Redemption : Chapter Two (Eng...

By ShanLaoshi

352 24 20

a story about two person from the past and their unfinished love. More

00 Get To Know The Characters
02 Between Life and Death

01 Between The Past and Present

107 8 5
By ShanLaoshi

“Ge, what about now?” asked a young man around 24 years old who looked panicked. He kept pacing back and forth for few times. He also looked at the older man who was sitting on a green velvet chair few times “Ge, help me.......” that young man whined and asked for help from the other man that he called Ge. In Chinese younger brother or sister called the older brother by Gege or Ge.

In fact, that man also the older brother of Wang Yuan, the young person who kept pacing back and forth in his bedroom. His older brother Wang Yibo was just sitting quitely there watching his younger brother babling about this and that.

“Then what do you want to do? Is not easy to go against our parents and for the record you already did that few times” Wang Yibo shook his head “Didi, I don’t know how to help you this time”

“Ge... I just graduated and got accepted to work as intern in the hospital, after 4 years why don’t mom and dad give up?”

“They already give up when you went to medical school”

“Is there anything wrong with my choice? Doctor is a good profession, also Gege once said that if it weren't because of the help from the paramedics, I would definitely have died in an accident, so I want to be like them too” Wang Yuan insisted “Beside, Gege already became a CEO, why they need another CEO?”

“Then what is your plan? Tomorrow the two families will meet and discuss about marriage” asked Wang Yibo while crossing his arm on his chest “It’s too late to refuse” 

“I got goosebump just by hearing the word Marriage. Er......” Wang Yuan shuddered “Ge... gege love me right?”

“love” jawab Wang Yibo nodded “then?”

“Help me please, I don’t want to get married. I don’t like Qianxi. I want to be a doctor and dedicated my life to save a lot of people. Hehehe”

“You are exaggerating” Wang Yibo shook his head “Our parents matched me with someone too remember? You just tell them that you don’t like them, and if Mom find someone again you just need to tell Mom the same answer, as simple as that”

“But this is different, ge.....” Wang Yuan whined again “They told me that tomorrow we will meet Yee’s family without discuss with me first. That’s crazy!!”

“That's because you disobeyed them too often, so don't be a naughty child”

“I’m not you, a fillial child, so boring” Wang Yuan quite for a while before he gave his brother a smirk, he fished out his phone and typed something “Done!”

“What?” Wang Yibo frowned then his baby brother showed what was inside his phone “You just bought plane ticket to the US??????? Didi......”

“Now I need your help, gege”

“What else? If this about the US I can help you but are you sure mom and dad won’t find out about this? You just bought the ticket with your bank account and they can track it, beside you graduated from school at the US of couse they will know that you are going back to that country, instantly?”

“That is right but I’m not stupid.....” Wang Yuan winked and teased his older brother a little “So, will you help me or not? You said that you love me??”

“Okay...” Wang Yibo gave up “What do you want me to do?”

“Can I have money....” Wang Yuan smiled, what a spoiled child “I need cash, at least something that can’t be tracked by mom and dad”

“For what? You have money, and I know you have money without mom and dad know about it”

“yes but that money is for my living expenses later”

“Huh? Explain to me first then I will give you some money”

“I indeed bought plane ticket to the US but I will not go there. I bought it to trick mom and dad. Actually a month ago I got accepted to be intern at the hospital in Bangkok, Thailand they are waiting for my answer to start working. And I think that this is the right time”

“Are you crazy? Where did you get that idea?”

“Because I know mom and dad don’t have any business there so they won’t go that country except fro holiday. I chose that country because that country didn’t have any relation to mom and that” Answered Wang Yuan “So ge, I need cash for my plane ticket to Thailand”

“Then, where will you live?”

“Hmm, I don’t know but I think I can rent a condo”  Wang Yuan answered  “I’ll think about it later. I heard that the living cost there is cheaper than here so I will survive. Beside I will earn money from my salary”

“Wang Yuan....... Such a naughty baby” Wang Yibo took a deep breath and then typed something on his phone “I let my friend know about you, he lives in Bangkok. He will clean the condo that I bought, you can stay there, about plane ticket I also asked my friend to buy it so it can’t be tracked by mom and dad”

“Gege you have a condo there?” Wang Yuan was little but suprised “How come?”

