Sticks and Stones [Creepypast...

By YandereEmo

511 40 5

You do everything perfectly in life, and yet the innocent suffer and the guilty escape with no consequence. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8

Chapter Five

36 4 0
By YandereEmo


"How long was I out?" I groaned, my voice a raspy whisper as I struggled to regain my bearings.

"A while," came the response, a calm and steady voice cutting through the fog of my disorientation. "Some people are looking for you."

The words hung in the air, laden with an unspoken urgency that sent a shiver down my spine. As I slowly began to piece together the fragments of my memory, a sense of unease settled over me, mingling with the lingering effects of my recent ordeal.

"The voice. You said you wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore! Also, why do you sound like me?" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with disbelief and confusion.

"Think of it as if we are a fusion between us," the voice replied calmly, its tone mirroring my own. "We are one being now, with two minds. I can do things you can't, and vice-versa. Normally, we wouldn't be able to communicate until you get stronger, but while you are with Mother, I can come and go as I please."

The explanation brought a mixture of astonishment and apprehension, as I grappled with the realization that I was not alone in my own mind. The notion of sharing my consciousness with another entity, especially one with unknown abilities and intentions, filled me with a sense of both wonder and trepidation.

"Who is Mother?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"She is one of the creators," the voice responded, its tone tinged with reverence. "The first horror, the reason why mankind has scary stories. She and Father were the first, together they made the Heart. All three combined make the concept of horror, fear, and thrill. You are one of these beings, a horror. Father makes Fear beings, such as demons and devils. Then, the Heart powers all of us, giving us strength and abilities."

The revelation sent a chill down my spine as I grappled with the enormity of what I had just learned. Mother, Father, the Heart—entities of unimaginable power and significance, intricately woven into the fabric of existence itself. As I struggled to comprehend the implications of my newfound knowledge, a sense of awe and reverence washed over me, mingled with a profound sense of responsibility for the role I now played in the grand tapestry of creation.

There was warm water surrounding me, its gentle embrace soothing my body and easing the remnants of my earlier distress. The sensation was like being cradled in a serene, liquid cocoon, each ripple and wave lulling me into a state of deep relaxation. The water's warmth seeped into my muscles, melting away tension and grounding me in the present moment. 

As I floated in this comforting expanse, I could almost feel the water pulsating with a faint, rhythmic energy, as if it were alive and nurturing me. It was as if Mother herself were holding me, her presence tangible through the warmth that enveloped me. The sense of security and protection was overwhelming, and I allowed myself to surrender to the tranquil embrace of the water, my mind slowly clearing as I prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

"What is a Horror?" I asked, the words slipping out almost involuntarily as I floated in the warm, nurturing water.

"A horror is a being born from the essence of terror and mystery," the voice explained, resonating within me with an almost palpable intensity. "We are the creatures that haunt the darkest corners of the human psyche, the manifestations of their deepest fears and wildest imaginations. Horrors are the shadows in the night, the whispers in the wind, the entities that exist to remind humans of the unknown and the unknowable. We are not inherently evil; rather, we embody the primal force of fear and the thrill of the unknown. Each horror is unique, possessing its own powers and purpose, all designed to evoke the deepest emotions within humans."

As the voice spoke, I felt an undeniable connection to this description, an understanding that ran deeper than mere knowledge. It was as if a hidden part of me resonated with every word, awakening to a truth I had always subconsciously known. The water around me seemed to pulse in rhythm with the voice, reinforcing the bond between my human self and the ancient, otherworldly essence now intertwined with my being.

"And a Fear?" I asked, the question emerging with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as I floated in the warm, enveloping water.

"Fears are different yet intertwined with horrors," the voice explained, its tone taking on a slightly darker edge. "While horrors are born from the essence of terror and mystery, existing to evoke the thrill and the unknown, Fears are more primal and direct manifestations of dread and despair. They are the beings that embody the very essence of fear itself. Demons, devils, and malevolent spirits are among the creations of Father, each designed to prey on specific fears and insecurities of mankind."

