Living With Seven Brothers

By savagelove00

80K 1.9K 187

Kat grew up with her Mother in a toxic environment all her life. Only being twelve she had been through so mu... More

Prologue: Do you want custody of your sister?
Chapter 1: The Day Everything Changed.
Chapter 2: You're going to live with your brothers.
Chapter 3: Getting Ready for Church.
Chapter 4: Visitation
Chapter 5: What Happened to Her?
Chapter 6: Girls are Weird
Chapter 7: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 8: What Could Go Wrong
Chapter 9: The Rodeo
Chapter 10: The Party
Chapter 11: Goodbye
Chapter 12: New Home
Chapter 13: Well this is awkward.
Chapter 14: The Fall
Chapter 15: Ouch That Hurt
Chapter 16: Who is the Real Delinquent? 
Chapter 17: The Truth!
Chapter 18: Making Up
Chapter 19: Revenge is Bitter
Chapter 20: Who Is She?
Chapter 21: Only for Adults
Chapter 22: The Hooker
Chapter 23: I Can't Do This.
Chapter 25: The Quack
Chapter 26: The Mall
Chapter 27: Meeting the Hooker
Chapter 28: Weston
Chapter 29: I Will Teach You To Be Rich And Snobby.

Chapter 24: Don't Do That Again

1.9K 58 7
By savagelove00

I sat in the Presley's kitchen table talking to Alex for a bit. He was nice and I think I might like him to be honest.

"Katherine?" I heard Ben's voice from the front room. I stood up just to have him run into the kitchen and wrap me in his arms. "Oh my God Katherine you scarred the shit out of us! I am so thankful that you are okay." He squeezed me so tight I felt like i couldn't breath for a second. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" He pulled back looking into my eyes. "Don't ever do that again! My heart can't handle it! So many bad things could have happened." He stepped back keeping an arm around. "Thank you so much Mr. Presley, I am sorry we bothered you."

"No bother at all I am just glad she's going to make it home safe." He gave me a small smile.

"Thank you again. Hope you have a nice night." Ben nodded leading me to the door. The drive home was silent as if Ben was trying to build up the courage to talk. Once we pulled into the garage Ben sighed. "Katherine how bout you go take a shower then meet me in my room." It was worded like a question but said like a statement.

"Yes sir." I whispered and walked into the house. As soon as I stepped in I was bombarde by the rest of the boys. Reuben got to me first and put me in a bone crushing hug.

"Don't you ever run away like that again! We were so worried and searching everywhere for you." Reuben said not letting me go for a minute. When he finally did my other brothers took turns hugging me and telling me to never worry them like that again. Once they where done I rushed up to my room. I took a quick shower and throw some pj's on. I make my way to Ben's room and it's pretty clear he thought I would be longer.

"Listen Matt she is fine but we need to talk." Ben's voice was cold like stone. "Why in the hell would you not tell me that she had been sexually abused? Don't you think that's something I should know?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Ben." Pa's voice came from the phone that Ben must have it on speaker.

"She had a mental break down and yelled out how last year they forced her to give a grown ass man a blow job! I fucking want to kill them all at this point. She's just a child and she was giving blow jobs for fucking drugs. I didn't think it could get much worse from all the shit you told me about them emotional abusing her but they were fucking beating her." Ben's voice was a mixture of anger and misery.

"Listen Ben I knew about them doing drugs and not saying the nicest of things to her. I always expected they were hurting her but the thing about Kat is she would never tell. Laura and I tried so hard to get her to tell us or even talk to someone but she never would. All we knew for sure is that she was horrified of them and had major anxiety. I wish we knew everything because if we did we would have got her out of there sooner but every time we tried CPS said they couldn't find anything wrong." Pa's voice was about the same as Ben's. Like they were both on the edge of tears.

"Sorry to go off on you Matt I just don't know what to do."