“I just bought it on a whim... don’t worry our parents don’t know about it”

“a whim? impossible”

“A long time ago, my friend needed money so he borrowed money from me and used his condo as collateral, but he couldn’t payback his debt so condo became mine. Don’t worry all the legal paper has changed to my name”

“I love you gege.......” Wang Yuan hugged and pecked his brother’s cheek

“Ew... you grown up already but you still kiss your gege like that. What a spoiled baby!”

“I can’t do that? I’m your favorite didi”

“You can..... you can. Gege also asked my friend you buy you a car to help you with your activity, there.... I already help you a lot actually”

“Thank you ge, I will leave tonight. I’m gonna miss you so much but I will give you my new number also gege you know where I live so come visit me often okay?”

“I will take you to the airport”

Wang Yuan or Roy is the youngest son of the Wang Family that is very famous for having a lot of busniess in China and some other countries. The Wang Family has two sons. The oldest one name Wang Yibo who is 5 years older than Wang Yuan, Wang Yibo is a famous young CEO from the Wang Business kingdom while Wang Yuan just graduated from medical school in US.

As I mentioned few times already, Wang Yuan is hard to control. He is a free spirit who doesn’t like to be controlled even by his parents and repeatedly broke their family rules. Even when his parents told him that they wanted Wang Yuan to be a CEO just like his brother and sent him to the US the learn about business he secretly applied different major and chose medical instead. Of course at first his decision made his parents angry but then they gave up, thanks to Wang Yibo explanation. Wang Yibo indeed really love his baby brother so much

As a naughty child who sometimes broke the rules, Wang Yuan once got kidnapped after ran away from a family banquet because he said that he was bored and didn’t like a lot of people. The kinapper hurt Wang Yuan and made him lost some of his memories. Long story short that was one of the reason why his family try to control Wang Yuan more than what they did to Wang Yibo. They didn’t want to lose a family member. That was also a reason why Wang Yibo loves his brother so much also a little bit protective of his brother.

Wang Yibo tried to get Wang Yuan under his control by agreeing any of his brother’s plan. At least he still can watch his brother, including this time. His parents had another plan, by agreeing his son choice to be a doctor was actually not a free agreement. They have one condition and Wang Yuan couldn’t refuse that he had to marry Yi Yang Qianxi from Yee Family, another famous family from Guangzhou. In this modern era, his family and a lot of family open minded enought to accept the different sexual orientation of their family member, both Wang Yibo and Wang Yuan doesn’t like women and that wasn’t a problem.

Therefore, Wang Yuan was betrothed to the son of a friend and business partner of the Wang family. Of course, the match also provided additional benefits, namely that the Wang family could further expand their business. Of course, the person that his is betrothed to is not an ordinary person. Yi Yang Qianxi is a young CEO, he is only 2 years older than Wang Yuan but is already able to hold a fairly large company there.

But of course Wang Yuan still didn't want to be matched. Until finally the crazy idea emerged. Coincidentally, both of their parents would attend a charity event that evening. So Wang Yuan could leave the house secretly, of course accompanied by his older brother.

“Take care of yourself and remember to always call me” said Wang Yibo while putting a jacket on his younger brother “You already grown up, I hope you always be responsible for all of your decision that you take”

“If mom and dad can accept my decision, I’ll be back, ge....” Wang Yuan nodded and hugged his brother “Thank you for helping me and I’m sorry I leave you to deal with mom and dad alone”

“It’s fine... remember to eat well there”

“You too...... gege if you mad with mom and dad you can run away too and stay with me in thailand”

“Don’t be silly” Wang Yibo laughed and then pinched his brother chubby cheeks “Just go and take care, love you didi”

“Love you too gege!” answered Wang Yuan while waving his hands and then walked into the gate. 5 hours later he arrived and Wang Yibo’s friend already waiting for him then he drived Wang Yuan to the condo that was located in the city center.


2 pm in the same nigt at somewhere .....

“We got a car crash wih multiple victims. Ambulance will arrive in a few minutes” said a nurse. Several doctors in dark blue uniforms then got ready. The nurses also prepared.

This kind of atmosphere has become normal in the environment around the hospital, especially in the emergency room. Every day many patients come in and out, whether because of illness or accident. It is not uncommon for them to eventually no longer be able to leave the hospital and are declared dead. Yes, but that's what a hospital is like, this is where everyone fights, if they succeed they will survive but if their time is up they can't escape.

