Eternal Souls

By Radical_Honesty

5.4K 140 13

Jaune Arc Always wanted to protect people but he was always the weakest. No-one believed in him. Little did e... More

Not Cops and Robbers
Fight time !
The Truth ?
Revealing details
Criminal Acts
Death Battle !
The Price of Power
Shut up and Dance.
Strategy and Secrets

Hail the Queen !!

204 8 0
By Radical_Honesty

(The following day)

I ended up spending the night at the same hotel as my Mother and Sisters, Because by the time we'd finished our supper the last flight to Beacon had already left. I left the hotel early in the morning and began my trek to the landing pads so i could get back to have breakfast with my team.

As i was walking i encountered a bookshop and thought back to the Book Blake was reading. "The man with two souls huh?" I mused before deciding to go in and pick up a copy, I was curious to read it and wondered what someone thought that was like.

"Welcome to Tucksons, Home of every book under the sun !" The large man behind the counter said as i walked in "Morning" I said with a smile and a wave as i went to the shelves and began to check out the stock he had for sale. There were a number of books that caught my eye, After grabbing a copy of "The man with two souls" I got drawn to the section on ancient ruins and past civilizations, Thats when i heard some other people enter the store.

I was going about my business when i heard the new customers start to kick up some kind of fuss "It's false advertising !" This guy with grey hair yelled while he slammed a book. I went closer but i stayed out of sight not wanting to get involved if i didn't have to.

Things got more sinister as the guy and girl started talking about the White Fang and how they were here to kill Tuckson. Well that settled it i was definitly getting involved now, As the fight started i rushed the guy and drew my blade to attack him as he kicked out in Tucksons direction. My sword contacted his leg and i hit what sounded like metal.

The girl turned and noticed me in surprise as did the guy but i went on with my attack, I used my telekinesis to grab the girl by the throat and toss her through the front window into the street at which time the guy backed off and went to her side. Not wasting any time i leapt through the window after them and struck the guy in the face with my weapon, His Aura flared up to stop the blow and he spun on his heel to launch a kick in my direction. His kick turned out to be a series of kicks resulting in me getting  pushed back.

My Aura had shielded me from any harm but i noticed the girl was standing up and drawing her weapons so i switched my attention to her. I ran over and did a small hop to get over the chain sickles that she swung at me, When i was close enough i grabbed her by the head and drained her Aura to top mine off. I was surprised that she didn't have that much as her's went down by quite a bit, When i was done i moved my hand to the back of her head and brought her face down onto my knee.

The girl's Aura was very low and she went limp in my grip as i cast my eye's over to the guy who was charging at me so threw her at him and activated the Air Reaver, I let it embrace Raziel i then charged a blast of wind and knocked him along the girl against the outside wall of the shop. They both got up, The guy then scowled at me so i unleashed a telekinetic bolt and smashed him back into the wall again. This time his Aura shattered and they decided to flee.

I wasn't going to let that happen so i ran at them but as i got close they both disappeared, I kept on guard and looked around but there was no sign of them. I sheathed my blade and returned to the shop, When i did i noticed the the owner of the shop Tuckson was frantically emptying the register and he had a suitcase that had clothes sticking out of the side.

"It's okay now, They're gone" I told him and he looked over to notice me. He rushed over and shook my hand "Thanks pal you saved my life" He said with relief as he rushed to collect his belongings. "I'm getting out of town for a while" He told me as he was trying to get towards the door "Hey wait a minute, Who were those guy's ?" He just stopped and looked at me for a moment before shaking his head. "You're better off not getting involved with them, Listen take whatever books you like on the house. I'll have a friend come and take care of the store, And thanks again" He said as he rushed out and hailed a cab to gods know where.

I got the books i found and as i was exiting the shop i spotted another i thought might be interesting so i grabbed a copy "Ninjas of love huh ?" I remarked as i left to get a Bullhead back to Beacon.


After i had returned to Beacon i put my books in my room and after putting my uniform on i went with my team to have some Breakfast as i was craving some food after my morning exercise. As we were eating Ruby walked over to her teams table and slammed a huge binder down and went into a big speech.

Ruby went on about having the best day ever and Nora was throwing grapes at Yang who caught them in her mouth. Yang then said a pretty bad pun and Nora threw an apple at her nose.

"She certainly likes a good Yang after training" I said absently as Nora threw a pie that hit Weiss in the face. Weiss was furious and glared in our direction as Nora tried to pin it on Ren, "Oh shit she's triggered" I told my team as the students started to clear out of the room not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.