As the voice continued, I could feel the distinction between horrors and Fears becoming clearer. "Fears are often more malevolent and destructive, thriving on the terror they invoke and the chaos they spread. Though your purposes are similar, to instill a profound sense of dread and hopelessness, feeding on the emotional turmoil created. While horrors can inspire awe and fascination along with fear, Fears are relentless in their pursuit of instilling pure terror."

The explanation resonated deeply within me, further illuminating the complex tapestry of existence I was now a part of. The water around me seemed to pulse with a subtle, rhythmic energy, as if acknowledging the ancient truths being revealed. I felt a profound sense of understanding wash over me.

My lungs cried for air, burning with an intense need that grew more desperate with each passing second. The warm water that had once felt comforting now seemed to press in on me, its gentle embrace transforming into a suffocating grip. Panic surged through my veins as my body's primal instinct to breathe overpowered the tranquility I had felt moments before.

"You will learn more soon enough," the voice reassured, its tone both comforting and ominous. "I will lend you my instincts, so don't panic when you find yourself acting more like a beast. You're waking up."

As the words reverberated in my mind, I felt a strange, primal energy stir within me, a latent power ready to surface. The idea of acting like a beast was both thrilling and terrifying, the promise of newfound abilities tempered by the fear of losing control. I sensed that these instincts would be a double-edged sword, granting me strength and agility but also drawing me closer to the raw, untamed nature of my inner horror.

The warmth of the water began to fade, replaced by a cool, invigorating sensation that spread through my limbs. My senses sharpened, each sound and scent becoming more distinct, more vivid. The darkness that had enveloped my vision started to recede, giving way to a dim, flickering light.

As I began to regain consciousness, I felt a surge of determination. Whatever lay ahead, I was no longer just a passive participant in my own life. Armed with the instincts of the horror within me and the guidance of Mother, I was ready to face whatever challenges awaited. The world around me started to come into focus, and I prepared myself to re-enter reality, stronger and more aware than ever before.

I opened my eyes. The sky above me was a strange, ethereal color, a blend of twilight purples and deep blues that seemed to shimmer and pulse. I began to swim towards it, the water parting effortlessly around me as I moved. Each stroke felt powerful and deliberate, as if a new strength had awakened within me.

As I broke through the surface, the cool air hit my face, and I gasped for breath, the oxygen filling my lungs with a revitalizing force. I felt an uncanny sensation—almost as if a second pair of gigantic hands were connected to my back, aiding my ascent. My limbs moved in perfect harmony, each push and pull coordinated with a precision I had never experienced before.

Emerging from the lake, I felt the phantom hands continue to guide me, their strength propelling me forward with ease. I glanced back briefly, catching a glimpse of something shimmering and otherworldly just beneath the water's surface, a hint of the transformation that had taken place within me. 

I pushed myself onto the shore, every muscle in my body working in unison. I realized that I was no longer the same person who had entered the lake. The instincts of the horror within me were now part of my being, and I was ready to embrace whatever lay ahead. The strange sky above seemed to welcome me, a silent acknowledgment of the new path I was about to tread.

I dragged myself up on all fours onto the rocky shore of the lake, surrounded by an oak forest. My breaths came heavily as I took a moment to gather myself, water cascading from my transformed body. The shades of green leaves created a cool, refreshing canopy under the rising sun.

As I looked around, I noticed that all the colors were different. Reds and yellows seemed to pop out vividly, while blues and browns appeared muted and grey. An odd sensation of heat radiated off objects, making them shimmer with a strange effect in my eyes. The realization hit me: I was now colorblind and possessed a sense of heat vision. 

Shaking off the excess water, I began to analyze my new form. My limbs felt stronger, more agile, and there was an underlying power that hadn't been there before. My senses were sharper, every detail around me more pronounced and vibrant. The feeling of transformation was surreal, yet exhilarating. 