A charming looking doctor was preparing in front of the emergency door. He put on a serious face while occasionally adjusting the position of his glasses. The doctor was standing next to the nurse who was also ready. A few moments later the sound of the ambulance became clearer. When he arrived at the emergency door of the hospital, a paramedic got out of the ambulance, opened the back door of the ambulance, then other colleagues helped each other lower the patient's bed.

“The first victim, a 19 year old man, had a combined fracture to the left calf and shin. Vital signs are stable," said the paramedic, then the 19 year old man groaned in pain.

"Take this patient to room number 3, immediately do an X-ray examination then contact Dr. Mork," said the charming looking doctor, then asked the paramedics, "Where are the other patients?"

"It'll be there soon, doc," the officer answered, then the sound of another ambulance was heard

“A 30 year old man, his left cheek was injured by asphalt, he had a broken tooth. "Blood pressure is quite high due to shock," said another paramedic then the doctor instructed another nurse.

The third ambulance arrived and left several nurses surprised to see the patient's condition which was quite worrying. The patient had a wound on his head due to being stabbed in a piece of car glass.

"Page Doctor Jimmy now and say this is an emergency, then immediately prepare the operating room," said the doctor again to another nurse. The patient was still conscious, then held the doctor's hand and looked at the doctor with a worried face. "You will be fine, sir, try to calm down. . We will do the best"

Several ambulances arrived again but most of the victims had minor injuries. The doctor then focused on the patient with the head injury. He then went to the MRI room.

“Doctor Book..” said the young doctor to the charming doctor, apparently the doctor named was Book.

“How is he?” asked Book

“Stable, I've given him painkillers, he's really lucky, isn't he??”

“Yes” Book nodded while looking at the monitor that showed the result of the MRI test. “But the condition is not good. The glass stuck right in the middle of the man's brain, see? Even though it won't have an impact on brain function, we can't just remove the glass because it could cause bleeding.” Book explained, the younger doctor nodded in understanding.

“Very smart” a doctor suddenly came and joined the converstation “You are indeed my student, Book”

“doctor Jimmy” greeted Book to the doctor

“Hmm, doctor Book, Doctor Jimmy that man keep looking for his wife because he said that he was with his wife but I looked at the victims list there’s no women named Nita there”

“There’s no dead victim ether” Book silent for a while and kept thinking “Try to call the rescue unit that evacuated this acctident and give them the information that there’s one missing victim named Nita”

“Got it doc” Said the young doctor and then left the room

“We cand do the operation now, do you want to help me?” asked Jimmy and of course Book wanted it.

Book has only worked for 6 months at the hospital and already became the leader of Team A in the emergency unit. Previously, Book worked for 3 years in a hospital in Switzerland, he also studied there and got very good grades. That's why when he returned to Bangkok he immediately got a good position in the hospital.

This man named Book Kasidet Plookphol, apart from being smart, apparently has a charming face, his skin is white as snow, his body is tall and slender, maybe many people think that if Book didn't wear his doctor coat, Book would immediately be mistaken for a celebrity. He is also widely liked by both men and women. Unfortunately, Book is known to be very introverted, so he rarely hangs out with many people. The only one he trusted was Doctor Jimmy, his senior in Switzerland.

Book is a quiet man who sometimes overthinks until he gets lost in his thoughts and forgets the world around him, that's why Book prefers to work non-stop so he doesn't think much about other things. And the emergency unit is the right choice.

Book has past wounds that he cannot forget to this day. Every time he remembered the wound, Book would immediately cry and it was very painful. Every time he remembers his past, Book always blames himself even though he knows he didn't do anything. Book's parents were truly outrageous, even to this day Book has not been able to make peace with his parents or even make peace with himself. Book never told anyone about his past except Jimmy, whom he considered as his older brother.

“I heard that you got a new staff, intern from china? I also heard that he graduated from medical school in US” asked Jimmy while focusing on the patient, His hands skillfully used surgical tools.

“yes, he is a smart kid and has good grades, I hope he can works with me” Book answered.

“That’s good, your team is lack of staff, you are the only doctor also just few nurse you can’t handle all the patients” Jimmy said and then he pulled the debris out of the patients head carefully “Done, how is it? Did you see any glass left there?”

“Negative” Book said after he looked at the patient’s head “No bleeding, he is stable”

“Okay, then it’s done. You can close the wound” Jimmy stood up and gave Book a space “Good job”

Book was happy because the operation went smoothly. After finishing the operation and cleaning himself, Book then returned to the emergency room, checking the condition of all the patients who were victims of the accident. After finishing he then returned to his room, checking some documents while making coffee. Today he was on the night shift so he had to always be awake.