I was standing ready for battle in front a tower of tables Nora had constructed as she sang from the top to taunt team RWBY. "Hahahahaha, I'm Queen of the castle, I'm Queen of the castle !!" Team RWBY were staring at us and Ruby then exploded in mock rage. "Justice will be swift, Justice will be painful, It will be delicious !!!!" She announced as she crushed a milk carton and her team let out a war cry.

"Off with their heads !" Nora commanded as we leapt into action "For the QUEEN !!!" I screamed as i charged into battle. This was absolutely hilarious and i loved every minute of it i thought as i joined Ren and Pyrrha as we threw some watermelons at team RWBY, Yang got some turkeys on her hands and started to punch them out of the air, Blake then joined in to support her with some loaves of bread.

Yang then threw the Turkey's at me but i caught them in my hands. "Nice breasts" I said while Squeezing the turkey's and looking in her direction, She blushed, I then looked to the side to spot Pyrrha and Blake fighting with some loaves as swords. There looked to be more going on there than a simple food fight as they both seemed to be baring their fangs at the other one.

Pyrrha knocked Blake back and threw her loaf as a spear which knocked Yang down. Ruby then came surfing down the table on a lunch tray and threw it at Pyrrha but my Partner did a graceful back flip to avoid it. Ruby then got another tray and came at her again so i got in her way and Punched the tray she was riding forcing her to fly backwards.

Ren charged at Weiss but was sent sliding into a pile of tables when Weiss used some ketchup bottles so make him slip. Nora then came, Slamming the ground with a hammer made from a watermelon and a pole. There was a quick fight with Weiss using a swordfish as a weapon but she was sent slamming into a pillar and was knocked out.

"Weiss don't leave me..........NOOOOOOOOOOO" Ruby wailed in an overly dramatic fashion as she held her partner in her arms. Yang and Ren then charged eachother with Ren blocking a kick from Yang with some leeks.

"Went with Yellow today huh ?" I said as i could see up Yangs skirt, She growled and launched herself at me as i tried blocking her flurry of angry punches. In the end she punched me into Ren and we flew into a vending machine. 

"Not my loyal knights !! You will pay !!" Nora announced as she came down to slam her hammer on Yang who did dodge but then got smashed upwards through the ceiling. Blake then got hold of some sausage links and whipped Nora into another vending machine as i looked on. "Rest assured my Queen, I will avenge you !!" I told her and she grinned with a sinister glee, Blake then tried to whip me with the weapon but i caught it in my hand and locked eye's with her as i told her.

She blushed as i ran at her and eventually i had her tied up in the sausage links, She looked up at me and said "Oh no, Whatever will happen to me now" She had a sinful smirk on her face but i remained resolutely loyal to my Queen. "That's for my Queen to decided prisoner, But i have some ideas !" She blushed more before Nora started to throw soda cans at Ruby as she was advancing on us, Pyrrha used her Semblance to send more cans flying at Ruby as she advanced with her own Semblance.

The cans started to reverse their course and come right at us as Ruby was like a human torpedo and the cans were being dragged in her wake so i activated the Air Reaver and blasted a strong gust of air to send the cans and Ruby flying back.

Ren then charged and captured Ruby, The captives were then brought before the Queen as she was ready to pass judgement on the criminals. Nora was sitting on a chair the had been placed on a table like a throne. Me and Ren held Loaves of bread as swords at the throats of the prisoners as Pyrrha stood next to the Queen crossing her arms with a mock frown.

"My Queen the heathens are ready for their punishments !" I spoke like a royal knight, Nora was loving this as she cackled on her throne and got ready to hand down her justice on them.

Nora was about to speak when Professor Goodwitch came in and looked at the scene with an angry glare and a growl. While it did look like we were about to execute team RWBY minus Yang  we did only have bread as our weapons. She unleashed her semblance and all the tables and chairs went flying back to their original positions and Nora jumped and sat on my shoulder as the Professor told us tiredly "Children, Please do not play with your food" Nora then burped really loudly and everyone laughed as Yang came crashing down through the ceiling and gave a thumbs up.

"Let it go" I heard Ozpin telling Goodwitch, "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world" He put his hand on her shoulder and spoke again "And they will be, But for now they just Children so why not let them play the part" He said while turning away and walking off. "After all it's not a role they'll have forever".


