Past Lives - Strangest Feelin...

By xsgihx

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This is an continuation of the Strangest Feeling book. Y/N wakes up in a world he does not recognise. Yet, I... More

Chapter 1 - Hello, Again.
Chapter 2 - Bloody Valentine
Chapter 3 - Forgotten Memories
Chapter 4 - In My Head
Chapter 6 - Ready To Die
Chapter 7 - Holding Your Hand
Chapter 8 - I'd Give Everything Up Tonight
Chapter 9 - Fight Back
Chapter 10 - Finale
Chapter 2.1 - Alone Again.
Chapter 2.2 - Strings Reconnected
Chapter 2.3 - Debt Repayed.

Chapter 5 - Accusations

436 21 3
By xsgihx

"So my bet is on that Vince guy from last year," Y/N said as he cuddled up to Tara.

"Oh, Y/N, didn't you hear? Vince was found dead last night. They believe it was Ghostface who killed him," Tara told Y/N.

Meanwhile, Sam and Richie had gone to meet Dewey Riley, the ex-sheriff.

"Go away!" the man shouted from inside his trailer.

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Riley!" Sam shouted back, "We just want to ask you a few questions."

"I don't give interviews," he firmly told them.

"We're not looking for an interview," Sam responded.

"Give me one good reason why I should talk to you," Dewey asked her.

"I'm Billy Loomis's daughter," was Sam's response.

"That's a terrible reason for me to talk to you."

"My name is Samantha Carpenter. I was attacked last night at the hospital. The night before that, my sister and her boyfriend were stabbed ten times. I know you know what that's like. I'm just trying to protect my family. Five minutes. That's all I'm asking," Sam pleaded with him.

"I'll give you two minutes. I'm missing a show I like," he replied.

"Gale Weathers. Weren't you two..." Richie questioned.

"Yeah. Who's he?" Dewey instantly questioned.

"This is Richie, my boyfriend," Sam replied.

"How long have you known him?" Dewey asked her.

"Six months?" She replied hesitantly.

"Did he know who your dad was when you met? Express any interest in Woodsboro or the Ghostface killings?" Dewey interrogated.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Richie asked, startled.

"Your killer's obsessed with the Stab movies, right? Well, there are certain rules to surviving a Stab movie. Believe me, I know. Rule number one: Never trust the love interest. They seem sweet, caring, supportive. Then welcome to act 3, where they're trying to rip your head off," Dewey told the group.

"I was with Sam in Modesto when Tara was attacked," Richie replied.

"And let me guess, you were just in the other room, conveniently unaccounted for when she was attacked at the hospital," Dewey drilled Richie.

"Do I have to take this from shitty Sam Elliott over here, or what?" Richie joked.

"Rule number two: The killer's motive is always connected to something in the past," Dewey told the two.

"I'm related to Billy," Sam added.

"Right, but then why kill that random Vince guy?" Richie brought up a good point.

"That's for you to figure out. And rule number three, and this is the most important rule: The first victim always has a friend group that the killer is a part of," Dewey told them.

"Does your sister have a close-knit group of friends?"

"It's Y/N. Shit, It's Y/N," Sam seemed to come to a realization.

"Y/N?" Dewey asked.

"My sister's boyfriend. Love interest. He was at our house the day I found out about my dad, and he's in Tara's friend group. It's him, right?" Sam looked at Dewey.

"I mean, it sounds like it. Didn't you say he also got attacked?" Dewey asked.

"Yes, he saved my sister using his body as a shield to protect her..." Sam told him.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I don't think a Ghostface would wound himself that much just to be cleared," Dewey told them.

"So help us. Help us figure out who is behind this," Sam begged.

"You kidding me? I've been stabbed nine times. I've got permanent nerve damage and a fun little limp. You think I want to do that again?" Dewey dismissed them.

"You just said it always goes back to the past, right? So if I'm in danger... that means you're in danger. Come on. Let's do this together," Sam asked him again. Dewey took a moment.

"Your time's up." He slammed the door on them.

"He's way more fun in the movies. Okay, what's next?" Richie asked.

"The friends and Y/N," Sam told him.

Back at the hospital

"I really thought it was Vince... Who else could it be?" Y/N asked. Tara had her head on her chest, watching TV.

"Y/N, can we talk about something other than the person trying to kill us?" Tara asked.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Y/N questioned. He had his hand playing with her hair.

"Why didn't you want to? That night you said later, and then we never did. Why?" Tara asked him, turning to look at him.

"Well, I'll give you the answer. When I returned from Romania, I couldn't remember any of us. I didn't remember you. Then in one day, I fell in love with you again. After the attack, however, I regained every one of my memories. Like someone had placed them back in there," Y/N told her.

"Oh... Y/N, you should have said something..." Tara told him, "Oh god. To think I accused you and everything."

"It's okay. We are here now, I know you were scared. So was I." Y/N ran his hand through her hair, "I thought the doctors came to the room around about now."

"Yeah... But the nurse told me she would be late as she has to move another patient today," Tara replied, "How are you feeling anyway?"

"Much better. I can walk now," Y/N laughed, "What about you?"

"Still not great. My ankle is still definitely broken. But without you, it would have been a lot worse." She looked at him before he leaned down, meeting her lips. A clang was heard outside the door. They both turned in shock, "Fuck that."

Y/N jumped up and pulled over Tara's wheelchair. He lifted her up before scanning the room. He saw a large pole connected to one of the walls. He walked over to it, pulling it off the wall.

"Y/N? What's that for?" Tara asked.

"This time it's either me or them," he told her before beginning to push her into the hallway.

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