I marveled at the changes, flexing my muscles and testing the limits of my new abilities. The forest around me seemed alive with possibilities, and I knew that I was no longer the person I had been before. This new body, these new senses, were a gift and a responsibility, and I was determined to understand and master them. The path ahead was uncertain, but I felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited, armed with the instincts and strength of the horror within me.

For starters, the trees appeared much larger from my new vantage point as I stood on my paws. 

"There is no way I'm human," I muttered to myself, astonished by the drastic transformation. My voice was different too. It was more ragged, croaky, and scratchy, like the harsh rasp of a predator. It sounded as if my words were being pulled from deep within my lungs rather than formed in my throat. The resonance was guttural, each syllable carrying a raw, primal edge that hadn't been there before. It was a voice that commanded attention, instinctively evoking a sense of both curiosity and unease.

I experimented by speaking a few words aloud, marveling at the transformation. The sound echoed in the quiet of the forest, bouncing off the trees with an eerie, almost otherworldly quality. It was a voice that belonged to the creature I had become, perfectly suited to my new form and purpose. As I continued to adjust to my transformed state, I knew that this voice would be one of many tools I could wield in my new existence. The sounds I made were decent for mimicking words, but were proficient in making natural noises for an animal. 

My form was more bird-like than reptilian, with small feathers lining my back. These feathers lay flat against my body, designed to protect me from the wind, cold, and sun, while also providing a smooth, streamlined shape for flying. The realization that I now possessed the physical attributes for flight filled me with a mix of awe and trepidation.

I glanced down at my skin, which was now a deep shade of black, interspersed with spots and blobs of lighter and darker hues. These patterns, in my favorite colors, seemed perfectly suited for blending into the shadows of the night. The sleek, camouflaged appearance gave me a sense of confidence and adaptability.

Flexing my paws, I marveled at the sharp claws that extended from my digits, perfect for grasping and climbing. My wings, though folded neatly against my back, felt powerful and ready to unfurl at a moment's notice. I experimented with a few tentative movements, feeling the strength and precision that came with each flex and stretch.

The air around me seemed charged with new sensations, every sound and scent more vivid than before. The rustle of leaves, the distant call of a bird, and the faint scent of earth and foliage all converged into a heightened awareness. I was no longer merely human; I had become something else entirely, a creature of both fear and wonder.

With a final shake to rid myself of the lingering water droplets, I took a deep breath, feeling the cool morning air fill my lungs. This new body, with its unique capabilities, was a gift from Mother—a testament to my place in the world of horrors. Determined to master my newfound abilities, I set my sights on the path ahead.

It wasn't until I looked at my back that I realized I had a tail. In my dreams, the tail had resembled that of a crocodile, but mine was more like that of a dinosaur—long, straight, and formidable. At the end, a blade-like oval protrusion jutted out, and near it were multiple rows of sharp, menacing spikes. 

Curious, I gave my tail a shake. The spikes clashed against each other, producing a deep, resonant rattling noise. Unlike the dry, hollow sound of a rattlesnake's tail, this was more akin to the eerie clinking of a metal chain moving underwater. The sound was both haunting and powerful, a clear signal of the tail's lethal potential.

"This thing is dangerous," I thought, marveling at its design. It was a weapon in its own right, capable of inflicting serious damage. The realization of my new capabilities sent a thrill through me. My tail, with its blade and spikes, was a testament to the power and ferocity of my transformed state.

I flicked it experimentally a few more times, the sound echoing through the oak forest, reinforcing the sense of awe and intimidation. Each movement felt natural, as if I had always possessed this deadly appendage. It was an extension of my will, ready to defend and attack as needed.

An idea sparked in my mind, and with a back-and-forth swing of my tail through the air, I unleashed its power in a single swift motion. The blade-like end sliced effortlessly through the trunk of a full-grown oak tree. Branches snapped and leaves scattered as the massive tree crashed to the ground, shaking the earth beneath me.

