Dramatic Love

By BillioBerry

859 77 808

It was a seemingly normal school life for Sarah. She had good friends, decent grades... and a crush. Duh. How... More

01} Great (?) News!
02} A Little too Close. (Or just being clumsy!)
03} I Just Got a Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-O~
04} A Little Change of Plans...
05} Party, Partice, Partay
06} Advice
07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.
08} A Friendly Confession
09} Petty Rehearsals
10} Argument
11} Midnight Scores
12} Cooking Mania
13} Detectives for a Day
14} Visits and Gifts
15} Enchanted Night
16} Unexpected Encounter
17} Lovesick
18} A Hidden Love Story
20} Disputes
21} Desolate
22} Pool Craze I
23} Pool Craze II
24} Comfy Bed
25} Imperceptibly

19} Invitations

26 1 51
By BillioBerry

•~|Warning: Chapter contains drowning|~•

Monday. It was a terrible day but also the start of another new school week. The school's play was just 2 weeks away now, which meant the teachers who prepped it are beginning to stress a bit. It was a school musical, after all, one people paid to see. If something went wrong, who knows what the consequences would be.

It was lunchtime right now. Since it was beginning to get warmer outside, all the girls had decided to go outside for picnic. The mood and vibes were just perfect here. The classic picnic blanket, the drinks and yummy food, and the friend group chatting away and having fun.

The only person who wasn't present was Isabelle. The group couldn't find her, and since they only had so much time, best decided to just start the picnic up.

However, plans changed quickly, as Isabelle scurried to the group immediately.

"Hey guys!" She ecstatically said, which was unusual for her to do at a time right now considering all the things that happened so far.

"Someone decided to come finally join us," Emilia said in a dramatically blank tone.

"Hah HA," Isabelle laughed in a dramatic  way back, Emilia smirking. "Anyways, I have exciting news!!!" Isabelle started, clapping her hands in excitement.

"Of course you did. You seem too excited today!" Sydney exclaimed, everyone agreeing.

"Yes. Since the school drama production is coming near, I have decided to throw a special pool party at my house with my parents' permission, of course," Isabelle said, beaming every word she said. The girls immediately get excited.

"Wait, a POOL PARTY?!" Maya shouted excitedly.

"YES! I've invited almost everyone in the 8th grade, and it was about time I came to talk to you guys about it." Isabelle explained, all the girls getting really excited now.

"When's the party?" Tessy asked.

"This weekend on Saturday," Isabelle replied.

"Well then. Isabelle, you're sure seeing us there!" Sophie says, Isabelle happy to her feet now.

"Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Isabelle exclaims, the group laughing at her childish excitement. "Anyways, I'll see you guys soon. Gotta run!" Isabelle says, slowly walking away from the group.

"What? You're not gonna come sit with us?" Bella questions.

"I can't right now. I still have about 10 more people to invite!" Isabelle finished, running off now. The girls watched her as she slowly disappeared into the school building.

Bella sighs. "Must be nice to be able to invite everyone so easily to a party," the girl says.

"That's what happens when you date a super popular guy. Instant popularity card right there." Sarah answered, Bella chuckling.

"Speaking of popular guys," Tessy starts, sitting up in a straighter posture and looking directly at Sarah. "How are you and Benjamin getting along?"

Sarah groaned while the other girls focused their attention to Sarah. "Tessy! Me and him are just friends, and that's how far it'll ever be. We can't forget about Isabelle now, right?" Sarah said, the girls going into a hush.

"Well..." Tessy started after the mini silence. "Ugh, you guys are just too cute together, okay? Isabelle and Benjamjn are failing so badly that now people are starting an underrated rumor that it could be you and Benjamin that are dating!" Tessy whined, the other girls laughing at her.

"Rumor? Do people think we're dating?" Sarah asked, confused.

"Of course, Sarah! Your guys chemistry is starting to become better than Isabelle being with Benjamin." Tessy explained.

"Remember, Tessy, we can't bring up stuff like this when Isabelle's around, right?" Emilia starts, looking at Tessy seriously.

"I know, I know. But I feel like they should just break up at this point. It just doesn't seem to be working anymore." Tessy replied. Emilia rolled her eyes.

