Por Hawks1986

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Long ago, an alien named Keeper entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs. Millions of years... Más

Meet Kanan Matthews
Meet Keigo Takami
Meet Hizashi Yamada
CHAPTER 1: When Evil Stirs
CHAPTER 2: Forgive and Forget {Which Leads to a Forgotten Anniversary}
CHAPTER 3: Nightmare in Amber Beach
CHAPTER 4: A Date with Danger
CHAPTER 5: Roar of the Red Ranger
CHAPTER 6: Forged Under Fire
CHAPTER 7: Run Home Koda
CHAPTER 8: Riches and Rags
CHAPTER 9: Besties 4Eva!
CHAPTER 10: Gone Fishin'
Meet Touya Todoroki
SPECIAL CHAPTER 1: A Nice White Surprise
CHAPTER 11: Love at First Fight
CHAPTER 12: Ellie and Touya's Anniversary of Her Mother and His Wife's Death
SPECIAL CHAPTER 2: The Hero Gala has Arrived
CHAPTER 13: Recipe for Disaster
CHAPTER 15: Wings of Danger
CHAPTER 16: Freaky Frightday
CHAPTER 17: Worgworld
CHAPTER 18: The Rangers Rock!
CHAPTER 19: Edge of Extinction
CHAPTER 20: End of Extinction

CHAPTER 14: Silver Secret

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Por Hawks1986

A/N: Kanan's dad is going to be making an appearance in this chapter as a special judge for the N-Zed Boys auditions 

{Ellie Todoroki}

I'm in the Dino Bite Café with the others. "Rata, one if the N-Zed Boys. He's your friend?" Shelby asked. "Yeah, I met him when I went back home to New Zealand for the summer. We're mates" Chase said.

Shelby was getting really excited. Me, my dad and Tyler were looking at the two of them. "Look, they're adding another singer to the band. Miss Morgan says that they can hold auditions here with another person. So they're coming here to the café. That's it" Chase said.

"He's just a singer, what's the big deal?" Tyler asked. Shelby went over to him. "Just a singer? He touched the hearts of the whole generation. And he's really cute" Shelby said. 

Shelby turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. "Hi" the guy said. "Rata, this is Shelby. Shelby, Rata" Chase introduced us as another guy came up to Rata. Shelby was frozen in shock.

"Let's go back on three. One, two, three" Rata said. Shelby moved back a little bit as Rata took the bowl off. His shirt was covered in chocolate. Another guy that was next to him just smirked a little. "I'm so sorry, Mr Rata" Shelby said. "It's just Rata" he said.

I noticed another guy next to him. "May I ask who you are?" Tyler asked. All of us looked at the guy. "Apologies. I'm Kanan's dad. My name is Brian Matthews" he introduced himself. We're shocked to see him here as well.

"Thanks for letting us hold auditions here, guys. It's really cool" Rata said. Koda came out of the kitchen. "Maybe Shelby sing for you. Life is like...Triceratop" Koda started to sing. Shelby hit him as he went back into the kitchen. 

"You really know how to make an entrance. We are possibly adding girls to the group too" Rata said as Mr Matthews got a face time call from his daughter. Shelby was looking at him. "Maybe you should audition" Rata said.

"Really? Me? I've written some music with a little help from Kanan. And I love to, you know, car in my sing...I mean sing in my car" Shelby corrected herself.

"Come to the audition today, we would love to see what you can do" Rata said as he and Mr Matthews started to leave. "Sure" Shelby said. "See you guys" Rata and Mr Matthews said. "You betcha" Shelby said. The two of them left.

Suddenly, my Dino Com beeped. "I've got some news" Kendall said. "Go ahead Miss Morgan" I said. "Rangers, you need to get to McCadden Forest right now. I've picked up a distress signal" Kendall said.

"Distress signal from who?" Ivan asked. "It's the Silver Ranger" Kendall said. "He's on Earth?" I said. "We are on our way" Tyler said. The others were heading towards the location.


{Touya Todoroki}

All of us got to the location. "Rangers, I've finally found you. Arcanon captured me but I'm able to break free from his evil clutches. We must go quickly before they catch up" the Silver Ranger said.

"Of course mate. Let's head back to the base" Chase said. "Hold on a second. We gave you all the data on our Megazords. How did Arcanon get his hands on it?" Tyler asked.

"Arcanon will do anything to capture the Energems. That's why he forced me to create the Dino Chargers. Fortunately, I retrieved thirteen of them when I escaped. See..." the Silver Ranger started to say as he was showing us the Dino Chargers.

