Just A Taste (MYG x reader/OF...

By tamzen7991

4.9K 213 33

A new collection of ongoing Yoongi smuts and one shots themed with dinner dates/dinner parties. #1 in SUGAsmu... More

Just A Taste
The Dinner Party (part one)
The Dinner Party (part two)
The Dinner Party (part three-final)
The Wedding Reception Pt.1
The Wedding Reception Pt. 2
The Wedding Reception Pt. 3 (18+)
Three Days (pt.1: ilcha)
Three Days (pt. 2: icha)
Three Days (pt. 4 18+) Never Enough
Three Days (Pt. 5) Day Two
Three Days (pt. 6) The Party
Three Days, (pt 7) Escape
Three Days (pt. 8, 18+) One Final Night
Three Days (pt. 9) Goodbye

Three Days (Pt. 3: Samcha)

140 7 0
By tamzen7991

"Hyung!" Jungkook comes through the doorway, quickly, interrupting their toast. They both sit up straight and she releases Yoongi's hand under the table. "They're coming! If you want to be alone, go now!" he whispers. "I'll tell them you decided to go back to the studio."

Yoongi and Jihye look at each other quickly trying to decide what to do. There is a moments pause and Jungkook begins to hop up and down in his own frenetic panic. He looks behind him and whispers something to the waiter who nods and steps back out of the room.

"If we leave now, we could go to the studio, maybe listen to my track?" he suggests, unsure how much to reveal in front of Jungkook. "Or, we could go get dinner somewhere," he offers, but they both know that's not all that will happen if they leave together. She smiles at Yoongi, arching her eyebrow.

"We could go back to my place and I could make you something," she offers quietly. He grins and nods, preferring this idea much more. He rises from the booth and pulls her out, keeping hold of her hand.

"Hyung!" Jungkook pleads, indicating they should hurry. Yoongi stops in front of Jungkook and Jihye smiles at him, shyly, as Yoongi keeps hold of her.

"Thanks," he says, nodding to him. "I owe you one."

"Yeah you do! Now, just go!" Jungkook almost pushes him toward the door. "Have fun you two," he calls after them as Yoongi quickly moves through the doorway with her in tow. The same waiter appears and directs them toward another exit.

They climb a different set of stairs, which leads to an exit out of a side door. Since the entrance was in the alley, the exit leads them onto a busy street, with loud traffic rushing by. He pulls his jacket collar up and hangs his head low as he walks, pulling her along. Once they round a different corner, in a more private space, he stops, leaning back against the wall and he pulls her to stand in front of him. She smiles, her eyes sparkling in the colorful lights from a shop window nearby and he thinks about how beautiful she looks in this light, with almost a glow over her skin. He notices she doesn't have much else on to keep herself warm against the chill of the September air. He opens his jacket and pulls her body inside to warm her. He looks down at her as he slides her hair behind her ear. He knows there is more he needs to say, before they get to her house. His expression grows more serious and she wonders at the change.

"I need to tell you something," he whispers, and she realizes something is weighing on him.

For a moment, she wonders if he is going to tell her that he has a girlfriend, and she's just made a complete fool of herself by following her own desire in kissing him without even asking. Her body stiffens in his embrace, and her brow furrows as she waits for his confession. He bites his lip, unsure how to tell her, but he pulls her closer, unable to stop himself from holding her.

"I have to go away, for military service. I'm enlisting." He says, feeling a little sorry for himself as he wonders what her reaction will be. She smiles at him, relieved at not being the 'other woman.' Her hands slide up the front of his chest over his smooth shirt and she can feel his muscles tense.

"I know. You're all enlisting, everyone knows that!" she admits. She nuzzles her mouth against his neck, leaving kisses across his skin.

"But, I'm leaving soon. Really soon. In three days." He frowns as he looks down at her.

She thinks about what he's telling her; that all they can have is right here, right now. Even if he wanted more with her, he wouldn't be allowed to have it. He has to leave. He's giving up his free time, his own personal schedule, and he doesn't get to have a say in where he goes or who he sees. Most people go into a flirtation with the hope that there will be more, and he's admitting they can't have that. She considers, what he can offer her, while he holds her, his fingers tracing the line along the waist of her skirt, hanging low on her hips, feeling the heat of her skin.

If all he can offer is tonight; the idea of being with someone like him, someone she's so drawn to, who makes her heart race and who kisses her like he's desperate for her, then that's got to be enough. She wouldn't need more. She could coast for months on just the memory of how his lips felt pressed against hers, and the warmth of his strong fingertips gliding over her bare skin.

