Percy Jackson and the Hallowe...

By NotPercyJacks

2.7K 116 21

Percy Jackson crosses over to Harry Potter. Orphaned while on a trip to London. Percy gets adopted, and lives... More

11th Birthday Suprise
Wizards, Owls, September, Owls?
Diagon Alley
Goblins and Cookies
Wands and Owls
Taste of Magic
Hogwarts Express
New Friends
Sleeping With a girl
Welcome to Hogwarts
Falling Hard
Learn To Fly
First game
One Eyed Witch
Green light
Kings Cross
Last Day

The Mysterious Necklace

46 3 2
By NotPercyJacks

A pale white snowy owl landed in front of me dropping off a small box with a letter from Annabeth, I quickly held up a poorly wrapped small box and a letter, the owl took it and flew away.

"That was stressful," I chuckled nervously. "My second time send mail through owl." Then another owl flew in, and dropped a small box neatly wrapped. "Who's is this?"

I opened the mysterious box, it was a tiny glass case with a Golden Snitch inside. A small plaque in front read out. 11/25/24 First Quidditch game and First Win. A small note under the bottom of the case, had one line. "Nice job kid" I read out.

"Who's it from?" Maggie asked.

"Percy look..." Grover pointed to the professors table. Professor Poseidon was sitting there, feeding the second owl some fish. That present must be from him, I should thank him later.

Maggie asked to see the Snitch, so I handed it off to her. I opened Annabeth's letter, she had really neat and cute handwriting, Grover jabbed at me saying, "Even her handwriting makes you blush!" He thought it was hilarious until I kicked his shin under the table. He bleated like a goat, and the room filled with laughter.

Dear Percy,

I have made it to California, it is so hot here, and no snow anywhere! What's it like in New York? Is it like this or different? I hope you are ok being at Hogwarts over break, I talked to Grover, and he said he was staying too. I'm glad you will have someone to talk to while I'm gone.

I think around when you get this letter, I will be touring Dad's collage with him. I'm excited, and can't wait to explore it. I think I would like to come here one day, to learn with Muggles. But... I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of their muggle technologies. Air planes are terrifying!

Dad's calling me for dinner, I hope to receive a letter from you. But you don't have to, I don't want you to feel forced to send me a letter... Anyway.... This gift, I hope you like it.

-Forever Yours, Annabeth.

P.S. Dad said, the gift was used by Hercules. If it's true...then he was very small.

I couldn't help but smile at the forever yours's. The paper she used, was torn right out of a notebook, and still smelled like her. I would of like to sniff it more, but Maggie and Grover were watching me. I stuffed the letter back into the envelope and noticed something else was inside it. Inside was a picture of Annabeth, at the ocean with her arms out in the air and the wind blowing in her hair, and the sunset perfectly framing her head making her look like an angel. My face turned pink. Her package was small, and poorly wrapped, in brown paper. I didn't think she was the type to suck at wrapping things, It's very cute and I hope she never gets better at it.

Inside was a necklace too, but the one she gave me had a small golden sword pendant with small words spelling out, Anaklusmos. Then it hit me. Annabeth made a bad joke, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I put the necklace on, and Grover gave the thumbs up approval.

"It's out of uniform, so make sure to hide it when school starts again," He said.

"Who is that from?" Maggie asked. "That one girl from your hospital bed?"

"Yeah, Annabeth. She's my girlfriend now," That still felt weird saying out loud, but it also felt good.

"Oh, cool... congratulations," She said softly. "I'm gonna head back to my table, see you later."

"Ah... wait...." She left before I could stop her.

Grover and I shared some candy while we played his Wizards Chess. We played a few games where I suspected he took it easy on me, cause after that he would destroy me without losing any of his pieces. After a couple hours of that, we cleaned the chess set back up and cracked open that spell book.

"Woah... they have the Expecto Patronum Charm in here!" He said pointing out a picture of a wizard, shooting out a deer from the tip of his wand.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"It says, it's the most powerful defensive spell know to wizard kind. That not every witch or wizard can cast. It uses all of the power from your most positive memories to conjure a magical guardian, usually the shape of an animal you have a deep affinity with. You may suspect, but you will never really know what shape it will take," He read out.

"We have to try it," I said.

"Yeah, but it's one of the most difficult and complicated spell to cast. Not even full-grown wizards can cast it. I doubt two first years could. But let's try it," Grover said.

As we got up and picked up all our stuff, we turned to the Great Hall door, were a blacked cloaked figure was standing. It was the same person from Hogsmeade. The persons had waved, and not in a hello how do you do wave. Then I felt a tugging in my pocket. The necklace I found, I stuffed it in my pocket cause I wanted to show Grover.

The tugging became so intense it started to drag me with it. My feet were sliding against the stone floor, trying to stay on my feet. If I fell, I feel like my pants would fly off me. I was being forcefully dragged to the shadowy man, and no one seemed to notice. Just as I was about to be forced out of the hall, and into the mans clutches. The massive door slammed so hard it sounded like a bomb went off.

I slammed into the now closed door, my head bouncing off of it. The necklace in my pocket kept pulling me, slamming me rapidity into the door. Professor Poseidon ran up to me, with Grover right behind him. He looked me over and spotted my pocket slamming me into the door, he dug his fist inside and pulled out the necklace. I fell to the floor, and all my stuff clattered to the ground with me. Gasps and murmurs filled the room, as my eyes started to get heavy. The last thing I saw was Grover holding my head up with a ghostly look, and Poseidon looking at the necklace with a haunted look.

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