"I know bud you're so young and raising three teenagers and now one preteen it's not easy. Laura and I are here to help whenever you need it. I can be over there in a few hours just let me know. If things don't go well after this talk with her let me know. You're not alone anymore Ben."

"Thank you Matt. Well I better go she should be out of the shower soon."

"We love you Ben you're apart of the family now just remember you boys are not alone."

They hung up and I could hear Ben pacing as he mumbled to himself. After a minute I knocked on his door. He said come in and I ready myself for what was to come.

He sat down on the bed and waved me over. "Come sit Kat." He pointed to the spot next to him and I quickly sat down. We sat there for a minute til Ben took in a deep breath and sighed. "Kat I can't image what all you went through growing up. When I was a kid I had our Dad to protect me from our Mom. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you and I will never be able to a show you how much it hurts to know I wasn't. It kills me to hear about the things you went through and no I wasn't there but I am here now. I promise that will never happen again. You are safe here and you are loved. I want you here Katherine, I always have. You're not a burden at all, you are such a blessing. The day I got that phone call was the day my life changed for the better. Me not telling the others about my girlfriend had nothing to do with you. To be honest you just helped me delay it more. I am not perfect and I have anxiety too. The one women who was suppose to love me no matter what abandoned me. Now I have comment issues. I guess what I am trying to say is in some way I do get it." He rambled on putting his face into his hands. "Listen Kat we both have a lot to learn. But we are going to do it together. So here is what is going to happen. We are going to get you help. You have been through so much and keeping it bottled inside is not healthy."

"So you want me to see a shrink?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I do. I think it will help. But I need you to try too. Don't just shoot the idea down. If you end up not liking the doctor then let me know and we will find you a new one til we find the perfect one. Deal?" He nudged my shoulder with his.

"I guess I don't have a choice in this do I?"

"Nope not really."

"Ugh fine."



Ben grabbed my face and made me look at him. "I love you with all my heart baby girl. I hope you know that."

"I do." I nod and he gave me a small smile that only lasted for a second then turned into a frown. "Now I understand you where upset but that doesn't give you the right to do everything you did."

"I know I am sorry." I sigh looking away from him.

"So now we have to address they behavior."

"But do we have to?" I whined but quickly hushed when I looked at Ben's face. "Okay let's get this over with."

"Okay then come here." He pulled me over his lap and pulled my pajama shorts down. Not wasting anytime he started to lay into me smack after smack. Around number six I started to groan in discomfort, about number ten the tears started to fall and once he hit fourteen I was crying out in pain. At twenty he stops and I sighed in relief. "That was for everything you did before you ran off. This is for running off. I understand you were upset however running off is dangerous and I will not tolerate you doing something that puts you in danger!" He sighed and then smacked again but this time it wasn't with his hand. I turned my head to see him welding a wooden spoon. He rained it down on my ass over and over again til he hit twelve.

I was a hysterical, snotty mess. My butt was on fire but Ben quickly sat me up and held me close to him letting me drench his shirt. Once I calmed down Ben sighed. "Okay there is another part of the punishment." He picked me up and carried me to his bathroom sitting me in the counter. "You called not only someone you didn't know a nasty name but you also called your brothers mean names. I know they are not cuss words however it's wrong and disrespectful. So you will hold this in your mouth a minute for each name." He reached in a cabinet and pulled out a bar of soap running it under water. "Open up, you have three minutes." He stuck it in my mouth and then set a timer.

Those three minutes were pure torture. When it was finally over I was foaming at the mouth and dying to spit it out. I then spent a good ten minutes balling my eyes out on his shoulder.

"I am sorry Ben." I said once I calmed down a little.

"I know baby girl. It's okay no, it's over, all is forgiven." He whispered squeezing me tighter.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Of course sweetie. Let's get you tucked in." He laid me on his bed on my stomach and climbed in behind me, pulling me into his arms. I quickly fell asleep feeling safe with Ben knowing what he said was true that no one would hurt me like that again.

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