BTS crackhead sister (on hold)

By fairytalesight

31.5K 1K 173

Yana the greatest crack head ever . Guess what she will be having 7 mafia stepbrothers . The thing is instead... More

Chaotic morning
First meet
My life sucks
Mr hamster
One word chaos!!!!
Short update!!
Strings puzzle
Finally ready

To be continued.......

1.2K 47 9
By fairytalesight

Yana and jungkook were buying groceries for tonight's dinner 🥘. Basically it was jungkook who was picking the ingredients required and Yana was just following him like a monkey's tail

Yana- jungkookshii can we buy this please (showing the whole chocolate shelf)

Jungkook- no 👎

Yana- pleaseee

Jungkook- no stop disturbing me we only have 5 minutes for the billing Jin hyung only gave us 30 minutes for shopping 🛍️

Yana- ok

Jungkook- keep that okay with yourself and you will help me to sort out the ingredients and then you will cut the vegetables 🥗.............(he went on elaborating the things which Yana had to do while walking towards the billing section with Yana following behind nodding her head at the commands which he was giving even though she didn't understood a thing which he was lecturing about cooking)

Both came out of the store at the same time the driver arrived. Both sat in the car after some 5 minutes jungkook looked at the driver and said

Jungkook- wait I have never saw you before

Driver- I was hired this morning sir

Jungkook- this morning! But why didn't hyung told us

Driver- (smirk) I was hired to kidnap you both

Before jungkook and Yana could process his words. He threw a smoke 💨 bomb 💣 and covered his face with mask. Yana was not aware and inhaled some amount of smoke which caused her to faint , on the other hand jungkook knew all these things so he covered his face and controlled his breath. He took out his phone 📱 and activated gps tracker so that his brothers can get to know their location. Not able to control his breathing for more minutes he inhaled the smoke and fainted.

After 5 minutes the car stopped at the entrance of a forest 🌳. Some guys came and shifted the siblings in different car and drove them inside the forest. The driver was payed for his work and then he left from there before handing their phones to the guys who were still present there to overview if the things were going right. They destroyed both the phones and closed the entrance of the forest

In Kim's mansion:

Jimin- (came with popcorn in his hand and jumped on the couch) hyung don't you they both are taking a little longer like you only gave them 30 minutes right

Jin- they might have caught in the traffic

Taehyung- are you serious! Hyung the whole country frighten by seeing the logo of BTS, this time you have send your driver so there are 100% chance that the roads will be empty

Namjoon- 100% guarantee! Even sanitizer does not give 100% guarantee-

Alex- sir there is emergency in the sector21

Jin- what happened

Alex- due to some reason 5 of the psychopaths escaped. After checking the cameras 🎥 none of them as stepped out of that sector

Namjoon- outside or inside both are dangerous. First we need to catch them and then we will think about how they escaped. Okay boys *clap clap* get ready to play hide and seek

Here inside the forest:

3hours later-

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, he blinked few times to adjust to the surrounding. His head was throbbing in pain. He looked around and found himself tied to a chair 🪑looking towards the left he found Yana lying on a mattress at the corner. She was not tied with ropes which is the biggest mistake these kidnappers have ever did. He scanned the room and found cameras at each corner. There was a window which was located at the top of wall which could be reached with the help of the chair but first he needed to be free from ropes

Guard- sir that boy has woken up

Man- really!? Let me see *chuckle* call me when that girl will wake up

Guard- yes sir

The man left the security room and went towards his room where a woman was waiting to get eaten by him (I am innocent okay)

Jungkook-*whisper* Yana .......yana .........Yana uhh why isn't she waking up yanaaaaaa

Slowly Yana also started emerging from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked around and found herself on the mattress. She looked to the right and found jungkook tied to a chair

Yana- what are you doing there?

Jungkook- I am feeling how being victim of kidnapping feels

Yana- oh nice I mean you go on feeling the kidnapping till then I will sleep

Jungkook- aye ayeee Yana don't we are actually kidnapped

Yana- I know with this it's my 12 time being kidnapped
Jungkook-Yana it's not like the other kidnapping which you have witnessed! It is serious see there are cameras everywhere here.

