A Cinderella Demon Tale: Suku...

By quinneleong

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In the demon palace's gloom, Sukuna, a lord with a grim mission, battles endless boredom. A summoning table's... More

Chapter 1: The Demon King's Boredom
Chapter 2: The Cursed Cinderella
Chapter 3: The Demon's Curiosity
Chapter 4: A Demon's Curiosity Deepens
Chapter 5: A Demon's Benevolence
Chapter 6: The Demon's Beautiful Markings
Chapter 7: The Demon's Bubble
Chapter 8: A Demon Receives Soup
Chapter 9: The Demon and The Rat
Chapter 10: Beneath the Demon's Rage
Chapter 12: The Demon and Intoxicating Revelations
Chapter 13: The Demon Lost in Thought
Chapter 14: Schemes and The Prince
Chapter 15: The Invitation

Chapter 11: The Demon's and Cinderella's Outing

802 42 28
By quinneleong

Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry for no update yesterday :( But i'll be uploading chapter 12 later!! Thank you once again for leaving such lovely comments, reading them really encourages me to keep writing and trying to improve! Don't forget to vote if you like hehe it would mean a lot <3

Cinderella's footsteps echoed through the dimly lit corridor, her hurried movements betraying the storm of emotions raging within. A palpable sensation of self-loathing gnawed at her, casting shadows across her fragile psyche. Each breath she took felt heavy, a burden of her inner turmoil weighing her down like an anchor in a tempestuous sea.

Upon reaching her humble room, Cinderella hesitated for a fleeting moment, her heart aflutter with trepidation. She longed to collapse onto her worn-out bed, to let herself be consumed by the refuge of her tattered sheets. But she dared not risk further degradation by breaking the fragile frame of her meager resting place. Gingerly, she lowered herself onto the timeworn mattress, her emotions threatening to spill over.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and the dam of her emotions finally broke. She wept into the fabric of her bed, each sob a testament to the anguish. The echo of hateful words resounded in her mind, etching deeper the cruel judgments she had long struggled to evade. The realization that Sukuna had overheard their taunts only compounded her misery.

"I wish they hadn't berated me in front of him," Cinderella whispered between sobs, her voice quivering with vulnerability. "What if he thinks their words are truer than my own?" She pressed a trembling hand against her lips, desperate to stifle her anguish. The thought of her cries echoing through the corridor and reaching prying ears was a nightmare she could ill afford, for it would surely draw the ire of her stepmother and bring about a fresh wave of trouble.

As despair continued to grip her heart, Cinderella found herself sinking into a profound abyss of loneliness. It was a feeling that threatened to engulf her entirely, leaving her utterly adrift in her sorrow.

Unbeknownst to Cinderella, Sukuna paced outside her room, his normally steady hands betraying signs of restlessness. His fingers fidgeted with the fabric of his suit, a nervous energy coursing through his being.

With determination, he raised his hand to knock on her door, his intent clear. Yet, just as he was on the cusp of placing his knuckles against the wood, an inexplicable unease washed over him. He had already offered words of solace earlier, hadn't he? Wasn't that sufficient, or did he have some other reason to be lingering outside her room?

His fingers paused in their movement, his hand trembling slightly. An unsettling sensation settled in the pit of his stomach, a nagging discomfort he couldn't quite shake. The words he had spoken to Cinderella continued to haunt him, like a shadow lurking at the periphery of his thoughts. He was changing, and the implications of that transformation weighed heavily upon him.

Did he truly desire the lightness that Cinderella seemed to be awakening within him? For centuries, he had thrived in the realm of darkness, his power growing with each passing year. He couldn't even recall the distant memories of his human days, nor did he have any inclination to unearth them. Sukuna had long viewed himself as an embodiment of darkness, and the notion of embracing a contrary aspect of his being filled him with uncertainty.

As he wrestled with these conflicting thoughts, the metaphorical bubble of his hesitation threatened to burst. The choice loomed before him – to remain in the newfound realm of emotional complexity or to retreat to the safety of his familiar darkness. With a heavy heart, he chose the latter, walking away from Cinderella's door.

However, as he strode down the corridor, his curiosity overcame his resolve. He glanced back one last time, only to witness the blonde girl hastily departing from her room. "Huh?" Sukuna muttered to himself, perplexed by her sudden departure. "Where could she possibly be going? Just moments ago, she was in tears." With that thought echoing in his mind, hesitation dissipated like mist in the morning sun, and he began to follow Cinderella, drawn by an inexplicable connection that defied his understanding.

Cinderella moved swiftly through the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion, her steps guided by an innate familiarity with the grand edifice. In moments of profound isolation and despair, she had discovered solace in a hidden corner, her secret sanctuary. The young woman had long understood that shedding tears was a cathartic release for her emotions, yet she also recognized that it wouldn't resolve her plight. Indulging in weeping might provide temporary relief, but it wouldn't change her circumstances.

With a silent determination, Cinderella made her way toward her favorite refuge. She was determined to escape the cruel reality of her life, if only for a little while. Noiselessly, she reached the backdoor, her nimble fingers securing a lantern before slipping into the garden. She navigated through the moonlit foliage, her footsteps barely audible on the cobblestones.