 (Roman pov)

I was just organising the White Fang soldiers and telling them where all the dust shipments were to be put after my lastest robbery when Cinders little Cronies came into the warehouse. "Oh she sent the kids !! This is turning out just like the divorce" I said as i went over and put my arms around their shoulders as i secretly swiped some paper i spotted in Emeralds pocket.

"Please spare us the thought of you procreating" Emerald said as they both shook my arms off them and i walked back to the table "Maybe this will tell me where you've been all day" I said holding up the paper. "How did you ?" Emerald said as she patted her pockets, "I'm a professional sweetheart, Pay attention and maybe you'll learn something" I said as i noticed the address on the paper "Why do you have this ?" Emerald just scoffed and spoke "Wouldn't you lke to know ?" I was getting angry "Yeah i would, Now tell me !" Mercury marched forward acting like a complete douchbag "We were cleaning up your problems !" He said as i stared at him.

"I had that handled" I told him getting more and more angry by the second "Yeah well he had his bags packed and was ready to bug out so we stepped in" I looked at him and noticed something was wrong as he'd usually be acting cocky and superior but he looked slightly off "Listen you little punk if it was up to me i'd take you and your little streetrat friend here and !" I told them as i got really tired of his attitude.

"And you'd do what Roman ?" I heard the voice of the bitch in the red dress as she walked to the upstairs elevator swaying her hips like she was the hottest thing in the kingdom before descending on the platform "Hehehe, I'd not kill them ?" I said as i shook my head, Man i hated dealing with her. 

"Cinder !" Emerald said with happiness as she turned to the bitch "I thought i told you to kill the traitor" She said to me as she strutted over "I was going to but" Emerald interjected like the massive kiss ass she was "He was going to let him get away !" Cinder turned to her and glared "Quiet !, I seem to remember telling you to keep your hands clean while in Vale" I was looking towards Emerald while making a throat slitting gesture "I just thought..." Cinder didn't let her finish when she said "Dont think, Obey !" She told her strictly "Yes ma'am it won't happen again !" Emerald said like the brown nose she was. I looked to Mercury as he was sweating and rubbing the back of his neck.

"What happened ?" I asked while i looked at him, Cinder turned to look at him and she noticed it as well. "Mercury, What happened ?", She asked him with a dangerous tone while the room was getting hotter. Both Emerald and Mercury seemed to shrink under her gaze as she walked over "There was a complication" He told her nervously, "What !" Cinder snarled at him as she got right up in his face. Emerald rubbed her arm and spoke next "There was someone else there and we couldn't finish the job" She told us nervously "What ?? you mean he got away !!" I shouted as she backed off slightly, "There was this blond guy there and he forced us to retreat" Mercury explained as he took a step away from his Mistress.

Cinder immediately grabbed them both by the wrist and they collapsed in pain as she burned them with her palms "So you mean to tell me that not only did you disobey me but you failed and were seen !!!" She shouted as they started to cry out in pain. I thought about who it could have been and i only knew one blond guy that was a good enough fighter to beat them so i asked. "Did he have a muscular body and long hair in a ponytail ?" Mercury nodded as he hissed from the pain while he was being burned "He had a sword covered in some kind of symbols too" Emerald said as she too was suffering under her bosses touch.

Cinder finally let them go as she turned to me and asked "You know who it is don't you ?". I nodded and told her "His name's Jaune, And he's pretty powerful, He even beat Neo in a fight once" I told them remembering when i did business with him and Neo thought he was a cop so she attacked him but was swiftly defeated. "He can somehow drain someones Aura and add it to his own, And his weapon has some unusual effects too" I told Cinder as she had a look on her face that told me that she knew the name.

"You know him too don't you ?" I enquired but i was sure i knew the answer. She nodded "We had an encounter once and yes i know that he's powerful" She said as she slightly rubbed her thighs together and shuddered so barely that i almost missed. So he'd fucked her too huh ? Damn that kid get's more pussy than an animal shelter i thought jealously.

"We need to eliminate him now !" She said as she walked over and sat on a chair, She crossed her legs and then smiled "Call 'him' here and get it done Roman, He should be enough to get rid of this thorn in our side" I knew who she was talking about and while i didn't like him he might have a chance, I was going to have to explain this to Neo as she was fond of Jaune but i was sure she'd understand.

"I'll call him right away !" Cinder got up and walked over to her subordinates "Up !" She commanded and they obeyed before she turned back to me "Clear everything out of here now !, We're out of time so we're advancing to phase two" She said as she sauntered off with her lackies. I nodded and got on my scroll to call for him. 

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