Family after death: 8 is fate...

By River_stories1

1.4K 81 10

After taking in both Felix and Jeongin, Chan and Minho thought their family was complete. But when Chan's fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

86 5 2
By River_stories1

*Not the best but still wanted to post: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JISUNG AND FELIX*

Felix nervously taps his foot, feeling eyes staring holes into his back. He doesn't even have to turn around to know who it is. The new student has been following him around now for a month and Felix is finally understanding why Hyunjin is worried. The boy hadn't tried anything, he just followed Felix, everywhere Felix would go, the boy would follow him.

Felix is up the moment the bell rings, quickly gathering his belongings and walking out of the classroom, meeting up with Hyunjin at his locker.

Hyunjin frowns, noticing the boy is following Felix once again. "We should report this." He huffs, stuffing his books into his bag.

The younger shakes his head. "No, I don't want him to get into trouble."

"Lix, he is stalking you."

Felix pouts, still shaking his head. "It's fine." He closes his locker, dragging Hyunjin through the halls. Jeongin wasn't in today, as he woke up complaining about feeling sick. Neither him nor Hyunjin believed he actually wasn't feeling good, Jeongin probably just wanted to stay home and hang out with Jisung. "Let's just take the long way home."

Hyunjin and Felix freezes as they enter the shop, eyes landing on a familiar brown-haired boy.

Chan looks up, smiling at them. "You boys are home."

Hyunjin slowly nods his head, closing the door of the store behind him. "Hey..."

Changbin frowns at the two, putting down the box his is carrying. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... who are they?" Hyunjin looks confused between Changbin and Chan.

Chan smiles. "Oh boys, this is Wonpil and his son Seungmin."

Wonpil smiles at the two boys. "Nice to meet you."

Hyunjin frowns, not sure what is going on. Suddenly a fox jumps onto his shoulder, making himself comfortable. "Innie, what you doing?"

Jeongin just presses his little fox head against Hyunjin's neck.

Chan frowns before turning back to Wonpil, who tells Seungmin to go talk to the other boys, noticing they're wearing the same school uniform.

Seungmin quietly walks over, standing in front of them awkwardly.

Hyunjin looks him up and down, now seeing him from close by for the first time.

Changbin pats Seungmin's shoulder before walking off, needing to finish up his work.

"Why are you stalking my brother."

Seungmin looks up, frowning. "You're not brothers."

Hyunjin huffs. "We are."

The other shakes his head. "He's a fae, you're a merman. You literally can't be brothers."

Felix steps closer to Hyunjin, wondering how Seungmin figured that out.

Jeongin growls at Seungmin, wanting to jump him but knows better.

"We are still brothers. Doesn't have to be blood." Hyunjin glares at Seungmin. "What's your deal?"

Seungmin rolls his eyes. "Fae's shouldn't be hanging out with your kind."

"Say who? My parents always told me I should learn from others. What's wrong with interacting with other species? You're just being rude. You're father seems to be friends with others." Felix huffs, knowing where Seungmin is coming from. In the Fae realm they're taught not to interact with other species unless it's business related.

"It's business related." Seungmin states.

Jeongin growls at Seungmin again, jumping when the Fae suddenly turns into a frog.

"The heck?" Hyunjin takes a step back, pulling Felix behind him.

Chan and Wonpil look over, frowning when they notice Seungmin is gone.

Chan looks down, noticing the frog on the floor. "Jisung, you have three second."

All they hear is a giggle coming from behind Chan as Seungmin turns back to normal again.

"What the frick?" Seungmin looks around, feeling his own body to make sure he is back to normal. "What did you do?" He glares at Felix.

"I did nothing. I can't do fae magic." The blond pouts.

Seungmin rolls his eyes, turning around to Wonpil. "You want me to stay in a house with these people?"

"What?" Hyunjin and Felix let out at the same time.

Wonpil sighs. "Chan is currently the only one who can take you in buddy. You will be fine."

Seungmin scoffs, shaking his head. "I can come with you."

"You can't and you know that. I promise Chan and Minho will take good care of you." Wonpil smiles at his son, his hand resting on the younger boy's shoulder. "Please Seungmin, I will be back as soon as possible."