"Guys, please just stop bringing up me and Benjamin. I want Isabelle to be happy, and if that means letting her date my 'crush', I'm fine with it," Sarah explained. "We are Isabelle friends, after all. She's trusting us in thinking we aren't hiding anything big when, in reality, we are." Sarah continues.

"You're right," Tessy starts, "I'll stop bringing him up then," She finished, Sarah smiling.

"An~ne~ways~" Sophie interrupts, "Anyone wanna know about my boyfriend that's goes to Johannes Junior High?" Sophie says, bringing up a new topic.

"You have a boyfriend, too? HONEY PLEASE SPILL," Sydney demanded, the girls laughing as they focused their attention to the girl. All except Sarah.

She couldn't seem to get Tessy's words out of her head.

"Your guys chemistry is starting to become better than Isabelle being with Benjamin."

"I feel like they should just break up at this point."

She couldn't seem to muster the fact that what she was saying is true or not. Tessy was clearly being honest with her words, which made Sarah a bit nervous now. What if Isabelle finds out about the small rumor going around? What if she finds out about Benjamin and her having their romantic accidents? Hell would break loose, that's for sure.


When Sarah got home, she immediately dropped her bag by the door and headed to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"How was school, honey?" Sarah's Mom asked. The woman was in the living room doing her work on her laptop whilst drinking a Starbucks ice coffee.

"It was good," Sarah replied, "today I got invited to Isabelle's pool party." She explained, Sarah's Mom nearly choking on her drink.

*cough* "P-pool party?!" Sarah's Mom asked a bit surprised.

"Yes, are you okay?" Sarah replied and asked, her Mom still coughing a bit.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just be careful when you go, okay?" Sarah's Mom reminded the girl.

"Mom, I'm gonna be fine. Stop worrying! I've been to a party before, haven't I?" Sarah says.

"Well, yeah, but the thing is. It's a pool party," Sarah's Mom adds.


"Sarah. You can't swim"

Sarah stammers a bit. "Of course I know that!!! But it's just a pool party, we barely swim, we just talk and hang out." The girl explains.

"I know that, but like, we don't want another one of the 'incident' to happen again, right?" Sarah's Mom asked, reminding the girl about it.

"Oh yeah, the 'incident'." Sarah replies dryly, sly memories coming back.


11 Years Ago...

It was a hot summer day, people playing by the sand, surfing in the waves, playing beach volleyball.

Sarah's family had just arrived at the beach and were prepping the area they were going to chill at.

Sarah's Dad was putting up the umbrella, Sarah's Mom setted up the blanket, Amanda was drinking water from the mini freezer the family brought while Sarah was whining and saying when she'll be able to go play.

"Mama!" Sarah shouted, the 3-year old (at the time) shaking her Mom's leg. Her mother looked down.

"Yes, baby?"

"Play!" Sarah replied, pointing at the sea.

"You will go play baby just wait until Amanda can go with you. You can't swim, remember?" Sarah's Mom replied, baby Sarah whining.

She was going to start crying soon if she didn't go now. Sarah's Mom sighed, grabbing Sarah's small floaties and putting  them on the little girl.

"Amanda!" Sarah's Mom called to the girl, Amanda turning her head to her. "Can you go play with your sister at the very edge of the ocean with the watermelon floaty? Me and Dad are still setting up," Sarah's Mom explained.

"Okay, Mom," Amanda answered, the 7 year-old (at the time) grabbing the big floaty and her little sis to play by the ocean.

"Remember, just play by the edge! Don't go into the water with her!" Sarah's Mom shouted out to the 2 small girls.

"You're so worrisome, Geniqua, (gen-NIC-guah) the girls will be fine," Sarah's Dad said to the woman.

"I know, David, but they're still young. The last thing I want is one of them to drown," Sarah's Mom replied, setting the beach chairs up. Sarah's Dad laughed.

Meanwhile, the 2 little girls reached the edge of the ocean. The waves just hit their toes.

"Okay, you play here, alright?" Amanda asked her little sister. Sarah paid no attention, however.

"Waa! Watah~!" Baby Sarah cheered, patting the water and letting it splash on her. Amanda played a little with her, too, until she began to get bored.

2 little boys that looked closed to Amanda's age came up to the duo.

