know, you truly have a way with words, baby, you know that? I might just swoon with your beautiful wording so far!" Another of those barking laughs left his husband as he moved to kiss at the exposed space of his throat. Felt the vibration of that laugh beneath his lips when he got a shiver. A fidget when he tugged lightly at Shouta's sweater pulling it up to reveal his lower back. "But I don't mind getting your attention for an hour or so. I'll make you feel good, baby, even if its feet shit."

"Oh? An hour or so, huh? I mean, if you only want an hour or so then I can gladly give that to you, Zashi. It's not like you've been practically jumping my bones every second you possibly can."

"Pretty hypocritical of the one jumping my bones all the time!"

"Don't act like you don't love that I'm practically jumping your bones, Zashi! You're the one who's always down for kinky shit, aren't you? Don't got acting holier than thou when you know good and well that you like it too!"

"God, you're fucking insufferable sometimes, you know that?"

"Right back at you, Zashi. Now, are you going to give me a foot job like you want or are you going to keep running your mouth hoping that you get under my skin?"

"I can always do both, baby!"

He pulled back to catch that smile twitching at his husband's lips. The sparkle in those dark eyes that had him smiling back at Shouta before the hand in his hair was pulling at him lightly. Moving in accordance with it, he dipped his head in towards Shouta. Catching those smiling lips with his own as he marveled at that soft, plush press. Melting as he slid his lips against his husband's when nails scratched at him sending tingles down. He tugged at Shouta's sweater again before sweeping his hands down.

Fanning fingers against the warmth of his skin. A shiver ran over his husband at the touch when he slid his hands up beneath his sweater. Lips moved against his with a slow, firm press as full lips melted to shape and mold to his own. Fitting comfortably against his to fill any space his own couldn't fill. He hummed softly when nails scratched at his scalp again which served to send tingles down his back. He knew it would have been rational to walk to the bedroom. To situate them onto the bed like he'd wanted.

To go to the bedroom before they could start anything. Before they could get handsy with one another and stumble to the bedroom. Let him pick up on his husband's frisky attitude. But did it truly matter? Here or there, all that mattered was those full lips pressing against his. The quiet whisper ringing out in the quiet space of the bathroom as he kneaded at his husband's lower back. Sliding his hands up his back earned him another shiver as arms tightened. Clutching him closer. God, he loved it when Shouta did that.

When he could feel Shouta twisting against him in that all too familiar manner. Wrapping his arms around him to fit snugly against him. It was his favorite thing his husband did. He felt tingles rush down his back when a sigh fan over his warming cheek. One he couldn't help but copy himself as he reveled in the warmth of his husband's skin. How good it felt to have him twisted so close. Years spent together bowing and shaping his arms to hold him comfortably. Years of figuring out the placement of them.

How to hold him properly without it being awkward. He felt the right arm around his shoulders sliding from around them only to drop down to curl around his waist. Tugging his lower half closer in a tight press of hips against his. It had his stomach dropping as he followed along with that slow speed of their kiss. Taking its time with that low smolder flickering down along his bones. God, he loves the type of kiss that was slow with its passion. Ready burst into a frenzied heat. One to make him ache to fuel it.

Feed into it until the heat under his skin was too much as it ripped into him. Eager to move his lips against Shouta's. Sliding his hands up along that warm skin had his husband arching forward against him. A stuttered breath fanning over his cheek as he felt Shouta tugging at the hem of his shirt. Flipping it up just enough to slid his hand beneath it where the chilled fingertips brushing over his skin had him shuddering. A light brush that ended in the press of that rough palm against his back with fingers spreading out.

Sliding up further towards the center of his back as his breath flew out of him on a shudder. Hitching in on an inhale when he slid his own hands in a slow circuit up and down his husband's arched back. The warmth soaking into his fingers and palms rather quickly as arms tightened around him. He happily twisted himself in a press against Shouta that had him wobbling lightly on his feet before fixing his stance. Planting his feet firmly to the floor with the bottoms of them brushing over the tiles. Slapping lightly against them.

God, he'd have to show his appreciation for this man. Pour every ounce of his planning and their combined wants to do something special for Valentine's. To blow his husband out of the water come June. He felt a light tug on his hair that sent another wave of tingles down his back as he listened to the quiet whisper of their lips moving together. A light, short smack ringing out intermittently as he kneaded at the muscles beneath his hands delightedly. Felt a fidget against him as the hand on the center of his back swept up.

Stopping briefly at that area between his shoulder blades. Scratching lightly on its way back down had him humming quietly with that encouragement at his husband. The dry, roughness to his husband's palm felt good on his skin. Whether that was from a sensitivity from exfoliating and lotioning it religiously. He had not a clue only that it felt good. He shuddered when nails grazed over his lower back lightly with a low hum leaving Shouta. The way he could let this man tease him to an orgasm the way he had before.

The way he had three times now with each time coming more effortlessly than the last. Thrilling. The thought to get off with only his erogenous zones had never occurred to him before his piercings. It had never occurred to him that they could be used and twisted against him in such a manner. That Shouta knew them well enough to know the exact order in which to caress and stimulate until he couldn't take it. Didn't think of it but fuck, he loves it. He loves to hear that deep voice of his husband's so close to his ear.

Huffing and puffing out those airy moans when he was rutting against him. Squirming beneath him when he returned it anyway he could. In hearing that breathless voice purring those lewd words in his ear until he was twisted up. Lost in his own head as those often bland words painted beautiful images that had longing twisting into him. Scenarios that his husband would put time and effort into writing down. Like a story being ready to him only the eroticism to it all had him burning. Things they'd never explored before.

Things he hadn't thought to explore. He felt a fidget of his husband that had him letting out a quiet sound in response. Tightening his arms around him when he felt him pulling back prompting him to stumble a step forward. There was another pull back that had him stepping forward with those lips sliding slowly against his. A quiet hum had it all clicking when arms and hands tugged gently at him. Sliding his hands down Shouta's back, he rested them on his waist as he stepped forward. A cautious step.

Moving with that silent prompting of tugging hands until he was walking forward carefully while Shouta walked backwards. Stumbling over his feet with a thud that had lips breaking away from his briefly with a sharp smack. He held his waist to keep him from toppling over as the arm around his waist tightened. The one around his shoulders. Holding him close, close, close as he was eased across the bathroom towards the threshold. Stepping into their bedroom where Shouta's laptop was half open on the bed.

He felt the hand on the back of his head pull lightly at him. Coaxing him down as he moved in time with that silent request until his lips were covering those full ones again. Sliding slowly against his as he felt the arm around his waist sliding away to no doubt push the laptop away. Shove it across the bed to make space. Soft, thudding steps were taken backwards that mirrored his own duller thuds from his stocking clad feet. Hitting the bed, Shouta wobbled in his grasp when lips were breaking from his again with a smack.

This time, however, the black-haired man pulled his hands from his hair to twist around to reach behind him. Shutting the laptop before pushing it across the bed. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, his husband flopped onto his back causing the bed to bounce lightly. Hands reached up towards him as legs spread to accommodate him to which he happily flew forward. Wedging between thighs that squeezed at his own when he bent over his husband. Shouta's left hand coming up to cup the back of his head.

The right moved down to curve that arm around his side. He covered those full lips quickly with a kiss being given. Loving the feel of lips melting to shape against his once again. Jumping right back in with that easy speed. The firm press. As if they hadn't broken away twice for a new change in positioning as he felt hair slither over his shoulder. Brushing his cheek. He braced himself onto his right forearm while moving his left hand down to tug lightly at the hem of his sweater. A playful, teasing pull.

One had his husband whining at him with arms curling around him tightly. Fingers sinking into his hair with light tugs as locks were wrapped around them. The hand on his back tugging his shirt up to reveal his back where that dry palm slid over his skin with a whisper. Fingers fanning out over it as his shirt was shoved up allowing for an easy, caressing circuit to be made over his back. A mimic of what he'd been doing to Shouta's seconds ago. It was nice. Amazingly nice as fingers pressed firmly to his skin.

It had tingles racing under it as lips slid against his with that same firmness. So soft beneath his today. Plush. It had him melting against his husband as nails scratched lightly at his scalp comfortingly. He slipped his hand beneath the hem of his husband's pale sweater. Fanning his fingers against the curve of his waist as he soaked up that warmth as breaths fanned over his cheek. The whisper of their moving lips being broken by that light intermittent smacking as his heart sprinted against his chest.