Yana- so you mean to say this kidnapper is not dumbass like those previous ones

Jungkook- finally at-least you understood oh god now help me with these ropes

Yana- okay

Yana started to undo the ropes

Yana- ahhh these are so tight

Jungkook- look around the room can you find any sharp object

Yana- *looking at the corners of the room* there a little blade here hope it helps

Within no time Yana cut all the ropes setting him free. Jungkook took the chair and stood on it and looked from the window

Jungkook-Yana there are some guards here but we can escape if we manage to land on the ground safely without any sound you climb on my back fast *while turning around * are you even listening

He found Yana being captured by the guard one of them who held her mouth from preventing her to speak. One guy went and  tried to punch jungkook but our bunny dodged  it and kicked him instead. He grabbed his hair and smashed his head to the wall. Jungkook jumped from the chair cracked his knuckles and began fighting with other men

Seeing the damage which jungkook was doing to the guards. The men who held Yana kept a gun on her forehead

Man- if you want your sister to be alive then just kneel down

Jungkook stopped and kneeled down . The guards tied him again

Man- tie her also they had already escaped if I was a minute late to see the camera. I will call our boss

With that everyone left leaving these two siblings alone

Jungkook- why are you smiling

Yana- see *showed him the blade which she hid in her pocket* we will escape again

Jungkook- I think now we don't have any chance to escape as his boss will make a dramatic,boring and non dangerous entry. He will threaten hyung as dad is not here and listen the most important he will try to scare you by harming me

Yana- harm you

Jungkook- yes

Yana- but why he want to scare me

Jungkook- because according to him if you will get scared then hyung will accept all his commands

Yana- and why-

The door of the room opened. As jungkook described our kidnapper entered the room with a cigarette 🚬 in his mouth, knife in his right hand and some smoke following him (don't ask me how did smoke came behind him). He went towards Yana and looked at her. Yana being Yana started glaring competition wow just wow!!

Ha joon- so you are the little sister of these assholes(looking towards jungkook)

Jungkook- you will regret it ha joon

Ha joon- hahahaha

Yana- hahahahahahahahahahahah-

Ha joon- why are you laughing

Yana- oh am I not supposed to laugh

Ha joon- it's funny you both are going to die and you are laughing here. Laugh as much as you want because you are my money making machine

Yana- do I look like cash machine to you

Ha joon- yes I will get as much as cash and wealth by using you

He walked towards jungkook and kept knife on his wrist

Ha joon-will it pain if I just cut here. Wait first let's just call your brothers I know your parents are not here so I don't want to bother them

At sector 21

Namjoon- hyung we have caught all of them

Jimin- taehyung shoot one guy because he tried to mess up the gasoline bombs

Suga- that's not the problem now. We need to check all the cameras again, even after all the security no one can escape this easily on the other hand these guys are insane they can't never use their-

Phone call

Jin- ha joon wants to have face time with me?

J hope-even after getting beaten up like an animal he still have guts to call you

Namjoon- I think you should accept it there might be some reason or else who will call after getting beaten up

Ha joon- you took really long to pick my call

Jin- I was busy and may I know the reason why you called me

Ha joon- today morning I saw your brother and sister at the grocery store and in my opinion they still haven't arrived am I right

Jin widened his eyes. All the brothers came near Jin to see what this ha joon had planned

Jin- I swear if have planned any-

Ha joon- oo don't get angry Jin they are safe and if you are really desperate to see them then look....

Ha joon turned his camera showed jungkook and Yana and then faced himself to Jin

Ha joon- I said you that they are safe

Jin- if found a single scratch on them then you will have to face the consequences

Ha joon- ooo I'm scared. Listen Mr Kim seokjin I am the one who will order you understand

Jin- what do you want ha joon

Ha joon- nothing much just all of your property and I want you to kneel in front of me

Suga- you will not do any of these hyung

Ha joon- long time no see silent killer and don't give any advice to your hyung or else you know I have your weakness here. So jin what do you say transfer all your wealth on my name

Jungkook- hyung no you aren't doing any of these

Ha joon- looks like your brother has got a lot of guts lately, I think I need to teach him some manners

Ha joon ordered his guard to hold his phone and said to film them. He took the knife and made a cut on jungkook's wrist till his arm, punched him on his stomach

Ha joon- you have got less time to think jin. If you take more time then it will cause more damage. Your sister is beautiful I must say how about I have some fun with her.