When there are no emergency patients, Book usually spends his time reading books. As a doctor, he should continue to learn new knowledge. People say that medical science has no end, as time goes by patients will continue to come with different complexities and every day is a learning experience for Book. Including today.

Book leaned back in his work chair, today he was a little tired even though he had only read a few pages of the book. He was a little bored but what else could Book do? He doesn't have any friends to talk to, well actually there are lots of doctors and nurses but as already explained, Book is an introvert so he doesn't want to chat with other people unless it's important.

Book remembers his past in high school, when Book was still the same as now, an introvert who didn't want to chat much, there was a young man who always acted silly and never stopped talking, it was really annoying but strangely it never made Book feel uncomfortable. Ah Book misses that man. But remembering what happened afterwards made Book wonder again, if Book met that man again, would that man still want to talk to Book?

Remembering what happened to the two of them at that time, Book didn't expect much. That the man wanted to see Book was lucky enough, he didn't want to hope that the man would want to talk to Book. Remembering that matter again made Book's tears fall, his face was now a little wet... he then took a small photo in a black wooden frame from his drawer. He looked at the owner of the photo who had a handsome face. Occasionally Book rubbed the man's face as he continued to cry.

“It's been 10 years but why does it still hurt so much? I missed you..... I'm sorry," whispered Book then became lost in his sadness again.


Meanwhile in another place

The location where the accident occurred still looks chaotic. There was a sedan that was badly damaged, there were several motorbikes that were also damaged. There have been accidents between cars and several motorbikes due to slippery roads after the rain. All victims have been taken to the nearest hospital. The location of the accident was on a bridge on a small but quite busy road. The accident caused serious traffic jams.

“Capt, I got a news that there’s one victim left, the driver said that his wife is inside the car” exclaimed one of the rescue team

“Are you serious, Ai’Pond?” asked the captain, using non-standard language too. This is normal in the rescue unit called Lightning Chaser, because each of their members has a closer relationship, perhaps due to spending a lot of time together during education and after work. They also live in the same dormitory so they spend a lot of time together such as eating, practicing, or even playing games. “Who told you?”

“The hospital, they said that the victim.... uh the driver of that sedan is looking for his wife” Pond answered

“Are you sure?” the captain frowned.

"Could it be that she fell into the river?" asked another team member as he approached the captain and Pond. "Force, when the accident occurred, the passenger door of this car was already open."

“Okay” Force the captain nodded “Pond, check along the river bank with First and Earth now and you Karry, follow me” Force took his member Karry to inspect the location while analyzing the chronology of the accident. Meanwhile the rest of his team started to go down to the river bank.

"The condition of the door was damaged, my guess is that the door is not locked. Likewise with the condition of the driver's door. If it is not locked, the victim could be thrown out. FYI, the driver wasn't wearing a seatbelt, so I think his wife was the same," said Karry, the man has a tall and thin but well-proportioned body, had white skin and narrow eyes.

"It could be, I'm asking for CCTV footage from the traffic department," answered Force, nodding. "How come we didn't realize there were other victims, huh? ER doctor who gave the information?"

"That's what Doctor Book said, if I'm not mistaken, he was the one who made the report about the missing victim."

"Who? Book?” Force frowned "Book as Book Kasidet?"

"How would I know, I only received a report from Pond" Karry shrugged his shoulders then left Force to be pensive while leaning his body against the car.

Book, a name that was quite familiar to Force and no matter how hard he tried to erase that name, Book never left his mind. Sometimes Force wished he could forget his memories. The owner of the name Book is the person he hates most in his life. Let's say Book has ruined his life. It felt so painful that a curse was not enough to repay the pain caused by the actions of the owner of the name Book.

He hadn't heard that name for 10 years, but now he heard it again, even though it wasn't certain that this ER doctor was the same Book as the Book that had been present in Force's life. Of course Force hopes it's not the same Book. He already thought that Book in his past was dead.

Force will never forget what he experienced 10 years ago. Force will never forget that he cried on his knees and begged Book's parents to stop torturing him with the various problems he had to face. But the wealthy Book family never considered him as human, maybe even animals looked more noble in the eyes of Book family. Force’s family was destroyed because of Book's family and he would never forgive that.