"Hold it. Only thirteen? Not fourteen?" Riley asked. "Uh, yes. Thirteen. I never created the Titano Charger" the Silver Ranger said. I remembered something. "Arcanon dropped this" I said as I was showing the others the Titano Charger.

"The Titano Charger you say you never made" Ivan said. "You are lying" Koda said.

"You Rangers are smarter then I thought. No matter" the Silver Ranger said as he got out his blaster.

"Why you..." Ivan said.

"It's time to meet my Titano Morpher Blaster!" the Silver Ranger said.

"Energize!" we shouted as all of us Morphed.

The Silver Ranger fired at us when I went after him.

I got thrown back a little.

"Touya!" Chase said.

"That's not good!" Tyler said.

"What? Arcanon must've brainwashed him!" Riley said.

"Silver Charge Up! Silver Strike!" the Silver Ranger shouted as he attacked us as all of us fell onto the ground.

"Silver Ranger, so strong!" Koda said.

"Now to finish you! No! Not now! Must maintain control!" the Silver Ranger demorphed to Doomwing and changed to another person.

"Who are you?! Don't move!" Shelby said as she got out her blaster and pointed it at him.

"No, wait! Don't fire! I'm Zenowing, a friend!" Zenowing said.

"How can you be our friend?! You were trying to destroy us!" Shelby said.

"No, that was Doomwing! Arcanon cursed me to share a body with him! But he's evil, I want to help you! I'm the true Silver Ranger!" Zenowing said.

"Two beings in the same body? That's just like Heckyl and Snide!" Chase said.

"Prove it! Hand over the Silver Energem!" Tyler said.

"I wish that I could! But Doomwing has the Energem locked in his sword! So he can Morph into the Silver Ranger! I am powerless to stop him!" Zenowing said.

"Well, if that's true, we have to find a way to separate the two of you!" I said.

"Get back, Rangers! Doomwing's trying to take over again! I can't control it!" Zenowing said.

Zenowing changed back to Doomwing.

"You're weak, Zenowing! Just like these Rangers!" Doomwing said as he attacked us.

All of us fell onto the ground.

Doomwing was beginning to attack me.

"Touya!" Ivan said.

I got thrown back onto the ground when the others got to me.

"Touya, are you ok?" Riley asked.

"We'll meet again, Rangers!" Doomwing said as he left.

"He's gone!" Shelby said.

"Miss Morgan. We got some bad news. We're heading back to the base. Hey, what the..." I started to say when I saw something on my Dino Com.


{Ellie Todoroki}

The others were back the base. "We have to help Zenowing. And get Silver Energem" Koda said to us. "Once we do, we have all fourteen. Then our work will be done" Ivan said.

"I am so relieved that Zenowing's still alive. A long time ago, he was my apprentice, I would've trusted him with my life" Keeper said. Kendall saw my dad put his Dino Com into a fish tank.

"What are you..." Kendall started to say as my dad told her to be quiet as he closed the lid. "Guys, Doomwing put a listening device on my Dino Com" my dad said. "Why he do that?" Koda asked.

"I see. Arcanon wants to hear our plan" Ivan said. "Right. So we leave it in there until we have a plan. That we want him to hear" my dad said. The others nodded their heads in agreement while they were smiling a little.

"Right, so in the meantime...the real plan is to figure out a way to split Zenowing and Doomwing apart" I said.


"The energy from each of the Split Emitter will meet in the middle. The burst it creates should be able to split Doomwing and Zenowing apart" Kendall said.

"So, the plant is Doomwing and it just captured the rock, Zenowing" Tyler said as he placed the plant and rock in the middle.

"Ok, mine ready" Koda said as he activated one of them. The others activated the other three Split Emitters. "Stand back everyone" Kendall said as she activates it.

The Split Emitters split it. "It worked" Tyler said. "That's epic!" my dad said. "Rock is free" Koda said. "It will take a while. We got to amp up the power, hopefully it will work" I said.

"While you do that, I am going to plan the ambush" Kendall said. All of us heard Shelby singing while holding her nose. Koda covered his ears. Kendall walked over to her.

After they talked, Shelby and Kendall were doing some exercises for some singing.



Chase, Koda and Ivan were in the Dino Bite Café, watching Shelby's audition. After she finished singing, they were clapping for her.

Tyler got onto the stage next. He started to sing, which was going horrible. Shelby grabbed a microphone and got onto the stage with Tyler. "We're better as a duet. You don't mind, do you?" Shelby asked.

"Let's hear it" Rata said. "Give us one second" Shelby said. "Just one" Tyler said. Shelby turned to Tyler to tell him something.