Among the splintered wood, a strange symbol caught my eye: an O with a crossed X through it, spray painted on the exposed surface. Intrigued, I leaned closer, sniffing at the wood with a curiosity akin to a dog's keen sense of smell. The scent was faint, elusive, but I knew instinctively that this symbol held significance, a mark left by another creature like me.

"I have to smell more things for it to work better… I think," I mused aloud, my voice still carrying that raw, guttural edge. The scent of the symbol lingered faintly on the wood, hinting at a trail I could follow. My senses felt heightened, attuned to nuances and details I had never noticed as a human.

With renewed determination, I began to explore further, using my newfound abilities to navigate the forest and uncover the mysteries hidden within. Each step forward was a testament to my evolving understanding of this strange new world I had entered, where every scent, sound, and symbol held a story waiting to be unraveled.

As I walked along the path, the air grew warmer with each step, the trees towering above me like sentinels of the forest. Without my wings extended, my back barely reached the height of the surrounding bushes. "I'm almost as tall as a pony or a Great Dane," I noted to myself, marveling at the scale of my new form.

The dirt path eventually led me to a small, babbling stream. I paused a few yards away, keenly aware of the need to stay vigilant for any sign of danger. Slowly, cautiously, I approached the water's edge, extending my wings out in a defensive posture to ward off any potential threats.

With my heightened senses, my eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for movement or unusual sounds. My ears twitched at every rustle of leaves and chirp of birdsong. As I lowered my head to the water, I kept my senses on high alert, ready to react at a moment's notice.

The cool, clear stream reflected the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. I took a tentative sip, the water refreshing and pure. Satisfied that there was no immediate threat, I continued to drink, replenishing myself after the exertions of the morning.

As I lifted my head, I remained vigilant, aware that in this transformed state, I was both predator and prey. The world around me seemed sharper, more alive, every detail etched into my newfound consciousness. With each passing moment, I grew more accustomed to this primal existence, embracing the instincts and strengths that now defined me.

I cautiously extended my tongue to touch the water's surface, the cool liquid sending a shiver of sensation through me. As I withdrew my tongue, a small water pillar rose briefly, a testament to my newfound abilities. The taste was refreshing, the water soft and smooth on my tongue, reminiscent of gentle fabric against my skin.

Instinctively, I scanned my surroundings for any signs of danger before moving closer to the stream. With each lap, the water quenched my thirst, but I quickly realized that my actions were producing too much noise. The sound of lapping echoed faintly in the quiet forest, a potential invitation for predators lurking nearby.

"This is going to put me in danger if I can't be quiet," I thought anxiously. In this transformed state, I was vulnerable yet also equipped with formidable tools for survival. The forest teemed with unseen life, and the thought of attracting unwanted attention sent a chill down my spine. Predators could be lurking anywhere, drawn by the scent of water or the slightest disturbance in the air.

I focused on steadying my breath, minimizing any unnecessary movements or sounds. Every sense was heightened, every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig magnified in my awareness. Survival in this primal world would require more than physical strength—it demanded cunning, stealth, and a keen understanding of the natural order.

An idea struck me, and I approached the water's edge with cautious intent. Careful not to disturb the serene surface, I dipped my mouth below the water level and drank deeply. The cool liquid flowed smoothly down my throat, quenching my thirst without a sound. 

Submerged in the stream, I kept my senses sharp, scanning the surroundings for any signs of larger creatures that might pose a threat. The forest was alive with subtle noises—the rustle of leaves, the distant call of birds—but nothing seemed to stir near the water's edge.

With each careful sip, I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction. My decision to drink silently was proving prudent, ensuring I remained unnoticed in this wild, unfamiliar terrain. The water was a lifeline, offering both nourishment and a strategic advantage against potential predators.