Eager to feed into those flickers of heat under his skin. Smoldering along his bones with that excitement twisting tightly in his chest. The delight he had in sliding his hand along Shouta's side. Having him fidget beneath him with thighs pressing tightly to his own. Sliding his hand up along his husband's side down to his waist became a circuit. Up and down, up and down. Each sweeping caress seemed to make those breaths speed up with a tremor. It had his stomach fluttering before it dropped viciously.

Leaving him with a tightness in his chest. Sickening but so, so thrilling as he moved his lips against Shouta's. If he had it his way, he'd have kissed this man silly in those quiet moments at work. When they breezed past one another in the bathroom. How tempting it had been to reach out and grab the sleeve of his husband's jumpsuit. To drag him into a stall. Pin him against the bathroom wall. To target him at the end of the day in the corner of the classroom. Small temptations weren't uncommon during the work week.

Moving his lips in time with Shouta's, the firm press had his breaths hitching unevenly. That low, aching twist of arousal settling into him. A slow burn smoldering its way to the surface. Just below skin that had nails grazing over it lightly. His breaths were shortening with each inhale much like his husband's as hips rose up from the bed. Lifting up to press cautiously against him. It was something that he was more than happy to give his husband. Pushing back against his husband had the black-haired man squirming eagerly.

And he knew he made the right choice when he pinned Shouta's hips down tightly to the bed. A low groan left his husband ringing with that excitement as lips began to move faster. A new speed that he was more than happy to follow along with. Swallowing when he felt hips wriggle under his. Felt Shouta fidgeting when hips then twitched to push against him as if to find a give. A chance to lift higher. He shuddered at the tight press when he jerked his hips down to reinforce that pinned position.

A silent demand for them to stay down which earned him another groan from his husband. Nails raked over his skin and scalp in unison to which he whined at the swelling heat beneath his skin. Making it warm under his shirt no matter how thin the material. Their trembling breaths were loud in the silence of the bedroom. The light, occasional smacking of their moving lips had his heart skipping as it sprinted. Sickeningly fast as it went hand in hand with his dropping stomach to make him nauseated from the rush.

Dizzy under its influence. Instead he focused on the here and now. On Shouta fidgeting and squirming beneath him as he slid his hand along his husband's side. Curving his hand down further to try and reach what he could of his back. If he could. Trying to reach it encouraged an arch of his husband's back much to his delight. He felt hips wiggle beneath his again with a whine leaving his husband when his dick twitched with interest. It had him groaning down at his husband when hips tried to jerk up against his.

Giving another attempt despite the reality that it was impossible to find a give. Not when he was reinforcing that tight press of his hips against his husband's giddily. Feeling the way that bigger movement was rendered to a twitch of those hips beneath his. A useless effort that had Shouta squirming as he slid his hand along his back. Grazing his nails carelessly as lips moved quickly against his. The desire bleeding into it went hand in hand with that smoldering lust eating at him. Twisting into him ruthlessly.

Shallow, shortening breaths fanned quickly over his cheek much like his own as nails dragged down his back. Squirming against his husband, he gave an instinctive thrust down against him. An action that tore a moan from his husband as hips twitched against him. Squirming much like the rest of him as he slid his hand along the center of Shouta's back. All of it was sensitive and yet it was along his spine? Oh, that his husband seemed to love the most. It had him writhing beneath him when fingers pulled at his hair.

A sharp tug that had pain bursting across his scalp that had him moaning down at his husband. In response, he dragged his nails down Shouta's back firmly to make the man squirm. Quick, shallow breaths fanning over his hot cheek carried with it a hitching whine. He then moved his hand over Shouta's lower back towards his waist. Sliding his palm against it in a caress as he followed the curve of it forward with a hum. He felt hips trying to buck eagerly beneath him when he traced the waistband of the black sweats.

Using his nails over the skin as he shifted himself to slip his hand between their stomachs with a shudder from his husband. God, it burnt him up to fee the desperate twitches of Shouta's hips beneath his. Trying so hard to push up against him yet refusing to do so. He was no stronger than his husband but fuck he loves it. He brushed his fingers along the waistband where he felt the dusting of hair beneath his fingers. Below his husband's navel. A sliver before it disappeared beneath his sweat pants.

Hands clutched at him with lips moving quickly against his. Faster. Pressing firmly as he happily returned that strength and speed to his husband. Listening to that light smacking growing louder. Urgent with that desire. The heated lust pouring into the kiss with the twisting of arousal. That need. He wanted to devour Shouta head to toe. Leave not a trace of the squirming, flushed man beneath him behind. It had his back arching when nails raked over his shoulder blade leaving burning lines behind. It had him moaning out.

A reedy pitch that was answered with a groan from his husband. The fast slide of their lips had that smacking mixing in with the short, huffing breaths being taken. The rustling of the blanket as Shouta squirmed beneath him. From the sweatpants rubbing against his stocking clad legs. Stockings he'd bought as a mere whim last year for himself before Christmas that he was so unbelievably grateful he'd gotten. He whined down at his husband when the hand in his hair yanked at it sending a burst of pain over his scalp.

God, it had him writhing at the heat ripping down his back. Had his hips bucking down against his husband which earned him an ecstatic moan from his husband that rang out shrilly. Eager. He felt another sharp yank on his hair with the goal no doubt being for him to buck again. He squirmed with a moan when Shouta whimpered. Trying to arch his hips up against him had his dick twitching excitedly at the push. It was a twisting, ugly burst of longing to do it. To jerk, thrust and grind against his husband.

To do it what he would have done any other time in the past. He slid his hand over his husband's stomach with muscles jumping with a vicious quiver beneath his palm. Tensing with a whine when he flicked the tips of his fingers at the waistband again. Letting it flip back into place lightly as hips jerked up with a sudden strength. Taking him by surprise as a moan ripped out of him at the force behind it. Slammed his own hips down to pin Shouta's down earning him a wild moan. Feeling out for that dusting of his happy trail.

Sliding his fingers along it until he slid his hand down with a firm press against his husband. Feeling the twitches of his dick beneath his fingers that had him shaping his hand. Cupping his husband before he tightened his fingers to squeeze at him. Gripping him tightly as the kiss was broken again but he didn't mind. Not when he got the reaction he absolutely loved. Shouta threw his head back to press against the mattress. Moaning loudly with that enthusiasm to send shivers down his back as he moved down.

Pressing kisses along his jaw and chin before ducking down to attack the expanse of his throat. Targeting the curve of that Adam's Apple with a nip that had racing breaths hitching as his husband squirmed. Fluttering down to tug at the collar of his sweater with his teeth before he moved down towards his covered chest. Delighting in the restless twists it got him before that chest arched up when he pressed a kiss to the left of his chest. Trying to judge best where it would be when he pressed a few more kisses.

Feeling out with his lips for what he knew he'd find. He was in the right area and he- There! The faintest feeling of a hardening nipple beneath the fabric. It had his blood burning through his veins as he kissed at it again. Nipping at it when he pulled up as he squeezed in response to the twitch below his hand. It had his own thighs pressing together with a twist of that ache when his own dick twitched. Groaning at his husband who squirmed when he nipped at the hardening nipple again teasingly. Loving that whine he got. .

He delighted in that chest arching up when he lapped his tongue over the fabric. The breathy moan that rang with an eagerness that had his stomach knotting on him. Moving his hand to knead at the twitching dick, had his husband moaning back at him again. Sounding absolutely ecstatic. As if he hadn't spent all weekend trying to give Shouta what he needed. Hadn't been touching. loving, praising him for days and he fucking loves it. Loves how desperate, needy and eager his husband seemed to be for him to touch.

To give him that pleasure and he was all too ecstatic to give it. Fucking loves how Shouta is never afraid to show him how much he needs him. Wants him by twisting and squirming beneath him with those ecstatic, eager moans. Airy. Throaty. He felt nails clawing over his scalp as fingers tightened their grip on his hair. Then the hand on his back was moving. Sliding down, down, down his back leaving no question just where it was going. What he was going to do with it. And he moaned down eagerly at his husband.

Moving his own hand to knead at the twitching dick as if to encourage him. Plea silently for him to do it. A hitching, cracking whine was his answer as Shouta bucked up into his hand with a writhing twist. The sound trembled when he lapped his tongue over that covered nipple. Ignoring the taste of it as he closed his mouth over the spot to suck at it. It had his husband arching up as that tight grip in his hair readjusted the strength. Resulting in a consistent pull over his scalp that had sparks racing down his back.