"No... it's not that damn Book" Force shook his head and tried to focus on searching for the missing victim, he heard Karry shout then ran over to Karry "What's wrong?"

"Looks like that's the victim we are looking for" Karry pointed at Pond, Earth and First who were evacuating a woman

“Captain, this woman is unconscious. Her pulse is weak!” Earth shouted

"I'm calling an ambulance!" Karry ran towards his car while Force approached Earth and the others.


In the same place, not far from the incident location, the road was still jammed. Wang Yuan was a little annoyed because the car he was riding in had been stuck in traffic for 1 hour. He already suspected there was an accident because the ambulance kept passing by in the opposite direction.

"Phi, I want to check out" Wang Yuan was curious and came out carrying his backpack "Wait for me okay?"(Phi in thailand is like gege in China, used to call someone older than you)

Wang Yuan walked closer to the accident site and he could see several evacuation officers busy evacuating the victims. Several people were carrying the female victim who was already unconscious. Maybe the woman was fell into the river because the woman's body was soaking wet. The evacuation team laid the woman on the road and tried to make her conscious.

Many people watched the evacuation process from outside the police line, several police were also on guard to ensure the situation remained conducive.

“Officer, what happened?” Wang Yuan asked curiously

"There was a new victim found, we are waiting for an ambulance to arrive," answered a police officer

“That's too long” Wang Yuan looked at his watch “That woman could have died from consuming too much water from the river”

"The evacuation team is carrying out first aid"

"I'm a doctor, let me see..." Wang Yuan offered while showing his identity card and medical license card "maybe I can help"

"Okay khub" the policeman ran towards one of the rescue officers and not long after he returned while opening the police line "The captain has given permission for you to examine the victim"

"Thank you..." Wang Yuan put on his mask then ran towards the victim and checked her pulse, he then took out the stethoscope in his backpack "Her breathing is weak, how long will the ambulance come?"

"In 5 minutes," answered Karry. "The police are trying to open road access because access is blocked by other cars."

"We didn't think there were any other victims, apparently there were victims who were thrown into the river," added Force

"Alright" Wang Yuan then covered the victim's nose then opened her mouth and provided breathing assistance several times but the victim was still unable to breathe normally "We have to do CPR"

Karry then prepared to perform CPR. First responders were also provided with basic medical assistance knowledge. When he was about to start CPR, Wang Yuan immediately grabbed Karry's hand. They both looked at each other

"Why?" asked Karry confused

"Is this woman pregnant?" Wang Yuan saw that there was a little blood flowing between the woman's tights, he then checked the woman's stomach which looked a little bulging. "Have you ever performed CPR on a pregnant woman?" all the officers shook their heads "Can you help me? I need a pillow or something to tilt this woman's hips.”

Karry then took off his jacket and folded it like a pillow then handed it to Wang Yuan. Then Wang Yuan placed the pillow under the woman's right hip. Then Karry and Force helped straighten the woman's position until only her shoulders touched the ground

"I can't confirm whether this woman's baby is still safe or not, at least we have to protect her womb first," said Wang Yuan as if answering the officers' confusion, he then started performing CPR, after one minute the patient's condition had not changed. Wang Yuan was very tired because he had just made a long journey from Beijing to Bangkok. His face was wet with sweat.

"Let me help" Karry then took over after several times the patient suddenly coughed and let out a lot of water from her mouth. Everyone can be a little relieved. Slowly the woman opened her eyes. Force then asked the victim's name.
"Nita..." the woman answered weakly, Pond then contacted the hospital and informed them that the missing victim had been found. "It hurts......" the woman grimaced.

Wang Yuan then checked her leg and hands, apparently two of the woman's fingers were broken, he then took out a bandage from his backpack and began to bandage the woman's two fingers so that the woman's finger movement was limited. Not long after, the ambulance arrived and Wang Yuan gave all the information to the paramedics.

“You're not coming?” the paramedic asked Wang Yuan but Wang Yuan shook his head. He had to go home, after all, the woman's family was in the hospital.

"Thank you for helping," said Force while shaking Wang Yuan's hand. "My name is Force, captain rescue unit Lightning Chaser."

"Hello, my name is Roy," replied Wang Yuan, he actually uses the name Roy when he is abroad. "It's nice to meet you. You guys looked really cool earlier."

