Who's A Good Boy?

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With a rewrite comes a rewrite of the timeline! And that means chapters are going to be changing to follow the new timeline I'm putting together! This one took me quite a bit to get done as my keyboard officially died on me 😩 It sucked but I was able to get an old one from my older brother thank God! And then I had an appointment to finish my root canal but I'm back! Anyhow, I hope that you all enjoy the new rewritten/revised chapter! I'll be putting warnings here for changed chapters contents! But the next chapter will either be the phone sex or a different subject all together! But for now, have some praise kink content!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the previous ones! The hope goes for the other chapters as always! I hope you all have amazing holidays! No matter what you celebrate I hope you have a good day! Until we meet again! ❤️


Hizashi could read Shouta like a book. He could see his husband's tells from a mile away. Could read that stoic face better than anyone when they were in public together. When those heavy, irritated sighs left his husband as they crossed paths at work. The knit to his dark brows when they were in the student accessible staff room. When he was breezing past Shouta's open classroom door at the end of the day. It was easy to see the emotion in those dark eyes that often went unnoticed by their coworkers.

His husband had a poker face to put others to shame. He had a stoicism that would awe anyone. But what was seen as a closed book to others was a wide open one to him. He could reach the emotions through the apathetic and exasperated tone. Could see the emotions pinch at his face before they were flickering away. Saving face while in that public setting. After sixteen years with someone it was only natural that he could read his husband so well. Shouta was very easy to read if one knew what to look for.

To understand his tells by the smaller reactions rather the bigger ones. Years had given him hours, days, weeks, months to memorize his husband. To understand his personality, the swings of his mood and the reactions within them. It was easy to understand what was coming and when. To see it. There were times when he was happy that he could know someone on such a level. It was a disgusting romance trope his husband often scoffed at, but he adored it. Loved it. He found an overwhelming joy about it.

That he was living a disgustingly cliché lifestyle with his husband who secretly seemed to enjoy it as well. And to bring that joy was all he hoped to bring. Even if it earned him those eyerolls and cheeky smirks from Shouta. He could read that unspoken joy in the sparkle in his gaze. The way his lips seemed effortless in their wider smiles. It was an unspoken joy that was shared between them in a cycle he was happy to keep going. To keep feeding. Happiness was a commodity that could be sparing. Fleeting.

And if this cliché way of life made the both of them happy then he'd continue onwards. He'd keep feeding into it. And he did. Oh, he was more than happy to make his husband smile at him in that manic manner. The grins and smirks others deemed disturbing were his favorite. Always had his heart skipping when he caught sight of them whenever he managed to work one out of his husband. Shouta wasn't naturally an overly affectionate person. Didn't enjoy PDA often unless it was on his terms. In safe zones.

But Shouta was never hesitant in giving himself or Eri the abundance of affection they wanted but he knew it was easy. That his husband merely "stock piled" it until he could use it for good. The black-haired man was more subtle in his love languages. In his affection. Sometimes it was leaving the ingredients for dinner ready when he was on a mission. Sometimes leaving a meal ready to eat on the stove or in the oven. The dishes being done. Household chores done well in advance or even folding their laundry.

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