"Music please" Shelby said as the music started to play. The two of them were singing while they were dancing. The other Rangers were moving their heads side to side, listening to them sing.

After they finished singing, they were clapping for the two of them. "That was really nice. It makes me want to jump in there and sing 'Harmony'. Thanks for that" Rata said. "Sure, it was fun" Shelby said. "Fun" Tyler said.

The two of them got down from the stage. "That was excellent" Chase said. Koda went out of the kitchen and towards the stage. "I want to go too" Koda said but Tyler and Shelby stopped him and pulled him back.

Ivan's Dino Com beeped. "The Split Emitters are ready. Meet me and Ellie at McCadden Forest" Kendall said.


{Ellie Todoroki}

All of us were at McCadden Forest. "Ok team. This is the plan to ambush Doomwing. We would have the Split Emitters in precisely these four locations. Touya, this is where you will wait since Doomwing will have to come in this way" Kendall said.

"If he starts to transform into Zenowing, then we can split him. Go" Kendall said. The others were setting up the Split Emitters.

The others came back to where we were. "The Split Emitters are ready. This could be really dangerous for you, Touya" Kendall said. "I'm ready" I said.

He took out his Dino Com from the jar. He started to talk into it while he was reading the sign Kendall was holding.

"Tyler, I'm going after Doomwing. He's gotta to be near...McCadden Forest" he started to say when Kendall flipped the sign.

"But, Touya. You are vulnerable without the team, maybe you should let me come with you help you out" Tyler said. "No...I must do this on my own. I must defeat Doomwing, whatever it takes" he said.

He took out the listening device and threw it far away. "Doomwing should be here soon. I better get into position" I said as Ellie hugged me. "Be careful, dad" I said. "I will do little mouse" my dad said as he hugged me back and got into position.

"Dino Charger!" Tyler said.

"Ready!" we shouted as all of us Morphed.

He saw us hiding behind the rock when he stood in position as all of us saw Doomwing coming.

"There's Doomwing!" Shelby shouted.

My dad and Doomwing Morphed as the two of them were beginning to fight.

He just got punched as he got pushed back.

"Dad!" I said.

"Not yet, Ellie. Your dad needs to wear him down first so he will transform into Zenowing" Kendall said.

Doomwing demorphed and went after him.

Suddenly he stopped and Kendall started to prepare to hit the switch.

"He's starting to transform! Miss Morgan, do it now!" he said.

Kendall pushed the button and it activated.

Zenowing and Doomwing split into two.

"Yes!" Shelby said.

"It worked!" Tyler said.

All of us went up to them.

"Zenowing!" Ivan said.

"Are you ok, Touya?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said.

"Doomwing's leaving!" Chase said.

"Go on, me and Ellie got Zenowing!" Kendall said.

"After him!" my dad said as they went after Doomwing.


{Touya Todoroki}

Suddenly, Doomwing grew really big.

"Let's fight fire with some firepower!" Tyler said.

"Dino Charger! Ready! Summon Zords!" I shouted as all of us summoned our Zords.

Doomwing was about to attack the Zords but our Zords attacked him first.

"Activate Dino Charge Ultrazord!" I called out as all of us formed the Ultrazord. "It's about to get wild!" Tyler shouted.

"Dino Combine! Dino Charge Ultrazord! Ready!"

"Dino Charger! Ready!" I called out as I got into Dino Drive.

"Dino Super Drive! Activate!" I called out as all of us got into Dino Super Drive.

All of us appeared in the cockpit.

"Let's blast this turkey!" Tyler said.

"I will tear your Zords apart!" Doomwing said.

All of us started to fight.

"Dino Head Spike!" I called out as all of us attacked Doomwing.

"Let's use Kendall's new attack!" Koda said.

"Oh, yeah! Let's try it!" I said.

"Titano Cannon!" we shouted as all of us formed the Titano Cannon.

"Lock on target!" I said.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Activate!" I shouted.

The T-Rex Charger, Para Charger, Stego Charger, Raptor Charger, Tricera Charger, Spino Charger and Carno Charger had got placed into the Dino Super Drive Saber.

"Dino Charger! Engage!" the Dino Charger said.

"Dino Super Drive Saber! Titano Cannon! Final Strike!" we shouted as all of us defeated Doomwing.


{Ellie Todoroki}

All of us were back at the Dino Bite Café...currently waiting for the results. "Hey, thanks for being patient. I'm really glad to announce the newest member of the N-Zed Boys is...Marla Stephens" Rata said, announcing the winner. The audience was clapping for her.

Tyler and Shelby were finally together.

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