Seungmin sighs, hugging his father as he doesn't want him to leave.

Hyunjin and Felix stare at them in shock before looking up at Chan confused, wanting answers.

Chan sighs, looking at the boys. "Go to the living room, please?"

The boys just nod, walking to the living room, confused at what is going on.

"Hyung? Why do you keep adopting children?" Jisung pops up next to Chan, looking at Wonpil and Seungmin.

Chan looks down at the boy. "He just needs a place for a few weeks."

Jisung frowns. "He was rude to Lix."

"Give him a chance?"

Jisung stays quiet, not giving Chan an answer.

Wonpil sighs, patting Seungmin's hair. "I promise I will be back soon."

Seungmin pouts, clinging onto his father.

"Come on Minnie, you like Chan." Wonpil tries to pull Seungmin away from him a little, looking at his son.

"Okay..." Seungmin lets go of his father. "Please don't be gone long."

Wonpil smiles. "I promise."

Seungmin hugs Wonpil once again before turning to Jisung.

Jisung rolls his eyes. "Follow me." He guides Seungmin into the house like Chan instructed him to do earlier that day.

Felix bites his lip as he watches Seungmin help Minho hang up decorations for the birthday party. He still feels uneasy around the other even if it had been over a week since Seungmin started living with them. He kept commenting about how fae's shouldn't call other species family or how he shouldn't be friends with the others.

Hyunjin lays a hand on Felix's shoulder, smiling at the younger. "Excited?"

Felix just shrugs, looking back at his homework.

Hyunjin frowns, sitting down next to the other. "Still bothered by him? Come on Lix, he is wrong, we are family. Especially Changbin hyung and Jisung."

"I know." Felix pouts.

"Bang Han Jisung!"

Hyunjin and Felix look at each other, wondering what Jisung could have done for Minho to use the full name.

Minho walks over to the table, a now paint covered Seungmin right behind him. "Either of you know where Jisung is?"

The two of them shake their head.

"Didn't he go out with Changbin hyung?" Seungmin mutters, looking at his paint covered hands. "They have been gone all day."

Minho groans. "Go take a shower."

Seungmin nods, walking off to his bedroom.

Minho makes himself a cup of coffee before sitting down at the table. "Need help with anything?"

Felix shakes his head, filling in some questions. "I'm nearly finished. When is everyone coming?" He looks up at Minho.

The older frowns. "Uhm, your parents said they would be here when the sun was high?"

Felix's eyes widen, looking at the clock. "They're nearly here?!"

Hyunjin chuckles. "Calm down Lix."

"I missed them so much and I want to introduce all of you to them. They haven't met you or Innie."

Minho chuckles. "Young K hyung is coming over with BamBam hyung as well, not sure when they're arriving. San and Wooyoung should be here any second. No clue who else Jisung decided to invite."

"I think he tried inviting his old friends? But they couldn't make it today." Hyunjin looks over at Minho. "Where did they even go?"

"Changbin wanted to show Jisung something and Channie wanted to surprise him. Which I think will be a stupid again." Minho shakes his head, knowing Chan will regret surprising Jisung with a big group of people instead of them all slowly joining so he could get used to them all being there.

Felix frowns. "Hyung wants to surprise Hannie?"

Minho nods his head as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Stupid idea." Hyunjin chuckles, closing Felix's textbook when they hear the doorbell go off.

Jeongin opens the door, tilting his head to the side. "What can I do for you?" He looks at the elder couple, not recognizing them.

The woman smiles at Jeongin. "We're here for a birthday party?"

Jeongin's eyes widen. "You're Lix hyung's parents?"

The woman chuckles. "We are. You must be Jeongin?"

The boy nods his head. "Yes." He opens the door more. "Come in."

"Jeongin how many times do we have to tell you not to open the door." Chan walks into the hallway, smiling when he sees Felix's parents. "You guys made it, thank you for coming."

Jamie, Felix's mother, smiles. "Of course, I wouldn't want to miss my little angels birthday. We of course also brought something for Jisung. I hope he is doing much better."

"Thank you. He is doing pretty well." Chan smiles, guiding Jamie and Jin to the backyard.