Jin- wait Ha joon HA JOON!! (He ended the call)

Jimin- hyung track jungkook's phone he has been trained for these things

Suga- the moment they showed jungkook and Yana I said Alex to track jungkook

Alex- sir young masters phone was last seen near the entrance of forest

Hoseok- the forest is really big besides  it is dark and cloudy it will take at least half a day to search them

Namjoon- we have got no time hyung . Alex I want all the guards to go towards the forest now!! Jimin and hoseok hyung you both search at thorny region. Suga hyung and taehyung you both between the mountains. Me and jin hyung will search from the entrance, remember to be alert and contact immediately if you find anything suspicious

Here in the room


Ha joon-whom are you calling pathetic

Yana- of course you

Ha joon- how dare you bitch

Yana- shut up your voice gives me headache and about you being pathetic it's true. You're using us to gain some money. Even people with no legs earn money from their hardwork and here you've got many people to follow your orders but you still can't even make money by your own-

She was cut off by ha joon. He punched her

Jungkook- if hyung got to know you raised hands on her you will be dead

Ha joon- you are really a pain in ass. I think first I should deal with you then this beauty

Ha joon started punching jungkook . Yana was a little close to cut her ropes and once she was done she took the blade and made a cut on ha joon face. Guards were stunned they started coming near Yana before anyone could even touch her she caught ha joon and kept his gun on his forehead seeing this the guards stopped

Yana- if you want me to kill him then come near me or else just listen to me

Guard- no please no don't do anything to him. He still didn't gave us our salary yet

Yana- wow if you want your salary then tie him up and release my brother

Guards did the same what Yana said .

Jungkook- Yana-

Yana hugged him and started sobbing. Jungkook was confused at this but then he hugged her back and patted her back

Jungkook- Yana what happened

Yana- I'm scared and you are hurt

Jungkook-how come this devil is scared after harming him and about my wounds they will heal. Now we need to call hyung

Here Jin's side

Jimin- hyung have you got any trace of them

Jin- no keep searching,We've got less time. Alex any news

Alex- no sir but we are trying our best

Hoseok- jimin let's divide you go towards the left okay

Jimin- yes

Jimin and some guards went towards the left. It was the most darkest and dangerous area in the forest. Tall tress,many leaves and roots were scattered around the ground making it difficult for them to see through the trees. While walking over the trees roots jimin slipped which made him to fall. Just then they heard some sound looking towards the right they found a tree moving behind that a bunker was present. Recognising it jimin called all his brothers and guards there

Jin- don't go alone jimin. We all will be there in 5 minutes till then you just see if anyone comes out

Jimin- yes boss

Everyone arrived at the place and started preparing for a war against ha joon

Phone call

Jin- I have decided ha joon-

Jungkook- hyung it's me

Jin- kook are you alright and where is Yana

Jungkook- we both are safe hyung luckily Yana had a blade so ha joon is tied up now but I don't know where we are

Jin- you are in an underground bunker we are outside. Keep ha joon there itself this time I will not leave him

Jungkook- yes hyung

Soon BTS came at the room where ha joon was tied

Taehyung- jungkook (saw his arm and swollen cheek) I will kill this bastard

Jungkook-go ahead

Jin- NO!! Give him to police they will handle him. Now that you both are safe let's go from here

I'm sorry for not updating the story as I was busy with wedding and now I am having exam. But I will try to write it fast

And this chapter has to be the most difficult because being a crackhead every time. I just can't be serious and this chapter is very different from others because all of them will be some or the other way funny and I think this was the first ever chapter which I've wrote being serious


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