As I withdrew from the stream, I remained vigilant, mindful of the delicate balance between survival and stealth in this new form. Every movement, every decision, was a testament to my evolving instincts and abilities. I was learning to navigate this primal world with a newfound clarity and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

My stomach growled with hunger. If I followed the stream, chances were high that I'd encounter something edible. I glanced at my reflection on the water's surface, noting the sharpness of my teeth. My mouth was equipped for hunting and devouring prey—a set of upper and lower fangs in the front, followed by rows of sharp teeth designed for tearing and ripping. Further back, sturdy molars awaited, perfect for grinding and chewing whatever I managed to catch. As I observed, it seemed even more rows of teeth lined the inside of my throat, a testament to my new predatory nature.

 I glanced around, ensuring no immediate threats lurked nearby, before turning my gaze upward to the expansive sky. A longing stirred within me as I imagined the sensation of wind rushing around my form, of soaring through the air with grace and power. Flying felt like an innate calling, a freedom I had never known in my previous life.

"It's so close," I thought, watching birds effortlessly navigate the heavens above. "Birds fly all the time—how hard can it be?"

With newfound determination, I positioned myself in a sitting-like stance, wings outstretched and tail flattened to the ground. The muscles along my back and wings twitched with anticipation, ready to launch into the air at any moment. I took a deep breath, focusing on the mental image of flight, envisioning myself gliding effortlessly among the treetops.

As I prepared to take flight, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The forest around me seemed to hold its breath in anticipation, the air tingling with the promise of what was to come. With a powerful thrust of my wings, I pushed off the ground, feeling the resistance of the air beneath me.

For a fleeting moment, I lifted off, buoyed by the sheer exhilaration of flight. 

The forest fell silent as I leaped into the air, my wings beating rapidly to keep me aloft. I hovered briefly, feeling the exhilaration of flight coursing through me, before clumsily crashing into the water below. The sudden plunge startled the creatures around me, and the eerie silence that followed made my scales tingle with unease.

Sensing unseen eyes upon me, I attempted to launch myself into the air once more, only to find myself splashing ineffectually in the shallow stream. Panic rose within me as I realized I was too heavy to lift off easily, and my earlier splash had undoubtedly alerted nearby predators to my presence.

"I've made too much noise," I thought frantically, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Every instinct urged me to flee, to escape the exposed vulnerability of the water's edge before it was too late. The forest seemed to close in around me, shadows lengthening as evening approached, heightening the urgency of my predicament.

With a surge of determination, I scrambled out of the stream, my heart pounding with adrenaline. The ground beneath my feet felt reassuringly solid as I sprinted into the safety of the forest underbrush, seeking refuge from the potential threats lurking in the gathering dusk. I knew I had to find shelter and reassess my abilities before attempting flight again—a lesson learned in the harsh realities of this untamed wilderness.

I launched myself into a sprint, darting off in a random direction through the dense undergrowth. With each stride, I flapped my wings fiercely, feeling the rush of wind against my scales as it propelled me forward. The urgency of escape drove me to push my speed to the limit, knowing that lingering in one place would attract unwanted attention from the wild predators lurking in the shadows.

Branches whipped past, the forest floor blurred beneath my feet, and my heart thundered in my chest. The echoes of my frantic flight mingled with the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures awakening to the dusk. Every fiber of my being screamed for distance from the stream where I had clumsily revealed myself.

The canopy overhead offered fleeting glimpses of fading daylight filtering through the dense foliage, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow across my path. Adrenaline surged through me, heightening my senses as I navigated the terrain with newfound agility and speed. 

I knew that survival in this unforgiving wilderness demanded constant vigilance and swift action. My instincts urged me onward, urging me to find safety and seclusion before the true predators of the forest could close in.

Gasping for breath after my mad dash, I found myself in a deeper, denser section of the woods. Here, the canopy overhead was thicker, casting deeper shadows that stretched ominously across the forest floor. A cool breeze stirred the leaves, whispering secrets of the wilderness around me.

Then, a scent caught my attention—a metallic tang that set my senses ablaze. Blood. Its sweet aroma mingled with the earthy undertones of the forest, making my mouth water and my stomach growl in primal hunger. With cautious steps, I followed the scent trail, discerning it came from a small creature, likely a herbivorous mammal—a fawn, perhaps?