Approaching a concealed corner of the garden, Cinderella shifted a tangle of shrubbery aside, revealing a small aperture in the cobblestone wall. She had discovered this hidden exit during her countless hours tending to the garden, and it had become her secret gateway to the outside world. Her stepmother's insistence on keeping her confined within the mansion walls only fueled her desire to explore the wonders of the kingdom that lay beyond. After emerging on the other side of the wall, she deftly replaced the concealing vines, her heart brimming with the anticipation of her clandestine adventure. Unbeknownst to her, Sukuna observed her from a discreet distance, his curiosity piqued by her enigmatic journey.

As Cinderella ventured deeper into the forest, she secured her hair with meticulous care, concealing it beneath layers of scarves. Her determination to disguise herself thoroughly was evident in her deliberate actions. Tonight's destination demanded utmost secrecy, and she was committed to maintaining her incognito facade. Her mistake of having her identity exposed was an incident she did not wish to repeat. Sukuna trailed her from a distance, perplexed by the circumstances surrounding her late-night trek and why she needed to once again hide her identity at such a late hour.

Questions swirled within his mind like a tempest. Why had she chosen to traverse this treacherous forest at such a late hour? What could possibly be her destination that warranted such caution? These queries consumed him, urging him to approach her and demand answers. Yet, his uninvited presence weighed upon him, and he remained in the shadows, silently following her path.

After roughly forty minutes of navigating the woods, Cinderella's eyes caught sight of a distant glimmer – the twinkling lights of a structure nestled amidst the trees. It was a sight she had eagerly anticipated, a beacon that signaled her imminent arrival. As she drew nearer, a sense of excitement welled within her, and she couldn't help but skip lightly, her heart fluttering with anticipation.

Approaching her destination, she marveled at the charming cottage tavern that stood before her. Its exterior was a picturesque blend of ivy-clad walls, lanterns adorned with stained glass, and a profusion of flowers that enveloped the building. The enchanting scene was like a page plucked from a fairytale, where the lines between reality and fantasy blurred.

This hidden gem in the heart of the forest was a haven for travelers seeking refuge, offering respite from their arduous journeys. Cinderella treasured this place, for it was rarely frequented by the local townsfolk, primarily attracting wanderers from distant kingdoms and foreign lands. Here, in the comforting embrace of the tavern, she felt a degree of freedom she seldom experienced elsewhere.

Cinderella reached for the ornate iron handle of the tavern door, gently pushing it open to reveal a warm interior bathed in a soft, yellow-orange glow. Hanging lanterns cast dancing shadows, and an abundance of verdant plants and flowers galore adorned every available space. The vibrant flora added to the cozy, inviting ambiance of the tavern.

Inside, a live band played energetically on a modest stage, their music filling the room with joyful melodies. Laughter and the rhythmic beat of feet dancing in harmony created an atmosphere of unbridled mirth. As she stepped further into the establishment, the cares of the world began to melt away, replaced by a sense of serenity.

Making her way to the rustic bar, Cinderella engaged the bartender, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She ordered a drink, and then another, her resolve to shed her given identity for the evening growing stronger. Tonight, she wished to embrace the nickname she had come to cherish – Ella. In this haven of merriment, she could momentarily escape her life of solitude and revel in the illusion of a world where she need not bear her burdens alone.

Inside this vibrant tavern, Cinderella savored the lively atmosphere, a stark contrast to her everyday life of solitude and drudgery. Her presence went mostly unnoticed amid the boisterous patrons. She sought refuge in the rustic bar, engaging the bartender with a smile. It was her night to cast aside her given identity and embrace the persona of Ella. The allure of anonymity was too tempting to resist, offering a fleeting escape from her burdens of today and the ones she was sure to face tomorrow.

While Cinderella was finding solace in the bustling tavern, Sukuna's predicament stood in stark contrast. Perched in a tree just outside, he grappled with the idea of entering this lively establishment. The tavern was a place he typically avoided for various reasons — the cacophonous clamor of people, the blaring music, and the simple presence of humans. Over the past century or so, Sukuna had taken to enjoying the finer aspects of life, savoring his solitude, often indulging in fine alcohol while seated by a tranquil river, basking in the blossoms of spring. This tavern represented a significant departure from his usual haunts, and he questioned whether he had the patience to endure the company of others.

Resting against the tree trunk, Sukuna contemplated whether he should continue or retreat. His thoughts wandered, conflicted by the temptation of curiosity. He closed his eyes, allowing the faint sounds of laughter and music to envelop him. A few moments later, he reopened his eyes and gazed up at the night sky, the tapestry of sparkling stars enhancing the magical aura of the tavern.

A restlessness stirred within him, and he couldn't help but wonder about Cinderella's purpose here. Was she meeting someone? Engaging in clandestine dealings with a mysterious mercenary? Perhaps she was affiliated with a guild he was unaware of? His thoughts turned to the worst-case scenarios, pondering whether she had been driven by desperation to gain status and would resort to any means necessary. These troubling thoughts continued to churn within him, tugging at the edges of his consciousness.

Ultimately, Sukuna's insatiable curiosity overcame his reservations. With a determined resolve, he descended from his perch in the tree and embarked on a journey toward the bustling tavern.

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