"It's ok." Her expression is serious and she looks up at him, nodding. She's making a decision, an important one about what she expects from him, and he watches her closely to understand what she might really be feeling. She smiles softly. "I'm ready. Let's go eat," she says casually, leaning up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek quickly. He exhales, feeling the pressure and tension draining from his body.

"We have a car waiting around the corner." He smiles at her.  She nods and allows him to order the car, watching him text quickly as he looks up to see his location. He smiles down at her feeling relieved that he's said the words out loud, and she didn't turn and walk away. For a brief moment, he considered not telling her, but he didn't want to have that conversation with her in the morning. He didn't want to convince himself to say goodbye, after. If she wasn't ready to have only one night, she could have walked away, but, she didn't. "It will just be a minute." He smiles at her.

He wasn't exaggerating, the company car pulls to a stop at the curb near them a moment later, and the driver rushes out to open the door for them. Yoongi leads her to the car to get in first and he slides in beside her. The driver walks around to the front of the car and before he gets in, Yoongi takes her hand and looks over at her with a serious expression.

"Just give the driver your address, and say nothing more," he instructs her, his deep voice, sounding soft and gentle. He squeezes her hand, protectively, to reassure her, and she nods, understanding.


Yoongi climbs the stairs to her apartment, after sending the driver back to the bar to wait for Jungkook. They move quietly through the hallway, both understanding what tonight will be. He's told her the truth. She knows how little time he has and knows that nothing more can come of this. She's accepted this truth, without motive or expectation that anything will be different. He's never been in this situation before, understanding that someone he's interested in, wants nothing else from him. She has no ulterior motive. She has her own world, and her own life and he's just spending time in it, for one night.

She opens the door to her small flat, inviting him inside. They leave their shoes at the front door and he smiles at the sight of her stepping down in her stocking feet. She seems even smaller without her combat boots. He removes his coat and before they have a chance for to feel awkward about what's going to happen tonight, he pulls her closer to him as she reaches to take the coat, and he kisses her, long, and slow, leaning closer to her, almost bending her backwards with his kiss. Her hand holds his coat out behind her, her other hand slides up through the back of his hair as she kisses him back.  When he slowly releases her, they smile at each other, understanding what comes next.

"I'll make us some ramyun," she offers and he grins, relieved.

They could have had a fancy meal at the bar, but they wouldn't have had it alone, and they wouldn't have had it in her apartment. She hangs his coat on the hook by the door and she leads him deeper into her small flat. He takes a seat at a stool set in front of the countertop, realizing there is only room for one cook in her kitchen. He watches her bring out ingredients and he studies her more thoroughly in the harsh light from the overhead. Somehow, she looks even more beautiful, and her skin is flawless with just a hint of makeup. He looks away when she catches him eyeing her and she smirks a little to herself, understanding what he's feeling.

She's been in the room with a lot of famous people in her career, and that doesn't phase her in the least. She's even in the company of extremely attractive artists, male and female, idols and performers. But there is something about Yoongi, his quiet confidence, and experience, that makes him seem more attractive than anyone she's ever been with. She pours hot water into the cups, and begins to chop some vegetables to add. She looks up as he watches her, as if he's making sure she's doing it the way he would, but he doesn't correct her.

"I'll add an egg if you like," she offers. He nods, agreeing happily.

"Do you have anything to drink?" She indicates toward the cabinet near him. He gets off his stool and opens the cabinet to dig through her liquor and choose something. He pulls out a dusty bottle, recognizing it.

"I liked this, HYBE gave them to everyone at Christmas," he says, knowing he has the same one at home for the same reason.  She glances over as she finishes adding vegetables to the steaming cups and she reaches for two glasses for the whisky.

"I never opened it. Does it go with Ramyun?" He laughs and nods, breaking the seal as he begins to pour into their glasses.

"Absolutely!" he promises. He takes his seat across from her, and she sits on the opposite side of the counter. She holds her noodle cup up in toast, instead of the whisky, and he laughs, toasting. "Thank you for making me dinner." He dives in, not realizing quite how hungry he had been. They sit in silence as they eat, both focused on filling their stomach.

"If I'd known you were coming I would have made something better, but I'm rarely home, always in the studio," she says as she scoops the last of the noodles up. He smiles at the familiarity.

"Me too."