"This is my deputy, his name is Karry and thank you," added Force. "By the way, where are you going? want to go with our car?”

"Ah, no need, my friend is waiting behind there," Wang Yuan refused politely, "I hope all the victims are fine. Especially that woman and her baby, what a pity."

"But thanks to you, the woman was able to survive, if you hadn't seen that the woman was pregnant, maybe we could have killed the baby," said Force, "You are still very young and already a great doctor."

"Please don't praise me, we both want to save people," Wang Yuan replied with a laugh, "Alright, I won't bother you anymore. I'll go back to the car, see you later."

Karry continued to stare at Roy's figure as he walked further away from where he was standing. He didn't see what Roy's face looked like because he was wearing a mask but it was enough to make Karry admire the very sensitive young doctor. He also looks very skilled. Force, who saw Karry's behavior, couldn't help but tease his friend.

"Eh... don't tell me you like that doctor," Force said while elbowing Karry. "Even though he's wearing a mask, he looks cute."

“Don’t be Noisy.....let's go. The road is very congested, before road users get even more annoyed, it's better if we leave immediately."

And for the umpteenth time the Lightning Chaser succeeded in saving people

I tell you little about this team, they are all part of an institution formed by the state as fast responders or a team that is at the forefront of several cases such as accidents, natural disasters and even criminal acts. They are all trained and prepared just like the police in general.

This team has several members where Force is the captain, Karry is the deputy, then there is Pond, Earth and First as team members along with several other teams who also guard the headquarters. They all live in the same base because they have to stay on call 24 hours a day.

"Oh Force, I got information that the doctor who reported it was indeed Book Kasidet. Do you know?" Karry said then looked at Force who was holding the steering wheel tightly. There were only two of them in the car while the others were in another, bigger car looked like a firefighter car.

"That book...... he is that man" answered Force briefly

"The man you told me about? He returns??" Karry was a little surprised. Force and Karry have been friends for a long time. Karry knew about Force's past but Force never mentioned Book's name "Have you met him?"

“No and never wanted to. Just let him come back as long as he doesn't bother me anymore."

"But he's an ER doctor and maybe we'll see him often."

"It sucks. I will never want to work with him. It's better to collaborate with a doctor like Roy," answered Force. "You'll definitely say I'm not professional, but you understand my condition."

"Yes, I understand your condition. Hopefully it's different, he's not assigned to the field so you can stay focused," said Karry. "But Force, you say you hate Book but why do you still keep the photo?"

"Just a reminder so that I don't fall in love with someone like him again," answered Force briefly

Force’s wounds were too deep and too difficult to heal. The question is, how long will Force keep the wound?


Two days later

Wang Yuan was getting ready, he wore his best clothes and made sure they were neat. Today is his first day working at the hospital. Emergency department as he desired. When he left the apartment he accidentally bumped into the man who lived next door to his apartment.

"Sorry na, I wasn't paying attention to the road," said the man apologizing to Wang Yuan and then helped Wang Yuan pick up the bag that had fallen.

"Oh, it is okay. I'm also in a hurry, this is my first day of work," Wang Yuan replied with a smile.

“Oh... su su na (Fighting)! I hope your first day at work goes smoothly..." the man gave encouragement and then they both went in different directions.

Wang Yuan was grateful that at least he had friendly neighbors. He was also grateful when he saw that his new car had arrived, a white Lamborghini Urus, a gift from his brother. This car seems to be a booster for him to work more enthusiastically.

After 20 minutes he arrived at the hospital, then he was taken to the doctor's room in the emergency unit.

"Doctor Book, this is Doctor Roy, the new doctor who will be a member of your team," said the hospital committee member

Book turned around and was shocked, Wang Yuan also gave the same expression. Both of them were equally surprised.

“Oh, my neighbor is my boss at the hospital. What a coincidence,” Wang Yuan smiled with satisfaction

"Hello there, Doctor Roy, let's work together at the hospital and be neighbors," joked Book. "Are you the one who helped the pregnant woman who was the victim of the accident 2 days ago?"

"How did Phi know?" Roy asked confused

“Paramedics told me. Thank goodness I got a great doctor. Let’s work together to save more people, okay?” Book then smiled and shook Wang Yuan's hand.

This is a great coincidence


And that’s for today’s chapter... a little bit long I know... and the original version is in Bahasa Indonesia will have chapter two today, The English version will not far behind. Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep update. Thank you for reading. See you later guys!

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