Fidgeting between thighs that rubbed against his in a restless squirm as he sucked at that nipple. Nibbling gently at it through the fabric before lifting his mouth to lap his tongue over the wet patch soaking into the fabric. Growing sodden as he rubbed his tongue piercing over the nipple with each lap. It was much easier now that it was standing out against the wet fabric. Hips twitched beneath his trying to find a way up. The hand drifting down his back gave a teasing brush over his ass with fingers tugging at his shorts.

Teasing when fingers slid over the left cheek before Shouta was grabbing at him. A hard grip that had him shivering with a throaty moan ripping out of him as fingers dug into him. Just like the hand in his hair keeping that consistent pull. It had heat ripping in a burst under his skin leaving him breathless in its wake. Clawing under the surface of his skin as his dick twitched excitedly when he felt hips buck up against him. Threatening to pin his hand between them. It had him moaning in unison with his husband.

Shuddering at the tremble at the different pitches of their moans mingling together. It had his hips fidgeting when he lapped his tongue over the wet patch on his chest. Closing his mouth to suck at the nipple again earning him a restless squirm from his husband. A sharp huff breaking up those shallow, uneven pants leaving his husband when he whined against his chest. Kneading at the black-haired man in firm squeezes that had his husband twisting. Arching with eager whimpers spilling out of the black-haired man.

God, he loves to tear down Shouta's pride. To reduce him to a squirming, whimpering mess beneath him. To feel the twitches and squirms that inevitably pressed them tighter together. He shuddered when hips tried to arch up into his hand again as he flicked his tongue at Shouta's nipple earning him a whimper. Ignoring the taste of that sweater spreading over his tongue. A lingering after taste he couldn't wait to be ride of yet it didn't deter him. Didn't put him off as he sucked fervently at that clothed nipple.

Hard, powerful sucks that had his husband's pants huffing out of him as he continued his kneading on him. Fingers then yanked at his hair as they tried to move him away from the man's clothed chest. Lifting his head up, he lapped at that hard nipple delightedly before he was being pulled up. Trembling, uneven breaths fanned over his lips followed by the light brush given to his bottom lip. Hesitant to ruin or lick away the lipstick even if it was too late for that. However, it was a rather sweet gesture among the heat.

The lust devouring the situation as he leaned down with a keening moan. Covering those full lips only to feel them parting as that mouth opened up beneath his own. He felt it when hips managed to buck up against him with a surprising strength. A thrust that had him wobbling on his feet which he quickly adjusted his stance. And it tore a keening, shrill moan out of him at the force of it when he squeezed at his husband's groin. Feeling the volley of twitches beneath his palm as that tongue touched then flicked at his.

Sliding against his to then give a flick to his piercings. A slick slide that he was more than happy to return as he got a moan from his husband as he pressed down tightly against him. He fucking loves the firm press of those full lips against his own. The playful flick that was given before he was returning it in kind. Twisting his tongue with Shouta's as racing, shallow pants fanned over his cheek. Identical to his own shaking, uneven pants. Moving his tongue to lick and massage against Shouta's only to delight in the response.

The feel of his movements being copied then used against him flawlessly. It had him shuddering as he kneaded at that hardening erection beneath his palm. It had his hips wriggling with thighs pressing together with a quick, squeezing rub. Impatient. A moan flew out of his husband into the kiss at the squirming movement of his. Flicking and nudging at his piercing until he was twisting his tongue against Shouta's as nails dragged over his scalp. It was hot. Already so, so hot and he didn't understand how.

How they'd gone from a few sweet kisses to this scalding heat. Burning him from the inside out as he felt thighs squeezing against his own rubbing ones. Squirming on his feet when he felt the hand squeezing at his ass reaffirming itself with a dig of those fingers. It had him groaning lowly at his husband at that hard squeeze when Shouta was jerking at him. Forcing his hips forward to thrust against him before stopping the movement once his hips hit against him. Fuck, it was good. Oh, it was so fucking good.

He wanted to do it again. Do it again, again, again like Shouta had done to his thigh Sunday night until he was coming. Making an absolute mess. It was another itch he wanted so badly to scratch. Why couldn't he? If something went wrong then he could stop it, right? He moaned as he forced hips still with his hand kneading at that growing erection. Pressing down to grind the heel of his hand in lazy rolls against his husband. A whimper left the black-haired man as if he understood his dilemma. The urge to do it.

The desperate want to do it but forcing himself to be still. His appointment was two days away. Just two. It's all he had to live through and God knows he'd hopefully be able to do something even if Shouta couldn't touch yet. He moaned at his husband when fingers kneaded at his ass. Moving in a mimicked rhythm as the one he used on his husband's groin. His tongue flicked at his own before sliding slickly to send shivers down his back. He could hear a click of his piercing hitting off of teeth ringing out deafeningly.

Surprisingly loud in the silence as he twisted his tongue with Shouta's eagerly. Huffing breaths fanning over his feverish cheek as the hand in his hair gave another sharp pull. Pain burned over his scalp as sparks of heat razed down his back. It had his dick twitching excitedly when he felt that rush of heat. That burning twist low in his stomach as that ache had his hips squirming again. Unable to stay still when his husband squirmed with him. He twisted down into a tight press against his husband had him moaning out.

The sound cresting up with an unmistakable delight. An urgency that bled into the tone when there was another click of his piercing off of teeth. Over eager but he didn't care. Not when Shouta seemed just as excited. Just as eager. Undulating his tongue up, he rubbed the bottom ball of his piercing over the top of his husband's. Earning him a whine when he traded out his kneading on that twitching erection for a rub. Flattening his palm and fingers, he listened to the drag of it over his husband's sweatpants.

And the eager bucks up against his hand had him burning up as he pressed down firmly. Rubbing quickly as moan after moan from his husband. Spilling out of him shamelessly as he rubbed at the bulge delightedly. Eagerly. It had his blood burning through his very veins wit ha heat intent on boiling him alive. Eating him alive from the inside out as he fidgeted before flicking his tongue at Shouta's. Twisting with a slide that had another click ringing out. God, would he hear the same thing when he was cleared?

When Shouta was going down on him? Would he hear those shiny barbells clicking off of his teeth with each bob of his head? The thrusts he'd give? It had him squirming when he felt a swirl against his piercing before Shouta as clawing at his scalp with huffing pants leaving him. Hips jiggling up to match the pace of his rubs. It was hot. There was always a quiet shamelessness during sex that he could eat up. Something he fucking loved to see when his husband reacted without thinking. Giving him subtle nudges.

Showing his silent wants without saying a word. It had him moaning out when he slid his tongue against Shouta's only to feel a flick against his. Arching down against his husband when another sharp yank on his hair was given. Nails clawing over his scalp as pain buzzed over it. He moaned encouragingly at his husband as he bucked down instinctively earning him a wild moan back. Writhing against him as he rubbed quickly at his husband with that firm press. Shuddering when another keening moan left his husband.

Encouraging him onwards as hands clutched at him. Holding him as close as he possibly could in the position. As if they could drag him beneath that feverish skin. He felt that draining rush of blood he swore streaked downwards fast. So goddamn fast it burned through his veins on its way down when he felt Shouta buck up against his hand. A thrust that had his hand hitting lightly against his pelvis. It had a snapping, snarling groan ripping out of him into the kiss. A guttural pitch that had his husband whimpering.

He gave a flick to Shouta's tongue before he felt a leg lift up to curl around his waist. It wasn't what he wanted. He could rub one out of his husband any time he wanted. He pushed himself up with the bed dipping lightly as he felt an encouraging slide against his tongue. A playful flick before he broke the kiss to take a gasp of air. Identical to the heaving one his husband took when he lifted himself up to find black lashes fluttering on flushed cheeks. Dark brows twitched from their tight squeeze when Shouta's eyes opened.

A smolder to those dark eyes that had him shuddering as he noted the faint beige smudges. A subtle color that glowed around the edges of his husband's lips. Nothing he knew would be noticeable at a distance but up close? Fuck if that didn't do something for him when he felt hips jiggling up to meet his fast rubbing. He pressed down against that twitching erection earning him a moan as Shouta's head pressed back to the mattress. Faint beige smudges on his throat had him bending down to press a few more.