"Hello there!" One boy greeted.

"Uh, hi!" Amanda greeted back.

"Do you want to build sandcastles with us?" The boy asked.

"Oh, I have to watch my little sister, though," Amanda answered, looking down at the little girl that was still playing with the water.

"It's okay! We'll be playing over there where the dry sand is and still be close to her!" The other boy suggested.

"Hmm, okay!" Amanda replied, convinced. She got up and ran off with the boys to the sand, leaving Sarah by herself.

The baby continued to play until she noticed the watermelon floaty that Amanda had left behind in the water.

It was starting to float away, so Sarah got up and ran into the water to grab it. When she got it, she realized she could just ride and float on it since she'll still be close by to Amanda, right? Oh, was she dead wrong.

Sarah climbed onto the floaty, laying on it comfortably.

"Ah~," Baby Sarah sighed, relaxed on the floaty as she floated away. The girl didn't realize how far she was floating, however.

5 minutes later...

Sarah's Mom and Dad had finally finished setting up their beach area on the beach. Beach blanket, chairs, drinks, and a big umbrella for shade. It was all perfect.

The 2 parents were now sitting down in the chairs relaxing.

"You know, I don't think I've had an alone moment with you in a while now," Sarah's Dad said, Sarah's Mom smirking.

"Here? Now?" Sarah's Mom asked. "Oh, cmon David, we're in public!"

"So you're telling me we can't share a quick kiss?" He asked, Sarah's Mom laughing.

The man came in and placed a short but sweet kiss on the woman before sitting back and relaxing in his chair.

"SARAH!!!" Amanda screamed.

Both parents' heads turned to the shout from Amanda. They looked for Sarah, but the girl was surprisingly not with Amanda. That's when they both noticed that Amanda and the 2 boys were looking at the ocean, where Sarah had floated away.

Sarah had now floated past the red flags, meaning she was now in an unsafe area and in incredibly deep water. When baby Sarah heard the shout, she sat up only to find to her horror on how far from land she was. Sarah started crying hard, shouting out to her sister who was miles away. The waves were starting to get rough now so Sarah freaked out more.

Both Sarah's parents were in shock, Sarah's Dad running to get lifeguards while Sarah's Mom ran to Amanda.

"AMANDA! I told you to watch her!" Sarah's Mom shouted at the girl.

"I know I'm sorry," Amanda apologized, putting her head down as tears welded in her eyes.

"Shh, it's okay, it's not your fault anyways, I should've been watching- OH NO!" Sarah's Mom stopped mid sentence when she saw the big waves headed for Sarah.

Now a crowd of people were watching the scene, some attempting to swim to the baby girl. It was no use since Sarah was far. Sarah's Mom ran into the sea, attempting to swim to her baby, too, but it was no use. She wasn't going to make it.

Sarah, on the other hand, was full-on breakdown now. She was freaking out badly as the waves tipped her back and fourth.

Then, a big wave came, knocking the girl and the floaty upside down. Sarah screamed as she plummeted into the water. Sarah's Mom was screaming while the lifeguards began to swim as hell now.

Sarah sunk deep and deep. The floaties on her arms were no help as the waves thrashed her back and fourth. They were just an accessory at this point. Sarah couldn't swim back up so the only thing she could do was scream. Bad idea. Water engulfed her body immediately, filling all parts. Sarah chocked and gagged, even when underwater. Before you knew it, the girl drowned...

It was chaos. Sarah's Mom sobbing, Amanda crying, Sarah's Dad distressed. The crowd of people in shock as they watched the small baby get pulled unconscious out of the water, sirens of an ambulance in the background. It was all a pain to see.


Sarah's body flinched at the memory of that terrible day. It may have been long ago, but she still remembered it well.

"Just, be careful, okay?" Sarah's Mom pleaded with the girl.

"Yes Mom," Sarah replied, taking her snack to her bedroom upstairs.

She plopped onto her bed and looked up into the ceiling.

"I mean, nothing will go wrong, right?" Sarah asked herself.

Well, nothing will go wrong....



Short-ish chapter 😍✨️
But I finished this in less than 2 days so a mini pat on the back for meh 😩💅✨️
There may be mistakes though but who cares this chapter is boring anyways 😒

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