The Teacher's Pet

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Shouta could hear Hizashi humming in their small dining room as fingers flew over the keyboard. Hot water poured over his hands as he stared out the window at the snowflakes striking at the window causing the screen to tremble. The heat was soaking into his hands sending shivers through him. Made him painfully aware of that biting chill that had managed to get to him. Managed to grip his very bones after having spent little more than fifteen minutes outside to salt the driveway and walkway.

A task he'd gotten down fairly quickly with his husband behind him. Fussing when his feet skidded only to stick close to him as they made their way back inside. That had been an hour ago, hadn't it? Longer? He had not a clue. However, did it truly matter? A squeak of the chair in the dining room had him blinking away those thoughts. Looking down at his pruning hands that were jerking lightly with the weight of the container in his hands. Threatening to slip through his slick fingers to create a deafening clatter.

He shifted his weight from foot to foot before rolling his head side to side with a huff. He then focused back on the task at hand as he resumed his scrubbing at the container. Hizashi's, Eri's and Hitoshi's bento boxes sat on the counter with a few lingering droplets slithering down the sides. He sighed under his breath as he scrubbed at his container with a renewed vigor. Unwinding as he listened to the quiet humming from the other room. It had the tense muscles in his shoulders relaxed at the familiar sound.

It was sweet. Pitches, tones, and octaves always came effortlessly to his husband. The blonde liked to say it was simply something that came naturally to him. He believed that the blonde merely had a natural curiosity about his quirk and put it to good use learning on those pitches. The sounds he could replicate were small but rather easy for the blonde to make for the sake of a joke. But it was this knowledge his husband had that paved way for vocal lessons and a beautiful singing voice. Something he adored.

The hot water rushing over his hands had a shudder racing down his back as goosebumps rose over his skin. Wringing out the sponge, he placed it on the edge of the sink next to the faucet. He rinsed the suds off of the container with a low hum himself before he choked it off. The last thing he wanted was Hizashi to abandon his work. He flipped the container around in his hands as he got the last trace of suds off of it before turning the water off. Shaking the container lightly to get as much water off.

He placed it in the dish strainer when he grabbed the towel that rested over the handle of the oven door. He dried his hands off when he felt a nudge against his calf prompting him to look down only to find large, copper eyes peering up at him. Bending down, he scratched the top of Twix's head gently. The cat tipped his head back to rub this face against his fingers firmly. Purrs erupted out of the cat as he stepped forward to rub his side against his shin. Smiling to himself, he took a moment to scratch behind Twix' ears.

Rubbing his knuckles gently along the corner of his mouth along his cheek. Down underneath his chin where those fierce purrs vibrated beneath his fingertips. He ended it with a sweeping caress down the cat's back earning him a jump of hips as he reached his tail. It whipped against his hand when he pauses to scratch in front of it. Giving another caress down his back had hips jumping up as he curled the tail around his fingers before standing up. He got one of those crunchy meows from Twix as he turned towards the counter.

Grabbing Eri's bento box to pull closer towards him. White flowers on a sunset orange background. It was her favorite one he'd gotten her as compared to the impromptu one of her first year here. He turned to the stove and rolled his shoulders back before reaching up to tie his hair back. Tugging the locks away from his throat and shoulder into a sloppy ponytail kept his hair from his face. Settling into the familiarity of getting the girl's lunch box filled with the left overs of dinner and a few additional items.

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