They were hardly noticeable like full lip marks would be but he couldn't help himself. He wanted them there even if they weren't visible afar. To know they were there at all? It had him groaning as he pressed his lips to his husband's throat. Taking time to nip at that Adam's Apple when it bobbed in a swallow when the hand in his hair squeezed rather than pull but fuck if it didn't feel good. His hardening dick twitched excitedly as he gasped in pants that he'd been wanting. the gasps through his nose hadn't been enough.

Nowhere near enough when he was hot, hot, hot. Each breath contributing to that heat burning hotter like a piece of kindling being thrown on a fire. A cap of gasoline. It had him shivering when he fought that temptation to lap over that soaked patch on his husband's chest. In working another one into the neglected right nipple until Shouta was whimpering. But he'd have time after to delight all he wanted in teasing. Licking and biting all he wanted when they were throwing off their clothing for that skin to skin contact.

God, he could only imagine just how hot Shouta had to be under his clothing. He pulled himself away from the expanse of his throat that held small beige smudges. It sent shivers down his back when he gave a few more firm, quick rubs against his husband as hips jerked up desperately. Swore he could feel a spot of wetness managing to soak through but he knew it was merely his imagination working in overdrive. Slowing his fast for a few slower rubs, he pressed his fingers down firmly against that twitching bulge.

When he used his huffing breaths to scrape his words together. Knew it would rile this man up but he wanted to rile him up. Wanted the familiar sight of his husband down and squirming on his knees. Leaning back on his heels as thighs spread apart for him to touch. It's all he wanted. To see those dark eyes staring up at him with excitement. That silent beg as hips jerked up with whines spilling out of him. It was a sight he wanted more than anything. Wanted to delight in again as he tried to calm himself with a breath.

"Wh-When I move you're going to listen to everything Daddy says, you understand me, kitten?" Oh, to see those dark eyes widening gave him an absolute thrill. A wash of excitement as he pressed his fingers down when he squeezed firmly. Earning himself a buck when his husband nodded quickly with a whimper. Pushing off of the bed, it forced the leg wrapping around his leg to drop as Shouta flew up with him. "I want you on your knees. Now."

A shudder rolled over his husband followed by another whimper when he released the tight squeeze he had on his groin. Stepping backwards from between trembling legs when his husband scooched to the edge of the bed. Sliding down quickly to the floor with a thud as his knees hit the carpet. It had him holding back a flinch when Shouta shuffled away from the edge of the bed. Allowing him that space to do so as eyes remained locked onto him. "Wh-What now, Z- Daddy? How are we doing this?"

"How we're doing this is simple! I want you to move back a bit more, yeah? Just a little more so I can sit down just to see my reach first and foremost." He stepped around his husband when he shuffled back as he sat on the bed. It bounced lightly beneath him when he watched Shouta sit back on his heels. A step and a half at most away as he stretched his foot out to lightly tap his toes against his chest with a hum. "Now, you remember last Saturday? Remember our rules? Our color system? Safe word?"

Full lips parted on a silent tremble before they pressed together when Shouta licked his lips. Swallowed before he fidgeted as he kept up a light, lazy tap against that covered chest. A slow tempo akin to how he would tap his toes on the floor. Drum his fingers on the edge of a desk. "Ou-Our rules are the same. If it doesn't feel good we stop, and I-I need to keep you in the loop! Le-Let you know if something doesn't feel right! Color system i-is green, yellow, red. Go, uncertain, an-and stop!"

"Good! And you know to be honest with Daddy if you don't feel comfortable? That you don't have to be scared Daddy will be angry if you don't like it?" There was a whine followed by a quick nod. Fuck him, he loved to see his husband fall apart. And he was falling apart before his very eyes with each tap of his foot he gave to that heaving chest when he watched his husband squirm on his heels. He was beautiful. A sight he'd truly missed seeing since he'd gotten himself pierced. "And what's our safe word?"


"Good boy." A whine left his husband when he gave a few firmer taps to his husband's chest. Sliding his foot down as the black coloring of his stocking stood out in contrast to the soft yellow of his husband's sweater. He felt his husband squirm with a hitching, uneven breath being taken as he brought his foot down to his stomach. "How we're going to do this is simple. You're going to pull your pants down and I'm going to give you the lube. Then you're going to slick yourself up, and we'll have fun, alright, kitten?"

"Yes! Yes, I-I wanna feel good with you!" Breathless. Whining. It had him shuddering at the pitch when he pulled his foot away from Shouta to lean towards the bedside table with a low hum. The idea of making it into a scene had, surprisingly, come from his husband. A request that had been thrown out after they had ended their appointment the other day. One that lit him aflame, and he readily agreed too.

Tugging open the drawer, the items rattled lightly against one another as he dipped his hand inside to search for their lube. Much too full for his liking but he was hoping, wishing and praying that he'd get the green light at his appointment. Pulling it out, he snapped the drawer shut gently. Turning to his husband, he settled into his spot as his heart pounded against his chest. Shivered as he held out the lube. "Why don't you take your sweater off too, kitten? You look flushed and I want you to be comfortable."

"Okay!" His husband nodded when clumsy fingers reached down to grab the hem of his sweater to yank up. Clumsy, jerking movements that betrayed the eagerness in his husband. While the man may not be a fan of foot jobs or the idea of it, he could tell that at the very least he was excited. Eager about the scene unfolding before them. Up until last Saturday it had been a while since they'd done a scene. The sweater was tossed to the side when his husband shifted as hands dropped down.

Tugging at the string of his sweatpants, Shouta straightened up to ease both his pants and boxers down towards his upper thighs when he hesitated. Paused before knees were sliding over the carpet forcing clothing to be shoved down further as dark eyes rose up to him again. "Go on, kitten! Don't be shy not just because I'm watching! And besides, we both know you like it when I watch you touch yourself, don't you? So, hurry up and get that lube on so Daddy can have fun with you, yeah?"

There was an excited sparkle to that gaze when his husband hissed in a breath. Wavering before scooping up the lube he'd placed down on the floor to shove his clothing down. There was nothing, nothing, nothing he loved more than the front his husband would put up. As if he were bashful. Shier than he let on. As if Shouta didn't strut naked in front of him countless times with that mean smirk on his lips. Manic as eyes flashed with that heat when he'd made no move to hide his ogling of the black-haired man.

There was a delight in ripping away that reserved appearance his husband would often try to put up during their scenes. He didn't know if it was perhaps a kink or an interest but it made his blood run hot. He watched Shouta pop open the cap to the lube before squirting a dollop into his palm. Placing the tube down by his right knee before curling his hand around his erection. There wasn't a beat of that shyness when that hand wrapped around his erection. Twisting and curving it along the twitching shaft.

He felt a shiver run down his back when lashes fluttered as dark eyes lifted up to him. There it was. It was a look that had his stomach squeezing with excitement tearing into him with that heat. Ripping him apart like a pair of savage dogs as his breath caught in his throat. That bold way his husband's eyes locked onto him never failed to get his heart pounding right up to his throat. Make it tight. Oh, he had done it countless times to his husband in the past but this? Oh, fuck him was it fucking hot to see it.

To watch his husband's hand sliding slickly over his erection with that gaze burning into him. Eating him with a glance alone despite the role he'd stepped into seconds ago. His eyes flicked down to the slick sounds of his husband spreading lube over himself that glistened in the low lighting. Lifting his gaze over his husband, he happily drank in the sight of him. If there was anything in the world, he was grateful for, it was this. To have the sight that so many would kill for. That so many would wish to have.

It was drool worthy. Scandalous. An underground Pro-Hero having such interests? Hobbies? It'd spread like wild fire while giving fuel to the dirtier gossip mongers. And God knows he wouldn't be able to stop himself from fanning the flames. From feeding into it whenever he could. That the stoic Shouta Aizawa could look so desperate. So depraved. So eager. Needing him so fervently it was like the man was touch-starved. Sitting on his knees with wild locks of black hair brushing against flushed cheeks.

Over his shoulders. The heaving pants he took as he admired the wild curls of black hair covering that chest. Down where he followed that toned stomach to his happy trail below his navel down, down, down. Watching it thicken into the wild, chaotic black curls covering his pelvis. A "mouthwatering" dick as he always loved to proclaim to his husband. The silent intimidation those muscles had. God, he was fucking something to look at. Admire. Shouta was attractive in a way he was nowhere near touching.