"Still, I'm sure you have more in your refrigerator, to make something more elaborate. It's one of your last meals before service, it should be special." He shakes his head.

"This is pretty special." He smiles up at her, blushing a little. "I don't think I've had a meal at home in a week. I'm leaving so soon it's not worth getting anything and the members have been taking me out to dinner." He raises the cup to drink the broth.

"No one cooked for you?!" She asks, surprised when he shakes his head. "Jin hyung would have, but he's already enlisted." She watches him noting that he seems a little saddened to admit it.

"I'd cook for you. I'm actually quite good when I have a reason to do it. I mean, I would if you had more time," she clarifies her statement, not wanting him to misunderstand and think she's hinting for more. He lowers the cup and smiles at her, thinking over the offer.

"Do you do that often? Cook for people?" he asks without realizing what that might insinuate. She doesn't notice.

"No, I'd only do that for you." She slurps the noodle.

"Why only me?" his question is loaded. He sets the cup aside, noticing she's set her ramyun down and he smiles slightly, at an idea, but he keeps his thoughts to himself. She looks up at him, very seriously, and to be sure he understands.

"Because you're my type." She shrugs. Instead of being embarrassed at admitting it, she feels a thrill at saying the words to him. The words strike him instantly, but he tries to play it off and pretend it doesn't phase him.

"You like idols?" he asks but he knows what she really means. She shakes her head.

"Not before tonight." He fights to hide his smile but he fails. He arches his eyebrow at her.

"There are a lot of good looking artists you've probably worked with..." he hints, but really he's begging her to tell him more. He wants to know how she really feels.

"When you looked over at me at Le Chamber, I could tell that you liked me," she says softly, staring hard at him. "You devoured every inch of me so slowly, until the blood rushed from my head and every part of my body was tingling."

"I didn't know I was being that obvious," he suggests, and she watches his tongue wet his lips tantalizingly slowly. She swallows hard trying to control her desire to climb on top of him again and crash her lips down onto him.

"Maybe I noticed because I was staring at you, trying to memorize everything about you in that one moment in case I never got to see you again," she admits.

He stands up slowly, drawing her eyes up. He moves toward her, and stops mere inches in front of her. She turns her body, and looks up at him as he steps in between her legs. She studies the purposeful look on his face, hoping he won't make her wait much longer.

He doesn't smile, he almost frowns as his brow furrows, struggling with the thoughts swirling in his head. He stares hard at her with an intense focus that makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand alert. The room is so quiet she can hear her heart beating, it's tempo increasing with every passing second. He slowly raises one hand, bringing it toward her face, and his fingers slide over her jaw, back into her hair. He cradles her small face as she stares up at him, her lips parting slightly, hoping to entice him in to a kiss. He slides her hair back, and he steps even closer to her body.

Her face lifts up, almost straining to reach him, and she watches him lower down much more slowly than she wants. She wants him to kiss her quickly, with fire and passion, she wants him to take her breath away, but she doesn't want to make the first move. She's already invited him up to her apartment and admitted to him how she feels.

He studies her, staring deep into her eyes as if he can see inside her soul, and he can learn everything about her in this short exchange. He's never met anyone quite like her. He feels like he knows her, understands her even, despite the fact he met her mere hours ago, and saw her picture once a few months before. He notices her plump red lips are moist and slightly parted and he can't wait any longer to touch them.

He pulls her head toward him, forcing her to raise up slightly to reach him. He kisses her forcefully, unable to be gentle in this moment. Her thighs strain as she's raised from the stool and his free hand slides down her back to cup her bottom. As his fingertips find the stockings under her skirt, tracing the fabric, his kiss grows more powerful. His other hand lowers a path down the front of her, sliding down her body, over her breasts and she gasps. His path continues until both hands grab her cheeks, feeling the stockings stretched tight against her skin.

She pushes herself up higher, getting closer to him as her arms wrap around his shoulders. With both of his hands in place, he lifts her up off the stool, surprising her, as his kiss grows stronger. She clings to him tightly and her legs wrap around his middle. He cups her bottom, keeping her close as he feels himself straining against the thick jeans. He pulls back from the kiss to whisper.

"Your bedroom?" he asks in almost a grunt.

"Behind you, the door on the right," she replies, breathlessly as she lunges toward him to kiss him again.

He stumbles backwards, griping her tightly, and he doesn't turn around until he feels the wood of the door he noticed as they entered the apartment. In that moment he felt a bit shy, but now, he feels ready, more than ready.

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