Felix jumps up when he sees his parents, running over to them and hugging them tightly. "Mom, dad! You're here!"

Jamie chuckles, moving Felix's long hair out of his face. "Hello Angel, how have you been?"

Jin places the present on the table, watching his wife pull their almost 16-year-old in her lap.

"So good. You have to meet the other. Hyunjin is like the bestest friend in the world and Innie is so cute but crazy. Don't really like Seungmin though." Felix pouts.

Jamie frowns. "How so?"

Felix shrugs. "He's a fae and he is mean to the others. You know the normal fae stuff."

"It's okay, he will learn honey." Jamie smiles, cuddling her boy.

Hyunjin carefully looks around, finding Felix's father intimidating.

"Who is ready to party?" BamBam and YoungK walk into the backyard, both carrying a big box that they place down on the present table. By now everyone was there, Felix's parents, San and Wooyoung, Jeongin's mother and now BamBam and YoungK. The only two people missing is the actual birthday boy and Changbin.

Changbin had texted he and Jisung were on their way home but also let it slip that Jisung wasn't in the greatest mood, making Chan nervously bounce his leg up and down.

Minho kisses Chan's cheek. "It will be okay love."

Chan sighs, watching the other kids have fun. "I'm glad Lix is enjoying the party." He quickly turns his head when he hears the front door open. "They're home." He mumbles.

Minho smiles. "Stay here, I will go check." With that he walks into the house, going to see what's going on while leaving Chan outside, hoping it will distract him.

Felix grabs Chan's arm, pulling him over to the swings YoungK and BamBam build for them. "Come play hyung."

Chan chuckles, pushing Felix once he is seated. He is happy that even if they're teenagers they still want to play and hanging out.

"Bin?" Minho frowns when he opens the door to the boy's their bedroom, figuring out they went there when he couldn't find them in the hallway nor kitchen.

Changbin hums, running his hand through Jisung's hair. The younger is laid down on his bed, face pressed into his pillow.

"What's wrong?" Minho pulls out the desk chair, sitting down in front of the bed.

"He's just overwhelmed." Changbin shrugs. "Has to recharge before going out."

Minho hums. "Sungie? Need anything?"

Jisung turns his head slightly, looking at Minho. "We have cake?"

Changbin chuckles, wondering how that's his first question.

"We do." Minho smiles. "Even have candles for you and Lix to blow out."

Jisung hums. "Presents?"

"Lots of them."

Changbin pulls his hand back when Jisung shocks him. "Sung."

"Sorry." Jisung chuckles. "Brian hyung here?"

Minho nods his head. "Yea, why?"

Jisung sits up, hair going fully blonde. "Let's go!" He jumps off his bed, making Changbin and Minho laugh at the boy as they quickly follow Jisung.

To Chan's surprise the birthday party goes really well, everyone having fun and interacting. He shakes his head when he finds Jisung asleep against the tree near the pond. Everyone else had either gone home or gone inside to watch a movie, he noticed earlier Jisung was no longer around the other nor with him or BamBam so he had assumed the now 16-year-old decided to go inside and read in his room. He crouches next to his boy, shaking him softly. "Sung?"

Jisung mutters something, trying to move away from Chan.

Chan chuckles, pulling the younger into his lap. "You have to wake up Sungie."

"No." Jisung mutter, hiding his head into Chan's neck.

Chan feels Jisung shocking him softly, probably not even realizing he is doing it. "Want a bath? Relax a little? You're a bit electric."

Jisung shifts a little, slowly openly his eyes. "Sorry. Bath sounds good." He mutters, not moving to get up.

Chan chuckles, carefully picking up Jisung. "Can't believe you're 16." He mumbles, walking back to the house with Jisung in his arms. "Grown up so well."

Jisung hums, closing his eyes again. "Thank you, for being my dad."

Chan sighs, starting up a bath while he holds Jisung in his lap as he sits on the toilet seat.

"Had lots of fun."

"I'm glad Sung." Chan smiles, helping the boy get undressed and lowers him into the bath. Normally he would leave the boy alone at this point but seeing as Jisung is holding onto his hand, eyes closed, he decides to stay, watching him with nothing but love.

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