Attractive by his own means but fuck if it wasn't nice. If he didn't feel his blood burning as he let his gaze flick over the black-haired man. Letting it fall to that hand flying over that slick erection with an occasional twist. A curve as fingers squeezed at himself. It had his own erection twitching as he shifted to get into a comfortable position on the bed. Remaining within reaching distance of his husband. He stretched his leg out as he tapped his toes against his husband's knee which had the black-haired man jumping.

Eyes darting down to his stocking glad for as he drifted it up his thigh lightly with a hum. And then Shouta was shuffling a bit closer before settling into place. His knees slid over the carpet allowing his thighs to fall open wider. As if it were to welcome his gaze to keep moving over him. Giving him a clearer view, he hadn't asked for but God if it didn't make his mouth water at the thought. He slid his foot up feeling muscles jumping before trembling under his light touch. Bringing it down between those spread thighs.

Humming as Shouta's hand stilled near the base. The skin glistened in the low lighting slickly as he drifted his toes lightly along the underside of his erection. Moving up to tap at the head of his erection before giving a clumsy swipe over it when his husband's breath caught. He could feel the lube from his light brushing over the underside had dampened the toes of his stocking. He tried to keep his movement even as he rolled his big toe against the head of his husband's erection. A cautious twist of his foot.

Eyes riveted to his own movements just like Shouta's were. He curled his fingers over the edge of the bed as he then gave another light tap to the slick head before grinding his toe against it lightly. Lifting his gaze up to watch Shouta's face as he kept that light grinding against the head. Looking for a sign of discomfort. Anything to tell him was a bad move. That he should soak the stockings in the lube as well like one blog had suggested briefly. And yet not a word of protest or complain was leaving his husband.

Good or bad? He wanted to ask when he heard a shuddering breath leave his husband. There was a rapt fascination as dark eyes watched the light twisting of his foot. Grinding against the slick head gently that had his lips parting. Tingling in the absence of those fervent kisses, he had to admit he felt just as fascinated. Just as riveted. Were stockings the key? Was it the one thing that made his husband comfortable with this? Shouta had always expressed disgust to the barefooted option but could this be it?

He tipped his head to the side with a huffing breath leaving him. Carrying a light laugh. If this could be it, then God knows he'd have to ask Shouta if it was possible to have this done to him. If his husband was comfortable with that. Because that beautiful, drool worthy idea of his husband sitting here? Stocking covered feet tapping and stroking at him? All with that wicked, manic smirk curled over full lips? The image sent a shiver down his back when he gave a few more idle, careful twists of his foot.

Grinding his toes against the head before he dropped his foot down. Sliding it down the underside of his erection had fingers near the base twitching before they were moving away. A shudder moved over his husband when that erection was pinned against his lower stomach. More strength than he'd realized when he'd been sliding it but it was arousing. Hot to pin it against his husband's stomach. To see hips arching up to give him better access to him as he began to slide his foot slowly along the underside.

From base to up just below the head had his husband squirming as he leaned back onto his heels as thighs twitched. As if to spread themselves apart further as hips remained up. The lube slathered onto his husband was soaking into his stocking sending chills down his back. It was far from an amazing feeling but it allowed him to slide slickly against Shouta. Pressing down firmly to that twitching erection had a moan breaking out of his husband. Hips thrusting up shallowly against him with that eagerness.

An instinctive buck when hands curled against the floor. He slid his foot up and down, tempted to lift up to grind against the head again. Keeping up that pressure, he sped up his slides ever so slightly. Not quite slow but something he knew would satisfy his husband. Himself. He dug his fingers into the edge of the mattress as his dick twitched at the smoldering gaze locking onto him. The blush smothering itself over cheeks that spread down to collar bones. A beautiful sight as lashes fluttered in fast blinks.

Lifting only to remain lidded with that smolder to those dark eyes. A tremble to those lashes as if it was an effort to keep his eyes open. What did it feel like? He wanted to ask. To force his husband to describe in excruciating detail how the wet fabric felt dragging along the underside of his erection. The pressure he used to keep pinned to his stomach as drops of pre-come and lube smeared over him. If it really felt good enough to earn him another moan. It was exciting as he slid his slick foot against his husband.

He had tried his best to get a general idea of how to do a foot job properly after everything he had read. Everything he'd been told and taken in. And as he slid his foot with a gaining confidence, he couldn't help but feel he was doing pretty good. When Shouta had requested they turn it into a scene with that hopeful tone he'd been unable to deny it. For he wanted to dip his toes back into their BDSM side of sex. He wanted it. And if this made it bearable for his husband who never seemed to like the idea of foot jobs?

Well, then goddammit he would. The stockings he knew made it far more palatable for his husband. The wet drag of his foot was audible intermittently only to be lost when a moan left his husband. It had a whine bursting out of him as he renewed that press against him. Oh, the shameless moaning he got with a renewed volume was followed by a hard buck against it. There was an excitement to it all. It was an awkward jiggle of his leg with that tight up and down but it had his husband moaning. Enjoying it.

Squirming as hips twitched up with each rub he gave. That was all that mattered to him; that Shouta was feeling good while he did it. His hair brushed lightly against his hot cheek as he jiggled lightly in time with his foot in a subtle little bounce. His erection twitched as it strained against his boxers with that quiet insistence to do something about it. To satisfy that arousal twisting into him before it could grow out of hand. And bad or awful choosing, he chose to happily ignore it to focus on keeping his rubs even.

Quick. It was easier than he thought but he knew that when his right foot came into that it'd be awkward. Difficult. But he was willing to try. The worst thing, in his husband's words, was he didn't try. His breaths came shallowly with a tremble that paled to the pants leaving his husband that cracked. Rasped out of him with small squirms that had knees digging into the floor. Sliding slightly over the carpet as he sank back on his heels gave him a better view. Heat sparked down his back only to pool into his stomach.

Twisting into an all too familiar ache. God, he loves this man. Loves him. He swallowed as he continued his quick slides against his husband with that quiet drag ringing out when they had a moment of quiet. It was sodden and he hoped there'd be enough lube for his right foot. Sliding his foot up, he decided to try and curl his toes up. To press them to the dripping head without removing his foot from its firm press. It wasn't easy as he'd seen in a video but it allowed his toes to tap at that slick head.

Resulting in his husband and himself shuddering at the action. Riveted to the thin, translucent strand he managed to catch. Connected between his slick stocking and the head of Shouta's erection. It was gone in mere seconds, yet he had him lifting his foot anyhow from that firm press. Grinding his toes into the head had a throaty groan leaving his husband as dark eyes watched the twist of his foot. Burning with that lustful heat to get his stomach knotting. Grinding his toes into the slick head twice in quick twists.

Then he slid his foot back down to resume his rubbing. Pressing firmly to keep his erection flush against his stomach. And it had his husband moaning at him with that deafening volume. Eager. Delighted. A pleasurable sound that had quiet whines breaking out under his breath. Trying his best to keep up that Dom image he'd stepped into. Nothing told him he could react as he should, but he refused too. Refused to break any sort of immersion he might have managed to use when they'd entered and started the scene.

Yet it was hard. He was more than certain that should Shouta strain his hearing it'd be obvious. Be heard beneath the louder whines and whimpers his husband made. Hear it under the groans his husband let out that were growing louder. Just like those reedy whines. It had him shuddering as full lips trembled silently as if to speak only for a sound to fly out of him with the rubs he gave. It had him burning up to see the muscles jumping in Shouta's thighs. The squirm of those hips resulted in an upwards twitch against his foot.

The tight squeeze of those dark brows as his mouth hung open slightly. Allowing those ringing and keening sounds to leave him. He was a sight he wanted to eat up. Sounds he wanted to record to replay at night. He wanted to memorize his husband again with a proper dedication. Sliding his foot slickly against that twitching erection ate up his focus. The light brush of hair against his hot cheeks as he rubbed at his husband had heat clawing beneath the surface of his skin. Listening to those shameless sounds.

Shivering as they continued to spill out of his husband with one right after the other. Just looking at his husband it would be far too easy to imagine him to be composed in bed. Silent. But fuck if it wasn't the opposite. It had taken him years to tell his husband to be vocal with him in bed. To not be embarrassed. And it earned him this. Hearing that deep voice rising louder into those keening pitches as black locks brushed against flushed cheeks. And he was the only one who knew. The only one who had the truth.

It had him moaning lowly when Shouta bucked a thrust against his foot when he pressed firmly again. To keep it pinned against his stomach. His right foot fidgeted on the floor like a brace that kept him from bouncing on the bed. From making a fool out of himself but he knew it was unavoidable. He knew it. Toes curled against the carpet when his gaze dropped to his husband's hands. Fingers flexing out only to rake nails over the carpet as thighs twitched again. Felt that erection beneath his foot twitching.