Crouching low to the ground, I moved stealthily through the underbrush, careful not to disturb the natural serenity around me. Peering through a thicket of bushes, I spotted the source—a motionless rabbit, its fur mottled with patches of dirt and dried leaves. It lay undisturbed, a casualty of nature's cycle.

My keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of danger or competitors for this unexpected meal. The forest was alive with subtle sounds—the rustle of leaves, the distant hoot of an owl—as twilight descended, painting the landscape in hues of deepening shadows and fading light.

The small creature lay before me, its fur dampened with blood seeping from a single bullet hole in its shoulder. Instinct warred with caution as I hesitated, sensing danger in the faint metallic tang that hung in the air.

"A bullet," I mused, torn between the urge to flee and the gnawing hunger in my belly. The aroma of fresh blood intensified, taunting my senses with its primal allure. "I should leave, but I'm so hungry… what if I swallow it whole?"

Without further hesitation, I seized the rabbit by its hind legs and lifted it swiftly to my jaws. In a swift, almost reflexive motion, I gulped the creature down whole, feeling it slide smoothly down my throat. Instinctively, I shook my body, allowing the rows of sharp teeth lining my throat to shred the rabbit into smaller, digestible pieces.

As I savored the satisfying crunch of bone and sinew, a rustling noise nearby snapped me out of my feeding trance. My senses heightened, I froze, ears swiveling to pinpoint the source of the disturbance. The forest around me seemed to hold its breath, shadows lengthening with the onset of dusk, amplifying the tension in the air.

Was it a predator drawn by the scent of fresh blood, or another creature like myself navigating this savage landscape? Every nerve in my body tingled with heightened awareness, poised to react swiftly to whatever lurked in the darkening woods.

As the twilight deepened, a thunderous crash shattered the stillness around me. A massive, horned beast slammed into my side, driving me to the ground with a force that pinned my tail and hind legs beneath its weight. My head struck the forest floor, stars exploding in my vision as pain shot through my skull.

Through the haze of dizziness, I heard a voice shouting nearby, urgent and commanding. Summoning every ounce of strength, I clawed and wriggled my way out from under the heavy creature, my scales scraping against the earth with a gritty rasp. 

Emerging, I saw the source—a humanoid figure with a lizard-like visage, adorned with formidable horns jutting from its brow. Its rugged leather-like skin displayed a striking pattern of varied greens, resembling the stripes of a tiger but etched onto its reptilian form.

Beneath its fierce exterior, I sensed intelligence and purpose. The creature regarded me with sharp, calculating eyes, assessing whether I posed a threat or potential prey. Its presence loomed large in the gathering dusk.

"Gnokaer!" The creature's voice reverberated in a guttural, unfamiliar language, its tone raspy and commanding. "Sael ona esaeu ohiwa?" it continued, its expression inscrutable beneath the shadows cast by the twilight.

As I struggled to comprehend its words, the forest around me erupted with the sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves. A group of figures approached hastily, their forms blending with the encroaching darkness. Among them, a faceless figure clad in a sleek suit stood eerily still, watching me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

Instinct took over. With adrenaline surging, I bolted away from the scene, my legs pounding against the forest floor in frantic rhythm. Branches whipped past, scratching at my scales, as I sprinted deeper into the woods. The fading light of day cast long, ominous shadows that danced around me.

I ran until my breath came ragged and my muscles burned with exhaustion. As dusk settled into night, I dared to slow my pace, allowing my senses to scan the surroundings for any sign of pursuit. Yet, in the periphery of my vision, the suited figure reappeared, its silhouette hauntingly persistent against the backdrop of darkening trees.

Heart pounding, I realized I was not alone in this unfamiliar wilderness. Whether friend or foe, the presence of the faceless man in pursuit filled me with a chilling uncertainty, leaving me to wonder what other mysteries and dangers awaited in the depths of the forest.

​​​​​​I can't wait to CONCURE

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