He swallowed down another moan. There was an excitement when it came to a scene between himself and his husband. In knowing that Shouta trusted him enough to be vulnerable with him like that. To put all trust into him to carry out the scene effortlessly for them. And even if a foot job wasn't quite BDSM territory as some would assume, he was happy to make it into one. For he knew this was only the first scene. The hunger he saw in those dark eyes told him there was ideas brewing in that head of his husband's.

Ideas that he had himself to send the black-haired man into that precious subspace he loved so much. Had him melting into the bed by the time they were turning in. He couldn't help shooting a smirk down at his husband earning him a wild whimper from the man. Keening. Nails clawed over the carpet before curling into palms to make shaking fists against it. Sliding his foot quickly, he clutched at the edge of the mattress with the sheet twisting in his grip. Hips thrusted up then in a slide against his foot.

God, it was strange but it did its job in making him shudder with the heat that came with it. It had Shouta shuddering with him before hips began to thrust up cautiously in time with his sliding foot. Meeting him until he was falling into rhythm with his rubs as he watched those dark eyes flash with excitement. Determination maybe? It was hard to pin it other than it had his husband groaning up at him with such unbridled delight it had his heart pounding. Throbbing in those savage beats before skipping.

Jumping right up to his throat to choke him. Leave him breathless when his right foot twitched again with that temptation. Shouta had said in the past that foot jobs were gross. He knew it was simply in regard to bare feet, but he had always thought it meant the subject as a whole. That it would never happen for them properly and he had respected it. Understand that a few kneading touches of a foot under the table would be the farthest they'd get. The closest they'd get to a foot job. But look at him now!

Stroking his husband with his foot. Feeling hips jumping as said husband met his rubs with thrusts against him. All while those delighted, enthusiastic moans and groans flew out of the black-haired man. Things could change but he was so grateful his husband had been willing to try. To see that it could feel good with the stockings when the therapist had made that suggestion. And it seemed to be absolutely right if the eager thrusts up meant anything. God, what did it feel like? Did the wet drag of his stocking feel that good?

The firm press that kept that kept his erection pinned against his stomach. Making a slick mess over it? Glistening with lube and drops of pre-come that were smeared over it from the excitement? He wanted to know so very badly. He could always get it out of his husband later should they incorporate toys later. Their flogger, paddle and cane to be used at his disposal should events take that turn to get it free from his husband. To hear about how good, it has to feel if his husband would rut against his foot so eagerly.

It had him burning. Hot at the thought of teasing Shouta until he was wailing out the answers to the questions he had. He swallowed as he continued with those firm rubs before he paused his foot. Dropping it down to Shouta's thigh when a whimper left the black-haired man. Hips bucking up at the lack of pressure when dark eyes flicked up to him. A silent plea forming in that gaze already as shallow, ragged pants left his husband. Identical to his own racing breaths as he caught that faint beige smudge around his full lips.

Knew most of it was smeared on his husband's soft yellow sweater but it had him burning at that reminder. He swallowed as he adjusted his position then to sit back comfortably. Then he beckoned his husband to come closer with a curl of his fingers. Black lashes fluttered in a fast blink before his husband was shuffling forward on his hands and knees to a closer proximity to the edge of the bed. A step really. Enough space for them both to move without being smothered by one another or making it clumsy.

He shuddered at that glazed look forming in his husband's eyes. Something he knew would intensify throughout the night until Shouta didn't know up from down. Left from right. When his word would be taken as his law. His only source to the world outside their bedroom. It was a trust that left him choked up in his better moments. He swallowed to ease that tightness when he then stretched his legs out to move his feet along Shouta's trembling thighs. Lifting his left foot up he pressed his slick foot to his right.

Cringing at the wet, squishing touch that soaked slightly into the right before he took a deep breath. He could do this. It wouldn't take much to get Shouta off. He knew it wouldn't. So, did it matter if it wasn't flawless? If he wasn't perfect in his execution? He wanted it to be but he knew the reality of the situation. He pulled his feet apart when he found a hand moving to grip that slick erection. Holding it away from his stomach for him which had him smiling at his husband only to get a shudder from the man.

He brought his feet together to squeeze that erection between them earning him another shudder. A low moan when the hand holding it for him moved away. Dropping to the floor as Shouta's knees slid over the carpet again into a wide spread as he leaned back onto his heels. Bracing back on his hands as well giving him a mouthwatering angle to his husband. One that showed off that flushed chest right down to his stomach. The sharp angle of his hips. The tremble to his arms as he leaned back onto them.

His husband was beautiful.

Shouta was a sight to burn into his head with other images he had saved over the years. Memories to pull out when he needed them. Giving another squeeze of his feet against that twitching erection, he took a deep breath. Soothing the ragged pants leaving him that hitched faster with that twist of excitement. His own erection twitched with an impatient throb for that stimulation. Making a wet patch in his boxers from the drips of pre-come soaking into the fabric of it. He just couldn't pay attention to it.

Couldn't focus on himself yet when Shouta looked so aroused it was eating him alive. So hard between his feet he couldn't help but wonder if it bordered on pain. If it hurt good to make those eyes smolder at him like that. He gave a final squeeze before he began to move his feet slowly. Moving them up and down in a slow stroke that had his husband's head falling back, Letting out a throatier, shiver worthy throaty moan. Enthusiastic. It had his heart skipping over its pounding beats as he slid his feet up and down.

The right was nowhere near as slick but it was enough, surely? Had to be or Shouta would have told him if it wasn't. He swallowed to break up the tightness in his throat from the excitement. God, Shouta was so pretty. Hips twitched before stilling as another throatier moans left his husband. And so, he continued with his awkward stroking. Pressing his feet together firmly against his husband as he tried to speed up his movements slightly. It merely resulted in his right sliding down faster than the left.

Groaning up at him, Hips arched up into the tight squeeze of his feet as he slid them along his erection. Bouncing lightly in his spot as hair swayed against his back. His shoulders. It tickled at his skin as he moved his feet over that twitching erection with his pants scraping down his throat. Huffing out of him much like his husband's ragged, uneven pants leaving him as hips twitched again. Fists shaking against the floor. There was a heat to it all he had hoped for. The very thing he'd seen in those videos.

At the time he hadn't known if it was merely acting or because those doing it had a kink for it. A fetish for feet. But to hear his husband moaning and groaning like that? The whimpers and whines? They told him that he was doing something good. That Shouta was enjoying himself the way he had aimed for this to be. What he wanted it to be. He squeezed his feet together as he stroked his husband clumsily. Moving one foot too fast and the other too slow. Hips twitched up again as his own fingers twitched restlessly.

Curling into the blanket behind him. Gripping fistfuls to his palms to stabilize himself as he bounced lightly on the mattress in time with his pumping legs. Trying to keep his strokes even though the shaking to his feet did little to help it. The excitement, arousal and need making him clumsy, but Shouta wasn't complaining. Far from it as cacophony of sounds left the man as hips arched up in a shallow thrust between his tightly pressed feet. Moaning at him as hair spilled over shoulders backwards.

It was a tantalizing image. The sharp edge of his husband's jaw. The curve of his Adam's Apple. The edges of his collar bones and the dips to his hips. A sight that could get him burning for the rest of his life. To feel blessed that he got what not another soul could have. Not another soul could guess the reality of it. It had him moaning back at his husband when his fingers twitched with that urge to move. To grab and knead at his erection that picked up that light throbbing he'd become far too accustomed from the neglect.

The hands off treatment he'd been giving himself. But he knew it'd be worth it. All of this would be worth it in two days if he got that green light to resume sex. If he got the green like to so much as touch himself properly. He knew realistically he could have done it this week when the swelling went down. However, the light red flush around the piercings kept him from doing so. It wasn't awful but it was clear the area was sensitive, and he didn't want to make it worse. Didn't want to bring that swelling back.

So if he had to suck it up and wait for an appointment to tell him he could then he would. He'd fucking wait because God knows it'd be so unbelievably worth it when he could touch himself. When he could have those rough hands and mouth on him again. A piercing moan flew out of him as he slid his feet quickly. Sliding along that twitching erection. Earning himself a keening moan from his husband in response as nails clawed over the carpet with hips jerking up in a jerking thrust. It had an ache twisting into him.

Choking him. Devouring him whole to leave nothing left. He wanted to tip his own head back. Let his hair sway against his back as he pumped his legs to stroke Shouta. But no. No, no, no, he wanted to see. He wanted to see that beautiful expanse of skin. See that bared throat with the faint beige smudges along it. See hips twitching before thrusting up between his feet. And God was it a delight when Shouta gave a few more clumsy thrusts before he was meeting his strokes once again. Falling into rhythm.

It was different given it was sandwiched between his feet but fuck if it didn't feel good. Moans spilled out of his husband shamelessly as hips jerked up eagerly. Chasing after that pleasure, he shuddered at the thought of how it must feel. To have the wet fabric of stockings dragging over him. Bouncing in his spot, he couldn't help but squirm at the thought. It was a damn good thought that had his thighs pressing together tightly. It placated the throbs his erection gave as his hair trembled and swayed against his back.

He was so unbelievably thankful he'd kept his contacts in. That he'd yet to change to his glasses all because he wanted to look nice. It gave him the perfect view of his writhing husband at his feet. See him thrusting into his feet each time he slid them down to the base. A beautiful rhythm that had shivers running down his back with each thrust up. Seeing the drops of pre-come welling on that slit only to drip down to be smeared away by his strokes. It had his mouth threatening to drop open if he wasn't careful.

It'd merely allow him to make those ringing moans he kept smothered. Ear piercing whines. He instead dragged his teeth over his lip before biting down. Creating a throbbing pain from that deep dig of his teeth but he didn't care if it made his panting uncomfortably shallow. Nowhere near enough through his nose but he didn't care. Not when Shouta's head was lifting again with a gasping moan. When those dark eyes flicked down to the strokes he was trying to speed up. Moving as fast as he could when that gaze flicked up to him.

Meeting it when a snapping, rasping groan left his husband as hips jerked up with an urgency. Thrusting eagerly the way he would had he been jerking him off with his hands. A whimper leaving his husband when he began to slid his feet alternatively rather than together. An up and down on either side as the left went down the right came up. Vice versa. An uneven stroking. It was easier than together but God it had his husband shuddering as dark brows squeezed together tightly. Twitching lightly from the clench.

Hands sliding over the floor before stopping as they shook when a frustrated whine ripped out of his husband. And he could only assume it was due to what his husband wanted. He knew, given the chance, those hands would fly up. He'd cling onto his legs as they flexed and moved to stroke him while bunching his stockings to his fists. Clawing at them would result in tears and rips. And he knew Shouta wanted too. Oh, he could see that longing in those dark eyes yet not a muscle moved to do what he clearly wanted.

Because his husband had promised to listen to him when they began their scene. He wasn't going to move a muscle to do something of that sort until he told him that he could. It gave him a rush of that familiar pride. Of power. Just like he did when he was snapping that collar onto Shouta. Watching the golden heart shaped lock sway against his pale skin. When he was yanking at the black locks tearing howls and cries out of his husband. When Shouta's hips jerked back to meet his pounding thrusts. All of it being up to him.

Coming down on him to make that call Shouta trusted him with. To let him take charge and take care of them together. It made him giddy as he began to move his feet in unison once again. Sliding his feet with that wet drag causing the fabric to bunch up once or twice but it merely served to rile his husband up. Rile himself up when Shouta moaned at him when it'd happen. Bouncing his spot, he tried to pump his legs faster. Stroke his husband fast, fast, fast. It was clumsy but it had hips jerking up to meet his faster speed.

Gasping out those moans as his husband's head fell back again. Shouting when hips thrusted up with an eagerness that he could feel burrowing itself into his chest. Making it hard to breathe through it. To gasp in a breath that merely fanned the heat under his skin. His thighs trembled in their tight squeeze against one another, yet it was his only balm. The only thing he could think off as his erection throbbed frantically with a few rapid twitches. Felt that soaked patch clinging onto him from the shameless drips.

Wetting it again, again, again with each drop of pre-come. It had him panting raggedly with a hitching whine he squeezed Shouta's erection tight tearing another shout from the black-haired man. Had him thrusting up with an urgency that had him groaning down at his husband. Shuddering as that wet drag rang out quietly beneath the panting breaths taken. The shameless sounds spilling out of his husband one right after another that merely fueled him onward. Coaxed him to keep going. To get him there.

Had quieter, muffled sounds of his own ripping free of him despite his best attempts until he gave up. There was a rush to it all that had him shuddering when his own hips bucked instinctively with a moan. Felt his cheeks throbbing lightly with that uncomfortable heat at the desperation he heard in his voice. The urgency. Pleading silently for something, something, something. Anything. He slid his feet fast as he could without ruining the momentum he had going. Bouncing in his spot to do so as his hair flew around his shoulders.

Brushed annoyingly at his face. But he could feel it. The faint throbbing between his feet as he stroked his husband eagerly with hips thrusting up wildly in between them. Moaning louder, louder, louder sending heat sparking through him as he heaved in his gasping pants. Clawing at the blanket similarly to how Shota's only fingers clawed and twitched over the carpet. God, it was fucking hot. The fact that he was getting his husband off with his feet alone? That was a rush. It had him boiling in his own skin.

"You're right there, kitten! Right there! Ju-Just a little more! You wanna cum? Does it fe-feel that good, huh? Feel s-so good that yo-you'll cum over Daddy's pretty stockings?" A wild whimper left him as feet squeezed tight, tight, tight around him with those fast strokes that had the fabric dragging so good against the skin. "Such a good boy you are, you know that? So good, so perfect, and all for me, yeah? A-All mine? You wanna cum for me? Show Daddy how much you like his makeup? How much you like this?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, God, fuckin' yes! Feels go-good! So good! It's- Mmm! Hnnn God, its' right there! Ge-Gettin' close! Ah! Ah! Please!" Fuck, that gasping voice had him hot. Squirming in his bounces throwing them off briefly as he moaned at his husband when hips jerked up eagerly. "Don't stop, don't stop! Ke-Keep squeezin' Like that! Fuck! F-Ffffuck! Please! Please, wanna cu- Mmmn! Nghnnn! Oh! Ohhh, shit! Please! Please, Daddy! Please, please!"

Fuck. He didn't think an orgasm untouched like this would happen but fuck if it didn't make him squirm. Felt that ache twisting down to grab at his bones as he groaned lowly at that plea leaving his husband. Desperate. Urgent. It could light anyone ablaze to hear such a stoic, apathetic man beg so breathlessly like that. "Please what, kitten? What do you need from me? U-Use your words! Wh-Why are you saying please for, huh? What d-do you want from Daddy?"

"I-I wanna touch you! To-Touch you after, please! Please! Wa-Wanna feel you! I need- Nnghnn! More! Ne-Need more! Ah! Ah-Ahhhnngg fuck! So close! Close, close, close!" It was hot. It was unfairly hot to feel that erection throbbing between his feet with an increasing intensity. Twitching as drips of pre-come welled on the slit only to drip down. Smeared away. "I-I wanna make you cum! Fe-Feel good! Please, Daddy? Please, can I? I need- Yes! Mmmmff! Yes, yes, yes! Hnnn please! Please 'm gonna-! Fuck, yes!"

Breathless. He was burning in his own skin with each damn bounce, he swore it. So painfully aware of that orgasm mounting in his husband that had him restless. Longing for his own as his feet squeezed together firmly earning him a shout from his husband as hips thrusted up. Slick slides against his feet that had him just as breathless as he watched muscles trembling before flexing. Tensing. "D-Do it, kitten! Make a fu-fuckin' mess over me like you ha-have been! Cum for Daddy, Shouta! Now!"

He didn't know if the jolt was from that order he laced in. That growl of his given nickname or the slip up in his shout of his husband's name but it had Shouta writhing. Knees sliding over the carpet as thighs spread wide, wide, wide along him to sink down as he leaned back. Hands slid over the carpet restlessly with nails clawing at the carpet. Shouting at him wordlessly as that head was thrown back with hips jumping up. Thrusting desperately to meet his strokes as he felt his own fingers clutching at the blanket.

Squeezing as they trembled lightly with thighs pressing together with a restless rub in between a bounce. It was hot, hot, hot. All of it was fucking hot and they weren't ending it here. He knew they weren't for Shouta would see it the same he would. A start to a bigger scene they could discuss together before diving into. Let the flow take them while doing so in a strict manner together. He wanted more. He couldn't stop now when he wanted it just as badly as his husband. When the thought of it had him hot.

His pants scraped down his dry throat as his brows squeezed together with a twitch. Watching those hips jerking up had a heat sizzling deeper into his skin. Watching that erection slide between his stroking feet was hot. He didn't think he had a foot fetish or anything of the sort but fuck if it wasn't arousing. If he wasn't burning up at the desperate, urgent thrusts his husband gave as the wet fabric left that twitching erection wet. Glistening slickly much like his stomach. There was so much to it that he loved.

He squeezed in response to that frantic throbbing of his husband's erection as he bounced himself. Using the momentum to pump his legs in order to stroke him quickly. Keening whimpers left his husband as thighs trembled when he squirmed. Bucking up again, again, again with shaking pants rasping in and out. He could only imagine that debauched face as hair slithered over his shoulders. Oh, the sight of that chest arching forward as he thrusted up had him squirming. It was absolutely amazing.

He felt a clammy sheen of sweat gathering over his forehead. Felt a bead of sweat streaking down the side of it. He could see the clammy sheen gathering over that pale skin. He swore his husband was so close that he could fucking taste it for him. Frantic thrusts gave way with a wail from his husband as he jerked. Muscles tensing again with a tight flex that had his husband trembling as hips slammed up against his feet with a desperation to the movement. Knocking his feet up lightly with the force behind those thrusts.

It left him feeling dizzy when hips jumped up in a frenzy. That frantic throbbing between his feet giving way for a volley of twitches. Watching the spurts of come landing on his husband's skin. God, it was fucking hot as that wail trembled off in his husband's throat. Cutting off with a croak as he slid his feet over that twitching shaft before squeezing. Giving that tight pressure as his husband's chest froze with a held breath. Trembling under the force of that orgasm even as he squirmed desperately.

Writhing restlessly under the effect of it as hips weakly thrusted up as if to aid the final spurts of come. Quiet, airy sounds trapped in the back of his throat. Breathless. Riding out that orgasm with such a bliss it had him moaning as his hands trembled as they clutched at the blanket in them. Oh, it was such a stunning sight. To watch his husband twisting, twitching, and shaking through an orgasm. It would only be made better to see his face. How those brows would squeeze together so tightly they'd be twitching.

The muscles trembling from the tight squeeze. How his mouth had to be hanging open as black lashes fluttered against red cheeks. It was only better when Shouta was looking up at him only for lashes to flutter as dark eyes rolled back. Sweat glistening over his forehead and cheeks allowing for black locks to cling onto his face. Sweat would drip down his temple. The weaker, smaller beads of sweat he'd felt run down the back of Shouta's neck. Dripping off his jaw to drop off or crawl down his throat.

God, there was nothing more addicting than an orgasmic Shouta. A sudden rushing wheeze had him snapping out of his daze. Shouta sucked in a gasp of air as he shuddered before muscles were relaxing. Shaking as heaving pants were taken with that head lifting itself up as he gave a final squeeze to that twitching erection. A cracking, breathless whine left his husband when he brought his gaze down. He'd thought all of it had landed on that pale skin but he shuddered at a few spots soaked into his ankles.

His shins. It was hot knowing his stockings weren't completely spared. Now when glazed eyes were staring up at him. A spark of eagerness when Shouta wriggled as he dropped his feet to hover over the floor lightly. Then he shuffled forward to the edge of the bed again. Releasing his tight grip on the blanket when dark eyes flicked from his gaze down to his groin. Hands came up hesitantly to grab onto his knees with a squeeze. An instinctive movement he knew it to be when eyes snapped up to him again with lips parting.

He moved his hands down to grab at the shaking hands on his knees. Tugging at them gently until Shouta was straightening up higher on his knees. Fidgeting before he began to shuffle forward to situate himself between his legs. He bent down prompting Shouta's head to tip back with a gasp that rang with that excitement. Trembling when he covered those full lips. Sliding breathless with his husband's as fingers trembled before cautiously weaving between his. He happily slid his fingers between Shouta's/

Giving his hands a firm squeeze that was returned to him as lips slid against his. Molding to shape comfortably against his with the smacks ringing out in the sudden silence. Whispering of lips moving together with fanning, hitching pants fanning over his hot cheek. Eager as lips crushed themselves to his own. Hands trembling lightly in his with that firm squeeze when he slid his thumbs to caress the sides of Shouta's hands gently before he was pulling back. A gasp of air being taken by his husband when he moved in.

Nuzzling their noses together. A gentle, comforting motion he knew his husband loves. Had since they were teenagers and young adults. It was something his husband loved to receive when they finished a scene in between the affection and praise he would give him. Aftercare that had his husband melting. And he felt Shouta moving to nuzzle him back when he pulled back to press a kiss to that sweaty forehead softly. Another, another, another to the messy black locks as Shouta stretched up on his knees.

Eager to receive that affection when he whined softly. Felt lips fluttering over his throat softly with the scratch of that stubble against it when hands squeezed his. Questioning him silently. He pulled back to meet that gaze with a soft hum when he dark eyes locked onto him. A curious look to his husband that mixed in with that eagerness he'd caught seconds ago. Shifting on his knees, fingers wiggled between his when he leaned in to peck the tip of his nose. The scar beneath his eye softly with a soft hum.

It was only then that he was satisfied with the softer kisses. The first round of affection he was going to give this man. He shivered at the soft press of full lips against his cheek before he could pull back fully. The racing pants fanning over it when he settled back with that gaze on him again. Fidgets and shifts from his husband when he brought a hand up to twist in order to nuzzle it to his hot cheek. The light press told him everything as he nuzzled that hand happily even as he crushed it to his cheek in response.

Keeping it there when he lowered it before flipping thier hands back around. Pressing the back of his hand softly to his husband's red cheek only to get a soft kiss from him. Shivers racing up his arm when fingers tightened on his. "Tell me, kitten, do you want to play with Daddy a bit more?"

"Yes! I-I want to keep going! Yo-You're okay with that? Really?" Rubbing the back of his hand gently to the back of Shouta's cheek, he nodded with a smile twitching at his lips. There was another fidget from his husband when dark eyes flickered away from him briefly. Lips parting as they moved silently before eyes were flicking back up to him with a light throat clearing. "I want you to fe-feel good too if we're going to keep going. Not fair if-if it's just me."

"It won't be just you, kitten, I promise. I told you in the bathroom, didn't I? Just because I wasn't getting off with you last weekend doesn't mean I didn't feel good with you! So it'll never be unfair or just you, kitten, I promise!" The soft flutter of those full lips against the back of his hand had him shivering. Tingles racing up his back when he rubbed his cheek to Shouta's cheek after that soft kiss. "Since Sunday you've been getting me off, haven't you? This weekend is no different, kitten! Besides, you deserve a reward, don't you?"

Right on the head of the nail. Eyes glowed with that delighted excitement when parted lips trembled silently again to form words. Unspoken. Hands tightened on his own tightly when he returned a soft squeeze as that cheek leaned against their conjoined hands. A lock of hair clung to the left side of his husband's face from the clammy sheen. He looked utterly lovely. He could stare at the image before him all night. For hours. "I-I think I do! But you deserve to feel good too! I-I want to get you off."

"And you will! Weren't you just begging me so sweetly to let you touch me? Trust me, sweet thing, we'll be feeling good together!" Leaning down he kissed the top of his husband's head gently as wild locks brushed his face when he pulled back. "I love you, Shouta. You're such a good boy for me and I know you've been frustrated since I got pierced. You don't have to deny it but just know soon enough it'll all be worth it, yeah? Until then I'll give you absolutely everything you deserve, kitten."

"I-I'll do the same, Za- Daddy. I'll do what I can for you and I'll make you feel just as good with ev-everything you need from me." The soft press of that hot cheek had him smiling when Shouta's left hand pulled away from his to reach up and brush fingers over his hot cheek lightly. "I'll take care of you too. Be-Because I love you too and you deserve to be pampered too. So, le-let me take care of you now?"

"Absolutely! We have all the time in the world, kitten! Get your ass up here."

Oh, the shudder that rolled over his husband had him just as eager. With a fidget, he released the hold he had on Shouta's hand to push himself back. Sliding backwards onto the bed as Shouta stood up with that excited glow to those dark eyes making them seem big. Bottomless. So unbelievably beautiful. It had his heart jumping to his throat when pants were kicked away allowing for his husband to climb up on the bed. And he couldn't help but hope he got that green light. When those full lips came down on his again.

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